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Nov 17 2019, 11:15 PM


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[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [VERSION] loading version from install dir: .\
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.201.378
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [VERSION] BUILD: 20190420_091741
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] #################### StarMade #######################
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] # version 0.201.378 - build 20190420_091741 #
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] #####################################################
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [SERIAL] "not retrieved"
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY] "D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\."
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [JVM-ARGUMENTS] [, -Xmn128M, -Xms512M, -Xmx16384M, -Xincgc]
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [API-LOGIN] REQUESTING OWN INFO
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [OAuth2] Requesting Auth Token
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [OAuth2] server_auth token aquired
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [STARTER] RETRIEVED REGISTRY NAME: iinpherno; ID: 650910
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [SERVER] using world: Creatiive; .\server-database\creatiive\
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [INIT] Segment Database Path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir successful (gives false if exists)? false
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [LIBLOADER] OS Windows 8.1 - 6.3
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [LIBLOADER] JAVA Oracle Corporation - 1.7.0_80 - D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\dep\java\jre1.7.0_80
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [LIBLOADER] ARCHITECTURE amd64
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [LIBLOADER] FastNoiseSIMD Level: 3
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [LIBLOADER] COMPLETE
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [MAIN] MIGRATION PROCESS DONE
[2019-11-17 15:07:27] [MAIN] STARTING WITH ARGUMENTS: [-force, -port:4242, -auth cce6cb10c4221eabdef461d766d9d82df3ed7dc2d862ac94f59726408be07a6e]
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [LANGUAGE] loading language: english; Resolved to english
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [LANGUAGE] Loading English; Version: 0
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [LANGUAGE] LOADED FONT PATH/NAME: font/Monda-Regular.ttf
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [CLIENT][STARTUP] Starting main menu
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [CLIENT][STARTUP] Starting Graphics
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [CLIENT][STARTUP] Initialize Open GL
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [CLIENT][GRAPHCIS] display received
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] set display mode: FULLSCREEN: true; dim: 2560 / 1440
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @75Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @72Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 2560 x 1440 x 32 @100Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 900 x 32 @100Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @120Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 800 x 32 @100Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 1024 x 32 @60Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @100Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 400 x 32 @70Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 800 x 32 @120Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 32 @75Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 900 x 32 @120Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 2560 x 1440 x 32 @120Hz
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GRAPHICS] Compatible DisplayMode found: 2560 x 1440 x 32 @120Hz; fullsceen capable true
[2019-11-17 15:07:28] [GLFRAME] MULTISAMPLE!!! CHANGING PIXEL FORMAT! Samples 8
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [DISPLAY] ViewPort for Resolution: 2560x1440: 2560, 1440
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] FILE CREATED: true
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [CLIENT][GRAPHCIS] CREATING STACKS
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [GLFrame] Open-GL initialized
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] Running on thread: main
Adapter: aticfx64
Driver Version:
Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL Version: 4.6.13572 Compatibility Profile Context 19.11.2 26.20.13031.15006
Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5700
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [CLIENT][STARTUP] Initialize Open GL Done
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [INIT] Creating Loading Screen
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [FONT] FONT PATH TO LOAD: font/Monda-Regular.ttf; false; true
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [FONT] created from font file: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\data\font\Monda-Regular.ttf
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [INIT] Creating Loading Message
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [INIT] Creating Light
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [TEXTURE] data\./image-resource/schine.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 7 ms; create: 54 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [TEXTURE] data\./image-resource/loadingscreen-background.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 71 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [TEXTURE] data\./image-resource/SM_logo_white_nostar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [GLFrame] loading content data
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [CLIENT][STARTUP] Initialize LoadingScreen Done. Starting up
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [CLIENT] STARTING UP OPEN GL
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [SOUND] flag settings changed!
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] [SOUND] flag settings changed!
[2019-11-17 15:07:29] Starting up SoundSystem...
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] OpenAL initialized.
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [SOUND] flag settings changed!
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [SOUND] flag settings changed!
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ServerSettings
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MainMenuBackgroundShader
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE bar-4x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/bar-4x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE bars
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/bars.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE box
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/box.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE build-icons-00-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/build-icons-00-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 25 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE build-icons-01-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/build-icons-01-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 17 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE build-icons-02-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/build-icons-02-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 19 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE build-icons-03-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/build-icons-03-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 19 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE build-icons-extra-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/build-icons-extra-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE crosshair-build-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/crosshair-build-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE crosshair-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/crosshair-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE crosshair-hit-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/crosshair-hit-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE crosshair-missile-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/crosshair-missile-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE crosshair-simple-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/crosshair-simple-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE detail
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/detail.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE detail_normal
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/detail_normal.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE dirtlense
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/dirtlense.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE dust
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/dust.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE energy_tex
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/energy_tex.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_02-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_02-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_03-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_03-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_04-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_04-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_06-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_06-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_09-4x8
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_09-4x8.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 7 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_10-4x8
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_10-4x8.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_sml-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_sml-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE explosion/expl_smoke-8x4
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/explosion/expl_smoke-8x4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE flare
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/flare.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/tools-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/tools-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px Center_Case-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px Center_Case-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px Horizontal-1x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px Horizontal-1x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px Scanlines-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px Scanlines-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px Stars-1x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px Stars-1x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberCenter-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberCenter-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberCorner-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberCorner-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberHorizontal-1x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberHorizontal-1x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberVertical-16x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px SubChamberVertical-16x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px Vertical-8x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px Vertical-8x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px-1x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px-1x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 16px-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 16px-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px Center SBFalse
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px Center SBFalse.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px Center SBFTrue
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px Center SBFTrue.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberCenter-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberCenter-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberCorners-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberCorners-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberHorizontal-1x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberHorizontal-1x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberVertical-32x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px ChamberVertical-32x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px Conduit-4x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px Conduit-4x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px Corners-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px Corners-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px Vertical-8x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px Vertical-8x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 32px-horizontals-1x32-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 32px-horizontals-1x32-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 64px ChamberTabs-4x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 64px ChamberTabs-4x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Background-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Background-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_BarEmpty-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_BarEmpty-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_BarFull-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_BarFull-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Button-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Button-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Filter-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Filter-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Foreground-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Foreground-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_PopUp-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_PopUp-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Progress-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Progress-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Textbox-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Center_Textbox-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Corners-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Corners-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Horizontal-1x32-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Horizontal-1x32-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Notification-gui- copy
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Notification-gui- copy.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Tooltip-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Tooltip-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI 8px Vertical-32x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI 8px Vertical-32x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI_MainTheme-2x2-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI_MainTheme-2x2-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeBg-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeBg-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeLeftRight-1x2-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeLeftRight-1x2-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeTopBottom-2x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/ingame/UI_MainThemeTopBottom-2x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/tools-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/tools-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px Center_Case-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px Center_Case-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px Horizontal-1x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px Horizontal-1x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px Scanlines-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px Scanlines-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px Stars-1x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px Stars-1x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px Vertical-8x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px Vertical-8x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 16px-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 16px-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 32px Center SBFalse
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 32px Center SBFalse.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 32px Center SBFTrue
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 32px Center SBFTrue.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 32px Corners-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 32px Corners-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 32px Vertical-8x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 32px Vertical-8x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 32px-horizontals-1x32-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 32px-horizontals-1x32-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Background-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Background-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Button-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Button-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Filter-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Filter-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Foreground-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Foreground-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_PopUp-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_PopUp-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Progress-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Progress-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Textbox-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Center_Textbox-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Corners-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Corners-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Horizontal-1x32-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Horizontal-1x32-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Notification-gui- copy
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Notification-gui- copy.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Tooltip-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Tooltip-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI 8px Vertical-32x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI 8px Vertical-32x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI_MainTheme-2x2-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI_MainTheme-2x2-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI_MainThemeBg-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI_MainThemeBg-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI_MainThemeLeftRight-1x2-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI_MainThemeLeftRight-1x2-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE gui/menu/UI_MainThemeTopBottom-2x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/gui/menu/UI_MainThemeTopBottom-2x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE helpers-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/helpers-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 10 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-arrow-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-arrow-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-arrow-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-arrow-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-sides-left-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-sides-left-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-sides-right-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-sides-right-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-target-4x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-target-4x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud-target-c-4x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud-target-c-4x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Bar
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Bar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_CombatNote-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_CombatNote-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_HorizontalBar-1x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_HorizontalBar-1x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Hotbar-8x2-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Hotbar-8x2-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Hotbar-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Hotbar-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Map-2x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Map-2x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_MapLarge-2x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_MapLarge-2x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_PlayerHP-1x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_PlayerHP-1x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_pointers-c-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_pointers-c-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE hud_pointers-c-8x8
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/hud_pointers-c-8x8.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_ServerNote-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_ServerNote-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_ServerNote_Colour-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_ServerNote_Colour-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Sprites-8x8-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Sprites-8x8-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_Target-2x4-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_Target-2x4-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HUD_VerticalBar_Long-4x1-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/HUD_VerticalBar_Long-4x1-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE icon
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/icon.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE icon16
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/icon16.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE icon32
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/icon32.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/1_Reactors
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/1_Reactors.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/2_Chambers
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/2_Chambers.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/3_Shields
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/3_Shields.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 15 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/4_SteathRecon
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/4_SteathRecon.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 17 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/5_Integrity_SCTC
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/5_Integrity_SCTC.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 18 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/black1_Reactors
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/black1_Reactors.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 15 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/black2_Chambers
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/black2_Chambers.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 15 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/black3_Shields
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/black3_Shields.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 14 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:30] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/black4_SteathRecon
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/black4_SteathRecon.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/chinese/black5_Integrity
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/chinese/black5_Integrity.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/english/1_Reactors
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/english/1_Reactors.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 14 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/english/2_Chambers
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/english/2_Chambers.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 14 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/english/3_Shields
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/english/3_Shields.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 13 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/english/4_SteathRecon
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/english/4_SteathRecon.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 13 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE infographics/power2.0/english/5_Integrity
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/infographics/power2.0/english/5_Integrity.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE inventory-slot-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/inventory-slot-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE lens_flare-4x1-c-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/lens_flare-4x1-c-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE lens_flare
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/lens_flare.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE loadingscreen-background
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/loadingscreen-background.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE map-sprites-8x2-c-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/map-sprites-8x2-c-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE meta-icons-00-16x16-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/meta-icons-00-16x16-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 10 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineSprite-4x1-c-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/MineSprite-4x1-c-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE missile
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/missile.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-desert-diff
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-desert-diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-earth-clouds
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-earth-clouds.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-earth-diff
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-earth-diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-earth-normal
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-earth-normal.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 12 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-earth-specular
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-earth-specular.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-ice-diff
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-ice-diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-mars-diff
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-mars-diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE planet-purple-diff
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/planet-purple-diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE playertex
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/playertex.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE QuadLegsTex01
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE QuadTorsoTex01
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/QuadTorsoTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE radarBackground
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/radarBackground.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE schine
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/schine.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE screen-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/screen-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE shield_tex
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/shield_tex.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE smoke4
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/smoke4.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE smoke_alpha
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/smoke_alpha.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE smoke_color
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/smoke_color.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SM_logo_white_nostar
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/SM_logo_white_nostar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE star
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/star.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE starColorMap-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/starColorMap-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE starSprite
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/starSprite.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE std-message-gui-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/std-message-gui-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE stellarSprites-2x2-c-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/stellarSprites-2x2-c-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE sunSprite-c-
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/sunSprite-c-.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE symm-plane
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [TEXTURE] data\/image-resource/symm-plane.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CONFIG_HUD
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CONFIG_GUI
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [CLIENT] Loading GUI CONFIG: GuiConfigMainMenu.xml
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [GLFRAME] Content has been loaded
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [MOVIE] opening movie file: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\video\SchineSplashScreen.mp4
[2019-11-17 15:07:31] [CLIENT][MOVIE] Using default subtitles: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\video
[2019-11-17 15:07:32] ffmpeg version N-43418-g633b90c Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers
built on Aug 9 2012 23:56:26 with gcc 4.7.1 (GCC)
configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-pthreads --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-frei0r --enable-libass --enable-libcelt --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libnut --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libutvideo --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-zlib
libavutil 51. 67.100 / 51. 67.100
libavcodec 54. 51.100 / 54. 51.100
libavformat 54. 22.104 / 54. 22.104
libavdevice 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100
libavfilter 3. 7.100 / 3. 7.100
libswscale 2. 1.101 / 2. 1.101
libswresample 0. 15.100 / 0. 15.100
libpostproc 52. 0.100 / 52. 0.100
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\video\SchineSplashScreen.mp4':
major_brand : mp42
minor_version : 0
compatible_brands: mp42mp41
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
Duration: 00:00:05.58, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2979 kb/s
Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 2794 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 30k tbn, 59.94 tbc
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : ?Mainconcept Video Media Handler
Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 189 kb/s
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : #Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler
Output #0, wav, to 'pipe:':
major_brand : mp42
minor_version : 0
compatible_brands: mp42mp41
encoder : Lavf54.22.104
Stream #0:0(eng): Audio: pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 1536 kb/s
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : #Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler
Stream mapping:
Stream #0:1 -> #0:0 (aac -> pcm_s16le)
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
size= 136kB time=00:00:00.76 bitrate=1448.5kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:32] ffmpeg version N-43418-g633b90c Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers
built on Aug 9 2012 23:56:26 with gcc 4.7.1 (GCC)
configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-pthreads --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-frei0r --enable-libass --enable-libcelt --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libnut --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libutvideo --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-zlib
libavutil 51. 67.100 / 51. 67.100
libavcodec 54. 51.100 / 54. 51.100
libavformat 54. 22.104 / 54. 22.104
libavdevice 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100
libavfilter 3. 7.100 / 3. 7.100
libswscale 2. 1.101 / 2. 1.101
libswresample 0. 15.100 / 0. 15.100
libpostproc 52. 0.100 / 52. 0.100
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\video\SchineSplashScreen.mp4':
major_brand : mp42
minor_version : 0
compatible_brands: mp42mp41
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
Duration: 00:00:05.58, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2979 kb/s
Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 2794 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 30k tbn, 59.94 tbc
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : ?Mainconcept Video Media Handler
Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 189 kb/s
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : #Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler
Output #0, rawvideo, to 'pipe:':
major_brand : mp42
minor_version : 0
compatible_brands: mp42mp41
encoder : Lavf54.22.104
Stream #0:0(eng): Video: rawvideo (RGB[24] / 0x18424752), rgb24, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 90k tbn, 29.97 tbc
creation_time : 2016-05-25 20:15:03
handler_name : ?Mainconcept Video Media Handler
Stream mapping:
Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 -> rawvideo)
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
frame= 19 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size= 115425kB time=00:00:00.63 bitrate=1491499.7kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:32] size= 232kB time=00:00:01.28 bitrate=1483.5kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:32] frame= 35 fps= 34 q=0.0 size= 212625kB time=00:00:01.16 bitrate=1491500.9kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:33] size= 328kB time=00:00:01.79 bitrate=1498.5kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:33] frame= 50 fps= 33 q=0.0 size= 303750kB time=00:00:01.66 bitrate=1491500.8kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:33] size= 424kB time=00:00:02.30 bitrate=1506.8kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:33] frame= 65 fps= 32 q=0.0 size= 394875kB time=00:00:02.16 bitrate=1491500.7kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:34] size= 520kB time=00:00:02.81 bitrate=1512.1kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:34] frame= 80 fps= 32 q=0.0 size= 486000kB time=00:00:02.66 bitrate=1491500.7kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:34] frame= 96 fps= 31 q=0.0 size= 583200kB time=00:00:03.20 bitrate=1491500.5kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:34] size= 648kB time=00:00:03.49 bitrate=1516.8kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:35] frame= 111 fps= 31 q=0.0 size= 674325kB time=00:00:03.70 bitrate=1491500.5kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:35] size= 776kB time=00:00:04.18 bitrate=1519.9kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:35] frame= 126 fps= 31 q=0.0 size= 765450kB time=00:00:04.20 bitrate=1491500.5kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:35] size= 872kB time=00:00:04.69 bitrate=1521.7kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:36] frame= 141 fps= 31 q=0.0 size= 856575kB time=00:00:04.70 bitrate=1491500.5kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:36] size= 968kB time=00:00:05.20 bitrate=1523.1kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:36] size= 1040kB time=00:00:05.58 bitrate=1524.0kbits/s
[2019-11-17 15:07:36]
video:0kB audio:1040kB subtitle:0 global headers:0kB muxing overhead 0.004320%
[2019-11-17 15:07:36] frame= 167 fps= 31 q=0.0 Lsize= 1014525kB time=00:00:05.57 bitrate=1491500.6kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
[2019-11-17 15:07:36]
video:1014525kB audio:0kB subtitle:0 global headers:0kB muxing overhead 0.000000%
[2019-11-17 15:07:37] [VIDEOSTREAM] cleaned up video stream 1920x1080
[2019-11-17 15:07:37] [MOVIE] Destroying Video Process
[2019-11-17 15:07:37] [MOVIE] Destroying Audio Process
[2019-11-17 15:07:37] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/loadingscreen/bg.vert.glsl and data\/shader/loadingscreen/bg.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:07:57] [JOYSTICK] reading config ./joystick.cfg
[2019-11-17 15:07:57] not writing joystick config: no joystick available
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] ScreenSetting Changed
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] WRITING JOYSTICK CONFIG
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] not writing joystick config: no joystick available
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] WRITING KEYBOARD CONFIG
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.afY@12a07524
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.agI@646a9809
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] Screen setting changed
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] [GRAPHICS] set display mode: FULLSCREEN: true; dim: 2560 / 1440
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] [GRAPHICS] WARNING Displaymode already set!!!
[2019-11-17 15:08:13] [DISPLAY] ViewPort for Resolution: 2560x1440: 2560, 1440
[2019-11-17 15:08:14] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.afX@592bde30
[2019-11-17 15:08:15] [RESOURCE] EQUEUING ALL RESOURCES!
[2019-11-17 15:08:15] [RESOURCE] ENQUEING 3D MODELS -160
[2019-11-17 15:08:15] ############## LOADING RESOURCE FONT
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CONFIG_GUI
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [CLIENT] Loading GUI CONFIG: GuiConfig.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - buttons push big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [SERVER] using world: Creatiive; .\server-database\creatiive\
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [INIT] Segment Database Path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir successful (gives false if exists)? false
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - buttons push medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push medium.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - buttons push small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push small.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - enter digits in digital keypad
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - enter digits in digital keypad.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - error invalid
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - error invalid.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - fuel fill up (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - fuel fill up (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - fuel fill up quick
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - fuel fill up quick.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - keyboard typing
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - keyboard typing.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - purchase register _chick-ching_
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase register _chick-ching_.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - purchase with coins
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase with coins.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - purchase with credits
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase with credits.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - receive coins
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - receive coins.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - receive credits
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - receive credits.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - repair ship power drill & ratchet
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - repair ship power drill & ratchet.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - switches flip big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - switches flip big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - switches flip small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - switches flip small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_action - upgrade ship power tools
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - upgrade ship power tools.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - computer lab tech (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - computer lab tech (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - interior cockpit (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - interior cockpit (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - shop machinery (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - shop machinery (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - space wind omnious light warbling tones (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - space wind omnious light warbling tones (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar busy engines machinery and rumbles (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar busy engines machinery and rumbles (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar light (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar light (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - air release steam valve
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - air release steam valve.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds drill
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds drill.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds hydraulics
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds hydraulics.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\FactionConfig.xml to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customFactionConfig\FactionConfigTemplate.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds working with ratchet
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds working with ratchet.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - digital readout busy
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - digital readout busy.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - digital readout light
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - digital readout light.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customFactionConfig\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - light flicker
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - light flicker.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - radar pulse
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - radar pulse.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - radio static interference with glitchy voices
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - radio static interference with glitchy voices.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_ambience sfx - servo movement
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - servo movement.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_explosion_four
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_four.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_explosion_one
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_one.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_explosion_three
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_three.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_explosion_two
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_two.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - achievement reached 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - achievement reached 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - achievement reached 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 3.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - achievement reached 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 4.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - cockpit warning beep
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - cockpit warning beep.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - level completed
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level completed.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - level up 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level up 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - level up 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level up 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - low armor _electric_ warning chime
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - low armor _electric_ warning chime.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - low fuel warning constant beeps (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - low fuel warning constant beeps (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - notification chime 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - notification chime 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - notification chime 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - notification chime 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - power down big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power down big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - power down small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power down small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\customBlockBehaviorConfigTemplate.xml to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customBlockBehaviorConfig\customBlockBehaviorConfigTemplate.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - power up big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power up big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - power up small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power up small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - prompt 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - prompt 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\customBlockBehaviorConfigHOWTO.txt to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customBlockBehaviorConfig\customBlockBehaviorConfigHOWTO.txt
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - prompt 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 3.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - prompt 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 4.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_gameplay - save game chime
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - save game chime.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - forcefield activate
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield activate.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - forcefield loop
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield loop.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - forcefield powerdown
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield powerdown.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - pick up coin ding
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up coin ding.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - pick up health
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up health.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\customConfigTemplate\customEffectConfigTemplate.xml to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customEffectConfig\customEffectConfigTemplate.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - pick up weapon
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up weapon.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - shield activate
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield activate.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - shield loop
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield loop.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - shield powerdown
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield powerdown.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\config\customConfigTemplate\CustomEffectConfigHowto.txt to D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\customEffectConfig\customEffectConfigHOWTO.txt
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - special item pickup 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - special item pickup 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - special item pickup 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 3.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - use special blastwave
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special blastwave.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - use special dissapear energetic hum (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special dissapear energetic hum (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - use special energy zap
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special energy zap.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_item - use special light beam
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special light beam.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - back
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - back.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - cancel
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - cancel.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - enter
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - enter.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - error 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - error 1.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - error 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - error 2.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - highlight 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - highlight 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - highlight 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 3.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - pause
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - pause.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - select 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - select 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - select 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 3.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - select 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 4.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [RESOURCES][CustomTextures] No need to create Hash matches (as rewriting a zip changes the hash on it)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll large
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll large.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_misc - engine start up
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - engine start up.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_misc - ship pass by quick
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - ship pass by quick.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_misc - ship pass by slow
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - ship pass by slow.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters big ship low pitched (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters big ship low pitched (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters medium ship medium pitched (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters medium ship medium pitched (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters small ship high pitched (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters small ship high pitched (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - hit large explosion big enemy ship blow up
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit large explosion big enemy ship blow up.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - hit medium explosion medium enemy ship blow up
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit medium explosion medium enemy ship blow up.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion metallic impact on enemy ship
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion metallic impact on enemy ship.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion synthetic impact on enemy ship
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion synthetic impact on enemy ship.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - hit small explosion small enemy ship blow up
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit small explosion small enemy ship blow up.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid large
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid large.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid small.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - collision with metal large
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with metal large.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - collision with metal small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with metal small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 1 (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 1 (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 2 (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 2 (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm medium pitched (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm medium pitched (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster end release gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster end release gas.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster loop
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster loop.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster start push gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster start push gas.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - lightspeed space wind
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - lightspeed space wind.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - lock on target unsuccessful tone
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - lock on target unsuccessful tone.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - locked on target successful beep
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - locked on target successful beep.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - locking on target pulse (loop)
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - locking on target pulse (loop).ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters end release gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters end release gas.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters loop
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters loop.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters start push gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters start push gas.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence heavy
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence heavy.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence medium.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster end release gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster end release gas.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster loop
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster loop.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - small engine thrusters start push gas
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thrusters start push gas.wav
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - turbo boost large
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost large.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - turbo boost medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost medium.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - turbo boost small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship_user_-_medium_engine_thrusters_loop - mono
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship_user_-_medium_engine_thrusters_loop - mono.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_laser_cannon_1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_laser_cannon_1_burst
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_1_burst.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_laser_cannon_2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_laser_cannon_2_burst
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_2_burst.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_proton_torpedo_1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_proton_torpedo_1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_proton_torpedo_2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_proton_torpedo_2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun fire burst
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun fire burst.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire large
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire large.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire medium.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - canon fire 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - canon fire 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - canon fire 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - canon fire 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire three
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire three.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire two
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire two.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire medium.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - missile fire one
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - missile fire one.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - missile fire two
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - missile fire two.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - ricochet laser hits metal
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - ricochet laser hits metal.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 1.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE 0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 2.ogg
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Sky
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ERROR: no content in Resource: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\file:\D:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\StarMade.jar!\org\schema\game\network\commands
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ################# Loading from JAR #####################
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ########################################################
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 118 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 60480; index: 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 119 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 60480; index: 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 101 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 181440; index: 5
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 109 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 181440; index: 6
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 93 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 120960; index: 7
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [BLOCKCONFIG] READING TOOK 610ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Box
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] [TEXTURE] data\/models/ground/./brick.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Sphere
[2019-11-17 15:08:16] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SphereLowPoly
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 113 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 4320; index: 8
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 86 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 2880; index: 9
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Cylinder
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GeoSphere
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Planet
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Atmosphere
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Asteroid
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/ground/./asteroid.jpg LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [BLUEPRINT][MIGRATION] NO CONVERSION NEEDED: no old bb file exists: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\blueprints\catalog.txt
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [SERVER] initializing
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] java.lang.Exception: Server Shutdown: false
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at Source)
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] java.lang.Exception: Server created: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at<init>(SourceFile:52)
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at obfuscated.bcR.<init>(SourceFile:300)
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] at Source)
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [SERVER] Server State Created!
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [CLIENT] initializing 0.201.378 (20190420_091741)
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] creation took: convert: 69; data: 0; make: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [CLIENT] WAITING FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ExhaustPlum
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SimpleBeam
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Arrow
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/ground/./arrow.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlackHole
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Debris00
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Tube
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CameraDrone
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/ground/cameradrone/CameraDrone.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 5 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/ground/cameradrone/CameraDrone_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PowerSupplyBeam
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Power/powerbeam.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Power/powerbeam_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BuildInhibitor
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Inhibitor/buildinhibtitor.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Inhibitor/buildinhibtitor_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HealingBeam
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/HealingBeam/heal.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/HealingBeam/heal_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Fabricator
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Fabricator/accfabricator.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Fabricator/accfabricator_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Pistol
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Pistol/WeapPistol.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Pistol/WeapPistol_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Torch
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Torch/torch.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Torch/torch_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Helmet
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Helmet/playerhelm.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/Helmet/playerhelm_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MarkerBeam
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/MarkerBeam/marker.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/MarkerBeam/marker_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GrappleBeam
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/GrappleBeam/grapplebeam.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/gear/GrappleBeam/grapplebeam_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 5616; index: 8
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 89 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 3744; index: 9
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [TEXTURE] data\/models/mines/./MineCannon.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:17] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 102 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 16848; index: 8
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 95 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 11232; index: 9
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA-LOD-Medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA-LOD-Medium-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA-LOD-Far
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeA-LOD-Far-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/mines/./MineMissile.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB-LOD-Medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB-LOD-Medium-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB-LOD-Far
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeB-LOD-Far-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/mines/./MineProximity.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC-LOD-Medium
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC-LOD-Medium-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC-LOD-Far
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MineTypeC-LOD-Far-Active
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Grate
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Grate/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GrateCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/GrateCorner/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GrateSlope
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/GrateSlope/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GrateWedge
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/GrateWedge/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MetalBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/MetalBar/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MetalCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/MetalCorner/Grate.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MushroomLod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Flora/Mushroom/mushroom.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ParseenCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/capsules.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 21 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Pipe
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Pipe/Pipe.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 3 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PipeCross
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/PipeCross/Pipe.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PipeElbow
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/PipeElbow/Pipe.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PipeTee
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/PipeTee/Pipe.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SmallActivatorActive
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallActivator/Button.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallActivator/Button_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SmallActivatorInactive
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallActivator/Button_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SmallButtonActive
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallButton/Button.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 4 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallButton/Button_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SmallButtonInactive
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/SmallButton/Button_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlackPaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/capsules.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 21 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BluePaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BrownPaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenPaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangePaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PurplePaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedPaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE YellowPaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE WhitePaint
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Paint/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE AdvancedHardener
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BastynCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ChabazCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CinnabarCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE DolomCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE FertikeenCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HattelCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HylatCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE JisperCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE LarimarCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE LukrahCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MacetCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE MattiseCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE NocxCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RammetCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SapsunCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SertiseCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SintyrCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE StandardHardener
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SugilCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TektCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ThrensCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE VaratCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE VarisCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ZercanerCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Capsule/Capsules_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueConsole
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Console/Consoles.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 23 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Console/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 72 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueConsoleInnerCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleInnerCorner/Consoles.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 20 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleInnerCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 7 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueConsoleOuterCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleOuterCorner/Consoles.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 20 ms; create: 5 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleOuterCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 3 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenConsoleInnerCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleInnerCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenConsole
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Console/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 7 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenConsoleOuterCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleOuterCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 4 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeConsole
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Console/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeConsoleInnerCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleInnerCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeConsoleOuterCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleOuterCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedConsole
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/Console/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 8 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedConsoleInnerCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleInnerCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 4 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedConsoleOuterCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/ConsoleOuterCorner/consoles_EM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BeaconLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/LightBar/Lightbar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BeaconLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/LightCorner/Lightbar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 15 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlackLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlackLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PinkLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PinkLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PurpleLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PurpleLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TealLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TealLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE YellowLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE WhiteLightBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE WhiteLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE YellowLightCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BeaconLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] [TEXTURE] data\/models/lod/LightRod/Lightbar.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 16 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlackLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE BlueLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE GreenLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE OrangeLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PinkLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PurpleLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE RedLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TealLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE YellowLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE WhiteLightRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionBar
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionBarCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionCapsule
[2019-11-17 15:08:18] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionConsole
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 187 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 16
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 150 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 17
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 18
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 288; index: 19
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionConsoleInnerCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 137 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 144; index: 20
[2019-11-17 15:08:19] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 143 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 144; index: 24
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 25
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 142 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 26
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 139 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 28
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionConsoleOuterCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionGrate
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 125 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 35
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 141 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 432; index: 36
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionGrateCorner
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionGrateSlope
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionGrateWedge
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionPipe
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionPipeCross
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionPipeElbow
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionPipeTee
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionRod
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CollisionSmallButton
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Konata
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/uvw.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE PlayerMdl
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [INIT] Seed File: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\.seed
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [SQL] Fetching connection (may take some if game crashed on the run before)
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/playertex.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/playertex_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HoppyLegs
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/hoppy_desert.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/hoppy_desert.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/hoppy_desert.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 6 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] ############## LOADING RESOURCE HoppyBody
[2019-11-17 15:08:20] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/hoppy_desert.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/hoppy_desert.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE LegsArag
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TorsoShell
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadTorsoTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\/models/character/QuadLegsTex01.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Explision
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE NoiseVolume
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 172 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 2097280; index: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE marple
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\textures/marble-seamless-texture.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 5 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE LavaTex
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\textures/lava.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ExplosionData
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] EXPLOSION DATA: aggregation data: dim size: 128; total Memory used: 4 MB; max memory: 16 GB
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [EXPLOSION] DATA: ray info data: dim size: 16; total instances used: 4096
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [EXPLOSION] Array init took 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [EXPLOSION] 'Ray' File read took 2ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [EXPLOSION] DATA: sizeOrder size: 10485760 -> 40 MB
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [SQL] connection successfull
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [EXPLOSION] 'Order' File read took 113 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SimpeStarField
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\textures/simplestarfield.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 6 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Effects
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [RESOURCE] Loading effects
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\effects/dudvmap.jpg LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [FLEETABLE] Migration check: VARBINARY
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] creation took: convert: 39; data: 0; make: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] data\effects/noise.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [RESOURCE] Loading effects done
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE TradingSkins
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\data\textures\skins\traid00_main_diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\data\textures\skins\traid00_main_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\data\textures\skins\traid00_helmet_diff.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 1 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\data\textures\skins\traid00_helmet_em.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE SkyTexturefalse
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [RESOURCE] Loading background
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [DATABASE] ENTITIES UID SIZE: 128
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [DATABASE] FTL UID SIZE: 128
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [DATABASE] SYSTEMS UID SIZE: 128
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] Server(0) Reading CHAT CHANNEL ROUTER D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\chatchannels.tag
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [RESOURCE] Loading background DONE
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Occlusionfalse
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Extract_Textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [TEXTURELOADER] Checking if textures exist: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Defaultdata\.\textures\block\Default256
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [RESOURCE] Loading cube textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [MINE] IDGEN = 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:21] [SERVER] Request Thread pool size is: 10
[2019-11-17 15:08:22] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t000.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 517 ms; create: 35 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:22] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t001.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 395 ms; create: 37 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t002.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 309 ms; create: 36 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] ./customBlockTextures/256/custom.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 156 ms; create: 37 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/overlays.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 181 ms; create: 37 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t000.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 29 ms; create: 13 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t001.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 31 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t002.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 25 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] ./customBlockTextures/64/custom.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 9 ms; create: 3 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/overlays.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 11 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [RESOURCE] Loading cube textures DONE
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Defaultdata\.\textures\block\Default256normal
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [SERVER] port 4242 is open
[2019-11-17 15:08:23] [SERVER] USING TCP...
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][NPCFACTIONS] Using Faction Config File D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\npcFactions\Outcasts\npcConfig.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS!
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 13 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 36ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][NPCFACTIONS] Using Faction Config File D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\npcFactions\Scavengers\npcConfig.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS!
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 19 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 4ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][NPCFACTIONS] Using Faction Config File D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\server-database\creatiive\npcFactions\Trading Guild\npcConfig.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS!
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 14 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 15ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t000_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 408 ms; create: 33 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 54;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 59;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NPC] laoding diplomacy from tag. Entries; 25
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION] LOADED NPC INV: Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] Inventory: (Type8; Param -9999998; SlotCount: 168)
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NPC] laoding diplomacy from tag. Entries; 25
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION] LOADED NPC INV: Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] Inventory: (Type8; Param -9999999; SlotCount: 188)
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NPC] laoding diplomacy from tag. Entries; 26
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION] LOADED NPC INV: Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] Inventory: (Type8; Param -10000000; SlotCount: 185)
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION] News Statistics:
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACTION][NEWS] Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100]: Amount: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1002, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1005, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1004, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1007, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1005, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1006, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1007, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1006, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1005, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1002, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1002, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1001, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1004, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-9999998, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1003, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-9999998, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1000, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1001, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1006, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1001, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1007, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1003, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1003, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999999, b=-1004, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-10000000, b=-1000, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FACION][TAG] loaded relation offer RelOffer[a=-9999998, b=-1000, rel=NEUTRAL]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS!
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 28 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 23ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][CATALOG] READ RAW BLUEPRINTS: 28
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [RULES] no rules read from disk: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\rules.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [RULES][PROPERTIES] no properties read. File doesn't exist: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\server-database\Creatiive\ruleproperties.tag; Will be created on save
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [ServerListener] Server initialization OK... now waiting for connections
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVERCONTROLLER][INIT] (listenerId[0]) SERVER STARTED UPDATING
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t001_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 455 ms; create: 40 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER] SERVER INIT FINISHED
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [LOCAL GAME] CHANGED PORT TO 4242
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] LLL {70001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=53, permanent=false], 140002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=103, permanent=false], 90003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=69, permanent=false], 170004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=126, permanent=false], 150000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=108, permanent=false], 60000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=45, permanent=false], 130000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=94, permanent=false], 140004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=105, permanent=false], 110002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=82, permanent=false], 30004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=28, permanent=false], 50003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=41, permanent=false], 90002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=68, permanent=false], 60005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=50, permanent=false], 80001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=60, permanent=false], 50000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=38, permanent=false], 100=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=1, index=7, permanent=false], 150006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=114, permanent=false], 190004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=140, permanent=false], 50001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=39, permanent=false], 30003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=27, permanent=false], 190005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=141, permanent=false], 50004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=42, permanent=false], 180004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=133, permanent=false], 100000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=73, permanent=false], 90000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=66, permanent=false], 70004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=56, permanent=false], 120003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=90, permanent=false], 40003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=34, permanent=false], 190006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=142, permanent=false], 180000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=129, permanent=false], 70002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=54, permanent=false], 100001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=74, permanent=false], 80005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=64, permanent=false], 190003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=139, permanent=false], 160004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=119, permanent=false], 300=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=300, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=3, index=9, permanent=false], 120002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=89, permanent=false], 30001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=25, permanent=false], 5=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=5, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=5, permanent=false], 100006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=79, permanent=false], 60006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=51, permanent=false], 10003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=13, permanent=false], 30000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=24, permanent=false], 10000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=10, permanent=false], 110003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=83, permanent=false], 150005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=113, permanent=false], 170002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=124, permanent=false], 1=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=1, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=1, permanent=false], 160002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=117, permanent=false], 110005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=85, permanent=false], 140001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=102, permanent=false], 50005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=43, permanent=false], 70006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=58, permanent=false], 130002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=96, permanent=false], 70003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=55, permanent=false], 20001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=18, permanent=false], 10006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=16, permanent=false], 40006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=37, permanent=false], 180002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=131, permanent=false], 90001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=67, permanent=false], 30002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=26, permanent=false], 120005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=92, permanent=false], 60002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=47, permanent=false], 60004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=49, permanent=false], 130004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=98, permanent=false], 130003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=97, permanent=false], 30005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=29, permanent=false], 110001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=81, permanent=false], 80004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=63, permanent=false], 130005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=99, permanent=false], 180001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=130, permanent=false], 20002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=19, permanent=false], 120001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=88, permanent=false], 100004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=77, permanent=false], 90004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=70, permanent=false], 4=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=4, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=4, permanent=false], 170006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=128, permanent=false], 140000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=101, permanent=false], 150004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=112, permanent=false], 140006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=107, permanent=false], 100005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=78, permanent=false], 20006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=23, permanent=false], 40000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=31, permanent=false], 130001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=95, permanent=false], 20004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=21, permanent=false], 70000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=52, permanent=false], 130006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=130006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=100, permanent=false], 50002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=40, permanent=false], 160003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=118, permanent=false], 160000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] 000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=115, permanent=false], 60001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=46, permanent=false], 80000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=59, permanent=false], 40002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=33, permanent=false], 50006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=50006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=44, permanent=false], 170005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=127, permanent=false], 110000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=80, permanent=false], 100003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=76, permanent=false], 70005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=70005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=57, permanent=false], 180005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=134, permanent=false], 140005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=106, permanent=false], 80006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=65, permanent=false], 140003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=140003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=104, permanent=false], 20005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=22, permanent=false], 170003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=125, permanent=false], 90006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=72, permanent=false], 20000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=17, permanent=false], 190000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=136, permanent=false], 20003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=20003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=20, permanent=false], 180006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=135, permanent=false], 190001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=137, permanent=false], 40001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=32, permanent=false], 60003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=60003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=48, permanent=false], 160005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=120, permanent=false], 170001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=123, permanent=false], 160001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=116, permanent=false], 150001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=109, permanent=false], 120004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=91, permanent=false], 40004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=35, permanent=false], 80002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=61, permanent=false], 190002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=190002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=138, permanent=false], 120006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=93, permanent=false], 110004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=84, permanent=false], 170000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=170000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=122, permanent=false], 10001=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10001, blockStyle=WEDGE, slab=0, index=11, permanent=false], 10002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=12, permanent=false], 80003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=80003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=62, permanent=false], 180003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=180003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=132, permanent=false], 200=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=200, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=2, index=8, permanent=false], 150003=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150003, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=111, permanent=false], 120000=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=120000, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=87, permanent=false], 30006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=30006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=30, permanent=false], 3=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=3, blockStyle=SPRITE, slab=0, index=3, permanent=false], 10005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=15, permanent=false], 100002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=100002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=75, permanent=false], 160006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=160006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=121, permanent=false], 150002=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=150002, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=110, permanent=false], 90005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=90005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=71, permanent=false], 10004=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=10004, blockStyle=TETRA, slab=0, index=14, permanent=false], 6=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=6, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=6, permanent=false], 2=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=2, blockStyle=CORNER, slab=0, index=2, permanent=false], 110006=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=110006, blockStyle=NORMAL24, slab=0, index=86, permanent=false], 40005=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=40005, blockStyle=HEPTA, slab=0, index=36, permanent=false], 0=>GeneralBlockStyle [ID=0, blockStyle=NORMAL, slab=0, index=0, permanent=true]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [CLIENT] Added observer for GameClientController
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][CATALOG] Deflated Catalog from 2367 kb to 661 kb
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 66 on Server(0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0); Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Server(0) Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=165, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#75, members=[], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 165; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=166, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#76, members=[], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 166; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [RULESET] serializing all Rules and properties.
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 44548 bytes: SenableGameState(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=165, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#75, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-11, 5, -10), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_290, name=Traders Trade Fleet Cargo Transport T180-18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=3999], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-11, 5, -10), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_291, name=Traders Trade Fleet Defender B130-7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=4030], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-11, 5, -10), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_292, name=Traders Trade Fleet Defender B110-11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=4031]], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 165; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=166, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#76, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-85, 5, -85), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_293, name=Traders Trade Fleet Cargo Transport T180-18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=4032], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-85, 5, -85), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_294, name=Traders Trade Fleet Defender B130-7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=4063], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(-85, 5, -85), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_GFLTSHP_-10000000_295, name=Traders Trade Fleet Defender B110-11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=4064]], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 166; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 8.1
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] Loading:
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [CLIENT][GAMEINPUT] TOTAL INPUT DEVICES: 10
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [JOYSTICK] reading config ./joystick.cfg
[2019-11-17 15:08:24] [JOYSTICK] writing config ./joystick.cfg
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully created
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] Singleplayer Creative mode: true: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] trying to connect to localhost:4242
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] establishing new socket connection to localhost:4242
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] Trying TCP...
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVERSOCKET] Connection made. starting new processor 49905, /; local: 4242, /, keepalive false
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] ListenerId[0] connection registered (TRunning: 1/0/0) 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] logging in now... iinpherno; localhost:4242;
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/256/t002_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 401 ms; create: 52 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][PROCESSOR] client setup completed for PID: 0. listening for input
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][LOGIN] new client connected. given id: 1: description: iinpherno
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][LOGIN] return code 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] PREPARING LOGIN (iinpherno)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] PROCESSING LOGIN (iinpherno)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] ./customBlockTextures/256/custom_NRM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 117 ms; create: 13 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [RESOURCE] emission texture present: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t000_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 1 ms; data: 20 ms; create: 14 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t001_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 21 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] data\./textures/block/Default/64/t002_NRM.tga LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 21 ms; create: 2 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] ./customBlockTextures/64/custom_NRM.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 7 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Advanced Building Tutorial_full
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\tutorial\Advanced Building Tutorial\full.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Crafting Tutorial_factoryExp
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\tutorial\Crafting Tutorial\factoryExp.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 3 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Crafting Tutorial_powerRecipe
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\tutorial\Crafting Tutorial\powerRecipe.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 2 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] ############## LOADING RESOURCE Weapon System Tutorial_combinationtable
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TEXTURE] D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\data\tutorial\Weapon System Tutorial\combinationtable.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 5 ms; create: 0 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [GLFRAME] Content has been loaded
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [INIT] Retrieved auth style: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [AUTH] authenticating iinpherno; useAuth: false; requireAuth: false
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SESSION_CALLBACK] no player verification is necessary!
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [LOGIN] checking user agent: 0: iinpherno
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [LOGIN] successful auth: now protecting username iinpherno with null
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] checking ip ban:
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] Local connection detected. No ban
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] Client register setup phase 1 completed. Name: iinpherno; checking already logged in
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_LS-R1rl5, id=3386, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo, id=1081, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHOP_1550216868206, id=1, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHOP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3520, id=105, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3510, id=103, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl355, id=112, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358, id=119, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3540, id=110, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357, id=117, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3561, id=114, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3531, id=108, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3590, id=120, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3570, id=116, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550262181837, id=261, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Left, id=2283, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Front Lift, id=1358, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353, id=109, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354, id=111, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3530, id=107, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351, id=104, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352, id=106, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_salvage spinner, id=421, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_LS-L1, id=2974, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLL, id=2286, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3560, id=113, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLR, id=2287, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350, id=102, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Right, id=2284, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356, id=115, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550263446856, id=406, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3580, id=118, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3500, id=101, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35, id=122, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359, id=121, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 2, 2) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-R1rl5(dbId 3386); ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo(dbId 1081); ENTITY_SHOP_1550216868206(dbId 1); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3520(dbId 105); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3510(dbId 103); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl355(dbId 112); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358(dbId 119); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3540(dbId 110); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3561(dbId 114); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357(dbId 117); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3531(dbId 108); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3570(dbId 116); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3590(dbId 120); ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550262181837(dbId 261); ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Left(dbId 2283); ENTITY_SHIP_Front Lift(dbId 1358); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353(dbId 109); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354(dbId 111); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352(dbId 106); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351(dbId 104); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3530(dbId 107); ENTITY_SHIP_salvage spinner(dbId 421); ENTITY_SHIP_LS-L1(dbId 2974); ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLL(dbId 2286); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3560(dbId 113); ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLR(dbId 2287); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350(dbId 102); ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Right(dbId 2284); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359(dbId 121); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35(dbId 122); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3500(dbId 101); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3580(dbId 118); ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550263446856(dbId 406); ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356(dbId 115)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [UNIVERSE] creation time: 88 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][NPCFACTIONS] no previous file existed. Generating NPC factions freshly
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Reading config...
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Writing config...
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Multi blueprint structure "GenericTree/genericTree" found 0 blueprints
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Multi blueprint structure "EarthOak/earthOak" found 0 blueprints
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Multi blueprint structure "DeadTreeGeneric/deadTree" found 0 blueprints
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Multi blueprint structure "DeadOak/deadOak" found 0 blueprints
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Building terrain structure blueprint: bigTree/tree
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] NO FILE: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\blueprints-terrain\bigTree\tree.smd3
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Building terrain structure blueprint: bpTest/bpTest
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] NO FILE: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\blueprints-terrain\bpTest\bpTest.smd3
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Building terrain structure blueprint: TownTest/TownTest
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] NO FILE: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\blueprints-terrain\TownTest\TownTest.smd3
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [TERRAIN_STRUCTURE] Multi blueprint structure "EarthOak/oak" found 0 blueprints
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: ArmorDamageCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: ReactorLevelCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: StabBonusCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: MissileCapacityElementManager$MissileCapacityReloadMode
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=7, name=NPCFLT#MINING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#6, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 7; 1; [(11, 3, 7)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=6, name=NPCFLT#MINING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#5, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 6; 1; [(12, 3, 3)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=2, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#1, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 2; 2; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=1, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#0, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 1; 2; [(8, 5, 13)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=3, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#2, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 3; 2; [(10, 5, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=4, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#3, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 4; 2; [(2, 2, 13)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=5, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#4, members=[], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 5; 2; [(11, 11, 2)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-R1rl5 (16, 16, 17) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (-15, 16, -13) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][SECTOR][LOADING_ENTITY] WARNING: Sector[3](2, 2, 2) loading entity: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-R1rl5 took long: 201ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] Ship[Cargo](5) loaded activation state: ActBuffer 0; Delay 7; DelayNR 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[Cargo](5) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Right (17, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (2, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-L1 (16, 16, 17) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (47, 12, -13) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Front Lift (16, 16, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (16, 12, 12) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLR (17, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (28, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-R1rl5 (16, 16, 17) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (-15, 16, -13) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLL (15, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (30, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Left (15, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (4, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Shop(6) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][LOADENTITY] WARNING: SHOP IN Sector[3](2, 2, 2) FROM TAG: ENTITY_SHOP_1550216868206.ent took long: 30ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3520 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3510 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl355 (16, 15, 12) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (19, 16, 53) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358 (16, 14, 21) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (13, 16, 13) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3580 (17, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358 (18, 16, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3540 (17, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354 (18, 16, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3561 (17, 14, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357 (16, 16, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (16, 12, 20) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3570 (16, 15, -1) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357 (16, 11, 16) Rail Rotator Clock Wise(664)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3531 (17, 14, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 11) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3570 (16, 15, -1) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357 (16, 11, 16) Rail Rotator Clock Wise(664)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3590 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Left (15, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (4, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LBDRL](18) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Front Lift (16, 16, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (16, 12, 12) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[Front Lift](19) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (4, 16, 44) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3531 (17, 14, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 11) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3530 (17, 14, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354 (16, 14, 21) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (19, 16, 13) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3540 (17, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354 (18, 16, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (17, 0, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3520 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (15, 0, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3510 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3530 (17, 14, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_salvage spinner (16, 16, -13) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550263446856 (16, 17, -7) Rail Rotator Counter Clock Wise(669)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[salvage spinner](25) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LS-L1 (16, 16, 17) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (47, 12, -13) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LS-L1](26) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLL (15, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (30, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LBDLL](27) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3560 (17, 14, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 11) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_LBDLR (17, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (28, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LBDLR](29) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (15, 32, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3500 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Landing Bay Door Right (17, 16, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo (2, 10, -6) Rail Basic(662)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[LBDRR](31) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (17, 32, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3590 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl357 (16, 16, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (16, 12, 20) Rail Basic(662)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358 (16, 14, 21) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (13, 16, 13) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl359 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (17, 32, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (28, 16, 44) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (15, 32, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl354 (16, 14, 21) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (19, 16, 13) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl355 (16, 15, 12) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (19, 16, 53) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl353 (16, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (4, 16, 44) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl352 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (17, 0, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl351 (16, 15, 18) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (15, 0, -14) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3500 (14, 15, 15) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl350 (15, 17, 19) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3580 (17, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl358 (18, 16, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_salvage spinner (16, 16, -13) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Darkaneus_1550263446856 (16, 17, -7) Rail Rotator Counter Clock Wise(669)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] loaded rail relation from tag: (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35 (28, 16, 44) Rail Turret Axis(665)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) Expected to dock {(ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3561 (17, 14, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 20) Rail Turret Axis(665)], (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl3560 (17, 14, 16) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_f_mk6rl35rl356 (16, 15, 11) Rail Turret Axis(665)]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] WARNING: LOADING SECTOR TOOK SOME TIME... (2, 2, 2): STATS: inst 2ms, loadDB 0ms, add 99ms, entity 343ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] loaded faction for PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] -> 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][PLAYERSTATE] Set spawn sector from unloaded object: Sector[3](2, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] player LOADED FROM DISK iinpherno, credits: 0; Sector: (2, 2, 2); Invetory slots filled: 21; last login: 1574031125422; last logout: 1574031144451;
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] adding player to synch queue (ID: 2) (SECTOR: (2, 2, 2) [3])
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER] Client register setup phase 2 completed. Name: iinpherno; sending success to client
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][LOGIN] login received. returning login info for RegisteredClient: iinpherno (1) connected: true: returnCode: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=7, name=NPCFLT#MINING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#6, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(2, 1, 3), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_33, name=[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=88], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(1, 1, 3), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_35, name=[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=90], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(2, 1, 3), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_37, name=[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=92], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(2, 1, 3), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_39, name=[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=94]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 7; 1; [(11, 3, 7)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [Client] [LOGIN]: Client sucessfully registered with id: 1; Time Difference: -5 (W/O RTT 1574032105915); (RTT: 10)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=5, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#4, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_0, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #0 - B190-21 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=25], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_5, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #5 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=40], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_10, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #10 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=45], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_15, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #15 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=50], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_20, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #20 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=55], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_25, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #25 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=64], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(5, 2, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_30, name=[System Fleet 5] Defending #30 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=79]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 5; 2; [(11, 11, 2)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] logged in as: Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [CLIENT] executing login hooks...
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=4, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#3, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_1, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #1 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=36], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_6, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #6 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=41], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_11, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #11 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=46], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_16, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #16 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=51], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_21, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #21 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=56], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_26, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #26 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=67], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 7, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_31, name=[System Fleet 4] Defending #31 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=82]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 4; 2; [(2, 2, 13)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=6, name=NPCFLT#MINING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#5, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(3, 2, 1), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_34, name=[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=89], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(3, 2, 1), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_36, name=[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=91], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(3, 2, 1), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_38, name=[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=93], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(3, 2, 1), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_40, name=[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=95]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 6; 1; [(12, 3, 3)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=3, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#2, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_2, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #2 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=37], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_7, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #7 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=42], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_12, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #12 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=47], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_17, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #17 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=52], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_22, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #22 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=57], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_27, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #27 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=70], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(7, 4, 8), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_32, name=[System Fleet 3] Defending #32 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=85]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 3; 2; [(10, 5, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=1, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#0, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_3, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #3 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=38], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_8, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #8 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=43], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_13, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #13 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=48], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_18, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #18 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=53], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_23, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #23 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=58], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(6, 6, 9), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_28, name=[System Fleet 1] Defending #28 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=73]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 1; 2; [(8, 5, 13)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:25] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=2, name=NPCFLT#DEFENDING#-10000000#0, 0, 0#1, members=[FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_4, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #4 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=39], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_9, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #9 - B110-11 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=44], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_14, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #14 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=49], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_19, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #19 - B130-7 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=54], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_24, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #24 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=61], FleetMember [state=Server(0), sector=(8, 7, 6), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_29, name=[System Fleet 2] Defending #29 - B150-18 Defender, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=76]], owner=npc#-10000000_0_0_0, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] executed loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 2; 2; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 122 on Server(0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[salvage spinner](25) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[salvage spinner](25) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[salvage spinner](25) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LBDLL](27) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDLL](27) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDLL](27) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LS-L1](26) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LS-L1](26) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LS-L1](26) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LBDRR](31) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDRR](31) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDRR](31) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LBDLR](29) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDLR](29) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDLR](29) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LBDRL](18) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDRL](18) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LBDRL](18) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[Front Lift](19) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Front Lift](19) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Front Lift](19) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[Cargo](5) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 120
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] took 71
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SPAWNING WITH Shop(6): AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CREATURE] Server(0) SETTING AFFINITY OF AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] FROM null to Shop(6) on Server(0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CREATURE] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] align on Shop(6)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][AI][ACTIVATE] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th Enter gravity of 6
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Shop(6) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Shop(6) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Shop(6) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); [SERVER RemoteSector(3) true; (2, 2, 2)] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) [SERVER RemoteSector(3) true; (2, 2, 2)] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) [SERVER RemoteSector(3) true; (2, 2, 2)] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 37 objects took 112
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SET INITIAL SECTOR ID TO 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] RECEIVED STARTING SECTOR: (2, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Server is using default block behavior: CSUM: remote: f0635be39e4b2ab89df800d9372bcff141066c1b ::: local: f0635be39e4b2ab89df800d9372bcff141066c1b
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Server is using default block properties
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Server is using default block config
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] finished executing client hooks: [#document: null]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] synchronizing ALL Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 146651 bytes: Shop(6)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SEND][SERVERMESSAGE] [SERVERMSG (type 0): [484, iinpherno]] to RegisteredClient: iinpherno (1) connected: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Server message: %s has joined the game.
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 1, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 1, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 1, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441, id=96, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 1, 2) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_SHIP_Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441(dbId 96)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 49;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR][LOADING_ENTITY] WARNING: Sector[40](1, 1, 2) loading entity: ENTITY_SHIP_Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441 took long: 53ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] WARNING: LOADING SECTOR TOOK SOME TIME... (1, 1, 2): STATS: inst 0ms, loadDB 0ms, add 1ms, entity 53ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 1, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_35, id=90, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 1, 3) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_35(dbId 90)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 2, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 2, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 2, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 2, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 2, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 3, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 3, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 3, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 3, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (1, 3, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (1, 3, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 1, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 1, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 1, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 1, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 1, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_39, id=94, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_37, id=92, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_33, id=88, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 1, 3) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_39(dbId 94); ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_37(dbId 92); ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_33(dbId 88)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 2, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 2, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 2, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 2, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 3, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 3, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 3, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 3, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 3, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (2, 3, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 1, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 1, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 1, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 1, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 1, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 1, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 2, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_38, id=93, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_34, id=89, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_36, id=91, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_40, id=95, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=SHIP]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 2, 1) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_38(dbId 93); ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_34(dbId 89); ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_36(dbId 91); ENTITY_SHIP_FLTSHP_-10000000_0_0_0_40(dbId 95)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [DATABASE] LOADED ENTITIES: {EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093717_3_2_2_2, id=1365, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=ASTEROID], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093714_3_2_2_1, id=1363, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=ASTEROID], EntityUID [uid=ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093711_3_2_2_0, id=1364, spawnedOnlyInDb=false, type=ASTEROID]}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 2, 2) LOADED UIDs: ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093717_3_2_2_2(dbId 1365); ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093714_3_2_2_1(dbId 1363); ENTITY_FLOATINGROCK_1560536093711_3_2_2_0(dbId 1364)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][RAIL] Asteroid(71)sec[69](!) Expected to dock {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 2, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 2, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 3, 1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 3, 1) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 3, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 3, 2) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (3, 3, 3)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][SECTOR] (3, 3, 3) LOADED UIDs:
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector Ping took 102
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 108
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Shop(6)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [GRAVITY] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] Server(0) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Shop(6)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Server(0) AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] gravity change sent: NetworkGravity [gravityId=6, gravityIdReceive=-1, gravity=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gravityReceive=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gravityReceived=false, forcedFromServer=false]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [GRAVITY] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] changed gravity on Server(0) Shop(6) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] (client needs synch) SENDING SYNCHALL TO RegisteredClient: iinpherno (1) connected: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] sending ALLSYNCHRONIZING update to iinpherno 39, 39
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SYNC_SENDER] SENDING ALL OBJECTS: 39
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RULESET] serializing all Rules and properties.
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 28719 bytes: SenableGameState(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] sending remote forced animation 0: ForcedAnimation [type=null, animation=null, loopMode=null, speed=0.0, fullBody=false]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 41716 bytes: Shop(6)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] ALL-SYNCHRONIZE TO iinpherno TOOK 14 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] SYNCHALL TO RegisteredClient: iinpherno (1) connected: true took: 14
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] 1 Sync all update received
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] FORCED UPDATE
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER] sending remote forced animation 0: ForcedAnimation [type=null, animation=null, loopMode=null, speed=0.0, fullBody=false]
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: ArmorDamageCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: ReactorLevelCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: StabBonusCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: MissileCapacityElementManager$MissileCapacityReloadMode
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 11 on Server(0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] NM: UnitCalcStyle
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Asteroid(72)sec[69] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(72)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(72)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Asteroid(70)sec[69] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(70)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(70)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Asteroid(71)sec[69](!) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(71)sec[69](!) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Asteroid(71)sec[69](!) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RULE][NT] rulesetmanager received on CLIENT from sender id 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHEKCING ALL RULES FOR SERVER
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT][CATALOG] Received compressed catalog: Compressed 0 kb; uncompressed: 2kb
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(1) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) TOOK 21
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] Client(1) received skin filename
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [PlayerState] Client successfully received player state Client(1), owner: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CHAT] Client(1) initializing data from network object 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] 1 executed RequestSynchronizeAll. fetched objects 39
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] RE- synchronized client: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] connected to server localhost:4242
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] UPDATING AFTER LOGIN
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully connected
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] State initializing
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Chat initializing
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Client(1) asking for new IDS
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SENDING new ID RANGE TO CLIENT 77; packet -32763
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] Client got new ID range 77
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Client(1) received new IDS
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] ID RANGE AQUIRE TOOK 20
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Control Manager initializing
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [INSHIP] EXIT setting ship to null. Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [INSHIP] EXIT setting ship to null. Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] InternalCallback initializing
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] State initialized. GameMode: SANDBOX
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully initialized
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ################### ENGINE SETTINGS ##########################
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] C_USE_NEW_PLAYER_MODEL_ true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CONTROL_HELP false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] C_MOUSE_BUTTON_SWITCH false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_RESOLUTION 2560 x 1440
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_FULLSCREEN true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_WINDOWED_BORDERLESS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_PACK Default
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_PACK_RESOLUTION 256
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_VSYNCH false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MULTI_SAMPLE_TARGET 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MULTI_SAMPLE 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_GAMMA 2.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_FOV 85.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MAX_SEGMENTSDRAWN 200000
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_NORMAL_MAPPING true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOWS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_QUALITY ULTRA
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOWS_TARGET false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_QUALITY_TARGET BEST
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_PROD_BG true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_PROD_BG_QUALITY 4096
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_SURROUNDING_GALAXIES_IN_MAP true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] HIT_INDICATION_NUMBERS_LIFETIME 0.4
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PLAYER_SKIN_CREATE
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PLAYER_SKIN
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] D_LIFETIME_NORM 30
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_SOUND_SYS_ENABLED true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_SOUND_ENABLED true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_SOUND_VOLUME_GLOBAL 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_OPEN_AL_SOUND true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] N_TRANSMIT_RAW_DEBUG_POSITIONS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] C_SELECTED_JOYSTICK 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ICON_BAKERY_BLOCKSTYLE_ROTATE_DEG -90.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] MOUSE_WHEEL_SENSIBILITY 7.0E-4
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] BUILD_MODE_SHIFT_SPEED 25.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ORBITAL_CAM_SPEED 0.5
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DAMAGE_DISPLAY 600
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_STAR_COUNT 65536
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_VBO_BULKMODE_SIZE 4
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_FOG false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_BEAMS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_EXHAUST_PLUMES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] D_INFO_CONTROLMANAGER false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] D_INFO_SHADER_ERRORS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] T_ENABLE_TEXTURE_BAKER false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] D_INFO_DRAW_TIMES false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] D_INFO_DRAW_SPACE_PARTICLE false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SPACE_PARTICLE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_MOUSE_COLLISION false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_ATMOSPHERE_SHADER normal
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] F_FRAME_BUFFER false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_NEAR_DIST 1.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_FAR_DIST 75.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_NEAR 0.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_FAR 1.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_0 0.325
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_1 0.325
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_1 0.325
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_2 0.325
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MULT 1.005
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MAX -1000.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MIN 1000.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_EXTRA_BACKUP 20.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_NEAR_CLIP 0.05
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_0 0.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_1 10.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_2 10.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_3 3.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_0 0.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_1 100.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_2 50.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_3 150.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_NEAR_ADDED -100.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_0 -0.013
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_1 -0.002
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_2 -0.002
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_0 -0.023
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_1 -0.002
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_2 -0.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_FOV_ADDED_RAD 0.2
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOW_DISPLAY_SHADOW_MAP false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_SHIELDS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_WATER true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_BACKGROUND true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_WATER_USE_MIPMAPS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] E_NAVIGATION_FILTER 869
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_ENTITIES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_FRUSTUM_CULLING true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_EFFECTS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADER_RELOAD false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_FRAMERATE_FIXED 120
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADERS_ACTIVE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DEBUG_DRAW_GRID false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DEBUG_DRAW_LINES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] T_TERRAIN_DRAW true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] T_TERRAIN_WIREFRAME_DRAW false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_CULLING_ACTIVE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_ARRAYS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_AUTO_NORMALIZATION true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_BY_SIDES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_WIREFRAMED false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_BLOCKS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_COMPRESSION true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_MIPMAP true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_TEXTURE_MIPMAP true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHADOWS_VSM false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_PAUSED false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_SETTINGS_SHOW false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] MINIMAP_MODE SMALL
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_KEY_ALLOW_DUPLICATES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GIF_WIDTH 640
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GIF_HEIGHT 640
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GIF_FPS 15
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GIF_GUI false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GIF_QUALITY 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DEBRIS_THRESHOLD_SLOW_MS 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_INITIAL_SETTING Single Player
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_GAME_MODE Sandbox
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_BONE_ANIMATION true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] P_NT_DEBUG_ACTIVE false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE_OCCLUSION false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_MODE 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DEBUG_LINE_DRAWING_ACTIVATED false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_WINDOW_START_POSITION center
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_GUI_ACTIVE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_NO_OVERLAYS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_PARTICLE_SORTING true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] P_PHYSICS_ACTIVATED true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SMOKE_QUALITY false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_STARS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_PASTE_PREVIEW true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_SPRITE_VBO true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] TUTORIAL_NEW false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_AUTOSELECT_CONTROLLERS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_INFO_DRAW FPS_AND_PING
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_VBO_FLAG STATIC
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] N_LAG_COMPENSATION true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] N_SERVERTIME_UPDATE_FREQUENCY 10000
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] M_TEXTURE_PACK_CONFIG_TOOL ./data/textures/block/Default/64/
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MIPMAP_LEVEL_MAX 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] M_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY 0.5
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_HIT_INDICATION_SIZE 1.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] F_BLOOM true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] F_BLOOM_INTENSITY 0.4
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_MOUSE_LOCK true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_ADV_BUILDMODE_BLOCK_PREVIEW true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHOW_PURE_NUMBERS_FOR_SHIELD_AND_POWER false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_FLIP_HOTBAR_MOUSEWHEEL false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_INVERT_MOUSEWHEEL_HOTBAR false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_ZOOM_MOUSEWHEEL SLOTS
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_MOUSE_SHIP_INVERT false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_MOUSE_ALL_INVERT false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_USE_REGION_SIGNATURE_TEST false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_PREVIEW_TO_BUILD_BLOCK true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] S_EXIT_ON_ESC false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_HIGH_QUALITY_BACKGROUND false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_POPUPS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_VBO_MAP true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_JUMP_OVERLAY true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_BLOCKS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] BLOCK_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_GUI false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MAX_BEAMS 8192
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SEGMENT_REQUEST_BATCH 64
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_RESOLUTION 150
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LIGHT_RAY_COUNT 128
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_ICONS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MUST_CONFIRM_DETACHEMENT_AT_SPEED 50.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_SHADER4 true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] O_OCULUS_RENDERING false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING_ONLY false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CLIENT_TRAFFIC_CLASS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE_ALWAYS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_TWO_COMPONENT_SHADER false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] A_FORCE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD -1
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] MIN_FFA 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] B_UNDO_REDO_MAX 30
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_ANY_CONNECTIONS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_ALL_CONNECTIONS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] N_ARTIFICIAL_DELAY 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SEGMENT_PIECE_QUEUE_SINGLEPLAYER 32767
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_MAX_MISSILE_TRAILS 2048
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_USE_OCCLUSION_CULLING false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] C_AUTOASSIGN_WEAPON_SLOTS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_NT_STATS_OVERLAY false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CLIENT_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_PATH ./customBlockTextures
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SECRET none
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LIMIT_FPS_UNFOCUS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] GUI_USE_DISPLAY_LISTS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS_INITIAL_SET false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CHAT_CLOSE_ON_ENTER true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHIP_INFO_ZOOM 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_DRAW_LAG_OBJECTS_IN_HUD false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_SHOW_SYMMETRY_PLANES false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LANGUAGE_PACK english
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LANGUAGE_PACK_ASSIGNED true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] DELETE_SEVER_DATABASE_ON_STARTUP false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_BASIC_SELECTION_BOX false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] OFFLINE_PLAYER_NAME iinpherno
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ONLINE_PLAYER_NAME iinpherno
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SERVERLIST_COMPATIBLE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SERVERLIST_RESPONSIVE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SERVERLIST_FAVORITES false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SERVERLIST_CUSTOMS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CUBE_LIGHT_NORMALIZER_NEW_M true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SERVERLIST_LAST_SERVER_USED
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LAST_GAME SP;Creatiive;4242;iinpherno
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PLAY_INTRO true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SUBTITLES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] TUTORIAL_BUTTON_BLINKING false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] TUTORIAL_PLAY_INTRO false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] TUTORIAL_WATCHED introduction;
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SHOW_32BIT_WARNING true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_INTEGER_VERTICES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LOD_DISTANCE_IN_THRESHOLD 100.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] AUTOSET_RESOLUTION false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] FIRST_START false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_TGA_NORMAL_MAPS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PLUME_BLOOM true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] BLUEPRINT_STRUCTURE_BUILD_OPTIONS false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] BLOCK_STYLE_PRESET 70001, false, 53; 140002, false, 103; 90003, false, 69; 170004, false, 126; 150000, false, 108; 60000, false, 45; 130000, false, 94; 140004, false, 105; 110002, false, 82; 30004, false, 28; 50003, false, 41; 90002, false, 68; 60005, false, 50; 80001, false, 60; 50000, false, 38; 100, false, 7; 150006, false, 114; 190004, false, 140; 50001, false, 39; 30003, false, 27; 190005, false, 141; 50004, false, 42; 180004, false, 133; 100000, false, 73; 90000, false, 66; 70004, false, 56; 120003, false, 90; 40003, false, 34; 190006, false, 142; 180000, false, 129; 70002, false, 54; 100001, false, 74; 80005, false, 64; 190003, false, 139; 160004, false, 119; 300, false, 9; 120002, false, 89; 30001, false, 25; 5, true, 5; 100006, false, 79; 60006, false, 51; 10003, false, 13; 30000, false, 24; 10000, false, 10; 110003, false, 83; 150005, false, 113; 170002, false, 124; 1, true, 1; 160002, false, 117; 110005, false, 85; 140001, false, 102; 50005, false, 43; 70006, false, 58; 130002, false, 96; 70003, false, 55; 20001, false, 18; 10006, true, 16; 40006, false, 37; 180002, false, 131; 90001, false, 67; 30002, false, 26; 120005, false, 92; 60002, false, 47; 60004, false, 49; 130004, false, 98; 130003, false, 97; 30005, false, 29; 110001, false, 81; 80004, false, 63; 130005, false, 99; 180001, false, 130; 20002, false, 19; 120001, false, 88; 100004, false, 77; 90004, false, 70; 4, true, 4; 170006, false, 128; 140000, false, 101; 150004, false, 112; 140006, false, 107; 100005, false, 78; 20006, true, 23; 40000, false, 31; 130001, false, 95; 20004, false, 21; 70000, false, 52; 130006, false, 100; 50002, false, 40; 160003, false, 118; 160000, false, 115; 60001, false, 46; 80000, false, 59; 40002, false, 33; 50006, false, 44; 170005, false, 127; 110000, false, 80; 100003, false, 76; 70005, false, 57; 180005, false, 134; 140005, false, 106; 80006, false, 65; 140003, false, 104; 20005, false, 22; 170003, false, 125; 90006, false, 72; 20000, false, 17; 190000, false, 136; 20003, false, 20; 180006, false, 135; 190001, false, 137; 40001, false, 32; 60003, false, 48; 160005, false, 120; 170001, false, 123; 160001, false, 116; 150001, false, 109; 120004, false, 91; 40004, false, 35; 80002, false, 61; 190002, false, 138; 120006, false, 93; 110004, false, 84; 170000, false, 122; 10001, false, 11; 10002, false, 12; 80003, false, 62; 180003, false, 132; 200, false, 8; 150003, false, 111; 120000, false, 87; 30006, false, 30; 3, false, 3; 10005, false, 15; 100002, false, 75; 160006, false, 121; 150002, false, 110; 90005, false, 71; 10004, false, 14; 6, true, 6; 2, true, 2; 110006, false, 86; 40005, false, 36; 0, true, 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] DEBUG_SHIP_CAM_ON_RCONTROL false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] G_ELEMENT_COLLECTION_INT_ATT true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CONTEXT_HELP_PLACED_OLD_POWER_ON_NEW_SHIP true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CREATE_MANAGER_MESHES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] STRUCTURE_STATS_MINIMIZED false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ADVBUILDMODE_MINIMIZED false
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SECONDARY_MOUSE_CLICK_MINE_TIMER 1.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] TRACK_VRAM true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] DRAW_TOOL_TIPS true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ADVANCED_BUILD_MODE_STICKY_DELAY 230
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PERMA_OUTLINE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_ADV_ENERGY_BEAM_SHADER true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] USE_POLY_SCALING_ENERGY_STREAM true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] SHOW_MODULE_HELP_ON_CURSOR 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] PROFILER_MIN_MS 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] LOG_FILE_COUNT 20
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] BLOCK_ID_OF_CARGO_SPACE_BUILD_MODE 390
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CAMERA_DRONE_FLASHLIGHT_ON true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CAMERA_DRONE_OWN_VISIBLE true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] CAMERA_DRONE_DISPLAY_NAMES true
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ################### /ENGINE SETTINGS #########################
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] disposing connection dialog: null
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] GRAPHICS CONTEXT: obfuscated.brO@7a0f118f
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RESOURCE] EQUEUING ALL RESOURCES!
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RESOURCE] ENQUEING 3D MODELS -160
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] AFTER GRAPHICS RUN!
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RESOURCE] EQUEUING ALL RESOURCES!
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [RESOURCE] ENQUEING 3D MODELS -160
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ############## LOADING RESOURCE CONFIG_GUI
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [CLIENT] Loading GUI CONFIG: GuiConfig.xml
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] ############## LOADING RESOURCE ElementDataInitialization
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [GLFRAME] Content has been loaded
[2019-11-17 15:08:26] [AIPlayer] cannot plot random path for AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)]: Shop(6); from segment piece is null
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1280 / 720; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 2560 / 1440; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1280 / 720; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 640 / 360; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 320 / 180; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 160 / 90; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [UNIVERSE] creation time: 151 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [CLIENT] creating galaxy (0, 0, 0); Stars: 3121; created in: 152ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [CLIENT][STARSKY] reloading stars
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [CLIENT] Stars: NEW SYSTEM: (-2147483648, -2147483648, -2147483648)
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [TEXTURE] data\./effects/noise.png LOAD TAKEN: stream: 0 ms; data: 0 ms; create: 1 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [BG] updating field
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [STARFIELD] RECRATING WITH RESOLUTION: 4096
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 4096 / 4096; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 4096 / 4096; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/starsExt/field.vert.glsl and data\/shader/starsExt/field.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [CLIENT][BACKGROUND] generating background took: 9ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FBO] cleaning up FBO
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FBO] deleting Frame buffers
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FBO] cleaning up FBO
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [FBO] deleting Frame buffers
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/starsExt/stars.vsh and data\/shader/starsExt/stars.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/depthcube.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/depthcube.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [GRAPHICS] TRY USING VBO MAPPED BUFFER: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/shard/shard.vert.glsl and data\/shader/cube/shard/shard.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:27] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/scanline/scanline.vert.glsl and data\/shader/scanline/scanline.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/silhouette.vert.glsl and data\/shader/silhouetteAlpha.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/silhouette.vert.glsl and data\/shader/silhouette2DAlpha.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1280 / 720; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1280 / 720; Samples: 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl and data\/shader/bloom/bloom2.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl and data\/shader/bloom/bloom3.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl and data\/shader/bloom/bloom4.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/pointBloom/default.vert.glsl and data\/shader/pointBloom/blur1Vert.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/pointBloom/default.vert.glsl and data\/shader/pointBloom/blur2Hor.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/bloom/godrays.vert.glsl and data\/shader/bloom/godrays.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][SOUND] Sound Volume Changed to 0.4 (current background lvl: 0.18)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SOUND] flag settings changed!
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][CHAT] [MESSAGE] [SERVER]: iinpherno has joined the game.
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [GRAVITY] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(1) Shop(6) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CREATURE] Client(1) SETTING AFFINITY OF AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1550216891902_0)(A. Trader, the 4197431580537901556th)(38)] FROM null to Shop(6) on Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100007 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100007 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100007 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] for PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CHAT] Server(0) initializing data from network object 78
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 16 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RuleChange Received but not applied in game state yet. Not executing rule updates
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100005 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100001 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100002 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100003 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100006 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100004 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Metaobject 100000 is not available: requesting from server
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Not Updating false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Invites Changed
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) RECEIVED RULESET MANAGER. APPLYING
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) RECEIVED RULESET MANAGER. APPLYING
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(63) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(63) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(63) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(3) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(3) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(3) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(46) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(46) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(46) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER] Sending all available channels to PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]; total existing: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER] Sending available channel to PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]: all
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] selected template: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\templates\Bronzew Sheild Pannel.smtpl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] HOTBAR: selected Main
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl and data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl and data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] stars recreating from changed system; last (-2147483648, -2147483648, -2147483648); new (0, 0, 0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][STARSKY] reloading stars
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Stars: NEW SYSTEM: (0, 0, 0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/planet.vert.glsl and data\/shader/planet.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/atmosphere.vert.glsl and data\/shader/atmosphere.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] REQUESTING SYSTEM: (0, 0, 0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED TRADE NODES: 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Total nodes: 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Total nodes: 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Total nodes: 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3590](16) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[salvage spinner](25) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[salvage spinner](25) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[salvage spinner](25) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl359](32) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl352](22) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3531](14) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3530](24) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LBDLL](27) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDLL](27) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDLL](27) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3580](35) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Asteroid(72)sec[69] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(72)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(72)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Darkaneus_1550262181837](17) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl354](21) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl353](20) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3560](28) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3500](34) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LS-L1](26) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LS-L1](26) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LS-L1](26) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl357](13) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LBDRR](31) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDRR](31) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDRR](31) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LBDLR](29) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDLR](29) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDLR](29) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LBDRL](18) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDRL](18) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LBDRL](18) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[Front Lift](19) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Front Lift](19) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Front Lift](19) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Asteroid(70)sec[69] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(70)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(70)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl355](9) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35](33) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl358](10) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl356](37) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl350](30) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[Cargo](5) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Cargo](5) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[Cargo](5) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl351](23) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3510](8) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 1
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Shop(6) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Shop(6) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Shop(6) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3540](11) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[LS-R1rl5](4) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3570](15) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 3
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Asteroid(71)sec[69] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(71)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Asteroid(71)sec[69] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 0
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53) [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(62) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(62) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(62) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 120
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Client received new channel: all; creating...
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; CREATE
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] successfully rejoined all; opening chat: false
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: You have been invited
by Darkaneus to join
the faction
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(69) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(69) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(69) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(49) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(49) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(49) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(57) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(57) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(57) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(64) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(64) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(64) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(51) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(51) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(51) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(56) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(56) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(56) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(60) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(60) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(60) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(40) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(40) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(40) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(58) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(58) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(58) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(73) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(73) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(73) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(50) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(50) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(50) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(76) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(76) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(76) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(44) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(44) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(44) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(47) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(47) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(47) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(52) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(52) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(52) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(61) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(61) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(61) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(42) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(42) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(42) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(75) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(75) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(75) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(48) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(48) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(48) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(59) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(59) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(59) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(74) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(74) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(74) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(39) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(39) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(39) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 100
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); [CLIENT ReSector(45) true] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(45) true] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) [CLIENT ReSector(45) true] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=10001, name=anusis, description=Faction name, size: 1; FP: 90] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1, name=Pirates, description=Ravaging space pirates, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1002, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 2, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1007, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 7, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1005, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 5, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-9999998, name=Scavengers, description=The Scavengers are a violent people. They care only for themselves, and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Space is a bleak place, and it has driven them to the extremes.Their unwillingness to work with others leaves them at a disadvantage. As a result, the Scavengers are fairly weak. They are little more than a nuisance to many other factions., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2004, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 4, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1004, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 4, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2001, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 1, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-9999999, name=Outcasts, description=The Outcasts is a loose organization comprised of many different alien species. The harshness of space has left these people without a home, and so they rely on each to survive. The Outcasts are not particularly strong, but treat outsiders with justifiable wariness. The Outcasts are spread thin across the stars and seek to avoid the attention of others., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1006, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 6, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1001, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 1, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2003, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 3, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2002, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 2, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1003, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 3, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-1000, name=Enemy Fauna Fac 0, description=An Enemy Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2007, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 7, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-10000000, name=Traders, description=The Trading Guild is a collection of large corporations. They work to better themselves primarily through trade and economics.The Trading Guild treats others with neutrality, and they hardly care who or what they sell their products to. Their wealth grants them strength, but they are a relatively peaceful faction., size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2, name=Trading guild, description=The intergalactic trading guild, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2000, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 0, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2006, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 6, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] GET GLOBAL RULES {}; 105
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1); Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] ON RULE CHANGED: []
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] INDIVIDUAL RULES 0; MAP: {}
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] Client(1) Faction [id=-2005, name=Neutral Fauna Fac 5, description=A Neutral Fanua Faction, size: 0; FP: 100] [ONRULECHANGE] RESULT: TOTAL: 0; globalSets: 0; individualSets: 0;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER][PLAYERMESSAGE] received message request from PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] for 10 messages
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER][GALAXY] REQUESTING SYSTEM (0, 0, 0); exists in DB: true; TIME: 3ms: GalaxyRequestAndAwnser [ownerUID=NPC-HOMEBASE_4_4_4, factionUID=-10000000, secX=2, secY=2, secZ=2, networkObjectOnServer=NetworkObject(NetworkClientChannel; 0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER][GALAXY] SENDING SYSTEM BACK TO CLIENT: 2, 2, 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [DB] loading messages set from 1574032108349 for receiver iinpherno: SELECT SENDER, RECEIVER, TOPIC, MESSAGE, SENT, READ FROM PLAYER_MESSAGES WHERE RECEIVER = 'iinpherno' AND SENT < 1574032108349 ORDER BY SENT DESC LIMIT 10;
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 1005113 / 1048576
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=166, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#76, members=[], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 166; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[Darkaneus_1550263446856](36)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SERVER][FLEET] Fleet [dbid=165, name=GNPCFLT#TRADING#-10000000#75, members=[], owner=gnpc#-10000000, parentFleet=0, missionString=idle, state=Server(0), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] loaded command [FLEETCOMMAND: 165; 3; [(4, 4, 4)]]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] RECEIVED 4 CONTROL ELEMENT MAP ENTRIES FOR Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) TOOK 41
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #34 - C140-9 Miner](66)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #33 - C140-9 Miner](55)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Program Files (x86)\Starmade\starmade-launcher-win32-x64\StarMade\.\texTmp
[2019-11-17 15:08:28] [SEGMENTMANAGER] QUEUE SIZE CURRENTLY 4957
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 66ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 5::: HashSet: {186336486122782736, 186336486122913808, 186336486122979344, 186336486122848272, 186336486123044880}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER] Ship[Cargo](5) Failed Activating 1 Blocks
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 11ms; f_mk6rl35rl3520; MANAGER[Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3520](7)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 81ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 1::: HashSet: {187743757927252030}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 14::: HashSet: {186617883789951011, 186617883789951009, 186617883789950983, 186617883789950981, 186617883789950980, 186617883789950982, 186617883789951008, 186617883789950985, 186617883789951010, 186617883789951007, 186617883789950984, 186617883789951012, 186617883789950986, 186617883789951006}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 4::: HashSet: {186617883790016542, 186617883790016514, 186617883790016540, 186617883790016516}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 42::: HashSet: {186617853726425073, 186617853725376559, 186617853725966321, 186617853725442033, 186617853726490609, 186617853726556145, 186617853725704239, 186617853726359537, 186617853725769775, 186617853726162991, 186617853725507631, 186617853725442095, 186617853725573167, 186617853726425135, 186617853725704177, 186617853726228527, 186617853726359599, 186617853725769713, 186617853726031857, 186617853726621681, 186617853725638703, 186617853725900847, 186617853726752753, 186617853725573105, 186617853726294001, 186617853726031919, 186617853726621743, 186617853725638641, 186617853726687217, 186617853726556207, 186617853726490671, 186617853725900785, 186617853725507569, 186617853726097393, 186617853725835311, 186617853726097455, 186617853726294063, 186617853726687279, 186617853725966383, 186617853726162929, 186617853726228465, 186617853725835249}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) CANNOT ACTIVATE: totalSize: 0 / controlMap: 14::: HashSet: {186617883790016508, 186617883789951000, 186617883789951004, 186617883789950978, 186617883789950976, 186617883789950998, 186617883790016511, 186617883789951001, 186617883789950977, 186617883790016509, 186617883789951002, 186617883789951003, 186617883789950999, 186617883790016510}
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER] Ship[Cargo](5) Failed Activating 5 Blocks
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Shop(6); 1574032109420; 1574032109270
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Shop(6); 1574032109491; 1574032109331
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 77ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 11ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 11ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 15ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 16ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 27ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 14ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 45ms; Adding took: 2ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 38ms; Adding took: 3ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 12ms; Adding took: 2ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.aI@1fd1517d
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER][PLAYERSTATE] Set spawn sector from loaded object: Sector[3](2, 2, 2)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER][SPAWN] SPAWNING NEW CHARACTER FOR PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER][SPAWN] PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]; Relative: Ship[Cargo](5) -> (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243); objOrigin: (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER][SPAWN] Gravity object to use for PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] set to: ENTITY_SHIP_Cargo
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SERVER][PlayerCharacter] Server(0) Set initial transform to (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 46ms; Adding took: 16ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Asteroid(72)sec[69]; 1574032109959; 1574032109937
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 70ms; Adding took: 14ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] Server(0) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] Server(0) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Server(0) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] gravity change sent: NetworkGravity [gravityId=5, gravityIdReceive=-1, gravity=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gravityReceive=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gravityReceived=false, forcedFromServer=true]
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] changed gravity on Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:29] [CLIENT]: PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] request control: null -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]; Entered: null
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT] client spawned character and player: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]; PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(1) Ship[Cargo](5) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector UPDATE took 31; sectors updated: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 31
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 75ms; Adding took: 11ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl and data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] INCOMING REQUEST (NT) Server(0); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerUnitRequest [fromId=-1, toId=177, hideExitedObject=false, fromParam=(0, 0, 0), toParam=(0, 0, 0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Asteroid(72)sec[69]; 1574032110064; 1574032109989
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Server(0)): PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] INCOMING REQUEST (NT) Client(1); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerUnitRequest [fromId=-1, toId=177, hideExitedObject=false, fromParam=(0, 0, 0), toParam=(0, 0, 0)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/hud/powerbar/powerbarHorizontal.vert.glsl and data\/shader/hud/powerbar/powerbarHorizontal.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT][SPAWN] Spawned on object: Ship[Cargo](5); (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243), local (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) -> (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [INSHIP] EXIT setting ship to null. Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] BACKGROUND SOUND: 0.14; 0.35; 0.4
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(1)): PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]; at: (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] FLAG changed gravity on Server(0) Ship[Cargo](5) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [INSHIP] EXIT setting ship to null. Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.9890836, -0.055749774, 0.13640249)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [KINEMATIC] Client(1) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]: FROM (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243); (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (23.344091, -369.34067, 36.541645); Client(1)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(1)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]: (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243) -> (23.344091, -369.34067, 36.541645)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(1) Ship[Cargo](5) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block,
press UP.
Time left to use this: 8 sec
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Asteroid(72)sec[69]; 1574032110309; 1574032110268
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 35ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Asteroid(72)sec[69]; 1574032110382; 1574032110339
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 24ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] USE BUFFER RANGE: true
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector UPDATE took 32; sectors updated: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 32
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector UPDATE took 44; sectors updated: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 44
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector UPDATE took 57; sectors updated: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:30] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 57
[2019-11-17 15:08:31] [UNIVERSE] WARNING: Sector UPDATE took 33; sectors updated: 27
[2019-11-17 15:08:31] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 33
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] [IO] WARNING Deserialize Read last changed from the future future Asteroid(70)sec[69]; 1574032112029; 1574032112005
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 16, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 14, 39); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 6); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 17, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 17, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (10, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:32] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (8, 14, 27); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:33] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #39 - C140-9 Miner](53)
[2019-11-17 15:08:33] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 289ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 16, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 6); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 14, 39); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 17, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 17, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (10, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (8, 14, 27); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #37 - C140-9 Miner](54)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 16, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 6); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (11, 14, 39); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (16, 17, 16); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 17, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (10, 16, 35); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (8, 14, 27); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Exception: not adding controller block. not a type (0); (12, 16, 7); Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 15ms; Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441; MANAGER[Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 16ms; Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441; MANAGER[Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((0, 0, -160))[s12800; Hash-65336; id 141287] took 89
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 16ms; Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441; MANAGER[Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 17ms; Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441; MANAGER[Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((32, -64, -32))[s12793; Hash-1040359; id 141313] took 78
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((32, -32, 0))[s24928; Hash-975334; id 141294] took 127
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((0, 0, -128))[s24100; Hash-65368; id 141308] took 138
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((32, -32, 32))[s11597; Hash-975302; id 141320] took 57
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((32, -64, 0))[s12641; Hash-974854; id 141339] took 51
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT] Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41) revalidating this segment Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)((0, 0, -96))[s22500; Hash-65400; id 141328] took 117
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 853ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 14ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 13ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 13ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 19ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 24ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 11ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 11ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 29ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 20ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 12ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 16ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 45ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 15ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 39ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 18ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 30ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 19ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 55ms; Adding took: 1ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 56ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 15ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 13ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/transporter/transporter.vert.glsl and data\/shader/transporter/transporter.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:34] Client(1) Received Transporter Settings: Ubber Anus pa 2
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 55ms; Adding took: 25ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 29ms; Adding took: 15ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit830433595[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit830433595[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit830433595[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 16ms; Adding took: 12ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 42ms; Adding took: 10ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit478929226[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit478929226[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit478929226[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 115ms; Adding took: 26ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit938334957[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit938334957[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit938334957[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] Client(1) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 46ms; [System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner; MANAGER[Ship[[System Fleet 7] Mining #35 - C140-9 Miner](43)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 52 objects took 52
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 54ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 118ms; Adding took: 59ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit86982074[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit86982074[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] StabilizerUnit86982074[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE::: Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] HIT RESULT near: (16, 16, 16)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][inactive][127Bhp; 100 Fhp][BLOCK], on Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (16, 16, 16)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][inactive][127Bhp; 100 Fhp][BLOCK]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] Player character enter used
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT]: PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] -> Ship[Cargo](5); Entered: Ship[Cargo](5); (16, 16, 16)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][inactive][127Bhp; 100 Fhp][BLOCK]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLERSTATE] INCOMING REQUEST (NT) Server(0); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerUnitRequest [fromId=177, toId=5, hideExitedObject=true, fromParam=(0, 0, 0), toParam=(16, 16, 16)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Server(0); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]; detach pos: (12.2301855, -374.24747, 11.327543)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] removed warp token, because character entered structure!
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Server(0)): PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLERSTATE] INCOMING REQUEST (NT) Client(1); PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerUnitRequest [fromId=177, toId=5, hideExitedObject=true, fromParam=(0, 0, 0), toParam=(16, 16, 16)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 86ms; Adding took: 10ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(1); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)]; detach pos: (12.2301855, -374.24747, 11.327543)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_iinpherno)(177)] removed warp token, because character entered structure!
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] SHIPCAMERA: onSwitch called
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(1)): PlS[iinpherno ; id(2)(1)f(0)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo](5)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Cargo](5); at: (22.355007, -369.2849, 36.405243)
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] RESET BHELPER INSTANCE
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl and data\/shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh and data\/shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/selectionSolid.vert.glsl and data\/shader/cube/selectionSolid.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHADER][SUCCESS] loading data\/shader/cube/selectionSingle.vert.glsl and data\/shader/cube/selectionSingle.frag.glsl
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 23ms; [System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner; MANAGER[Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #38 - C140-9 Miner](65)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 395ms; Adding took: 84ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] Client(1) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 33ms; f_mk6rl35rl3561; MANAGER[Ship[f_mk6rl35rl3561](12)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [CLIENT] registering stabilizer mesh. Vertices: 20896
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SHIP] Server(0) Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #40 - C140-9 Miner](68) AI udpate took 30
[2019-11-17 15:08:35] [SEGMENT_DRAWER] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 32(31.0247); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 52 objects took 51
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 849ms; Adding took: 10ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 923ms; Adding took: 20ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 824ms; Adding took: 9ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 91ms; Adding took: 17ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 854ms; Adding took: 15ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit979929293[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 798ms; Adding took: 45ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit979929293[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit979929293[(28, -31, -341)/(58, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] Client(1) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 14ms; [System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner; MANAGER[Ship[[System Fleet 6] Mining #36 - C140-9 Miner](67)]
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 15ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 53ms; Adding took: 17ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1104769735[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1104769735[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 14ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1104769735[(-25, -31, -341)/(5, 3, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 48ms; Adding took: 9ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1808568594[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 572ms; Adding took: 13ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1808568594[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1808568594[(28, 6, -341)/(58, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 32ms; Adding took: 8ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1301445715[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 10000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1301445715[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 20000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:36] StabilizerUnit1301445715[(-25, 6, -341)/(5, 40, -256)](38822; 38822; DONE: 30000 / 38822; avg processing: 0.00 ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 25ms; Adding took: 6ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 13ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] GL_ERROR: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] org.schema.schine.graphicsengine.core.GLException: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at org.schema.schine.graphicsengine.core.GlUtil.g(SourceFile:1433)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brz.a(SourceFile:170)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.iN.draw(SourceFile:461)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brJ.g(SourceFile:503)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brJ.a(SourceFile:645)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brO.b(SourceFile:753)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] GLFRAME processErrorDialogException()
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] org.schema.schine.graphicsengine.core.GLException: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at org.schema.schine.graphicsengine.core.GlUtil.g(SourceFile:1433)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brz.a(SourceFile:170)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.iN.draw(SourceFile:461)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brJ.g(SourceFile:503)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brJ.a(SourceFile:645)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at obfuscated.brO.b(SourceFile:753)
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:37] at
[2019-11-17 15:08:38] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 14ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:39] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 11ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:39] [ElementCollectionMesh] WARNING: Mesh calculation took long: 16ms; Adding took: 0ms
[2019-11-17 15:08:41] Server(0) MANAGER_CONTAINER TOOK TOO LONG: 16ms; Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441; MANAGER[Ship[Ubber Anus Mk3_1550217023441](41)]

Event Timeline