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Starmade | multiple points error/ update issue
Closed, RejectedPublic


when i install latest version v0.197.36 (clean slate) on my mac. it gives me a "multiple points" error upon startup. i click continue.. it prompts me for the luncher update (that auto updater for 15to16 also broken and remains at 0%) i press "no" then it gives me another "Multiple points" error.
then i press continue. it launches the 2nd launcher. and I'm able to launch on "non updated" servers

iv'de done two clean slate/no update reinstalls and removed everything from my local folders. fresh install n all. as soon as i update to the newest version the problem arises. when i revert the problem goes too.

whats broken? the update for mac? the launcher/game/java communication? i don't know, please help/


Task Type
Testing Results
Affected Gamemode(s)
Single and Multi
First occurrence (version)
latest update
OSX Only
Video Card Vendor
Username on Registry
Username/Profile on Steam
Serverconfig (server.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>

Event Timeline

Bojcot updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 12 2016, 11:06 AM
Bojcot changed Category from none/unspecified to Launcher.
Bojcot set First occurrence (version) to latest update.
Bojcot changed OS-Specific from No to OSX Only.
Bojcot changed Video Card Vendor from uncertain to NVIDIA.
Bojcot edited Serverconfig (server.cfg). (Show Details)
Bojcot edited Clientconfig (settings.cfg). (Show Details)
Bojcot added a subscriber: Bojcot.
Bojcot created this task.
Restricted Application added a project: Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptApr 12 2016, 11:06 AM
Bojcot set Task Type to Bug.Apr 12 2016, 11:18 AM
Bojcot set Hardware-Specific to No.
Bojcot set Username on Registry to Bojcot.
Bojcot set Username/Profile on Steam to jungleboye.
Bojcot set Affected Gamemode(s) to Single and Multi.
Bojcot set Reproducible to Yes.
SmilingDemon claimed this task.

Redownload the launcher and replace the old version.
Then try to force update the game client again.

sounds like a broken update process for what ever reason.

will close this later as it isnt a bug as such

SmilingDemon closed this task as Rejected.Apr 14 2016, 10:23 AM

rejected as support problem

i managed to fix it through downloading a gameupdat on steam rather than follow the prompt from the 1st launcher. after that installing the latest version of the game through launcher 1 worked and my problem disappeared.

SmilingDemon shifted this object from the S1 Public space to the S3 Starmade space.Jun 12 2016, 12:05 PM
SmilingDemon changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
SmilingDemon changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "Starmade (Project)".
Restricted Application edited projects, added Starmade; removed Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptJun 12 2016, 12:05 PM
AndyP moved this task from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.Aug 26 2016, 10:33 AM