I constructed two teleporter locations - one at the surface of the planet, and one at the top of a space ladder. The idea was instead of riding an elevator for 5 minutes, I could just beam back and forth. Pad A is on the surface. Pad B is 400m up above the surface. But also: pad A is a docked entity, and pad B is a docked entity. So essentially they are docked ships to try to get around the whole "shields drop when teleporting" bit... I can teleport to Pad A from Pad B. Then from Pad A back to Pad B, but then I can't go back. I double-checked my destination pad, hit activate, and nothing. No beaming. I also can no longer interact with any blocks around me - I can add blocks, but can't manipulate or remove anything. I logoff and quit game. I log back in and I'm floating in space 1000 or so meters away from where I should be. But once I travel back, I can manipulate the blocks again where I was previously trying. I can beam again. But once I go back and forth one full time, Pad B ceases to function again, and I have to repeat logging off, flying back, and continuing.