I do stuff..
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- User Since
- Jan 29 2016, 3:21 PM (475 w, 4 d)
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Mar 5 2016
Mar 5 2016
Feb 26 2016
Feb 26 2016
skylord_luke added a comment to T1176: Fleet teleporting to destination in an instant,no matter how far the destination is. (if unloaded).
this is wierd.. I tried to reproduce this again,and it doesnt happen anymore O.o
Last time I was doing this,I gave an order to attack a certain sector 15 systems away,I admin teleported there,and they were there already waiting for me,but now.. they work fine,I am not sure what I messed up the last time that made it do what..it did hahaha
skylord_luke renamed T1176: Fleet teleporting to destination in an instant,no matter how far the destination is. (if unloaded) from Fleet teleporting to destination in an instant,no matter how far the destination is. to Fleet teleporting to destination in an instant,no matter how far the destination is. (if unloaded).
skylord_luke set Task Type to issuetype:bug on T1176: Fleet teleporting to destination in an instant,no matter how far the destination is. (if unloaded).