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- User Since
- Jul 23 2017, 1:11 AM (395 w, 5 d)
- Availability
- Available
Jul 30 2017
This call can be closed as all the issues that I was experiencing have been fixed in the latest update
Jul 27 2017
FYI my workaround which seesm to work almost everytime is clear cache when leaving game clear cahe on entering game get into small ship fly approx 24kms away wait a few mins approx 2 to 3 then fly back while highlighting my home base with my ships docked. It seems that my main weapons and turrets are now all linked and not showing 0 same as my jump drives. The only problem then is my small ship that i flew away in I have to manually re-link weapons and Jump drives or fly away in another small ship to get all the ships and stataion re-linked. Dont seem to experience the same problem with my warp gates but havent tested them since the update.
Jul 25 2017
Jul 24 2017
Dont know if this is relevant this morning I flew from my home base in my small ship to a sector that the Nav didint pick up the base then flew back and everything was linked before this my main weapons on my large ship had become unlinked
Jul 23 2017
I have rebuilt all turrets in Shipyard and 5 of my ships but the problem returned I can logon and my main weapons are OK but the turret weapons are all un-linked. Log out clear cache and everything is reversed main weapons unlinked including Jump drives turrets OK log out clear cache multiple times and no change. A new issue occured that i now get bleed from the hot bar which I have never had before.