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Azerith (Kaleb)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Aug 27 2015, 3:51 AM (495 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 29 2015

Azerith added a comment to T471: Hub-Issue: Pirate spawning / response fleets.

I replicated this, however i was using a combination of missile-beams on the shields then beams, missiles and cannons.
While attacking the station it called for 3 - 4 waves of reinforcements but none came. I was able to overheat it and have my way with it.
Moved on to another station and a similar thing was happening till I hit the armor with a cannon, then reinforcements actually did come.
When I went back to base - there was at least one if not two waves of pirates waiting for me. presumably from the now derelict station I was originally attacking.

Aug 29 2015, 9:16 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Azerith added a comment to T565: Null pointer Exception when using "create Docking" on a station.

I had the same issue last night when creating a rail docking on a planet.
I'm not sure if the mechanics are the same for building on a planet vs a station.

Aug 29 2015, 9:11 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade