if is the rail docker block connected to activation modul for udocking feature then the state of signal from the activation block instead undocking the docker, rotate the docker. one state have different rotation then the second state.
here are some examples what i have in mind:
placing a rail docker and connecting an activator to it causes the rail docker to flip orientation on each activation deactivation cycle
it shouldnt rotate, but only undock
from T1219
Observed orientations: (initial (before any logic used) -> changed.)
Switching an activator to off.
Facing Down, pointing Forward -> facing Forward, pointing Up
Facing Down, pointing Right -> facing Forward, pointing Right
Facing Down, pointing Back -> facing Forward, pointing Down
Facing Down, pointing Left -> facing Forward, pointing Left
Facing Up, pointing Forward -> facing Back, pointing Up
Facing Up, pointing Right -> facing Back, pointing Right
Facing Up, pointing Back -> facing Back, pointing Down
Facing Up, pointing Left -> facing Back, pointing Left
Facing Back, pointing Up -> Facing Left, pointing Back
Facing Back, pointing Right -> Facing Left, pointing Down
Facing Back, pointing Down -> Facing Left, pointing Forward
Facing Back, pointing Left -> Facing Left, pointing Up
Facing Forward, pointing Up -> Facing Right, pointing Back
Facing Forward, pointing Right -> Facing Right, pointing Up
Facing Forward, pointing Down -> Facing Right, pointing Forward
Facing Forward, pointing Left -> Facing Right, pointing Down
Left and right - facing dockers maintain their correct position in logic-low
Switching an activator to on.
Facing Left, pointing Up -> facing Back, pointing Left
Facing Left, pointing Forward -> facing Back, pointing Down
Facing Left, pointing Down -> facing Back, pointing Right
Facing Left, pointing Back -> facing Back, pointing Up
Facing Right, pointing Up -> facing Forward, pointing Left
Facing Right, pointing Forward -> facing Forward, pointing Down
Facing Right, pointing Down -> facing Forward, pointing Right
Facing Right, pointing Back -> facing Forward, pointing Up
Up, down, forward, and back - facing dockers maintain their intended position in logic-high