**DISCLAIMER : I'm French so I use AZERTY keyboard configuration**
With some angles of view, it is simply impossible to move forward or backward render navigation in Galaxy Map impossible. The following gifs expose the problem ; I press the button **A & E** (vertical translation) and go up and down in the column (normal reaction since A & E are use for my up and down strafe) BUT then when I press **Z & S** (horizontal translation ; Z = forward, S = backward) and I still go up and down instead of go forward or backward.
Result : I'm stuck in that column. Here are few tested angles which have that issue; but there are surely others.
This bug just only reinforces my opinion about navigation in Galaxy Map: it should be rethought. I have presented Starmade to 4 friends, and 4 (5 +me) are unanimous on the feedback: that navigation system in Galaxy Map is really untidy and confusing. We suffer from disorientation whenever we plunge or raise the sight of camera since Y axis and Z axis switch like all the 3-5 seconds (when it isn't stuck in Y axis like there). The switch between the vertical translation to the horizontal one is really annoying and difficult to manage, it is not respect the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_astonishment|principle of least astonishment]].
SOLUTION : The A & E must be used to move up and down **on the Y axis of the map only** and Z & S to move forward and backward **on the Z axis of the map only** and that no matter what.
Because like that, as well as the Q & D are clearly identify to does only the lateral movements relative to the map plan, the A & E would be clearly identify to does only up and down (relative to the map initial plan) and Z & S would be clearly identify to does only forward and backward (relative to the map initial plan). There would be no more weird switchs of key control.
Of course some current players used to the system will surely grumble because it's going to ask them to change a bad habit they had to learnin order to handle the game. But when a programmer develops a program he must keep in mind that its program will be in the hands of an user, not a programmer.
And for sure this system will be more understandable and logical for new users than the actual one.