You need 2 multi-slot stacks (with 2 or more items in it) to make this work.
-- 1 Right click the stack, where the item you want to duplicate is in it, and select the item you want to split. Enter any amount (50 000 green hull blocks in this example).
-- 2 Drag the item over to that other multi-slot and left click.
You'll notice that the item you had in your cursor, is now in that other multi-slot. You can keep doing this and make a multi-slot have more than 5 items in it.
-- 1 The new item in that multi-slot does not update in block count. You can use that to your advantage and place them down in large numbers (it doesn't go down so you can keep placing it).
-- 2 After relogging, the stack you moved (50 000 green hull blocks) and whatever was remaining in the original multi-slot of that block type will be gone.
-- 3 The blocks you have placed, will stay though. So if I split 50 000 blocks and place down 1 million blocks. I can, after relogging, just remove those 1 million blocks to compensate for the 50 000 blocks I lost.
(relog isnt even required .. just place the stack used to dupe in a storage and harvest the duped blocks)
This is a very good duplication method, although a bit hard to exploit in the beginning. This issue is also capable of making you lose blocks, splitting a stack over to another will cause the splitted item to be lost after relogging (if it is still in the wrong stack).
Video made by Odranoel.