List of all known typos and oddities, excluding T1160:
- {F6545}
Fleet order, attack sector should be (also has missing punctuation at the end): **Tries to move to target sector and attack enemy ships. For the time being, only loaded sectors can be attacked.Almost fixed, Fleet will wait outsideone of the target sector otherwise.**
- {F6547}
Add member menu:orders is misspelled under **Mission
Should be **Sector** instead of Secor. There is also a hidden column that starts with **cl**, no idea what it is supposed to be so either show it completely or remove it.
- {F654- {F6579}
Fleet order, move fleet: has missing punctuation at the end so put a **.** there.
- {F6551}Formation sentry: FORMATONING_IDLE should be **FORMATION_IDLE**
Fleet order, Formation Sentry Mode: **If** clips a little in the black border effect so make a new line *before* the If. There also missing punctuation at the end so put a **.** there.
- {F6553}
Flagship is 1 word, not 2