Hello, first ticket so new at this. Sense the speed increase of the Cannon/Missile wepeon systems from 0.5 - 2.0 max ship speed my turrets went from barley missing an AI moving ship to over shooting the target by a large degree. My ship was also not moving so only the AI ship was moving during these tests. Even at almost point blank range 200-300 the dumb fire missiles are missing by a mile where before that would not be an issue unless target was very fast or very small and the default AI ships are neither. Like i said at that distance prior to the patch it would have no issues hitting its target.
It is pretty easy to replicate all you need to do is through a stationary turret down and spawn in any default AI ship.
I suspect its an easy fix because of how far the turret is leading its target the speed of the missle was changed but the calculation for aiming was not and probably just needs to be upped to acount for the new missle speed of 6 times greater then it was.
Hope this helps.