Partially fixed:
Depending on block type you want to replace with, you'll get correct or incorrect orientations.
These tests were all done by replacing blue cubic hull with different orientation blocks (hepta, tetra, ...). It shows the same behaviour for other similar tests.
What works:
- Replacing a different block type with one that has **8** orientations: **tetra** and **hepta** works fine, the orientation you've selected in build mode is the one that's replaced.
What doesn't work:
- Multiple different results
-- Replacing a different block type with one that has **12** orientations: **wedge** causes the replaced orientation to be off by 4 orientations. The orientation you've selected is not the one that appears after replacing the block.
-- Replacing a different block type with one that has **24** orientations: **corner** has 16 of the 24 orientations off by 8 orientations, the remaining 8 get replaced fine.
Image that might clarify a bit: