[2016-04-04 02:37:51] [VERION] loading version from install dir: .\ [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.19624 [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [VERSION] BUILD: 20160320_064526 [2016-04-04 02:37:51] #################### StarMade ####################### [2016-04-04 02:37:51] # version 0.19624 - build 20160320_064526 # [2016-04-04 02:37:51] ##################################################### [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [SERIAL] "not retrieved" [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\data\config\FactionConfig.xml to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\customFactionConfig\FactionConfigTemplate.xml [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\data\config\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\customFactionConfig\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\data\config\customBlockBehaviorConfigTemplate.xml to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\customBlockBehaviorConfig\customBlockBehaviorConfigTemplate.xml [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\data\config\customBlockBehaviorConfigHOWTO.txt to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\customBlockBehaviorConfig\customBlockBehaviorConfigHOWTO.txt [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [RESOURCES][CustomTextures] No need to create pack.zip. Hash matches (as rewriting a zip changes the hash on it) [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [SERVER] using world: world0; .\server-database\world0\ [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INIT] Segment Database Path: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\server-database\world0\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir sucessfull (gives false if exists)? false [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [LIBLOADER] OS ARCHITECTURE amd64 [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [LIBLOADER] LOADED WINDOWS 64bit NATIVE LIBRARIES [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [LIBLOADER] LOADED NATIVE LIBRARIES [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [MAIN] LOADED ENGINE SETTINGS [2016-04-04 02:37:51] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:37:51] : [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [2016-04-04 02:37:51] 00 G-Darius - EPISODE 0.ogg [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INITIALIZE] REMOTE CLASSES REGISTERED [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INITIALIZE] RESOURCE MANAGER INITIALIZED [2016-04-04 02:37:51] ERROR: no content in Resource: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\file:\D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0%20Mondes\0.19624\StarMade.jar!\org\schema\game\network\commands [2016-04-04 02:37:51] ################# Loading from JAR ##################### [2016-04-04 02:37:51] ######################################################## [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INITIALIZE] REMOTE COMMANDS REGISTERED [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INITIALIZE] SECURITY MANAGER SET [2016-04-04 02:37:51] [INITIALIZE] COMMAND ID's ASSIGNED [2016-04-04 02:37:52] Error [2016-04-04 02:37:52] : [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [2016-04-04 02:37:52] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [INITIALIZE] BLOCK CONFIGURATION READ [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [MAIN] INITIALIZATION COMPLETED [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [MAIN] CHECKING IF MIGRATION NECESSARY [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [BLUEPRINT][MIGRATION] NO CONVERSION NEEDED: no old bb file exists: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\blueprints\catalog.txt [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS! [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 17 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 18ms [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [MAIN] MIGRATION PROCESS DONE [2016-04-04 02:37:52] [MAIN] INITIALIZING PRECALCULATED EXPLOSION DATA [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [MAIN] STARTING WITH ARGUMENTS: [-force, -port:4242] [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\data\language\defaultPack.xml to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\language\english\pack.xml [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT - DOWN [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY DOWN - STRAFE_LEFT [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT - DOWN [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY DOWN - STRAFE_LEFT [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT - DOWN [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY DOWN - STRAFE_LEFT [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT - DOWN [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY DOWN - STRAFE_LEFT [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT - DOWN [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY DOWN - STRAFE_LEFT [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY UP_SHIP - ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP - UP_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP - ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY UP_SHIP - ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_LEFT_SHIP - STRAFE_LEFT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP - UP_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY UP_SHIP - ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ROTATE_RIGHT_SHIP - UP_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY FORWARD_SHIP - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - FORWARD_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY WEAPON_PANEL - SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SELECT_NEAREST_ENTITY - WEAPON_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:37:54] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:37:54] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:37:54] : [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [2016-04-04 02:37:54] Sins of a Solar Empire - Quiet 6.ogg [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [LANGUAGE] Loading English; Version: 0 [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [LANGUAGE] LOADED FONT PATH/NAME: font/Monda-Regular.ttf [2016-04-04 02:37:54] Error [2016-04-04 02:37:54] : [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [2016-04-04 02:37:54] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [LookAndFeel] NATIVE LF com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [CLIENT][GUI] Starting Client Login&Settings Dialog [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [TEXTURE-PACK] WARNING: ignoring lava.png: not a directory [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [TEXTURE-PACK] WARNING: ignoring lava.png.zip: not a directory [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [TEXTURE-PACK] WARNING: ignoring shield_tex.png: not a directory [2016-04-04 02:37:54] [TEXTURE-PACK] WARNING: ignoring shield_tex.png.zip: not a directory [2016-04-04 02:37:54] Difficulty read: easy [2016-04-04 02:37:54] WRITTEN SERVER DIFFICULTY LEVEL 10 [2016-04-04 02:38:09] [INIT] Retrieved auth style: 1 [2016-04-04 02:38:11] [API-LOGIN] REQUESTING OWN INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:11] [API-LOGIN] REQUESTING AUTH TOKEN TO AUTHORIZE ON SERVER [2016-04-04 02:38:11] [OAuth2] Requesting Auth Token https://registry.star-made.org/api/v1/users/login_request.json [2016-04-04 02:38:12] [OAuth2] server_auth token aquired [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT][TEXTURE] CURRENT TEX PACK: Default [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] initializing 0.19624 (20160320_064526) [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 02:38:16] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] Added observer for GameClientController [2016-04-04 02:38:16] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7 [2016-04-04 02:38:16] Attempting to use default windows plug-in. [2016-04-04 02:38:16] Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT][GAMEINPUT] TOTAL INPUT DEVICES: 2 [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [JOYSTICK] reading config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [JOYSTICK] writing config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully created [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] trying to connect to sm.starside.space:4242 [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] establishing new socket connection to sm.starside.space:4242 [2016-04-04 02:38:16] [CLIENT] Trying TCP... [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] SOCKET CONNECTED TO SERVER [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] logging in now... Croquelune; sm.starside.space:4242; [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [Client] [LOGIN]: Client sucessfully registered with id: 7 [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] logged in as: Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] executing login hooks... [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Croquelune]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPING INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPED INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPING INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPED INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] SET INITIAL SECTOR ID TO 1616 [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] RECEIVED STARTING SECTOR: (587, -3, -269) [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [Client] Block behavior Checksum check failed: [2016-04-04 02:38:26] Remote: 78661f228aa42edfb62a4a8bfda883e80a1a8ed9 [2016-04-04 02:38:26] Local: 6470c7cd3235c1bca2b5476bd2d591ea720e378e [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPING INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPED INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [Client] Found valid blockProperties cache file for this server in D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\client-database\sm.starside.space-block-behavior.xml [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] Server is using default block properties [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] Server is using default block config [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] finished executing client hooks: [#document: null] [2016-04-04 02:38:26] [CLIENT] synchronizing ALL Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:38:27] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 143800 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:38:31] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPING INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:31] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 1521636 / 1521636 [2016-04-04 02:38:31] [SYNCHRONIZE] Client(7) IS WAITING TO SYNCH WITH SERVER - SKIPPED INPUT [2016-04-04 02:38:38] [CLIENT] 7 Sync all update received [2016-04-04 02:38:38] [SYNCHRONIZE] FORCED UPDATE [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](1038) TOOK 60 [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@55d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@55d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2af Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Samsonite, add=true, senderId=0, permission=3] [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2af Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Samsonite, add=true, senderId=0, permission=3] [2016-04-04 02:38:39] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 424 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] Client(7) received skin filename defaultMale [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=523 (null), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Client(7) received skin filename defaultMale [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 1190 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@66f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@66f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Client(7) received skin filename defaultMale [2016-04-04 02:38:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=719 (null), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [PlayerState] Client successfully received player state Client(7), owner: 7 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 781 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@17b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Exozen, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@17b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=eliteman45, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@17b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Exozen, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@17b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=eliteman45, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@46c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@46c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@3a6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@3a6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(394, 11, -130), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MT DRN HRMT1459475302044rl30, name=MT DRN HRMT1459475302044rl30, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=629553]], name=Apuntalo, owner=sachys, dbid=368, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(52, -15, -22), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1, name=Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=408317]], name=mine test fleet, owner=thriver, dbid=215, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(52, -15, -22), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Fleet Miner X111459560959085rl7, name=Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=641706], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(52, -15, -22), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Fleet Harvester X111459631865507, name=Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=645359], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(52, -15, -22), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Fleet Harvester X111459632325310, name=Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=645370]], name=HARVESTER FLEET, owner=thriver, dbid=379, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT SenableGameState(1) TOOK 50 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] 7 executed RequestSynchronizeAll. fetched objects 986 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] RE- synchronized client: 7 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] connected to server sm.starside.space:4242 [2016-04-04 02:38:41] UPDATING AFTER LOGIN [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully connected [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] State initializing [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] Chat initializing [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CLIENT] Client(7) asking for new IDS [2016-04-04 02:38:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:38:42] Client got new ID range 1718 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] Client(7) received new IDS [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] ID RANGE AQUIRE TOOK 624 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] Control Manager initializing [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen) [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen) [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT][CONTROLLER] Switched to auto roam (spawn screen) [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] InternalCallback initializing [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] State initialized. GameMode: SANDBOX [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] Client State and Controller successfully initialized [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ################### ENGINE SETTINGS ########################## [2016-04-04 02:38:42] C_USE_NEW_PLAYER_MODEL_ true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] CONTROL_HELP false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] C_MOUSE_BUTTOM_SWITCH false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_RESOLUTION 1920 x 1080 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_FULLSCREEN true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_VSYNCH false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_FOV 110.0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MAX_SEGEMENTSDRAWN 5000 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_SURROUNDING_GALAXIES_IN_MAP false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] HIT_INDICATION_NUMBERS_LIFETIME 0.6 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] D_LIFETIME_NORM 30 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_WINDOWED_BORDERLESS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_SOUND_SYSTEM_ENABLED true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_SOUND_ENABLED false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_SOUND_VOLUME_GLOBAL 10 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] N_TRANSMIT_RAW_DEBUG_POSITIONS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] C_SELECTED_JOYSTICK 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ICON_BAKERY_BLOCKSTYLE_ROTATE_DEG -90.0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] MOUSE_WHEEL_SENSIBILITY 7.0E-4 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] BUILD_MODE_SHIFT_SPEED 25.0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ORBITAL_CAM_SPEED 0.5 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DAMAGE_DISPLAY 600 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_STAR_COUNT 4096 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_VBO_BULKMODE_SIZE 4 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_FOG false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_BEAMS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_EXHAUST_PLUMS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] D_INFO_CONTROLMANAGER false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] D_INFO_SHADER true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] T_ENABLE_TEXTURE_BAKER false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] D_INFO_DRAW_TIMES false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] D_INFO_DRAW_SPACE_PARTICLE false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SPACE_PARTICLE true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_MOUSE_COLLISION false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_ATMOSPHERE_SHADER normal [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHADOW_QUALITY ULTRA [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_SHIELDS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_WATER true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_BACKGOUND true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_WATER_USER_MIPMAPS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] E_NAVIGATION_FILTER 1021 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_ENTITIES true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_FRUSTUM_CULLTING true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_EFFECTS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHADER_RELOAD false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_FRAMRATE_FIXED -1 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHADERS_ACTIVE true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DEBUG_DRAW_GRID false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DEBUG_DRAW_LINES true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] F_FRAME_BUFFER_USE false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] T_TERRAIN_DRAW true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] T_TERRAIN_WIREFRAME_DRAW false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_CULLING_ACTIVE true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_ARRAYS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_AUTO_NORMALIZATION true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_BY_SIDES true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_WIREFRAMED false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_NORMAL_MAPPING false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_BLOCKS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_COMPRESSION true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_MIPMAP true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_MIPMAP true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHADOWS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHADOWS_VSM false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_PAUSED false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_SETTINGS_SHOW false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] MINIMAP_MODE LARGE [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] SECTOR_INDICATION_MODE INDICATION_AND_ARROW [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_KEY_ALLOW_DUPLICATES true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_PROD_BG true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_PROD_BG_QUALITY 4096 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_PACK Default [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] GIF_WIDTH 640 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] GIF_HEIGHT 640 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] GIF_FPS 15 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] GIF_GUI false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DEBRIS_THRESHOLD_MS 4 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_TEXTURE_PACK_RESOLUTION 256 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_INITIAL_SETTING Multi Player [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_GAME_MODE Sandbox [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_BONE_ANIMATION true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] P_NT_DEBUG_ACTIVE false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE_OCCLUSION false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_MODE 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DEUBG_LINE_DRAWING_ACTIVATED false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_WINDOW_START_POSITION center [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_GUI_ACTIVE true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_NO_OVERLAYS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_PARTICLE_SORTING true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] P_PHYSICS_ACTIVATED true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SMOKE_QUALITY false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_STARS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_PASTE_PREVIEW true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_SPRITE_VBO true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_TUTORIAL false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_AUTOSELECT_CONTROLLERS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_INFO_DRAW SOME_INFO [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_VBO_FLAG STATIC [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] N_LAG_COMPENSATION true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] N_IGNORE_SAVED_UPLINK_CREDENTIALS_IN_SINGLEPLAYER true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] N_SERVER_TIME_UPDATE_FREQUENCE 2000 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] M_TEXTURE_PACK_CONFIG_TOOL ./data/textures/block/Default/64/ [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MULTI_SAMPLE 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MIPMAP_LEVEL_MAX 3 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] M_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY 0.5 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_HIT_INDICATION_SIZE 1.0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] F_BLOOM true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] F_BLOOM_INTENSITY 0.4 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_MOUSE_LOCK true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_ADV_BUILDMODE_BLOCK_PREVIEW true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_ALL_CONNECTIONS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHOW_PURE_NUMBERS_FOR_SHIELD_AND_POWER false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_FLIP_HOTBAR_MOUSEWHEEL_WITHOUT_CTRL true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_ZOOM_MOUSEWHEEL SLOTS [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_MOUSE_SHIP_INVERT false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_MOUSE_ALL_INVERT false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_USE_REGION_SIGNATURE_TEST false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_PREVIEW_TO_BUILD_BLOCK true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] S_EXIT_ON_ESC false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_HIGH_QUALITY_ACKGROUND true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_POPUPS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_VBO_MAP true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_JUMP_OVERLAY true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_BLOCKS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_GUI false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MAX_BEAMS 1024 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] SEGMENT_REQUEST_BATCH 32 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE 65536 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_RESOLUTION 150 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_RAYTRACE_COUNT 256 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_ICONS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MUST_CONFIRM_DETACHEMENT_AT_SPEED 50.0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_SHADER4 true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] O_OCULUS_RENDERING false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING_ONLY false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] CLIENT_TRAFFIC_CLASS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_TWO_COMPENENT_SHADER false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] A_FORCE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD -1 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] MIN_FFA 2 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] B_UNDO_REDO_MAX 30 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] N_ARTIFICIAL_DELAY 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] SEGMENT_PIECE_QUEUE_SINGLEPLAYER 32767 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_MAX_MISSILE_TRAILS 128 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_USE_OCCLUSION_CULLING false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] C_AUTOASSIGN_WEAPON_SLOTS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_NT_STATS_OVERLAY false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] CLIENT_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_PATH ./customBlockTextures [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] SECRET none [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] USE_OPEN_AL_SOUND true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] LIMIT_FPS_UNFOCUS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] GUI_USE_DISPLAY_LISTS false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS_INITIAL_SET true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] CHAT_CLOSE_ON_ENTER true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] A_FORCE_LOCAL_SAVE_ENABLED_IN_SINGLE_PLAYER false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHIP_INFO_ZOOM 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_DRAW_LAG_OBJECTS_IN_HUD false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] G_SHOW_SYMMETRY_PLANES true [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] LANGUAGE_PACK english [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2016-04-04 02:38:42] DELETE_SEVER_DATABASE_ON_STARTUP false [2016-04-04 02:38:42] ################### /ENGINE SETTINGS ######################### [2016-04-04 02:38:42] [CLIENT] disposing connection dialog: null [2016-04-04 02:38:42] FULLSCREEN true; 1920 / 1080 [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1176 x 664 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 16 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 16 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 800 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 768 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 768 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 32 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1440 x 480 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 800 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1360 x 768 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1366 x 768 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1600 x 1024 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 576 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 960 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 960 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 576 x 16 @50Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1680 x 1050 x 32 @23Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 16 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 16 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 16 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @72Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @72Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 480 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 480 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 16 @72Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 480 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 720 x 480 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1768 x 992 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 16 @72Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 16 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 16 @56Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 16 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 16 @70Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 1024 x 16 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @56Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 800 x 600 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 32 @70Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1024 x 768 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1280 x 1024 x 32 @75Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @59Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 640 x 480 x 32 @60Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @24Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @25Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @29Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] CHECKING DISPLAY MODE: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @30Hz [2016-04-04 02:38:43] Compatible DisplayMode found: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @30Hz; fullsceen capable true [2016-04-04 02:38:43] ARB_SUPPORTED COULD NOT BE RETRIEVED [2016-04-04 02:38:44] [DISPLAY] ViewPort for Resolution: 1920x1080: 1920, 1080 [2016-04-04 02:38:44] INITIAL MEMORY AVAILABLE [2016-04-04 02:38:44] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1670MB [2016-04-04 02:38:44] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:44] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:44] INFO_EVICTED: 1190MB [2016-04-04 02:38:44] FILE CREATED: true [2016-04-04 02:38:44] [GLFrame] Open-GL initialized [2016-04-04 02:38:44] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 1516 [2016-04-04 02:38:44] Starting up SoundSystem... [2016-04-04 02:38:44] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL [2016-04-04 02:38:44] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org) [2016-04-04 02:38:44] OpenAL initialized. [2016-04-04 02:38:44] Running on thread: ClientThread Adapter: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx Driver Version: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 353.30 Renderer: GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2 [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [WARNING] initializing Texture data/./image-resource/schine.png took 740 ms [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [GLFrame] loading content data [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: idlingFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: idlingGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: dancingGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingJumpingJumpUp [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingJumpingJumpDown [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingStandard [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingLedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingShortFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingMiddleFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingLongFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityGravToNoGrav [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityNoGravToGrav [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveN [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveS [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveUp [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveDown [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatRot [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatHit [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatDeath [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawling [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunning [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGun [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdleIn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFireHeavy [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricator [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorPumpAction [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attacking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: death [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sitting [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlock [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hit [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutes [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutesSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talk [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talkSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmet [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOff [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: idlingFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: idlingGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: dancingGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingJumpingJumpUp [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingJumpingJumpDown [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingStandard [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingLedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingShortFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingMiddleFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingLongFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityGravToNoGrav [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityNoGravToGrav [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveN [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveS [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveUp [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatMoveDown [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatRot [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatHit [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingNoGravityFloatDeath [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawling [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootCrawlingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootSlowWalkingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootWalkingSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunning [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouth [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningNorthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouthWest [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingByFootRunningSouthEast [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGun [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdleIn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFireHeavy [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricator [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorPumpAction [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attacking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: death [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sitting [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlock [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hit [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutes [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutesSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talk [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talkSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmet [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOff [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingStandard [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingLedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingShortFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingMiddleFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingLongFall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGun [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunIdleIn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunFireHeavy [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGunMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricator [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorDraw [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorAway [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorFire [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricatorPumpAction [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attacking [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeelee [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: attackingMeeleeGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: death [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: deathGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sitting [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlock [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingBlockFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedge [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeNoFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloor [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: sittingWedgeFloorIdle [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hit [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmall [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallFloating [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: hitSmallGravity [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutes [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: salutesSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talk [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: talkSalute [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmet [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOn [2016-04-04 02:38:45] [PARSER] not parsed: helmetOff [2016-04-04 02:38:45] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:46] [FONT] created from font file: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\data\font\Monda-Regular.ttf [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push medium.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - buttons push small.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - enter digits in digital keypad.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - error invalid.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - fuel fill up (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - fuel fill up quick.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - keyboard typing.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase register _chick-ching_.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase with coins.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - purchase with credits.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - receive coins.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - receive credits.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - repair ship power drill & ratchet.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - switches flip big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - switches flip small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Actions\0022_action - upgrade ship power tools.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - computer lab tech (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - interior cockpit (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - shop machinery (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - space wind omnious light warbling tones (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar busy engines machinery and rumbles (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience loop - spaceship hangar light (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - air release steam valve.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds drill.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds hydraulics.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - ambient hangar sounds working with ratchet.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - digital readout busy.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - digital readout light.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - light flicker.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - radar pulse.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - radio static interference with glitchy voices.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Ambience Loops\0022_ambience sfx - servo movement.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_3.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Explosions\0022_explosion_4.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 3.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - achievement reached 4.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - cockpit warning beep.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level completed.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level up 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - level up 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - low armor _electric_ warning chime.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - low fuel warning constant beeps (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - notification chime 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - notification chime 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power down big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power down small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power up big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - power up small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 3.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - prompt 4.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Gameplay\0022_gameplay - save game chime.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield activate.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield loop.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - forcefield powerdown.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up coin ding.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up health.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - pick up weapon.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield activate.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield loop.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - shield powerdown.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - special item pickup 3.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special blastwave.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special dissapear energetic hum (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special energy zap.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Items\0022_item - use special light beam.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - back.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - cancel.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - enter.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - error 1.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - error 2.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - highlight 3.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - pause.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 3.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - select 4.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll large.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_menu_ui - swoosh scroll small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - blast synthetic explosion small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - engine start up.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - ship pass by quick.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Menu UI\0022_misc - ship pass by slow.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters big ship low pitched (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters medium ship medium pitched (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - engine thrusters small ship high pitched (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit large explosion big enemy ship blow up.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit medium explosion medium enemy ship blow up.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion metallic impact on enemy ship.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit no explosion synthetic impact on enemy ship.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship Enemy\0022_spaceship enemy - hit small explosion small enemy ship blow up.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid large.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with asteroid small.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with metal large.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - collision with metal small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 1 (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm 2 (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - int. cockpit alarm medium pitched (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster end release gas.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster loop.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large engine thruster start push gas.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields disabled metallic hit small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - large impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - lightspeed space wind.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - lock on target unsuccessful tone.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - locked on target successful beep.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - locking on target pulse (loop).ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters end release gas.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters loop.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - medium engine thrusters start push gas.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence heavy.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence medium.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - ship turbulence small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster end release gas.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thruster loop.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - small engine thrusters start push gas.wav [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost large.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost medium.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Spaceship User\0022_spaceship user - turbo boost small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_1_burst.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_laser_cannon_2_burst.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_proton_torpedo_1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_proton_torpedo_2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun fire burst.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire large.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire medium.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship enemy - laser gun single fire small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - canon fire 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - canon fire 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire three.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun burst fire two.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire medium.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser gun single fire small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields disabled metallic hit small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit big.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - laser impact with shields enabled synthetic hit small.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - missile fire 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - missile fire 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - ricochet laser hits metal.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon fire 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 1.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] LOADING SOUND: data\audio-resource\Weapons - Lasers\0022_spaceship user - special synthetic weapon recharged 2.ogg [2016-04-04 02:38:47] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\sky [2016-04-04 02:38:47] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\sky-sphere-mesh.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\box [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\Box.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/ground/brick_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\sphere-low [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\planet-mesh.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\cylinder [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\Cylinder001.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\GeoSphere300x10 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\GeoSphere300x10.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\planet [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\Planet.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\atmosphere [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\Atmosphere.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\asteroid [2016-04-04 02:38:48] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\asteroid.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/ground/asteroid_normal.jpg [2016-04-04 02:38:48] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\exaustplum [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\ExaustPlum.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\simplebeam [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\beam.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\arrow [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\arrow.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/ground/arrow_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\blackhole [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\blackhole.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\BlDebris0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\BlDebris_0.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\BlDebris_1.mesh.xml 6 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\BlDebris_2.mesh.xml 12 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\BlDebris_3.mesh.xml 18 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\BlDebris_4.mesh.xml 24 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/ground/\fnTube [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/ground/\fnTube.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Power/\AccPowerBeam [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Power/\AccPowerBeam.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Power/powerbeam_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Inhibitor/\AccBuildInhibitor [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Inhibitor/\AccBuildInhibitor.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Inhibitor/buildinhibtitor_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/HealingBeam/\HealBeam [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/HealingBeam/\AccHeal.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/HealingBeam/heal_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Fabricator/\AccFabricator [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Fabricator/\AccFabricator.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Fabricator/accfabricator_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Pistol/\AccPistol [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Pistol/\AccPistol.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Pistol/WeapPistol_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Torch/\AccTorch [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Torch/\AccTorch.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Torch/torch_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/gear/Helmet/\AccHelmet [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/gear/Helmet/\AccHelmet.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/gear/Helmet/playerhelm_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:49] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\konata [2016-04-04 02:38:49] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\Character.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:50] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/uvw_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:50] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\PlayerMdl [2016-04-04 02:38:50] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\PlayerMdl.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:50] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/playertex_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\hoppy_legs [2016-04-04 02:38:51] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\MdlLegs.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/hoppy_desert_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\hoppy_body [2016-04-04 02:38:51] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\MdlBody.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/hoppy_desert_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\FaunQuadAracLegs [2016-04-04 02:38:51] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\AracLeg.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/QuadLegsTex01_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [SceneParser] now parsing scene: data//models/character/\FaunQuadBodyShell [2016-04-04 02:38:51] ... parse Mesh data//models/character/\FaunQBodyTorso.mesh.xml 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:51] [WARNING][ResourceLoader] File Does Not exist: data/models/character/QuadTorsoTex01_normal.png [2016-04-04 02:38:52] [WARNING] initializing Texture data//image-resource/ai-panel-gui-.png took 710 ms [2016-04-04 02:38:52] [WARNING] initializing Texture data//image-resource/build-icons-00-16x16-gui-.png took 530 ms [2016-04-04 02:38:54] VIDEO MEMORY BEFORE LOADING FONTS [2016-04-04 02:38:54] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1572MB [2016-04-04 02:38:54] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:54] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:54] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:38:55] VIDEO MEMORY AFTER LOADING FONTS [2016-04-04 02:38:55] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1546MB [2016-04-04 02:38:55] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:55] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:55] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:38:55] [RESOURCE] Init Shop FrameBuffer [2016-04-04 02:38:56] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 877 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 2097280; index: 0 [2016-04-04 02:38:56] [RESOURCE] Loading cube textures [2016-04-04 02:38:56] GL_MEMORY Before DEFFUSE [2016-04-04 02:38:56] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1535MB [2016-04-04 02:38:56] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:56] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:38:56] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:38:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1818 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:39:01] GL_MEMORY AFTER DEFFUSE [2016-04-04 02:39:01] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1149MB [2016-04-04 02:39:01] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:01] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:01] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:39:01] [RESOURCE] Loading cube textures DONE [2016-04-04 02:39:01] [RESOURCE] Loading effects [2016-04-04 02:39:01] [RESOURCE] Loading effects done [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [RESOURCE] Loading background [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [RESOURCE] Loading background DONE [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [GLFRAME] Content has been loaded [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromSpace.vert; data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromSpace.frag [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromAtmosphere.vert; data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromAtmosphere.frag [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/perpixel/perpixel.vert.glsl; data//shader/perpixel/perpixel.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/blackhole/blackhole.vert.glsl; data//shader/blackhole/blackhole.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/selectionSingle.vert.glsl; data//shader/cube/selectionSingle.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/beamHitSingle.vert.glsl; data//shader/cube/beamHitSingle.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/plasma/plasma.vert.glsl; data//shader/plasma/plasma.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom/godrays.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom/godrays.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/tubes/tube.vert.glsl; data//shader/tubes/tube.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/ocDistortion/ocDistortion_vert.glsl; data//shader/ocDistortion/ocDistortion_frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/simplebeam/simplebeam.vert.glsl; data//shader/simplebeam/simplebeam.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/transporter/transporter.vert.glsl; data//shader/transporter/transporter.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/pulse/pulse.vert.glsl; data//shader/pulse/pulse.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bump.vert; data//shader/bump.frag [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/projectiles/standard/projectile.vsh; data//shader/projectiles/standard/projectile.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/texture/wrap.vert.glsl; data//shader/texture/wrap.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/scanline/scanline.vert.glsl; data//shader/scanline/scanline.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/projectiles/trail/projectileTrail.vsh; data//shader/projectiles/trail/projectileTrail.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/projectiles/standard/projectileQuad.vsh; data//shader/projectiles/standard/projectileQuad.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/projectiles/beam/projectileQuad.vsh; data//shader/projectiles/beam/projectileQuad.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:02] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/explosion/explosion.vsh; data//shader/explosion/explosion.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/spacedustExt/spacedust.vsh; data//shader/spacedustExt/spacedust.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/planet.vert.glsl; data//shader/planet.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/atmosphere.vert.glsl; data//shader/atmosphere.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom2D.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/sun.vert.glsl; data//shader/sun.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/lava/lava.vert.glsl; data//shader/lava/lava.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/silhouette.vert.glsl; data//shader/silhouette.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/silhouette.vert.glsl; data//shader/silhouette2DAlpha.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/thruster/thruster.vert.glsl; data//shader/thruster/thruster.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/shadow/view_vertex.glsl; data//shader/shadow/view_fragment.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/starsExt/stars.vsh; data//shader/starsExt/stars.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/starsExt/field.vert.glsl; data//shader/starsExt/field.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bg.vert.glsl; data//shader/bg.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/hyperspace/tunnel.vert.glsl; data//shader/hyperspace/tunnel.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/starsExt/starsflare.vsh; data//shader/starsExt/starsflare.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/hud/powerbar/powerbar.vert.glsl; data//shader/hud/powerbar/powerbar.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/hud/powerbar/powerbarHorizontal.vert.glsl; data//shader/hud/powerbar/powerbarHorizontal.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/shadowcube.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/simplecube.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/simplecube.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 302189 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:03] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/quads13/cubeTArray.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/shard/shard.vert.glsl; data//shader/cube/shard/shard.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/shieldCube/shieldcube-3rd.vsh; data//shader/cube/shieldCube/shieldcube.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cube/jumpCube/jumpcube.vsh; data//shader/cube/jumpCube/jumpcube.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/cubemap.vsh; data//shader/cubemap.fsh [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom/bloom1.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom/bloom2.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom/bloom3.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/bloom/bloom.vert.glsl; data//shader/bloom/bloom4.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:04] GL_MEMORY AFTER NORMAL MAPS BEFORE SHADOW [2016-04-04 02:39:04] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1035MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] GL_MEMORY AFTER NORMAL MAPS AFTER SHADOW [2016-04-04 02:39:04] CURRENT_AVAILABLE: 1035MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] TOTAL_AVAILABLE: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] INFO_DEDICATED: 2048MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] INFO_EVICTED: 1224MB [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1920 / 1080 [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1920 / 1080 [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 1920 / 1080 [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 960 / 540 [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [CLIENT] creating galaxy (0, 0, 0); Stars: 3228; created in: 240ms [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [CLIENT][STARSKY] reloading stars [2016-04-04 02:39:04] [CLIENT] Stars: NEW SYSTEM: (-2147483648, -2147483648, -2147483648) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [GRAPHICS] TRY USING VBO MAPPED BUFFER: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [BG] updating field [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 4096 / 4096 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 4096 / 4096 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 6 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][BACKGROUND] generating background took: 66ms [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 3 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 5 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] BLOOM SHADER INITIALIZING!!! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 960 / 540 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 960 / 540 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] BLOOM SHADER INITIALIZING!!! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 960 / 540 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] creating frame buffer 960 / 540 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FrameBuffer] initializing frame buffer textures [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 8 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 9 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Croquelune has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Croquelune has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM -2 TO 1088 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] FROM -2 TO 684 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45)(523)] FROM -2 TO 177 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)] FROM -2 TO 1290 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703) (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703) (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650) (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657) (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706) (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692) (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700) (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659) (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680) (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667) (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648) (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711) (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654) (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685) (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660) (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656) (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684) (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682) (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682) (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672) (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715) (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701) (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689) (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665) (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712) (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669) (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696) (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713) (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@a1e9541c([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YJ@9a997d8d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YJ@978ceba5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YJ@3e88cb82([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YJ@7be5e130([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YJ@46cbe0fa([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YJ@44468ed4([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YJ@8dd57a8e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YJ@4be192cc([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YJ@335ece08([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YJ@331fc847([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YJ@ac2839f9([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YJ@b088743d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YJ@614eadf8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YJ@b5a7c3e2([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #15: obfuscated.YJ@10d7716([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #16: obfuscated.YJ@f458c05a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #17: obfuscated.YJ@f363399f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #18: obfuscated.YJ@7670a4ec([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #19: obfuscated.YJ@608951e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #20: obfuscated.YJ@b22650([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #21: obfuscated.YJ@db62215e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #22: obfuscated.YJ@3a62c93d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #23: obfuscated.YJ@3295149b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #24: obfuscated.YJ@bb051587([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #25: obfuscated.YJ@bda900d7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #26: obfuscated.YJ@c771f73a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #27: obfuscated.YJ@6faadff5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #28: obfuscated.YJ@ff3944f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #29: obfuscated.YJ@1f23fb0e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #30: obfuscated.YJ@92176f0b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #31: obfuscated.YJ@9e4f128a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #32: obfuscated.YJ@1e535ae6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #33: obfuscated.YJ@ef03da6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #34: obfuscated.YJ@7ccef9b9([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #35: obfuscated.YJ@9e46a6f7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #36: obfuscated.YJ@9a2fd2f8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #37: obfuscated.YJ@c3b997cf([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #38: obfuscated.YJ@b4fbd1b3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #39: obfuscated.YJ@c1e31b62([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #40: obfuscated.YJ@1edee92a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #41: obfuscated.YJ@84e7f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #42: obfuscated.YJ@a59f04de([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #43: obfuscated.YJ@673bb4f8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #44: obfuscated.YJ@bc8ba0a4([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #45: obfuscated.YJ@4389a863([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #46: obfuscated.YJ@4f206e2f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #47: obfuscated.YJ@e80764a3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #48: obfuscated.YJ@abeb1476([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #49: obfuscated.YJ@7272a0bb([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #50: obfuscated.YJ@8c89df41([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #51: obfuscated.YJ@d17a020c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #52: obfuscated.YJ@a2f58346([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #53: obfuscated.YJ@d5ea925a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #54: obfuscated.YJ@9aa695de([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #55: obfuscated.YJ@8796c157([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #56: obfuscated.YJ@ba8bb16d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #57: obfuscated.YJ@ffc8eebc([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #58: obfuscated.YJ@49328063([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #59: obfuscated.YJ@507b1af6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #60: obfuscated.YJ@2618b5c3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #61: obfuscated.YJ@7bfba1e8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@66f Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@66f Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693) (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702) (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649) (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 174ms [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 1043; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](931); 931 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 931(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](981); 981 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 981(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1086)false; (-107, 25, -41); ]; 1086 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1086([CLIENT ReSector(1086)false; (-107, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](927); 927 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 927(Ship[F](927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](911); 911 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 911(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1081)false; (-107, 24, -43); ]; 1081 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1081([CLIENT ReSector(1081)false; (-107, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](1025); 1025 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1025(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](1025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](996); 996 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 996(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](954); 954 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 954(Ship[The Noob Ship](954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](961); 961 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 961(Ship[justint](961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1077)false; (-108, 25, -41); ]; 1077 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1077([CLIENT ReSector(1077)false; (-108, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](985); 985 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 985(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](949); 949 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 949(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](964); 964 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 964(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](942); 942 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 942(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1072)false; (-108, 23, -41); ]; 1072 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1072([CLIENT ReSector(1072)false; (-108, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](1014); 1014 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1014(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](1014)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1053)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1053 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1053(Planet(1053)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1067)sec[1063]; 1067 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1067(Asteroid(1067)sec[1063]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](910); 910 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 910(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](1010); 1010 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1010(Ship[Memeinator](1010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1051)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1051 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1051(Planet(1051)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1061)false; (-109, 24, -42); ]; 1061 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1061([CLIENT ReSector(1061)false; (-109, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](1001); 1001 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1001(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](1001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](1018); 1018 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1018(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](1018)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](993); 993 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 993(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](986); 986 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 986(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1050)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1050 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1050(Planet(1050)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1074)false; (-108, 24, -41); ]; 1074 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1074([CLIENT ReSector(1074)false; (-108, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](952); 952 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 952(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](929); 929 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 929(Ship[FarStar](929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](894); 894 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 894(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](919); 919 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 919(Ship[Escape pod](919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](966); 966 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 966(Ship[redstone](966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](936); 936 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 936(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](990); 990 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 990(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](968); 968 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 968(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](998); 998 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 998(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1085)false; (-107, 25, -42); ]; 1085 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1085([CLIENT ReSector(1085)false; (-107, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](925); 925 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 925(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](932); 932 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 932(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1083)false; (-107, 24, -41); ]; 1083 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1083([CLIENT ReSector(1083)false; (-107, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](890); 890 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 890(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](1004); 1004 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1004(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](1004)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](1003); 1003 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1003(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](1003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](1023); 1023 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1023(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](1023)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](1013); 1013 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1013(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](1013)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1049)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1049 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1049(Planet(1049)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](924); 924 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 924(Ship[shippy vw](924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](896); 896 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 896(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](888); 888 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 888(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](898); 898 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 898(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](977); 977 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 977(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](904); 904 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 904(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](994); 994 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 994(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1060)false; (-109, 24, -43); ]; 1060 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1060([CLIENT ReSector(1060)false; (-109, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](883); 883 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 883(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](945); 945 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 945(Ship[Cube](945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](1012); 1012 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1012(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](1012)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](928); 928 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 928(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](974); 974 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 974(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1069)false; (-109, 25, -41); ]; 1069 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1069([CLIENT ReSector(1069)false; (-109, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](887); 887 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 887(Ship[The Shuttle](887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](983); 983 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 983(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1055)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1055 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1055(Planet(1055)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1066)sec[1063]; 1066 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1066(Asteroid(1066)sec[1063]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1045); 1045 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1045(Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1045)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](999); 999 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 999(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](884); 884 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 884(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](900); 900 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 900(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](970); 970 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 970(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1080)false; (-107, 23, -41); ]; 1080 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1080([CLIENT ReSector(1080)false; (-107, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](905); 905 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 905(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](1026); 1026 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1026(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](1026)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1057)false; (-109, 23, -43); ]; 1057 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1057([CLIENT ReSector(1057)false; (-109, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](1007); 1007 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1007(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](1007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MONer](1044); 1044 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1044(Ship[MONer](1044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](957); 957 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 957(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](960); 960 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 960(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](988); 988 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 988(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](988)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1068)false; (-109, 25, -42); ]; 1068 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1068([CLIENT ReSector(1068)false; (-109, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](914); 914 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 914(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1052)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1052 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1052(Planet(1052)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](893); 893 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 893(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](975); 975 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 975(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](953); 953 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 953(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](938); 938 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 938(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](951); 951 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](921); 921 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 921(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(882)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 882 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 882([CLIENT ReSector(882)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1048)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1048 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1048(Planet(1048)[s1041]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](1040); 1040 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1040(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](1040)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](922); 922 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 922(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](912); 912 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 912(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](908); 908 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 908(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](920); 920 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 920(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](956); 956 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 956(Ship[Water Wheel](956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1070)false; (-108, 23, -43); ]; 1070 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1070([CLIENT ReSector(1070)false; (-108, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlanetCore( id 1043; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42); 1043 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1043(PlanetCore( id 1043; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](1011); 1011 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1011(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](1011)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](886); 886 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 886(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](973); 973 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 973(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](1009); 1009 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1009(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](1009)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](939); 939 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 939(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1079)false; (-107, 23, -42); ]; 1079 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1079([CLIENT ReSector(1079)false; (-107, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](946); 946 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 946(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](943); 943 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 943(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](889); 889 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 889(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](916); 916 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 916(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](979); 979 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 979(Ship[Fraction](979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1065)sec[1063]; 1065 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1065(Asteroid(1065)sec[1063]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1075)false; (-108, 25, -43); ]; 1075 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1075([CLIENT ReSector(1075)false; (-108, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](1006); 1006 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1006(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](1006)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](1002); 1002 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1002(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](1002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](1034); 1034 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1034(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](1034)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](967); 967 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](1029); 1029 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1029(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](1029)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1058)false; (-109, 23, -42); ]; 1058 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1058([CLIENT ReSector(1058)false; (-109, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](987); 987 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 987(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](963); 963 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](941); 941 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 941(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](935); 935 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 935(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](962); 962 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 962(Ship[World Eater](962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(934)]; 934 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 934(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(934)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](897); 897 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 897(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](997); 997 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 997(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](982); 982 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 982(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](948); 948 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 948(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](1035); 1035 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1035(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](1035)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](885); 885 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 885(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](958); 958 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 958(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](891); 891 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 891(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](1008); 1008 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1008(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](1008)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](980); 980 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 980(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](1030); 1030 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1030(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](1030)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](915); 915 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 915(Ship[Shadow corp ship](915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](989); 989 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 989(Ship[ConduPrime_001](989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](918); 918 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 918(Ship[Voiden](918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](959); 959 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 959(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1076)false; (-108, 25, -42); ]; 1076 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1076([CLIENT ReSector(1076)false; (-108, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1054)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1054 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1054(Planet(1054)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](907); 907 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 907(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](1020); 1020 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1020(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](1020)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1041)false; (-108, 24, -42); ]; 1041 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1041([CLIENT ReSector(1041)false; (-108, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](971); 971 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 971(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](950); 950 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 950(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](937); 937 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](1028); 1028 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1028(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](1028)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1082)false; (-107, 24, -42); ]; 1082 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1082([CLIENT ReSector(1082)false; (-107, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](984); 984 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 984(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1064)sec[1063]; 1064 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1064(Asteroid(1064)sec[1063]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](930); 930 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 930(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](995); 995 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 995(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](901); 901 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 901(Ship[UC Eden](901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](1005); 1005 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1005(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](1005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](913); 913 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 913(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](976); 976 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 976(Ship[Almighty Ship](976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](1036); 1036 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1036(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](1036)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1059)false; (-109, 23, -41); ]; 1059 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1059([CLIENT ReSector(1059)false; (-109, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](1016); 1016 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1016(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](1016)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](955); 955 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 955(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](902); 902 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1071)false; (-108, 23, -42); ]; 1071 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1071([CLIENT ReSector(1071)false; (-108, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1046)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1046 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 1041; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1046(Planet(1046)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](892); 892 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 892(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](1000); 1000 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1000(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](1000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](1039); 1039 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1039(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](1039)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](965); 965 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 965(Ship[Sperg Mobile](965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](917); 917 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 917(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](895); 895 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 895(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](1032); 1032 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1032(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](1032)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1042)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1042 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 1041; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1042(Planet(1042)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1073)false; (-108, 24, -43); ]; 1073 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1073([CLIENT ReSector(1073)false; (-108, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](1024); 1024 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1024(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](1024)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](1027); 1027 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1027(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](1027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](972); 972 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 972(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](899); 899 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 899(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](906); 906 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 906(Ship[ssKingduffs](906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](992); 992 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 992(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](933); 933 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 933(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1056)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1056 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 1041; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1056(Planet(1056)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](1022); 1022 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1022(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](1022)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](947); 947 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 947(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](1017); 1017 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1017(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](1017)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](1019); 1019 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1019(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](1019)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](1021); 1021 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1021(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](1021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](909); 909 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 909(Ship[Mah Bucket](909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](1031); 1031 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1031(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](1031)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](944); 944 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 944(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](1033); 1033 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1033(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](1033)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1084)false; (-107, 25, -43); ]; 1084 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1084([CLIENT ReSector(1084)false; (-107, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](1015); 1015 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1015(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](1015)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1047)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1047 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 1041; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1047(Planet(1047)[s1041]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1062)false; (-109, 24, -41); ]; 1062 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1062([CLIENT ReSector(1062)false; (-109, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](1037); 1037 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1037(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](1037)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1078)false; (-107, 23, -43); ]; 1078 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1078([CLIENT ReSector(1078)false; (-107, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](926); 926 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 926(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](903); 903 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 903(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](923); 923 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 923(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](969); 969 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 969(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](978); 978 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 978(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](991); 991 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 991(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](1038); 1038 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1038(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](1038)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](940); 940 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 882; 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 940(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1063)false; (-109, 25, -43); ]; 1063 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1063([CLIENT ReSector(1063)false; (-109, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [WORLDDRAWER] WARNING: DRAWER UPDATE OF Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) took 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [WORLDDRAWER] WARNING: ADD TOOK 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 21 ms [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 15 on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@a1e9541c([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YJ@9a997d8d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YJ@978ceba5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YJ@3e88cb82([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YJ@7be5e130([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YJ@46cbe0fa([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YJ@44468ed4([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YJ@8dd57a8e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YJ@4be65a17([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YJ@4be192cc([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YJ@335ece08([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YJ@331fc847([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YJ@ac2839f9([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YJ@b088743d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YJ@614eadf8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #15: obfuscated.YJ@b5a7c3e2([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #16: obfuscated.YJ@10d7716([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #17: obfuscated.YJ@f458c05a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #18: obfuscated.YJ@f363399f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #19: obfuscated.YJ@7670a4ec([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #20: obfuscated.YJ@608951e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #21: obfuscated.YJ@b22650([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #22: obfuscated.YJ@db62215e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #23: obfuscated.YJ@3a62c93d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #24: obfuscated.YJ@3295149b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #25: obfuscated.YJ@bb051587([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #26: obfuscated.YJ@bda900d7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #27: obfuscated.YJ@c771f73a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #28: obfuscated.YJ@6faadff5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #29: obfuscated.YJ@ff3944f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #30: obfuscated.YJ@1f23fb0e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #31: obfuscated.YJ@92176f0b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #32: obfuscated.YJ@9e4f128a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #33: obfuscated.YJ@1e535ae6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #34: obfuscated.YJ@ef03da6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #35: obfuscated.YJ@7ccef9b9([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #36: obfuscated.YJ@9e46a6f7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #37: obfuscated.YJ@9a2fd2f8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #38: obfuscated.YJ@c3b997cf([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #39: obfuscated.YJ@b4fbd1b3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #40: obfuscated.YJ@c1e31b62([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #41: obfuscated.YJ@1edee92a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #42: obfuscated.YJ@84e7f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #43: obfuscated.YJ@a59f04de([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #44: obfuscated.YJ@673bb4f8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #45: obfuscated.YJ@bc8ba0a4([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #46: obfuscated.YJ@4389a863([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #47: obfuscated.YJ@4f206e2f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #48: obfuscated.YJ@e80764a3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #49: obfuscated.YJ@abeb1476([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #50: obfuscated.YJ@7272a0bb([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #51: obfuscated.YJ@8c89df41([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #52: obfuscated.YJ@d17a020c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #53: obfuscated.YJ@a2f58346([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #54: obfuscated.YJ@d5ea925a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #55: obfuscated.YJ@9aa695de([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #56: obfuscated.YJ@8796c157([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #57: obfuscated.YJ@ba8bb16d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #58: obfuscated.YJ@ffc8eebc([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #59: obfuscated.YJ@49328063([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #60: obfuscated.YJ@507b1af6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #61: obfuscated.YJ@2618b5c3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #62: obfuscated.YJ@7bfba1e8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #63: obfuscated.YJ@51f3a39d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #64: obfuscated.YJ@876d6b3e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #65: obfuscated.YJ@6620fe5e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #66: obfuscated.YJ@4f450600([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #67: obfuscated.YJ@41d9373([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Child #68: obfuscated.YJ@10c4d1ed([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688)]) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45)(523)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Invites Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10005, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10779, b=10848, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10229, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10376, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10863, b=10471, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10200, b=10031, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10226, b=10458, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10754, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10109, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10063, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10060, b=10326, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10331, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10565, b=10458, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) SenableGameState(1) took 130 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 167ms [2016-04-04 02:39:06] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:06] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@750 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@750 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@750 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@750 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] queued synchronized objects 234 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 1981; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.Q@3ba5596a [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, ADM_Atheu]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ADM_Atheu has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ADM_Atheu has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:08] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(5005, 5005, 5005), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_VFS - Void Sprite Light Freighter_1457388008558, name=VFS - Void Sprite Light Freighter_1457388008558, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=517705], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(5005, 5005, 5005), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_VFS - Medium Cargo Container, name=VFS - Medium Cargo Container, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=517696]], name=Freighter 1, owner=adm_atheu, dbid=152, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] queued synchronized objects 129 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:08] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 208747 / 1521636 [2016-04-04 02:39:08] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received new channel: all; creating... [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; CREATE [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received new channel: Semi-private chat group room; creating... [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received new channel: Faction10916; creating... [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Faction10916; CREATE [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: Faction10916 already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] Client received new channel: Scenarios; creating... [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] successfully rejoined all; opening chat: false [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] successfully rejoined Faction10916; opening chat: false [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM -2 TO 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:09] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6131.492, 2699.5105, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:09] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:39:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 115ms [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: null -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] client spawned character and player: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\Sachys.smskin AS Sachys [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] took 55 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 22 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 112ms [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 45 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] REQUESTING SYSTEM: (36, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] took 72 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 127ms [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 47 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][SPAWN] Spawned on object: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); (-6133.634, 2697.502, 5187.993), local (-0.15332031, -1.6269531, -2.8205566) -> (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (-0.75105715, -0.3866402, 0.5351847) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097); (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) -> (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) TO (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6131.492, 2699.51, 5189.4097) [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) took 9ms [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705) took 24ms [2016-04-04 02:39:10] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646) took 9ms [2016-04-04 02:39:11] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Starter ship pa 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:11] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) took 74 [2016-04-04 02:39:11] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661) took 20ms [2016-04-04 02:39:11] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 106ms [2016-04-04 02:39:11] USE BUFFER RANGE: true [2016-04-04 02:39:11] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 42 [2016-04-04 02:39:11] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 40 [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 84ms [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 77 [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [CLIENT] Exception: tried to re-request segment: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670)((0, 0, 0))[s37; Hash1670; id 12148] on Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670) [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] took 213 [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 358ms [2016-04-04 02:39:12] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:13] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)] took 100 [2016-04-04 02:39:13] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 115ms [2016-04-04 02:39:13] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Home base teleport pa 2 [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 103ms [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 99 [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 104ms [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 84 [2016-04-04 02:39:15] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 65(64.45819); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 24 [2016-04-04 02:39:15] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 33 [2016-04-04 02:39:16] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 32 [2016-04-04 02:39:16] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 36 [2016-04-04 02:39:17] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=nah] [2016-04-04 02:39:17] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: nah; ML: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:21] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 44 [2016-04-04 02:39:21] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 45 [2016-04-04 02:39:22] [CLIENT] queued synchronized objects 77 [2016-04-04 02:39:23] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 52(51.46961); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, PrinceValiant]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: PrinceValiant has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: PrinceValiant has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 84ms [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:39:25] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 2097 [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 02:39:26] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:31] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=eliteman45][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=what happened? i joined and no one was here] [2016-04-04 02:39:31] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): eliteman45: what happened? i joined and no one was here; ML: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:33] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM -2 TO 1979 [2016-04-04 02:39:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:39:33] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 02:39:34] [CLIENT] OPENING CHAT CONTEXT MENU [2016-04-04 02:39:34] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:34] [INIT][CLIENT][SHADER] Loading Shader: data//shader/skin/skin-tex.vert.glsl; data//shader/skin/skin-tex.frag.glsl [2016-04-04 02:39:34] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 1 [2016-04-04 02:39:34] RESET [2016-04-04 02:39:34] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:35] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) [2016-04-04 02:39:36] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) [2016-04-04 02:39:39] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:40] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 2299 [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Faction10916; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Faction10916; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:39:40] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: Faction10916 already existed [2016-04-04 02:39:41] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:39:41] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:39:41] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:41] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Home base teleport pa 2 [2016-04-04 02:39:42] [CLIENT][ExternalController] adding block to segment: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)((0, 0, 0))[s2882; Hash1617; id 1042]; Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)((0, 0, 0))[s2882; Hash1617; id 1042] [2016-04-04 02:39:42] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: No element available to build! Selected slot is empty! [2016-04-04 02:39:43] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Starter ship pa 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:44] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:45] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=i was here and nobody else was] [2016-04-04 02:39:45] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: i was here and nobody else was; ML: 2 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=re] [2016-04-04 02:39:46] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: re; ML: 0 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FROM -2 TO 1616 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6130.6733, 2698.3965, 5189.6514) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6130.6733, 2698.3965, 5189.651) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6130.673, 2698.3953, 5189.6523) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6130.673, 2698.3948, 5189.6523) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6130.673, 2698.3948, 5189.6523) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:39:46] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6130.6733, 2698.3945, 5189.6523) [2016-04-04 02:39:46] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:47] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:39:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=eliteman45][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=oh] [2016-04-04 02:39:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): eliteman45: oh; ML: 3 [2016-04-04 02:39:51] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=same] [2016-04-04 02:39:51] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: same; ML: 4 [2016-04-04 02:39:52] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 43(46.58916); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=eliteman45][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=odd] [2016-04-04 02:39:55] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): eliteman45: odd; ML: 5 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](1862); 1862 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1862(Ship[shippy vw](1862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](1927); 1927 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1927(Ship[ConduPrime_001](1927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](1962); 1962 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1962(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](1962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](1843); 1843 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1843(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](1843)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](1892); 1892 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1892(Ship[The Noob Ship](1892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](1974); 1974 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1974(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](1974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](1870); 1870 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](1870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](1838); 1838 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1838(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](1838)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](1882); 1882 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1882(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](1882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](1924); 1924 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1924(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](1924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](1914); 1914 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1914(Ship[Almighty Ship](1914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](1861); 1861 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1861(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](1861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](1961); 1961 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1961(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](1961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](1968); 1968 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1968(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](1968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](1957); 1957 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1957(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](1957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](1876); 1876 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1876(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](1876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](1940); 1940 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1940(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](1940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](1883); 1883 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1883(Ship[Cube](1883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](1911); 1911 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1911(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](1911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](1879); 1879 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1879(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](1879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](1958); 1958 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1958(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](1958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](1903); 1903 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1903(Ship[Sperg Mobile](1903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](1840); 1840 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1840(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](1840)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](1943); 1943 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1943(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](1943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](1976); 1976 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1976(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](1976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](1902); 1902 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1902(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](1902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](1900); 1900 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1900(Ship[World Eater](1900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](1932); 1932 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1932(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](1932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](1842); 1842 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1842(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](1842)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](1936); 1936 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1936(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](1936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](1955); 1955 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1955(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](1955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](1930); 1930 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1930(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](1930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](1824); 1824 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1824(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](1824)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](1946); 1946 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1946(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](1946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](1925); 1925 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1925(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](1925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](1929); 1929 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1929(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](1929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](1921); 1921 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1921(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](1921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](1969); 1969 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1969(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](1969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](1866); 1866 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1866(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](1866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](1877); 1877 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](1877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](1948); 1948 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1948(Ship[Memeinator](1948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](1834); 1834 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1834(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](1834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](1841); 1841 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1841(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](1841)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](1859); 1859 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1859(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](1859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](1919); 1919 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1919(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](1919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](1874); 1874 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1874(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](1874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](1905); 1905 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1905(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](1905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](1904); 1904 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1904(Ship[redstone](1904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](1825); 1825 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1825(Ship[The Shuttle](1825)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](1935); 1935 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1935(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](1935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](1837); 1837 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1837(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](1837)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](1901); 1901 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1901(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](1901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](1858); 1858 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1858(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](1858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](1973); 1973 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1973(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](1973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](1975); 1975 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1975(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](1975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](1899); 1899 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1899(Ship[justint](1899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](1835); 1835 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1835(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](1835)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](1954); 1954 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1954(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](1954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](1860); 1860 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1860(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](1860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](1889); 1889 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1889(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](1889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](1850); 1850 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1850(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](1850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](1895); 1895 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1895(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](1895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](1867); 1867 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1867(Ship[FarStar](1867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](1971); 1971 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1971(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](1971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](1960); 1960 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1960(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](1960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](1977); 1977 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1977(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](1977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](1942); 1942 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1942(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](1942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](1926); 1926 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1926(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](1926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](1821); 1821 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1821(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](1821)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](1836); 1836 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1836(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](1836)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](1856); 1856 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1856(Ship[Voiden](1856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](1880); 1880 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1880(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](1880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](1829); 1829 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1829(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](1829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](1908); 1908 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1908(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](1908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](1898); 1898 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1898(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](1898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](1915); 1915 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1915(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](1915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](1851); 1851 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1851(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](1851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](1847); 1847 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1847(Ship[Mah Bucket](1847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](1959); 1959 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1959(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](1959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(1872)]; 1872 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1872(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(1872)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](1963); 1963 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](1963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](1949); 1949 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1949(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](1949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](1966); 1966 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1966(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](1966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](1855); 1855 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1855(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](1855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](1846); 1846 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1846(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](1846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](1830); 1830 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1830(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](1830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](1857); 1857 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1857(Ship[Escape pod](1857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](1848); 1848 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1848(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](1848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](1823); 1823 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1823(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](1823)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](1897); 1897 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1897(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](1897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](1922); 1922 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1922(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](1922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](1849); 1849 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1849(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](1849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](1885); 1885 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1885(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](1885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](1913); 1913 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1913(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](1913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](1945); 1945 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1945(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](1945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](1854); 1854 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1854(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](1854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](1970); 1970 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1970(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](1970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](1827); 1827 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1827(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](1827)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](1831); 1831 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1831(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](1831)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](1875); 1875 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1875(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](1875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](1923); 1923 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1923(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](1923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](1881); 1881 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1881(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](1881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](1928); 1928 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1928(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](1928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](1938); 1938 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](1938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](1964); 1964 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1964(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](1964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](1863); 1863 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1863(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](1863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](1953); 1953 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1953(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](1953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](1853); 1853 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1853(Ship[Shadow corp ship](1853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](1910); 1910 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1910(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](1910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](1917); 1917 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1917(Ship[Fraction](1917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](1950); 1950 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1950(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](1950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](1884); 1884 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1884(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](1884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](1941); 1941 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1941(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](1941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](1890); 1890 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1890(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](1890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](1864); 1864 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1864(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](1864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](1951); 1951 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](1951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](1934); 1934 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1934(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](1934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](1939); 1939 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1939(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](1939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](1873); 1873 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1873(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](1873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](1944); 1944 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1944(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](1944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](1967); 1967 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1967(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](1967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](1844); 1844 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1844(Ship[ssKingduffs](1844)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](1956); 1956 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1956(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](1956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](1965); 1965 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1965(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](1965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](1947); 1947 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1947(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](1947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](1912); 1912 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1912(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](1912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](1845); 1845 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1845(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](1845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](1888); 1888 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1888(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](1888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](1896); 1896 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1896(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](1896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](1894); 1894 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1894(Ship[Water Wheel](1894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](1916); 1916 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1916(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](1916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](1952); 1952 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1952(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](1952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](1869); 1869 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1869(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](1869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](1822); 1822 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1822(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](1822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](1972); 1972 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1972(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](1972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](1878); 1878 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1878(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](1878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](1909); 1909 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1909(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](1909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](1918); 1918 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1918(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](1918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](1868); 1868 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1868(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](1868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](1826); 1826 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1826(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](1826)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](1931); 1931 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1931(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](1931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](1886); 1886 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1886(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](1886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](1906); 1906 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1906(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](1906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](1920); 1920 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1920(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](1920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](1828); 1828 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1828(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](1828)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](1832); 1832 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1832(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](1832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](1871); 1871 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1871(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](1871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](1891); 1891 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1891(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](1891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](1839); 1839 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1839(Ship[UC Eden](1839)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](1852); 1852 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1852(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](1852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](1978); 1978 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1978(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](1978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](1833); 1833 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1833(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](1833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](1893); 1893 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1893(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](1893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](1907); 1907 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1907(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](1907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](1865); 1865 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1865(Ship[F](1865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](1937); 1937 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](1937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](1887); 1887 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1887(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](1887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](1933); 1933 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1933(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](1933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1820)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 1820 [2016-04-04 02:39:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1820([CLIENT ReSector(1820)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]: (6122.2637, 2654.2546, 5098.041) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6131.1772, 2699.4817, 5189.757) TO (6122.2637, 2654.2546, 5098.041) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [SHIELDADDON] Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); Client(7) SHIELD OUTAGE [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2654.2546, 5098.0425) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6122.2646, 2654.2554, 5098.043) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2646, 2654.2554, 5098.043) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2646, 2654.2554, 5098.043) [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [WORLDDRAWER] WARNING: DRAWER UPDATE OF SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] took 118 [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [WORLDDRAWER] WARNING: ADD TOOK 119 [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [DRAWER][WARNING] segManControllerUpdate took 119 ms [2016-04-04 02:40:01] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 119 ms [2016-04-04 02:40:02] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=nah] [2016-04-04 02:40:02] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: nah; ML: 6 [2016-04-04 02:40:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:40:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-94.48621, -85.267715, 603.5683) [2016-04-04 02:40:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:40:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=Epic crash] [2016-04-04 02:40:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: Epic crash; ML: 7 [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675) [2016-04-04 02:40:10] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664) [2016-04-04 02:40:11] [SHIELDADDON] Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); Client(7) SHIELD OUTAGE [2016-04-04 02:40:15] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=thats normal recently] [2016-04-04 02:40:15] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: thats normal recently; ML: 8 [2016-04-04 02:40:16] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 67ms [2016-04-04 02:40:16] HIT RESULT near: (8, 6, 4)[Storage]o[RIGHT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:40:16] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Storage Location: (8, 6, 4) of Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 02:40:19] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:20] SWITCHING SLOTS: 54, 19 [2016-04-04 02:40:20] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 6, 4)){19=>[slot 19; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 407970; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:40:20] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 16.725 [2016-04-04 02:40:20] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1389.340030670166 / 14100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 16.725000381469727 [2016-04-04 02:40:20] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1] ON 54 [2016-04-04 02:40:21] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:22] SWITCHING SLOTS: 55, 20 [2016-04-04 02:40:22] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 6, 4)){20=>[slot 20; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 407970; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:40:22] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 131.68 [2016-04-04 02:40:22] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1257.6600379943848 / 14100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 131.67999267578125 [2016-04-04 02:40:22] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 55; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1] ON 55 [2016-04-04 02:40:23] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:24] SWITCHING SLOTS: 56, 21 [2016-04-04 02:40:24] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 55=>[slot 55; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 6, 4)){21=>[slot 21; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 407970; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:40:24] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 118.05 [2016-04-04 02:40:24] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1139.610034942627 / 14100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 118.05000305175781 [2016-04-04 02:40:24] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1] ON 56 [2016-04-04 02:40:28] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:29] SWITCHING SLOTS: 57, 37 [2016-04-04 02:40:29] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 55=>[slot 55; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 6, 4)){31=>[slot 31; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 407970; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:40:29] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 40.59 [2016-04-04 02:40:29] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1099.020034790039 / 14100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 40.59000015258789 [2016-04-04 02:40:29] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1] ON 57 [2016-04-04 02:40:31] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:40:33] SWITCHING SLOTS: 29, 38 [2016-04-04 02:40:33] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 55=>[slot 55; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 6, 4)){31=>[slot 31; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 407970; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:40:33] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 105.3 [2016-04-04 02:40:33] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 993.7200317382812 / 14100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 105.30000305175781 [2016-04-04 02:40:33] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1] ON 29 [2016-04-04 02:40:37] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 103(102.77906); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:40:57] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 33(32.314266); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:41:05] DRAWING TIME OF 350 elements: 44(43.405727); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.124023, -16.529297, 59.890625); (7.8759766, 17.470703, 93.890625) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.124023, -16.529297, 59.890625); (7.8759766, 17.470703, 93.890625) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.124023, -16.529297, 59.890625); (7.8759766, 17.470703, 93.890625) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.1167, -16.529785, 59.948975); (7.883301, 17.470215, 93.948975) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.1167, -16.529785, 59.948975); (7.883301, 17.470215, 93.948975) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.1167, -16.529785, 59.948975); (7.883301, 17.470215, 93.948975) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.108887, -16.529785, 60.009033); (7.8911133, 17.470215, 94.00903) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.108887, -16.529785, 60.009033); (7.8911133, 17.470215, 94.00903) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.108887, -16.529785, 60.009033); (7.8911133, 17.470215, 94.00903) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.108887, -16.529785, 60.009033); (7.8911133, 17.470215, 94.00903) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.099121, -16.529785, 60.085938); (7.900879, 17.470215, 94.08594) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.099121, -16.529785, 60.085938); (7.900879, 17.470215, 94.08594) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.099121, -16.529785, 60.085938); (7.900879, 17.470215, 94.08594) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.092285, -16.529297, 60.143555); (7.907715, 17.470703, 94.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.092285, -16.529297, 60.143555); (7.907715, 17.470703, 94.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.092285, -16.529297, 60.143555); (7.907715, 17.470703, 94.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.092285, -16.529297, 60.143555); (7.907715, 17.470703, 94.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.083008, -16.528809, 60.21875); (7.916992, 17.471191, 94.21875) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.083008, -16.528809, 60.21875); (7.916992, 17.471191, 94.21875) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.083008, -16.528809, 60.21875); (7.916992, 17.471191, 94.21875) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.075684, -16.52832, 60.276855); (7.9243164, 17.47168, 94.276855) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.075684, -16.52832, 60.276855); (7.9243164, 17.47168, 94.276855) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.075684, -16.52832, 60.276855); (7.9243164, 17.47168, 94.276855) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.067871, -16.527832, 60.337402); (7.932129, 17.472168, 94.3374) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.067871, -16.527832, 60.337402); (7.932129, 17.472168, 94.3374) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.067871, -16.527832, 60.337402); (7.932129, 17.472168, 94.3374) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.067871, -16.527832, 60.337402); (7.932129, 17.472168, 94.3374) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.057617, -16.527832, 60.416016); (7.942383, 17.472168, 94.416016) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.057617, -16.527832, 60.416016); (7.942383, 17.472168, 94.416016) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.057617, -16.527832, 60.416016); (7.942383, 17.472168, 94.416016) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.050293, -16.527832, 60.472656); (7.949707, 17.472168, 94.47266) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.050293, -16.527832, 60.472656); (7.949707, 17.472168, 94.47266) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.050293, -16.527832, 60.472656); (7.949707, 17.472168, 94.47266) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.050293, -16.527832, 60.472656); (7.949707, 17.472168, 94.47266) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.04004, -16.527832, 60.55005); (7.959961, 17.472168, 94.55005) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.04004, -16.527832, 60.55005); (7.959961, 17.472168, 94.55005) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.04004, -16.527832, 60.55005); (7.959961, 17.472168, 94.55005) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.032715, -16.527344, 60.605957); (7.967285, 17.472656, 94.60596) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.032715, -16.527344, 60.605957); (7.967285, 17.472656, 94.60596) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.032715, -16.527344, 60.605957); (7.967285, 17.472656, 94.60596) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.032715, -16.527344, 60.605957); (7.967285, 17.472656, 94.60596) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.02246, -16.527344, 60.68457); (7.977539, 17.472656, 94.68457) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.02246, -16.527344, 60.68457); (7.977539, 17.472656, 94.68457) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.02246, -16.527344, 60.68457); (7.977539, 17.472656, 94.68457) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.015137, -16.526855, 60.742676); (7.9848633, 17.473145, 94.742676) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.015137, -16.526855, 60.742676); (7.9848633, 17.473145, 94.742676) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.015137, -16.526855, 60.742676); (7.9848633, 17.473145, 94.742676) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.007324, -16.526855, 60.80078); (7.992676, 17.473145, 94.80078) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.007324, -16.526855, 60.80078); (7.992676, 17.473145, 94.80078) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.007324, -16.526855, 60.80078); (7.992676, 17.473145, 94.80078) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-26.007324, -16.526855, 60.80078); (7.992676, 17.473145, 94.80078) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.997559, -16.526855, 60.87793); (8.002441, 17.473145, 94.87793) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.997559, -16.526855, 60.87793); (8.002441, 17.473145, 94.87793) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.997559, -16.526855, 60.87793); (8.002441, 17.473145, 94.87793) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.990234, -16.526367, 60.936523); (8.009766, 17.473633, 94.93652) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.990234, -16.526367, 60.936523); (8.009766, 17.473633, 94.93652) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.990234, -16.526367, 60.936523); (8.009766, 17.473633, 94.93652) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.990234, -16.526367, 60.936523); (8.009766, 17.473633, 94.93652) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.980957, -16.526367, 61.011963); (8.019043, 17.473633, 95.01196) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.980957, -16.526367, 61.011963); (8.019043, 17.473633, 95.01196) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.980957, -16.526367, 61.011963); (8.019043, 17.473633, 95.01196) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.973633, -16.526855, 61.06714); (8.026367, 17.473145, 95.06714) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.973633, -16.526855, 61.06714); (8.026367, 17.473145, 95.06714) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.973633, -16.526855, 61.06714); (8.026367, 17.473145, 95.06714) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.973633, -16.526855, 61.06714); (8.026367, 17.473145, 95.06714) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.963379, -16.526855, 61.143555); (8.036621, 17.473145, 95.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.963379, -16.526855, 61.143555); (8.036621, 17.473145, 95.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.963379, -16.526855, 61.143555); (8.036621, 17.473145, 95.143555) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.956055, -16.526855, 61.20117); (8.043945, 17.473145, 95.20117) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.956055, -16.526855, 61.20117); (8.043945, 17.473145, 95.20117) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.956055, -16.526855, 61.20117); (8.043945, 17.473145, 95.20117) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.956055, -16.526855, 61.20117); (8.043945, 17.473145, 95.20117) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.9458, -16.526367, 61.279785); (8.054199, 17.473633, 95.279785) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.9458, -16.526367, 61.279785); (8.054199, 17.473633, 95.279785) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.9458, -16.526367, 61.279785); (8.054199, 17.473633, 95.279785) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.937988, -16.525879, 61.339844); (8.062012, 17.474121, 95.33984) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.937988, -16.525879, 61.339844); (8.062012, 17.474121, 95.33984) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.937988, -16.525879, 61.339844); (8.062012, 17.474121, 95.33984) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.930176, -16.525879, 61.39966); (8.069824, 17.474121, 95.39966) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.930176, -16.525879, 61.39966); (8.069824, 17.474121, 95.39966) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.930176, -16.525879, 61.39966); (8.069824, 17.474121, 95.39966) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.930176, -16.525879, 61.39966); (8.069824, 17.474121, 95.39966) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.92041, -16.525879, 61.476562); (8.07959, 17.474121, 95.47656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.92041, -16.525879, 61.476562); (8.07959, 17.474121, 95.47656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.92041, -16.525879, 61.476562); (8.07959, 17.474121, 95.47656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.913086, -16.525879, 61.535645); (8.086914, 17.474121, 95.535645) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.913086, -16.525879, 61.535645); (8.086914, 17.474121, 95.535645) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.913086, -16.525879, 61.535645); (8.086914, 17.474121, 95.535645) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.905762, -16.525879, 61.592285); (8.094238, 17.474121, 95.592285) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.905762, -16.525879, 61.592285); (8.094238, 17.474121, 95.592285) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.905762, -16.525879, 61.592285); (8.094238, 17.474121, 95.592285) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.905762, -16.525879, 61.592285); (8.094238, 17.474121, 95.592285) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.896484, -16.525879, 61.669434); (8.103516, 17.474121, 95.66943) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.896484, -16.525879, 61.669434); (8.103516, 17.474121, 95.66943) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.896484, -16.525879, 61.669434); (8.103516, 17.474121, 95.66943) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.889648, -16.525879, 61.726562); (8.110352, 17.474121, 95.72656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.889648, -16.525879, 61.726562); (8.110352, 17.474121, 95.72656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.889648, -16.525879, 61.726562); (8.110352, 17.474121, 95.72656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.889648, -16.525879, 61.726562); (8.110352, 17.474121, 95.72656) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.880371, -16.525389, 61.801758); (8.119629, 17.474607, 95.80176) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.880371, -16.525389, 61.801758); (8.119629, 17.474607, 95.80176) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.880371, -16.525389, 61.801758); (8.119629, 17.474607, 95.80176) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.872559, -16.52539, 61.861816); (8.127441, 17.47461, 95.86182) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-25.872559, -16.52539, 61.861816); (8.127441, 17.47461, 95.86182) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.433685, -39.212173); (27.051554, 36.668312, 59.889824) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> null [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 02:41:06] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 02:41:06] NOT WARPING OUT OF COLLISION, BECAUSE WARP TOKEN WAS SET [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6167.354, 2669.371, 5120.771) TO (-6167.354, 2669.371, 5120.771) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2646, 2654.2554, 5098.043) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2646, 2654.2554, 5098.043) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6132.9087, 2669.371, 5121.523) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6167.354, 2669.371, 5120.771) TO (6132.9087, 2669.371, 5121.523) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6132.9087, 2669.371, 5121.523) [2016-04-04 02:41:06] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (6132.9087, 2669.371, 5121.523) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 02:41:08] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 16 [2016-04-04 02:41:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, ADM_Eldiwyn]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:41:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ADM_Eldiwyn has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:41:17] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ADM_Eldiwyn has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:41:18] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 848698 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@99e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@99e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@99e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@99e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl2](2643) TOOK 54 [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[], name=Fenrir, owner=adm_eldiwyn, dbid=303, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:41:20] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, eliteman45]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: eliteman45 left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: eliteman45 left the game. [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] notified team change [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45)(523)] [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (424)ChatSystem; 424 [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 424((424)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45)(523)]; 523 [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 523(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_eliteman45)(523)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)]; 17 [2016-04-04 02:41:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 17(PlS[eliteman45 ; id(17)(2)f(10512)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 34 [2016-04-04 02:41:31] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 60ms [2016-04-04 02:41:31] [CLIENT] queued synchronized objects 68 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698); 1698 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1698(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](1698)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692); 1692 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1692(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](1692)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691); 1691 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1691(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](1691)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673); 1673 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1673(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](1673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678); 1678 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1678(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](1678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685); 1685 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1685(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](1685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660); 1660 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1660(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](1660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656); 1656 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1656(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](1656)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1666)sec[1645]; 1666 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1666(Asteroid(1666)sec[1645]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663); 1663 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1663(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](1663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682); 1682 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1682(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](1682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677); 1677 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1677(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](1677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715); 1715 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1715(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](1715)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1639)true; (588, -4, -268); ]; 1639 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1639([CLIENT ReSector(1639)true; (588, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689); 1689 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1689(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](1689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707); 1707 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1707(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](1707)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708); 1708 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1708(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](1708)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710); 1710 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1710(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](1710)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702); 1702 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1702(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](1702)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653); 1653 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1653(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](1653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650); 1650 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1650(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](1650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709); 1709 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1709(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](1709)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657); 1657 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1657(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](1657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714); 1714 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1714(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](1714)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697); 1697 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1697(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](1697)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1640)true; (588, -3, -270); ]; 1640 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1640([CLIENT ReSector(1640)true; (588, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667); 1667 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1667(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](1667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654); 1654 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1654(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](1654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648); 1648 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1648(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](1648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684); 1684 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1684(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](1684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704); 1704 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1704(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](1704)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681); 1681 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1681(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](1681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661); 1661 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1661(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](1661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716); 1716 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1716(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](1716)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701); 1701 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1701(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](1701)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679); 1679 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1679(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](1679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1644)true; (588, -2, -269); ]; 1644 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1644([CLIENT ReSector(1644)true; (588, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652); 1652 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1652(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](1652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683); 1683 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1683(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](1683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686); 1686 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1686(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](1686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695); 1695 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1695(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](1695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713); 1713 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1713(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](1713)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703); 1703 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1703(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](1703)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670); 1670 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1670(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](1670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700); 1700 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1700(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](1700)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680); 1680 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1680(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](1680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1638)true; (588, -4, -269); ]; 1638 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1638([CLIENT ReSector(1638)true; (588, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646); 1646 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1646(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](1646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671); 1671 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1671(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](1671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694); 1694 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1694(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](1694)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690); 1690 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1690(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](1690)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1637)true; (588, -4, -270); ]; 1637 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1637([CLIENT ReSector(1637)true; (588, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1642)true; (588, -3, -268); ]; 1642 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1642([CLIENT ReSector(1642)true; (588, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712); 1712 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1712(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](1712)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651); 1651 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1651(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](1651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693); 1693 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1693(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](1693)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649); 1649 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1649(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](1649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658); 1658 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1658(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](1658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699); 1699 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1699(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](1699)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706); 1706 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1706(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](1706)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676); 1676 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1676(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](1676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(1687)sec[1645]; 1687 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1687(Asteroid(1687)sec[1645]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659); 1659 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1659(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](1659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688); 1688 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1688(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](1688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668); 1668 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1668(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](1668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711); 1711 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1711(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](1711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672); 1672 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1672(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](1672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674); 1674 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1674(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](1674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1643)true; (588, -2, -270); ]; 1643 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1643([CLIENT ReSector(1643)true; (588, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665); 1665 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1665(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](1665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662); 1662 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1662(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](1662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675); 1675 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1675(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](1675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655); 1655 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1655(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](1655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705); 1705 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1705(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](1705)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696); 1696 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1696(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](1696)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669); 1669 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1669(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](1669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]; 1647 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1647(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(1647)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1641)true; (588, -3, -269); ]; 1641 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1641([CLIENT ReSector(1641)true; (588, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664); 1664 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1664(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](1664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:41:38] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1645)true; (588, -2, -268); ]; 1645 [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1645([CLIENT ReSector(1645)true; (588, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 02:41:38] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:41:38] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@a3a2861; 1698 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1698(obfuscated.Sr@a3a2861) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@17732cd6; 1692 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1692(obfuscated.Sr@17732cd6) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@21b977b2; 1691 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1691(obfuscated.Sr@21b977b2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5655145c; 1673 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1673(obfuscated.Sr@5655145c) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@644b860a; 1678 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1678(obfuscated.Sr@644b860a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3f25f01f; 1685 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1685(obfuscated.Sr@3f25f01f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@e7703ac; 1660 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1660(obfuscated.Sr@e7703ac) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@747b03d4; 1656 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1656(obfuscated.Sr@747b03d4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@9711ba7; 1666 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1666(obfuscated.Sr@9711ba7) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@13828229; 1663 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1663(obfuscated.Sr@13828229) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2080703a; 1682 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1682(obfuscated.Sr@2080703a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4725a43f; 1677 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1677(obfuscated.Sr@4725a43f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@35b16b53; 1715 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1715(obfuscated.Sr@35b16b53) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3b34938; 1689 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1689(obfuscated.Sr@3b34938) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4765428b; 1707 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1707(obfuscated.Sr@4765428b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@390ee4c1; 1708 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1708(obfuscated.Sr@390ee4c1) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@476584a5; 1710 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1710(obfuscated.Sr@476584a5) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@156aa406; 1702 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1702(obfuscated.Sr@156aa406) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@632074cd; 1653 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1653(obfuscated.Sr@632074cd) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@262cfb16; 1650 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1650(obfuscated.Sr@262cfb16) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2d08ac80; 1709 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1709(obfuscated.Sr@2d08ac80) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5369973e; 1657 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1657(obfuscated.Sr@5369973e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@67871d28; 1714 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1714(obfuscated.Sr@67871d28) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5e2777c6; 1697 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1697(obfuscated.Sr@5e2777c6) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@33769523; 1667 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1667(obfuscated.Sr@33769523) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5fe78e04; 1654 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1654(obfuscated.Sr@5fe78e04) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@16dcc412; 1648 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1648(obfuscated.Sr@16dcc412) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@49616c23; 1684 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1684(obfuscated.Sr@49616c23) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4024c28e; 1704 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1704(obfuscated.Sr@4024c28e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5267fbb5; 1681 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1681(obfuscated.Sr@5267fbb5) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@189ed2e2; 1661 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1661(obfuscated.Sr@189ed2e2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@405ad37d; 1716 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1716(obfuscated.Sr@405ad37d) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@78c85157; 1701 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1701(obfuscated.Sr@78c85157) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@509703ed; 1679 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1679(obfuscated.Sr@509703ed) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1cbb1c93; 1652 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1652(obfuscated.Sr@1cbb1c93) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@227f05ba; 1683 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1683(obfuscated.Sr@227f05ba) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5995d0a1; 1686 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1686(obfuscated.Sr@5995d0a1) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3782285c; 1695 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1695(obfuscated.Sr@3782285c) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6074af32; 1713 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1713(obfuscated.Sr@6074af32) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@65926122; 1703 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1703(obfuscated.Sr@65926122) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@17e3ffa0; 1670 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1670(obfuscated.Sr@17e3ffa0) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1e0f8aab; 1700 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1700(obfuscated.Sr@1e0f8aab) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7aafe5e; 1680 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1680(obfuscated.Sr@7aafe5e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@15ac56ef; 1646 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1646(obfuscated.Sr@15ac56ef) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@45aaff56; 1671 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1671(obfuscated.Sr@45aaff56) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1d6a67e4; 1694 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1694(obfuscated.Sr@1d6a67e4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7a9ede25; 1690 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1690(obfuscated.Sr@7a9ede25) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1b6b6a01; 1712 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1712(obfuscated.Sr@1b6b6a01) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4b084ec0; 1651 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1651(obfuscated.Sr@4b084ec0) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7dec58fd; 1693 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1693(obfuscated.Sr@7dec58fd) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@168b189c; 1649 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1649(obfuscated.Sr@168b189c) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@64e7b264; 1658 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1658(obfuscated.Sr@64e7b264) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@51bf6a2a; 1699 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1699(obfuscated.Sr@51bf6a2a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1f8473cc; 1706 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1706(obfuscated.Sr@1f8473cc) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4652d3db; 1676 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1676(obfuscated.Sr@4652d3db) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3cea2e95; 1687 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1687(obfuscated.Sr@3cea2e95) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@21f69305; 1659 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1659(obfuscated.Sr@21f69305) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3e79d3fd; 1688 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1688(obfuscated.Sr@3e79d3fd) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@138050a9; 1668 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1668(obfuscated.Sr@138050a9) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6713893b; 1711 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1711(obfuscated.Sr@6713893b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5fc27c3; 1672 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1672(obfuscated.Sr@5fc27c3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7f92bfb4; 1674 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1674(obfuscated.Sr@7f92bfb4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5182e5e4; 1665 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1665(obfuscated.Sr@5182e5e4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@547c06a6; 1662 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1662(obfuscated.Sr@547c06a6) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@52d31afb; 1675 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1675(obfuscated.Sr@52d31afb) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@25c31485; 1655 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1655(obfuscated.Sr@25c31485) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@19a586ba; 1705 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1705(obfuscated.Sr@19a586ba) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@621c5b5b; 1696 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1696(obfuscated.Sr@621c5b5b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1f48212; 1669 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1669(obfuscated.Sr@1f48212) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@10ee86d3; 1647 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1647(obfuscated.Sr@10ee86d3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@bbb4067; 1664 [2016-04-04 02:41:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1664(obfuscated.Sr@bbb4067) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:40] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 140646 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:41:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FROM 1623 TO 1616 [2016-04-04 02:41:40] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]: (-6149.9224, 2669.1272, 5146.162) [2016-04-04 02:41:40] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6149.8643, 2669.1516, 5146.263) TO (-6149.9224, 2669.1272, 5146.162) [2016-04-04 02:41:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@bf2 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@bf2 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@bf2 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:41] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@bf2 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:41:44] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 2198 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](2440); 2440 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2440(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](2440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](2470); 2470 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2470(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](2470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](2442); 2442 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2442(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](2442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](2514); 2514 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2514(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](2514)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](2467); 2467 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2467(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](2467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](2561); 2561 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2561(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](2561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](2528); 2528 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2528(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](2528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](2535); 2535 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2535(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](2535)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](2478); 2478 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2478(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](2478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](2522); 2522 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2522(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](2522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](2553); 2553 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2553(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](2553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](2434); 2434 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2434(Ship[ssKingduffs](2434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](2524); 2524 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2524(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](2524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](2454); 2454 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2454(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](2454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(2462)]; 2462 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2462(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(2462)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](2508); 2508 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2508(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](2508)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](2416); 2416 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2416(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](2416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](2417); 2417 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2417(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](2417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](2497); 2497 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2497(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](2497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](2426); 2426 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2426(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](2426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](2465); 2465 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2465(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](2465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](2484); 2484 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2484(Ship[Water Wheel](2484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](2446); 2446 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2446(Ship[Voiden](2446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](2501); 2501 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2501(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](2501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](2504); 2504 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2504(Ship[Almighty Ship](2504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](2547); 2547 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2547(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](2547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](2539); 2539 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2539(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](2539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](2415); 2415 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2415(Ship[The Shuttle](2415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](2477); 2477 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2477(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](2477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](2436); 2436 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2436(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](2436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](2427); 2427 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2427(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](2427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](2549); 2549 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2549(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](2549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](2422); 2422 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2422(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](2422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](2542); 2542 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2542(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](2542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](2447); 2447 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2447(Ship[Escape pod](2447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](2517); 2517 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2517(Ship[ConduPrime_001](2517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](2429); 2429 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2429(Ship[UC Eden](2429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](2562); 2562 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2562(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](2562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](2540); 2540 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2540(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](2540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](2493); 2493 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2493(Ship[Sperg Mobile](2493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](2559); 2559 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2559(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](2559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](2513); 2513 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2513(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](2513)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](2512); 2512 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2512(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](2512)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](2543); 2543 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2543(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](2543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](2483); 2483 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2483(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](2483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](2565); 2565 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2565(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](2565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](2506); 2506 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2506(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](2506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](2502); 2502 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2502(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](2502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](2536); 2536 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2536(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](2536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](2432); 2432 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2432(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](2432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](2516); 2516 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2516(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](2516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](2548); 2548 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2548(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](2548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](2414); 2414 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2414(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](2414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](2463); 2463 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2463(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](2463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](2550); 2550 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2550(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](2550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](2499); 2499 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2499(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](2499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](2566); 2566 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2566(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](2566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](2498); 2498 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2498(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](2498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](2469); 2469 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2469(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](2469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](2461); 2461 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2461(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](2461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](2475); 2475 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2475(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](2475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](2450); 2450 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2450(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](2450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](2509); 2509 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2509(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](2509)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](2435); 2435 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2435(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](2435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](2473); 2473 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2473(Ship[Cube](2473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](2515); 2515 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2515(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](2515)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](2552); 2552 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2552(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](2552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](2567); 2567 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2567(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](2567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](2413); 2413 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2413(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](2413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](2537); 2537 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2537(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](2537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](2453); 2453 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2453(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](2453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](2445); 2445 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2445(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](2445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](2439); 2439 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2439(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](2439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](2479); 2479 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2479(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](2479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](2458); 2458 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2458(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](2458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](2449); 2449 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2449(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](2449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](2471); 2471 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2471(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](2471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](2500); 2500 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2500(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](2500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](2419); 2419 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2419(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](2419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](2481); 2481 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2481(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](2481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](2510); 2510 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2510(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](2510)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](2538); 2538 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2538(Ship[Memeinator](2538)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](2487); 2487 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2487(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](2487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](2430); 2430 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2430(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](2430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](2448); 2448 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2448(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](2448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](2546); 2546 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2546(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](2546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](2411); 2411 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2411(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](2411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](2554); 2554 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2554(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](2554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](2431); 2431 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2431(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](2431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](2443); 2443 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2443(Ship[Shadow corp ship](2443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](2526); 2526 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2526(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](2526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](2507); 2507 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2507(Ship[Fraction](2507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](2557); 2557 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2557(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](2557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](2418); 2418 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2418(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](2418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](2534); 2534 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2534(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](2534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](2455); 2455 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2455(Ship[F](2455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](2551); 2551 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2551(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](2551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](2485); 2485 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2485(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](2485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](2459); 2459 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2459(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](2459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](2545); 2545 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2545(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](2545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](2564); 2564 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2564(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](2564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](2521); 2521 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2521(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](2521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](2563); 2563 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2563(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](2563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](2518); 2518 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2518(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](2518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](2505); 2505 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2505(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](2505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](2482); 2482 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2482(Ship[The Noob Ship](2482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](2555); 2555 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2555(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](2555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](2476); 2476 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2476(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](2476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](2558); 2558 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2558(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](2558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](2491); 2491 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2491(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](2491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](2428); 2428 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2428(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](2428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](2519); 2519 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2519(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](2519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](2452); 2452 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2452(Ship[shippy vw](2452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](2525); 2525 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2525(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](2525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](2457); 2457 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2457(Ship[FarStar](2457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](2441); 2441 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2441(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](2441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](2456); 2456 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2456(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](2456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](2511); 2511 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2511(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](2511)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](2544); 2544 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2544(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](2544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](2420); 2420 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2420(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](2420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](2488); 2488 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2488(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](2488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](2480); 2480 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2480(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](2480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](2503); 2503 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2503(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](2503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](2425); 2425 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2425(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](2425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](2424); 2424 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2424(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](2424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](2490); 2490 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2490(Ship[World Eater](2490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](2494); 2494 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2494(Ship[redstone](2494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](2496); 2496 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2496(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](2496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](2532); 2532 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2532(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](2532)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](2523); 2523 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2523(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](2523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](2527); 2527 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2527(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](2527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](2423); 2423 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2423(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](2423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](2433); 2433 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2433(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](2433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](2568); 2568 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2568(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](2568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](2531); 2531 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2531(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](2531)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](2466); 2466 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2466(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](2466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](2530); 2530 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2530(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](2530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](2451); 2451 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2451(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](2451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](2541); 2541 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2541(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](2541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](2472); 2472 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2472(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](2472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](2438); 2438 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2438(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](2438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](2421); 2421 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2421(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](2421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](2495); 2495 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2495(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](2495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](2486); 2486 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2486(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](2486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](2533); 2533 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2533(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](2533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](2468); 2468 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2468(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](2468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](2529); 2529 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2529(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](2529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](2464); 2464 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2464(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](2464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](2556); 2556 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2556(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](2556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](2412); 2412 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2412(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](2412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](2492); 2492 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2492(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](2492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](2489); 2489 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2489(Ship[justint](2489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](2444); 2444 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2444(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](2444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](2474); 2474 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2474(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](2474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](2520); 2520 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2520(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](2520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](2560); 2560 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2560(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](2560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](2460); 2460 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2460(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](2460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](2437); 2437 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2437(Ship[Mah Bucket](2437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2410)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 2410 [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2410([CLIENT ReSector(2410)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] [2016-04-04 02:41:46] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:41:47] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)] FROM -2 TO 2026 [2016-04-04 02:41:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=3128 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:41:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)] [2016-04-04 02:41:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:41:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 02:41:51] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:41:51] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 02:41:52] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)], fromId=3128 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=2028 (Ship[VFS - Nocturne - MK2](2028)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:41:52] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)]; detach pos: (238.76045, 222.86685, -388.4521) [2016-04-04 02:41:52] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:41:52] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] Added to controllers: Ship[VFS - Nocturne - MK2](2028) [2016-04-04 02:41:53] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:41:53] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 02:41:53] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:41:53] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6129.952, 2690.847, 5187.0815) [2016-04-04 02:41:53] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:41:53] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:41:53] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6129.9517, 2690.8467, 5187.0815) [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl7](293); 293 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 293(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl7](293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl018](392); 392 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 392(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl018](392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl035](393); 393 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 393(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl035](393)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl07](331); 331 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 331(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl07](331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl020](240); 240 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 240(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl020](240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl024](322); 322 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 322(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl024](322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl2500](245); 245 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 245(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl2500](245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(415)true; (11, -61, 5); ]; 415 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 415([CLIENT ReSector(415)true; (11, -61, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Exopod](369); 369 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 369(Ship[Exopod](369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl30](289); 289 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 289(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl30](289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl370](354); 354 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 354(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl370](354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl15](326); 326 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 326(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl15](326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(422)true; (11, -59, 6); ]; 422 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 422([CLIENT ReSector(422)true; (11, -59, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl10](225); 225 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 225(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl10](225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl00](353); 353 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 353(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl00](353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl14](276); 276 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 276(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl14](276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl20](261); 261 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 261(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl20](261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl39](303); 303 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 303(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl39](303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl7](184); 184 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 184(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl7](184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29120](220); 220 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 220(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29120](220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2912](193); 193 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 193(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2912](193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl025](309); 309 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 309(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl025](309)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl8](216); 216 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 216(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl8](216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(421)true; (11, -59, 5); ]; 421 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 421([CLIENT ReSector(421)true; (11, -59, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Huginrl1](319); 319 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 319(Ship[MSV Huginrl1](319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(407)true; (10, -61, 5); ]; 407 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 407([CLIENT ReSector(407)true; (10, -61, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl6](300); 300 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 300(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl6](300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl240](270); 270 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 270(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl240](270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl70](382); 382 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 382(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl70](382)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl23](199); 199 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 199(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl23](199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl3](186); 186 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 186(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl3](186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2900](341); 341 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 341(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2900](341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl41](239); 239 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 239(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl41](239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl18](201); 201 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 201(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl18](201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl43](215); 215 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 215(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl43](215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SHUTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE](387); 387 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 387(Ship[SHUTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE](387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Mining Drone 10](181); 181 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 181(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Mining Drone 10](181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl50](305); 305 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 305(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl50](305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2918](191); 191 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 191(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2918](191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl160](347); 347 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 347(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl160](347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl4](296); 296 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 296(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl4](296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl40](187); 187 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 187(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl40](187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl29](380); 380 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 380(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl29](380)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl24](205); 205 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 205(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl24](205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Huginrl3](213); 213 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 213(Ship[MSV Huginrl3](213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29140](320); 320 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 320(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29140](320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl040](275); 275 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 275(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl040](275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl60](292); 292 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 292(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl60](292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl15](316); 316 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 316(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl15](316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(411)true; (10, -59, 4); ]; 411 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 411([CLIENT ReSector(411)true; (10, -59, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl210](340); 340 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 340(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl210](340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Huginrl0](327); 327 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 327(Ship[MSV Huginrl0](327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl23E](179); 179 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 179(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl23E](179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Mining drone 30](310); 310 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 310(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Mining drone 30](310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl320](335); 335 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 335(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl320](335)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl291](207); 207 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 207(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl291](207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl8](323); 323 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 323(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl8](323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl021](385); 385 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 385(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl021](385)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl036](314); 314 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 314(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl036](314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2916](297); 297 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 297(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2916](297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl014](214); 214 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 214(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl014](214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl017](227); 227 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 227(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl017](227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl38](280); 280 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 280(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl38](280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl04](230); 230 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 230(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl04](230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl300](255); 255 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 255(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl300](255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl2](277); 277 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 277(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl2](277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(402)true; (9, -60, 6); ]; 402 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 402([CLIENT ReSector(402)true; (9, -60, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ratchet Ind -Soya- MKII Salvager R001](384); 384 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 384(Ship[Ratchet Ind -Soya- MKII Salvager R001](384)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl21E](324); 324 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 324(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl21E](324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl5](358); 358 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 358(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl5](358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl029](330); 330 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 330(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl029](330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2915](346); 346 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 346(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2915](346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0](198); 198 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 198(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0](198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl011](249); 249 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 249(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl011](249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl027](345); 345 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 345(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl027](345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl200](361); 361 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 361(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl200](361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2914](219); 219 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 219(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2914](219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2913](217); 217 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 217(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2913](217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl350](256); 256 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 256(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl350](256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl10E](188); 188 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 188(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl10E](188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl27](373); 373 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 373(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl27](373)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl60](212); 212 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 212(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl60](212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(405)true; (9, -59, 6); ]; 405 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 405([CLIENT ReSector(405)true; (9, -59, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(409)true; (10, -60, 4); ]; 409 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 409([CLIENT ReSector(409)true; (10, -60, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl26](185); 185 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 185(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl26](185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl08](359); 359 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 359(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl08](359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl31](371); 371 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 371(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl31](371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl5](258); 258 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 258(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl5](258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl09](231); 231 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 231(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl09](231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2990](254); 254 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 254(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2990](254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[wip3out test](389); 389 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 389(Ship[wip3out test](389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl250](224); 224 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 224(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl250](224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl360](328); 328 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 328(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl360](328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl6](372); 372 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 372(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl6](372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl4](291); 291 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 291(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl4](291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl80](295); 295 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 295(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl80](295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl44](357); 357 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 357(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl44](357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl80](315); 315 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 315(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl80](315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(403)true; (9, -59, 4); ]; 403 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 403([CLIENT ReSector(403)true; (9, -59, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl05](271); 271 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 271(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl05](271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl019](336); 336 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 336(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl019](336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl90](312); 312 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 312(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl90](312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl180](237); 237 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 237(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl180](237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl150](302); 302 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 302(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl150](302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl330](250); 250 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 250(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl330](250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl50](325); 325 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 325(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl50](325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl310](192); 192 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 192(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl310](192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl37](339); 339 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 339(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl37](339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl030](274); 274 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 274(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl030](274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl70](332); 332 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 332(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl70](332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(414)true; (11, -61, 4); ]; 414 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 414([CLIENT ReSector(414)true; (11, -61, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl13](390); 390 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 390(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl13](390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl297](273); 273 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 273(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl297](273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl031](298); 298 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 298(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl031](298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(401)true; (9, -60, 5); ]; 401 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 401([CLIENT ReSector(401)true; (9, -60, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl100](378); 378 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 378(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl100](378)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1458006333344](363); 363 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 363(Ship[Castel_LPE1458006333344](363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl00](304); 304 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 304(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl00](304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl22E](243); 243 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 243(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl22E](243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl022](344); 344 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 344(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl022](344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2930](232); 232 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 232(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2930](232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(398)true; (9, -61, 5); ]; 398 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 398([CLIENT ReSector(398)true; (9, -61, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(406)true; (10, -61, 4); ]; 406 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 406([CLIENT ReSector(406)true; (10, -61, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Harvester Squid 46](206); 206 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 206(Ship[Harvester Squid 46](206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl298](226); 226 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 226(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl298](226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shuttlllerlerlerle](257); 257 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 257(Ship[Shuttlllerlerlerle](257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl01](228); 228 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 228(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl01](228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl292](278); 278 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 278(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl292](278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(399)true; (9, -61, 6); ]; 399 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 399([CLIENT ReSector(399)true; (9, -61, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Hugin](311); 311 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 311(Ship[MSV Hugin](311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl010](321); 321 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 321(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl010](321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl35](349); 349 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 349(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl35](349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl14](282); 282 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 282(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl14](282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl230](352); 352 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 352(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl230](352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29170](348); 348 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 348(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29170](348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl28](269); 269 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 269(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl28](269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl400](238); 238 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 238(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl400](238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(420)true; (11, -59, 4); ]; 420 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 420([CLIENT ReSector(420)true; (11, -59, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(408)true; (10, -61, 6); ]; 408 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 408([CLIENT ReSector(408)true; (10, -61, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl030E](287); 287 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 287(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl030E](287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl40](221); 221 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 221(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl40](221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl12](208); 208 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 208(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl12](208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl9](318); 318 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 318(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl9](318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl1](374); 374 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 374(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl1](374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(416)true; (11, -61, 6); ]; 416 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 416([CLIENT ReSector(416)true; (11, -61, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl012](265); 265 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 265(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl012](265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Huginrl2](307); 307 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 307(Ship[MSV Huginrl2](307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl290](281); 281 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 281(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl290](281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl0](337); 337 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 337(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl0](337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl016](263); 263 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 263(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl016](263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl20E](368); 368 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 368(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl20E](368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl34](251); 251 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 251(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl34](251)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl340](376); 376 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 376(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl340](376)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(400)true; (9, -60, 4); ]; 400 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 400([CLIENT ReSector(400)true; (9, -60, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2910](260); 260 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 260(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2910](260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29180](222); 222 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 222(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29180](222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2911](253); 253 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 253(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2911](253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl21](388); 388 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 388(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl21](388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl015](338); 338 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 338(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl015](338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl2](259); 259 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 259(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl2](259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Frontier Salvager1456926589002](367); 367 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 367(Ship[Frontier Salvager1456926589002](367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl0](350); 350 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 350(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl0](350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl19](334); 334 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 334(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl19](334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl110](262); 262 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 262(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl110](262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl20](244); 244 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 244(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl20](244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(404)true; (9, -59, 5); ]; 404 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 404([CLIENT ReSector(404)true; (9, -59, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl25](266); 266 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 266(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl25](266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2960](364); 364 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 364(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2960](364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(397)true; (9, -61, 4); ]; 397 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 397([CLIENT ReSector(397)true; (9, -61, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl295](306); 306 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 306(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl295](306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl140](351); 351 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 351(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl140](351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(413)true; (10, -59, 6); ]; 413 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 413([CLIENT ReSector(413)true; (10, -59, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl140](365); 365 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 365(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl140](365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl430](264); 264 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 264(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl430](264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl190](178); 178 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 178(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl190](178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(419)true; (11, -60, 6); ]; 419 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 419([CLIENT ReSector(419)true; (11, -60, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl11](377); 377 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 377(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl11](377)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl16](285); 285 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 285(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl16](285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl130](195); 195 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 195(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl130](195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl013](288); 288 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 288(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl013](288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Intergalactic Asskicker](356); 356 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 356(Ship[The Intergalactic Asskicker](356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl36](203); 203 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 203(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl36](203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl06](333); 333 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 333(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl06](333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2980](267); 267 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 267(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2980](267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl120](362); 362 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 362(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl120](362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl026](235); 235 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 235(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl026](235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(410)true; (10, -60, 6); ]; 410 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 410([CLIENT ReSector(410)true; (10, -60, 6); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl041](183); 183 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 183(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl041](183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl42](329); 329 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 329(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl42](329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Void Wanderers Small Freighter](396); 396 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 396(Ship[Void Wanderers Small Freighter](396)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29100](211); 211 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 211(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29100](211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl293](386); 386 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 386(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl293](386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Drone 20](189); 189 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 189(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Drone 20](189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2917](317); 317 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 317(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl2917](317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Kasani CET3](355); 355 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 355(Ship[Kasani CET3](355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl22](366); 366 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 366(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl22](366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Eliteman Jumper V2](252); 252 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 252(Ship[Eliteman Jumper V2](252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl150](194); 194 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 194(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl150](194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl294](234); 234 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 234(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl294](234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl03](383); 383 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 383(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl03](383)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl299](182); 182 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 182(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl299](182)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl033](236); 236 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 236(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl033](236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl032](180); 180 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 180(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl032](180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl110](370); 370 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 370(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl110](370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl290](218); 218 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 218(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl290](218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl11](283); 283 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 283(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl11](283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl12](313); 313 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 313(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl12](313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl039](394); 394 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 394(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl039](394)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl023](279); 279 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 279(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl023](279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl380](301); 301 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 301(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl380](301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl30](272); 272 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 272(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl30](272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl170](241); 241 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 241(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl170](241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl33](248); 248 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 248(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl33](248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl037](196); 196 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 196(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl037](196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl296](200); 200 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 200(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl296](200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl034](233); 233 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 233(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl034](233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[-Sharpie-rl13](343); 343 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 343(Ship[-Sharpie-rl13](343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl02](342); 342 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 342(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl02](342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl220](268); 268 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 268(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl220](268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl280](209); 209 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 209(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl280](209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl9](202); 202 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 202(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl9](202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiser](197); 197 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 197(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiser](197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl10](381); 381 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 381(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl10](381)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl390](395); 395 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 395(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl390](395)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl90](190); 190 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 190(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl90](190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl32](308); 308 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 308(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl32](308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl440](246); 246 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 246(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl440](246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl160](290); 290 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 290(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl160](290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl00](229); 229 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 229(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl00](229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl3](247); 247 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 247(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl3](247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl028](204); 204 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 204(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl028](204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl410](223); 223 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 223(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl410](223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl1](391); 391 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 391(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl1](391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl038](294); 294 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 294(Ship[Ursa Miner VWrl0rl038](294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Platform Delta-1(379)]; 379 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 379(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Platform Delta-1(379)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MSV Huginrl4](360); 360 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 360(Ship[MSV Huginrl4](360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29150](284); 284 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 284(Ship[Madison Class Destroyer VWrl29rl29150](284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl17](242); 242 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 242(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl17](242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl16](210); 210 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 210(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl16](210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl13](375); 375 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 375(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl13](375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform Delta-1rl120](286); 286 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 286(Ship[Platform Delta-1rl120](286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl130](299); 299 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 299(Ship[Golem Heavy Cruiserrl130](299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(177)true; (10, -60, 5); ]; 177 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 177([CLIENT ReSector(177)true; (10, -60, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(418)true; (11, -60, 5); ]; 418 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 418([CLIENT ReSector(418)true; (11, -60, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(417)true; (11, -60, 4); ]; 417 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 417([CLIENT ReSector(417)true; (11, -60, 4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(412)true; (10, -59, 5); ]; 412 [2016-04-04 02:41:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 412([CLIENT ReSector(412)true; (10, -59, 5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:41:55] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 2949 [2016-04-04 02:41:56] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:41:56] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:41:56] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:41:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, BUILD_MrFuz]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:41:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: BUILD_MrFuz has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:41:57] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: BUILD_MrFuz has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:41:58] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 600370 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@d88 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@d88 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@d88 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@d88 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@c6e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@c6e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@c6e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@c6e Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_PATHOS, name=PATHOS, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550340], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_NOMADSHUTTLE1459653606355rl10, name=NOMADSHUTTLE1459653606355rl10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646537], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_PATHOSrl14, name=MINING SHUTTLE, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550298], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654555729rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654555729rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646549], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654533170rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654533170rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646548], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654526694rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654526694rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646547], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654515257rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654515257rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646546], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654498419rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654498419rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646545], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459654484887rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459654484887rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646544], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653696719rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653696719rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646542], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653680586rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653680586rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646541], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653651332rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653651332rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646540], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653580448rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653580448rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646534], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653559228rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653559228rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646533], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_MIENERON50001459653544173rl1646, name=MIENERON50001459653544173rl1646, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646531]], name=HELP, owner=build_mrfuz, dbid=399, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_BUILD_MrFuz_1459614076347, name=KAHUNACARGO, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=643335], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(160, 1000000, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_DRONEMINERPX11459654621951, name=DRONEMINERPX11459654621951, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646559]], name=THE BIG KAHUNA, owner=build_mrfuz, dbid=393, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)] FROM -2 TO 2569 [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] [2016-04-04 02:42:01] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:42:03] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 57ms [2016-04-04 02:42:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=3535 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:42:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)] [2016-04-04 02:42:08] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Starter ship pa 0 [2016-04-04 02:42:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)], fromId=3535 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=2725 (Ship[XMC_Cyclops-Gunship_1458925794120](2725)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:42:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)]; detach pos: (216.08752, 198.52559, 858.95825) [2016-04-04 02:42:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:42:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] Added to controllers: Ship[XMC_Cyclops-Gunship_1458925794120](2725) [2016-04-04 02:42:13] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:42:13] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:42:17] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:19] SWITCHING SLOTS: 13, 55 [2016-04-04 02:42:19] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 989100; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 1800; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31227; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 1650; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 16140; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 93; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 55=>[slot 55; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:42:19] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 131.68 [2016-04-04 02:42:19] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1710.3040274232626 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 131.67999267578125 [2016-04-04 02:42:19] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13168; mt -1] ON 13 [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6129.9517, 2690.8467, 5187.0815) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6129.951, 2690.846, 5187.082) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]: (6122.2637, 2654.2546, 5098.041) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6129.951, 2690.846, 5187.082) TO (6122.2637, 2654.2546, 5098.041) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 02:42:24] [SHIELDADDON] Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); Client(7) SHIELD OUTAGE [2016-04-04 02:42:24] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 02:42:24] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](3264); 3264 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3264(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](3264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](3131); 3131 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3131(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](3131)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](3173); 3173 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3173(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](3173)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](3169); 3169 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3169(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](3169)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](3166); 3166 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3166(Ship[Voiden](3166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](3286); 3286 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3286(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](3286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](3162); 3162 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3162(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](3162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](3210); 3210 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3210(Ship[World Eater](3210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](3287); 3287 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3287(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](3287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](3222); 3222 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3222(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](3222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](3233); 3233 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3233(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](3233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](3186); 3186 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3186(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](3186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](3172); 3172 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3172(Ship[shippy vw](3172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](3194); 3194 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3194(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](3194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](3197); 3197 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3197(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](3197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](3151); 3151 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3151(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](3151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](3205); 3205 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3205(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](3205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](3223); 3223 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3223(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](3223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](3204); 3204 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3204(Ship[Water Wheel](3204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](3254); 3254 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3254(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](3254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](3269); 3269 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3269(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](3269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](3279); 3279 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3279(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](3279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](3277); 3277 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3277(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](3277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](3163); 3163 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3163(Ship[Shadow corp ship](3163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](3283); 3283 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3283(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](3283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](3245); 3245 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3245(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](3245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](3219); 3219 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3219(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](3219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](3200); 3200 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3200(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](3200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](3176); 3176 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3176(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](3176)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](3155); 3155 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3155(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](3155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](3237); 3237 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3237(Ship[ConduPrime_001](3237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](3142); 3142 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3142(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](3142)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](3148); 3148 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3148(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](3148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](3240); 3240 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3240(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](3240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](3135); 3135 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3135(Ship[The Shuttle](3135)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](3273); 3273 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3273(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](3273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](3165); 3165 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3165(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](3165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](3191); 3191 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3191(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](3191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](3262); 3262 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3262(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](3262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](3144); 3144 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3144(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](3144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](3236); 3236 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3236(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](3236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](3138); 3138 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3138(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](3138)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](3209); 3209 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3209(Ship[justint](3209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](3272); 3272 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3272(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](3272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](3145); 3145 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3145(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](3145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](3170); 3170 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3170(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](3170)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](3244); 3244 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3244(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](3244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](3280); 3280 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3280(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](3280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](3247); 3247 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3247(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](3247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](3235); 3235 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3235(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](3235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](3276); 3276 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3276(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](3276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](3265); 3265 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3265(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](3265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](3149); 3149 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3149(Ship[UC Eden](3149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](3143); 3143 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3143(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](3143)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](3152); 3152 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3152(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](3152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](3250); 3250 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3250(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](3250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](3253); 3253 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3253(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](3253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](3275); 3275 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3275(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](3275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](3263); 3263 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3263(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](3263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](3238); 3238 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3238(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](3238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](3183); 3183 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3183(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](3183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](3281); 3281 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3281(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](3281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](3201); 3201 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3201(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](3201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](3174); 3174 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3174(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](3174)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](3267); 3267 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3267(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](3267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](3251); 3251 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3251(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](3251)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](3187); 3187 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3187(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](3187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](3171); 3171 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3171(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](3171)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](3259); 3259 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3259(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](3259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](3160); 3160 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3160(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](3160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](3278); 3278 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3278(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](3278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](3241); 3241 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3241(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](3241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](3150); 3150 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3150(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](3150)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](3134); 3134 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3134(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](3134)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](3202); 3202 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3202(Ship[The Noob Ship](3202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](3217); 3217 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3217(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](3217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](3153); 3153 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3153(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](3153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](3258); 3258 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3258(Ship[Memeinator](3258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](3216); 3216 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3216(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](3216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](3139); 3139 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3139(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](3139)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](3239); 3239 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3239(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](3239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](3231); 3231 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3231(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](3231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](3248); 3248 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3248(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](3248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](3260); 3260 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3260(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](3260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](3284); 3284 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3284(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](3284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](3159); 3159 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3159(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](3159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](3211); 3211 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3211(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](3211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](3261); 3261 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3261(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](3261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](3141); 3141 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3141(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](3141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](3190); 3190 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3190(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](3190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](3224); 3224 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3224(Ship[Almighty Ship](3224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](3188); 3188 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3188(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](3188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](3185); 3185 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3185(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](3185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](3147); 3147 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3147(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](3147)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](3193); 3193 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3193(Ship[Cube](3193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](3249); 3249 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3249(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](3249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](3234); 3234 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3234(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](3234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](3232); 3232 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3232(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](3232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](3228); 3228 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3228(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](3228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](3175); 3175 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3175(Ship[F](3175)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](3140); 3140 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3140(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](3140)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](3252); 3252 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3252(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](3252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](3218); 3218 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3218(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](3218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](3256); 3256 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3256(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](3256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](3212); 3212 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3212(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](3212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](3156); 3156 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3156(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](3156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](3164); 3164 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3164(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](3164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](3213); 3213 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3213(Ship[Sperg Mobile](3213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](3208); 3208 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3208(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](3208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](3199); 3199 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3199(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](3199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](3215); 3215 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3215(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](3215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](3167); 3167 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3167(Ship[Escape pod](3167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](3271); 3271 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3271(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](3271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](3184); 3184 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3184(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](3184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](3196); 3196 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3196(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](3196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](3178); 3178 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3178(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](3178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](3226); 3226 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3226(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](3226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](3161); 3161 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3161(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](3161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](3146); 3146 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3146(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](3146)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](3207); 3207 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3207(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](3207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](3203); 3203 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3203(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](3203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](3225); 3225 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3225(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](3225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](3221); 3221 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3221(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](3221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](3195); 3195 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3195(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](3195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](3230); 3230 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3230(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](3230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](3255); 3255 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3255(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](3255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](3220); 3220 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3220(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](3220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](3192); 3192 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3192(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](3192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](3227); 3227 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3227(Ship[Fraction](3227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](3179); 3179 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3179(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](3179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](3158); 3158 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3158(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](3158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](3177); 3177 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3177(Ship[FarStar](3177)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](3257); 3257 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3257(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](3257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](3214); 3214 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3214(Ship[redstone](3214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](3168); 3168 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3168(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](3168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](3288); 3288 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3288(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](3288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](3198); 3198 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3198(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](3198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](3180); 3180 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3180(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](3180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](3157); 3157 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3157(Ship[Mah Bucket](3157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](3268); 3268 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3268(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](3268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](3242); 3242 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3242(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](3242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](3270); 3270 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3270(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](3270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](3274); 3274 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3274(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](3274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](3266); 3266 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3266(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](3266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](3189); 3189 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3189(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](3189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](3136); 3136 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3136(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](3136)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](3285); 3285 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3285(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](3285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](3246); 3246 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3246(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](3246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](3243); 3243 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3243(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](3243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](3181); 3181 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3181(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](3181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(3182)]; 3182 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3182(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(3182)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](3229); 3229 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3229(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](3229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](3154); 3154 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3154(Ship[ssKingduffs](3154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](3206); 3206 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3206(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](3206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](3132); 3132 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3132(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](3132)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](3137); 3137 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3137(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](3137)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](3133); 3133 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3133(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](3133)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](3282); 3282 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3282(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](3282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3130)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 3130 [2016-04-04 02:42:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3130([CLIENT ReSector(3130)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:29] SWITCHING SLOTS: 15, 40 [2016-04-04 02:42:29] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 989100; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 1800; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31199; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 1650; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 16980; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 93; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13147; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 630; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 40=>[slot 40; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:42:29] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 109.689995 [2016-04-04 02:42:29] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1600.6140326112509 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 109.68999481201172 [2016-04-04 02:42:29] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 15; t Chabaz(151); c 10969; mt -1] ON 15 [2016-04-04 02:42:33] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:33] [SHIELDADDON] Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); Client(7) SHIELD OUTAGE [2016-04-04 02:42:38] SWITCHING SLOTS: 17, 45 [2016-04-04 02:42:38] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 989940; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 1800; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31171; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 1650; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 425790; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 93; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13119; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 1470; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Chabaz(151); c 10941; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 45=>[slot 45; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:42:38] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 22.8 [2016-04-04 02:42:38] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1577.8140333741903 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 22.799999237060547 [2016-04-04 02:42:38] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 17; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2280; mt -1] ON 17 [2016-04-04 02:42:42] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:42:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 02:42:42] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:42:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 02:42:43] SWITCHING SLOTS: 18, 48 [2016-04-04 02:42:43] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 990360; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 1800; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31157; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 1720; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 426210; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 233; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13105; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 1890; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Chabaz(151); c 10927; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2266; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:42:43] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 9.15 [2016-04-04 02:42:43] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1568.66403375566 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 9.149999618530273 [2016-04-04 02:42:43] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 18; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 915; mt -1] ON 18 [2016-04-04 02:42:45] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:42:47] SWITCHING SLOTS: 22, 50 [2016-04-04 02:42:47] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 990570; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 1800; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31150; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 1755; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 426420; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 303; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13098; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 2100; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Chabaz(151); c 10920; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2259; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 908; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 35; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Crystal Composite(220); c 73; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:42:47] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 22.05 [2016-04-04 02:42:47] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1546.6140345185995 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 22.049999237060547 [2016-04-04 02:42:47] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 22; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2205; mt -1] ON 22 [2016-04-04 02:42:49] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 1088 TO 3636 [2016-04-04 02:42:50] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 141641 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:42:52] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@e82 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:52] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@e82 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:52] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@e82 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:52] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@e82 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](3121); 3121 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3121(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](3121)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](3093); 3093 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3093(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](3093)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](3069); 3069 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3069(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](3069)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](3126); 3126 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3126(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](3126)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](3075); 3075 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3075(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](3075)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](3124); 3124 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3124(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](3124)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](3082); 3082 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3082(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](3082)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3054)true; (588, -2, -270); ]; 3054 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3054([CLIENT ReSector(3054)true; (588, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](3086); 3086 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3086(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](3086)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](3097); 3097 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3097(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](3097)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](3102); 3102 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3102(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](3102)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](3060); 3060 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3060(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](3060)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](3080); 3080 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3080(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](3080)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](3112); 3112 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3112(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](3112)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3048)true; (588, -4, -270); ]; 3048 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3048([CLIENT ReSector(3048)true; (588, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](3096); 3096 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3096(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](3096)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](3090); 3090 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3090(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](3090)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](3091); 3091 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3091(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](3091)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](3098); 3098 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3098(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](3098)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](3108); 3108 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3108(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](3108)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](3119); 3119 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3119(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](3119)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](3101); 3101 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3101(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](3101)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](3120); 3120 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3120(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](3120)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](3088); 3088 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3088(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](3088)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](3100); 3100 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3100(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](3100)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(3058)]; 3058 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3058(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(3058)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](3062); 3062 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3062(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](3062)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](3111); 3111 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3111(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](3111)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](3127); 3127 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3127(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](3127)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](3072); 3072 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3072(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](3072)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](3059); 3059 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3059(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](3059)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](3057); 3057 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3057(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](3057)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](3087); 3087 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3087(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](3087)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](3113); 3113 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3113(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](3113)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](3117); 3117 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3117(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](3117)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](3061); 3061 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3061(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](3061)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](3104); 3104 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3104(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](3104)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](3081); 3081 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3081(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](3081)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](3085); 3085 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3085(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](3085)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3050)true; (588, -4, -268); ]; 3050 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3050([CLIENT ReSector(3050)true; (588, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](3063); 3063 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3063(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](3063)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](3122); 3122 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3122(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](3122)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3052)true; (588, -3, -269); ]; 3052 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3052([CLIENT ReSector(3052)true; (588, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](3116); 3116 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3116(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](3116)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](3106); 3106 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3106(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](3106)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](3078); 3078 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3078(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](3078)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3055)true; (588, -2, -269); ]; 3055 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3055([CLIENT ReSector(3055)true; (588, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](3073); 3073 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3073(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](3073)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](3079); 3079 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3079(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](3079)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3099)sec[3056]; 3099 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3099(Asteroid(3099)sec[3056]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](3118); 3118 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3118(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](3118)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](3070); 3070 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3070(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](3070)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](3084); 3084 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3084(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](3084)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](3107); 3107 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3107(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](3107)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](3110); 3110 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3110(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](3110)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](3083); 3083 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3083(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](3083)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](3125); 3125 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3125(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](3125)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](3123); 3123 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3123(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](3123)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](3076); 3076 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3076(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](3076)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3049)true; (588, -4, -269); ]; 3049 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3049([CLIENT ReSector(3049)true; (588, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](3074); 3074 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3074(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](3074)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](3094); 3094 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3094(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](3094)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](3092); 3092 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3092(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](3092)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](3089); 3089 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3089(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](3089)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](3068); 3068 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3068(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](3068)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](3115); 3115 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3115(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](3115)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](3103); 3103 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3103(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](3103)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](3065); 3065 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3065(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](3065)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](3105); 3105 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3105(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](3105)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](3064); 3064 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3064(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](3064)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](3066); 3066 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3066(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](3066)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](3095); 3095 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3095(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](3095)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](3114); 3114 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3114(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](3114)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](3109); 3109 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3109(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](3109)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3051)true; (588, -3, -270); ]; 3051 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3051([CLIENT ReSector(3051)true; (588, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](3067); 3067 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3067(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](3067)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3053)true; (588, -3, -268); ]; 3053 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3053([CLIENT ReSector(3053)true; (588, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3077)sec[3056]; 3077 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3077(Asteroid(3077)sec[3056]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](3071); 3071 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3071(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](3071)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3056)true; (588, -2, -268); ]; 3056 [2016-04-04 02:42:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3056([CLIENT ReSector(3056)true; (588, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:00] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:43:00] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:43:00] : [2016-04-04 02:43:00] [2016-04-04 02:43:00] Colony Wars Vengeance - Unknown Space.ogg [2016-04-04 02:43:01] Error [2016-04-04 02:43:01] : [2016-04-04 02:43:01] [2016-04-04 02:43:01] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:43:02] SWITCHING SLOTS: 48, 2 [2016-04-04 02:43:02] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 992040; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 2045; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31101; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 2000; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 427890; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 793; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Varis(179); c 13049; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 3570; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Chabaz(151); c 10871; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2210; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 859; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 280; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Crystal Composite(220); c 1053; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2156; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:43:02] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 74.84901 [2016-04-04 02:43:02] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 2701.6710253749043 / 2900.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 74.84900665283203 [2016-04-04 02:43:02] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1] ON 48 [2016-04-04 02:43:09] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:43:10] SWITCHING SLOTS: 40, 0 [2016-04-04 02:43:10] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 992670; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 13028; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 2150; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 31080; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 2105; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 428520; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 1003; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 10850; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 4200; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 2189; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 2135; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Rammet Shard Raw(483); c 838; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 385; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Crystal Composite(220); c 1473; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:43:10] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 992.67004 [2016-04-04 02:43:10] [INVENTORY] NOT Executing action: Orig Inventory too small [2016-04-04 02:43:10] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [216]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:43:10] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Inventory capacity too small [2016-04-04 02:43:13] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 3537 [2016-04-04 02:43:13] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:43:13] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:43:13] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:43:15] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] [2016-04-04 02:43:15] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:43:16] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)] FROM -2 TO 3289 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1169)true; (51, -14, -22); ]; 1169 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1169([CLIENT ReSector(1169)true; (51, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](1101); 1101 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1101(Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](1101)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](1151); 1151 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1151(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](1151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1163)true; (51, -16, -22); ]; 1163 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1163([CLIENT ReSector(1163)true; (51, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1164)true; (51, -16, -21); ]; 1164 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1164([CLIENT ReSector(1164)true; (51, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1184)true; (53, -15, -22); ]; 1184 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1184([CLIENT ReSector(1184)true; (53, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](1113); 1113 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1113(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](1113)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1162)true; (51, -16, -23); ]; 1162 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1162([CLIENT ReSector(1162)true; (51, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](1156); 1156 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1156(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](1156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](1148); 1148 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1148(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](1148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](1159); 1159 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1159(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](1159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SCANER](1111); 1111 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1111(Ship[SCANER](1111)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(1182)]; 1182 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1182(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(1182)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](1103); 1103 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1103(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](1103)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](1158); 1158 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1158(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](1158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](1091); 1091 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1091(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](1091)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1188)true; (53, -14, -21); ]; 1188 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1188([CLIENT ReSector(1188)true; (53, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](1141); 1141 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1141(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](1141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1172)true; (52, -16, -22); ]; 1172 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1172([CLIENT ReSector(1172)true; (52, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](1144); 1144 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1144(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](1144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1185)true; (53, -15, -21); ]; 1185 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1185([CLIENT ReSector(1185)true; (53, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](1098); 1098 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1098(Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](1098)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1175)true; (52, -15, -21); ]; 1175 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1175([CLIENT ReSector(1175)true; (52, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](1121); 1121 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1121(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](1121)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test fleet 1](1094); 1094 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1094(Ship[test fleet 1](1094)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test power burner](1114); 1114 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1114(Ship[test power burner](1114)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1178)true; (52, -14, -21); ]; 1178 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1178([CLIENT ReSector(1178)true; (52, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](1099); 1099 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1099(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](1099)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](1104); 1104 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1104(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](1104)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](1143); 1143 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1143(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](1143)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1170)true; (51, -14, -21); ]; 1170 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1170([CLIENT ReSector(1170)true; (51, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](1112); 1112 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1112(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](1112)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](1089); 1089 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1089(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](1089)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(1132)]; 1132 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1132(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(1132)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](1146); 1146 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1146(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](1146)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1187)true; (53, -14, -22); ]; 1187 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1187([CLIENT ReSector(1187)true; (53, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](1142); 1142 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1142(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](1142)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1171)true; (52, -16, -23); ]; 1171 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1171([CLIENT ReSector(1171)true; (52, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1165)true; (51, -15, -23); ]; 1165 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1165([CLIENT ReSector(1165)true; (51, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](1135); 1135 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1135(Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](1135)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101](1140); 1140 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1140(Ship[light jumper test ship 101](1140)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1183)true; (53, -15, -23); ]; 1183 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1183([CLIENT ReSector(1183)true; (53, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1176)true; (52, -14, -23); ]; 1176 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1176([CLIENT ReSector(1176)true; (52, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test radar activation](1097); 1097 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1097(Ship[test radar activation](1097)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1180)true; (53, -16, -22); ]; 1180 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1180([CLIENT ReSector(1180)true; (53, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret base 101](1154); 1154 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1154(Ship[turret base 101](1154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](1107); 1107 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1107(Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](1107)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1167)true; (51, -15, -21); ]; 1167 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1167([CLIENT ReSector(1167)true; (51, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1173)true; (52, -16, -21); ]; 1173 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1173([CLIENT ReSector(1173)true; (52, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1166)true; (51, -15, -22); ]; 1166 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1166([CLIENT ReSector(1166)true; (51, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](1153); 1153 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1153(Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](1153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1177)true; (52, -14, -22); ]; 1177 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1177([CLIENT ReSector(1177)true; (52, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](1102); 1102 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1102(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](1102)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[base turret 101](1108); 1108 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1108(Ship[base turret 101](1108)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](1152); 1152 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1152(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](1152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1186)true; (53, -14, -23); ]; 1186 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1186([CLIENT ReSector(1186)true; (53, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](1122); 1122 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1122(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](1122)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](1129); 1129 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1129(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](1129)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](1125); 1125 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1125(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](1125)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1174)true; (52, -15, -23); ]; 1174 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1174([CLIENT ReSector(1174)true; (52, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](1139); 1139 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1139(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](1139)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](1090); 1090 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1090(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](1090)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1179)true; (53, -16, -23); ]; 1179 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1179([CLIENT ReSector(1179)true; (53, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](1118); 1118 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1118(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](1118)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](1136); 1136 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1136(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](1136)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](1095); 1095 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1095(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](1095)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1168)true; (51, -14, -23); ]; 1168 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1168([CLIENT ReSector(1168)true; (51, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1088)true; (52, -15, -22); ]; 1088 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1088([CLIENT ReSector(1088)true; (52, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1181)true; (53, -16, -21); ]; 1181 [2016-04-04 02:43:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1181([CLIENT ReSector(1181)true; (53, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:21] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok everything has been moved over ] [2016-04-04 02:43:21] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: ok everything has been moved over ; ML: 1 [2016-04-04 02:43:22] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:43:22] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:43:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=3734 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:43:24] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)] [2016-04-04 02:43:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)], fromId=3734 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=3328 (Ship[PATHOS](3328)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:43:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)]; detach pos: (1832.358, 2123.6348, 1218.8163) [2016-04-04 02:43:34] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:43:34] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] Added to controllers: Ship[PATHOS](3328) [2016-04-04 02:43:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=yep I need to find somewhere to put all things I looted] [2016-04-04 02:43:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: yep I need to find somewhere to put all things I looted; ML: 2 [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, BUILD_MrFuz]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: BUILD_MrFuz left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: BUILD_MrFuz left the game. [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)] [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)] notified team change [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (3537)ChatSystem; 3537 [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3537((3537)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)]; 3129 [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3129(PlS[BUILD_MrFuz ; id(3129)(12)f(10200)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)]; 3734 [2016-04-04 02:43:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3734(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_BUILD_MrFuz)(3734)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:43:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:43:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 02:43:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:43:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl4](3326); 3326 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3326(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl4](3326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl39](3307); 3307 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3307(Ship[PATHOSrl39](3307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl60](3461); 3461 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3461(Ship[PATHOSrl60](3461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl34](3439); 3439 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3439(Ship[PATHOSrl34](3439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl1](3498); 3498 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3498(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl1](3498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl12](3455); 3455 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3455(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl12](3455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl13](3459); 3459 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3459(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl13](3459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543094191](3423); 3423 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3423(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543094191](3423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653456722rl1646](3403); 3403 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3403(Ship[MIENERON50001459653456722rl1646](3403)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654555729rl1646](3393); 3393 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3393(Ship[MIENERON50001459654555729rl1646](3393)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543032693](3421); 3421 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3421(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543032693](3421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl20](3375); 3375 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3375(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl20](3375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl140](3297); 3297 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3297(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl140](3297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3524)true; (160, 1000001, 0); ]; 3524 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3524([CLIENT ReSector(3524)true; (160, 1000001, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl33](3376); 3376 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3376(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl33](3376)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl80](3313); 3313 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3313(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl80](3313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1458258219536](3381); 3381 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3381(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1458258219536](3381)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Kicker](3363); 3363 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3363(Ship[Kicker](3363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654515257rl1646](3316); 3316 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3316(Ship[MIENERON50001459654515257rl1646](3316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3515)true; (159, 1000001, 0); ]; 3515 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3515([CLIENT ReSector(3515)true; (159, 1000001, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSSTARLINER20161458579878120rl2](3443); 3443 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3443(Ship[PATHOSSTARLINER20161458579878120rl2](3443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl15](3425); 3425 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3425(Ship[PATHOSrl15](3425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11E](3366); 3366 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3366(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11E](3366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3517)true; (160, 999999, -1); ]; 3517 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3517([CLIENT ReSector(3517)true; (160, 999999, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1428](3452); 3452 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3452(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1428](3452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl2](3399); 3399 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3399(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl2](3399)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl80](3400); 3400 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3400(Ship[PATHOSrl80](3400)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl260](3489); 3489 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3489(Ship[PATHOSrl260](3489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[actual drone miner1459653619654](3301); 3301 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3301(Ship[actual drone miner1459653619654](3301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NOMADSHUTTLE1459653606355rl10](3390); 3390 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3390(Ship[NOMADSHUTTLE1459653606355rl10](3390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl9](3341); 3341 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3341(Ship[PATHOSrl9](3341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3529)true; (161, 1000000, -1); ]; 3529 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3529([CLIENT ReSector(3529)true; (161, 1000000, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653580448rl1646](3359); 3359 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3359(Ship[MIENERON50001459653580448rl1646](3359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl19](3484); 3484 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3484(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl19](3484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl21](3419); 3419 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3419(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl21](3419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl120](3364); 3364 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3364(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl120](3364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl250](3501); 3501 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3501(Ship[PATHOSrl250](3501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653559228rl1646](3312); 3312 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3312(Ship[MIENERON50001459653559228rl1646](3312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl19](3320); 3320 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3320(Ship[PATHOSrl19](3320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl16](3437); 3437 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3437(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl16](3437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl230](3445); 3445 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3445(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl230](3445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458620554179](3466); 3466 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3466(Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458620554179](3466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl6](3303); 3303 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3303(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl6](3303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl340](3305); 3305 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3305(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl340](3305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl310](3382); 3382 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3382(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl310](3382)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl40](3377); 3377 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3377(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl40](3377)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11100](3343); 3343 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3343(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11100](3343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl12E](3481); 3481 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3481(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl12E](3481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl26](3430); 3430 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3430(Ship[PATHOSrl26](3430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3530)true; (161, 1000000, 0); ]; 3530 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3530([CLIENT ReSector(3530)true; (161, 1000000, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl3](3318); 3318 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3318(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl3](3318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl32](3335); 3335 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3335(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl32](3335)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3523)true; (160, 1000001, -1); ]; 3523 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3523([CLIENT ReSector(3523)true; (160, 1000001, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl10](3457); 3457 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3457(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl10](3457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl320](3358); 3358 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3358(Ship[PATHOSrl320](3358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl50](3323); 3323 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3323(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl50](3323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SpaceBalls](3346); 3346 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3346(Ship[SpaceBalls](3346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl42](3492); 3492 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3492(Ship[PATHOSrl42](3492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl400](3311); 3311 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3311(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl400](3311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl240](3342); 3342 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3342(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl240](3342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl40E](3355); 3355 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3355(Ship[PATHOSrl40E](3355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl330](3374); 3374 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3374(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl330](3374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543253457](3397); 3397 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3397(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459543253457](3397)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl190](3394); 3394 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3394(Ship[PATHOSrl190](3394)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653517330rl1646](3293); 3293 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3293(Ship[MIENERON50001459653517330rl1646](3293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14210](3479); 3479 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3479(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14210](3479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl20E](3473); 3473 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3473(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl20E](3473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl23](3352); 3352 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3352(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl23](3352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl143](3436); 3436 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3436(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl143](3436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3509)true; (159, 999999, 0); ]; 3509 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3509([CLIENT ReSector(3509)true; (159, 999999, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl16](3380); 3380 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3380(Ship[PATHOSrl16](3380)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl2](3292); 3292 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3292(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl2](3292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11200](3448); 3448 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3448(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11200](3448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MINING SHUTTLE](3325); 3325 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3325(Ship[MINING SHUTTLE](3325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl70](3482); 3482 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3482(Ship[PATHOSrl70](3482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1422](3449); 3449 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3449(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1422](3449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl33](3306); 3306 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3306(Ship[PATHOSrl33](3306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl2](3432); 3432 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3432(Ship[PATHOSrl2](3432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3532)true; (161, 1000001, -1); ]; 3532 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3532([CLIENT ReSector(3532)true; (161, 1000001, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653544173rl1646](3398); 3398 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3398(Ship[MIENERON50001459653544173rl1646](3398)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl340](3327); 3327 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3327(Ship[PATHOSrl340](3327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl00](3336); 3336 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3336(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl00](3336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl12](3490); 3490 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3490(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl12](3490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl17](3332); 3332 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3332(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl17](3332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3522)true; (160, 1000000, 1); ]; 3522 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3522([CLIENT ReSector(3522)true; (160, 1000000, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl30](3505); 3505 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3505(Ship[PATHOSrl30](3505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl100](3322); 3322 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3322(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl100](3322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl13](3414); 3414 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3414(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl13](3414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3531)true; (161, 1000000, 1); ]; 3531 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3531([CLIENT ReSector(3531)true; (161, 1000000, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3525)true; (160, 1000001, 1); ]; 3525 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3525([CLIENT ReSector(3525)true; (160, 1000001, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl25](3406); 3406 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3406(Ship[PATHOSrl25](3406)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3533)true; (161, 1000001, 0); ]; 3533 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3533([CLIENT ReSector(3533)true; (161, 1000001, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl20](3334); 3334 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3334(Ship[PATHOSrl20](3334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14211](3339); 3339 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3339(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14211](3339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl0](3474); 3474 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3474(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl0](3474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl01](3385); 3385 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3385(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl01](3385)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1429](3507); 3507 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3507(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1429](3507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl1](3321); 3321 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3321(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl1](3321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl20](3460); 3460 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3460(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl20](3460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl5](3291); 3291 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3291(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl5](3291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl110](3348); 3348 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3348(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl110](3348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl10](3500); 3500 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3500(Ship[PATHOSrl10](3500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1424](3435); 3435 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3435(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1424](3435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl10](3493); 3493 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3493(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl10](3493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459616538424](3310); 3310 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3310(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459616538424](3310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl030](3356); 3356 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3356(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl030](3356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl12](3485); 3485 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3485(Ship[PATHOSrl12](3485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl160](3296); 3296 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3296(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl160](3296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459536382367](3427); 3427 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3427(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459536382367](3427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl24](3404); 3404 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3404(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl24](3404)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3510)true; (159, 999999, 1); ]; 3510 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3510([CLIENT ReSector(3510)true; (159, 999999, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl38](3453); 3453 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3453(Ship[PATHOSrl38](3453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl142](3409); 3409 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3409(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl142](3409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl37](3360); 3360 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3360(Ship[PATHOSrl37](3360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl130](3476); 3476 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3476(Ship[PATHOSrl130](3476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654526694rl1646](3471); 3471 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3471(Ship[MIENERON50001459654526694rl1646](3471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Igloo_Mark1(3464)]; 3464 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3464(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Igloo_Mark1(3464)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl8](3462); 3462 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3462(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl8](3462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1427](3300); 3300 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3300(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1427](3300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1](3418); 3418 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3418(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1](3418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl30](3413); 3413 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3413(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl30](3413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3518)true; (160, 999999, 0); ]; 3518 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3518([CLIENT ReSector(3518)true; (160, 999999, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl000](3347); 3347 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3347(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl000](3347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl21](3412); 3412 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3412(Ship[PATHOSrl21](3412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1110](3480); 3480 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3480(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1110](3480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl130](3401); 3401 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3401(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl130](3401)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl20E](3295); 3295 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3295(Ship[PATHOSrl20E](3295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl44](3441); 3441 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3441(Ship[PATHOSrl44](3441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl10E](3302); 3302 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3302(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl10E](3302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl3](3391); 3391 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3391(Ship[PATHOSrl3](3391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383](3383); 3383 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3383(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383](3383)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl110](3337); 3337 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3337(Ship[PATHOSrl110](3337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Platform](3444); 3444 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3444(Ship[Platform](3444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl02](3416); 3416 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3416(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl02](3416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl22](3396); 3396 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3396(Ship[PATHOSrl22](3396)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458616177554](3420); 3420 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3420(Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458616177554](3420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl2](3372); 3372 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3372(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl2](3372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653696719rl1646](3431); 3431 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3431(Ship[MIENERON50001459653696719rl1646](3431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl11](3331); 3331 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3331(Ship[PATHOSrl11](3331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653641438rl1646](3315); 3315 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3315(Ship[MIENERON50001459653641438rl1646](3315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl30](3379); 3379 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3379(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl30](3379)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458609743682](3367); 3367 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3367(Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458609743682](3367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3514)true; (159, 1000001, -1); ]; 3514 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3514([CLIENT ReSector(3514)true; (159, 1000001, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl141](3454); 3454 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3454(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl141](3454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl200](3368); 3368 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3368(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl200](3368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl40](3386); 3386 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3386(Ship[PATHOSrl40](3386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl7](3426); 3426 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3426(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl7](3426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl210](3309); 3309 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3309(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl210](3309)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl29](3314); 3314 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3314(Ship[PATHOSrl29](3314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl320](3290); 3290 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3290(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl320](3290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3534)true; (161, 1000001, 1); ]; 3534 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3534([CLIENT ReSector(3534)true; (161, 1000001, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654533170rl1646](3496); 3496 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3496(Ship[MIENERON50001459654533170rl1646](3496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl3](3349); 3349 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3349(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl3](3349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1120](3477); 3477 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3477(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1120](3477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl45](3469); 3469 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3469(Ship[PATHOSrl45](3469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3526)true; (161, 999999, -1); ]; 3526 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3526([CLIENT ReSector(3526)true; (161, 999999, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl0](3417); 3417 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3417(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl0](3417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl18](3422); 3422 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3422(Ship[PATHOSrl18](3422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653680586rl1646](3494); 3494 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3494(Ship[MIENERON50001459653680586rl1646](3494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl010](3308); 3308 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3308(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl010](3308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3513)true; (159, 1000000, 1); ]; 3513 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3513([CLIENT ReSector(3513)true; (159, 1000000, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl04](3304); 3304 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3304(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl04](3304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3516)true; (159, 1000001, 1); ]; 3516 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3516([CLIENT ReSector(3516)true; (159, 1000001, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl31](3487); 3487 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3487(Ship[PATHOSrl31](3487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl03](3329); 3329 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3329(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl03](3329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653531330rl1646](3389); 3389 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3389(Ship[MIENERON50001459653531330rl1646](3389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl110](3499); 3499 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3499(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl110](3499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl17](3450); 3450 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3450(Ship[PATHOSrl17](3450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654484887rl1646](3506); 3506 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3506(Ship[MIENERON50001459654484887rl1646](3506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3528)true; (161, 999999, 1); ]; 3528 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3528([CLIENT ReSector(3528)true; (161, 999999, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl020](3502); 3502 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3502(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl020](3502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653592681rl1646](3488); 3488 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3488(Ship[MIENERON50001459653592681rl1646](3488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl150](3345); 3345 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3345(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl150](3345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl040](3446); 3446 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3446(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl040](3446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[KAHUNACARGO](3357); 3357 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3357(Ship[KAHUNACARGO](3357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl90](3424); 3424 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3424(Ship[PATHOSrl90](3424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl3](3411); 3411 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3411(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl3](3411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl34](3497); 3497 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3497(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl34](3497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl13E](3428); 3428 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3428(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl13E](3428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOS](3328); 3328 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3328(Ship[PATHOS](3328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl220](3475); 3475 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3475(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl220](3475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl23](3407); 3407 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3407(Ship[PATHOSrl23](3407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1430](3495); 3495 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3495(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1430](3495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl112](3362); 3362 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3362(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl112](3362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl32](3388); 3388 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3388(Ship[PATHOSrl32](3388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951](3298); 3298 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3298(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951](3298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1425](3333); 3333 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3333(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1425](3333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl36](3317); 3317 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3317(Ship[PATHOSrl36](3317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl0](3470); 3470 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3470(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl0](3470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl40](3408); 3408 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3408(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl40](3408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl330](3353); 3353 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3353(Ship[PATHOSrl330](3353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl24](3478); 3478 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3478(Ship[PATHOSrl24](3478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458620760726](3442); 3442 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3442(Ship[BUILD_DestroyerOfWorlds_1458620760726](3442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl111](3361); 3361 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3361(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl111](3361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653492799rl1646](3483); 3483 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3483(Ship[MIENERON50001459653492799rl1646](3483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl220](3486); 3486 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3486(Ship[PATHOSrl220](3486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl10E](3319); 3319 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3319(Ship[PATHOSrl10E](3319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1426](3458); 3458 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3458(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1426](3458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1600](3294); 3294 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3294(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1600](3294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1400](3503); 3503 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3503(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1400](3503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl5](3365); 3365 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3365(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl5](3365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1420](3415); 3415 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3415(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1420](3415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl0](3299); 3299 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3299(Ship[PATHOSrl0](3299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl15](3344); 3344 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3344(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl15](3344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14](3370); 3370 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3370(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl14](3370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl5](3447); 3447 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3447(Ship[PATHOSrl5](3447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl1](3465); 3465 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3465(Ship[PATHOSrl1](3465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl27](3463); 3463 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3463(Ship[PATHOSrl27](3463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl43](3491); 3491 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3491(Ship[PATHOSrl43](3491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl28](3378); 3378 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3378(Ship[PATHOSrl28](3378)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl22](3371); 3371 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3371(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl22](3371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11](3451); 3451 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3451(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl11](3451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl21](3330); 3330 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3330(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl21](3330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3527)true; (161, 999999, 0); ]; 3527 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3527([CLIENT ReSector(3527)true; (161, 999999, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl14](3504); 3504 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3504(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl14](3504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1423](3456); 3456 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3456(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1423](3456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl140](3410); 3410 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3410(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl140](3410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl8](3433); 3433 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3433(Ship[PATHOSrl8](3433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl4](3384); 3384 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3384(Ship[DRONEMINERPX11459654621951rl4](3384)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl4](3434); 3434 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3434(Ship[PATHOSrl4](3434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459707554632](3324); 3324 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3324(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459707554632](3324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3508)true; (159, 999999, -1); ]; 3508 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3508([CLIENT ReSector(3508)true; (159, 999999, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl30E](3340); 3340 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3340(Ship[PATHOSrl30E](3340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3512)true; (159, 1000000, 0); ]; 3512 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3512([CLIENT ReSector(3512)true; (159, 1000000, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl22](3440); 3440 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3440(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl22](3440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl300](3350); 3350 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3350(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl300](3350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3519)true; (160, 999999, 1); ]; 3519 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3519([CLIENT ReSector(3519)true; (160, 999999, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl7](3405); 3405 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3405(Ship[PATHOSrl7](3405)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl410](3395); 3395 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3395(Ship[PATHOSrl410](3395)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl11](3369); 3369 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3369(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl11](3369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl13](3429); 3429 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3429(Ship[PATHOSrl13](3429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3521)sec[3520]; 3521 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3521(Asteroid(3521)sec[3520]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl100](3392); 3392 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3392(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl100](3392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1421](3338); 3338 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3338(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1421](3338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459656085029](3468); 3468 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3468(Ship[BUILD_MrFuz_1459656085029](3468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl41](3472); 3472 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3472(Ship[PATHOSrl41](3472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl370](3354); 3354 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3354(Ship[PATHOSrl370](3354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459653651332rl1646](3351); 3351 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3351(Ship[MIENERON50001459653651332rl1646](3351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PATHOSrl6](3402); 3402 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3402(Ship[PATHOSrl6](3402)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl31](3373); 3373 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3373(Ship[Build-GrimReaper1457556667383rl31](3373)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3511)true; (159, 1000000, -1); ]; 3511 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3511([CLIENT ReSector(3511)true; (159, 1000000, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl18](3467); 3467 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3467(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl18](3467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1410](3438); 3438 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3438(Ship[Igloo_Mark1rl1410](3438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MIENERON50001459654498419rl1646](3387); 3387 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3387(Ship[MIENERON50001459654498419rl1646](3387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3520)true; (160, 1000000, -1); ]; 3520 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3520([CLIENT ReSector(3520)true; (160, 1000000, -1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3289)true; (160, 1000000, 0); ]; 3289 [2016-04-04 02:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3289([CLIENT ReSector(3289)true; (160, 1000000, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:44:32] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=OK FACTORIES ARE OPERATIONAL] [2016-04-04 02:44:32] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: OK FACTORIES ARE OPERATIONAL; ML: 3 [2016-04-04 02:44:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 3636 TO 3658 [2016-04-04 02:44:44] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 3658 TO 3732 [2016-04-04 02:44:47] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=well done] [2016-04-04 02:44:47] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: well done; ML: 4 [2016-04-04 02:44:48] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 3732 TO 3660 [2016-04-04 02:44:54] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 7)[Transporter Controller]o[RIGHT][inactive][150hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:45:00] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.cj@18447df1 [2016-04-04 02:45:03] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:45:03] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3641)true; (58, -12, -26); ]; 3641 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3641([CLIENT ReSector(3641)true; (58, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3639)true; (58, -13, -25); ]; 3639 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3639([CLIENT ReSector(3639)true; (58, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3637)true; (58, -13, -27); ]; 3637 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3637([CLIENT ReSector(3637)true; (58, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3643)true; (58, -11, -27); ]; 3643 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3643([CLIENT ReSector(3643)true; (58, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3644)true; (58, -11, -26); ]; 3644 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3644([CLIENT ReSector(3644)true; (58, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3638)true; (58, -13, -26); ]; 3638 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3638([CLIENT ReSector(3638)true; (58, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3645)true; (58, -11, -25); ]; 3645 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3645([CLIENT ReSector(3645)true; (58, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3642)true; (58, -12, -25); ]; 3642 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3642([CLIENT ReSector(3642)true; (58, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3640)true; (58, -12, -27); ]; 3640 [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3640([CLIENT ReSector(3640)true; (58, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=DONT FORGET UNDEATHONATOR] [2016-04-04 02:45:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: DONT FORGET UNDEATHONATOR; ML: 5 [2016-04-04 02:45:11] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:45:11] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3654)true; (60, -13, -27); ]; 3654 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3654([CLIENT ReSector(3654)true; (60, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3738)true; (61, -13, -26); ]; 3738 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3738([CLIENT ReSector(3738)true; (61, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3740)true; (61, -13, -25); ]; 3740 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3740([CLIENT ReSector(3740)true; (61, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3736)true; (61, -13, -27); ]; 3736 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3736([CLIENT ReSector(3736)true; (61, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3647)true; (59, -13, -26); ]; 3647 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3647([CLIENT ReSector(3647)true; (59, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3656)true; (60, -13, -25); ]; 3656 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3656([CLIENT ReSector(3656)true; (60, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3648)true; (59, -13, -25); ]; 3648 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3648([CLIENT ReSector(3648)true; (59, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3655)true; (60, -13, -26); ]; 3655 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3655([CLIENT ReSector(3655)true; (60, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3646)true; (59, -13, -27); ]; 3646 [2016-04-04 02:45:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3646([CLIENT ReSector(3646)true; (59, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:14] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 02:45:15] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 02:45:15] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=oops caps] [2016-04-04 02:45:15] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: oops caps; ML: 6 [2016-04-04 02:45:15] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 02:45:16] INPUT CGHANGED gra [2016-04-04 02:45:16] INPUT CGHANGED grav [2016-04-04 02:45:16] INPUT CGHANGED gravi [2016-04-04 02:45:16] INPUT CGHANGED gravit [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3733)true; (60, -11, -25); ]; 3733 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3733([CLIENT ReSector(3733)true; (60, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3751)true; (59, -10, -25); ]; 3751 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3751([CLIENT ReSector(3751)true; (59, -10, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3744)true; (61, -12, -25); ]; 3744 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3744([CLIENT ReSector(3744)true; (61, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3650)true; (59, -12, -25); ]; 3650 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3650([CLIENT ReSector(3650)true; (59, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3659)true; (60, -12, -25); ]; 3659 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3659([CLIENT ReSector(3659)true; (60, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3758)true; (61, -10, -25); ]; 3758 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3758([CLIENT ReSector(3758)true; (61, -10, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3748)true; (61, -11, -25); ]; 3748 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3748([CLIENT ReSector(3748)true; (61, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3754)true; (60, -10, -25); ]; 3754 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3754([CLIENT ReSector(3754)true; (60, -10, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3653)true; (59, -11, -25); ]; 3653 [2016-04-04 02:45:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3653([CLIENT ReSector(3653)true; (59, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:45:18] INPUT CGHANGED gravity [2016-04-04 02:45:23] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@34fb41e0 [2016-04-04 02:45:30] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:45:30] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:45:34] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 02:45:34] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 02:45:34] INPUT CGHANGED gra [2016-04-04 02:45:34] INPUT CGHANGED grav [2016-04-04 02:45:35] INPUT CGHANGED gravi [2016-04-04 02:45:35] INPUT CGHANGED gravit [2016-04-04 02:45:36] INPUT CGHANGED gravity [2016-04-04 02:45:40] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@1b9aa6d4 [2016-04-04 02:45:45] [FACTIONMANAGER] trying to add news entry: FactionNewsPost [factionId=10916, op=PrinceValiant, date=1459730753419, message=System default(36, -1, -17) has been claimed by PrinceValiant., permission=0] on Client(7) -> fid(10916) [2016-04-04 02:45:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: A news post has been posted on your faction board System default(36, -... [2016-04-04 02:45:45] [FACTIONMANAGER] updated news on Client(7) for factionID 10916; delete: false [2016-04-04 02:45:47] [FACTIONMANAGER] trying to add news entry: FactionNewsPost [factionId=10916, op=PrinceValiant, date=1459730755447, message=Faction Home set to Valiants Spire by PrinceValiant., permission=0] on Client(7) -> fid(10916) [2016-04-04 02:45:47] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: A news post has been posted on your faction board Faction Home set to ... [2016-04-04 02:45:47] [FACTIONMANAGER] updated news on Client(7) for factionID 10916; delete: false [2016-04-04 02:45:47] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Your faction has a new home: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire [2016-04-04 02:45:48] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@187a8c7c [2016-04-04 02:45:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] trying to add news entry: FactionNewsPost [factionId=10916, op=PrinceValiant, date=1459730757605, message=Faction Home set to Valiants Spire by PrinceValiant., permission=0] on Client(7) -> fid(10916) [2016-04-04 02:45:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] updated news on Client(7) for factionID 10916; delete: false [2016-04-04 02:46:04] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 27(27.004877); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:46:20] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 02:46:20] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:46:20] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -269) [2016-04-04 02:46:20] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (36, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 02:46:36] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=nopb] [2016-04-04 02:46:36] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: nopb; ML: 7 [2016-04-04 02:47:12] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=Purple, allright I like that color (even I would prefer a bit darker :p] [2016-04-04 02:47:12] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: Purple, allright I like that color (even I would prefer a bit darker :p; ML: 8 [2016-04-04 02:47:14] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 02:47:14] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 02:47:14] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:47:14] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -269) [2016-04-04 02:47:24] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 02:47:32] HIT RESULT near: (2, 8, 8)[Undeathinator]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:47:32] [CLIENT][SPAWN] attempting to set spawn point to (2, 8, 8)[Undeathinator]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 02:47:32] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [323, Valiants Spire[ EAE ]]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:47:32] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Spawn point set on Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:47:35] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=purple for what?] [2016-04-04 02:47:35] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: purple for what?; ML: 9 [2016-04-04 02:47:43] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=square map] [2016-04-04 02:47:43] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: square map; ML: 10 [2016-04-04 02:47:43] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 1979 TO 2009 [2016-04-04 02:47:50] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 7)[Transporter Controller]o[RIGHT][inactive][150hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:47:52] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.cj@38c5a759 [2016-04-04 02:48:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Fridge]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:48:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Fridge has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:48:04] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Fridge has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 299666 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@fe6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@fe6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@fe6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@fe6 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@f7a Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@f7a Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@f7a Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@f7a Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:48:05] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:48:09] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 61(60.427326); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:48:09] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=where is hide the storage ?] [2016-04-04 02:48:09] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: where is hide the storage ?; ML: 11 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2014)true; (-108, 25, -42); ]; 2014 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2014([CLIENT ReSector(2014)true; (-108, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(2005)sec[2001]; 2005 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2005(Asteroid(2005)sec[2001]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2006)true; (-109, 25, -42); ]; 2006 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2006([CLIENT ReSector(2006)true; (-109, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(2002)sec[2001]; 2002 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2002(Asteroid(2002)sec[2001]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2023)true; (-107, 25, -42); ]; 2023 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2023([CLIENT ReSector(2023)true; (-107, 25, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2024)true; (-107, 25, -41); ]; 2024 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2024([CLIENT ReSector(2024)true; (-107, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2013)true; (-108, 25, -43); ]; 2013 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2013([CLIENT ReSector(2013)true; (-108, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(2003)sec[2001]; 2003 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2003(Asteroid(2003)sec[2001]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2007)true; (-109, 25, -41); ]; 2007 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2007([CLIENT ReSector(2007)true; (-109, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2015)true; (-108, 25, -41); ]; 2015 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2015([CLIENT ReSector(2015)true; (-108, 25, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2022)true; (-107, 25, -43); ]; 2022 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2022([CLIENT ReSector(2022)true; (-107, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(2004)sec[2001]; 2004 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2004(Asteroid(2004)sec[2001]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2001)true; (-109, 25, -43); ]; 2001 [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2001([CLIENT ReSector(2001)true; (-109, 25, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:13] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 2009 TO 3837 [2016-04-04 02:48:17] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 3837 TO 3841 [2016-04-04 02:48:25] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[15]: type 348; #1; (6.863914, -28.145452, 1.5916616)) -> (ITEM[15]: type 348; #1; (6.5, -29.5, 1.5)) [2016-04-04 02:48:25] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[29]: type 621; #1; (1.5371636, -20.647627, 2.1424625)) -> (ITEM[29]: type 621; #1; (1.5, -21.5, 2.5)) [2016-04-04 02:48:25] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[31]: type 102; #37; (-1.6002221, -20.814178, 0.04029921)) -> (ITEM[31]: type 102; #37; (-1.5, -21.5, 0.5)) [2016-04-04 02:48:26] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 4127 [2016-04-04 02:48:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:48:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:48:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:48:27] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 02:48:27] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:48:28] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=its just refinery atm and its alll below floor] [2016-04-04 02:48:28] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: its just refinery atm and its alll below floor; ML: 12 [2016-04-04 02:48:29] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)] FROM -2 TO 4069 [2016-04-04 02:48:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4250 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:48:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)] [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4042); 4042 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4042(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4042)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](3953); 3953 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](3953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4020); 4020 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4020(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4020)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](3931); 3931 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3931(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](3931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](3986); 3986 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3986(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](3986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4034); 4034 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4034(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4034)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4056); 4056 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4056(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4056)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](4063); 4063 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4063(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](4063)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](3965); 3965 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3965(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](3965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](3990); 3990 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3990(Ship[World Eater](3990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4016); 4016 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4016(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4016)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](3999); 3999 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3999(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](3999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](4064); 4064 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4064(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](4064)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](3966); 3966 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3966(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](3966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](3932); 3932 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3932(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](3932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4055); 4055 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4055(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4055)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](3912); 3912 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3912(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](3912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](3994); 3994 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3994(Ship[redstone](3994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](3929); 3929 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3929(Ship[UC Eden](3929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4027); 4027 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4027(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](3978); 3978 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3978(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](3978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](3992); 3992 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3992(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](3992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](3964); 3964 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3964(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](3964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](3943); 3943 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3943(Ship[Shadow corp ship](3943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](3982); 3982 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3982(Ship[The Noob Ship](3982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4044); 4044 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4044(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4058); 4058 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4058(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4058)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4060); 4060 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4060(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4060)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](3998); 3998 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3998(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](3998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4024); 4024 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4024(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4024)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](3947); 3947 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3947(Ship[Escape pod](3947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4011); 4011 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4011(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4011)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](3950); 3950 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3950(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](3950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4054); 4054 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4054(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4054)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](3925); 3925 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3925(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](3925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4036); 4036 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4036(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4036)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](3939); 3939 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3939(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](3939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](3981); 3981 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3981(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](3981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](3995); 3995 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3995(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](3995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](3916); 3916 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3916(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](3916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](3997); 3997 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3997(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](3997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](3926); 3926 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3926(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](3926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](3957); 3957 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3957(Ship[FarStar](3957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](4067); 4067 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4067(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](4067)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](3996); 3996 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3996(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](3996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4006); 4006 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4006(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4006)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4013); 4013 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4013(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4013)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](3930); 3930 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3930(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](3930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](4062); 4062 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4062(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](4062)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4050); 4050 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4050(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4050)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](3928); 3928 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3928(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](3928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4005); 4005 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4005(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](4017); 4017 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4017(Ship[ConduPrime_001](4017)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](4007); 4007 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4007(Ship[Fraction](4007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4032); 4032 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4032(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4032)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](3984); 3984 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3984(Ship[Water Wheel](3984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](3941); 3941 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3941(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](3941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4028); 4028 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4028(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4028)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4012); 4012 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4012(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4012)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](3913); 3913 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3913(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](3913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](3974); 3974 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3974(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](3974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](3933); 3933 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3933(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](3933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](3951); 3951 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](3951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](3935); 3935 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3935(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](3935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](3968); 3968 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3968(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](3968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](4004); 4004 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4004(Ship[Almighty Ship](4004)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4048); 4048 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4048(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4048)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](3956); 3956 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3956(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](3956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](3970); 3970 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3970(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](3970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4047); 4047 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4047(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4047)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4029); 4029 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4029(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4029)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](3979); 3979 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3979(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](3979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](3991); 3991 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3991(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](3991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](3918); 3918 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3918(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](3918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](3969); 3969 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3969(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](3969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](3940); 3940 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3940(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](3940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](3911); 3911 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3911(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](3911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4045); 4045 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4045(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4045)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4037); 4037 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4037(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4037)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](3985); 3985 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3985(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](3985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](4065); 4065 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4065(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](4065)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](3954); 3954 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3954(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](3954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4040); 4040 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4040(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4040)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](4061); 4061 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4061(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](4061)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4033); 4033 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4033(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4033)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](3937); 3937 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3937(Ship[Mah Bucket](3937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](3938); 3938 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](3938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](3924); 3924 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3924(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](3924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4052); 4052 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4052(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4052)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4053); 4053 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4053(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4053)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](3967); 3967 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](3967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4031); 4031 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4031(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4031)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](4038); 4038 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4038(Ship[Memeinator](4038)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4009); 4009 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4009(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4009)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](3949); 3949 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3949(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](3949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4043); 4043 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4043(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4043)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](3952); 3952 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3952(Ship[shippy vw](3952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4018); 4018 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4018(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4018)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4059); 4059 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4059(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4059)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](4066); 4066 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4066(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](4066)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4014); 4014 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4014(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4014)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](3923); 3923 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3923(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](3923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(3962)]; 3962 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3962(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(3962)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](3959); 3959 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3959(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](3959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](3936); 3936 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3936(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](3936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](3921); 3921 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3921(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](3921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](3988); 3988 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3988(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](3988)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](3975); 3975 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3975(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](3975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4039); 4039 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4039(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4039)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](3961); 3961 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3961(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](3961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](3963); 3963 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](3963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](3977); 3977 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3977(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](3977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](4068); 4068 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4068(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](4068)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4015); 4015 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4015(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4015)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](3917); 3917 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3917(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](3917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](3960); 3960 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3960(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](3960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](3989); 3989 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3989(Ship[justint](3989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](3948); 3948 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3948(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](3948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4019); 4019 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4019(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4019)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4049); 4049 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4049(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4049)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4035); 4035 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4035(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4035)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4010); 4010 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4010(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4001); 4001 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4001(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](3922); 3922 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3922(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](3922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4023); 4023 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4023(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4023)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](3914); 3914 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3914(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](3914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](3983); 3983 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3983(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](3983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4057); 4057 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4057(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4057)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](3972); 3972 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3972(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](3972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](3958); 3958 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3958(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](3958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](3915); 3915 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3915(Ship[The Shuttle](3915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](3971); 3971 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3971(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](3971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](3919); 3919 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3919(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](3919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](3942); 3942 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3942(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](3942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4003); 4003 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4003(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](3946); 3946 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3946(Ship[Voiden](3946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](3973); 3973 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3973(Ship[Cube](3973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4041); 4041 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4041(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4041)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](3976); 3976 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3976(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](3976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4030); 4030 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4030(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4030)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](3955); 3955 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3955(Ship[F](3955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4046); 4046 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4046(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4046)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](3927); 3927 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3927(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](3927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](3944); 3944 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3944(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](3944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](3987); 3987 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3987(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](3987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4000); 4000 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4000(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](3920); 3920 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3920(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](3920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4008); 4008 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4008(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4008)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](3993); 3993 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3993(Ship[Sperg Mobile](3993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4051); 4051 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4051(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4051)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](3980); 3980 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3980(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](3980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4002); 4002 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4002(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4022); 4022 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4022(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4022)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](3934); 3934 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3934(Ship[ssKingduffs](3934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4026); 4026 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4026(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4026)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](3945); 3945 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3945(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](3945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4021); 4021 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4021(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4025); 4025 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4025(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3910)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 3910 [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3910([CLIENT ReSector(3910)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4250 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:48:35] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4251)] FROM -2 TO 4069 [2016-04-04 02:48:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@10b4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@10b4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@10b4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@10b4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:48:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 3841 TO 3840 [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Fridge]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Fridge left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Fridge left the game. [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] notified team change [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)] [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4251)] [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (4127)ChatSystem; 4127 [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4127((4127)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)]; 4250 [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4250(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4250)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4251)]; 4251 [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4251(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Fridge)(4251)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)]; 3909 [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3909(PlS[Fridge ; id(3909)(13)f(10782)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:41] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ah ok] [2016-04-04 02:48:41] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: ah ok; ML: 13 [2016-04-04 02:48:42] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 3660 TO 4252 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2012)true; (-108, 24, -41); ]; 2012 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2012([CLIENT ReSector(2012)true; (-108, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1992)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1992 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1992(Planet(1992)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1991)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1991 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1991(Planet(1991)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1986)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 1986 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1986(Planet(1986)[s1979]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlanetCore( id 1981; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42); 1981 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1981(PlanetCore( id 1981; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2011)true; (-108, 24, -43); ]; 2011 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2011([CLIENT ReSector(2011)true; (-108, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1999)true; (-109, 24, -42); ]; 1999 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1999([CLIENT ReSector(1999)true; (-109, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1994)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1994 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1994(Planet(1994)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1984)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1984 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1984(Planet(1984)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1980)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1980 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1980(Planet(1980)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1988)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1988 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1988(Planet(1988)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2000)true; (-109, 24, -41); ]; 2000 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2000([CLIENT ReSector(2000)true; (-109, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1990)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1990 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1990(Planet(1990)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1987)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1987 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1987(Planet(1987)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2020)true; (-107, 24, -42); ]; 2020 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2020([CLIENT ReSector(2020)true; (-107, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1998)true; (-109, 24, -43); ]; 1998 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1998([CLIENT ReSector(1998)true; (-109, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1985)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1985 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1985(Planet(1985)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MONer](1982); 1982 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1982(Ship[MONer](1982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2021)true; (-107, 24, -41); ]; 2021 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2021([CLIENT ReSector(2021)true; (-107, 24, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1989)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1989 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1989(Planet(1989)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2019)true; (-107, 24, -43); ]; 2019 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2019([CLIENT ReSector(2019)true; (-107, 24, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(1993)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded); 1993 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1993(Planet(1993)[s1979]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-108_24_-42(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1979)true; (-108, 24, -42); ]; 1979 [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1979([CLIENT ReSector(1979)true; (-108, 24, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 10, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]; detach pos: (6115.5186, 2647.8853, 5089.553) [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:48:43] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:48:44] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 3840 TO 4236 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4227)true; (-109, 21, -42); ]; 4227 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4227([CLIENT ReSector(4227)true; (-109, 21, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3832)true; (-109, 22, -43); ]; 3832 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3832([CLIENT ReSector(3832)true; (-109, 22, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1997)true; (-109, 23, -41); ]; 1997 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1997([CLIENT ReSector(1997)true; (-109, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1995)true; (-109, 23, -43); ]; 1995 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1995([CLIENT ReSector(1995)true; (-109, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4226)true; (-109, 21, -43); ]; 4226 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4226([CLIENT ReSector(4226)true; (-109, 21, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3835)true; (-109, 22, -41); ]; 3835 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3835([CLIENT ReSector(3835)true; (-109, 22, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1996)true; (-109, 23, -42); ]; 1996 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1996([CLIENT ReSector(1996)true; (-109, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3833)true; (-109, 22, -42); ]; 3833 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3833([CLIENT ReSector(3833)true; (-109, 22, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4228)true; (-109, 21, -41); ]; 4228 [2016-04-04 02:48:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4228([CLIENT ReSector(4228)true; (-109, 21, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:53] HIT RESULT near: (13, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:48:53] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (13, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 02:48:54] HIT RESULT near: (13, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:48:54] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (13, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl5](3866); 3866 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3866(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl5](3866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl0](3856); 3856 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3856(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl0](3856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-5](3906); 3906 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3906(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-5](3906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl8](3872); 3872 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3872(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl8](3872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl20](3859); 3859 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3859(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl20](3859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl30](3861); 3861 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3861(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl30](3861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl9](3874); 3874 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3874(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl9](3874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl7](3870); 3870 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3870(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl7](3870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl110](3877); 3877 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3877(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl110](3877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl3](3862); 3862 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3862(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl3](3862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl40](3863); 3863 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3863(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl40](3863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl50](3865); 3865 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3865(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl50](3865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl2](3860); 3860 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3860(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl2](3860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl11](3878); 3878 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3878(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl11](3878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl4](3864); 3864 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3864(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl4](3864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl90](3873); 3873 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3873(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl90](3873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl00](3855); 3855 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3855(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl00](3855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl1](3858); 3858 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3858(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl1](3858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl80](3871); 3871 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3871(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl80](3871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl60](3867); 3867 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3867(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl60](3867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10](3857); 3857 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3857(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10](3857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10E](3876); 3876 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3876(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10E](3876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-7](3908); 3908 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3908(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-7](3908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-2](3879); 3879 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3879(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-2](3879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl100](3875); 3875 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3875(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl100](3875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl6](3868); 3868 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3868(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl6](3868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl70](3869); 3869 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3869(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl70](3869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3658)true; (60, -12, -26); ]; 3658 [2016-04-04 02:48:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3658([CLIENT ReSector(3658)true; (60, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:06] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:49:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:49:09] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 02:49:10] INPUT CGHANGED s [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2010)true; (-108, 23, -41); ]; 2010 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2010([CLIENT ReSector(2010)true; (-108, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4238)true; (-107, 21, -41); ]; 4238 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4238([CLIENT ReSector(4238)true; (-107, 21, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3839)true; (-108, 22, -41); ]; 3839 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3839([CLIENT ReSector(3839)true; (-108, 22, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4241)true; (-106, 21, -41); ]; 4241 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4241([CLIENT ReSector(4241)true; (-106, 21, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4235)true; (-108, 21, -41); ]; 4235 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4235([CLIENT ReSector(4235)true; (-108, 21, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4245)true; (-106, 22, -41); ]; 4245 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4245([CLIENT ReSector(4245)true; (-106, 22, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3844)true; (-107, 22, -41); ]; 3844 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3844([CLIENT ReSector(3844)true; (-107, 22, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4249)true; (-106, 23, -41); ]; 4249 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4249([CLIENT ReSector(4249)true; (-106, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2018)true; (-107, 23, -41); ]; 2018 [2016-04-04 02:49:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2018([CLIENT ReSector(2018)true; (-107, 23, -41); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:10] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4081)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]; 4081 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4081([CLIENT ReSector(4081)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4121)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]; 4121 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4121([CLIENT ReSector(4121)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4116)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]; 4116 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4116([CLIENT ReSector(4116)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4093)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]; 4093 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4093([CLIENT ReSector(4093)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4080)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]; 4080 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4080([CLIENT ReSector(4080)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4070)]; 4070 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4070(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4070)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4079)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]; 4079 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4079([CLIENT ReSector(4079)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4100)sec[4098]; 4100 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4100(Asteroid(4100)sec[4098]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4078)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]; 4078 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4078([CLIENT ReSector(4078)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4117)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]; 4117 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4117([CLIENT ReSector(4117)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4124)sec[4123]; 4124 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4124(Asteroid(4124)sec[4123]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4122)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]; 4122 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4122([CLIENT ReSector(4122)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Docker Alpha](4074); 4074 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4074(Ship[Docker Alpha](4074)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4082)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]; 4082 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4082([CLIENT ReSector(4082)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(4097)]; 4097 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4097(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(4097)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4118)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]; 4118 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4118([CLIENT ReSector(4118)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4095)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]; 4095 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4095([CLIENT ReSector(4095)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](4076); 4076 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4076(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](4076)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4114)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]; 4114 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4114([CLIENT ReSector(4114)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4115)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]; 4115 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4115([CLIENT ReSector(4115)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](4075); 4075 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4075(Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](4075)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4120)sec[4119]; 4120 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4120(Asteroid(4120)sec[4119]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4125)sec[4123]; 4125 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4125(Asteroid(4125)sec[4123]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4099)sec[4098]; 4099 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4099(Asteroid(4099)sec[4098]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](4077); 4077 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4077(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](4077)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret-base2](4073); 4073 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4073(Ship[S1-Turret-base2](4073)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](4072); 4072 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4072(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](4072)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4083)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]; 4083 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4083([CLIENT ReSector(4083)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4094)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]; 4094 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4094([CLIENT ReSector(4094)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](4071); 4071 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4071(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](4071)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4069)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]; 4069 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4069([CLIENT ReSector(4069)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4096)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]; 4096 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4096([CLIENT ReSector(4096)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4119)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]; 4119 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4119([CLIENT ReSector(4119)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4123)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]; 4123 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4123([CLIENT ReSector(4123)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4098)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]; 4098 [2016-04-04 02:49:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4098([CLIENT ReSector(4098)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:11] INPUT CGHANGED s [2016-04-04 02:49:11] INPUT CGHANGED st [2016-04-04 02:49:11] INPUT CGHANGED sto [2016-04-04 02:49:11] INPUT CGHANGED stor [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](3724); 3724 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3724(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](3724)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl8](4366); 4366 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4366(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl8](4366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1 3089-1](3854); 3854 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3854(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1 3089-1](3854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](3675); 3675 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3675(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](3675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3761)true; (59, -10, -28); ]; 3761 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3761([CLIENT ReSector(3761)true; (59, -10, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](3663); 3663 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3663(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](3663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](3684); 3684 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3684(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](3684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl100](3900); 3900 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3900(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl100](3900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl9](4368); 4368 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4368(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl9](4368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](3686); 3686 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3686(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](3686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3765)true; (61, -12, -28); ]; 3765 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3765([CLIENT ReSector(3765)true; (61, -12, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-7](4375); 4375 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4375(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-7](4375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](3697); 3697 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3697(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](3697)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl00](3850); 3850 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3850(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl00](3850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3694)sec[3660]; 3694 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3694(Asteroid(3694)sec[3660]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl5](3891); 3891 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3891(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl5](3891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](1092); 1092 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1092(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](1092)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3690)sec[3660]; 3690 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3690(Asteroid(3690)sec[3660]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10E](4370); 4370 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4370(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10E](4370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl00](3845); 3845 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3845(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl00](3845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](3674); 3674 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3674(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](3674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](3701); 3701 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3701(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](3701)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1 3089-0](3849); 3849 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3849(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1 3089-0](3849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](3693); 3693 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3693(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](3693)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](3661); 3661 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3661(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](3661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl5](4360); 4360 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4360(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl5](4360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](3730); 3730 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3730(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](3730)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](3708); 3708 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3708(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](3708)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl20](3884); 3884 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3884(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl20](3884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl10](3852); 3852 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3852(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl10](3852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl50](3890); 3890 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3890(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl50](3890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl4](4358); 4358 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4358(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl4](4358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3741)true; (61, -12, -27); ]; 3741 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3741([CLIENT ReSector(3741)true; (61, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl70](3894); 3894 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3894(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl70](3894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3766)true; (61, -11, -28); ]; 3766 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3766([CLIENT ReSector(3766)true; (61, -11, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](3703); 3703 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3703(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](3703)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3742)true; (61, -12, -26); ]; 3742 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3742([CLIENT ReSector(3742)true; (61, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](3727); 3727 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3727(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](3727)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3746)true; (61, -11, -26); ]; 3746 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3746([CLIENT ReSector(3746)true; (61, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl10](3882); 3882 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3882(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl10](3882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](3676); 3676 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3676(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](3676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3750)true; (59, -10, -26); ]; 3750 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3750([CLIENT ReSector(3750)true; (59, -10, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl110](3902); 3902 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3902(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl110](3902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3764)true; (60, -10, -28); ]; 3764 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3764([CLIENT ReSector(3764)true; (60, -10, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl40](4357); 4357 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4357(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl40](4357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](3691); 3691 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3691(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](3691)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](3678); 3678 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3678(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](3678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](3695); 3695 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3695(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](3695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-6](3907); 3907 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3907(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1 3089-6](3907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl6](4362); 4362 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4362(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl6](4362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](1117); 1117 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1117(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](1117)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10](4351); 4351 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4351(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl10](4351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl70](4363); 4363 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4363(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl70](4363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](3721); 3721 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3721(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](3721)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3762)true; (60, -12, -28); ]; 3762 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3762([CLIENT ReSector(3762)true; (60, -12, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl1](3853); 3853 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3853(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl1](3853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl00](3880); 3880 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3880(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl00](3880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl90](4367); 4367 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4367(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl90](4367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](3720); 3720 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3720(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](3720)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl3](4356); 4356 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4356(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl3](4356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3752)true; (60, -10, -27); ]; 3752 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3752([CLIENT ReSector(3752)true; (60, -10, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](3673); 3673 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3673(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](3673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl40](3888); 3888 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3888(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl40](3888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3759)true; (59, -12, -28); ]; 3759 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3759([CLIENT ReSector(3759)true; (59, -12, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](3681); 3681 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3681(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](3681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl6](3893); 3893 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3893(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl6](3893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](3680); 3680 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3680(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](3680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](3692); 3692 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3692(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](3692)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](3689); 3689 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3689(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](3689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](3709); 3709 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3709(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](3709)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](3683); 3683 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3683(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](3683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](3702); 3702 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3702(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](3702)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3755)true; (61, -10, -27); ]; 3755 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3755([CLIENT ReSector(3755)true; (61, -10, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](3706); 3706 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3706(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](3706)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3763)true; (60, -11, -28); ]; 3763 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3763([CLIENT ReSector(3763)true; (60, -11, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-5](4374); 4374 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4374(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-5](4374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](3719); 3719 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3719(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](3719)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](3665); 3665 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3665(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](3665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](3671); 3671 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3671(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](3671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3636)true; (59, -12, -26); ]; 3636 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3636([CLIENT ReSector(3636)true; (59, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl0](3851); 3851 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3851(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_1rl0](3851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](3670); 3670 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3670(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](3670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3651)true; (59, -11, -27); ]; 3651 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3651([CLIENT ReSector(3651)true; (59, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl10E](3901); 3901 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3901(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl10E](3901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl1](4352); 4352 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4352(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl1](4352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](3669); 3669 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3669(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](3669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl0](3846); 3846 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3846(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl0](3846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](3705); 3705 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3705(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](3705)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](1093); 1093 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1093(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](1093)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](3698); 3698 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3698(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](3698)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](3677); 3677 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3677(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](3677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](3715); 3715 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3715(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](3715)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-2](4373); 4373 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4373(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-2](4373)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](3685); 3685 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3685(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](3685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl30](4355); 4355 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4355(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl30](4355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl4](3889); 3889 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3889(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl4](3889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3753)true; (60, -10, -26); ]; 3753 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3753([CLIENT ReSector(3753)true; (60, -10, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](3710); 3710 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3710(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](3710)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](3725); 3725 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3725(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](3725)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](1147); 1147 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1147(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](1147)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](3699); 3699 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3699(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](3699)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](1138); 1138 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1138(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](1138)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl8](3897); 3897 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3897(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl8](3897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3767)true; (61, -10, -28); ]; 3767 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3767([CLIENT ReSector(3767)true; (61, -10, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](3726); 3726 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3726(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](3726)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](3723); 3723 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3723(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](3723)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](3707); 3707 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3707(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](3707)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl100](4369); 4369 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4369(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl100](4369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl7](4364); 4364 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4364(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl7](4364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl50](4359); 4359 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4359(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl50](4359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl7](3895); 3895 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3895(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl7](3895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl80](3896); 3896 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3896(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl80](3896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl2](3885); 3885 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3885(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl2](3885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](3668); 3668 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3668(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](3668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](3682); 3682 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3682(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](3682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-3](3904); 3904 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3904(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1 3089-3](3904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](3718); 3718 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3718(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](3718)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](3716); 3716 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3716(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](3716)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3649)true; (59, -12, -27); ]; 3649 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3649([CLIENT ReSector(3649)true; (59, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](3728); 3728 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3728(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](3728)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](3700); 3700 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3700(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](3700)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3745)true; (61, -11, -27); ]; 3745 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3745([CLIENT ReSector(3745)true; (61, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](3722); 3722 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3722(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](3722)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3749)true; (59, -10, -27); ]; 3749 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3749([CLIENT ReSector(3749)true; (59, -10, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl00](4349); 4349 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4349(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl00](4349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl0](3881); 3881 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3881(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl0](3881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](3687); 3687 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3687(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](3687)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3756)true; (61, -10, -26); ]; 3756 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3756([CLIENT ReSector(3756)true; (61, -10, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](3662); 3662 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3662(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](3662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl9](3899); 3899 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3899(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl9](3899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl3](3887); 3887 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3887(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl3](3887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](3696); 3696 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3696(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](3696)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl11](4372); 4372 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4372(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl11](4372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](3729); 3729 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3729(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](3729)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3652)true; (59, -11, -26); ]; 3652 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3652([CLIENT ReSector(3652)true; (59, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](3672); 3672 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3672(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](3672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl110](4371); 4371 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4371(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl110](4371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](3712); 3712 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3712(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](3712)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl11](3903); 3903 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3903(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl11](3903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](3679); 3679 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3679(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](3679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](3731); 3731 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3731(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](3731)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](3713); 3713 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3713(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](3713)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(3714)]; 3714 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3714(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(3714)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl90](3898); 3898 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3898(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl90](3898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](3666); 3666 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3666(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](3666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl30](3886); 3886 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3886(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl30](3886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](3704); 3704 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3704(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](3704)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](3667); 3667 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3667(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](3667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl20](4353); 4353 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4353(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl20](4353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](3664); 3664 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3664(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](3664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](3688); 3688 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3688(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](3688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl10](3847); 3847 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3847(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl10](3847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl1](3848); 3848 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3848(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_3089_0rl1](3848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-4](3905); 3905 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3905(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 3089-4](3905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl0](4350); 4350 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4350(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl0](4350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](3717); 3717 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3717(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](3717)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](3711); 3711 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3711(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](3711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl60](3892); 3892 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3892(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl60](3892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl2](4354); 4354 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4354(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl2](4354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl80](4365); 4365 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4365(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl80](4365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl60](4361); 4361 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4361(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_2rl60](4361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3760)true; (59, -11, -28); ]; 3760 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3760([CLIENT ReSector(3760)true; (59, -11, -28); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl1](3883); 3883 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3883(Ship[MOB_SIM_CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_3089_3rl1](3883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3732)true; (60, -11, -26); ]; 3732 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3732([CLIENT ReSector(3732)true; (60, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3660)true; (60, -11, -27); ]; 3660 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3660([CLIENT ReSector(3660)true; (60, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3657)true; (60, -12, -27); ]; 3657 [2016-04-04 02:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3657([CLIENT ReSector(3657)true; (60, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:14] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 4236 TO 4090 [2016-04-04 02:49:14] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1121 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:49:14] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1121 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:49:14] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1121 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:49:14] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1121 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4246)true; (-106, 23, -43); ]; 4246 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4246([CLIENT ReSector(4246)true; (-106, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2009)true; (-108, 23, -42); ]; 2009 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2009([CLIENT ReSector(2009)true; (-108, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4247)true; (-106, 23, -42); ]; 4247 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4247([CLIENT ReSector(4247)true; (-106, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2016)true; (-107, 23, -43); ]; 2016 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2016([CLIENT ReSector(2016)true; (-107, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4305)true; (-108, 23, -44); ]; 4305 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4305([CLIENT ReSector(4305)true; (-108, 23, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4314)true; (-107, 23, -44); ]; 4314 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4314([CLIENT ReSector(4314)true; (-107, 23, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4317)true; (-106, 23, -44); ]; 4317 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4317([CLIENT ReSector(4317)true; (-106, 23, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2008)true; (-108, 23, -43); ]; 2008 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2008([CLIENT ReSector(2008)true; (-108, 23, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2017)true; (-107, 23, -42); ]; 2017 [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2017([CLIENT ReSector(2017)true; (-107, 23, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:15] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@455e3b98 [2016-04-04 02:49:24] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:49:24] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 4090 TO 4105 [2016-04-04 02:49:25] SWITCHING SLOTS: 50, 0 [2016-04-04 02:49:25] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:49:25] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 1.4 [2016-04-04 02:49:25] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 1.399999976158142 [2016-04-04 02:49:25] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1] ON 50 [2016-04-04 02:49:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703496817rl1rl10](1150); 1150 [2016-04-04 02:49:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1150(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703496817rl1rl10](1150)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4303)true; (-108, 22, -44); ]; 4303 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4303([CLIENT ReSector(4303)true; (-108, 22, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4242)true; (-106, 22, -43); ]; 4242 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4242([CLIENT ReSector(4242)true; (-106, 22, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4243)true; (-106, 22, -42); ]; 4243 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4243([CLIENT ReSector(4243)true; (-106, 22, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4313)true; (-107, 22, -44); ]; 4313 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4313([CLIENT ReSector(4313)true; (-107, 22, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4316)true; (-106, 22, -44); ]; 4316 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4316([CLIENT ReSector(4316)true; (-106, 22, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4304)sec[4303]; 4304 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4303; 1623 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4304(Asteroid(4304)sec[4303]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3836)true; (-108, 22, -43); ]; 3836 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3836([CLIENT ReSector(3836)true; (-108, 22, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3837)true; (-108, 22, -42); ]; 3837 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3837([CLIENT ReSector(3837)true; (-108, 22, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(3842)sec[3841]; 3842 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3842(Asteroid(3842)sec[3841]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3841)true; (-107, 22, -42); ]; 3841 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3841([CLIENT ReSector(3841)true; (-107, 22, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(3840)true; (-107, 22, -43); ]; 3840 [2016-04-04 02:49:44] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3840([CLIENT ReSector(3840)true; (-107, 22, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:48] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ah fuck it's really automatic now xD] [2016-04-04 02:49:48] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: ah fuck it's really automatic now xD; ML: 14 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4377)true; (-108, 19, -43); ]; 4377 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4377([CLIENT ReSector(4377)true; (-108, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4376)true; (-108, 19, -44); ]; 4376 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4376([CLIENT ReSector(4376)true; (-108, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4347)true; (-108, 20, -43); ]; 4347 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4347([CLIENT ReSector(4347)true; (-108, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4346)sec[4345]; 4346 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4346(Asteroid(4346)sec[4345]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4295)sec[4294]; 4295 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4295(Asteroid(4295)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4233)sec[4229]; 4233 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4233(Asteroid(4233)sec[4229]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4301)sec[4294]; 4301 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4301(Asteroid(4301)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4300)sec[4294]; 4300 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4300(Asteroid(4300)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4296)sec[4294]; 4296 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4296(Asteroid(4296)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4298)sec[4294]; 4298 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4298(Asteroid(4298)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4234)true; (-108, 21, -42); ]; 4234 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4234([CLIENT ReSector(4234)true; (-108, 21, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4378)true; (-108, 19, -42); ]; 4378 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4378([CLIENT ReSector(4378)true; (-108, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4348)true; (-108, 20, -42); ]; 4348 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4348([CLIENT ReSector(4348)true; (-108, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4230)sec[4229]; 4230 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4230(Asteroid(4230)sec[4229]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4231)sec[4229]; 4231 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4231(Asteroid(4231)sec[4229]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4297)sec[4294]; 4297 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4297(Asteroid(4297)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4232)sec[4229]; 4232 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4232(Asteroid(4232)sec[4229]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4299)sec[4294]; 4299 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4299(Asteroid(4299)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4302)sec[4294]; 4302 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4302(Asteroid(4302)sec[4294]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4345)true; (-108, 20, -44); ]; 4345 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4345([CLIENT ReSector(4345)true; (-108, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4294)true; (-108, 21, -44); ]; 4294 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4294([CLIENT ReSector(4294)true; (-108, 21, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4229)true; (-108, 21, -43); ]; 4229 [2016-04-04 02:49:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4229([CLIENT ReSector(4229)true; (-108, 21, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:50:07] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=yes i have made it auto mated lol] [2016-04-04 02:50:07] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: yes i have made it auto mated lol; ML: 15 [2016-04-04 02:50:11] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=where should I put the recipe so ? in capsule refinery ?] [2016-04-04 02:50:11] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: where should I put the recipe so ? in capsule refinery ?; ML: 16 [2016-04-04 02:50:16] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:50:16] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 145116 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1172 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1172 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1172 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1172 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[64]: type 612; #1; (0.39281595, -22.5704, 1.2075006)) -> (ITEM[64]: type 612; #1; (0.39281595, -22.5704, 1.2075006)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[65]: type 102; #37; (-1.5, -21.5, 0.5)) -> (ITEM[65]: type 102; #37; (-1.5, -21.5, 0.5)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[66]: type 83; #1; (-0.7030255, -20.992308, -1.6480953)) -> (ITEM[66]: type 83; #1; (-0.7030255, -20.992308, -1.6480953)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[67]: type 649; #1; (-1.3966819, -23.052505, -2.067335)) -> (ITEM[67]: type 649; #1; (-1.3966819, -23.052505, -2.067335)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[34]: type 690; #264; (4.8156137, -28.590317, 0.9873753)) -> (ITEM[34]: type 690; #264; (4.8156137, -28.590317, 0.9873753)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[35]: type 612; #1; (7.1568346, -27.815918, 0.5947143)) -> (ITEM[35]: type 612; #1; (7.1568346, -27.815918, 0.5947143)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[36]: type 160; #233; (6.066407, -27.72832, -0.44848606)) -> (ITEM[36]: type 160; #233; (6.066407, -27.72832, -0.44848606)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[37]: type 620; #1; (6.831895, -28.359762, 0.46863192)) -> (ITEM[37]: type 620; #1; (6.831895, -28.359762, 0.46863192)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[38]: type 873; #1; (5.2797666, -26.758678, -0.54433846)) -> (ITEM[38]: type 873; #1; (5.2797666, -26.758678, -0.54433846)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[39]: type 414; #160; (7.856436, -26.088165, 1.61118)) -> (ITEM[39]: type 414; #160; (7.856436, -26.088165, 1.61118)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[40]: type 612; #1; (9.277194, -30.187473, -0.11693778)) -> (ITEM[40]: type 612; #1; (9.277194, -30.187473, -0.11693778)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[41]: type 511; #214; (7.915092, -28.75489, 1.7181342)) -> (ITEM[41]: type 511; #214; (7.915092, -28.75489, 1.7181342)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[42]: type 198; #315; (9.195855, -28.443, 2.5483196)) -> (ITEM[42]: type 198; #315; (9.195855, -28.443, 2.5483196)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[43]: type 217; #133; (7.304356, -29.633669, -0.25524855)) -> (ITEM[43]: type 217; #133; (7.304356, -29.633669, -0.25524855)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[44]: type 424; #1; (5.660221, -26.681204, 0.03699171)) -> (ITEM[44]: type 424; #1; (5.660221, -26.681204, 0.03699171)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[45]: type 827; #191; (5.372119, -27.460785, 0.4563676)) -> (ITEM[45]: type 827; #191; (5.372119, -27.460785, 0.4563676)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[46]: type 240; #1; (6.213976, -29.534035, 0.390605)) -> (ITEM[46]: type 240; #1; (6.213976, -29.534035, 0.390605)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[47]: type 577; #1; (8.960874, -29.899538, 3.7237573)) -> (ITEM[47]: type 577; #1; (8.960874, -29.899538, 3.7237573)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[48]: type 223; #2; (6.7604923, -30.034695, 2.0520952)) -> (ITEM[48]: type 223; #2; (6.7604923, -30.034695, 2.0520952)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[49]: type 348; #1; (6.5, -29.5, 1.5)) -> (ITEM[49]: type 348; #1; (6.5, -29.5, 1.5)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[50]: type 337; #325; (0.91308093, -21.778406, -0.5403453)) -> (ITEM[50]: type 337; #325; (0.91308093, -21.778406, -0.5403453)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[51]: type 936; #46; (0.54159683, -24.481817, -0.47768655)) -> (ITEM[51]: type 936; #46; (0.54159683, -24.481817, -0.47768655)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[52]: type 102; #1; (1.2174784, -24.614765, 0.92785233)) -> (ITEM[52]: type 102; #1; (1.2174784, -24.614765, 0.92785233)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[53]: type 667; #1; (-1.2077986, -25.190788, 2.0507865)) -> (ITEM[53]: type 667; #1; (-1.2077986, -25.190788, 2.0507865)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[54]: type 904; #184; (1.7532212, -22.53284, 0.04654738)) -> (ITEM[54]: type 904; #184; (1.7532212, -22.53284, 0.04654738)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[55]: type 923; #61; (0.87485874, -24.937584, 1.5546744)) -> (ITEM[55]: type 923; #61; (0.87485874, -24.937584, 1.5546744)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[56]: type 888; #1; (-1.0072322, -25.15511, -2.4161422)) -> (ITEM[56]: type 888; #1; (-1.0072322, -25.15511, -2.4161422)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[57]: type 606; #1; (-0.124260746, -21.367317, -1.5963786)) -> (ITEM[57]: type 606; #1; (-0.124260746, -21.367317, -1.5963786)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[58]: type 590; #1; (-1.4329544, -21.521084, 0.27310842)) -> (ITEM[58]: type 590; #1; (-1.4329544, -21.521084, 0.27310842)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[59]: type 286; #60; (1.1688197, -24.215885, -1.7606313)) -> (ITEM[59]: type 286; #60; (1.1688197, -24.215885, -1.7606313)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[60]: type 888; #1; (-0.08645005, -23.752396, -0.8552533)) -> (ITEM[60]: type 888; #1; (-0.08645005, -23.752396, -0.8552533)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[61]: type 541; #165; (0.027799468, -23.605867, -2.1000764)) -> (ITEM[61]: type 541; #165; (0.027799468, -23.605867, -2.1000764)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[62]: type 323; #334; (-2.2075033, -23.137482, -2.3985596)) -> (ITEM[62]: type 323; #334; (-2.2075033, -23.137482, -2.3985596)) [2016-04-04 02:50:18] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[63]: type 621; #1; (1.5, -21.5, 2.5)) -> (ITEM[63]: type 621; #1; (1.5, -21.5, 2.5)) [2016-04-04 02:50:24] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:50:25] SWITCHING SLOTS: 9, 42 [2016-04-04 02:50:25] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1029000; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 11817; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 8205; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 29869; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 8160; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 464850; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1125; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 12903; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 9639; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 40530; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Fertikeen Ore Raw(493); c 978; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Bastyn Shard Raw(485); c 924; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Crystal Composite(220); c 21823; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 42=>[slot 42; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 1575; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:50:25] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 1.575 [2016-04-04 02:50:25] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Hattel Capsule(182); Btype Hattel Capsule(182); AVol 1.125; BVol 1.5750000476837158; 9; 42; ownVol 2791.856045136228; otherVol 1622.8630411475897 [2016-04-04 02:50:25] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1621.288041099906 / 2000.0; SlotA: 1.125; SlotB: 1.5750000476837158 [2016-04-04 02:50:27] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:50:27] : [2016-04-04 02:50:27] [2016-04-04 02:50:27] Spectrum' - On our own.ogg [2016-04-04 02:50:27] Error [2016-04-04 02:50:27] : [2016-04-04 02:50:27] [2016-04-04 02:50:27] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:50:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:50:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:50:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 02:50:38] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 7)[Transporter Controller]o[RIGHT][inactive][150hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:50:40] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=we need in this order Storage space... factory enhancers grey hull ] [2016-04-04 02:50:40] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: we need in this order Storage space... factory enhancers grey hull ; ML: 17 [2016-04-04 02:50:44] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.cj@6461cd15 [2016-04-04 02:50:52] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 02:50:52] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 02:50:57] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 02:50:57] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](4460); 4460 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4460(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](4460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](4422); 4422 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4422(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](4422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](4463); 4463 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4463(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](4463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](4432); 4432 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4432(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](4432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](4414); 4414 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4414(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](4414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](4413); 4413 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4413(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](4413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](4443); 4443 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4443(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](4443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](4409); 4409 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4409(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](4409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](4473); 4473 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4473(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](4473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](4447); 4447 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4447(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](4447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](4423); 4423 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4423(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](4423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](4428); 4428 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4428(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](4428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](4427); 4427 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4427(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](4427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4441)sec[4408]; 4441 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4441(Asteroid(4441)sec[4408]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](4464); 4464 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4464(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](4464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](4453); 4453 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4453(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](4453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](4451); 4451 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4451(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](4451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](4454); 4454 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4454(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](4454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](4444); 4444 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4444(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](4444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](4431); 4431 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4431(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](4431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](4478); 4478 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4478(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](4478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](4461); 4461 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4461(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](4461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](4426); 4426 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4426(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](4426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](4458); 4458 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4458(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](4458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](4468); 4468 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4468(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](4468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](4482); 4482 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4482(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](4482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](4433); 4433 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4433(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](4433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](4484); 4484 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4484(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](4484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](4477); 4477 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4477(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](4477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](4459); 4459 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4459(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](4459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](4440); 4440 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4440(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](4440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](4424); 4424 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4424(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](4424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](4456); 4456 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4456(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](4456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](4435); 4435 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4435(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](4435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](4434); 4434 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4434(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](4434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](4420); 4420 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4420(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](4420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(4466)]; 4466 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4466(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(4466)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](4462); 4462 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4462(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](4462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](4436); 4436 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4436(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](4436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](4481); 4481 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4481(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](4481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](4425); 4425 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4425(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](4425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](4469); 4469 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4469(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](4469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](4411); 4411 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4411(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](4411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](4452); 4452 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4452(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](4452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](4429); 4429 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4429(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](4429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](4474); 4474 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4474(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](4474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](4449); 4449 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4449(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](4449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4445)sec[4408]; 4445 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4445(Asteroid(4445)sec[4408]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](4472); 4472 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4472(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](4472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](4439); 4439 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4439(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](4439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](4417); 4417 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4417(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](4417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](4418); 4418 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4418(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](4418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](4465); 4465 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4465(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](4465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](4421); 4421 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4421(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](4421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](4470); 4470 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4470(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](4470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](4471); 4471 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4471(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](4471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](4442); 4442 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4442(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](4442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](4415); 4415 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4415(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](4415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](4467); 4467 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4467(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](4467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](4448); 4448 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4448(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](4448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](4480); 4480 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4480(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](4480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](4430); 4430 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4430(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](4430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](4475); 4475 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4475(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](4475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](4416); 4416 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4416(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](4416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](4479); 4479 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4479(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](4479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](4457); 4457 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4457(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](4457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](4483); 4483 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4483(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](4483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](4438); 4438 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4438(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](4438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](4412); 4412 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4412(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](4412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](4437); 4437 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4437(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](4437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](4455); 4455 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4455(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](4455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](4419); 4419 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4419(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](4419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](4476); 4476 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4476(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](4476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](4446); 4446 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4446(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](4446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](4450); 4450 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4450(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](4450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](4410); 4410 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4410(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](4410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4408)true; (60, -11, -27); ]; 4408 [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4408([CLIENT ReSector(4408)true; (60, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:01] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok] [2016-04-04 02:51:01] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: ok; ML: 18 [2016-04-04 02:51:03] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:51:03] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:51:08] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 02:51:09] INPUT CGHANGED c [2016-04-04 02:51:10] INPUT CGHANGED ca [2016-04-04 02:51:10] INPUT CGHANGED car [2016-04-04 02:51:13] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@36d232d5 [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, ADM_Atheu]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ADM_Atheu left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ADM_Atheu left the game. [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)] [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)] notified team change [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (2198)ChatSystem; 2198 [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2198((2198)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)]; 2025 [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2025(PlS[ADM_Atheu ; id(2025)(9)f(10001)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)]; 3128 [2016-04-04 02:51:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3128(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Atheu)(3128)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:51:58] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=brb] [2016-04-04 02:51:58] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: brb; ML: 19 [2016-04-04 02:52:08] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=allright] [2016-04-04 02:52:08] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: allright; ML: 20 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scythe Base MK2](2056); 2056 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2056(Ship[Scythe Base MK2](2056)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl71](2058); 2058 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2058(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl71](2058)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl73](2061); 2061 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2061(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl73](2061)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dagger](2047); 2047 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2047(Ship[Dagger](2047)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2088)true; (5006, 5004, 5005); ]; 2088 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2088([CLIENT ReSector(2088)true; (5006, 5004, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2092)true; (5006, 5005, 5006); ]; 2092 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2092([CLIENT ReSector(2092)true; (5006, 5005, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457389510761](2063); 2063 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2063(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457389510761](2063)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scythe-SC Empty_1458867141413](2035); 2035 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2035(Ship[Scythe-SC Empty_1458867141413](2035)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Nocturne - MK2](2028); 2028 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2028(Ship[VFS - Nocturne - MK2](2028)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2081)true; (5005, 5004, 5006); ]; 2081 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2081([CLIENT ReSector(2081)true; (5005, 5004, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458930205392](2040); 2040 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2040(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458930205392](2040)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2074)true; (5004, 5005, 5005); ]; 2074 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2074([CLIENT ReSector(2074)true; (5004, 5005, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457390802244](2027); 2027 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2027(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457390802244](2027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2071)true; (5004, 5004, 5005); ]; 2071 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2071([CLIENT ReSector(2071)true; (5004, 5004, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2094)true; (5006, 5006, 5005); ]; 2094 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2094([CLIENT ReSector(2094)true; (5006, 5006, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2087)true; (5006, 5004, 5004); ]; 2087 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2087([CLIENT ReSector(2087)true; (5006, 5004, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2083)true; (5005, 5005, 5006); ]; 2083 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2083([CLIENT ReSector(2083)true; (5005, 5005, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459364431278](2037); 2037 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2037(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459364431278](2037)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2073)true; (5004, 5005, 5004); ]; 2073 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2073([CLIENT ReSector(2073)true; (5004, 5005, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2077)true; (5004, 5006, 5005); ]; 2077 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2077([CLIENT ReSector(2077)true; (5004, 5006, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457895512360](2044); 2044 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2044(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457895512360](2044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl70](2046); 2046 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2046(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl70](2046)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1454480323684](2045); 2045 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2045(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1454480323684](2045)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dagger Mount](2038); 2038 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2038(Ship[Dagger Mount](2038)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457111357417](2032); 2032 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2032(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457111357417](2032)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Argo - RC3_1459530526325](2069); 2069 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2069(Ship[VFS - Argo - RC3_1459530526325](2069)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458930380468](2033); 2033 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2033(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458930380468](2033)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2085)true; (5005, 5006, 5005); ]; 2085 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2085([CLIENT ReSector(2085)true; (5005, 5006, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2078)true; (5004, 5006, 5006); ]; 2078 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2078([CLIENT ReSector(2078)true; (5004, 5006, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl72](2052); 2052 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2052(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl72](2052)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rail turret guides](2065); 2065 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2065(Ship[Rail turret guides](2065)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2070)true; (5004, 5004, 5004); ]; 2070 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2070([CLIENT ReSector(2070)true; (5004, 5004, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOD_Napther_1459280791805](2051); 2051 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2051(Ship[MOD_Napther_1459280791805](2051)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[mount rig testing](2043); 2043 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2043(Ship[mount rig testing](2043)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Carrier](2049); 2049 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2049(Ship[Mini Carrier](2049)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Krixakanos](2057); 2057 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2057(Ship[Krixakanos](2057)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[admin scooter](2062); 2062 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2062(Ship[admin scooter](2062)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - LK - Dagger_1456876625948rl0](2031); 2031 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2031(Ship[VFS - LK - Dagger_1456876625948rl0](2031)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2076)true; (5004, 5006, 5004); ]; 2076 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2076([CLIENT ReSector(2076)true; (5004, 5006, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458655099621](2050); 2050 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2050(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458655099621](2050)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1453933963955](2041); 2041 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2041(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1453933963955](2041)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2084)true; (5005, 5006, 5004); ]; 2084 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2084([CLIENT ReSector(2084)true; (5005, 5006, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2089)true; (5006, 5004, 5006); ]; 2089 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2089([CLIENT ReSector(2089)true; (5006, 5004, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2086)true; (5005, 5006, 5006); ]; 2086 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2086([CLIENT ReSector(2086)true; (5005, 5006, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2072)true; (5004, 5004, 5006); ]; 2072 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2072([CLIENT ReSector(2072)true; (5004, 5004, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[MOD_Napther_1459211034856](2054); 2054 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2054(Ship[MOD_Napther_1459211034856](2054)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Sprite Light Freighter_1457388008558](2030); 2030 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2030(Ship[VFS - Void Sprite Light Freighter_1457388008558](2030)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2090)true; (5006, 5005, 5004); ]; 2090 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2090([CLIENT ReSector(2090)true; (5006, 5005, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - MAC Scythe V1_1454873158841rl0](2055); 2055 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2055(Ship[VFS - MAC Scythe V1_1454873158841rl0](2055)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2080)true; (5005, 5004, 5005); ]; 2080 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2080([CLIENT ReSector(2080)true; (5005, 5004, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Black Hole 10](2064); 2064 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2064(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Black Hole 10](2064)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Base](2036); 2036 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2036(Ship[Base](2036)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2093)true; (5006, 5006, 5004); ]; 2093 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2093([CLIENT ReSector(2093)true; (5006, 5006, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1459548102525](2060); 2060 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2060(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1459548102525](2060)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458613726325](2059); 2059 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2059(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1458613726325](2059)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459548286220](2034); 2034 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2034(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459548286220](2034)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457110677207](2068); 2068 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2068(Ship[ADM_Atheu_1457110677207](2068)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Valenta](2042); 2042 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2042(Ship[Valenta](2042)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Medium Cargo Container](2029); 2029 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2029(Ship[VFS - Medium Cargo Container](2029)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2082)true; (5005, 5005, 5004); ]; 2082 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2082([CLIENT ReSector(2082)true; (5005, 5005, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - LK - Dagger_1456876625948](2053); 2053 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2053(Ship[VFS - LK - Dagger_1456876625948](2053)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1458949336164](2066); 2066 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2066(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1458949336164](2066)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2079)true; (5005, 5004, 5004); ]; 2079 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2079([CLIENT ReSector(2079)true; (5005, 5004, 5004); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2075)true; (5004, 5005, 5006); ]; 2075 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2075([CLIENT ReSector(2075)true; (5004, 5005, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2095)true; (5006, 5006, 5006); ]; 2095 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2095([CLIENT ReSector(2095)true; (5006, 5006, 5006); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2091)true; (5006, 5005, 5005); ]; 2091 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2091([CLIENT ReSector(2091)true; (5006, 5005, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl7](2048); 2048 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2048(Ship[VFS - Void Reaper RV2 Full_1459278376041rl7](2048)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459622710630](2067); 2067 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2067(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1459622710630](2067)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scythe - MAC V1_0_1453233423595rl0](2039); 2039 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2039(Ship[Scythe - MAC V1_0_1453233423595rl0](2039)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2026)true; (5005, 5005, 5005); ]; 2026 [2016-04-04 02:52:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2026([CLIENT ReSector(2026)true; (5005, 5005, 5005); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:52:20] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=after we get those things we can build a second fctory set up and make multiple thinhgs at same time ] [2016-04-04 02:52:20] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: after we get those things we can build a second fctory set up and make multiple thinhgs at same time ; ML: 21 [2016-04-04 02:52:22] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:52:23] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 0 [2016-04-04 02:52:23] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Cargo Space(689); c 98; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:52:23] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 4.9 [2016-04-04 02:52:23] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 4.900000095367432 [2016-04-04 02:52:23] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Cargo Space(689); c 98; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 02:52:46] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@17c4ab0b [2016-04-04 02:52:58] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@d6a193b [2016-04-04 02:53:06] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Cargo Space: RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:53:09] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:53:09] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:53:12] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:53:13] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:53:14] SWITCHING SLOTS: 43, 0 [2016-04-04 02:53:14] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Cargo Space(689); c 98; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272127; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (5, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 70; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 02:53:14] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 0.07 [2016-04-04 02:53:14] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abX; Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); Btype Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); AVol 272.12701416015625; BVol 0.07000000029802322; 43; 0; ownVol 1626.1880411952734; otherVol 0.07000000029802322 [2016-04-04 02:53:14] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 272.12701416015625; SlotB: 0.07000000029802322 [2016-04-04 02:53:20] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 02:53:21] INPUT CGHANGED f [2016-04-04 02:53:21] INPUT CGHANGED fa [2016-04-04 02:53:21] INPUT CGHANGED fac [2016-04-04 02:53:22] INPUT CGHANGED fact [2016-04-04 02:53:25] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@53fb1f32 [2016-04-04 02:54:44] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:54:44] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 02:54:50] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 02:54:50] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 02:54:51] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 02:54:51] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 02:54:55] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@508dcdb7 [2016-04-04 02:55:17] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 10, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [187, Croquelune, SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)], PlS[PrinceValiant [Boggartbob1]; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER: Croquelune attempted to take control of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] (Already controlled by player PlS[PrinceValiant [Boggartbob1]; id(2297)(10)f(10916)])]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:55:17] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: [SERVER]: SERVER: Croquelune attempted to take control of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] (Already controlled by player PlS[PrinceValiant [Boggartbob1]; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]) [2016-04-04 02:55:23] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6114.889, 2647.7017, 5089.1333) [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:23] DRAWING DEBUG: 689; ; 0; 0; 689; [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SINGLE_BLOCK_DRAWER] CHECKING FOR ERROR [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 02:55:25] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 36(35.429836); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:55:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5004883, -0.8041992, -8.961426); (6, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:38] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:55:38] adding new element to SI at (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:55:38] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Note: You placed a controllable Block Without having a conroller selected! E.g. if you place weapons, please select/place the weapon computer first. [2016-04-04 02:55:43] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (7.5, -1.3708496, -8.626465); (7, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:43] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (15, 7, -1)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:55:44] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5, -1.3498535, -8.761719); (6, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:44] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:55:44] adding new element to SI at (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:55:47] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (7.5, -1.3098145, -8.782227); (7, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:47] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (15, 7, -1)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:55:48] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Cannot be placed! This is not a building element! [2016-04-04 02:55:51] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5, -1.3896484, -8.84082); (6, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:51] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:55:51] adding new element to SI at (15, 7, -1)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:55:56] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (7.5004883, -1.333252, -8.840332); (7, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:55:56] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (15, 7, -1)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:55:58] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:55:58] : [2016-04-04 02:55:58] [2016-04-04 02:55:58] Perimeter - Empire Covered.ogg [2016-04-04 02:55:59] Error [2016-04-04 02:55:59] : [2016-04-04 02:55:59] [2016-04-04 02:55:59] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:56:04] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (8.499512, -2.0827637, -8.335449); (8, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:04] COPY AREA SET (16, 6, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 02:56:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 16, 6, 0, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 02:56:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5, -0.7421875, -8.944824); (6, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:08] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:08] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:08] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5, -1.6381836, -8.811523); (6, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -0.74487305, -8.536133); (7, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:14] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -2.3308105, -9.152832); (7, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:14] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:14] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:20] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.500488, -1.2353516, -7.080078); (8, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:56:20] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:20] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:20] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.2182617, -7.79541); (8, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.2050781, -8.865723); (8, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:21] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:23] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.1091309, -9.863281); (8, -1, -10) [2016-04-04 02:56:23] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:23] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:23] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.500488, -1.7351074, -7.098633); (8, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.734375, -8.0625); (8, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:25] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.7338867, -8.921387); (8, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:26] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:26] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:26] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:27] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.7480469, -9.963867); (8, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 02:56:27] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:27] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:27] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.910156, -0.9116211, -10.499512); (10, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.7734375, -1.190918, -9.5); (10, -1, -10) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:30] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (9.5, -1.1582031, -8.411621); (9, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.924805, -1.0915527, -7.5); (10, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:31] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.721191, -1.5881348, -10.5); (10, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.783691, -1.7915039, -9.5); (10, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.885742, -1.934082, -8.5); (10, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (10.143066, -2.067627, -7.5); (10, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:34] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.5, -0.9133301, -11.028809); (10, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:43] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:43] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:43] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:44] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (8.5, -1.2126465, -11.077148); (9, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:44] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:56:44] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:56:44] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:56:46] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (7.5, -1.3769531, -11.099121); (8, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:46] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (16, 7, -3)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:56:46] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (8.5, -1.2202148, -11.096191); (9, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:56:46] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -3)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:02] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (8.918457, -2.263916, -6.4995117); (9, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 02:57:02] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, 1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:03] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.033203, -1.9875488, -7.5004883); (9, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 02:57:03] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:04] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.821777, -2.310791, -6.5); (10, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 02:57:04] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 6, 1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:04] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.869629, -2.2600098, -7.5); (10, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 02:57:04] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 6, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:05] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.987793, -2.041748, -8.5); (10, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:57:05] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 6, -1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:05] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (10.105469, -1.8295898, -9.500488); (10, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 02:57:05] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 6, -2)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:06] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.263672, -2.2233887, -8.5); (9, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 02:57:06] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, -1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:06] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.243652, -2.0722656, -9.5); (9, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 02:57:06] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, -2)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:07] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.205078, -1.7287598, -11.500488); (9, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 02:57:07] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, -4)[Blue Hull]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:10] [UNDO] ADDING REDO obfuscated.cR@58f3c654(;ADD: 0; REMOVES: 1) [2016-04-04 02:57:11] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.896973, -1.5, -7.022461); (10, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:57:11] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, 1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:12] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.996582, -1.5, -7.5307617); (10, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 02:57:12] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:12] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (10.087402, -1.1091309, -8.499512); (10, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:57:12] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, -1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:13] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (10.162598, -1.003418, -9.5); (10, -1, -10) [2016-04-04 02:57:13] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, -2)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:13] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (10.207031, -0.857666, -10.499512); (10, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:57:13] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, -3)[Blue Hull]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:16] [UNDO] ADDING REDO obfuscated.cR@14c72934(;ADD: 0; REMOVES: 1) [2016-04-04 02:57:17] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.148926, -1.5, -8.293457); (9, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 02:57:17] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, 0)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:18] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.182129, -1.4997559, -7.175293); (9, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:57:18] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, 1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:19] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (9.079102, -1.3339844, -8.5); (9, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 02:57:19] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:19] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (8.955566, -1.0778809, -9.5); (9, -1, -10) [2016-04-04 02:57:19] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -2)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:20] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (8.825684, -0.64160156, -11.5); (9, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 02:57:20] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -4)[Blue Hull]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:23] [UNDO] ADDING REDO obfuscated.cR@24aa7f9f(;ADD: 0; REMOVES: 1) [2016-04-04 02:57:23] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=TS and G+ are poo and prevent various people from communicating with others and should therefore be considered both a privaledge AND and exploit until such times as all animals are actually treated equal ] [2016-04-04 02:57:23] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: TS and G+ are poo and prevent various people from communicating with others and should therefore be considered both a privaledge AND and exploit until such times as all animals are actually treated equal ; ML: 9 [2016-04-04 02:57:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.500488, -1.2521973, -11.208984); (10, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:57:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:57:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:57:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:57:34] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (8.499023, -1.4868164, -11.193848); (9, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:57:34] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -3)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 02:57:39] [CLIENT] Rotating copy area - [2016-04-04 02:57:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Samsonite]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:57:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Samsonite has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:57:41] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Samsonite has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:57:41] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 280846 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@11ba Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@11ba Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@11ba Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@11ba Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:57:42] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:57:45] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:57:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.499512, -1.1999512, -11.428711); (10, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:57:50] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (17, 7, -3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:57:50] adding new element to SI at (17, 7, -3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Duder]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Duder has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Duder has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[], name=my new fleet, owner=duder, dbid=348, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:57:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:57:57] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (8.5, -1.4484863, -11.251953); (9, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 02:57:57] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, -3)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 4646 [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:57:59] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:58:04] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 02:58:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.499512, -1.7790527, -10.57666); (10, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 02:58:05] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (17, 6, -3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:58:05] adding new element to SI at (17, 6, -3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:58:08] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (8.5, -1.9973145, -10.845703); (9, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 02:58:08] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 6, -3)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:58:09] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 4747 [2016-04-04 02:58:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:58:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:58:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:58:10] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 02:58:10] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=brb] [2016-04-04 02:58:11] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: brb; ML: 22 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4586); 4586 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4586(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](4513); 4513 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4513(Ship[Mah Bucket](4513)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4591); 4591 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4591(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4617); 4617 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4617(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4613); 4613 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4613(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4582); 4582 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4582(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](4519); 4519 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4519(Ship[Shadow corp ship](4519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](4568); 4568 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4568(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](4568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](4497); 4497 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4497(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](4497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4611); 4611 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4611(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](4516); 4516 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4516(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](4516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](4487); 4487 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4487(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](4487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](4546); 4546 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4546(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](4546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](4510); 4510 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4510(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](4510)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](4561); 4561 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4561(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](4561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](4505); 4505 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4505(Ship[UC Eden](4505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4578); 4578 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4578(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](4563); 4563 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4563(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](4563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4628); 4628 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4628(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](4571); 4571 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4571(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](4571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4633); 4633 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4633(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4605); 4605 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4605(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](4531); 4531 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4531(Ship[F](4531)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](4502); 4502 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4502(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](4502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4601); 4601 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4601(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](4493); 4493 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4493(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](4493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4626); 4626 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4626(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](4532); 4532 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4532(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](4532)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4630); 4630 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4630(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](4557); 4557 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4557(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](4557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4604); 4604 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4604(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4608); 4608 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4608(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](4518); 4518 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4518(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](4518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4595); 4595 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4595(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4609); 4609 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4609(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4622); 4622 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4622(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](4534); 4534 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4534(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](4534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4597); 4597 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4597(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4621); 4621 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4621(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](4543); 4543 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4543(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](4543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4631); 4631 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4631(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](4535); 4535 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4535(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](4535)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4606); 4606 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4606(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4600); 4600 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4600(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](4547); 4547 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4547(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](4547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](4558); 4558 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4558(Ship[The Noob Ship](4558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](4562); 4562 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4562(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](4562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4603); 4603 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4603(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](4639); 4639 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4639(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](4639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](4560); 4560 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4560(Ship[Water Wheel](4560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](4511); 4511 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4511(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](4511)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4587); 4587 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4587(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](4540); 4540 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4540(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](4540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](4638); 4638 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4638(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](4638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](4569); 4569 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4569(Ship[Sperg Mobile](4569)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](4528); 4528 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4528(Ship[shippy vw](4528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4636); 4636 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4636(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](4501); 4501 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4501(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](4501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](4544); 4544 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4544(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](4544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](4523); 4523 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4523(Ship[Escape pod](4523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](4641); 4641 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4641(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](4641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](4527); 4527 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4527(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](4527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](4559); 4559 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4559(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](4559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](4530); 4530 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4530(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](4530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](4524); 4524 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4524(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](4524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4584); 4584 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4584(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4584)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](4551); 4551 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4551(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](4551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4602); 4602 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4602(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](4507); 4507 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4507(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](4507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](4550); 4550 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4550(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](4550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](4541); 4541 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4541(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](4541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4585); 4585 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4585(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](4517); 4517 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4517(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](4517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](4508); 4508 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4508(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](4508)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](4515); 4515 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4515(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](4515)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](4542); 4542 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4542(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](4542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4579); 4579 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4579(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](4503); 4503 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4503(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](4503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](4504); 4504 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4504(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](4504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](4553); 4553 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4553(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](4553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4629); 4629 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4629(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](4574); 4574 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4574(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](4574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](4499); 4499 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4499(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](4499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](4614); 4614 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4614(Ship[Memeinator](4614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](4556); 4556 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4556(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](4556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4619); 4619 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4619(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4625); 4625 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4625(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4594); 4594 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4594(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](4575); 4575 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4575(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](4575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4599); 4599 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4599(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4634); 4634 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4634(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](4555); 4555 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4555(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](4555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](4593); 4593 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4593(Ship[ConduPrime_001](4593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](4565); 4565 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4565(Ship[justint](4565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4589); 4589 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4589(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](4567); 4567 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4567(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](4567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](4580); 4580 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4580(Ship[Almighty Ship](4580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](4494); 4494 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4494(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](4494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](4533); 4533 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4533(Ship[FarStar](4533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](4643); 4643 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4643(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](4643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](4489); 4489 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4489(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](4489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4588); 4588 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4588(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](4490); 4490 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4490(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](4490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](4526); 4526 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4526(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](4526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4615); 4615 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4615(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](4566); 4566 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4566(Ship[World Eater](4566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4581); 4581 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4581(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](4637); 4637 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4637(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](4637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](4525); 4525 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4525(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](4525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4623); 4623 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4623(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4620); 4620 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4620(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](4536); 4536 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4536(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](4536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](4512); 4512 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4512(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](4512)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](4488); 4488 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4488(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](4488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4616); 4616 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4616(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](4509); 4509 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4509(Ship[ssKingduffs](4509)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](4491); 4491 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4491(Ship[The Shuttle](4491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4610); 4610 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4610(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](4496); 4496 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4496(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](4496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](4495); 4495 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4495(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](4495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4624); 4624 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4624(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4577); 4577 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4577(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4590); 4590 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4590(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](4545); 4545 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4545(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](4545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](4520); 4520 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4520(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](4520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](4554); 4554 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4554(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](4554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4635); 4635 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4635(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](4529); 4529 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4529(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](4529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](4583); 4583 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4583(Ship[Fraction](4583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4632); 4632 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4632(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](4521); 4521 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4521(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](4521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](4552); 4552 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4552(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](4552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](4514); 4514 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4514(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](4514)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](4506); 4506 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4506(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](4506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(4538)]; 4538 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4538(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(4538)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](4548); 4548 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4548(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](4548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](4492); 4492 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4492(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](4492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](4549); 4549 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4549(Ship[Cube](4549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4592); 4592 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4592(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4618); 4618 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4618(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](4564); 4564 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4564(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](4564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](4498); 4498 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4498(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](4498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](4522); 4522 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4522(Ship[Voiden](4522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4596); 4596 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4596(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](4640); 4640 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4640(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](4640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](4537); 4537 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4537(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](4537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](4500); 4500 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4500(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](4500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4576); 4576 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4576(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4607); 4607 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4607(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4612); 4612 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4612(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](4642); 4642 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4642(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](4642)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](4644); 4644 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4644(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](4644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4627); 4627 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4627(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](4572); 4572 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4572(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](4572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](4539); 4539 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4539(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](4539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](4570); 4570 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4570(Ship[redstone](4570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4598); 4598 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4598(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](4573); 4573 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4573(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](4573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4486)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 4486 [2016-04-04 02:58:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4486([CLIENT ReSector(4486)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:58:18] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] FROM -2 TO 684 [2016-04-04 02:58:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:58:18] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 02:58:27] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] FROM -2 TO 684 [2016-04-04 02:58:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4847 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:58:28] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 284176 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1325 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1325 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1325 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1325 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1391 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1391 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1391 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1391 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[], name=The Dragon Fleet, owner=kar_dragon, dbid=250, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1395 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1395 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1395 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1395 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:58:31] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:58:41] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=fucking orientation bug again, it's can bring some disharmony with textures] [2016-04-04 02:58:41] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: fucking orientation bug again, it's can bring some disharmony with textures; ML: 23 [2016-04-04 02:58:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=721 (Ship[SS Vulcan II](721)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:58:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; detach pos: (3350.8462, 1230.0422, 1591.9755) [2016-04-04 02:58:46] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:58:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[SS Vulcan II](721) [2016-04-04 02:58:51] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:58:52] SWITCHING SLOTS: 42, 0 [2016-04-04 02:58:52] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 42; t Cargo Space(689); c 94; mt -1] ON 42 [2016-04-04 02:58:53] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 02:58:54] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 42 [2016-04-04 02:58:54] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Cargo Space(689); c 94; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](4873); 4873 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4873(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](4873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](4886); 4886 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4886(Ship[Escape pod](4886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](4880); 4880 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4880(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](4880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4940); 4940 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4940(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](4940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](4884); 4884 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4884(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](4884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](4869); 4869 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4869(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](4869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4995); 4995 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4995(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](4995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4989); 4989 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4989(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](4989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](4862); 4862 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4862(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](4862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](4926); 4926 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4926(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](4926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4970); 4970 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4970(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](4970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](4938); 4938 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](4938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](4910); 4910 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4910(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](4910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4955); 4955 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4955(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](4955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4998); 4998 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4998(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](4998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](4868); 4868 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4868(Ship[UC Eden](4868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4965); 4965 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4965(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](4965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4983); 4983 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4983(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](4983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(4901)]; 4901 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4901(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(4901)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](4865); 4865 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4865(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](4865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](4864); 4864 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4864(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](4864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](4887); 4887 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4887(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](4887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](4877); 4877 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](4877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](4879); 4879 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4879(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](4879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4954); 4954 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4954(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](4954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4958); 4958 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4958(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](4958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](4883); 4883 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4883(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](4883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4951); 4951 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](4951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](5006); 5006 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5006(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](5006)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](4871); 4871 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4871(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](4871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4981); 4981 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4981(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](4981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4985); 4985 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4985(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](4985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4974); 4974 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4974(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](4974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4967); 4967 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](4967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4973); 4973 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4973(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](4973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](4921); 4921 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4921(Ship[The Noob Ship](4921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](4943); 4943 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4943(Ship[Almighty Ship](4943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4964); 4964 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4964(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](4964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4942); 4942 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4942(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](4942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](4859); 4859 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4859(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](4859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4980); 4980 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4980(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](4980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](4934); 4934 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4934(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](4934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4952); 4952 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4952(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](4952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](4946); 4946 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4946(Ship[Fraction](4946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](5004); 5004 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5004(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](5004)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5002); 5002 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5002(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](4856); 4856 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4856(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](4856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](4900); 4900 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4900(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](4900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](4917); 4917 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4917(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](4917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](4872); 4872 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4872(Ship[ssKingduffs](4872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](4857); 4857 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4857(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](4857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4950); 4950 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4950(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](4950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](4918); 4918 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4918(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](4918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](4853); 4853 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4853(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](4853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4996); 4996 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4996(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](4996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4961); 4961 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4961(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](4961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](4875); 4875 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4875(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](4875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](5005); 5005 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5005(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](5005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](4933); 4933 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4933(Ship[redstone](4933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4994); 4994 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4994(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](4994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](4902); 4902 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](4902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4960); 4960 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4960(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](4960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](4911); 4911 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4911(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](4911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](4929); 4929 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4929(Ship[World Eater](4929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4969); 4969 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4969(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](4969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5001); 5001 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5001(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5003); 5003 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5003(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](4867); 4867 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4867(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](4867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4945); 4945 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4945(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](4945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4988); 4988 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4988(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](4988)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](4885); 4885 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4885(Ship[Voiden](4885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](4925); 4925 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4925(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](4925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](4852); 4852 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4852(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](4852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](4851); 4851 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4851(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](4851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4987); 4987 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4987(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](4987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4953); 4953 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](4953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](4888); 4888 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4888(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](4888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](4854); 4854 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4854(Ship[The Shuttle](4854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](4956); 4956 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4956(Ship[ConduPrime_001](4956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4999); 4999 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4999(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](4999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4997); 4997 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4997(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](4997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](4931); 4931 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4931(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](4931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](4874); 4874 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4874(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](4874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](4912); 4912 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4912(Ship[Cube](4912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](4928); 4928 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4928(Ship[justint](4928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](4899); 4899 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4899(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](4899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](4882); 4882 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4882(Ship[Shadow corp ship](4882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](4878); 4878 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4878(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](4878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4966); 4966 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4966(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](4966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](4905); 4905 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4905(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](4905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](4930); 4930 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4930(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](4930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](4907); 4907 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4907(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](4907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](4892); 4892 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4892(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](4892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](4863); 4863 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4863(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](4863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](4904); 4904 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4904(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](4904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4993); 4993 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4993(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](4993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](4889); 4889 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4889(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](4889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5000); 5000 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5000(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4975); 4975 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4975(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](4975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4976); 4976 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4976(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](4976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](4922); 4922 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4922(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](4922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](4924); 4924 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4924(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](4924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](4870); 4870 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4870(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](4870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](4927); 4927 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4927(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](4927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4986); 4986 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4986(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](4986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](4923); 4923 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4923(Ship[Water Wheel](4923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](4937); 4937 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](4937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4982); 4982 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4982(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](4982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](4858); 4858 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4858(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](4858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](4850); 4850 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4850(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](4850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](4935); 4935 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4935(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](4935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](5007); 5007 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5007(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](5007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4991); 4991 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4991(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](4991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](4896); 4896 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4896(Ship[FarStar](4896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](4893); 4893 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4893(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](4893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4990); 4990 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4990(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](4990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](4861); 4861 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4861(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](4861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](4913); 4913 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4913(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](4913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](4897); 4897 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4897(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](4897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](4895); 4895 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4895(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](4895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](4914); 4914 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4914(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](4914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](4894); 4894 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4894(Ship[F](4894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4972); 4972 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4972(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](4972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](4936); 4936 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4936(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](4936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](4866); 4866 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4866(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](4866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4949); 4949 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4949(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](4949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4957); 4957 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4957(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](4957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](4909); 4909 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4909(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](4909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](4890); 4890 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4890(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](4890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4971); 4971 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4971(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](4971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](4898); 4898 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4898(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](4898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4992); 4992 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4992(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](4992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](4915); 4915 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4915(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](4915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4947); 4947 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4947(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](4947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4941); 4941 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4941(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](4941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](4906); 4906 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4906(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](4906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4978); 4978 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4978(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](4978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4939); 4939 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4939(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](4939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](4855); 4855 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4855(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](4855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](4908); 4908 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4908(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](4908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](4920); 4920 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4920(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](4920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](4876); 4876 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4876(Ship[Mah Bucket](4876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4944); 4944 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4944(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](4944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4948); 4948 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4948(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](4948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](4881); 4881 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4881(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](4881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4984); 4984 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4984(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](4984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](4977); 4977 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4977(Ship[Memeinator](4977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](4932); 4932 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4932(Ship[Sperg Mobile](4932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4962); 4962 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4962(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](4962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](4919); 4919 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4919(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](4919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](4916); 4916 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4916(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](4916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](4891); 4891 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4891(Ship[shippy vw](4891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4959); 4959 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4959(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](4959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](4860); 4860 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4860(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](4860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4963); 4963 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4963(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](4963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4979); 4979 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4979(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](4979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](4903); 4903 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4903(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](4903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4968); 4968 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4968(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](4968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4849)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 4849 [2016-04-04 02:59:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4849([CLIENT ReSector(4849)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 02:59:06] Now playing: [2016-04-04 02:59:06] : [2016-04-04 02:59:06] [2016-04-04 02:59:06] The Black Mages - J-E-N-O-V-A (fin).ogg [2016-04-04 02:59:06] Error [2016-04-04 02:59:06] : [2016-04-04 02:59:06] [2016-04-04 02:59:06] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 02:59:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -2.3413086, -5.105957); (5, -2, -5) [2016-04-04 02:59:08] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 6, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 02:59:08] adding new element to SI at (12, 6, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 02:59:13] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (3.9033203, -2.3813477, -4.5004883); (4, -2, -5) [2016-04-04 02:59:13] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 6, 3)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 02:59:23] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 5049 [2016-04-04 02:59:24] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:59:24] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 02:59:24] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 02:59:26] [CLIENT] REQUESTING FILE FOR DOWNLOAD: kar_dragon.smskin [2016-04-04 02:59:26] [UPLOAD] NEW UPLOAD INITIATED! for obfuscated.z@647687f2: kar_dragon.smskin [2016-04-04 02:59:28] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (8.5, -1.3422852, -6.9018555); (8, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:59:28] COPY AREA SET (16, 7, 1) [2016-04-04 02:59:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 02:59:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 16, 7, 1, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:59:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 02:59:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] FROM -2 TO 5008 [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.3044434, -6.8149414); (8, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:59:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [Client(7)][obfuscated.z@647687f2] FINISHED DOWNLOADING: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\kar_dragon.smskin [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [CLIENT] successfully received file from server: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\kar_dragon.smskin [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [TEXTURE SYNCH] RECEIVED FILES: [kar_dragon.smskin] [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\kar_dragon.smskin to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\kar_dragon.smskin [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\kar_dragon.smskin AS kar_dragon [2016-04-04 02:59:32] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:59:32] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:59:32] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:59:32] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 51ms [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 02:59:32] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 02:59:45] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 42(46.09127); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (9.5, -1.0441895, -7.0112305); (9, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, 1)[Cargo Space]o[TOP][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 2; TOP [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5009 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]), toPos=(35, -2, -22), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (49.15697, -89.63198, 1271.6332) [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 02:59:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)] [2016-04-04 02:59:53] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (8.5, -1.8837891, -6.564453); (8, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 02:59:53] COPY AREA SET (16, 6, 1) [2016-04-04 02:59:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 02:59:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 16, 6, 1, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:59:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 02:59:54] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kingreol]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 02:59:54] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kingreol has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 02:59:54] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kingreol has joined the game. [2016-04-04 02:59:55] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 429326 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -2.119629, -6.7348633); (8, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 02:59:57] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1452 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1452 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1452 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1452 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:57] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](5166) TOOK 27 [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1503 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kingreol, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1503 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kingreol, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1503 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kingreol, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1503 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kingreol, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-205, -109, 116), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Crystalturret4000punch, name=Crystalturret4000punch, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=349517]], name=Alpha1, owner=kingreol, dbid=153, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5009 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]), fromPos=(35, -2, -22), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]; detach pos: (41.173965, -83.400246, 1281.86) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 02:59:58] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:00:01] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Jarraff]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:00:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Jarraff has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:00:04] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Jarraff has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:00:04] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 220752 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:00:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.500488, -1.354248, -7.2089844); (8, -1, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:05] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:05] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1618 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Jarraff, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1618 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Jarraff, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1618 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Jarraff, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1618 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Jarraff, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:00:06] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:00:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.3918457, -8.277344); (8, -1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -1.2722168, -9.04248); (8, -1, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.500488, -1.1887207, -9.849609); (8, -1, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -2.3249512, -9.812988); (8, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.5, -2.2302246, -8.912598); (8, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (8.500488, -2.1923828, -8.211914); (8, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:19] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 5443 [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] [2016-04-04 03:00:21] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](5227); 5227 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5227(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](5227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](5194); 5194 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5194(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](5194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5301); 5301 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5301(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](5183); 5183 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5183(Ship[Shadow corp ship](5183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](5272); 5272 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5272(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](5272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](5166); 5166 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5166(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](5166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5304); 5304 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5304(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](5262); 5262 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5262(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](5262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](5155); 5155 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5155(Ship[The Shuttle](5155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](5160); 5160 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5160(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](5160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](5294); 5294 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5294(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](5294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](5217); 5217 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5217(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](5217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](5226); 5226 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5226(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](5226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](5209); 5209 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5209(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](5209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](5280); 5280 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5280(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](5280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](5233); 5233 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5233(Ship[Sperg Mobile](5233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](5162); 5162 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5162(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](5162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](5291); 5291 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5291(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](5291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](5167); 5167 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5167(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](5167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](5211); 5211 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5211(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](5211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](5247); 5247 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5247(Ship[Fraction](5247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](5244); 5244 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5244(Ship[Almighty Ship](5244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](5250); 5250 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5250(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](5250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](5296); 5296 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5296(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](5296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](5239); 5239 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5239(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](5239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](5284); 5284 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5284(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](5284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](5276); 5276 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5276(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](5276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](5234); 5234 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5234(Ship[redstone](5234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](5208); 5208 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5208(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](5208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](5197); 5197 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5197(Ship[FarStar](5197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](5152); 5152 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5152(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](5152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](5195); 5195 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5195(Ship[F](5195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](5221); 5221 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5221(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](5221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](5307); 5307 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5307(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](5307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](5220); 5220 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5220(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](5220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](5268); 5268 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5268(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](5268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](5269); 5269 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5269(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](5269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](5295); 5295 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5295(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](5295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](5213); 5213 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5213(Ship[Cube](5213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](5246); 5246 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5246(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](5246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](5181); 5181 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5181(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](5181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](5153); 5153 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5153(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](5153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](5300); 5300 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5300(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](5300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](5161); 5161 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5161(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](5161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](5298); 5298 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5298(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](5298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](5242); 5242 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5242(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](5242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](5165); 5165 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5165(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](5165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](5230); 5230 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5230(Ship[World Eater](5230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](5193); 5193 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5193(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](5193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](5249); 5249 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5249(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](5249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](5157); 5157 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5157(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](5157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5303); 5303 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5303(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](5172); 5172 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5172(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](5172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](5180); 5180 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5180(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](5180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5302); 5302 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5302(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](5238); 5238 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5238(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](5238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](5201); 5201 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5201(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](5201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](5270); 5270 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5270(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](5270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](5289); 5289 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5289(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](5289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](5199); 5199 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5199(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](5199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](5225); 5225 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5225(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](5225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](5169); 5169 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5169(Ship[UC Eden](5169)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](5306); 5306 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5306(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](5306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](5235); 5235 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5235(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](5235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](5287); 5287 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5287(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](5287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](5185); 5185 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5185(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](5185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](5278); 5278 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5278(Ship[Memeinator](5278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](5252); 5252 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5252(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](5252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](5186); 5186 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5186(Ship[Voiden](5186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](5207); 5207 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5207(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](5207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](5188); 5188 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5188(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](5188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](5275); 5275 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5275(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](5275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](5288); 5288 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5288(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](5288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](5184); 5184 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5184(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](5184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(5202)]; 5202 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5202(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(5202)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](5164); 5164 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5164(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](5164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](5210); 5210 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5210(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](5210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](5215); 5215 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5215(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](5215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](5187); 5187 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5187(Ship[Escape pod](5187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](5285); 5285 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5285(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](5285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](5277); 5277 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5277(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](5277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](5290); 5290 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5290(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](5290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](5219); 5219 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5219(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](5219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](5222); 5222 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5222(Ship[The Noob Ship](5222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](5257); 5257 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5257(Ship[ConduPrime_001](5257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](5177); 5177 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5177(Ship[Mah Bucket](5177)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](5170); 5170 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5170(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](5170)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](5151); 5151 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5151(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](5151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](5171); 5171 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5171(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](5171)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](5190); 5190 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5190(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](5190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](5264); 5264 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5264(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](5264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](5176); 5176 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5176(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](5176)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](5237); 5237 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5237(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](5237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](5156); 5156 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5156(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](5156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](5182); 5182 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5182(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](5182)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](5203); 5203 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5203(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](5203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](5281); 5281 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5281(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](5281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](5158); 5158 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5158(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](5158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](5229); 5229 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5229(Ship[justint](5229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](5216); 5216 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5216(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](5216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](5258); 5258 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5258(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](5258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](5174); 5174 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5174(Ship[ssKingduffs](5174)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](5159); 5159 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5159(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](5159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](5283); 5283 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5283(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](5283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](5273); 5273 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5273(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](5273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](5173); 5173 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5173(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](5173)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](5204); 5204 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5204(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](5204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](5271); 5271 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5271(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](5271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](5260); 5260 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5260(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](5260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](5236); 5236 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5236(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](5236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](5286); 5286 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5286(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](5286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](5248); 5248 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5248(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](5248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](5218); 5218 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5218(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](5218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](5200); 5200 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5200(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](5200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](5192); 5192 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5192(Ship[shippy vw](5192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](5175); 5175 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5175(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](5175)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](5256); 5256 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5256(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](5256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](5267); 5267 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5267(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](5267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](5297); 5297 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5297(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](5297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](5251); 5251 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5251(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](5251)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](5243); 5243 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5243(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](5243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](5228); 5228 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5228(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](5228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](5212); 5212 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5212(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](5212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](5263); 5263 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5263(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](5263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](5292); 5292 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5292(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](5292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](5274); 5274 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5274(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](5274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](5179); 5179 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5179(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](5179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](5259); 5259 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5259(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](5259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](5299); 5299 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5299(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](5299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](5253); 5253 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5253(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](5253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](5245); 5245 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5245(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](5245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](5266); 5266 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5266(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](5266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](5232); 5232 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5232(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](5232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](5154); 5154 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5154(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](5154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](5224); 5224 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5224(Ship[Water Wheel](5224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](5279); 5279 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5279(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](5279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](5265); 5265 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5265(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](5265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](5241); 5241 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5241(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](5241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](5196); 5196 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5196(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](5196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](5206); 5206 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5206(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](5206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](5293); 5293 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5293(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](5293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](5178); 5178 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5178(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](5178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](5163); 5163 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5163(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](5163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](5214); 5214 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5214(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](5214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](5254); 5254 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5254(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](5254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](5308); 5308 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5308(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](5308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](5231); 5231 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5231(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](5231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](5223); 5223 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5223(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](5223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](5255); 5255 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5255(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](5255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](5198); 5198 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5198(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](5198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](5191); 5191 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5191(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](5191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](5261); 5261 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5261(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](5261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](5305); 5305 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5305(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](5305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](5240); 5240 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5240(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](5240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](5205); 5205 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5205(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](5205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](5189); 5189 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5189(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](5189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](5282); 5282 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5282(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](5282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](5168); 5168 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5168(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](5168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5150)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 5150 [2016-04-04 03:00:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5150([CLIENT ReSector(5150)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:00:30] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 5729 [2016-04-04 03:00:30] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:00:30] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:00:30] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:00:31] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\Jarraff.smskin AS Jarraff [2016-04-04 03:00:31] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:31] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:31] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:31] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:31] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:00:36] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 50(52.947983); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 03:00:40] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.282715, -2.5, -9.60498); (5, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:40] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:40] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:40] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5828 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)] FROM -2 TO 5309 [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)] [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.368164, -2.4997559, -8.814941); (5, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:41] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:41] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.4887695, -2.5, -7.78125); (5, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:42] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:42] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:42] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.2338867, -2.5002441, -6.979492); (5, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:43] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:43] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:43] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)], fromId=5828 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5338 (Ship[20kship](5338)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)]; detach pos: (1434.4155, -912.7316, -3789.826) [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] Added to controllers: Ship[20kship](5338) [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.8203125, -2.5, -7.01709); (6, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:45] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:45] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.879883, -2.4997559, -8.145508); (6, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)] FROM -2 TO 5543 [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5831 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)] [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.9438477, -2.5, -9.140137); (6, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.001465, -2.4997559, -10.116211); (6, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.7998047, -2.5002441, -10.059082); (7, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.7490234, -2.5, -9.3359375); (7, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.6694336, -2.5, -8.288086); (7, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.459961, -3.5002441, -7.07959); (6, -3, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:50] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (6.336426, -4.5, -7.088379); (6, -4, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:50] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (14, 4, 1)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:00:51] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.4208984, -2.4997559, -7.013672); (7, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:51] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:51] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:51] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.286133, -2.5, -6.9541016); (8, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.331543, -2.5002441, -7.6601562); (8, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:52] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.393555, -2.5, -8.6015625); (8, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.451172, -2.5, -9.671387); (8, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:54] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:54] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.168457, -2.5, -9.621094); (9, -2, -10) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, -20; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.12207, -2.4997559, -8.963379); (9, -2, -9) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, -10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:55] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.0625, -2.5002441, -8.11377); (9, -2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, 00; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.008789, -2.4997559, -7.3359375); (9, -2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, 10; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:00:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:00:58] [CLIENT] queued synchronized objects 90 [2016-04-04 03:00:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:01] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:03] DRAWING TIME OF 62 elements: 39(38.72728); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 03:01:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:05] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small_Truck](5829); 5829 [2016-04-04 03:01:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5829(Ship[Small_Truck](5829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:01:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Truck_Cargo](5830); 5830 [2016-04-04 03:01:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5830(Ship[Truck_Cargo](5830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:01:09] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:13] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:18] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kingreol][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=hmm what thrust ratio for a 55-60k ship are people usually packing] [2016-04-04 03:01:18] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kingreol: hmm what thrust ratio for a 55-60k ship are people usually packing; ML: 10 [2016-04-04 03:01:18] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:01:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:01:23] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:01:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:01:29] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:01:29] : [2016-04-04 03:01:29] [2016-04-04 03:01:29] Magic 2014 - Khaldheim.ogg [2016-04-04 03:01:29] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kingreol][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=post thrust update] [2016-04-04 03:01:29] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kingreol: post thrust update; ML: 11 [2016-04-04 03:01:29] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=.02] [2016-04-04 03:01:29] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: .02; ML: 12 [2016-04-04 03:01:29] Error [2016-04-04 03:01:29] : [2016-04-04 03:01:29] [2016-04-04 03:01:29] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:01:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5832 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:01:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (49.173965, -91.400246, 1273.86) [2016-04-04 03:01:41] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:01:41] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832) [2016-04-04 03:01:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.569824, -0.5, -10.928223); (9, 0, -11) [2016-04-04 03:01:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:01:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:01:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:01:52] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.653809, -1.5, -10.924805); (9, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:01:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:01:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:01:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:01:55] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.769531, -2.5, -10.928223); (9, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:01:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:01:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:01:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:01:57] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:01:59] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.197266, -0.5, -10.946289); (8, 0, -11) [2016-04-04 03:01:59] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:01:59] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:01:59] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:01:59] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:00] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.133301, -1.5, -10.950195); (8, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:00] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:00] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:00] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:01] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.069336, -2.5, -10.953125); (8, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:01] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:01] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:01] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.453613, -0.5, -12.103027); (8, 0, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:05] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:05] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:06] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.362305, -1.4997559, -12.104492); (8, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.271484, -2.5, -12.105957); (8, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:08] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, -0.9892578, -10.96582); (8, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, -1.0942383, -11.776367); (8, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.434082, -1.5, -11.791992); (7, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.1083984, -2.5, -11.805664); (7, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:13] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:13] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:13] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.3632812, -1.5, -10.958496); (7, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.0913086, -2.5002441, -10.994629); (7, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:14] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:18] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:19] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:19] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:26] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:02:26] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:02:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -1.3759766, -11.112793); (7, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:28] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:28] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -1.3857422, -12.069336); (7, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -1.3928223, -12.713379); (7, -1, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:29] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.0664062, -12.710449); (7, -2, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:30] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:30] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:30] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.0563965, -12.071289); (7, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5832 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.0476074, -11.224121); (7, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:31] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.6096191, -11.223633); (7, -3, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.6159668, -11.855957); (7, -3, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -2.6242676, -12.647949); (7, -3, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:34] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:35] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:36] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:37] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1119 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:02:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:02:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:02:37] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119) [2016-04-04 03:02:38] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:38] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:39] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -3.230713, -11.155273); (6, -3, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -1.7634277, -10.947754); (6, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:42] [COPYAREA] Build done in 33 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -1.5698242, -11.150879); (5, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:43] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:43] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:43] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:44] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (3.5, -1.9570312, -11.313965); (4, -2, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:44] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 6, -3)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:02:45] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -0.5595703, -10.936035); (6, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:02:45] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:45] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:45] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -0.61499023, -11.77002); (6, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -0.66137695, -12.780273); (6, -1, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -1.7158203, -12.854004); (6, -2, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.4995117, -1.6652832, -11.982422); (6, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -2.5466309, -12.066895); (6, -3, -12) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5004883, -2.7158203, -13.073242); (6, -3, -13) [2016-04-04 03:02:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:02:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:02:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:02:50] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:52] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:52] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:53] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:54] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:55] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4109)sec[4105]; 4109 [2016-04-04 03:02:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4109(Asteroid(4109)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:02:55] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:02:56] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5009 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]), toPos=(8, 9, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:03:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:03:00] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:03:00] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)] [2016-04-04 03:03:02] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, -4.0236816, -12.670898); (7, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:02] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:02] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:02] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:04] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -4.137451, -12.633789); (6, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:04] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:04] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5004883, -4.8566895, -12.881348); (7, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 30, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:05] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:05] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:05] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -4.79541, -12.837402); (6, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:06] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 30, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:06] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:06] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:08] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:09] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kingreol][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=i got it at 194.1 got some room so probly 196 once thats filled. then its like cutting interior or cutting into shield cap but not sure if people settled on new ratios after the update enough] [2016-04-04 03:03:09] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kingreol: i got it at 194.1 got some room so probly 196 once thats filled. then its like cutting interior or cutting into shield cap but not sure if people settled on new ratios after the update enough; ML: 13 [2016-04-04 03:03:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -1.2687988, -13.066406); (5, -1, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.4995117, -1.6940918, -13.064453); (5, -2, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.3569336, -2.5002441, -13.095215); (4, -2, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 50, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.834961, -3.4997559, -12.992676); (4, -3, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:13] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 40, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:13] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:13] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5004883, -4.629883, -12.951172); (5, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:15] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 30, -50; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:15] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:15] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:22] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -0.5949707, -12.230957); (5, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:22] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:22] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:22] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:24] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.7426758, -1.4997559, -11.795898); (4, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:24] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:24] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:24] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:25] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.9267578, -2.5, -11.881836); (4, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:26] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 50, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:26] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:26] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1119 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:03:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119); detach pos: (-80.56091, -117.88597, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:03:27] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:03:27] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:03:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.3276367, -3.6791992, -12.500488); (4, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 40, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:28] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:28] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:29] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.267578, -4.6171875, -12.5); (4, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:30] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 30, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:30] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:30] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:31] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832); 5832 [2016-04-04 03:03:31] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5832(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603840](5832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:03:31] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603841](5833); 5833 [2016-04-04 03:03:31] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5833(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597316603841](5833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:03:31] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.815918, -4.13916, -12.5); (8, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 40, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.17041, -4.18042, -12.5); (7, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 40, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:35] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.86084, -4.162842, -12.5); (6, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.400879, -4.1606445, -12.500488); (5, -4, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.402832, -4.7770996, -12.5); (5, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 30, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:36] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (6.186035, -4.7888184, -12.5); (6, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:37] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 30, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:37] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:37] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.036133, -4.7946777, -12.5); (7, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 30, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.88916, -4.800049, -12.500488); (8, -5, -13) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 30, -40; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:39] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)], fromId=5831 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5616 (Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101](5616)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:03:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)]; detach pos: (1497.971, 54.06534, 646.2799) [2016-04-04 03:03:42] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:03:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] Added to controllers: Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101](5616) [2016-04-04 03:03:42] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.475586, -4.0961914, -11.500488); (9, -4, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 40, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:46] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (9.493652, -4.776367, -11.499512); (9, -5, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 30, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:47] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kingreol][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=more front end weapons so im tempted to push it a lot higher.. ] [2016-04-04 03:03:47] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kingreol: more front end weapons so im tempted to push it a lot higher.. ; ML: 14 [2016-04-04 03:03:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (8.5, -4.1953125, -11.179199); (9, -4, -11) [2016-04-04 03:03:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 40, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:49] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (8.5, -4.777832, -11.129883); (9, -5, -11) [2016-04-04 03:03:50] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 30, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:50] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:50] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:50] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:51] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (6.8447266, -4.1376953, -11.500488); (7, -4, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:51] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 40, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:51] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:51] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (6.963379, -4.748047, -11.5); (7, -5, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:52] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 30, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:52] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:52] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:52] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.7529297, -3.9543457, -11.5); (6, -4, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:54] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.9282227, -4.758545, -11.5); (6, -5, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 30, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:54] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:54] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:55] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.7993164, -4.142578, -11.5); (5, -4, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:57] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:03:58] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.709961, -4.861084, -11.5); (5, -5, -12) [2016-04-04 03:03:58] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 30, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:03:58] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:03:58] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:03:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:04:02] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.4501953, -0.5, -11.137207); (4, 0, -11) [2016-04-04 03:04:02] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, -30; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:04:02] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:04:02] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:04:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [WARPOUT] took up from sheduled grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:04:27] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:04:27] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:04:30] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:04:30] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:04:34] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:04:37] SWITCHING SLOTS: 17, 34 [2016-04-04 03:04:37] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1099140; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9479; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27531; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 534990; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 16418; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7301; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 110670; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 24798; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272197; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:04:37] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 163.5 [2016-04-04 03:04:37] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1457.8580484241247 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 163.5 [2016-04-04 03:04:37] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16350; mt -1] ON 17 [2016-04-04 03:04:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5009 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]), fromPos=(8, 9, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:04:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]; detach pos: (11.173965, -72.400246, 1254.86) [2016-04-04 03:04:38] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:04:38] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:04:41] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:04:43] SWITCHING SLOTS: 21, 53 [2016-04-04 03:04:43] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1099560; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9465; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27517; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 535410; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 16411; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7287; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 111090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 24791; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 585750; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16336; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 420; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272197; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 53=>[slot 53; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:04:43] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 140.06 [2016-04-04 03:04:43] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1317.798050865531 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 140.05999755859375 [2016-04-04 03:04:43] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 14006; mt -1] ON 21 [2016-04-04 03:04:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1119 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:04:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-88.56091, -109.88597, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:04:45] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:04:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119) [2016-04-04 03:04:52] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:04:53] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok im back ] [2016-04-04 03:04:53] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: ok im back ; ML: 24 [2016-04-04 03:04:54] SWITCHING SLOTS: 22, 32 [2016-04-04 03:04:54] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1100400; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9437; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27489; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 536250; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 16397; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7259; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 111930; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 24777; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 586590; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16308; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 1260; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13978; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272197; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:04:54] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 29.01 [2016-04-04 03:04:54] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1288.7880506366491 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 29.010000228881836 [2016-04-04 03:04:54] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2901; mt -1] ON 22 [2016-04-04 03:04:55] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:04:56] SWITCHING SLOTS: 15, 39 [2016-04-04 03:04:56] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1100610; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9430; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27482; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 536460; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 16390; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7252; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 112140; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 24770; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 586800; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16301; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 1470; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13971; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2894; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 210; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 39=>[slot 39; t Crystal Composite(220); c 239417; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272197; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:04:56] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 239.417 [2016-04-04 03:04:56] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Crystal Composite(220); Btype Crystal Composite(220); AVol 24.770000457763672; BVol 239.41700744628906; 15; 39; ownVol 3267.9651750121266; otherVol 1288.7880506366491 [2016-04-04 03:04:56] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 1049.37104319036 / 2000.0; SlotA: 24.770000457763672; SlotB: 239.41700744628906 [2016-04-04 03:04:59] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:05:00] SWITCHING SLOTS: 12, 43 [2016-04-04 03:05:00] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1101030; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9416; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27468; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 536880; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 16383; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7238; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 112560; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264180; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 587220; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16287; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 1890; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13957; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2880; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 630; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 43=>[slot 43; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 272197; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:05:00] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 272.19702 [2016-04-04 03:05:00] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); Btype Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); AVol 16.38300132751465; BVol 272.197021484375; 12; 43; ownVol 3509.0480721686035; otherVol 1049.37104319036 [2016-04-04 03:05:00] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 777.1740217059851 / 2000.0; SlotA: 16.38300132751465; SlotB: 272.197021484375 [2016-04-04 03:05:03] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:05:04] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=you got some goodies for me to get this firstt room done?] [2016-04-04 03:05:04] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: you got some goodies for me to get this firstt room done?; ML: 25 [2016-04-04 03:05:04] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 29 [2016-04-04 03:05:04] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1101240; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9409; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27461; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 537090; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288580; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 7231; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 112770; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264180; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 587430; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16280; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 2100; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13950; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2873; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 840; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 105300; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:05:04] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 105.3 [2016-04-04 03:05:04] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Chabaz Capsule(152); Btype Chabaz Capsule(152); AVol 1101.2401123046875; BVol 105.30000305175781; 0; 29; ownVol 3782.085223445669; otherVol 777.1740217059851 [2016-04-04 03:05:04] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 671.8740186542273 / 2000.0; SlotA: 1101.2401123046875; SlotB: 105.30000305175781 [2016-04-04 03:05:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1119 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:05:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119); detach pos: (-80.56091, -117.88597, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:05:13] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:05:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:05:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119); 1119 [2016-04-04 03:05:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1119(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456455726362](1119)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:05:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=5834 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:05:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (19.173965, -80.400246, 1246.86) [2016-04-04 03:05:15] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:05:15] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834) [2016-04-04 03:05:25] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] FROM 4105 TO 4384 [2016-04-04 03:05:34] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:05:34] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:05:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 03:05:39] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:05:39] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:05:46] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:05:46] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:05:51] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:05:51] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:06:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:06:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 03:06:00] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:06:00] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:06:01] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=If you mean some template stuff I didn't made yet some desk stuffs and all] [2016-04-04 03:06:01] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: If you mean some template stuff I didn't made yet some desk stuffs and all; ML: 26 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4406)true; (-105, 21, -43); ]; 4406 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4406([CLIENT ReSector(4406)true; (-105, 21, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4407)true; (-105, 21, -42); ]; 4407 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4407([CLIENT ReSector(4407)true; (-105, 21, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4239)true; (-106, 21, -43); ]; 4239 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4239([CLIENT ReSector(4239)true; (-106, 21, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4236)true; (-107, 21, -43); ]; 4236 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4236([CLIENT ReSector(4236)true; (-107, 21, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4405)true; (-105, 21, -44); ]; 4405 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4405([CLIENT ReSector(4405)true; (-105, 21, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4240)true; (-106, 21, -42); ]; 4240 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4240([CLIENT ReSector(4240)true; (-106, 21, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4237)true; (-107, 21, -42); ]; 4237 [2016-04-04 03:06:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4237([CLIENT ReSector(4237)true; (-107, 21, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4309)sec[4306]; 4309 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4309(Asteroid(4309)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4308)sec[4306]; 4308 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4308(Asteroid(4308)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4307)sec[4306]; 4307 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4307(Asteroid(4307)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4312)sec[4306]; 4312 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4312(Asteroid(4312)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4310)sec[4306]; 4310 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4310(Asteroid(4310)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4311)sec[4306]; 4311 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4311(Asteroid(4311)sec[4306]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4315)true; (-106, 21, -44); ]; 4315 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4315([CLIENT ReSector(4315)true; (-106, 21, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4306)true; (-107, 21, -44); ]; 4306 [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4306([CLIENT ReSector(4306)true; (-107, 21, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:06:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 03:06:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1133 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:06:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-88.56091, -109.88597, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:06:15] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:06:15] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133) [2016-04-04 03:06:26] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:06:26] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 03:06:26] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:06:26] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:06:35] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I have only atm save an alphabet and the toolbar for the reverse cubes] [2016-04-04 03:06:35] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I have only atm save an alphabet and the toolbar for the reverse cubes; ML: 27 [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Jarraff]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Jarraff left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Jarraff left the game. [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)] [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)]; 5542 [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5542(PlS[Jarraff ; id(5542)(18)f(10004)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (5729)ChatSystem; 5729 [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5729((5729)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)]; 5831 [2016-04-04 03:06:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5831(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Jarraff)(5831)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:06:42] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:06:43] SWITCHING SLOTS: 24, 44 [2016-04-04 03:06:43] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1213680; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9171; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27223; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 544230; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288454; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6993; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 119910; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264054; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 594570; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16042; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 9240; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13712; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2635; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 7980; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 44=>[slot 44; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:06:43] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 17.59 [2016-04-04 03:06:43] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 654.2840185016394 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 17.59000015258789 [2016-04-04 03:06:43] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1] ON 24 [2016-04-04 03:06:51] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:06:52] SWITCHING SLOTS: 25, 50 [2016-04-04 03:06:52] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1214310; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9150; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27202; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 544860; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288440; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6972; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 120540; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264040; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 595200; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16021; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 9870; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13691; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2614; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 8610; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 50=>[slot 50; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:06:52] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 1.4 [2016-04-04 03:06:52] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 652.8840185254812 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 1.399999976158142 [2016-04-04 03:06:52] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1] ON 25 [2016-04-04 03:06:56] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:06:57] SWITCHING SLOTS: 8, 35 [2016-04-04 03:06:57] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1214940; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9129; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27181; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 545490; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 18450; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288433; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6951; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 121170; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264033; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 595830; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 16000; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 10500; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13670; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2593; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 9240; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 35=>[slot 35; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 23475; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:06:57] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 23.475 [2016-04-04 03:06:57] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Sertise Capsule(162); Btype Sertise Capsule(162); AVol 18.450000762939453; BVol 23.475000381469727; 8; 35; ownVol 3939.681175241247; otherVol 652.8840185254812 [2016-04-04 03:06:57] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 629.4090181440115 / 2000.0; SlotA: 18.450000762939453; SlotB: 23.475000381469727 [2016-04-04 03:06:59] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)], fromId=4847 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=698 (Ship[Swanson](698)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:07:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]; detach pos: (3343.1035, 1231.4847, 1859.6495) [2016-04-04 03:07:00] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:07:00] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[Swanson](698) [2016-04-04 03:07:04] SWITCHING SLOTS: 26, 36 [2016-04-04 03:07:04] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1215360; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9115; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27167; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 545910; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288426; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6937; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 121590; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264026; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 596250; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15986; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 10920; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13656; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2579; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 9660; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:04] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 20.7 [2016-04-04 03:07:04] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 608.709017381072 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 20.700000762939453 [2016-04-04 03:07:04] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1] ON 26 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0rl000](5563); 5563 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5563(Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0rl000](5563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl7](5624); 5624 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5624(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl7](5624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5691)true; (8, 4, 37); ]; 5691 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5691([CLIENT ReSector(5691)true; (8, 4, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1453045674400](5651); 5651 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5651(Ship[Castel_LPE1453045674400](5651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl16](5594); 5594 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5594(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl16](5594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5708)true; (8, 5, 39); ]; 5708 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5708([CLIENT ReSector(5708)true; (8, 5, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl115](5614); 5614 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5614(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl115](5614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1090](5628); 5628 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5628(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1090](5628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5686)sec[5682]; 5686 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5686(Asteroid(5686)sec[5682]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ShipDrain1452447787693rl15](5544); 5544 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5544(Ship[ShipDrain1452447787693rl15](5544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5683)sec[5682]; 5683 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5683(Asteroid(5683)sec[5682]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl190](5590); 5590 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5590(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl190](5590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1110E](5610); 5610 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5610(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1110E](5610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1170](5586); 5586 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5586(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1170](5586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl18](5591); 5591 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5591(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl18](5591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11](5643); 5643 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5643(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11](5643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5694)sec[5693]; 5694 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5694(Asteroid(5694)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0](5608); 5608 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5608(Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0](5608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5727)true; (9, 5, 39); ]; 5727 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5727([CLIENT ReSector(5727)true; (9, 5, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5702)sec[5700]; 5702 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5702(Asteroid(5702)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5689)true; (8, 3, 38); ]; 5689 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5689([CLIENT ReSector(5689)true; (8, 3, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5726)sec[5723]; 5726 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5726(Asteroid(5726)sec[5723]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5674)true; (7, 4, 37); ]; 5674 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5674([CLIENT ReSector(5674)true; (7, 4, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl17](5642); 5642 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5642(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl17](5642)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl22](5602); 5602 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5602(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl22](5602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5681)sec[5677]; 5681 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5681(Asteroid(5681)sec[5677]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl70](5546); 5546 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5546(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl70](5546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl0](5621); 5621 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5621(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl0](5621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5707)sec[5700]; 5707 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5707(Asteroid(5707)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0](5657); 5657 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5657(Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0](5657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1020](5633); 5633 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5633(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1020](5633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl105](5565); 5565 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5565(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl105](5565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl102](5556); 5556 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5556(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl102](5556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1110](5650); 5650 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5650(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1110](5650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5706)sec[5700]; 5706 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5706(Asteroid(5706)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5690)true; (8, 3, 39); ]; 5690 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5690([CLIENT ReSector(5690)true; (8, 3, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl103](5580); 5580 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5580(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl103](5580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0rl00](5632); 5632 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5632(Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0rl00](5632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ShipDrain1452447787693rl15rl150](5588); 5588 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5588(Ship[ShipDrain1452447787693rl15rl150](5588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl114](5566); 5566 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5566(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl114](5566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1013](5575); 5575 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5575(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1013](5575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl20](5583); 5583 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5583(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl20](5583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl90](5604); 5604 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5604(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl90](5604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5685)sec[5682]; 5685 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5685(Asteroid(5685)sec[5682]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0rl00](5568); 5568 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5568(Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0rl00](5568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl130](5587); 5587 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5587(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl130](5587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0](5641); 5641 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5641(Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0](5641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl180](5634); 5634 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5634(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl180](5634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1060](5636); 5636 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5636(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1060](5636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5679)sec[5677]; 5679 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5679(Asteroid(5679)sec[5677]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl24](5592); 5592 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5592(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl24](5592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dora_MK41452474955416](5654); 5654 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5654(Ship[Dora_MK41452474955416](5654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl80](5637); 5637 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5637(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl80](5637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl23](5553); 5553 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5553(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl23](5553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0](5596); 5596 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5596(Ship[DrainTurret1452449688769rl0](5596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl10](5664); 5664 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5664(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl10](5664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5714)true; (9, 4, 39); ]; 5714 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5714([CLIENT ReSector(5714)true; (9, 4, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5698)sec[5693]; 5698 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5698(Asteroid(5698)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5710)true; (9, 3, 38); ]; 5710 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5710([CLIENT ReSector(5710)true; (9, 3, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5713)true; (9, 4, 38); ]; 5713 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5713([CLIENT ReSector(5713)true; (9, 4, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0](5561); 5561 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5561(Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0](5561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0rl000](5638); 5638 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5638(Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0rl000](5638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl116](5665); 5665 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5665(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl116](5665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5678)sec[5677]; 5678 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5678(Asteroid(5678)sec[5677]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl11100](5577); 5577 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5577(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl11100](5577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl119](5647); 5647 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5647(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl119](5647)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5724)sec[5723]; 5724 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5724(Asteroid(5724)sec[5723]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5719)sec[5715]; 5719 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5719(Asteroid(5719)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5687)true; (7, 5, 39); ]; 5687 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5687([CLIENT ReSector(5687)true; (7, 5, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl101](5625); 5625 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5625(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl101](5625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5720)sec[5715]; 5720 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5720(Asteroid(5720)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1050](5626); 5626 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5626(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1050](5626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1140](5547); 5547 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5547(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1140](5547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5697)sec[5693]; 5697 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5697(Asteroid(5697)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1120](5570); 5570 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5570(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1120](5570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Jarraff_1458607425982](5607); 5607 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5607(Ship[Jarraff_1458607425982](5607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl14](5653); 5653 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5653(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl14](5653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5701)sec[5700]; 5701 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5701(Asteroid(5701)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0rl000](5600); 5600 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5600(Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0rl000](5600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5725)sec[5723]; 5725 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5725(Asteroid(5725)sec[5723]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5716)sec[5715]; 5716 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5716(Asteroid(5716)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0rl00](5552); 5552 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5552(Ship[DrainTurret1452453745824rl0rl00](5552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5712)true; (9, 4, 37); ]; 5712 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5712([CLIENT ReSector(5712)true; (9, 4, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl15](5617); 5617 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5617(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl15](5617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl40](5613); 5613 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5613(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl40](5613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl9](5572); 5572 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5572(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl9](5572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl230](5555); 5555 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5555(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl230](5555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1000](5640); 5640 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5640(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1000](5640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1010E](5581); 5581 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5581(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1010E](5581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl100](5662); 5662 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5662(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl100](5662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl2](5623); 5623 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5623(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl2](5623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1010](5644); 5644 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5644(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1010](5644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5695)sec[5693]; 5695 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5695(Asteroid(5695)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5721)sec[5715]; 5721 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5721(Asteroid(5721)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0rl000](5635); 5635 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5635(Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0rl000](5635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5696)sec[5693]; 5696 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5696(Asteroid(5696)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0rl000](5598); 5598 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5598(Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0rl000](5598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl118](5620); 5620 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5620(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl118](5620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl150](5655); 5655 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5655(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl150](5655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl21](5549); 5549 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5549(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl21](5549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1180](5631); 5631 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5631(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1180](5631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl8](5593); 5593 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5593(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl8](5593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl104](5661); 5661 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5661(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl104](5661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5671)true; (7, 3, 37); ]; 5671 [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5671([CLIENT ReSector(5671)true; (7, 3, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5711)true; (9, 3, 39); ]; 5711 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5711([CLIENT ReSector(5711)true; (9, 3, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl11110](5605); 5605 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5605(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl11110](5605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1070](5585); 5585 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5585(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1070](5585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10](5615); 5615 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5615(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10](5615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl4](5669); 5669 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5669(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl4](5669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl240](5560); 5560 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5560(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl240](5560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl6](5606); 5606 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5606(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl6](5606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1150](5618); 5618 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5618(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1150](5618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5672)true; (7, 3, 38); ]; 5672 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5672([CLIENT ReSector(5672)true; (7, 3, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5680)sec[5677]; 5680 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5680(Asteroid(5680)sec[5677]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1080](5670); 5670 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5670(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1080](5670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5705)sec[5700]; 5705 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5705(Asteroid(5705)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101](5616); 5616 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5616(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101](5616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl100](5660); 5660 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5660(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl100](5660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl60](5658); 5658 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5658(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl60](5658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5684)sec[5682]; 5684 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5684(Asteroid(5684)sec[5682]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1100](5578); 5578 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5578(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1100](5578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5709)true; (9, 3, 37); ]; 5709 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5709([CLIENT ReSector(5709)true; (9, 3, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5692)true; (8, 4, 39); ]; 5692 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5692([CLIENT ReSector(5692)true; (8, 4, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0rl00](5659); 5659 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5659(Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0rl00](5659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0rl00](5622); 5622 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5622(Ship[DrainTurret1452453774840rl0rl00](5622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl3](5666); 5666 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5666(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl3](5666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl110](5663); 5663 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5663(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl110](5663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5703)sec[5700]; 5703 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5703(Asteroid(5703)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl106](5612); 5612 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5612(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl106](5612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1011](5558); 5558 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5558(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1011](5558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl200](5548); 5548 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5548(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl200](5548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5675)true; (7, 4, 38); ]; 5675 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5675([CLIENT ReSector(5675)true; (7, 4, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl50](5648); 5648 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5648(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl50](5648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1040](5571); 5571 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5571(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1040](5571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0rl00](5551); 5551 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5551(Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0rl00](5551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl13](5597); 5597 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5597(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl13](5597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl110](5584); 5584 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5584(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl110](5584)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl140](5629); 5629 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5629(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl140](5629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5673)true; (7, 3, 39); ]; 5673 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5673([CLIENT ReSector(5673)true; (7, 3, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl170](5667); 5667 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5667(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl170](5667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl220](5645); 5645 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5645(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl220](5645)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0](5545); 5545 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5545(Ship[DrainTurret1452449675935rl0](5545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1030](5579); 5579 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5579(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1030](5579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0rl00](5573); 5573 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5573(Ship[DrainTurret1452449660379rl0rl00](5573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0rl000](5569); 5569 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5569(Ship[DrainTurret1452453759024rl0rl000](5569)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5722)sec[5715]; 5722 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5722(Asteroid(5722)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl10100](5557); 5557 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5557(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl10100](5557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452445507594](5599); 5599 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5599(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452445507594](5599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1111](5554); 5554 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5554(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1111](5554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1190](5603); 5603 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5603(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1190](5603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl11](5574); 5574 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5574(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl11](5574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl160](5652); 5652 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5652(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl160](5652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl10120](5582); 5582 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5582(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl10120](5582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl210](5619); 5619 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5619(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl210](5619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl1](5562); 5562 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5562(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl1](5562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5699)sec[5693]; 5699 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5699(Asteroid(5699)sec[5693]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0rl000](5649); 5649 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5649(Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0rl000](5649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl107](5567); 5567 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5567(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl107](5567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TheHub(5656)]; 5656 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5656(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TheHub(5656)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl113](5646); 5646 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5646(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl113](5646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl112](5630); 5630 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5630(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl112](5630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl120](5627); 5627 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5627(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl120](5627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl5](5564); 5564 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5564(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl5](5564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl109](5559); 5559 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5559(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl109](5559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5676)true; (7, 4, 39); ]; 5676 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5676([CLIENT ReSector(5676)true; (7, 4, 39); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5718)sec[5715]; 5718 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5718(Asteroid(5718)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1130](5601); 5601 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5601(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1130](5601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1012](5576); 5576 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5576(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl1012](5576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1160](5611); 5611 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5611(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl1160](5611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5717)sec[5715]; 5717 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5717(Asteroid(5717)sec[5715]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5688)true; (8, 3, 37); ]; 5688 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5688([CLIENT ReSector(5688)true; (8, 3, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl108](5589); 5589 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5589(Ship[BrownMantaWip51458606516585rl10rl108](5589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0](5550); 5550 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5550(Ship[DrainTurret1452453734857rl0](5550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl12](5595); 5595 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5595(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl12](5595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl117](5639); 5639 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5639(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl117](5639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl19](5668); 5668 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5668(Ship[Manta_piratehunter1459726859101rl19](5668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5704)sec[5700]; 5704 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5704(Asteroid(5704)sec[5700]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl111](5609); 5609 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5609(Ship[manta_salvager_mk31453337657498rl11rl111](5609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5700)true; (8, 5, 38); ]; 5700 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5700([CLIENT ReSector(5700)true; (8, 5, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5723)true; (9, 5, 38); ]; 5723 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5723([CLIENT ReSector(5723)true; (9, 5, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5543)true; (8, 4, 38); ]; 5543 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5543([CLIENT ReSector(5543)true; (8, 4, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5682)true; (7, 5, 38); ]; 5682 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5682([CLIENT ReSector(5682)true; (7, 5, 38); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5715)true; (9, 5, 37); ]; 5715 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5715([CLIENT ReSector(5715)true; (9, 5, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5677)true; (7, 5, 37); ]; 5677 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5677([CLIENT ReSector(5677)true; (7, 5, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5693)true; (8, 5, 37); ]; 5693 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5693([CLIENT ReSector(5693)true; (8, 5, 37); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:07:06] SWITCHING SLOTS: 27, 37 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1215570; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9108; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27160; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 546120; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288419; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6930; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 121800; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264019; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 596460; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15979; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 11130; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13649; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2572; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 9870; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:06] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 5.2500005 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 603.4590169042349 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 5.250000476837158 [2016-04-04 03:07:06] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1] ON 27 [2016-04-04 03:07:08] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:10] SWITCHING SLOTS: 28, 51 [2016-04-04 03:07:10] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1215990; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9094; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27146; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 28275; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 546540; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288412; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6916; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 122220; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264012; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 596880; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15965; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 11550; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13635; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2558; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 10290; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 51=>[slot 51; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:10] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 12.375001 [2016-04-04 03:07:10] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 591.0840159505606 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 12.375000953674316 [2016-04-04 03:07:10] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 28; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 12375; mt -1] ON 28 [2016-04-04 03:07:10] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:11] SWITCHING SLOTS: 6, 28 [2016-04-04 03:07:13] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:15] SWITCHING SLOTS: 20, 49 [2016-04-04 03:07:15] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1216410; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9080; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27132; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 546960; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288405; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6902; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 122640; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 264005; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 597300; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15951; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 11970; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 4575; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13621; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2544; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 10710; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 49=>[slot 49; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 14025; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:15] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 14.025001 [2016-04-04 03:07:15] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Rammet Capsule(174); Btype Rammet Capsule(174); AVol 4.575000286102295; BVol 14.02500057220459; 20; 49; ownVol 4007.3051076028496; otherVol 591.0840159505606 [2016-04-04 03:07:15] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 577.059015378356 / 2000.0; SlotA: 4.575000286102295; SlotB: 14.02500057220459 [2016-04-04 03:07:17] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:21] SWITCHING SLOTS: 18, 48 [2016-04-04 03:07:21] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1216830; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9066; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27118; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 547380; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288398; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6888; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 123060; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263998; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 597720; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15937; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 12390; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13607; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2530; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 11130; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 48=>[slot 48; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 74849; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:21] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 74.84901 [2016-04-04 03:07:21] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Lukrah Capsule(156); Btype Lukrah Capsule(156); AVol 12.390000343322754; BVol 74.84900665283203; 18; 48; ownVol 4022.9961271379143; otherVol 577.059015378356 [2016-04-04 03:07:21] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 502.21000872552395 / 2000.0; SlotA: 12.390000343322754; SlotB: 74.84900665283203 [2016-04-04 03:07:23] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:24] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 18 [2016-04-04 03:07:26] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:27] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 9 [2016-04-04 03:07:30] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:07:30] : [2016-04-04 03:07:30] [2016-04-04 03:07:30] HDD Experience - MH 17.ogg [2016-04-04 03:07:30] Error [2016-04-04 03:07:30] : [2016-04-04 03:07:30] [2016-04-04 03:07:30] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:07:30] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:31] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 18 [2016-04-04 03:07:32] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:35] SWITCHING SLOTS: 28, 41 [2016-04-04 03:07:35] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1218090; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 88499; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9024; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27076; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 548640; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288377; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6846; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 124320; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263977; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 598980; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15895; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13565; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2488; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 12390; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 41=>[slot 41; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:35] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 1.95 [2016-04-04 03:07:35] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 500.26000867784023 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 1.9500000476837158 [2016-04-04 03:07:35] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1] ON 28 [2016-04-04 03:07:36] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:37] SWITCHING SLOTS: 29, 57 [2016-04-04 03:07:37] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1218300; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 88709; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9017; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27069; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 548850; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288377; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6839; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 124530; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263977; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 599190; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15888; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13558; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2481; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 12600; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1], 57=>[slot 57; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:37] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 40.59 [2016-04-04 03:07:37] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 459.67000852525234 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 40.59000015258789 [2016-04-04 03:07:37] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 29; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 40590; mt -1] ON 29 [2016-04-04 03:07:38] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:39] SWITCHING SLOTS: 23, 29 [2016-04-04 03:07:41] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:42] SWITCHING SLOTS: 23, 56 [2016-04-04 03:07:42] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1218720; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 89129; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9003; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27055; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 549270; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288370; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6825; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 124950; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263970; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 599610; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15874; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13544; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2467; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 53610; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 56=>[slot 56; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 118050; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:42] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 118.05 [2016-04-04 03:07:42] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Dolom Capsule(160); Btype Dolom Capsule(160); AVol 53.61000442504883; BVol 118.05000305175781; 23; 56; ownVol 4147.889187106863; otherVol 459.67000852525234 [2016-04-04 03:07:42] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 341.62000547349453 / 2000.0; SlotA: 53.61000442504883; SlotB: 118.05000305175781 [2016-04-04 03:07:43] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:44] SWITCHING SLOTS: 29, 54 [2016-04-04 03:07:44] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1218720; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 89129; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 9003; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27055; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 549270; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288370; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6825; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 124950; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263970; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 599610; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15874; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13544; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2467; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 171660; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 54=>[slot 54; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:44] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 16.725 [2016-04-04 03:07:44] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 324.8950050920248 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 16.725000381469727 [2016-04-04 03:07:44] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1] ON 29 [2016-04-04 03:07:46] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:48] SWITCHING SLOTS: 14, 47 [2016-04-04 03:07:48] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1219140; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 89549; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8989; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27041; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 549690; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288363; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6811; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Varis Capsule(180); c 125370; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263963; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 600030; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15860; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13530; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2453; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 172080; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:48] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 90.090004 [2016-04-04 03:07:48] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 360.1750038713217 / 2000.0; SlotA: 125.37000274658203; SlotB: 90.09000396728516 [2016-04-04 03:07:49] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:50] SWITCHING SLOTS: 20, 46 [2016-04-04 03:07:50] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1219350; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 89759; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8982; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 27034; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 549900; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288356; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6804; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263956; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 600240; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15853; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 18600; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13523; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2446; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 172290; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 210; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 46=>[slot 46; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 10725; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Varis Capsule(180); c 125370; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:07:50] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 10.725 [2016-04-04 03:07:50] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abZ; Rammet Capsule(174); Btype Rammet Capsule(174); AVol 18.600000381469727; BVol 10.725000381469727; 20; 46; ownVol 4249.876229504123; otherVol 360.1750038713217 [2016-04-04 03:07:50] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 349.45000348985195 / 2000.0; SlotA: 18.600000381469727; SlotB: 10.725000381469727 [2016-04-04 03:07:52] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4385 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]), toPos=(8, 9, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:07:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 03:07:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:07:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)] [2016-04-04 03:07:55] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:07:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=4385 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]), fromPos=(8, 9, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:07:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]; detach pos: (444.0563, -9.325732, -1748.3999) [2016-04-04 03:07:58] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:07:58] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:08:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4385 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]), toPos=(8, 9, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:08:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (452.0563, -17.325733, -1756.3999) [2016-04-04 03:08:02] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:08:02] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)] [2016-04-04 03:08:03] SWITCHING SLOTS: 31, 47 [2016-04-04 03:08:03] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1220400; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 90809; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8947; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 26999; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 550950; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288342; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6769; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263942; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 601290; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15818; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13488; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2411; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 173340; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 1260; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 47=>[slot 47; t Varis Capsule(180); c 125370; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:08:03] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 125.37 [2016-04-04 03:08:03] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 224.08000074326992 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 125.37000274658203 [2016-04-04 03:08:03] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 31; t Varis Capsule(180); c 125370; mt -1] ON 31 [2016-04-04 03:08:04] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:08:05] SWITCHING SLOTS: 30, 31 [2016-04-04 03:08:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=4385 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]), fromPos=(8, 9, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:08:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]; detach pos: (444.0563, -9.325732, -1748.3999) [2016-04-04 03:08:07] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:08:07] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:08:07] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:08:09] SWITCHING SLOTS: 31, 52 [2016-04-04 03:08:09] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1221030; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 91439; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8926; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 26978; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 551580; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288328; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6748; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263928; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 601920; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15797; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13467; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2390; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 173970; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 127260; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 52=>[slot 52; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:08:09] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 11.225 [2016-04-04 03:08:09] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 212.8550003618002 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 11.225000381469727 [2016-04-04 03:08:09] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1] ON 31 [2016-04-04 03:08:11] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:08:12] SWITCHING SLOTS: 32, 38 [2016-04-04 03:08:12] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1221240; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 91649; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8919; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 26971; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 551790; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288328; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6741; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263928; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 602130; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15790; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13460; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2383; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 174180; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 127470; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 38=>[slot 38; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:08:12] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 9.525001 [2016-04-04 03:08:12] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 203.3299997895956 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 9.52500057220459 [2016-04-04 03:08:12] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 32; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1] ON 32 [2016-04-04 03:08:14] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:08:16] SWITCHING SLOTS: 33, 33 [2016-04-04 03:08:16] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1221450; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 91859; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8912; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 26964; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 552000; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288321; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6734; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263921; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 602340; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15783; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13453; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2376; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 174390; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 127680; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:08:16] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 21.060001 [2016-04-04 03:08:16] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 182.2699984163046 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 21.060001373291016 [2016-04-04 03:08:16] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1] ON 33 [2016-04-04 03:08:18] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:08:19] SWITCHING SLOTS: 34, 31 [2016-04-04 03:08:19] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1221870; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 92279; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Varis(179); c 8898; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar(143); c 26950; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 552420; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 288314; mt -1], 13=>[slot 13; t Chabaz(151); c 6720; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 90090; mt -1], 15=>[slot 15; t Crystal Composite(220); c 263914; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 602760; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Lukrah(155); c 15769; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Sugil(163); c 13439; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Dolom(159); c 2362; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 174810; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 128100; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:08:19] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 124.42 [2016-04-04 03:08:19] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 57.850000247359276 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 124.41999816894531 [2016-04-04 03:08:19] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 34; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1] ON 34 [2016-04-04 03:08:54] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:08:54] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:08:54] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:08:54] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:08:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:08:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6130.3433, 2647.7588, 5087.368) [2016-04-04 03:08:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:08:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:08:55] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=need some blue hull as well please] [2016-04-04 03:09:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: need some blue hull as well please; ML: 28 [2016-04-04 03:09:15] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok] [2016-04-04 03:09:15] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: ok; ML: 29 [2016-04-04 03:09:19] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=prolly good on grey atm] [2016-04-04 03:09:19] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: prolly good on grey atm; ML: 30 [2016-04-04 03:09:20] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:09:20] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:09:20] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.3433, 2655.7588, 5095.368) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.3433, 2655.7588, 5095.368) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:21] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:09:21] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:09:25] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=thanks for running factories] [2016-04-04 03:09:25] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: thanks for running factories; ML: 31 [2016-04-04 03:09:26] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:26] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:09:30] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:32] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:32] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:09:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1133 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:09:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133); detach pos: (-104.56091, -117.88597, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:09:36] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:09:36] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:09:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133); 1133 [2016-04-04 03:09:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1133(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456198254223](1133)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:09:40] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:09:41] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:09:41] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:09:41] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:09:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1105 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:09:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-112.56091, -109.88597, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:09:42] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:09:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105) [2016-04-04 03:09:42] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:09:49] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@370d5079 [2016-04-04 03:09:54] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:09:54] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:09:57] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:09:58] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:09:58] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:09:59] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:09:59] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:10:02] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:10:02] : [2016-04-04 03:10:02] [2016-04-04 03:10:02] X2 - Argon Prime.ogg [2016-04-04 03:10:02] Error [2016-04-04 03:10:02] : [2016-04-04 03:10:02] [2016-04-04 03:10:02] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:10:03] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@107b1614 [2016-04-04 03:10:04] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Alloyed Metal Mesh(440) [2016-04-04 03:10:04] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Crystal Composite(220) [2016-04-04 03:10:04] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Larimar Capsule(144) [2016-04-04 03:10:09] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@b290547 [2016-04-04 03:10:12] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:10:13] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:10:13] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:10:14] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:10:14] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:10:18] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@4043de12 [2016-04-04 03:10:21] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@1d90c0fb [2016-04-04 03:10:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1105 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:10:27] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105); detach pos: (-80.56091, -69.88596, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:10:27] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:10:33] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6128.917, 2646.9697, 5086.8135) [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:10:33] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:10:40] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:40] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:10:41] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:42] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:42] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:10:43] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:45] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Advanced Factory Location: (8, 10, 5) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:10:46] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:48] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:48] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:10:49] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:10:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1127 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:10:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-72.56091, -77.88596, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:10:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:10:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127) [2016-04-04 03:11:06] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:11:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Advanced Factory Location: (8, 10, 5) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:11:10] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:11:11] INPUT CGHANGED f [2016-04-04 03:11:11] INPUT CGHANGED fa [2016-04-04 03:11:11] INPUT CGHANGED fac [2016-04-04 03:11:12] INPUT CGHANGED fact [2016-04-04 03:11:15] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@5593beeb [2016-04-04 03:11:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1127 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:11:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127); detach pos: (-92.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:11:21] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:11:22] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:11:22] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:11:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1105 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:11:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-84.56091, -77.885956, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:11:33] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:11:33] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105) [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, kingreol]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kingreol left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kingreol left the game. [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)] [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)]; 5828 [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5828(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kingreol)(5828)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)]; 5149 [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5149(PlS[kingreol ; id(5149)(17)f(10017)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (5443)ChatSystem; 5443 [2016-04-04 03:11:39] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5443((5443)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:11:45] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:11:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:11:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1105 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:11:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105); 1105 [2016-04-04 03:11:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1105(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456368338479](1105)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:11:46] Client(7)[PLAYERCHARACTER] USING LAST TRANSFORM ON ATTACH PLAYER (-92.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:11:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:11:50] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:11:50] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:12:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1160 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:12:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-92.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:12:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:12:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160) [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1455427339028](5343); 5343 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5343(Ship[kingreol_1455427339028](5343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016544122](5381); 5381 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5381(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016544122](5381)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331366876rl5rl50](5428); 5428 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5428(Ship[crystalAMS21457331366876rl5rl50](5428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331339809rl5rl50](5363); 5363 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5363(Ship[crystalAMS21457331339809rl5rl50](5363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl87](5320); 5320 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5320(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl87](5320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5431)true; (-205, -108, 116); ]; 5431 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5431([CLIENT ReSector(5431)true; (-205, -108, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beamcannonfrigate11458457837217rl11](5398); 5398 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5398(Ship[Beamcannonfrigate11458457837217rl11](5398)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1455165890238](5318); 5318 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5318(Ship[kingreol_1455165890238](5318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl80](5310); 5310 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5310(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl80](5310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394761569](5369); 5369 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5369(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394761569](5369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_lemmings 1(5379)]; 5379 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5379(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_lemmings 1(5379)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456037043437](5410); 5410 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5410(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456037043437](5410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[doorKing](5361); 5361 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5361(Ship[doorKing](5361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[External PS](5404); 5404 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5404(Ship[External PS](5404)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029864899](5327); 5327 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5327(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029864899](5327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6rl600](5350); 5350 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5350(Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6rl600](5350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016755686](5375); 5375 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5375(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016755686](5375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5414)true; (-206, -110, 116); ]; 5414 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5414([CLIENT ReSector(5414)true; (-206, -110, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5416)true; (-206, -109, 115); ]; 5416 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5416([CLIENT ReSector(5416)true; (-206, -109, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl800](5388); 5388 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5388(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl800](5388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5429)true; (-205, -109, 117); ]; 5429 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5429([CLIENT ReSector(5429)true; (-205, -109, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS-10x10x190mk21456014081683](5319); 5319 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5319(Ship[PS-10x10x190mk21456014081683](5319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5420)true; (-206, -108, 115); ]; 5420 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5420([CLIENT ReSector(5420)true; (-206, -108, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456559958348](5378); 5378 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5378(Ship[kingreol_1456559958348](5378)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331366876rl5](5427); 5427 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5427(Ship[crystalAMS21457331366876rl5](5427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[big turret 3](5364); 5364 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5364(Ship[big turret 3](5364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5421)true; (-206, -108, 116); ]; 5421 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5421([CLIENT ReSector(5421)true; (-206, -108, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TurretTest1457844711521rl10](5373); 5373 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5373(Ship[TurretTest1457844711521rl10](5373)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turretA1](5395); 5395 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5395(Ship[turretA1](5395)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456033829946](5407); 5407 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5407(Ship[kingreol_1456033829946](5407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016587388](5324); 5324 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5324(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016587388](5324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5425)true; (-205, -110, 117); ]; 5425 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5425([CLIENT ReSector(5425)true; (-205, -110, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5437)true; (-204, -109, 116); ]; 5437 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5437([CLIENT ReSector(5437)true; (-204, -109, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456394562178](5384); 5384 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5384(Ship[kingreol_1456394562178](5384)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Crystalbeam2000ion1455866886081rl46rl460](5342); 5342 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5342(Ship[Crystalbeam2000ion1455866886081rl46rl460](5342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456210348634](5397); 5397 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5397(Ship[kingreol_1456210348634](5397)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029681253](5315); 5315 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5315(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029681253](5315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1458455272049](5385); 5385 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5385(Ship[kingreol_1458455272049](5385)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016648131](5371); 5371 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5371(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016648131](5371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[beamturretspine](5341); 5341 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5341(Ship[beamturretspine](5341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394737869](5387); 5387 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5387(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394737869](5387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5419)true; (-206, -109, 117); ]; 5419 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5419([CLIENT ReSector(5419)true; (-206, -109, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8240](5396); 5396 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5396(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8240](5396)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456210706931](5358); 5358 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5358(Ship[kingreol_1456210706931](5358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456010511040](5314); 5314 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5314(Ship[kingreol_1456010511040](5314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beamturretfrigate41458788277200rl5](5389); 5389 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5389(Ship[Beamturretfrigate41458788277200rl5](5389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331353393rl5](5349); 5349 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5349(Ship[crystalAMS21457331353393rl5](5349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016598604](5394); 5394 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5394(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016598604](5394)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Base-PS1454910161552](5340); 5340 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5340(Ship[Base-PS1454910161552](5340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1454878005053](5313); 5313 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5313(Ship[kingreol_1454878005053](5313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Base-PS1454909442215](5392); 5392 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5392(Ship[Base-PS1454909442215](5392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[center turret](5347); 5347 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5347(Ship[center turret](5347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5433)true; (-204, -110, 115); ]; 5433 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5433([CLIENT ReSector(5433)true; (-204, -110, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5434)true; (-204, -110, 116); ]; 5434 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5434([CLIENT ReSector(5434)true; (-204, -110, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5415)true; (-206, -110, 117); ]; 5415 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5415([CLIENT ReSector(5415)true; (-206, -110, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5423)true; (-205, -110, 115); ]; 5423 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5423([CLIENT ReSector(5423)true; (-205, -110, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456105783035](5393); 5393 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5393(Ship[kingreol_1456105783035](5393)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016517638](5366); 5366 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5366(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016517638](5366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl88](5337); 5337 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5337(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl88](5337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016573791](5357); 5357 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5357(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016573791](5357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016684740](5411); 5411 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5411(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016684740](5411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8300](5409); 5409 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5409(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8300](5409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029901144](5412); 5412 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5412(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029901144](5412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1455352302426](5356); 5356 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5356(Ship[kingreol_1455352302426](5356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5439)true; (-204, -108, 115); ]; 5439 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5439([CLIENT ReSector(5439)true; (-204, -108, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394775168](5326); 5326 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5326(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394775168](5326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5438)true; (-204, -109, 117); ]; 5438 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5438([CLIENT ReSector(5438)true; (-204, -109, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TurretA45o](5408); 5408 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5408(Ship[TurretA45o](5408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shieldrecharge11x7x40](5333); 5333 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5333(Ship[shieldrecharge11x7x40](5333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5432)true; (-205, -108, 117); ]; 5432 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5432([CLIENT ReSector(5432)true; (-205, -108, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456695763902](5406); 5406 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5406(Ship[kingreol_1456695763902](5406)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6](5383); 5383 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5383(Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6](5383)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029993373](5376); 5376 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5376(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029993373](5376)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5440)true; (-204, -108, 116); ]; 5440 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5440([CLIENT ReSector(5440)true; (-204, -108, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456105984683](5362); 5362 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5362(Ship[kingreol_1456105984683](5362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1457301669983](5312); 5312 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5312(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1457301669983](5312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016670243](5351); 5351 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5351(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016670243](5351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl824](5331); 5331 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5331(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl824](5331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl830](5354); 5354 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5354(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl830](5354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl814](5382); 5382 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5382(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl814](5382)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456545056497](5348); 5348 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5348(Ship[kingreol_1456545056497](5348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5413)true; (-206, -110, 115); ]; 5413 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5413([CLIENT ReSector(5413)true; (-206, -110, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8350](5402); 5402 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5402(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8350](5402)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[20kship](5338); 5338 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5338(Ship[20kship](5338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TurretBarrel1](5403); 5403 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5403(Ship[TurretBarrel1](5403)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Crystalturret4000punch](5355); 5355 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5355(Ship[Crystalturret4000punch](5355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Purplerock31456105965664](5365); 5365 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5365(Ship[Purplerock31456105965664](5365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029944340](5390); 5390 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5390(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029944340](5390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Bigturretpart1](5368); 5368 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5368(Ship[Bigturretpart1](5368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6rl60](5360); 5360 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5360(Ship[Big turret 31454315630968rl6rl60](5360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456030054679](5401); 5401 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5401(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456030054679](5401)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1456555931284](5374); 5374 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5374(Ship[kingreol_1456555931284](5374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[USDBlue1](5391); 5391 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5391(Ship[USDBlue1](5391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331353393rl5rl50](5339); 5339 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5339(Ship[crystalAMS21457331353393rl5rl50](5339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8310](5317); 5317 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5317(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8310](5317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016628839](5377); 5377 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5377(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016628839](5377)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016719989](5399); 5399 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5399(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016719989](5399)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl870](5386); 5386 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5386(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl870](5386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016532255](5325); 5325 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5325(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016532255](5325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Base-PS1454910177703](5370); 5370 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5370(Ship[Base-PS1454910177703](5370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1457210308570](5346); 5346 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5346(Ship[kingreol_1457210308570](5346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8140](5316); 5316 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5316(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl8140](5316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029657018](5311); 5311 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5311(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029657018](5311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl880](5345); 5345 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5345(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl880](5345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016612487](5367); 5367 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5367(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016612487](5367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016558339](5359); 5359 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5359(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016558339](5359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[crystalAMS21457331339809rl5](5322); 5322 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5322(Ship[crystalAMS21457331339809rl5](5322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8](5380); 5380 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5380(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8](5380)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016742353](5335); 5335 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5335(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016742353](5335)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5436)true; (-204, -109, 115); ]; 5436 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5436([CLIENT ReSector(5436)true; (-204, -109, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl835](5334); 5334 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5334(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl835](5334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl831](5353); 5353 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5353(Ship[oldstar10001454304722525rl8rl831](5353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456037025603](5336); 5336 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5336(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456037025603](5336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5435)true; (-204, -110, 117); ]; 5435 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5435([CLIENT ReSector(5435)true; (-204, -110, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029711597](5323); 5323 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5323(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029711597](5323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029955022](5332); 5332 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5332(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029955022](5332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394749019](5321); 5321 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5321(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1456394749019](5321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1458494415122](5344); 5344 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5344(Ship[kingreol_1458494415122](5344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5422)true; (-206, -108, 117); ]; 5422 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5422([CLIENT ReSector(5422)true; (-206, -108, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029699295](5328); 5328 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5328(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029699295](5328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029887173](5352); 5352 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5352(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029887173](5352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029978660](5372); 5372 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5372(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029978660](5372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Big turret 2](5329); 5329 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5329(Ship[Big turret 2](5329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016695570](5405); 5405 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5405(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456016695570](5405)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5441)true; (-204, -108, 117); ]; 5441 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5441([CLIENT ReSector(5441)true; (-204, -108, 117); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029668946](5400); 5400 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5400(Ship[PS 10x10x190MK31456029668946](5400)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5418)sec[5417]; 5418 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5418(Asteroid(5418)sec[5417]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[kingreol_1455003867594](5330); 5330 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5330(Ship[kingreol_1455003867594](5330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5424)true; (-205, -110, 116); ]; 5424 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5424([CLIENT ReSector(5424)true; (-205, -110, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5430)true; (-205, -108, 115); ]; 5430 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5430([CLIENT ReSector(5430)true; (-205, -108, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5417)true; (-206, -109, 116); ]; 5417 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5417([CLIENT ReSector(5417)true; (-206, -109, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5309)true; (-205, -109, 116); ]; 5309 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5309([CLIENT ReSector(5309)true; (-205, -109, 116); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5426)true; (-205, -109, 115); ]; 5426 [2016-04-04 03:12:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5426([CLIENT ReSector(5426)true; (-205, -109, 115); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:12:17] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=you took 50 the factories ?] [2016-04-04 03:12:17] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: you took 50 the factories ?; ML: 32 [2016-04-04 03:12:30] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=or did forgot to launch the factory ?] [2016-04-04 03:12:30] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: or did forgot to launch the factory ?; ML: 33 [2016-04-04 03:12:35] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=enhancer factories*] [2016-04-04 03:12:35] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: enhancer factories*; ML: 34 [2016-04-04 03:12:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1160 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:12:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160); detach pos: (-104.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:12:38] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:12:40] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:12:40] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:12:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1127 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:12:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-96.56091, -77.885956, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:12:45] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:12:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127) [2016-04-04 03:12:52] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=i didnt beef them up yet ill add now] [2016-04-04 03:12:52] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: i didnt beef them up yet ill add now; ML: 35 [2016-04-04 03:12:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1127 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:12:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127); detach pos: (-92.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:12:53] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:12:53] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:12:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127); 1127 [2016-04-04 03:12:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1127(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31455672966958](1127)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:13:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1137 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:13:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-84.56091, -77.885956, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:13:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:13:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137) [2016-04-04 03:13:14] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:13:15] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 0 [2016-04-04 03:13:15] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (5, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 49; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:13:15] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 2.45 [2016-04-04 03:13:15] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 2.450000047683716 [2016-04-04 03:13:15] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 49; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:13:15] DRAWING DEBUG: 212; ; 0; 0; 212; [2016-04-04 03:13:15] [SINGLE_BLOCK_DRAWER] CHECKING FOR ERROR [2016-04-04 03:13:18] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Factory Enhancer: FRONT [2016-04-04 03:13:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (6.175293, -1.5, 5.254883); (6, -2, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:35] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:35] adding new element to SI at (14, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.8510742, -0.36523438, 4.501953); (4, 0, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:36] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, -1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:36] adding new element to SI at (12, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:39] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (3.5004883, -1.2294922, 4.7841797); (4, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:39] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 7, 13)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:13:40] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.4995117, -1.3391113, 5.1674805); (6, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:40] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (13, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:40] adding new element to SI at (13, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -1.2189941, 5.67041); (5, -1, 6) [2016-04-04 03:13:42] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 7, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:42] adding new element to SI at (12, 7, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -1.2070312, 5.085449); (5, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:42] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:42] adding new element to SI at (12, 7, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -2.0861816, 5.095215); (5, -2, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:43] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 6, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:43] adding new element to SI at (12, 6, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:44] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -2.1010742, 5.774414); (5, -2, 6) [2016-04-04 03:13:44] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 6, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:44] adding new element to SI at (12, 6, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:46] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Dacaine_Semblier]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:13:46] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Dacaine_Semblier has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:13:46] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Dacaine_Semblier has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:13:46] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 287429 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1709 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1709 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1709 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1709 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1776 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Whitehull_Dealer, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1776 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Whitehull_Dealer, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1776 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Whitehull_Dealer, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1776 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Whitehull_Dealer, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (5.7460938, -1.0898438, 4.4995117); (6, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:48] adding new element to SI at (14, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (5.0927734, -1.0773926, 4.5); (5, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:48] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (13, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:48] adding new element to SI at (13, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.2661133, -1.0661621, 4.5); (4, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:49] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:49] adding new element to SI at (12, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1137 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:13:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137); detach pos: (-104.56091, -57.885963, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:13:50] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:13:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (6.148926, -2.1157227, 4.5); (6, -2, 5) [2016-04-04 03:13:50] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:50] adding new element to SI at (14, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:51] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (5.5, -2.1030273, 4.022461); (6, -2, 4) [2016-04-04 03:13:51] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (13, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:51] adding new element to SI at (13, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:13:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (4.5, -2.0822754, 3.9248047); (5, -2, 4) [2016-04-04 03:13:52] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:13:52] adding new element to SI at (12, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:14:00] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:14:00] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:14:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1160 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:14:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-96.56091, -65.88596, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:14:02] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:14:02] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160) [2016-04-04 03:14:06] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:14:07] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:14:07] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:14:07] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:14:07] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:14:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1160 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:14:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160); detach pos: (-104.56091, -69.885956, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:14:09] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:14:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:14:09] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160); 1160 [2016-04-04 03:14:09] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1160(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456188493011](1160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:10] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@5332e341 [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 6038 [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] [2016-04-04 03:14:11] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:14:14] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] FROM -2 TO 6004 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](5923); 5923 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5923(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](5923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](5933); 5933 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5933(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](5933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](5958); 5958 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5958(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](5958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](5859); 5859 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5859(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](5859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](5890); 5890 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5890(Ship[F](5890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](5883); 5883 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5883(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](5883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6002); 6002 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6002(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](5891); 5891 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5891(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](5891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](5974); 5974 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5974(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](5974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](5896); 5896 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5896(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](5896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](5920); 5920 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5920(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](5920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](5893); 5893 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5893(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](5893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](5955); 5955 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5955(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](5955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](5918); 5918 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5918(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](5918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](5922); 5922 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5922(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](5922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](5905); 5905 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5905(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](5905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](5936); 5936 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5936(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](5936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](5953); 5953 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](5953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](5927); 5927 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5927(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](5927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](5978); 5978 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5978(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](5978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](5862); 5862 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5862(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](5862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](5988); 5988 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5988(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](5988)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](5991); 5991 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5991(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](5991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](5969); 5969 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5969(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](5969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](5881); 5881 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5881(Ship[Voiden](5881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](5938); 5938 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](5938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](5860); 5860 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5860(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](5860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](5961); 5961 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5961(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](5961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](5873); 5873 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5873(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](5873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](5986); 5986 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5986(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](5986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](5852); 5852 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5852(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](5852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](5973); 5973 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5973(Ship[Memeinator](5973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](5880); 5880 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5880(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](5880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](5889); 5889 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5889(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](5889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](5937); 5937 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](5937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](5888); 5888 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5888(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](5888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](5989); 5989 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5989(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](5989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](5932); 5932 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5932(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](5932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](5983); 5983 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5983(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](5983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](5993); 5993 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5993(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](5993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](5911); 5911 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5911(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](5911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](5870); 5870 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](5870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](5985); 5985 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5985(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](5985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](5972); 5972 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5972(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](5972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](5902); 5902 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](5902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](5926); 5926 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5926(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](5926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](5939); 5939 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5939(Ship[Almighty Ship](5939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](5924); 5924 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5924(Ship[justint](5924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](5910); 5910 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5910(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](5910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](5930); 5930 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5930(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](5930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](5968); 5968 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5968(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](5968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](5946); 5946 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5946(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](5946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](5846); 5846 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5846(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](5846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](5981); 5981 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5981(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](5981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](5914); 5914 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5914(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](5914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](5967); 5967 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](5967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](5909); 5909 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5909(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](5909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](5855); 5855 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5855(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](5855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](5853); 5853 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5853(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](5853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](5869); 5869 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5869(Ship[ssKingduffs](5869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](5887); 5887 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5887(Ship[shippy vw](5887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](5879); 5879 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5879(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](5879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](5857); 5857 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5857(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](5857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](5847); 5847 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5847(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](5847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5998); 5998 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5998(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](5998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](5868); 5868 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5868(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](5868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](5943); 5943 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5943(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](5943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](5990); 5990 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5990(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](5990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](5921); 5921 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5921(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](5921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](5984); 5984 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5984(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](5984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](5878); 5878 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5878(Ship[Shadow corp ship](5878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](5871); 5871 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5871(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](5871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](5945); 5945 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5945(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](5945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](5849); 5849 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5849(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](5849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](5892); 5892 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5892(Ship[FarStar](5892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](5894); 5894 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5894(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](5894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](5925); 5925 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5925(Ship[World Eater](5925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](5970); 5970 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5970(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](5970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](5904); 5904 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5904(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](5904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](5877); 5877 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](5877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](5885); 5885 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5885(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](5885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](5865); 5865 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5865(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](5865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](5866); 5866 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5866(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](5866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](5867); 5867 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5867(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](5867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](5994); 5994 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5994(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](5994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](5903); 5903 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5903(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](5903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](5908); 5908 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5908(Ship[Cube](5908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](5848); 5848 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5848(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](5848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](5934); 5934 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5934(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](5934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6000); 6000 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6000(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](5954); 5954 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5954(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](5954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](5948); 5948 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5948(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](5948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](5971); 5971 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5971(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](5971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](5995); 5995 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5995(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](5995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](5856); 5856 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5856(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](5856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](5872); 5872 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5872(Ship[Mah Bucket](5872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](5913); 5913 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5913(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](5913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](5980); 5980 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5980(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](5980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](5912); 5912 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5912(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](5912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](5942); 5942 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5942(Ship[Fraction](5942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](5964); 5964 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5964(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](5964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5996); 5996 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5996(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](5996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](5863); 5863 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5863(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](5863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](5963); 5963 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](5963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](5949); 5949 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5949(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](5949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](5915); 5915 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5915(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](5915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](5882); 5882 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5882(Ship[Escape pod](5882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](5931); 5931 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5931(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](5931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5999); 5999 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5999(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](5999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](5956); 5956 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5956(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](5956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](5875); 5875 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5875(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](5875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](5851); 5851 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5851(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](5851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](5886); 5886 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5886(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](5886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](5917); 5917 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5917(Ship[The Noob Ship](5917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](5876); 5876 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5876(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](5876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](5861); 5861 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5861(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](5861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](5929); 5929 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5929(Ship[redstone](5929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](5899); 5899 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5899(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](5899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](5854); 5854 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5854(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](5854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](5947); 5947 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5947(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](5947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](5944); 5944 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5944(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](5944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](5950); 5950 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5950(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](5950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](5850); 5850 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5850(Ship[The Shuttle](5850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](5907); 5907 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5907(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](5907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](5895); 5895 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5895(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](5895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](5935); 5935 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5935(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](5935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](5858); 5858 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5858(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](5858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](5987); 5987 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5987(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](5987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](5992); 5992 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5992(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](5992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](5941); 5941 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5941(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](5941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](5940); 5940 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5940(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](5940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](5864); 5864 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5864(Ship[UC Eden](5864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](5874); 5874 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5874(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](5874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](5928); 5928 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5928(Ship[Sperg Mobile](5928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](5960); 5960 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5960(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](5960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](5962); 5962 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5962(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](5962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](5916); 5916 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5916(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](5916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](5898); 5898 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5898(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](5898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](5901); 5901 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5901(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](5901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5997); 5997 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5997(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](5997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6003); 6003 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6003(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](5951); 5951 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5951(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](5951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](5906); 5906 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5906(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](5906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6001); 6001 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6001(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](5900); 5900 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5900(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](5900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](5965); 5965 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5965(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](5965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](5975); 5975 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5975(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](5975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](5919); 5919 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5919(Ship[Water Wheel](5919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](5977); 5977 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5977(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](5977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](5957); 5957 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5957(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](5957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(5897)]; 5897 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5897(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(5897)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](5966); 5966 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5966(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](5966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](5952); 5952 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5952(Ship[ConduPrime_001](5952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](5979); 5979 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5979(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](5979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](5884); 5884 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5884(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](5884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](5976); 5976 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5976(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](5976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](5959); 5959 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5959(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](5959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](5982); 5982 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5982(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](5982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5845)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 5845 [2016-04-04 03:14:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5845([CLIENT ReSector(5845)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:14:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6006 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)]), toPos=(-12, -22, 6), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:14:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]; detach pos: (-28.440594, 52.05934, -1085.5316) [2016-04-04 03:14:19] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:14:19] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)] [2016-04-04 03:14:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:14:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-96.56091, -77.885956, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:14:20] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:14:20] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124) [2016-04-04 03:14:23] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:14:23] : [2016-04-04 03:14:23] [2016-04-04 03:14:23] SoundTeMP - Away From Home.ogg [2016-04-04 03:14:23] Error [2016-04-04 03:14:23] : [2016-04-04 03:14:23] [2016-04-04 03:14:23] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:14:47] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=no pb I was just wonder if I'd made a mistake] [2016-04-04 03:14:47] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: no pb I was just wonder if I'd made a mistake; ML: 36 [2016-04-04 03:14:57] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=no sir doing good] [2016-04-04 03:14:57] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: no sir doing good; ML: 37 [2016-04-04 03:15:08] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:09] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:15:20] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:15:20] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:15:23] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:15:23] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:15:26] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:15:27] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:15:34] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:15:35] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:15:35] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:15:35] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:15:36] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:15:37] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@2abe2432 [2016-04-04 03:15:40] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:15:41] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:15:41] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:15:42] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:15:42] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:15:46] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@6e52e2cf [2016-04-04 03:15:54] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:15:54] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:16:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:01] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124); detach pos: (-92.56091, -57.885963, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:01] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:01] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:16:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=4260 (Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:02] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:02] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260) [2016-04-04 03:16:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=4260 (Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260); detach pos: (-160.56088, -104.88596, 209.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:04] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:16:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (7.112793, -0.8942871, 4.5); (7, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:06] adding new element to SI at (15, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.165039, -1.5, 4.300293); (7, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, -1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:06] adding new element to SI at (15, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=4260 (Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:06] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260) [2016-04-04 03:16:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (7.9589844, -0.96899414, 4.5); (8, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:07] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:07] adding new element to SI at (16, 7, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.995117, -1.4997559, 4.367676); (8, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:16:08] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, -1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:08] adding new element to SI at (16, 6, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=4260 (Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260); detach pos: (-160.56088, -104.88596, 209.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:09] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:16:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -3.2470703, 5.852051); (7, -3, 6) [2016-04-04 03:16:09] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 5, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:09] adding new element to SI at (16, 5, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.4995117, -3.2172852, 5.408203); (7, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:10] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 5, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:10] adding new element to SI at (16, 5, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.4995117, -4.2385254, 5.9038086); (7, -4, 6) [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 4, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:11] adding new element to SI at (16, 4, 14)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -4.140625, 5.4018555); (7, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 4, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:11] adding new element to SI at (16, 4, 13)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:11] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:11] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124) [2016-04-04 03:16:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (7.8286133, -3.282959, 4.4995117); (8, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:12] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:12] adding new element to SI at (16, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (6.206543, -3.0134277, 4.5); (6, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:13] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:13] adding new element to SI at (14, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (6.600586, -3.0334473, 4.5); (7, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:13] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:13] adding new element to SI at (15, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:14] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.46875, -2.9453125, 4.5004883); (4, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:14] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:14] adding new element to SI at (12, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.6464844, -2.933838, 4.5004883); (5, -3, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:15] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (13, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:15] adding new element to SI at (13, 5, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.293457, -3.6003418, 4.5); (4, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:15] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (12, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:15] adding new element to SI at (12, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:16] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.7402344, -3.6376953, 4.4995117); (5, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:16] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (13, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:16] adding new element to SI at (13, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124); detach pos: (-92.56091, -57.885963, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:16] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:16] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (6.1782227, -3.770996, 4.4995117); (6, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:17] adding new element to SI at (14, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (6.901367, -3.7634277, 4.4995117); (7, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:17] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:17] adding new element to SI at (15, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:18] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (7.739746, -3.7548828, 4.5); (8, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:16:18] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:16:18] adding new element to SI at (16, 4, 12)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:16:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1124 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124); detach pos: (-92.56091, -57.885963, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:19] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:19] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:16:26] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:16:26] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:16:27] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:16:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1137 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-84.56091, -65.88596, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:28] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:16:28] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137) [2016-04-04 03:16:29] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:16:29] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:16:30] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:16:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1137 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:16:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137); detach pos: (-104.56091, -57.885963, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:16:38] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:38] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:16:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137); 1137 [2016-04-04 03:16:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1137(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456458133771](1137)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:16:43] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:16:43] : [2016-04-04 03:16:43] [2016-04-04 03:16:43] Sins of a Solar Empire - TEC 2.ogg [2016-04-04 03:16:44] Error [2016-04-04 03:16:44] : [2016-04-04 03:16:44] [2016-04-04 03:16:44] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:16:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, CarlileX]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:16:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: CarlileX has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:16:49] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: CarlileX has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:16:49] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278023 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@182f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@182f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@182f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@182f Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:16:51] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 03:17:00] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:17:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (452.0563, -17.325733, -1756.3999) [2016-04-04 03:17:02] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:17:02] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6120.917, 2654.9697, 5094.8135) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6120.917, 2654.9697, 5094.8135) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:03] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:17:03] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:06] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 6299 [2016-04-04 03:17:06] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:17:06] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:17:06] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:17:07] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 03:17:07] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:17:08] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] FROM -2 TO 684 [2016-04-04 03:17:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:17:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6130.561, 2647.442, 5088.4614) [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:17:11] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:17:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 03:17:13] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:17:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:17:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (6.713867, 0.5, -6.3286133); (7, 0, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:15] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:15] adding new element to SI at (15, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (6.9282227, 0.5, -5.4375); (7, 0, -5) [2016-04-04 03:17:15] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 9, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:15] adding new element to SI at (15, 9, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:16] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (6.5, 1.1210938, -6.1992188); (7, 1, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:16] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (15, 9, 2)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:17:17] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (6.5, 1.2636719, -5.1748047); (7, 1, -5) [2016-04-04 03:17:17] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (15, 9, 3)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](6264); 6264 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6264(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](6264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](6232); 6232 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6232(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](6232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](6285); 6285 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6285(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](6285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](6281); 6281 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6281(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](6281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](6272); 6272 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6272(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](6272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](6231); 6231 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6231(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](6231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6179); 6179 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6179(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6197); 6197 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6197(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](6271); 6271 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6271(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](6271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6174); 6174 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6174(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6174)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6156); 6156 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6156(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6154); 6154 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6154(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](6216); 6216 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6216(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](6216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](6248); 6248 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6248(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](6248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](6222); 6222 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6222(Ship[Sperg Mobile](6222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](6280); 6280 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6280(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](6280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](6288); 6288 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6288(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](6288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6164); 6164 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6164(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](6283); 6283 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6283(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](6283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6177); 6177 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6177(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6177)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](6270); 6270 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6270(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](6270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](6238); 6238 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6238(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](6238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](6184); 6184 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6184(Ship[F](6184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6199); 6199 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6199(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6143); 6143 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6143(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6143)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6178); 6178 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6178(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](6250); 6250 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6250(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](6250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](6230); 6230 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6230(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](6230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](6175); 6175 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6175(Ship[Voiden](6175)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6194); 6194 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6194(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](6210); 6210 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6210(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](6210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6297); 6297 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6297(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6183); 6183 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6183(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](6181); 6181 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6181(Ship[shippy vw](6181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](6204); 6204 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6204(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](6204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](6279); 6279 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6279(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](6279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6150); 6150 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6150(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6150)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6193); 6193 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6193(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6191)]; 6191 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6191(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6191)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](6240); 6240 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6240(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](6240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](6236); 6236 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6236(Ship[Fraction](6236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](6247); 6247 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6247(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](6247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](6251); 6251 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6251(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](6251)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6188); 6188 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6188(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6140); 6140 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6140(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6140)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6168); 6168 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6168(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](6202); 6202 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6202(Ship[Cube](6202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](6259); 6259 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6259(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](6259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6195); 6195 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6195(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6142); 6142 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6142(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6142)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](6229); 6229 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6229(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](6229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6167); 6167 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6167(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6200); 6200 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6200(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](6254); 6254 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6254(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](6254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6173); 6173 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6173(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6173)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6169); 6169 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6169(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6169)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](6275); 6275 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6275(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](6275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6148); 6148 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6148(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6160); 6160 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6160(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](6246); 6246 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6246(Ship[ConduPrime_001](6246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](6158); 6158 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6158(Ship[UC Eden](6158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6182); 6182 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6182(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6182)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](6211); 6211 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6211(Ship[The Noob Ship](6211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6161); 6161 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6161(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](6239); 6239 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6239(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](6239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](6213); 6213 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6213(Ship[Water Wheel](6213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](6215); 6215 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6215(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](6215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6295); 6295 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6295(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6146); 6146 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6146(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6146)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6296); 6296 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6296(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6147); 6147 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6147(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6147)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](6284); 6284 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6284(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](6284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6196); 6196 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6196(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](6267); 6267 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6267(Ship[Memeinator](6267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](6217); 6217 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6217(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](6217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](6242); 6242 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6242(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](6242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](6219); 6219 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6219(Ship[World Eater](6219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](6203); 6203 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6203(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](6203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](6224); 6224 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6224(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](6224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](6260); 6260 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6260(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](6260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6198); 6198 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6198(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](6243); 6243 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6243(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](6243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](6276); 6276 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6276(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](6276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](6172); 6172 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6172(Ship[Shadow corp ship](6172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](6265); 6265 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6265(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](6265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](6261); 6261 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6261(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](6261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6192); 6192 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6192(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](6176); 6176 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6176(Ship[Escape pod](6176)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](6163); 6163 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6163(Ship[ssKingduffs](6163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](6223); 6223 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6223(Ship[redstone](6223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](6257); 6257 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6257(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](6257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](6207); 6207 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6207(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](6207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](6166); 6166 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6166(Ship[Mah Bucket](6166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6189); 6189 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6189(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](6249); 6249 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6249(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](6249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](6186); 6186 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6186(Ship[FarStar](6186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6162); 6162 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6162(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](6282); 6282 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6282(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](6282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](6289); 6289 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6289(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](6289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6170); 6170 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6170(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6170)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6152); 6152 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6152(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](6205); 6205 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6205(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](6205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](6234); 6234 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6234(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](6234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](6255); 6255 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6255(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](6255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](6286); 6286 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6286(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](6286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](6221); 6221 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6221(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](6221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6153); 6153 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6153(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](6226); 6226 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6226(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](6226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](6263); 6263 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6263(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](6263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](6220); 6220 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6220(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](6220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](6144); 6144 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6144(Ship[The Shuttle](6144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](6292); 6292 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6292(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](6292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6159); 6159 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6159(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](6252); 6252 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6252(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](6252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6155); 6155 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6155(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](6233); 6233 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6233(Ship[Almighty Ship](6233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](6291); 6291 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6291(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](6291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](6258); 6258 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6258(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](6258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](6278); 6278 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6278(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](6278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6165); 6165 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6165(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](6253); 6253 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6253(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](6253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6149); 6149 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6149(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](6290); 6290 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6290(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](6290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](6245); 6245 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6245(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](6245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](6214); 6214 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6214(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](6214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](6287); 6287 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6287(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](6287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](6237); 6237 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6237(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](6237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](6209); 6209 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6209(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](6209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](6266); 6266 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6266(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](6266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6187); 6187 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6187(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](6206); 6206 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6206(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](6206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](6225); 6225 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6225(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](6225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](6277); 6277 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6277(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](6277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6141); 6141 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6141(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6201); 6201 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6201(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](6241); 6241 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6241(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](6241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6171); 6171 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6171(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6171)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6180); 6180 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6180(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](6269); 6269 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6269(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](6269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](6262); 6262 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6262(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](6262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](6228); 6228 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6228(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](6228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](6218); 6218 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6218(Ship[justint](6218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6151); 6151 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6151(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](6268); 6268 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6268(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](6268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](6256); 6256 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6256(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](6256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6190); 6190 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6190(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](6235); 6235 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6235(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](6235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](6293); 6293 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6293(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](6293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](6273); 6273 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6273(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](6273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6145); 6145 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6145(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6185); 6185 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6185(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](6208); 6208 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6208(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](6208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](6244); 6244 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6244(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](6244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](6227); 6227 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6227(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](6227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](6274); 6274 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6274(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](6274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](6212); 6212 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6212(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](6212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6157); 6157 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6157(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6294); 6294 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6294(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6139)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 6139 [2016-04-04 03:17:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6139([CLIENT ReSector(6139)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:17:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 03:17:23] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:17:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 03:17:24] Client(7) Narrowphase of Client(7) took: 56 [2016-04-04 03:17:24] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 57ms [2016-04-04 03:17:24] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 56 [2016-04-04 03:17:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (7.963867, 0.5, -8.183594); (8, 0, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:25] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:25] adding new element to SI at (16, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:25] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Note: You placed a controllable Block Without having a conroller selected! E.g. if you place weapons, please select/place the weapon computer first. [2016-04-04 03:17:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (8.166992, 0.5925293, -7.5); (8, 1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:26] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:26] adding new element to SI at (16, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.4995117, 0.8364258, -7.4658203); (8, 1, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:26] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:26] adding new element to SI at (15, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:27] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, 0.92944336, -7.9370117); (8, 1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:27] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:27] adding new element to SI at (15, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:27] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5004883, 1.2653809, -7.6879883); (7, 1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:27] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:27] adding new element to SI at (14, 9, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, 1.140625, -7.1591797); (7, 1, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:28] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:28] adding new element to SI at (14, 9, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:29] [DRAWER][WARNING] seg controller set update took 13 ms [2016-04-04 03:17:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.5668945, 1.2128906, -6.5); (8, 1, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:29] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:29] adding new element to SI at (16, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, 0.95654297, -6.4375); (8, 1, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:29] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:29] adding new element to SI at (15, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, 1.0507812, -6.350586); (7, 1, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:30] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:30] adding new element to SI at (14, 9, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (7.8374023, 1.4978027, -6.496582); (8, 1, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:31] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:31] adding new element to SI at (16, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (8.006836, 1.5, -6.9023438); (8, 1, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:31] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:31] adding new element to SI at (16, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (8.448242, 1.5002441, -8.203613); (8, 1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (16, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:33] adding new element to SI at (16, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, 1.8344727, -7.805176); (8, 2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:33] adding new element to SI at (15, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, 1.7226562, -7.4350586); (8, 2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:33] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:33] adding new element to SI at (15, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:34] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.0458984, 1.8930664, -6.5); (7, 2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:34] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (15, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:34] adding new element to SI at (15, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, 1.8498535, -6.4575195); (7, 2, -6) [2016-04-04 03:17:35] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:35] adding new element to SI at (14, 10, 2)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (6.5, 1.9716797, -6.9677734); (7, 2, -7) [2016-04-04 03:17:35] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (-1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:35] adding new element to SI at (14, 10, 1)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (6.4677734, 1.5, -8.342285); (6, 1, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:37] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:37] adding new element to SI at (14, 10, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (5.875, 2.5, -7.5253906); (6, 2, -8) [2016-04-04 03:17:38] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (14, 11, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:17:38] adding new element to SI at (14, 11, 0)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 212 [2016-04-04 03:17:57] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=721 (Ship[SS Vulcan II](721)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:17:57] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: Ship[SS Vulcan II](721); detach pos: (3358.8462, 1238.0422, 1599.9755) [2016-04-04 03:17:57] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:17:57] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 03:18:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1128 (Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-96.56091, -65.88596, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:18:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:18:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128) [2016-04-04 03:18:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), toPos=(-145, 8, 7), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; detach pos: (3350.8462, 1230.0422, 1591.9755) [2016-04-04 03:18:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:18:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)] [2016-04-04 03:18:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:11] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 03:18:11] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:11] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:18:12] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I temporary stock some enhancer 1 st floor in case you need it] [2016-04-04 03:18:12] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I temporary stock some enhancer 1 st floor in case you need it; ML: 38 [2016-04-04 03:18:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; detach pos: (1023.23926, -2870.5203, -251.64212) [2016-04-04 03:18:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:18:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5834 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.561, 2655.442, 5096.4614) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.561, 2655.442, 5096.4614) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:14] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:18:14] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:18:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), fromPos=(-145, 8, 7), toId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]; detach pos: (3359.8462, 1238.0422, 1626.9755) [2016-04-04 03:18:23] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 03:18:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), toPos=(-145, 8, 7), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; detach pos: (3367.8462, 1230.0422, 1618.9755) [2016-04-04 03:18:24] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:18:24] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)] [2016-04-04 03:18:30] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=collected] [2016-04-04 03:18:30] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: collected; ML: 39 [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.081055, -3.9104004, -53.268555); (68.081055, 30.0896, -19.268555) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.081055, -3.9104004, -53.268555); (68.081055, 30.0896, -19.268555) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.081055, -3.9104004, -53.268555); (68.081055, 30.0896, -19.268555) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.081055, -3.9104004, -53.268555); (68.081055, 30.0896, -19.268555) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.081055, -3.9104004, -53.268555); (68.081055, 30.0896, -19.268555) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.140625, -3.8955078, -53.300293); (68.140625, 30.104492, -19.300293) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.140625, -3.8955078, -53.300293); (68.140625, 30.104492, -19.300293) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.140625, -3.8955078, -53.300293); (68.140625, 30.104492, -19.300293) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.140625, -3.8955078, -53.300293); (68.140625, 30.104492, -19.300293) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.193848, -3.8823242, -53.3291); (68.19385, 30.117676, -19.329102) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.193848, -3.8823242, -53.3291); (68.19385, 30.117676, -19.329102) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.193848, -3.8823242, -53.3291); (68.19385, 30.117676, -19.329102) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.193848, -3.8823242, -53.3291); (68.19385, 30.117676, -19.329102) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.193848, -3.8823242, -53.3291); (68.19385, 30.117676, -19.329102) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.259277, -3.8659668, -53.364258); (68.25928, 30.134033, -19.364258) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.259277, -3.8659668, -53.364258); (68.25928, 30.134033, -19.364258) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.259277, -3.8659668, -53.364258); (68.25928, 30.134033, -19.364258) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.259277, -3.8659668, -53.364258); (68.25928, 30.134033, -19.364258) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.259277, -3.8659668, -53.364258); (68.25928, 30.134033, -19.364258) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.318848, -3.8510742, -53.395996); (68.31885, 30.148926, -19.395996) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.318848, -3.8510742, -53.395996); (68.31885, 30.148926, -19.395996) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.318848, -3.8510742, -53.395996); (68.31885, 30.148926, -19.395996) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.318848, -3.8510742, -53.395996); (68.31885, 30.148926, -19.395996) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.36914, -3.838623, -53.42285); (68.36914, 30.161377, -19.422852) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.36914, -3.838623, -53.42285); (68.36914, 30.161377, -19.422852) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.36914, -3.838623, -53.42285); (68.36914, 30.161377, -19.422852) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.36914, -3.838623, -53.42285); (68.36914, 30.161377, -19.422852) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.36914, -3.838623, -53.42285); (68.36914, 30.161377, -19.422852) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.430176, -3.8234863, -53.455566); (68.430176, 30.176514, -19.455566) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.430176, -3.8234863, -53.455566); (68.430176, 30.176514, -19.455566) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.430176, -3.8234863, -53.455566); (68.430176, 30.176514, -19.455566) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.430176, -3.8234863, -53.455566); (68.430176, 30.176514, -19.455566) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.478516, -3.8112793, -53.481934); (68.478516, 30.18872, -19.481934) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.478516, -3.8112793, -53.481934); (68.478516, 30.18872, -19.481934) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.478516, -3.8112793, -53.481934); (68.478516, 30.18872, -19.481934) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.478516, -3.8112793, -53.481934); (68.478516, 30.18872, -19.481934) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.478516, -3.8112793, -53.481934); (68.478516, 30.18872, -19.481934) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.541504, -3.7954102, -53.516113); (68.541504, 30.20459, -19.516113) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.541504, -3.7954102, -53.516113); (68.541504, 30.20459, -19.516113) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.541504, -3.7954102, -53.516113); (68.541504, 30.20459, -19.516113) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.541504, -3.7954102, -53.516113); (68.541504, 30.20459, -19.516113) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.592285, -3.7827148, -53.543457); (68.592285, 30.217285, -19.543457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.592285, -3.7827148, -53.543457); (68.592285, 30.217285, -19.543457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.592285, -3.7827148, -53.543457); (68.592285, 30.217285, -19.543457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.592285, -3.7827148, -53.543457); (68.592285, 30.217285, -19.543457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.592285, -3.7827148, -53.543457); (68.592285, 30.217285, -19.543457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.654785, -3.7670898, -53.57715); (68.654785, 30.23291, -19.577148) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.654785, -3.7670898, -53.57715); (68.654785, 30.23291, -19.577148) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.654785, -3.7670898, -53.57715); (68.654785, 30.23291, -19.577148) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.654785, -3.7670898, -53.57715); (68.654785, 30.23291, -19.577148) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.706543, -3.7541504, -53.60498); (68.70654, 30.24585, -19.60498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.706543, -3.7541504, -53.60498); (68.70654, 30.24585, -19.60498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.706543, -3.7541504, -53.60498); (68.70654, 30.24585, -19.60498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.706543, -3.7541504, -53.60498); (68.70654, 30.24585, -19.60498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.706543, -3.7541504, -53.60498); (68.70654, 30.24585, -19.60498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.768066, -3.7387695, -53.638184); (68.76807, 30.26123, -19.638184) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.768066, -3.7387695, -53.638184); (68.76807, 30.26123, -19.638184) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.768066, -3.7387695, -53.638184); (68.76807, 30.26123, -19.638184) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.768066, -3.7387695, -53.638184); (68.76807, 30.26123, -19.638184) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.768066, -3.7387695, -53.638184); (68.76807, 30.26123, -19.638184) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.831543, -3.7229004, -53.672363); (68.83154, 30.2771, -19.672363) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.831543, -3.7229004, -53.672363); (68.83154, 30.2771, -19.672363) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.831543, -3.7229004, -53.672363); (68.83154, 30.2771, -19.672363) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.831543, -3.7229004, -53.672363); (68.83154, 30.2771, -19.672363) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.881348, -3.7104492, -53.69922); (68.88135, 30.28955, -19.699219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.881348, -3.7104492, -53.69922); (68.88135, 30.28955, -19.699219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.881348, -3.7104492, -53.69922); (68.88135, 30.28955, -19.699219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.881348, -3.7104492, -53.69922); (68.88135, 30.28955, -19.699219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.881348, -3.7104492, -53.69922); (68.88135, 30.28955, -19.699219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.94629, -3.694336, -53.734375); (68.94629, 30.305664, -19.734375) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.94629, -3.694336, -53.734375); (68.94629, 30.305664, -19.734375) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.94629, -3.694336, -53.734375); (68.94629, 30.305664, -19.734375) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.94629, -3.694336, -53.734375); (68.94629, 30.305664, -19.734375) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (34.94629, -3.694336, -53.734375); (68.94629, 30.305664, -19.734375) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.00586, -3.6794434, -53.7666); (69.00586, 30.320557, -19.766602) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.00586, -3.6794434, -53.7666); (69.00586, 30.320557, -19.766602) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.00586, -3.6794434, -53.7666); (69.00586, 30.320557, -19.766602) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.00586, -3.6794434, -53.7666); (69.00586, 30.320557, -19.766602) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.056152, -3.6669922, -53.793457); (69.05615, 30.333008, -19.793457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.056152, -3.6669922, -53.793457); (69.05615, 30.333008, -19.793457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.056152, -3.6669922, -53.793457); (69.05615, 30.333008, -19.793457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.056152, -3.6669922, -53.793457); (69.05615, 30.333008, -19.793457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.056152, -3.6669922, -53.793457); (69.05615, 30.333008, -19.793457) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.11914, -3.6513672, -53.827637); (69.11914, 30.348633, -19.827637) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.11914, -3.6513672, -53.827637); (69.11914, 30.348633, -19.827637) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.11914, -3.6513672, -53.827637); (69.11914, 30.348633, -19.827637) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.11914, -3.6513672, -53.827637); (69.11914, 30.348633, -19.827637) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.16992, -3.6386719, -53.85498); (69.16992, 30.361328, -19.85498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.16992, -3.6386719, -53.85498); (69.16992, 30.361328, -19.85498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.16992, -3.6386719, -53.85498); (69.16992, 30.361328, -19.85498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.16992, -3.6386719, -53.85498); (69.16992, 30.361328, -19.85498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.16992, -3.6386719, -53.85498); (69.16992, 30.361328, -19.85498) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.23291, -3.6230469, -53.88867); (69.23291, 30.376953, -19.888672) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.23291, -3.6230469, -53.88867); (69.23291, 30.376953, -19.888672) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.23291, -3.6230469, -53.88867); (69.23291, 30.376953, -19.888672) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.23291, -3.6230469, -53.88867); (69.23291, 30.376953, -19.888672) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.28369, -3.6103516, -53.916016); (69.28369, 30.389648, -19.916016) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.28369, -3.6103516, -53.916016); (69.28369, 30.389648, -19.916016) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.28369, -3.6103516, -53.916016); (69.28369, 30.389648, -19.916016) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.28369, -3.6103516, -53.916016); (69.28369, 30.389648, -19.916016) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.28369, -3.6103516, -53.916016); (69.28369, 30.389648, -19.916016) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.34668, -3.5947266, -53.950195); (69.34668, 30.405273, -19.950195) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.34668, -3.5947266, -53.950195); (69.34668, 30.405273, -19.950195) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.34668, -3.5947266, -53.950195); (69.34668, 30.405273, -19.950195) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.34668, -3.5947266, -53.950195); (69.34668, 30.405273, -19.950195) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.396973, -3.5825195, -53.97754); (69.39697, 30.41748, -19.97754) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.396973, -3.5825195, -53.97754); (69.39697, 30.41748, -19.97754) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.396973, -3.5825195, -53.97754); (69.39697, 30.41748, -19.97754) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.396973, -3.5825195, -53.97754); (69.39697, 30.41748, -19.97754) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.396973, -3.5825195, -53.97754); (69.39697, 30.41748, -19.97754) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.459473, -3.5673828, -54.01172); (69.45947, 30.432617, -20.011719) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.459473, -3.5673828, -54.01172); (69.45947, 30.432617, -20.011719) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.459473, -3.5673828, -54.01172); (69.45947, 30.432617, -20.011719) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.459473, -3.5673828, -54.01172); (69.45947, 30.432617, -20.011719) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.459473, -3.5673828, -54.01172); (69.45947, 30.432617, -20.011719) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.521484, -3.552246, -54.0459); (69.521484, 30.447754, -20.045898) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.521484, -3.552246, -54.0459); (69.521484, 30.447754, -20.045898) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.521484, -3.552246, -54.0459); (69.521484, 30.447754, -20.045898) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.521484, -3.552246, -54.0459); (69.521484, 30.447754, -20.045898) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.573242, -3.5395508, -54.07422); (69.57324, 30.46045, -20.074219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.573242, -3.5395508, -54.07422); (69.57324, 30.46045, -20.074219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.573242, -3.5395508, -54.07422); (69.57324, 30.46045, -20.074219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.573242, -3.5395508, -54.07422); (69.57324, 30.46045, -20.074219) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.62207, -3.527588, -54.101074); (69.62207, 30.472412, -20.101074) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.62207, -3.527588, -54.101074); (69.62207, 30.472412, -20.101074) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.62207, -3.527588, -54.101074); (69.62207, 30.472412, -20.101074) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.62207, -3.527588, -54.101074); (69.62207, 30.472412, -20.101074) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.62207, -3.527588, -54.101074); (69.62207, 30.472412, -20.101074) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.68506, -3.512207, -54.135254); (69.68506, 30.487793, -20.135254) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:33] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.68506, -3.512207, -54.135254); (69.68506, 30.487793, -20.135254) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.68506, -3.512207, -54.135254); (69.68506, 30.487793, -20.135254) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.68506, -3.512207, -54.135254); (69.68506, 30.487793, -20.135254) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.68506, -3.512207, -54.135254); (69.68506, 30.487793, -20.135254) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.748047, -3.4968262, -54.169434); (69.74805, 30.503174, -20.169434) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.748047, -3.4968262, -54.169434); (69.74805, 30.503174, -20.169434) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.748047, -3.4968262, -54.169434); (69.74805, 30.503174, -20.169434) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.748047, -3.4968262, -54.169434); (69.74805, 30.503174, -20.169434) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.79883, -3.484375, -54.197266); (69.79883, 30.515625, -20.197266) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: AABB test failed: Own: (35.79883, -3.484375, -54.197266); (69.79883, 30.515625, -20.197266) ---- Source (-33.051, -26.050999, -21.050999); (34.051, 12.050999, 22.050999) of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> null [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:18:34] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:18:34] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1623 TO 1616 [2016-04-04 03:18:34] NOT WARPING OUT OF COLLISION, BECAUSE WARP TOKEN WAS SET [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6158.985, 2666.6262, 5149.8135) TO (6158.985, 2666.6262, 5149.8135) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-6141.4175, 2666.4458, 5149.0664) [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6158.985, 2666.6262, 5149.8135) TO (-6141.4175, 2666.4458, 5149.0664) [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-6141.4175, 2666.4458, 5149.0664) [2016-04-04 03:18:34] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-6141.4175, 2666.4458, 5149.0664) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 143020 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412) (37, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416) (37, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468) (-13, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474) (48, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421) (29, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@f46afb27([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YJ@8987ccc1([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YJ@94e02022([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YJ@bcfc7e5b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YJ@62381419([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YJ@fa63d687([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YJ@ee9f8080([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YJ@4d3ee646([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1909 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465) (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465) (8, 29, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475) (-39, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427) (55, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455) (48, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410) (-32, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451) (29, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454) (-13, 12, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473) (37, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420) (-21, 12, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418) (29, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467) (-32, 4, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423) (-21, 4, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429) (55, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431) (-39, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458) (-32, 4, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140 (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) (1, 8, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) (0, 13, 1) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477) (-39, 4, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442) (-21, 4, 48) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447) (55, 12, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411) (48, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432) (29, 4, 55) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419) (-21, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463) (48, 12, -21) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434) (55, 4, 29) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14 (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444) (8, 7, 8) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444) (8, -13, 8) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0 (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446) (-13, 12, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462) (-13, 4, -39) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408) (-39, 12, -13) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464) (37, 12, -32) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100 (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) (7, 8, 7) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) (6, 10, 9) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16 (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744 (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422) (8, 8, 9) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422) (-32, 12, 37) Rail Turret Axis(665)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 112ms [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 15 on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)] [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@f46afb27([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YJ@8987ccc1([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YJ@b86bcb51([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YJ@94e02022([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YJ@60669698([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YJ@bcfc7e5b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YJ@62381419([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YJ@fa63d687([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YJ@ee9f8080([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YJ@4d3ee646([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YJ@662ade94([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YJ@7489e261([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YJ@f315dd97([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YJ@6750c74f([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YJ@83e9240c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #15: obfuscated.YJ@7eaa1ed5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #16: obfuscated.YJ@849ee7f3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #17: obfuscated.YJ@90b7349b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #18: obfuscated.YJ@c501bf3b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #19: obfuscated.YJ@4e045ce7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #20: obfuscated.YJ@33decb68([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #21: obfuscated.YJ@6124b0e6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #22: obfuscated.YJ@53f6c2bb([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #23: obfuscated.YJ@19c3ab42([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #24: obfuscated.YJ@5f1df1a7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #25: obfuscated.YJ@a31fe66a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #26: obfuscated.YJ@16d62a0c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #27: obfuscated.YJ@558920af([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #28: obfuscated.YJ@54661c19([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #29: obfuscated.YJ@bcfc10b8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #30: obfuscated.YJ@a52884b0([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #31: obfuscated.YJ@5f4f028b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #32: obfuscated.YJ@18a1716b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #33: obfuscated.YJ@e169e75b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #34: obfuscated.YJ@fffe3836([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #35: obfuscated.YJ@7c0c3d4e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #36: obfuscated.YJ@aa22e417([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #37: obfuscated.YJ@714022d0([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #38: obfuscated.YJ@5042d2c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #39: obfuscated.YJ@e6e9e9b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #40: obfuscated.YJ@2ed348e7([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #41: obfuscated.YJ@1f135ff0([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #42: obfuscated.YJ@67214bb6([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #43: obfuscated.YJ@dbc440f5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #44: obfuscated.YJ@f975799c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #45: obfuscated.YJ@12bae41b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #46: obfuscated.YJ@ca4e330c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #47: obfuscated.YJ@2a4ac862([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #48: obfuscated.YJ@b1a26e80([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #49: obfuscated.YJ@7ffbdeef([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #50: obfuscated.YJ@d8c841d3([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #51: obfuscated.YJ@48a87406([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #52: obfuscated.YJ@dcb3f38b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #53: obfuscated.YJ@f795fc99([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #54: obfuscated.YJ@13110648([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #55: obfuscated.YJ@5066eb0([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #56: obfuscated.YJ@df596e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #57: obfuscated.YJ@2a3a138([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #58: obfuscated.YJ@7fc1dd5d([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #59: obfuscated.YJ@47061f29([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #60: obfuscated.YJ@1368ecd8([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #61: obfuscated.YJ@d837ea79([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #62: obfuscated.YJ@4ecf6de0([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #63: obfuscated.YJ@f1ad8dca([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #64: obfuscated.YJ@51ae379c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #65: obfuscated.YJ@d9dfcd6a([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #66: obfuscated.YJ@d00f0e88([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #67: obfuscated.YJ@37a66ae1([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Child #68: obfuscated.YJ@bc6a6a6e([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433)]) [2016-04-04 03:18:35] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) [2016-04-04 03:18:36] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) [2016-04-04 03:18:37] [CLIENT] Exception: tried to re-request segment: Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437)((0, 0, 0))[s33; Hash6437; id 30365] on Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) [2016-04-04 03:18:39] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=do you want more power on a specific factory] [2016-04-04 03:18:39] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: do you want more power on a specific factory; ML: 40 [2016-04-04 03:18:44] DRAWING TIME OF 362 elements: 28(29.9053); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 03:18:44] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@10b4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:18:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834); 5834 [2016-04-04 03:18:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5834(Ship[Cargo_Pod](5834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:18:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)], fromId=1983 (Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:18:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]: Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); detach pos: (1016.6673, -2865.2427, -240.64415) [2016-04-04 03:18:51] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:18:51] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424) [2016-04-04 03:19:05] [CLIENT] received turret reset request for Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448) [2016-04-04 03:19:07] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=At the moment that seems good enough] [2016-04-04 03:19:07] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: At the moment that seems good enough; ML: 41 [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.90747637, 0.07021934, -0.4133415) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] HIT RESULT near: (9, 7, 6)[Grey Hull Corner]o[RIGHT][active][75hp][kC], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:19:09] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6112.2114, 2676.4465, 5198.318) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:19:09] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (-6112.212, 2676.4468, 5198.3184) [2016-04-04 03:19:09] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1618 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard(1618); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:19:17] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1618 (Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (-6116.7554, 2665.4792, 5199.249) [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); at: (-6110.857, 2678.0789, 5195.8647) [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 171 [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 174ms [2016-04-04 03:19:17] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:19:17] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:19:18] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hT@2d33d1bd); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:19:18] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 0 [2016-04-04 03:19:21] Client(7) Narrowphase of Client(7) took: 59 [2016-04-04 03:19:21] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 62ms [2016-04-04 03:19:21] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 60 [2016-04-04 03:19:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:19:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:24] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:19:24] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479) [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): (6149.862, 2624.9514, 5116.972) [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6151.6533, 2623.8064, 5114.9644) TO (6149.862, 2624.9514, 5116.972) [2016-04-04 03:19:30] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) : (-7.2681165, -5.772467, -10.36593); (0.20888296, 1.1794753, -0.3020776) [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): (6149.862, 2624.9514, 5116.972) [2016-04-04 03:19:30] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (6148.848, 2624.6553, 5116.6904) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1618 (Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6127.18, 2662.9773, 5128.1626) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6127.181, 2662.9773, 5128.1626) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); detach pos: (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.45164123, 0.5136092, -0.7295381) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312); (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.954, 2663.3723, 5126.5825) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.3877, 2662.703, 5127.7505) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.617, 2663.0144, 5126.8735) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.051, 2662.345, 5128.0415) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.3906, 2663.7024, 5127.837) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.6143, 2662.015, 5126.787) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.0444, 2663.4749, 5126.4365) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.5645, 2662.6719, 5127.8384) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.4404, 2663.0454, 5126.7856) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.9604, 2662.2424, 5128.1875) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.3687, 2663.871, 5127.942) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.636, 2661.8462, 5126.682) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.135, 2663.5776, 5126.2905) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.7417, 2662.6406, 5127.926) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.263, 2663.0767, 5126.698) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.87, 2662.1396, 5128.3335) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.346, 2664.04, 5128.047) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.6587, 2661.6772, 5126.577) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.225, 2663.6804, 5126.145) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.9185, 2662.6094, 5128.0137) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.0864, 2663.108, 5126.6104) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.78, 2662.0369, 5128.479) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.3237, 2664.2087, 5128.152) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.681, 2661.5085, 5126.472) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.3154, 2663.7832, 5125.999) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6128.0957, 2662.5784, 5128.1016) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6124.909, 2663.139, 5126.5225) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6125.6895, 2661.934, 5128.625) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.3013, 2664.3774, 5128.257) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6126.7036, 2661.3398, 5126.367) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6127.4062, 2663.8857, 5125.853) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6128.2725, 2662.547, 5128.189) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6124.7324, 2663.1702, 5126.435); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) -> (6124.7324, 2663.1702, 5126.435) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6126.5024, 2662.8586, 5127.312) TO (6124.7324, 2663.1702, 5126.435) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6124.7324, 2663.1702, 5126.435) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6124.7324, 2663.1707, 5126.4355) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6124.7324, 2663.1707, 5126.4355) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:19:37] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6124.733, 2663.1711, 5126.436) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.5981445, -18.24237, -24.097656); (39.598145, 15.757629, 9.902344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.5981445, -18.24237, -24.097656); (39.598145, 15.757629, 9.902344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.5981445, -18.24237, -24.097656); (39.598145, 15.757629, 9.902344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.5981445, -18.24237, -24.097656); (39.598145, 15.757629, 9.902344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.6782246, -18.248322, -24.118164); (39.678223, 15.751678, 9.881836) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.6782246, -18.248322, -24.118164); (39.678223, 15.751678, 9.881836) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.6782246, -18.248322, -24.118164); (39.678223, 15.751678, 9.881836) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.6782246, -18.248322, -24.118164); (39.678223, 15.751678, 9.881836) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.7651367, -18.253693, -24.137695); (39.765137, 15.746307, 9.862305) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.7651367, -18.253693, -24.137695); (39.765137, 15.746307, 9.862305) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.7651367, -18.253693, -24.137695); (39.765137, 15.746307, 9.862305) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.7651367, -18.253693, -24.137695); (39.765137, 15.746307, 9.862305) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.8583984, -18.258362, -24.154297); (39.8584, 15.741638, 9.845703) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.8583984, -18.258362, -24.154297); (39.8584, 15.741638, 9.845703) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.8583984, -18.258362, -24.154297); (39.8584, 15.741638, 9.845703) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.8583984, -18.258362, -24.154297); (39.8584, 15.741638, 9.845703) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.9506836, -18.262619, -24.168945); (39.950684, 15.737381, 9.831055) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.9506836, -18.262619, -24.168945); (39.950684, 15.737381, 9.831055) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.9506836, -18.262619, -24.168945); (39.950684, 15.737381, 9.831055) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (5.9506836, -18.262619, -24.168945); (39.950684, 15.737381, 9.831055) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.0444336, -18.266434, -24.183105); (40.044434, 15.733566, 9.816895) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.0444336, -18.266434, -24.183105); (40.044434, 15.733566, 9.816895) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.0444336, -18.266434, -24.183105); (40.044434, 15.733566, 9.816895) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.0444336, -18.266434, -24.183105); (40.044434, 15.733566, 9.816895) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.1362305, -18.270203, -24.19629); (40.13623, 15.729797, 9.803711) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.1362305, -18.270203, -24.19629); (40.13623, 15.729797, 9.803711) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.1362305, -18.270203, -24.19629); (40.13623, 15.729797, 9.803711) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.1362305, -18.270203, -24.19629); (40.13623, 15.729797, 9.803711) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.1362305, -18.270203, -24.19629); (40.13623, 15.729797, 9.803711) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.2407227, -18.2742, -24.21045); (40.240723, 15.7258, 9.789551) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.2407227, -18.2742, -24.21045); (40.240723, 15.7258, 9.789551) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.2407227, -18.2742, -24.21045); (40.240723, 15.7258, 9.789551) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.2407227, -18.2742, -24.21045); (40.240723, 15.7258, 9.789551) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.323242, -18.277496, -24.220703); (40.323242, 15.722504, 9.779297) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.323242, -18.277496, -24.220703); (40.323242, 15.722504, 9.779297) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.323242, -18.277496, -24.220703); (40.323242, 15.722504, 9.779297) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.323242, -18.277496, -24.220703); (40.323242, 15.722504, 9.779297) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.323242, -18.277496, -24.220703); (40.323242, 15.722504, 9.779297) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.4262695, -18.281448, -24.234375); (40.42627, 15.718552, 9.765625) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.4262695, -18.281448, -24.234375); (40.42627, 15.718552, 9.765625) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.4262695, -18.281448, -24.234375); (40.42627, 15.718552, 9.765625) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.4262695, -18.281448, -24.234375); (40.42627, 15.718552, 9.765625) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.4262695, -18.281448, -24.234375); (40.42627, 15.718552, 9.765625) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.527832, -18.28569, -24.247559); (40.527832, 15.71431, 9.752441) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.527832, -18.28569, -24.247559); (40.527832, 15.71431, 9.752441) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.527832, -18.28569, -24.247559); (40.527832, 15.71431, 9.752441) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.527832, -18.28569, -24.247559); (40.527832, 15.71431, 9.752441) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.618164, -18.28891, -24.259277); (40.618164, 15.71109, 9.740723) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.618164, -18.28891, -24.259277); (40.618164, 15.71109, 9.740723) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.618164, -18.28891, -24.259277); (40.618164, 15.71109, 9.740723) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.618164, -18.28891, -24.259277); (40.618164, 15.71109, 9.740723) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.6713867, -18.292404, -24.299316); (40.671387, 15.707596, 9.700684) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.6713867, -18.292404, -24.299316); (40.671387, 15.707596, 9.700684) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.6713867, -18.292404, -24.299316); (40.671387, 15.707596, 9.700684) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.6713867, -18.292404, -24.299316); (40.671387, 15.707596, 9.700684) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7094727, -18.295975, -24.347656); (40.709473, 15.704025, 9.652344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7094727, -18.295975, -24.347656); (40.709473, 15.704025, 9.652344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7094727, -18.295975, -24.347656); (40.709473, 15.704025, 9.652344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7094727, -18.295975, -24.347656); (40.709473, 15.704025, 9.652344) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7509766, -18.300064, -24.401855); (40.750977, 15.699936, 9.598145) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7509766, -18.300064, -24.401855); (40.750977, 15.699936, 9.598145) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7509766, -18.300064, -24.401855); (40.750977, 15.699936, 9.598145) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.7509766, -18.300064, -24.401855); (40.750977, 15.699936, 9.598145) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.788088, -18.303774, -24.450193); (40.788086, 15.69623, 9.549803) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.788088, -18.303774, -24.450193); (40.788086, 15.69623, 9.549803) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.788088, -18.303774, -24.450193); (40.788086, 15.69623, 9.549803) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.788088, -18.303774, -24.450193); (40.788086, 15.69623, 9.549803) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.788088, -18.303774, -24.450193); (40.788086, 15.69623, 9.549803) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.835449, -18.30745, -24.512207); (40.83545, 15.692551, 9.487793) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.835449, -18.30745, -24.512207); (40.83545, 15.692551, 9.487793) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.835449, -18.30745, -24.512207); (40.83545, 15.692551, 9.487793) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.835449, -18.30745, -24.512207); (40.83545, 15.692551, 9.487793) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.8691406, -18.310377, -24.555174); (40.86914, 15.689619, 9.444822) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.8691406, -18.310377, -24.555174); (40.86914, 15.689619, 9.444822) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.8691406, -18.310377, -24.555174); (40.86914, 15.689619, 9.444822) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.8691406, -18.310377, -24.555174); (40.86914, 15.689619, 9.444822) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.8691406, -18.310377, -24.555174); (40.86914, 15.689619, 9.444822) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9174805, -18.3143, -24.617676); (40.91748, 15.685699, 9.382324) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9174805, -18.3143, -24.617676); (40.91748, 15.685699, 9.382324) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9174805, -18.3143, -24.617676); (40.91748, 15.685699, 9.382324) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9174805, -18.3143, -24.617676); (40.91748, 15.685699, 9.382324) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.95508, -18.317703, -24.666016); (40.95508, 15.682297, 9.333984) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.95508, -18.317703, -24.666016); (40.95508, 15.682297, 9.333984) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.95508, -18.317703, -24.666016); (40.95508, 15.682297, 9.333984) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.95508, -18.317703, -24.666016); (40.95508, 15.682297, 9.333984) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9921875, -18.320831, -24.714355); (40.992188, 15.679169, 9.285645) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9921875, -18.320831, -24.714355); (40.992188, 15.679169, 9.285645) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9921875, -18.320831, -24.714355); (40.992188, 15.679169, 9.285645) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (6.9921875, -18.320831, -24.714355); (40.992188, 15.679169, 9.285645) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.033203, -18.324066, -24.767578); (41.033203, 15.675934, 9.232422) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.033203, -18.324066, -24.767578); (41.033203, 15.675934, 9.232422) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.033203, -18.324066, -24.767578); (41.033203, 15.675934, 9.232422) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.033203, -18.324066, -24.767578); (41.033203, 15.675934, 9.232422) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.0751953, -18.327988, -24.821777); (41.075195, 15.672012, 9.178223) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:44] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.0751953, -18.327988, -24.821777); (41.075195, 15.672012, 9.178223) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.0751953, -18.327988, -24.821777); (41.075195, 15.672012, 9.178223) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.0751953, -18.327988, -24.821777); (41.075195, 15.672012, 9.178223) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.114258, -18.331253, -24.871582); (41.114258, 15.668747, 9.128418) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.114258, -18.331253, -24.871582); (41.114258, 15.668747, 9.128418) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.114258, -18.331253, -24.871582); (41.114258, 15.668747, 9.128418) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.114258, -18.331253, -24.871582); (41.114258, 15.668747, 9.128418) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.153322, -18.334503, -24.921875); (41.15332, 15.665497, 9.078125) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.153322, -18.334503, -24.921875); (41.15332, 15.665497, 9.078125) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.153322, -18.334503, -24.921875); (41.15332, 15.665497, 9.078125) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.153322, -18.334503, -24.921875); (41.15332, 15.665497, 9.078125) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.153322, -18.334503, -24.921875); (41.15332, 15.665497, 9.078125) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2006836, -18.338942, -24.983398); (41.200684, 15.661055, 9.016602) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2006836, -18.338942, -24.983398); (41.200684, 15.661055, 9.016602) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2006836, -18.338942, -24.983398); (41.200684, 15.661055, 9.016602) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2006836, -18.338942, -24.983398); (41.200684, 15.661055, 9.016602) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2387695, -18.342102, -25.033203); (41.23877, 15.657898, 8.966797) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2387695, -18.342102, -25.033203); (41.23877, 15.657898, 8.966797) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2387695, -18.342102, -25.033203); (41.23877, 15.657898, 8.966797) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2387695, -18.342102, -25.033203); (41.23877, 15.657898, 8.966797) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2783203, -18.345367, -25.084473); (41.27832, 15.654633, 8.915527) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2783203, -18.345367, -25.084473); (41.27832, 15.654633, 8.915527) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2783203, -18.345367, -25.084473); (41.27832, 15.654633, 8.915527) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2783203, -18.345367, -25.084473); (41.27832, 15.654633, 8.915527) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.2783203, -18.345367, -25.084473); (41.27832, 15.654633, 8.915527) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.32666, -18.349258, -25.146973); (41.32666, 15.650742, 8.853027) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.32666, -18.349258, -25.146973); (41.32666, 15.650742, 8.853027) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.32666, -18.349258, -25.146973); (41.32666, 15.650742, 8.853027) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.32666, -18.349258, -25.146973); (41.32666, 15.650742, 8.853027) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.364258, -18.352493, -25.195312); (41.364258, 15.647507, 8.8046875) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.364258, -18.352493, -25.195312); (41.364258, 15.647507, 8.8046875) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.364258, -18.352493, -25.195312); (41.364258, 15.647507, 8.8046875) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.3964844, -18.355515, -25.236328); (41.396484, 15.644485, 8.763672) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (7.3964844, -18.355515, -25.236328); (41.396484, 15.644485, 8.763672) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> null [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:45] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:19:45] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:19:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:19:47] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.97856265, 0.06323438, 0.19439039) [2016-04-04 03:19:47] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) -> (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) [2016-04-04 03:19:47] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) -> (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) [2016-04-04 03:19:47] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) -> (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) [2016-04-04 03:19:47] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) -> (-7.0026855, 1.2114258, 46.4209) [2016-04-04 03:19:48] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.97416514, 0.049261, 0.2189636) [2016-04-04 03:19:48] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.96283084, 0.06323426, 0.26139468) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.8210477, 0.15561147, 0.5486627) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] HIT RESULT near: (3, 6, 50)[Scaffold]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 03:19:49] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6147.313, 2682.1558, 5150.379) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6147.31, 2682.1533, 5150.379) [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:49] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: sector test failed: gravitySource: 1616, self: 1623 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> null [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:19:50] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:19:50] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1623 TO 1616 [2016-04-04 03:19:50] NOT WARPING OUT OF COLLISION, BECAUSE WARP TOKEN WAS SET [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6150.506, 2682.7024, 5153.664) TO (6150.506, 2682.7024, 5153.664) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [REMOTE] Received warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-6149.9414, 2682.4514, 5153.128) [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6150.506, 2682.7024, 5153.664) TO (-6149.9414, 2682.4514, 5153.128) [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-6149.9414, 2682.4514, 5153.128) [2016-04-04 03:19:50] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-6149.9414, 2682.4514, 5153.128) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 03:19:51] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.4374559, 0.4574752, 0.77384454) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.5842452, -0.51074463, 0.6302771) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 03:20:02] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-6136.2812, 2699.2854, 5185.9443) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:02] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-6136.2812, 2699.285, 5185.945) [2016-04-04 03:20:02] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:20:03] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:03] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (-6129.9917, 2712.021, 5186.9966) [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:03] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (-6133.587, 2697.7908, 5188.3574) [2016-04-04 03:20:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), fromPos=(-145, 8, 7), toId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]; detach pos: (3359.8462, 1238.0422, 1626.9755) [2016-04-04 03:20:04] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 03:20:07] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hT@6b546bf7); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1616 TO 1623 [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6149.863, 2708.1472, 5174.5024) [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6151.853, 2709.462, 5173.1973) TO (6149.863, 2708.1472, 5174.5024) [2016-04-04 03:20:13] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-8.683534, 7.1479216, -6.460212); (-0.16692162, -0.06423854, 0.10832389) [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6149.863, 2708.1472, 5174.5024) [2016-04-04 03:20:13] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (6142.3364, 2703.6287, 5173.5967) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 03:20:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=721 (Ship[SS Vulcan II](721)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; detach pos: (3367.8462, 1230.0422, 1618.9755) [2016-04-04 03:20:18] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:20:18] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[SS Vulcan II](721) [2016-04-04 03:20:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:20:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:20:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 03:20:44] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:20:44] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:20:46] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:20:46] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:46] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412); 6412 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6412(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl9](6412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437); 6437 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6437(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl280](6437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469); 6469 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6469(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl70](6469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6406)true; (588, -2, -269); ]; 6406 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6406([CLIENT ReSector(6406)true; (588, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]; 6409 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6409(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744(6409)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426); 6426 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6426(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl90](6426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427); 6427 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6427(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl31](6427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439); 6439 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6439(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl300](6439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6400)true; (588, -4, -269); ]; 6400 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6400([CLIENT ReSector(6400)true; (588, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454); 6454 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6454(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl2](6454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420); 6420 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6420(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl33](6420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425); 6425 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6425(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10](6425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472); 6472 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6472(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl310](6472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460); 6460 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6460(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30](6460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449); 6449 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6449(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl180](6449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445); 6445 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6445(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl150](6445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6405)true; (588, -2, -270); ]; 6405 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6405([CLIENT ReSector(6405)true; (588, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452); 6452 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6452(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl00](6452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446); 6446 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6446(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl11](6446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462); 6462 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6462(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl3](6462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408); 6408 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6408(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl1](6408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422); 6422 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6422(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl16](6422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443); 6443 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6443(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl50](6443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416); 6416 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6416(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl10E](6416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421); 6421 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6421(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl27](6421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6399)true; (588, -4, -270); ]; 6399 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6399([CLIENT ReSector(6399)true; (588, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475); 6475 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6475(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl6](6475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465); 6465 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6465(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl29](6465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455); 6455 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6455(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl32](6455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453); 6453 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6453(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl130](6453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456); 6456 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6456(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl60](6456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459); 6459 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6459(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20](6459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410); 6410 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6410(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl13](6410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467); 6467 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6467(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl15](6467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476); 6476 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6476(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl140](6476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413); 6413 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6413(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl240](6413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436); 6436 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6436(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl270](6436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464); 6464 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6464(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl20E](6464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417); 6417 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6417(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl100](6417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(6450)sec[6407]; 6450 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6450(Asteroid(6450)sec[6407]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6403)true; (588, -3, -269); ]; 6403 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6403([CLIENT ReSector(6403)true; (588, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468); 6468 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6468(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl5](6468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440); 6440 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6440(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl170](6440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470); 6470 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6470(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl210](6470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433); 6433 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6433(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl160](6433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441); 6441 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6441(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl290](6441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466); 6466 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6466(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl250](6466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414); 6414 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6414(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl330](6414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473); 6473 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6473(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl0](6473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418); 6418 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6418(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl23](6418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429); 6429 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6429(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl24](6429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471); 6471 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6471(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl200](6471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(6428)sec[6407]; 6428 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6428(Asteroid(6428)sec[6407]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461); 6461 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6461(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl40](6461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477); 6477 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6477(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl22](6477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447); 6447 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6447(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl19](6447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411); 6411 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6411(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl18](6411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463); 6463 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6463(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl26](6463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457); 6457 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6457(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl320](6457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444); 6444 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6444(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl14](6444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434); 6434 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6434(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl21](6434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415); 6415 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6415(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl120](6415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424); 6424 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6424(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl110](6424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435); 6435 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6435(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl260](6435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438); 6438 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6438(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl220](6438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430); 6430 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6430(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl230](6430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451); 6451 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6451(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl8](6451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474); 6474 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6474(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl17](6474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423); 6423 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6423(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl12](6423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431); 6431 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6431(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl7](6431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458); 6458 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6458(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl30E](6458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442); 6442 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6442(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl25](6442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6402)true; (588, -3, -270); ]; 6402 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6402([CLIENT ReSector(6402)true; (588, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6404)true; (588, -3, -268); ]; 6404 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6404([CLIENT ReSector(6404)true; (588, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448); 6448 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6448(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl80](6448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432); 6432 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6432(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl4](6432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6401)true; (588, -4, -268); ]; 6401 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6401([CLIENT ReSector(6401)true; (588, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419); 6419 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6419(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl28](6419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478); 6478 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6478(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_588_-2_-268_1459725782744rl190](6478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6407)true; (588, -2, -268); ]; 6407 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6407([CLIENT ReSector(6407)true; (588, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983); 1983 [2016-04-04 03:20:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1983(Ship[The Bubb Rubb](1983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1128 (Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128); detach pos: (-54.560913, -59.88597, 626.81946) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6123.854, 2716.1724, 5140.5747) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6123.854, 2716.1726, 5140.5747) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.12815587, 0.16622037, -0.97772527) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72); (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.4365, 2717.743, 5138.7427); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) -> (6122.4365, 2717.743, 5138.7427) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6122.3086, 2717.5767, 5139.72) TO (6122.4365, 2717.743, 5138.7427) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.4365, 2717.743, 5138.7427) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6122.437, 2717.743, 5138.742) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.437, 2717.743, 5138.742) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6122.437, 2717.7427, 5138.742) [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@45f80ad5; 6412 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6412(obfuscated.Sr@45f80ad5) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@14e9fd16; 6437 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6437(obfuscated.Sr@14e9fd16) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1be45952; 6469 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6469(obfuscated.Sr@1be45952) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7a542638; 6409 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6409(obfuscated.Sr@7a542638) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@40e4b2c8; 6426 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6426(obfuscated.Sr@40e4b2c8) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@690aa119; 6427 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6427(obfuscated.Sr@690aa119) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1513e753; 6439 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6439(obfuscated.Sr@1513e753) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6ddab843; 6454 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6454(obfuscated.Sr@6ddab843) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@594c7285; 6420 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6420(obfuscated.Sr@594c7285) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1397f26b; 6425 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6425(obfuscated.Sr@1397f26b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@755889c3; 6472 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6472(obfuscated.Sr@755889c3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5257d970; 6460 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6460(obfuscated.Sr@5257d970) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@473cd5c2; 6449 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6449(obfuscated.Sr@473cd5c2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@76383fec; 6445 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6445(obfuscated.Sr@76383fec) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@216d95fe; 6452 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6452(obfuscated.Sr@216d95fe) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5dcac667; 6446 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6446(obfuscated.Sr@5dcac667) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@33718b14; 6462 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6462(obfuscated.Sr@33718b14) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5e5c4b96; 6408 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6408(obfuscated.Sr@5e5c4b96) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@426159de; 6422 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6422(obfuscated.Sr@426159de) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@468dab19; 6443 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6443(obfuscated.Sr@468dab19) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7429f3c9; 6416 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6416(obfuscated.Sr@7429f3c9) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@538a9f04; 6421 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6421(obfuscated.Sr@538a9f04) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2bbfbc7f; 6475 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6475(obfuscated.Sr@2bbfbc7f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@32caee55; 6465 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6465(obfuscated.Sr@32caee55) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@396e5138; 6455 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6455(obfuscated.Sr@396e5138) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6bc4dc1b; 6453 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6453(obfuscated.Sr@6bc4dc1b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@56fc0b39; 6456 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6456(obfuscated.Sr@56fc0b39) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3ab5d2ee; 6459 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6459(obfuscated.Sr@3ab5d2ee) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6479c903; 6410 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6410(obfuscated.Sr@6479c903) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3b62cfd3; 6467 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6467(obfuscated.Sr@3b62cfd3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@60b21412; 6476 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6476(obfuscated.Sr@60b21412) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6e91b541; 6413 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6413(obfuscated.Sr@6e91b541) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@548bd139; 6436 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6436(obfuscated.Sr@548bd139) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@75524c1a; 6464 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6464(obfuscated.Sr@75524c1a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2ad32e01; 6417 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6417(obfuscated.Sr@2ad32e01) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@296658af; 6450 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6450(obfuscated.Sr@296658af) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@45d06c59; 6468 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6468(obfuscated.Sr@45d06c59) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@41f316b3; 6440 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6440(obfuscated.Sr@41f316b3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@32e74efb; 6470 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6470(obfuscated.Sr@32e74efb) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2b4c0c35; 6433 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6433(obfuscated.Sr@2b4c0c35) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@17f49ea2; 6441 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6441(obfuscated.Sr@17f49ea2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@57081b9f; 6466 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6466(obfuscated.Sr@57081b9f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4e275aab; 6414 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6414(obfuscated.Sr@4e275aab) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7ee3d28d; 6473 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6473(obfuscated.Sr@7ee3d28d) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7ffe7af4; 6418 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6418(obfuscated.Sr@7ffe7af4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@11224595; 6429 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6429(obfuscated.Sr@11224595) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@22479cf1; 6471 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6471(obfuscated.Sr@22479cf1) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@59f616ff; 6428 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6428(obfuscated.Sr@59f616ff) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1c22e000; 6461 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6461(obfuscated.Sr@1c22e000) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1e1e1872; 6477 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6477(obfuscated.Sr@1e1e1872) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@18731e0a; 6447 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6447(obfuscated.Sr@18731e0a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@57d066b0; 6411 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6411(obfuscated.Sr@57d066b0) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4ddc933; 6463 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6463(obfuscated.Sr@4ddc933) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4225fefd; 6457 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6457(obfuscated.Sr@4225fefd) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@582d2a24; 6444 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6444(obfuscated.Sr@582d2a24) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@304d2e3e; 6434 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6434(obfuscated.Sr@304d2e3e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@df11213; 6415 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6415(obfuscated.Sr@df11213) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@59c294d9; 6424 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6424(obfuscated.Sr@59c294d9) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3d4ad904; 6435 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6435(obfuscated.Sr@3d4ad904) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@52678bca; 6438 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6438(obfuscated.Sr@52678bca) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3c494dee; 6430 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6430(obfuscated.Sr@3c494dee) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1b9c088f; 6451 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6451(obfuscated.Sr@1b9c088f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@402442bc; 6474 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6474(obfuscated.Sr@402442bc) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2ffd4cd0; 6423 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6423(obfuscated.Sr@2ffd4cd0) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3be3de1e; 6431 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6431(obfuscated.Sr@3be3de1e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1bbfcbf0; 6458 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6458(obfuscated.Sr@1bbfcbf0) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@633c7ed1; 6442 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6442(obfuscated.Sr@633c7ed1) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6f995f16; 6448 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6448(obfuscated.Sr@6f995f16) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6cfe1633; 6432 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6432(obfuscated.Sr@6cfe1633) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@150c0bbb; 6419 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6419(obfuscated.Sr@150c0bbb) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6ecde478; 6478 [2016-04-04 03:20:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6478(obfuscated.Sr@6ecde478) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:20:51] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.25676006, -0.6007844, 0.75669605) [2016-04-04 03:20:51] HIT RESULT near: (9, 5, 10)[Metal Grill]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:51] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 03:20:51] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:53] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6122.136, 2717.7698, 5138.665) [2016-04-04 03:20:53] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.116310075, 0.1739012, -0.9778703) [2016-04-04 03:20:53] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6122.136, 2717.7698, 5138.665); (6122.136, 2717.7698, 5138.665) [2016-04-04 03:20:53] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:20:53] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:20:54] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:54] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:20:54] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:20:54] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:54] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:54] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:54] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:54] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:55] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6129.4688, 2723.6653, 5148.7314) [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:55] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6121.8, 2717.677, 5139.613) [2016-04-04 03:20:58] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:20:58] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:58] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6121.9863, 2717.935, 5138.585) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6121.986, 2717.9348, 5138.585) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] Error in class 'SourceLWJGL OpenAL' [2016-04-04 03:20:59] Channel null in method 'stop' [2016-04-04 03:20:59] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11225273, 0.18921262, -0.97549874) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576); (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6121.917, 2717.9595, 5138.582); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) -> (6121.917, 2717.9595, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.8047, 2717.7703, 5139.5576) TO (6121.917, 2717.9595, 5138.582) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6121.917, 2717.9595, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6121.9165, 2717.9595, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6121.9165, 2717.9595, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6121.916, 2717.9592, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6121.92, 2717.9714, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11230874, 0.1896699, -0.97540355) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.92, 2717.9714, 5138.582); (6121.92, 2717.9714, 5138.582) [2016-04-04 03:20:59] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:20:59] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:21:05] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:05] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:21:05] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:21:05] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:06] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6129.6343, 2723.8093, 5148.8286) [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6121.83, 2717.8296, 5139.5244) [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3363.8171, 1234.2649, 1771.3634) [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:21:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:21:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6481 (Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-62.560913, -67.88597, 618.81946) [2016-04-04 03:21:18] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:21:18] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481) [2016-04-04 03:21:25] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, spocklin]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:21:25] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: spocklin has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:21:25] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: spocklin has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:21:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 544690 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1987 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1987 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1987 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1987 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=DireVenom, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=AWatchingOwl, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=crybllrd, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=spocklin, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Cap-liuks2011, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=DireVenom, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=AWatchingOwl, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=crybllrd, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=spocklin, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Cap-liuks2011, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=DireVenom, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=AWatchingOwl, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=crybllrd, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=spocklin, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Cap-liuks2011, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=DireVenom, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=AWatchingOwl, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=crybllrd, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=spocklin, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1a22 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Cap-liuks2011, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[Furon Titan](6689) TOOK 163 [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -32), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 5, name=Patrol Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514065], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -32), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 6, name=Patrol Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514066]], name=Patrol Fleet 3, owner=spocklin, dbid=117, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 1, name=Assault Ship 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571126], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 2, name=Assault Ship 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571127], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 3, name=Assault Ship 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571128], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 4, name=Assault Ship 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571129], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 5, name=Assault Ship 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571130], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 6, name=Assault Ship 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571131], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 7, name=Assault Ship 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571132], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 8, name=Assault Ship 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571133], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 9, name=Assault Ship 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571134], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Assault Ship 10, name=Assault Ship 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571135]], name=Assault Fleet 1, owner=spocklin, dbid=213, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Furon Titan, name=Furon Titan, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=348649], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Furon Titan Miner, name=Furon Titan Miner, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=426688], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 1rl0, name=Viper 1rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=348840], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 2rl0, name=Viper 2rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360328], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 3rl0, name=Viper 3rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360422], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 4rl0, name=Viper 4rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360417], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 5rl0, name=Viper 5rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360420], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 6rl0, name=Viper 6rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360418], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Viper 7rl0, name=Viper 7rl0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=360419]], name=Main Fleet, owner=spocklin, dbid=91, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 1, name=Silver Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518897], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 2, name=Silver Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518898], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 3, name=Silver Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518899], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 4, name=Silver Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518900], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 5, name=Silver Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518901], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 10, name=Silver Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554998], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 11, name=Silver Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554999], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 12, name=Silver Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555000], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 13, name=Silver Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555001], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 14, name=Silver Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555002], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 15, name=Silver Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555003], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 16, name=Silver Viper 16, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555004], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 17, name=Silver Viper 17, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555005], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 18, name=Silver Viper 18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555006], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 19, name=Silver Viper 19, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555007], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 20, name=Silver Viper 20, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555008], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 21, name=Silver Viper 21, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555009], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 9, name=Silver Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554997], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 22, name=Silver Viper 22, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555010], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 23, name=Silver Viper 23, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555080], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 24, name=Silver Viper 24, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555081], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 25, name=Silver Viper 25, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=555082], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 6, name=Silver Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554993], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 7, name=Silver Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554994], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 14, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Silver Viper 8, name=Silver Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=554996]], name=Silver Squadron, owner=spocklin, dbid=132, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 1rl11, name=Iron Frigate 1rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569643], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 2rl11, name=Iron Frigate 2rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569644], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 3rl11, name=Iron Frigate 3rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569645], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 4rl11, name=Iron Frigate 4rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569646], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 5rl11, name=Iron Frigate 5rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569647], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 6rl11, name=Iron Frigate 6rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569648], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 7rl11, name=Iron Frigate 7rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569649], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 8rl11, name=Iron Frigate 8rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569650], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 9rl11, name=Iron Frigate 9rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569651], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Iron Frigate 10rl11, name=Iron Frigate 10rl11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569652]], name=Iron Fleet, owner=spocklin, dbid=209, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-105, 14, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Battlestar Sigma, name=Battlestar Sigma, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=420111]], name=Battlestar, owner=spocklin, dbid=270, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 1, name=Titanium Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569696], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 10, name=Titanium Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569705], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 12, name=Titanium Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569707], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 13, name=Titanium Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569708], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 14, name=Titanium Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569709], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 15, name=Titanium Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569710], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 16, name=Titanium Viper 16, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569711], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 17, name=Titanium Viper 17, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569712], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 18, name=Titanium Viper 18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569713], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 19, name=Titanium Viper 19, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569714], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 2, name=Titanium Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569697], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 20, name=Titanium Viper 20, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569715], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 21, name=Titanium Viper 21, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569716], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 22, name=Titanium Viper 22, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569717], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 23, name=Titanium Viper 23, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569718], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 24, name=Titanium Viper 24, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569719], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 25, name=Titanium Viper 25, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569720], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 3, name=Titanium Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569698], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 4, name=Titanium Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569699], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 5, name=Titanium Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569700], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 6, name=Titanium Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569701], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 7, name=Titanium Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569702], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 8, name=Titanium Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569703], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titanium Viper 9, name=Titanium Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569704], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 8, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Titaniun Viper 11, name=Titaniun Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=569706]], name=Titanium Squadron, owner=spocklin, dbid=210, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 1, name=Steal Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646624], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 10, name=Steal Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646633], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 11, name=Steal Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646634], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 12, name=Steal Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646635], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 13, name=Steal Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646636], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 14, name=Steal Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646637], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 15, name=Steal Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646638], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 16, name=Steal Viper 16, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646639], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 17, name=Steal Viper 17, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646640], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 18, name=Steal Viper 18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646641], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 19, name=Steal Viper 19, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646642], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 2, name=Steal Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646625], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 20, name=Steal Viper 20, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646643], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 21, name=Steal Viper 21, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646644], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 22, name=Steal Viper 22, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646645], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 23, name=Steal Viper 23, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646646], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 24, name=Steal Viper 24, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646647], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 25, name=Steal Viper 25, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646648], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 3, name=Steal Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646626], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 4, name=Steal Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646627], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 5, name=Steal Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646628], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 6, name=Steal Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646629], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 7, name=Steal Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646630], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 8, name=Steal Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646631], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 14, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Steal Viper 9, name=Steal Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=646632]], name=Steal Squadron, owner=spocklin, dbid=394, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 9, name=Attack Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515009], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 10, name=Attack Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515010], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 11, name=Attack Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515011], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 12, name=Attack Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515024], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 13, name=Attack Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515025], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 14, name=Attack Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515044], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 15, name=Attack Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515045], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 6, name=Attack Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515006], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 7, name=Attack Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515007], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 8, name=Attack Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515008]], name=Attack Fleet 2, owner=spocklin, dbid=120, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 2, name=Attack Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=497938], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 3, name=Attack Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=497939], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 4, name=Attack Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=497940], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper 5, name=Attack Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=497941], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G1, name=Attack Viper G1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571562], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G2, name=Attack Viper G2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571563], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G3, name=Attack Viper G3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571564], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G4, name=Attack Viper G4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571565], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G5, name=Attack Viper G5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571572], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(162, -4, -61), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Attack Viper G6, name=Attack Viper G6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=571573]], name=Attack Fleet 1, owner=spocklin, dbid=90, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 13, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 1, name=Patrol Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514060], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 13, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 2, name=Patrol Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514061]], name=Patrol Fleet 1, owner=spocklin, dbid=115, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 3, name=Patrol Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514062], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 15, -29), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 4, name=Patrol Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514063]], name=Patrol Fleet 2, owner=spocklin, dbid=116, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 1, name=Gold Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518892], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 2, name=Gold Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518893], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 3, name=Gold Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518894], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 4, name=Gold Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518895], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 5, name=Gold Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=518896], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 10, name=Gold Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550572], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 11, name=Gold Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550573], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 12, name=Gold Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550585], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 13, name=Gold Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550586], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 14, name=Gold Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550587], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 15, name=Gold Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550588], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 16, name=Gold Viper 16, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550597], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 17, name=Gold Viper 17, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550598], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 18, name=Gold Viper 18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550599], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 19, name=Gold Viper 19, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550600], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 20, name=Gold Viper 20, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550601], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 21, name=Gold Viper 21, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550602], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 22, name=Gold Viper 22, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550603], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 23, name=Gold Viper 23, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550604], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 24, name=Gold Viper 24, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550605], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 25, name=Gold Viper 25, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550606], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 6, name=Gold Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550568], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 7, name=Gold Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550569], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 8, name=Gold Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550570], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-104, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Gold Viper 9, name=Gold Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=550571]], name=Gold Squadron, owner=spocklin, dbid=131, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-108, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 7, name=Patrol Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514067], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-108, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Patrol Viper 8, name=Patrol Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=514068]], name=Patrol Fleet 4, owner=spocklin, dbid=118, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 3, name=Defense Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515058], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 4, name=Defense Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515059], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 5, name=Defense Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515061], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-103, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 6, name=Defense Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=515062]], name=Defense Fleet 2, owner=spocklin, dbid=121, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 1, name=Missile Corvette 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=577118], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 2, name=Missile Corvette 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=577119], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 3, name=Missile Corvette 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=577120], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 4, name=Missile Corvette 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=577121], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -27), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 5, name=Missile Corvette 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=577122]], name=Missile Squadron 1, owner=spocklin, dbid=231, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 6, name=Missile Corvette 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=649445], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(0, 0, 0), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 7, name=Missile Corvette 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=649449], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 9, name=Missile Corvette 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=649451], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 8, name=Missile Corvette 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=649450], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 13, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Missile Corvette 10, name=Missile Corvette 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=649452]], name=Missile Squadron 2, owner=spocklin, dbid=396, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Furon Cruiserrl15, name=Furon Cruiserrl15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521439], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 1, name=Cruiser Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521440], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 2, name=Cruiser Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521442], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 3, name=Cruiser Viper 3, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521443], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 4, name=Cruiser Viper 4, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521444], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 5, name=Cruiser Viper 5, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521445], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 6, name=Cruiser Viper 6, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521446], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 7, name=Cruiser Viper 7, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521447], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 8, name=Cruiser Viper 8, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521448], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 9, name=Cruiser Viper 9, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521449], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 10, name=Cruiser Viper 10, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521450], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 11, name=Cruiser Viper 11, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521451], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 12, name=Cruiser Viper 12, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521452], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 13, name=Cruiser Viper 13, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521453], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 14, name=Cruiser Viper 14, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521454], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 15, name=Cruiser Viper 15, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521455], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 17, name=Cruiser Viper 17, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521457], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 18, name=Cruiser Viper 18, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521458], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 19, name=Cruiser Viper 19, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521459], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 9, -28), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Cruiser Viper 16, name=Cruiser Viper 16, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=521456]], name=Secondary Fleet, owner=spocklin, dbid=135, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 1, name=Defense Viper 1, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=368371], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-106, 12, -30), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Defense Viper 2, name=Defense Viper 2, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=368370]], name=Defense Fleet, owner=spocklin, dbid=72, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:21:28] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.8916, 2709.733, 5136.1284) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.891, 2709.733, 5136.1284) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] Error in class 'SourceLWJGL OpenAL' [2016-04-04 03:21:29] Channel null in method 'stop' [2016-04-04 03:21:29] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11598193, 0.25811195, -0.9591281) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244); (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) -> (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6118.5356, 2709.3474, 5137.0244) TO (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.652, 2709.6055, 5136.0654) [2016-04-04 03:21:31] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.96574545, 0.2409105, 0.09351678) [2016-04-04 03:21:31] HIT RESULT near: (11, 9, 7)[Grey Standard Armor]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:31] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 03:21:31] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:32] [GHOST-OBJECT] SWEEP TEST TIME: 41 [2016-04-04 03:21:32] [CLIENT] WARNING: Physics took 43 [2016-04-04 03:21:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=6481 (Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481); detach pos: (-64.76255, -48.44595, 623.0444) [2016-04-04 03:21:32] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:32] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:21:34] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6118.6377, 2709.6091, 5136.0713) [2016-04-04 03:21:34] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11525226, 0.2572537, -0.95944643) [2016-04-04 03:21:34] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.6377, 2709.6091, 5136.0713); (6118.6377, 2709.6091, 5136.0713) [2016-04-04 03:21:34] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:21:34] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:21:37] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:21:37] : [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [2016-04-04 03:21:37] Kazune Koyama - ?? (193A).ogg [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:37] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6125.965, 2714.7302, 5146.6562) [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6118.5264, 2709.3362, 5137.03) [2016-04-04 03:21:37] Error [2016-04-04 03:21:37] : [2016-04-04 03:21:37] [2016-04-04 03:21:37] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:21:39] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:39] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-56.76255, -56.44595, 615.0444) [2016-04-04 03:21:39] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:21:39] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480) [2016-04-04 03:21:43] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 6834 [2016-04-04 03:21:43] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:21:43] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:21:43] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:21:45] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Semi-private chat group room; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:21:45] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Scenarios; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:21:45] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] [2016-04-04 03:21:45] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:21:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481); 6481 [2016-04-04 03:21:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6481(Ship[Thriver_1459732870379](6481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:50] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=damn blocking core] [2016-04-04 03:21:50] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: damn blocking core; ML: 42 [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.555, 2707.6252, 5135.5366) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.555, 2707.6257, 5135.5366) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11495262, 0.25676852, -0.95961237) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946); (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6118.5586, 2707.614, 5135.535); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) -> (6118.5586, 2707.614, 5135.535) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6118.444, 2707.3572, 5136.4946) TO (6118.5586, 2707.614, 5135.535) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.5586, 2707.614, 5135.535) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.558, 2707.614, 5135.535) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.558, 2707.614, 5135.535) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:21:54] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.5576, 2707.614, 5135.535) [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6496); 6496 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6496(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](6520); 6520 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6520(Ship[Escape pod](6520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](6585); 6585 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6585(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](6585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6640); 6640 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6640(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](6640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](6530); 6530 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6530(Ship[FarStar](6530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](6596); 6596 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6596(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](6596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](6546); 6546 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6546(Ship[Cube](6546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](6624); 6624 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6624(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](6624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](6634); 6634 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6634(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](6634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](6560); 6560 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6560(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](6560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](6600); 6600 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6600(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](6600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](6573); 6573 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6573(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](6573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](6564); 6564 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6564(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](6564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](6579); 6579 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6579(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](6579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6521); 6521 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6521(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](6622); 6622 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6622(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](6622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6497); 6497 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6497(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6509); 6509 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6509(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6509)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6503); 6503 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6503(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6544); 6544 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6544(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](6604); 6604 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6604(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](6604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6532); 6532 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6532(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6532)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](6563); 6563 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6563(Ship[World Eater](6563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6638); 6638 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6638(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](6638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](6548); 6548 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6548(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](6548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](6621); 6621 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6621(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](6621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6524); 6524 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6524(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](6608); 6608 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6608(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](6608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](6577); 6577 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6577(Ship[Almighty Ship](6577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6527); 6527 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6527(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](6607); 6607 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6607(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](6607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](6516); 6516 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6516(Ship[Shadow corp ship](6516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](6606); 6606 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6606(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](6606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](6623); 6623 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6623(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](6623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](6630); 6630 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6630(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](6630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6508); 6508 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6508(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6508)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6540); 6540 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6540(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6512); 6512 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6512(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6512)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6538); 6538 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6538(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6538)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](6611); 6611 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6611(Ship[Memeinator](6611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](6618); 6618 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6618(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](6618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](6580); 6580 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6580(Ship[Fraction](6580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6492); 6492 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6492(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6523); 6523 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6523(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](6591); 6591 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6591(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](6591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](6614); 6614 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6614(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](6614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](6554); 6554 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6554(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](6554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6485); 6485 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6485(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](6605); 6605 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6605(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](6605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](6552); 6552 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6552(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](6552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](6589); 6589 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6589(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](6589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6529); 6529 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6529(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](6629); 6629 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6629(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](6629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](6510); 6510 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6510(Ship[Mah Bucket](6510)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](6633); 6633 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6633(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](6633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](6617); 6617 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6617(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](6617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6539); 6539 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6539(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6639); 6639 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6639(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](6639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](6559); 6559 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6559(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](6559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](6597); 6597 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6597(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](6597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6494); 6494 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6494(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](6551); 6551 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6551(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](6551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6489); 6489 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6489(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6499); 6499 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6499(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6493); 6493 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6493(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](6575); 6575 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6575(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](6575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](6584); 6584 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6584(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](6584)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6534); 6534 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6534(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6536); 6536 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6536(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](6598); 6598 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6598(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](6598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6537); 6537 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6537(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](6553); 6553 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6553(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](6553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](6613); 6613 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6613(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](6613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](6561); 6561 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6561(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](6561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6541); 6541 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6541(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](6635); 6635 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6635(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](6635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6513); 6513 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6513(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6513)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](6488); 6488 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6488(Ship[The Shuttle](6488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6526); 6526 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6526(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](6627); 6627 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6627(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](6627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6511); 6511 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6511(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6511)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](6502); 6502 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6502(Ship[UC Eden](6502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](6590); 6590 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6590(Ship[ConduPrime_001](6590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](6567); 6567 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6567(Ship[redstone](6567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](6528); 6528 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6528(Ship[F](6528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6495); 6495 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6495(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](6632); 6632 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6632(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](6632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](6556); 6556 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6556(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](6556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6522); 6522 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6522(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](6609); 6609 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6609(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](6609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6487); 6487 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6487(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6517); 6517 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6517(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6506); 6506 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6506(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](6572); 6572 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6572(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](6572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](6602); 6602 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6602(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](6602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](6588); 6588 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6588(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](6588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](6619); 6619 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6619(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](6619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](6620); 6620 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6620(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](6620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](6578); 6578 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6578(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](6578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](6555); 6555 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6555(Ship[The Noob Ship](6555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](6547); 6547 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6547(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](6547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](6595); 6595 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6595(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](6595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6500); 6500 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6500(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](6631); 6631 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6631(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](6631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6490); 6490 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6490(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](6507); 6507 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6507(Ship[ssKingduffs](6507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](6581); 6581 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6581(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](6581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6484); 6484 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6484(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](6557); 6557 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6557(Ship[Water Wheel](6557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](6550); 6550 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6550(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](6550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6515); 6515 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6515(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6515)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](6625); 6625 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6625(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](6625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](6636); 6636 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6636(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](6636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6505); 6505 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6505(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](6601); 6601 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6601(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](6601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](6576); 6576 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6576(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](6576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](6562); 6562 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6562(Ship[justint](6562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](6565); 6565 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6565(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](6565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](6612); 6612 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6612(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](6612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](6615); 6615 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6615(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](6615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6518); 6518 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6518(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](6637); 6637 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6637(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](6637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](6582); 6582 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6582(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](6582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6545); 6545 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6545(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](6571); 6571 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6571(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](6571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6535)]; 6535 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6535(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6535)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](6574); 6574 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6574(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](6574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](6586); 6586 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6586(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](6586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](6594); 6594 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6594(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](6594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](6603); 6603 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6603(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](6603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](6549); 6549 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6549(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](6549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6531); 6531 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6531(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6531)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](6610); 6610 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6610(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](6610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](6570); 6570 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6570(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](6570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](6558); 6558 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6558(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](6558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](6525); 6525 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6525(Ship[shippy vw](6525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](6583); 6583 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6583(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](6583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](6568); 6568 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6568(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](6568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6533); 6533 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6533(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6498); 6498 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6498(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6514); 6514 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6514(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6514)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](6628); 6628 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6628(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](6628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6542); 6542 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6542(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](6569); 6569 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6569(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](6569)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6491); 6491 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6491(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6504); 6504 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6504(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](6587); 6587 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6587(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](6587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](6626); 6626 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6626(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](6626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](6599); 6599 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6599(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](6599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](6566); 6566 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6566(Ship[Sperg Mobile](6566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6486); 6486 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6486(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](6593); 6593 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6593(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](6593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](6616); 6616 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6616(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](6616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6501); 6501 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6501(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](6519); 6519 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6519(Ship[Voiden](6519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](6592); 6592 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6592(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](6592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6641); 6641 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6641(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](6641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6543); 6543 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6543(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:21:55] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6118.56, 2707.62, 5135.5366) [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11489941, 0.25676048, -0.95962083) [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.56, 2707.62, 5135.5366); (6118.56, 2707.62, 5135.5366) [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:21:55] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6483)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 6483 [2016-04-04 03:21:55] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6483([CLIENT ReSector(6483)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:22:05] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:22:05] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6125.8955, 2712.7703, 5146.121) [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:05] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6118.433, 2707.3562, 5136.4946) [2016-04-04 03:22:06] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] FROM -2 TO 6642 [2016-04-04 03:22:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6933 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:22:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] [2016-04-04 03:22:15] [JOYSTICK] reading config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 03:22:15] [JOYSTICK] writing config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 03:22:47] PRESSED MOUSE TO ACTIVATE [2016-04-04 03:22:48] DUIPLICATE KEY SERVER_INFO - CHANGE_SHIP_MODE [2016-04-04 03:22:48] DUIPLICATE KEY CHANGE_SHIP_MODE - SERVER_INFO [2016-04-04 03:22:48] DUIPLICATE KEY ALIGN_SHIP - LEADERBOARD_PANEL [2016-04-04 03:22:48] DUIPLICATE KEY LEADERBOARD_PANEL - ALIGN_SHIP [2016-04-04 03:22:48] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.Ju@6828e4e5 [2016-04-04 03:22:51] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.aa@18b24680 [2016-04-04 03:22:51] WRITING JOYSTICK CONFIG [2016-04-04 03:22:51] [JOYSTICK] writing config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 03:22:51] [JOYSTICK] reading config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 03:22:51] [JOYSTICK] writing config ./joystick.cfg [2016-04-04 03:22:52] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.U@2768f1a3 [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.5913, 2708.0264, 5135.4004) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.5913, 2708.0269, 5135.4004) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11547615, 0.2973373, -0.9477636) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337); (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6118.5835, 2707.9922, 5135.389); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) -> (6118.5835, 2707.9922, 5135.389) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6118.4683, 2707.6948, 5136.337) TO (6118.5835, 2707.9922, 5135.389) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.5835, 2707.9922, 5135.389) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.583, 2707.9924, 5135.3896) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.583, 2707.9924, 5135.3896) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.5825, 2707.9924, 5135.3896) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6118.586, 2708.0012, 5135.3926) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.115478374, 0.2973997, -0.9477438) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.586, 2708.0012, 5135.3926); (6118.586, 2708.0012, 5135.3926) [2016-04-04 03:22:55] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:22:55] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:23:02] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:23:02] : [2016-04-04 03:23:02] [2016-04-04 03:23:02] Death Note - Suiri.ogg [2016-04-04 03:23:02] Error [2016-04-04 03:23:02] : [2016-04-04 03:23:02] [2016-04-04 03:23:02] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:23:08] [SIT] SIDE: TOP: (-0.21386719, 0.5, -0.4501953); (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:23:08] [SIT] one or more blocks filled. Block to sit on: (8, 9, 8) Block above: (8, 10, 8) [2016-04-04 03:23:08] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Can't sit here! Area blocked from above! [2016-04-04 03:23:10] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:10] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6125.985, 2712.962, 5146.2124) [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:10] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6118.433, 2707.4492, 5136.4487) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.6416, 2707.9717, 5135.573) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.642, 2707.9717, 5135.5728) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] Error in class 'SourceLWJGL OpenAL' [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:23:13] Channel null in method 'stop' [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11438052, 0.26817954, -0.9565547) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473); (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6118.545, 2707.72, 5135.4907); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) -> (6118.545, 2707.72, 5135.4907) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6118.4307, 2707.452, 5136.4473) TO (6118.545, 2707.72, 5135.4907) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.545, 2707.72, 5135.4907) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.5454, 2707.72, 5135.4907) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6118.5454, 2707.72, 5135.4907) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:13] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6118.546, 2707.72, 5135.4907) [2016-04-04 03:23:14] SCHEDULED WARP CHECK: OLD POSITION: (6118.5513, 2707.7275, 5135.493) [2016-04-04 03:23:14] [SHEDULEDWARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.11438689, 0.2683102, -0.9565173) [2016-04-04 03:23:14] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6118.5513, 2707.7275, 5135.493); (6118.5513, 2707.7275, 5135.493) [2016-04-04 03:23:14] [KINEMATIC] WARP OUT DIDNT DETECT A HIT [2016-04-04 03:23:14] NO WARP NECESSARY [2016-04-04 03:23:16] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.23792218, -0.46449462, 0.8526825) [2016-04-04 03:23:16] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:16] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 03:23:16] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:16] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.72179466, -0.13312761, 0.6787628) [2016-04-04 03:23:16] HIT RESULT near: (11, 6, 8)[Brown Standard Armor Wedge]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 11][active][100hp][le], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:16] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.50631785, 0.48396075, 0.71334004) [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Ended alignment. [2016-04-04 03:23:17] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), null [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> null [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:17] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:23:17] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:23:17] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (0.022300031, -0.5142494, 0.8570395) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] HIT RESULT near: (10, 5, 10)[Metal Grill]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6115.9287, 2705.185, 5136.51) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:19] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6115.928, 2705.185, 5136.51) [2016-04-04 03:23:19] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:23:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480); detach pos: (-64.22049, -48.105484, 741.1492) [2016-04-04 03:23:34] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:34] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:23:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:23:37] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:37] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.5600229, 0.33025053, 0.75948143) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] HIT RESULT near: (9, 9, 7)[Grey Hull Wedge]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 10][active][75hp][lc], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:23:38] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618): AABB test failed: Own: (-29.21289, -18.195557, 27.528809); (4.7871094, 15.804443, 61.52881) ---- Source (-4.5652857, -2.2033808, -3.0986195); (5.5367146, 3.898619, 5.003381) of Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6128.598, 2663.544, 5126.4424) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:38] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6128.5977, 2663.544, 5126.4424) [2016-04-04 03:23:38] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1618 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard(1618); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:23:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:23:40] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:23:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:23:40] HIT RESULT near: (8, 9, 7)[Grey Hull Wedge]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 8][active][75hp][ld], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:40] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 9, 7)[Grey Hull Wedge]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 8][active][75hp][ld] [2016-04-04 03:23:41] HIT RESULT near: (8, 7, 8)[Grey Hull Corner]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 6][active][75hp][kz], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:41] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 7, 8)[Grey Hull Corner]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 6][active][75hp][kz] [2016-04-04 03:23:42] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1618 (Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6130.0054, 2651.3853, 5134.77) [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:42] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); at: (6126.97, 2662.712, 5126.823) [2016-04-04 03:23:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-56.22049, -56.105484, 733.1492) [2016-04-04 03:23:45] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:23:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); segSec: 1623; [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1618 (Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6142.7334, 2650.0586, 5139.4004) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6142.733, 2650.058, 5139.4) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); detach pos: (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.4104518, 0.86066973, -0.30129206) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927); (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.4863, 2650.4849, 5138.1914) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.214, 2649.8923, 5139.4463) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.9375, 2649.3562, 5137.539) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.665, 2648.7637, 5138.794) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.1743, 2650.0571, 5138.5015) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.977, 2649.1914, 5138.484) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.5684, 2650.657, 5138.1313) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.241, 2649.9458, 5139.6367) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.91, 2649.3027, 5137.3486) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.583, 2648.5916, 5138.854) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6141.994, 2650.1438, 5138.5034) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6144.157, 2649.1047, 5138.482) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.6504, 2650.8293, 5138.071) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.269, 2649.9995, 5139.8276) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.8823, 2649.249, 5137.1577) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.501, 2648.4192, 5138.9146) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6141.814, 2650.2305, 5138.505) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6144.3374, 2649.018, 5138.4805) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.7324, 2651.0015, 5138.0107) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.2964, 2650.053, 5140.018) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.855, 2649.1956, 5136.9673) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6142.419, 2648.247, 5138.9746) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6141.6333, 2650.317, 5138.507) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6144.518, 2648.9316, 5138.4785) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.8145, 2651.1736, 5137.95) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6143.324, 2650.1067, 5140.209) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.7764); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) -> (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.7764) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6143.0757, 2649.6243, 5138.4927) TO (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.7764) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.7764) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.777) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.777) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:23:49] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) origin: (6142.827, 2649.1418, 5136.777) [2016-04-04 03:23:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480); detach pos: (-64.22049, -48.105484, 741.1492) [2016-04-04 03:23:53] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:53] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.45855784, 0.20252019, -0.8650619) [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Ended alignment. [2016-04-04 03:23:55] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), null [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618) -> null [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:23:55] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:23:55] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:23:56] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[NULL; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:23:56] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:23:56] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:23:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-56.22049, -56.105484, 733.1492) [2016-04-04 03:23:58] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:23:58] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480) [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:23:59] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion left the game. [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)] [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]; 2398 [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2398(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Ion)(2398)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]; 1819 [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1819(PlS[Ion ; id(1819)(8)f(10782)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (2097)ChatSystem; 2097 [2016-04-04 03:23:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2097((2097)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=6480 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:24:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480); detach pos: (-64.22049, -48.105484, 741.1492) [2016-04-04 03:24:00] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:00] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:24:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:24:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:24:01] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:01] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:24:03] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:24:03] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:24:05] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:24:06] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Sachys][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=Pencil!] [2016-04-04 03:24:06] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Sachys: Pencil!; ML: 15 [2016-04-04 03:24:06] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:24:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:24:07] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:24:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=need more blue please] [2016-04-04 03:24:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: need more blue please; ML: 43 [2016-04-04 03:24:10] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:24:10] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:24:15] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:24:16] INPUT CGHANGED h [2016-04-04 03:24:17] INPUT CGHANGED hu [2016-04-04 03:24:17] INPUT CGHANGED hul [2016-04-04 03:24:17] INPUT CGHANGED hull [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 281448 / 1521636 [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1b4c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1b4c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1b4c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1b4c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:24:24] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 03:24:27] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@7e7aa9e2 [2016-04-04 03:24:29] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:24:29] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:24:32] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:24:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7196 (Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:24:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:24:41] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:24:41] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196) [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 7096 [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 03:24:48] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6958); 6958 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6958(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](6958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6970); 6970 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6970(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](6970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7076); 7076 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7076(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7076)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7001); 7001 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7001(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7065); 7065 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7065(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7065)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](7043); 7043 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7043(Ship[ConduPrime_001](7043)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7077); 7077 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7077(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7077)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6990); 6990 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6990(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](6990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7067); 7067 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7067(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7067)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7055); 7055 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7055(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7055)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7068); 7068 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7068(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7068)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7057); 7057 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7057(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7057)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7071); 7071 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7071(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7071)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7036); 7036 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7036(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7036)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6985); 6985 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6985(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](6985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7080); 7080 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7080(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7080)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6966); 6966 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6966(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](6966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6954); 6954 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6954(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](6954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7048); 7048 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7048(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7048)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7056); 7056 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7056(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7056)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7051); 7051 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7051(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7051)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7073); 7073 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7073(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7073)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7086); 7086 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7086(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7086)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7046); 7046 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7046(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7046)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](7010); 7010 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7010(Ship[Water Wheel](7010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7078); 7078 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7078(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7078)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7090); 7090 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7090(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7090)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6968); 6968 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6968(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](6968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7027); 7027 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7027(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7083); 7083 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7083(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7083)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6951); 6951 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](6951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6980); 6980 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6980(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](6980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7038); 7038 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7038(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7038)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6940); 6940 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6940(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](6940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7037); 7037 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7037(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7037)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6992); 6992 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6992(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](6992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6984); 6984 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6984(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](6984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7023); 7023 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7023(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7023)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7028); 7028 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7028(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7028)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7047); 7047 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7047(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7047)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7052); 7052 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7052(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7052)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](7020); 7020 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7020(Ship[redstone](7020)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7025); 7025 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7025(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6997); 6997 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6997(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](6997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7081); 7081 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7081(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7081)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6987); 6987 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6987(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](6987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6989); 6989 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6989(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](6989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6961); 6961 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6961(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](6961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7006); 7006 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7006(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7006)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6993); 6993 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6993(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](6993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6965); 6965 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6965(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](6965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7075); 7075 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7075(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7075)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7002); 7002 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7002(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6964); 6964 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6964(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](6964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6945); 6945 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6945(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](6945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](6969); 6969 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6969(Ship[Shadow corp ship](6969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7040); 7040 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7040(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7040)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](7015); 7015 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7015(Ship[justint](7015)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7004); 7004 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7004(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7004)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7085); 7085 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7085(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7085)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6946); 6946 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6946(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](6946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](6960); 6960 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6960(Ship[ssKingduffs](6960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7093); 7093 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7093(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7093)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7079); 7079 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7079(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7079)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](6983); 6983 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6983(Ship[FarStar](6983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6939); 6939 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6939(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](6939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6974); 6974 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6974(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](6974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7061); 7061 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7061(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7061)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6988)]; 6988 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6988(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(6988)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7026); 7026 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7026(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7026)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7035); 7035 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7035(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7035)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6998); 6998 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6998(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](6998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7012); 7012 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7012(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7012)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7005); 7005 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7005(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6971); 6971 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6971(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](6971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7049); 7049 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7049(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7049)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](6978); 6978 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6978(Ship[shippy vw](6978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6982); 6982 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6982(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](6982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6976); 6976 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6976(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](6976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6957); 6957 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6957(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](6957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6967); 6967 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](6967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6938); 6938 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](6938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7094); 7094 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7094(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7094)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6994); 6994 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6994(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](6994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6962); 6962 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6962(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](6962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6977); 6977 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6977(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](6977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7031); 7031 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7031(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7031)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](6973); 6973 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6973(Ship[Escape pod](6973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6949); 6949 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6949(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](6949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7059); 7059 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7059(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7059)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](6963); 6963 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6963(Ship[Mah Bucket](6963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7088); 7088 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7088(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7088)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7013); 7013 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7013(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7013)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6956); 6956 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6956(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](6956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7011); 7011 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7011(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7011)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6952); 6952 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6952(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](6952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7045); 7045 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7045(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7045)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6937); 6937 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](6937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7029); 7029 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7029(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7029)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7003); 7003 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7003(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7034); 7034 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7034(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7034)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7041); 7041 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7041(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7041)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6953); 6953 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](6953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7022); 7022 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7022(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7022)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7087); 7087 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7087(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7087)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6943); 6943 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6943(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](6943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6996); 6996 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6996(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](6996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7054); 7054 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7054(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7054)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6979); 6979 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6979(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](6979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7044); 7044 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7044(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7089); 7089 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7089(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7089)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7063); 7063 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7063(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7063)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](6999); 6999 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6999(Ship[Cube](6999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](6941); 6941 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6941(Ship[The Shuttle](6941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](7016); 7016 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7016(Ship[World Eater](7016)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7000); 7000 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7000(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6975); 6975 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6975(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](6975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7070); 7070 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7070(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7070)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7009); 7009 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7009(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7009)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](7019); 7019 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7019(Ship[Sperg Mobile](7019)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7053); 7053 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7053(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7053)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7058); 7058 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7058(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7058)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7084); 7084 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7084(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7084)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7024); 7024 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7024(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7024)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](6981); 6981 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6981(Ship[F](6981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7042); 7042 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7042(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7042)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7050); 7050 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7050(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7050)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6947); 6947 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6947(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](6947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](6955); 6955 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6955(Ship[UC Eden](6955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6959); 6959 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6959(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](6959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7018); 7018 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7018(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7018)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7092); 7092 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7092(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7092)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7017); 7017 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7017(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7017)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](7064); 7064 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7064(Ship[Memeinator](7064)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7066); 7066 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7066(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7066)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7069); 7069 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7069(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7069)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7074); 7074 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7074(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7074)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7032); 7032 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7032(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7032)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7091); 7091 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7091(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7091)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](7030); 7030 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7030(Ship[Almighty Ship](7030)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6942); 6942 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6942(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](6942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6948); 6948 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6948(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](6948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7072); 7072 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7072(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7072)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7021); 7021 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7021(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7007); 7007 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7007(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](7008); 7008 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7008(Ship[The Noob Ship](7008)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7082); 7082 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7082(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7082)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7039); 7039 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7039(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7039)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7060); 7060 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7060(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7060)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](6972); 6972 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6972(Ship[Voiden](6972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6991); 6991 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6991(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](6991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6944); 6944 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6944(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](6944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7062); 7062 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7062(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7062)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](7033); 7033 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7033(Ship[Fraction](7033)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6995); 6995 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6995(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](6995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6950); 6950 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6950(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](6950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7014); 7014 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7014(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7014)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6986); 6986 [2016-04-04 03:24:53] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6986(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](6986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:53] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:24:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6936)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 6936 [2016-04-04 03:24:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6936([CLIENT ReSector(6936)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:24:55] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 03:24:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7196 (Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:24:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196); detach pos: (-87.17953, -95.37319, 606.5832) [2016-04-04 03:24:55] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:24:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:24:56] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 03:24:56] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 03:24:56] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:24:56] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:24:57] INPUT CGHANGED grey h [2016-04-04 03:24:57] INPUT CGHANGED grey hu [2016-04-04 03:24:57] INPUT CGHANGED grey hul [2016-04-04 03:24:58] INPUT CGHANGED grey hull [2016-04-04 03:25:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7195 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:25:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-79.17953, -103.37319, 598.5832) [2016-04-04 03:25:01] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:25:01] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195) [2016-04-04 03:25:04] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@3c2a4a25 [2016-04-04 03:25:09] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196); 7196 [2016-04-04 03:25:09] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7196(Ship[Thriver_1459733073639](7196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:25:12] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:25:13] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:25:13] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:25:13] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:25:14] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:25:18] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@5cd5ec9d [2016-04-04 03:25:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:25:18] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:25:18] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:25:18] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:25:19] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Grey Hull(598) [2016-04-04 03:25:19] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Alloyed Metal Mesh(440) [2016-04-04 03:25:19] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Crystal Composite(220) [2016-04-04 03:25:19] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 3 of Blue Paint(246) [2016-04-04 03:25:19] ADD CONSISTENCE NORMAL 1 of Larimar Capsule(144) [2016-04-04 03:25:26] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@3240fe40 [2016-04-04 03:25:29] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:25:30] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:25:30] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:25:30] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:25:30] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:25:35] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@70d7ac2e [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion left the game. [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)]; 6935 [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6935(PlS[Ion ; id(6935)(22)f(10782)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (7096)ChatSystem; 7096 [2016-04-04 03:25:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7096((7096)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:25:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)], fromId=6933 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7197 (Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:25:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]; detach pos: (-8.42126, 4.6405697, -5.436287) [2016-04-04 03:25:58] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:25:58] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Added to controllers: Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197) [2016-04-04 03:26:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7195 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195); detach pos: (-89.12471, -94.91998, 742.47046) [2016-04-04 03:26:05] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:05] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:26:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:26:06] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](4386); 4386 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4386(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](4386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4102)sec[4101]; 4102 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4102(Asteroid(4102)sec[4101]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5842)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]; 5842 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5842([CLIENT ReSector(5842)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4104)sec[4101]; 4104 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4104(Asteroid(4104)sec[4101]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5843)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]; 5843 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5843([CLIENT ReSector(5843)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Docker Alpha](4389); 4389 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4389(Ship[Docker Alpha](4389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4111)sec[4105]; 4111 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4111(Asteroid(4111)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]; 4385 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4385(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(4385)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4400)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]; 4400 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4400([CLIENT ReSector(4400)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4089)sec[4084]; 4089 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4089(Asteroid(4089)sec[4084]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(4383)]; 4383 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4383(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(4383)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](4392); 4392 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4392(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](4392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4085)sec[4084]; 4085 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4085(Asteroid(4085)sec[4084]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](4391); 4391 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4391(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](4391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](4387); 4387 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4387(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](4387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret-base2](4388); 4388 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4388(Ship[S1-Turret-base2](4388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5840)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]; 5840 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5840([CLIENT ReSector(5840)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4107)sec[4105]; 4107 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4107(Asteroid(4107)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4404)sec[4402]; 4404 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4404(Asteroid(4404)sec[4402]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4401)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]; 4401 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4401([CLIENT ReSector(4401)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4087)sec[4084]; 4087 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4087(Asteroid(4087)sec[4084]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](4390); 4390 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4390(Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](4390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5837)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]; 5837 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5837([CLIENT ReSector(5837)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4086)sec[4084]; 4086 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4086(Asteroid(4086)sec[4084]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4394)sec[4393]; 4394 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4394(Asteroid(4394)sec[4393]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4106)sec[4105]; 4106 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4106(Asteroid(4106)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4399)sec[4398]; 4399 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4399(Asteroid(4399)sec[4398]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4110)sec[4105]; 4110 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4110(Asteroid(4110)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4091)sec[4090]; 4091 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4091(Asteroid(4091)sec[4090]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4088)sec[4084]; 4088 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4088(Asteroid(4088)sec[4084]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5838)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]; 5838 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5838([CLIENT ReSector(5838)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4113)true; (-106, 20, -42); ]; 4113 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4113([CLIENT ReSector(4113)true; (-106, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4092)true; (-107, 20, -42); ]; 4092 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4092([CLIENT ReSector(4092)true; (-107, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4379)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]; 4379 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4379([CLIENT ReSector(4379)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5836)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]; 5836 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5836([CLIENT ReSector(5836)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4103)sec[4101]; 4103 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4103(Asteroid(4103)sec[4101]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5835)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]; 5835 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5835([CLIENT ReSector(5835)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4381)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]; 4381 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4381([CLIENT ReSector(4381)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4396)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]; 4396 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4396([CLIENT ReSector(4396)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4403)sec[4402]; 4403 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4403(Asteroid(4403)sec[4402]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4395)sec[4393]; 4395 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4395(Asteroid(4395)sec[4393]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4380)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]; 4380 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4380([CLIENT ReSector(4380)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4108)sec[4105]; 4108 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4108(Asteroid(4108)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(4112)sec[4105]; 4112 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4112(Asteroid(4112)sec[4105]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Deconstruct Bait](6934); 6934 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6934(Ship[Deconstruct Bait](6934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5839)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]; 5839 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5839([CLIENT ReSector(5839)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5841)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]; 5841 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5841([CLIENT ReSector(5841)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4397)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]; 4397 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4397([CLIENT ReSector(4397)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4084)true; (-107, 20, -44); ]; 4084 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4084([CLIENT ReSector(4084)true; (-107, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4101)true; (-106, 20, -44); ]; 4101 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4101([CLIENT ReSector(4101)true; (-106, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4090)true; (-107, 20, -43); ]; 4090 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4090([CLIENT ReSector(4090)true; (-107, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4384)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]; 4384 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4384([CLIENT ReSector(4384)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4398)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]; 4398 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4398([CLIENT ReSector(4398)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4393)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]; 4393 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4393([CLIENT ReSector(4393)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4382)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]; 4382 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4382([CLIENT ReSector(4382)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4105)true; (-106, 20, -43); ]; 4105 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4105([CLIENT ReSector(4105)true; (-106, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4402)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]; 4402 [2016-04-04 03:26:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4402([CLIENT ReSector(4402)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)], fromId=7197 (Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6933 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]: Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197); detach pos: (12.227947, 15.10311, 5.7801867) [2016-04-04 03:26:13] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] [2016-04-04 03:26:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)], fromId=6933 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6794 (Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]; detach pos: (20.227947, 7.1031103, -2.2198129) [2016-04-04 03:26:17] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:26:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Added to controllers: Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794) [2016-04-04 03:26:22] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=lol and grey ] [2016-04-04 03:26:22] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: lol and grey ; ML: 44 [2016-04-04 03:26:25] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)], fromId=6794 (Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6933 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:25] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]: Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794); detach pos: (193.3228, 4.0233974, 69.12466) [2016-04-04 03:26:25] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:25] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] [2016-04-04 03:26:26] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197); 7197 [2016-04-04 03:26:26] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7197(Ship[spocklin_1459733164633](7197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:26:31] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:26:31] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:26:31] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:26:31] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 292225 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1cbf Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1cbf Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1cbf Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1cbf Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Tomatart, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1c53 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1c53 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1c53 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1c53 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:26:33] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:26:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7516 (Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:26:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:26:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:26:43] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516) [2016-04-04 03:26:56] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 7417 [2016-04-04 03:26:56] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:26:56] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:26:56] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:26:56] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:26:57] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] [2016-04-04 03:26:57] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:26:57] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:26:57] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:26:57] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:26:58] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:26:59] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@5e32b21e [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7516 (Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516); detach pos: (-98.50052, -88.6965, 612.18854) [2016-04-04 03:27:00] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7267); 7267 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7267(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7272); 7272 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7272(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7336); 7336 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7336(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7224); 7224 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7224(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7350); 7350 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7350(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](7293); 7293 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7293(Ship[Almighty Ship](7293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](7273); 7273 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7273(Ship[Water Wheel](7273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7338); 7338 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7338(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](7283); 7283 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7283(Ship[redstone](7283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7284); 7284 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7284(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7254); 7254 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7254(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7332); 7332 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7332(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7345); 7345 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7345(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7228); 7228 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7228(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7202); 7202 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7202(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7353); 7353 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7353(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7290); 7290 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7290(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7255); 7255 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7255(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7325); 7325 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7325(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7214); 7214 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7214(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7253); 7253 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7253(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7321); 7321 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7321(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7304); 7304 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7304(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7260); 7260 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7260(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7300); 7300 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7300(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7217); 7217 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7217(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](7204); 7204 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7204(Ship[The Shuttle](7204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7328); 7328 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7328(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7315); 7315 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7315(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](7218); 7218 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7218(Ship[UC Eden](7218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7213); 7213 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7213(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7299); 7299 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7299(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7206); 7206 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7206(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7227); 7227 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7227(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](7306); 7306 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7306(Ship[ConduPrime_001](7306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7215); 7215 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7215(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7230); 7230 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7230(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7219); 7219 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7219(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7237); 7237 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7237(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7352); 7352 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7352(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7229); 7229 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7229(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](7232); 7232 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7232(Ship[Shadow corp ship](7232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7251)]; 7251 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7251(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7251)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7242); 7242 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7242(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7222); 7222 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7222(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7252); 7252 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7252(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7354); 7354 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7354(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7275); 7275 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7275(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7310); 7310 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7310(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7324); 7324 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7324(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7281); 7281 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7281(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7322); 7322 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7322(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7270); 7270 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7270(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7341); 7341 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7341(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7261); 7261 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7261(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7221); 7221 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7221(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7250); 7250 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7250(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7307); 7307 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7307(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7264); 7264 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7264(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7207); 7207 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7207(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7231); 7231 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7231(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7340); 7340 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7340(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7216); 7216 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7216(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](7282); 7282 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7282(Ship[Sperg Mobile](7282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](7271); 7271 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7271(Ship[The Noob Ship](7271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7319); 7319 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7319(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7238); 7238 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7238(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](7226); 7226 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7226(Ship[Mah Bucket](7226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7288); 7288 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7288(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7239); 7239 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7239(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](7241); 7241 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7241(Ship[shippy vw](7241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7317); 7317 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7317(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7257); 7257 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7257(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7240); 7240 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7240(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7276); 7276 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7276(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7212); 7212 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7212(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7334); 7334 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7334(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7289); 7289 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7289(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7303); 7303 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7303(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7313); 7313 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7313(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7201); 7201 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7201(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7269); 7269 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7269(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7298); 7298 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7298(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7318); 7318 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7318(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](7236); 7236 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7236(Ship[Escape pod](7236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7210); 7210 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7210(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7268); 7268 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7268(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7326); 7326 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7326(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7259); 7259 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7259(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7234); 7234 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7234(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7337); 7337 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7337(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7356); 7356 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7356(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7265); 7265 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7265(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](7235); 7235 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7235(Ship[Voiden](7235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7351); 7351 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7351(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7286); 7286 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7286(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7339); 7339 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7339(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7249); 7249 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7249(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7320); 7320 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7320(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7220); 7220 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7220(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7211); 7211 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7211(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](7244); 7244 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7244(Ship[F](7244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7357); 7357 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7357(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7203); 7203 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7203(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7301); 7301 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7301(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7266); 7266 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7266(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7263); 7263 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7263(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7287); 7287 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7287(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7209); 7209 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7209(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7333); 7333 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7333(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7243); 7243 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7243(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7297); 7297 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7297(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](7246); 7246 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7246(Ship[FarStar](7246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7329); 7329 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7329(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7225); 7225 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7225(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7308); 7308 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7308(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7292); 7292 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7292(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7344); 7344 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7344(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7323); 7323 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7323(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7355); 7355 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7355(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7248); 7248 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7248(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](7278); 7278 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7278(Ship[justint](7278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7314); 7314 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7314(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7247); 7247 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7247(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7316); 7316 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7316(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7305); 7305 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7305(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7294); 7294 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7294(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7312); 7312 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7312(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](7262); 7262 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7262(Ship[Cube](7262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7258); 7258 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7258(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](7296); 7296 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7296(Ship[Fraction](7296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7285); 7285 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7285(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7295); 7295 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7295(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7277); 7277 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7277(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7274); 7274 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7274(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7335); 7335 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7335(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7335)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7280); 7280 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7280(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7331); 7331 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7331(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7208); 7208 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7208(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7349); 7349 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7349(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7311); 7311 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7311(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](7327); 7327 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7327(Ship[Memeinator](7327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7200); 7200 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7200(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7291); 7291 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7291(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7245); 7245 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7245(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7346); 7346 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7346(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7347); 7347 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7347(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](7279); 7279 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7279(Ship[World Eater](7279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7343); 7343 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7343(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7205); 7205 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7205(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7330); 7330 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7330(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](7223); 7223 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7223(Ship[ssKingduffs](7223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7342); 7342 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7342(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7233); 7233 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7233(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7256); 7256 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7256(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7348); 7348 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7348(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7302); 7302 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7302(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7309); 7309 [2016-04-04 03:27:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7309(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7309)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7199)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 7199 [2016-04-04 03:27:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7199([CLIENT ReSector(7199)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:03] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:27:04] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:27:04] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:27:04] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:27:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7415 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:27:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.50052, -96.6965, 604.18854) [2016-04-04 03:27:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:27:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415) [2016-04-04 03:27:07] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@17b8f82b [2016-04-04 03:27:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516); 7516 [2016-04-04 03:27:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7516(Ship[Thriver_1459733195697](7516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:12] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:27:12] : [2016-04-04 03:27:12] [2016-04-04 03:27:12] Kohei Tanaka - Kline's Dream.ogg [2016-04-04 03:27:12] Error [2016-04-04 03:27:12] : [2016-04-04 03:27:12] [2016-04-04 03:27:12] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:27:39] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:27:40] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:27:40] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:27:41] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:27:41] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:27:46] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@7264510c [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Ion]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Ion left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Ion left the game. [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (7417)ChatSystem; 7417 [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7417((7417)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)]; 7198 [2016-04-04 03:27:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7198(PlS[Ion ; id(7198)(23)f(10782)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:02] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@227c1db6 [2016-04-04 03:28:14] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:28:14] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 03:28:15] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 03:28:15] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 03:28:15] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7379)sec[7374]; 7379 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7379(Asteroid(7379)sec[7374]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7404)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]; 7404 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7404([CLIENT ReSector(7404)true; (-105, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7403)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]; 7403 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7403([CLIENT ReSector(7403)true; (-105, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7410)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]; 7410 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7410([CLIENT ReSector(7410)true; (-105, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7368)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]; 7368 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7368([CLIENT ReSector(7368)true; (-107, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7401)sec[7395]; 7401 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7401(Asteroid(7401)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7372)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]; 7372 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7372([CLIENT ReSector(7372)true; (-107, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](7365); 7365 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7365(Ship[S1-Turret_1459049729930](7365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7411)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]; 7411 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7411([CLIENT ReSector(7411)true; (-105, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(7387)]; 7387 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7387(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-AsteroidMine_-106_19_-44_1458525429678(7387)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7400)sec[7395]; 7400 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7400(Asteroid(7400)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7383)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]; 7383 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7383([CLIENT ReSector(7383)true; (-106, 18, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[S1-Turret-base2](7363); 7363 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7363(Ship[S1-Turret-base2](7363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7384)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]; 7384 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7384([CLIENT ReSector(7384)true; (-106, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7389)sec[7388]; 7389 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7389(Asteroid(7389)sec[7388]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7399)sec[7395]; 7399 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7399(Asteroid(7399)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7377)sec[7374]; 7377 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7377(Asteroid(7377)sec[7374]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7378)sec[7374]; 7378 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7378(Asteroid(7378)sec[7374]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7398)sec[7395]; 7398 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7398(Asteroid(7398)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7382)true; (-107, 20, -42); ]; 7382 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7382([CLIENT ReSector(7382)true; (-107, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7405)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]; 7405 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7405([CLIENT ReSector(7405)true; (-105, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7371)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]; 7371 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7371([CLIENT ReSector(7371)true; (-107, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7407)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]; 7407 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7407([CLIENT ReSector(7407)true; (-105, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7385)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]; 7385 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7385([CLIENT ReSector(7385)true; (-106, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7396)sec[7395]; 7396 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7396(Asteroid(7396)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7390)sec[7388]; 7390 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7390(Asteroid(7390)sec[7388]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7375)sec[7374]; 7375 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7375(Asteroid(7375)sec[7374]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7402)true; (-106, 20, -42); ]; 7402 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7402([CLIENT ReSector(7402)true; (-106, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7392)sec[7391]; 7392 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7392(Asteroid(7392)sec[7391]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7370)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]; 7370 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7370([CLIENT ReSector(7370)true; (-107, 18, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7394)sec[7391]; 7394 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7394(Asteroid(7394)sec[7391]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7381)sec[7380]; 7381 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7381(Asteroid(7381)sec[7380]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](7367); 7367 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7367(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S14](7367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7397)sec[7395]; 7397 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7397(Asteroid(7397)sec[7395]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7414)sec[7412]; 7414 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7414(Asteroid(7414)sec[7412]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7393)sec[7391]; 7393 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7393(Asteroid(7393)sec[7391]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](7366); 7366 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7366(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S11](7366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7413)sec[7412]; 7413 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7413(Asteroid(7413)sec[7412]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7376)sec[7374]; 7376 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7376(Asteroid(7376)sec[7374]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](7361); 7361 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7361(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S15](7361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7406)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]; 7406 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7406([CLIENT ReSector(7406)true; (-105, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](7360); 7360 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7360(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_S10](7360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Docker Alpha](7364); 7364 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7364(Ship[Docker Alpha](7364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Deconstruct Bait](7362); 7362 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7362(Ship[Deconstruct Bait](7362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(7359)]; 7359 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7359(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_KOD-Base-Alpha(7359)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7369)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]; 7369 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7369([CLIENT ReSector(7369)true; (-107, 18, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7373)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]; 7373 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7373([CLIENT ReSector(7373)true; (-107, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7409)sec[7408]; 7409 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7409(Asteroid(7409)sec[7408]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7358)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]; 7358 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7358([CLIENT ReSector(7358)true; (-106, 19, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7408)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]; 7408 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7408([CLIENT ReSector(7408)true; (-105, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7412)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]; 7412 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7412([CLIENT ReSector(7412)true; (-105, 20, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7380)true; (-107, 20, -43); ]; 7380 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7380([CLIENT ReSector(7380)true; (-107, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7374)true; (-107, 20, -44); ]; 7374 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7374([CLIENT ReSector(7374)true; (-107, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7386)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]; 7386 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7386([CLIENT ReSector(7386)true; (-106, 19, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7395)true; (-106, 20, -43); ]; 7395 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7395([CLIENT ReSector(7395)true; (-106, 20, -43); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7391)true; (-106, 20, -44); ]; 7391 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7391([CLIENT ReSector(7391)true; (-106, 20, -44); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7388)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]; 7388 [2016-04-04 03:28:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7388([CLIENT ReSector(7388)true; (-106, 19, -42); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:20] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@23114493 [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, spocklin]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: spocklin left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: spocklin left the game. [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Semi-private chat group room; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Scenarios; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)] [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (6834)ChatSystem; 6834 [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6834((6834)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]; 6933 [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6933(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_spocklin)(6933)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]; 6482 [2016-04-04 03:28:22] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6482(PlS[spocklin ; id(6482)(21)f(10022)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:24] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 03:28:24] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:28:24] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -269) [2016-04-04 03:28:24] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (36, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 03:28:26] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 03:28:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7415 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:28:45] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415); detach pos: (-100.20106, -87.64316, 744.185) [2016-04-04 03:28:45] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:28:45] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:28:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=maybe we should turn with 2 basic facory] [2016-04-04 03:28:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: maybe we should turn with 2 basic facory; ML: 45 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6817)true; (-106, 11, -29); ]; 6817 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6817([CLIENT ReSector(6817)true; (-106, 11, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Duron Medium RCK turet-1](6799); 6799 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6799(Ship[Cap Duron Medium RCK turet-1](6799)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anirl911](6766); 6766 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6766(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anirl911](6766)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl3](6646); 6646 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6646(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl3](6646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon turetanti1rl535](6759); 6759 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6759(Ship[Cap Furon turetanti1rl535](6759)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6812)true; (-107, 13, -31); ]; 6812 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6812([CLIENT ReSector(6812)true; (-107, 13, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti25rl821](6756); 6756 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6756(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti25rl821](6756)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti25rl821rl8210](6728); 6728 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6728(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti25rl821rl8210](6728)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 6](6788); 6788 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6788(Ship[AMS 6](6788)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 1rl0](6758); 6758 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6758(Ship[Viper 1rl0](6758)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock heavy turet-2rl448rl4480](6662); 6662 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6662(Ship[Cap Furon rock heavy turet-2rl448rl4480](6662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti8rl911](6706); 6706 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6706(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti8rl911](6706)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti12rl821](6769); 6769 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6769(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti12rl821](6769)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti27rl821](6717); 6717 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6717(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti27rl821](6717)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti21rl821rl8210](6658); 6658 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6658(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti21rl821rl8210](6658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti27rl821rl8210](6674); 6674 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6674(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti27rl821rl8210](6674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti26rl821rl8210](6801); 6801 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6801(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti26rl821rl8210](6801)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 6rl30](6797); 6797 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6797(Ship[Titan Turret 6rl30](6797)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti23rl821rl8210](6741); 6741 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6741(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti23rl821rl8210](6741)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6826)true; (-105, 11, -29); ]; 6826 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6826([CLIENT ReSector(6826)true; (-105, 11, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti14rl821rl8210](6649); 6649 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6649(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti14rl821rl8210](6649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 3rl30rl300](6679); 6679 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6679(Ship[Titan Turret 3rl30rl300](6679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti9rl911rl9110](6783); 6783 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6783(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti9rl911rl9110](6783)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 7](6730); 6730 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6730(Ship[AMS 7](6730)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2rl118](6746); 6746 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6746(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2rl118](6746)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 3rl0](6724); 6724 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6724(Ship[AMS 3rl0](6724)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti-27rl821rl8210](6705); 6705 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6705(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti-27rl821rl8210](6705)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti28rl821](6749); 6749 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6749(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti28rl821](6749)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794); 6794 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6794(Ship[spocklin_1458377241125](6794)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti28rl821rl8210](6688); 6688 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6688(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti28rl821rl8210](6688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turrt 7rl30rl300](6802); 6802 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6802(Ship[Titan Turrt 7rl30rl300](6802)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti-27rl821](6727); 6727 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6727(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti-27rl821](6727)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti29rl821](6685); 6685 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6685(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti29rl821](6685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl10](6673); 6673 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6673(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl10](6673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Ture anti6rl911rl9110](6682); 6682 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6682(Ship[Cap Furon Ture anti6rl911rl9110](6682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 6rl0](6791); 6791 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6791(Ship[Viper 6rl0](6791)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6811)true; (-107, 12, -29); ]; 6811 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6811([CLIENT ReSector(6811)true; (-107, 12, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 5rl30](6752); 6752 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6752(Ship[Titan Turret 5rl30](6752)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti21rl821](6775); 6775 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6775(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti21rl821](6775)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 9rl0](6793); 6793 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6793(Ship[AMS 9rl0](6793)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 10rl30rl300](6670); 6670 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6670(Ship[Titan Turret 10rl30rl300](6670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6825)true; (-105, 11, -30); ]; 6825 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6825([CLIENT ReSector(6825)true; (-105, 11, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti9rl911](6696); 6696 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6696(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti9rl911](6696)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Furon Titan](6689); 6689 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6689(Ship[Furon Titan](6689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 7rl0](6693); 6693 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6693(Ship[AMS 7rl0](6693)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti17rl821rl8210](6701); 6701 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6701(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti17rl821rl8210](6701)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6832)true; (-105, 13, -29); ]; 6832 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6832([CLIENT ReSector(6832)true; (-105, 13, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turrt 7rl30](6767); 6767 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6767(Ship[Titan Turrt 7rl30](6767)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 2rl0](6785); 6785 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6785(Ship[AMS 2rl0](6785)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 7rl0](6795); 6795 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6795(Ship[Viper 7rl0](6795)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl30](6778); 6778 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6778(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl30](6778)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-3rl1139rl11390](6739); 6739 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6739(Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-3rl1139rl11390](6739)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 3](6805); 6805 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6805(Ship[AMS 3](6805)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 10](6675); 6675 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6675(Ship[AMS 10](6675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 3rl30](6734); 6734 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6734(Ship[Titan Turret 3rl30](6734)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6815)true; (-106, 11, -31); ]; 6815 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6815([CLIENT ReSector(6815)true; (-106, 11, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6828)true; (-105, 12, -30); ]; 6828 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6828([CLIENT ReSector(6828)true; (-105, 12, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl0](6743); 6743 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6743(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl0](6743)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 1rl0](6703); 6703 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6703(Ship[AMS 1rl0](6703)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 5rl30rl300](6772); 6772 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6772(Ship[Titan Turret 5rl30rl300](6772)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Defense Viper 2](6753); 6753 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6753(Ship[Defense Viper 2](6753)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti7rl911rl9110](6656); 6656 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6656(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti7rl911rl9110](6656)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti19rl821rl8210](6718); 6718 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6718(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti19rl821rl8210](6718)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-4rl911rl9110](6737); 6737 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6737(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-4rl911rl9110](6737)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti19rl821](6699); 6699 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6699(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti19rl821](6699)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-3rl49rl490](6762); 6762 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6762(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-3rl49rl490](6762)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Duron Medium turet-2rl1139](6669); 6669 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6669(Ship[Cap Duron Medium turet-2rl1139](6669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 5](6652); 6652 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6652(Ship[AMS 5](6652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 8rl30rl300](6751); 6751 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6751(Ship[Titan Turret 8rl30rl300](6751)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 3rl0](6731); 6731 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6731(Ship[Viper 3rl0](6731)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-3rl5rl50](6750); 6750 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6750(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-3rl5rl50](6750)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Carier3rl0](6691); 6691 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6691(Ship[Cap Furon Carier3rl0](6691)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-3rl1139](6777); 6777 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6777(Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-3rl1139](6777)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti24rl821](6744); 6744 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6744(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti24rl821](6744)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti8rl911rl9110](6663); 6663 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6663(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti8rl911rl9110](6663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-4rl911](6709); 6709 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6709(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-4rl911](6709)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Furon Home(6690)]; 6690 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6690(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Furon Home(6690)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6830)true; (-105, 13, -31); ]; 6830 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6830([CLIENT ReSector(6830)true; (-105, 13, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Furon Titan Miner](6712); 6712 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6712(Ship[Furon Titan Miner](6712)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti13rl821](6651); 6651 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6651(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti13rl821](6651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-4rl49rl490](6779); 6779 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6779(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-4rl49rl490](6779)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 2rl0](6720); 6720 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6720(Ship[Viper 2rl0](6720)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6824)true; (-105, 11, -31); ]; 6824 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6824([CLIENT ReSector(6824)true; (-105, 11, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6829)true; (-105, 12, -29); ]; 6829 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6829([CLIENT ReSector(6829)true; (-105, 12, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap furon rock Heavy turet-2](6796); 6796 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6796(Ship[Cap furon rock Heavy turet-2](6796)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti18rl821rl8210](6723); 6723 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6723(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti18rl821rl8210](6723)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Anti turet5rl911rl9110](6757); 6757 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6757(Ship[Cap Furon Anti turet5rl911rl9110](6757)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6820)true; (-106, 13, -31); ]; 6820 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6820([CLIENT ReSector(6820)true; (-106, 13, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-4rl5rl50](6647); 6647 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6647(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-4rl5rl50](6647)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 10rl30](6708); 6708 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6708(Ship[Titan Turret 10rl30](6708)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti20rl821rl8210](6694); 6694 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6694(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti20rl821rl8210](6694)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 4rl30](6764); 6764 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6764(Ship[Titan Turret 4rl30](6764)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-2](6698); 6698 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6698(Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-2](6698)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti30rl821rl8210](6697); 6697 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6697(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti30rl821rl8210](6697)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Anti Turetsrl911rl9110](6653); 6653 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6653(Ship[Cap Furon Anti Turetsrl911rl9110](6653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1458110767779](6822); 6822 [2016-04-04 03:28:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6822(Ship[Castel_LPE1458110767779](6822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-3rl5](6789); 6789 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6789(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-3rl5](6789)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6814)true; (-107, 13, -29); ]; 6814 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6814([CLIENT ReSector(6814)true; (-107, 13, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti12rl821rl8210](6771); 6771 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6771(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti12rl821rl8210](6771)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 6rl30rl300](6776); 6776 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6776(Ship[Titan Turret 6rl30rl300](6776)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6806)true; (-107, 11, -31); ]; 6806 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6806([CLIENT ReSector(6806)true; (-107, 11, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet atni11](6719); 6719 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6719(Ship[Cap Furon Turet atni11](6719)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti29rl821rl8210](6704); 6704 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6704(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti29rl821rl8210](6704)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-2rl911](6648); 6648 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6648(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-2rl911](6648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Furon Heavy turet-2](6678); 6678 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6678(Ship[Furon Heavy turet-2](6678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti3rl911](6676); 6676 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6676(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti3rl911](6676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl1](6655); 6655 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6655(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl1](6655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-2rl49rl490](6645); 6645 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6645(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-2rl49rl490](6645)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6807)true; (-107, 11, -30); ]; 6807 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6807([CLIENT ReSector(6807)true; (-107, 11, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-1](6722); 6722 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6722(Ship[Cap Furon Medium turet-1](6722)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 5rl0](6692); 6692 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6692(Ship[Viper 5rl0](6692)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6813)true; (-107, 13, -30); ]; 6813 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6813([CLIENT ReSector(6813)true; (-107, 13, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anirl911rl9110](6732); 6732 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6732(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anirl911rl9110](6732)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Antirl911rl9110](6781); 6781 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6781(Ship[Cap Furon Antirl911rl9110](6781)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6818)true; (-106, 12, -31); ]; 6818 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6818([CLIENT ReSector(6818)true; (-106, 12, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6819)true; (-106, 12, -29); ]; 6819 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6819([CLIENT ReSector(6819)true; (-106, 12, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6831)true; (-105, 13, -30); ]; 6831 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6831([CLIENT ReSector(6831)true; (-105, 13, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-25rl911](6684); 6684 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6684(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-25rl911](6684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6808)true; (-107, 11, -29); ]; 6808 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6808([CLIENT ReSector(6808)true; (-107, 11, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 8rl30](6711); 6711 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6711(Ship[Titan Turret 8rl30](6711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti3rl911rl9110](6710); 6710 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6710(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti3rl911rl9110](6710)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti22rl821rl8210](6748); 6748 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6748(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti22rl821rl8210](6748)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6809)true; (-107, 12, -31); ]; 6809 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6809([CLIENT ReSector(6809)true; (-107, 12, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-3rl49](6725); 6725 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6725(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-3rl49](6725)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 6rl0](6733); 6733 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6733(Ship[AMS 6rl0](6733)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti17rl821](6782); 6782 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6782(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti17rl821](6782)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-2rl49](6702); 6702 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6702(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-2rl49](6702)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet1](6729); 6729 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6729(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet1](6729)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Antirl911](6714); 6714 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6714(Ship[Cap Furon Antirl911](6714)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti12rl821rl8210](6800); 6800 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6800(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti12rl821rl8210](6800)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Anti turet5rl911](6644); 6644 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6644(Ship[Cap Furon Anti turet5rl911](6644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 4rl0](6754); 6754 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6754(Ship[AMS 4rl0](6754)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti18rl821](6742); 6742 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6742(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti18rl821](6742)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock Heavy turet-1](6760); 6760 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6760(Ship[Cap Furon rock Heavy turet-1](6760)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 4rl30rl300](6686); 6686 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6686(Ship[Titan Turret 4rl30rl300](6686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti15rl821](6660); 6660 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6660(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti15rl821](6660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti22rl821](6677); 6677 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6677(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti22rl821](6677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 2rl30rl300](6650); 6650 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6650(Ship[Titan Turret 2rl30rl300](6650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti20rl821](6787); 6787 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6787(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti20rl821](6787)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti12rl821](6667); 6667 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6667(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti12rl821](6667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Defense Viper 1](6687); 6687 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6687(Ship[Defense Viper 1](6687)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 8](6661); 6661 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6661(Ship[AMS 8](6661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti26rl821](6765); 6765 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6765(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti26rl821](6765)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 10rl0](6770); 6770 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6770(Ship[AMS 10rl0](6770)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti23rl821](6654); 6654 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6654(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti23rl821](6654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 8rl0](6672); 6672 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6672(Ship[AMS 8rl0](6672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti13rl821rl8210](6745); 6745 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6745(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti13rl821rl8210](6745)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6823)true; (-106, 13, -29); ]; 6823 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6823([CLIENT ReSector(6823)true; (-106, 13, -29); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti14rl821](6700); 6700 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6700(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti14rl821](6700)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti7rl911](6786); 6786 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6786(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti7rl911](6786)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 9rl30](6680); 6680 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6680(Ship[Titan Turret 9rl30](6680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti2](6643); 6643 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6643(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti2](6643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon turetanti1rl535rl5350](6664); 6664 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6664(Ship[Cap Furon turetanti1rl535rl5350](6664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 2](6773); 6773 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6773(Ship[AMS 2](6773)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 9](6761); 6761 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6761(Ship[AMS 9](6761)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Carier3rl0rl03](6774); 6774 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6774(Ship[Cap Furon Carier3rl0rl03](6774)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap-liuks2011_1453058305644](6668); 6668 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6668(Ship[Cap-liuks2011_1453058305644](6668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Furon Devastator Miner](6747); 6747 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6747(Ship[Furon Devastator Miner](6747)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-4rl49](6671); 6671 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6671(Ship[Cap Furon rock medium turet-4rl49](6671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl00](6735); 6735 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6735(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl00](6735)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Ture anti6rl911](6665); 6665 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6665(Ship[Cap Furon Ture anti6rl911](6665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6810)true; (-107, 12, -30); ]; 6810 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6810([CLIENT ReSector(6810)true; (-107, 12, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanto16rl821rl8210](6790); 6790 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6790(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanto16rl821rl8210](6790)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 9rl30rl300](6803); 6803 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6803(Ship[Titan Turret 9rl30rl300](6803)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Viper 4rl0](6792); 6792 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6792(Ship[Viper 4rl0](6792)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 1](6804); 6804 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6804(Ship[AMS 1](6804)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanto16rl821](6738); 6738 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6738(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanto16rl821](6738)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6827)true; (-105, 12, -31); ]; 6827 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6827([CLIENT ReSector(6827)true; (-105, 12, -31); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Main turet-1](6715); 6715 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6715(Ship[Titan Main turet-1](6715)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Anti Turetsrl911](6707); 6707 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6707(Ship[Cap Furon Anti Turetsrl911](6707)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti30rl821](6740); 6740 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6740(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti30rl821](6740)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2rl118rl1180](6721); 6721 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6721(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2rl118rl1180](6721)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti15rl821rl8210](6798); 6798 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6798(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti15rl821rl8210](6798)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-25rl911rl9110](6784); 6784 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6784(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-25rl911rl9110](6784)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 5rl0](6755); 6755 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6755(Ship[AMS 5rl0](6755)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl2](6736); 6736 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6736(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava IIrl2](6736)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2](6657); 6657 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6657(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-2](6657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti10rl911rl9110](6681); 6681 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6681(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti10rl911rl9110](6681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti10rl911](6695); 6695 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6695(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti10rl911](6695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-2rl911rl9110](6683); 6683 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6683(Ship[Cap Furon Turet anti-2rl911rl9110](6683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Titan Turret 2rl30](6763); 6763 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6763(Ship[Titan Turret 2rl30](6763)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti24rl821rl8210](6666); 6666 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6666(Ship[Cap Furon Turetanti24rl821rl8210](6666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[spocklin_1457244088092](6768); 6768 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6768(Ship[spocklin_1457244088092](6768)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava II](6726); 6726 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6726(Ship[ACS Auan-Arkava II](6726)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon rock heavy turet-2rl448](6716); 6716 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6716(Ship[Cap Furon rock heavy turet-2rl448](6716)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6816)true; (-106, 11, -30); ]; 6816 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6816([CLIENT ReSector(6816)true; (-106, 11, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Duron Medium turet-2rl1139rl11390](6713); 6713 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6713(Ship[Cap Duron Medium turet-2rl1139rl11390](6713)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-4rl5](6659); 6659 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6659(Ship[Cap Furon Heavy turet-4rl5](6659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AMS 4](6780); 6780 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6780(Ship[AMS 4](6780)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6821)true; (-106, 13, -30); ]; 6821 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6821([CLIENT ReSector(6821)true; (-106, 13, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6642)true; (-106, 12, -30); ]; 6642 [2016-04-04 03:28:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6642([CLIENT ReSector(6642)true; (-106, 12, -30); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:28:58] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the pods below the main area will be rooms ] [2016-04-04 03:28:58] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: the pods below the main area will be rooms ; ML: 46 [2016-04-04 03:29:05] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=one for produce grey hull and other oen colorize it] [2016-04-04 03:29:05] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: one for produce grey hull and other oen colorize it; ML: 47 [2016-04-04 03:29:13] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the main area will have a blue crystal dome] [2016-04-04 03:29:13] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: the main area will have a blue crystal dome; ML: 48 [2016-04-04 03:29:14] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok] [2016-04-04 03:29:14] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: ok; ML: 49 [2016-04-04 03:29:27] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=yes make second stack of factories ] [2016-04-04 03:29:27] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: yes make second stack of factories ; ML: 50 [2016-04-04 03:29:35] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=amd more enhancers ill hook them up] [2016-04-04 03:29:35] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: amd more enhancers ill hook them up; ML: 51 [2016-04-04 03:29:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7518 (Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:29:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-92.20106, -95.64316, 736.185) [2016-04-04 03:29:36] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:29:36] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518) [2016-04-04 03:29:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7518 (Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:29:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518); detach pos: (-91.43869, -69.184364, 681.0093) [2016-04-04 03:29:44] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:29:44] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:29:46] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=acknowledged] [2016-04-04 03:29:46] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: acknowledged; ML: 52 [2016-04-04 03:29:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:29:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:29:50] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:29:50] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:29:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7517 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:29:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-83.43869, -77.184364, 673.0093) [2016-04-04 03:29:51] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:29:51] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517) [2016-04-04 03:30:04] [PLAYEREXTERNALCONTROLLER] CUBE RESULT NOT AVAILABLE [2016-04-04 03:30:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518); 7518 [2016-04-04 03:30:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7518(Ship[Thriver_1459733369369](7518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:30:16] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:30:16] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:30:19] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:30:30] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.Dv@5ee8776a [2016-04-04 03:30:34] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:30:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:30:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7517 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:30:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517); detach pos: (-91.33771, -68.91899, 743.02905) [2016-04-04 03:30:48] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:30:48] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:30:52] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@3a7f9e8b [2016-04-04 03:30:52] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7517 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:30:52] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-83.33771, -76.91899, 735.02905) [2016-04-04 03:30:52] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:30:52] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517) [2016-04-04 03:30:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7517 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:30:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517); detach pos: (-91.33771, -68.91899, 743.02905) [2016-04-04 03:30:53] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:30:53] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:30:53] SWITCHING SLOTS: 29, 7 [2016-04-04 03:30:53] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1423470; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 565349; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Larimar(143); c 6173; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 1260576; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 283162; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Crystal Composite(220); c 258762; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Blue Paint(246); c 3975; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 1005930; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 245670; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 395040; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:30:53] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 283.16202 [2016-04-04 03:30:53] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 5869.924267778173 / 12300.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 40.0 [2016-04-04 03:30:53] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 40000; mt -1] ON 29 [2016-04-04 03:30:58] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@5113a230 [2016-04-04 03:30:59] SWITCHING SLOTS: 30, 12 [2016-04-04 03:30:59] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (11, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Chabaz Capsule(152); c 1423470; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Lukrah Capsule(156); c 565349; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Larimar(143); c 6075; mt -1], 3=>[slot 3; t Bastyn Capsule(186); c 12825; mt -1], 4=>[slot 4; t Larimar Capsule(144); c 1263516; mt -1], 5=>[slot 5; t Fertikeen Capsule(178); c 13050; mt -1], 6=>[slot 6; t Sapsun Capsule(158); c 40650; mt -1], 7=>[slot 7; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 243101; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Sertise Capsule(162); c 41925; mt -1], 9=>[slot 9; t Sintyr Capsule(146); c 28200; mt -1], 10=>[slot 10; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1350; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Metal Grill(442); c 1; mt -1], 12=>[slot 12; t Crystal Composite(220); c 258701; mt -1], 14=>[slot 14; t Blue Paint(246); c 3975; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Sugil Capsule(164); c 1005930; mt -1], 18=>[slot 18; t Hattel Capsule(182); c 2700; mt -1], 19=>[slot 19; t Sand(74); c 638; mt -1], 20=>[slot 20; t Rammet Capsule(174); c 29325; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Dolom Capsule(160); c 245670; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Lava(80); c 1759; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Storage(120); c 14; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 20700; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Macet Capsule(202); c 5250; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Hylat Capsule(142); c 1950; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Zercaner Capsule(170); c 16725; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Varis Capsule(180); c 395040; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Parseen Capsule(166); c 11225; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Nocx Capsule(198); c 9525; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Varat Capsule(190); c 21060; mt -1], 34=>[slot 34; t Ice(64); c 12442; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:30:59] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 258.64 [2016-04-04 03:30:59] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 5832.62028218247 / 12300.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 40.0 [2016-04-04 03:30:59] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1] ON 30 [2016-04-04 03:31:10] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@2188b25d [2016-04-04 03:31:11] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 29 [2016-04-04 03:31:11] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 40000; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:31:11] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 40.0 [2016-04-04 03:31:11] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 137.84000024665147 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.010000000707805157 [2016-04-04 03:31:11] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 10; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:31:15] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:31:18] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:31:19] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 0 [2016-04-04 03:31:19] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){0=>[slot 0; t Basic Factory(211); c 1; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:31:19] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 0.1 [2016-04-04 03:31:19] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.10000000149011612 [2016-04-04 03:31:19] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Basic Factory(211); c 1; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:31:23] HIT RESULT near: (11, 10, 8)[Capsule Refinery]o[FRONT][active][25hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:31:23] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Capsule Refinery Location: (11, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:31:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7520 (Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:31:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-83.33771, -76.91899, 735.02905) [2016-04-04 03:31:24] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:31:24] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520) [2016-04-04 03:31:28] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6112.478, 2646.4167, 5088.1562) [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:31:28] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:31:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:31:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:31:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:31:29] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479) [2016-04-04 03:31:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7520 (Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:31:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520); detach pos: (-93.921844, -111.172775, 671.031) [2016-04-04 03:31:34] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:31:34] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:31:35] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:31:39] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:31:39] SWITCHING SLOTS: 4, 37 [2016-04-04 03:31:39] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 4; t Basic Factory(211); c 1; mt -1] ON 4 [2016-04-04 03:31:39] DRAWING DEBUG: 211; ; 0; 0; 211; [2016-04-04 03:31:39] [SINGLE_BLOCK_DRAWER] CHECKING FOR ERROR [2016-04-04 03:31:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7519 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:31:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-85.921844, -119.172775, 663.031) [2016-04-04 03:31:40] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:31:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519) [2016-04-04 03:31:41] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Basic Factory: TOP [2016-04-04 03:31:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (1.0493164, 1.5, 3.1035156); (1, 1, 3) [2016-04-04 03:31:43] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (9, 10, 11)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 2(TOP) -map-> 2 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:31:43] adding new element to SI at (9, 10, 11)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 211 [2016-04-04 03:31:46] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:31:46] : [2016-04-04 03:31:46] [2016-04-04 03:31:46] The Black Mages - J-E-N-O-V-A (fin).ogg [2016-04-04 03:31:47] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: TOP(2): (1.3061523, 2.5002441, 2.8608398); (1, 2, 3) [2016-04-04 03:31:47] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[TOP][active][100hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 2; TOP [2016-04-04 03:31:47] Error [2016-04-04 03:31:47] : [2016-04-04 03:31:47] [2016-04-04 03:31:47] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:31:51] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: No element available to build! Selected slot is empty! [2016-04-04 03:31:52] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520); 7520 [2016-04-04 03:31:52] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7520(Ship[Thriver_1459733476947](7520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:31:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (0.85791016, 1.5, 3.140625); (1, 1, 3) [2016-04-04 03:31:54] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (9, 10, 11)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 2(TOP) -map-> 2 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:31:54] adding new element to SI at (9, 10, 11)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp], type 211 [2016-04-04 03:32:02] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: TOP(2): (1.2949219, 2.5, 2.7006836); (1, 2, 3) [2016-04-04 03:32:02] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[TOP][active][100hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 2; TOP [2016-04-04 03:32:05] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (0.45166016, 2.4257812, 2.5004883); (0, 2, 3) [2016-04-04 03:32:05] COPY AREA SET (8, 10, 11) [2016-04-04 03:32:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 03:32:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 8, 10, 11, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Basic Factory(211) [2016-04-04 03:32:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 03:32:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (0.5283203, 1.5, 3.2329102); (1, 1, 3) [2016-04-04 03:32:08] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 90, 100, 110; Type: Basic Factory(211) [2016-04-04 03:32:08] IN {0=>{}}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:32:08] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:32:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:32:27] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:32:27] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:32:30] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:32:31] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 27 ms [2016-04-04 03:32:31] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:32:31] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:32:32] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:32:32] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:32:36] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@16e7400 [2016-04-04 03:32:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7519 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:32:41] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519); detach pos: (-93.33733, -110.96802, 740.9332) [2016-04-04 03:32:41] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:32:41] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:32:44] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:32:45] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 29 [2016-04-04 03:32:45] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:32:45] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 39.99 [2016-04-04 03:32:45] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 97.85000024735928 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 39.9900016784668 [2016-04-04 03:32:45] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:32:49] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@2d2e800a [2016-04-04 03:32:50] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:32:51] SWITCHING SLOTS: 29, 0 [2016-04-04 03:32:51] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){0=>[slot 0; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:32:51] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 39.99 [2016-04-04 03:32:51] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 39.9900016784668 [2016-04-04 03:32:51] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1] ON 29 [2016-04-04 03:32:54] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@6d659439 [2016-04-04 03:32:54] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 29 [2016-04-04 03:32:54] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39990; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:32:54] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 39.99 [2016-04-04 03:32:54] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 137.83000192511827 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.010000000707805157 [2016-04-04 03:32:54] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 10; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:33:05] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:33:06] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 0 [2016-04-04 03:33:06] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 3)){0=>[slot 0; t Basic Factory(211); c 1; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:33:06] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 0.1 [2016-04-04 03:33:06] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.10000000149011612 [2016-04-04 03:33:06] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Basic Factory(211); c 1; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:33:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7522 (Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:33:13] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-85.33733, -118.96802, 732.9332) [2016-04-04 03:33:13] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:33:13] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522) [2016-04-04 03:33:20] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: TOP: (-0.97558594, 1.5, 3.0092773); (-1, 1, 3) [2016-04-04 03:33:20] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 70, 100, 110; Type: Basic Factory(211) [2016-04-04 03:33:20] IN {0=>{}}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:33:20] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:33:25] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7522 (Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:33:25] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522); detach pos: (-98.37253, -118.78017, 660.21075) [2016-04-04 03:33:25] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:33:25] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:33:25] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:33:25] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 291 [2016-04-04 03:33:28] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:33:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7521 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:33:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.37253, -126.78017, 652.21075) [2016-04-04 03:33:30] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:33:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521) [2016-04-04 03:33:33] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:33:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:33:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522); 7522 [2016-04-04 03:33:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7522(Ship[Thriver_1459733586018](7522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:33:45] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:33:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:33:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6006 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)]), fromPos=(-12, -22, 6), toId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:33:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)]; detach pos: (-20.434278, 60.060974, -1077.5394) [2016-04-04 03:33:46] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:33:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] [2016-04-04 03:33:46] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:33:46] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (7, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:33:47] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:33:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6005 (Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:33:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]; detach pos: (-28.44059, 52.05935, -1085.5315) [2016-04-04 03:33:49] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:33:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005) [2016-04-04 03:34:06] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:34:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:34:11] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:34:11] : [2016-04-04 03:34:11] [2016-04-04 03:34:11] Perimeter - Exodus Covered.ogg [2016-04-04 03:34:12] Error [2016-04-04 03:34:12] : [2016-04-04 03:34:12] [2016-04-04 03:34:12] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:34:17] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:34:17] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 0 [2016-04-04 03:34:17] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (5, 10, 8)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 62; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:34:17] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 3.1000001 [2016-04-04 03:34:17] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 3.1000001430511475 [2016-04-04 03:34:17] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 62; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:34:23] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:34:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7521 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:34:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521); detach pos: (-96.68824, -117.85539, 743.6538) [2016-04-04 03:34:23] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:34:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:34:24] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 37 [2016-04-04 03:34:24] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 62; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:34:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (-1.5, -1.1450195, 6.8847656); (-1, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:34:38] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Paste not complete: not enough blocks! [2016-04-04 03:34:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 60, 70, 150; Type: Basic Factory(211) [2016-04-04 03:34:38] IN {0=>{}}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:34:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:34:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1157 (Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:34:51] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-88.68824, -125.85539, 735.6538) [2016-04-04 03:34:51] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:34:51] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157) [2016-04-04 03:34:52] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Factory Enhancer: FRONT [2016-04-04 03:34:54] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT(4): (-4.5004883, -3.5480957, 4.569824); (-5, -4, 5) [2016-04-04 03:34:54] COPY AREA SET (3, 4, 13) [2016-04-04 03:34:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 03:34:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 3, 4, 13, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:34:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 03:35:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6005 (Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:35:01] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005); detach pos: (-11.584578, 63.5015, -1074.028) [2016-04-04 03:35:01] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:35:01] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] [2016-04-04 03:35:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6005 (Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:35:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]; detach pos: (-0.7226572, 56.005394, -1078.2501) [2016-04-04 03:35:04] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:35:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005) [2016-04-04 03:35:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.7539062, -0.5, 8.166504); (4, 0, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:14] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 598 [2016-04-04 03:35:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:20] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.6904297, -0.49975586, 7.7768555); (5, 0, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:20] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:20] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:20] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)], fromId=6005 (Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6137 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:35:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]: Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005); detach pos: (-11.584578, 63.5015, -1074.028) [2016-04-04 03:35:21] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:35:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] [2016-04-04 03:35:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:23] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.9780273, -0.5, 8.3046875); (6, 0, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:23] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:23] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:23] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.073242, -0.5, 8.512695); (7, 0, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:25] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:25] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:25] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.4995117, -1.255127, 7.727539); (6, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:28] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:28] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:29] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.873047, -1.1748047, 8.500977); (6, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.9960938, -1.166748, 8.500977); (5, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (3.8862305, -1.1342773, 8.500977); (4, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:34] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:35:34] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:35:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 03:35:34] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:35] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:36] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (4.171875, -1.192627, 9.5); (4, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:37] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:37] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:37] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (5.3183594, -1.1350098, 9.499512); (5, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:38] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (6.302246, -1.1408691, 9.499512); (6, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:40] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:35:40] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:35:41] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.2075195, -0.9616699, 9.5); (7, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:41] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:41] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:41] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:42] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:35:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:35:45] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.8613281, -1.5, 8.18457); (4, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.7456055, -1.5, 8.591309); (4, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1157 (Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157); detach pos: (-98.56091, -106.88596, 649.81946) [2016-04-04 03:35:49] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.793457, -1.4997559, 9.884766); (4, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.0751953, -1.5, 10.191406); (5, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.1435547, -1.5002441, 9.121582); (5, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:50] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:51] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.2626953, -1.5, 8.075684); (5, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:51] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:51] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:51] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.0825195, -1.4997559, 8.166992); (6, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.989258, -1.5, 8.991211); (6, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:52] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.8779297, -1.5, 9.989258); (6, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.3408203, -2.5, 10.040527); (6, -2, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.8686523, -1.4997559, 8.084961); (7, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.7802734, -1.5002441, 9.018066); (7, -1, 9) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:55] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.333496, -3.5, 9.938477); (6, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:35:56] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (6.154785, -4.5, 9.921387); (6, -4, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:56] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (14, 4, 18)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:35:57] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (6.333496, -3.5, 9.937988); (6, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:57] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (14, 5, 18)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:35:58] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.17334, -1.5, 10.011719); (7, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:35:58] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:35:58] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:35:58] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:05] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:05] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:06] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:07] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:07] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:08] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:09] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Dacaine_Semblier]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Dacaine_Semblier left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Dacaine_Semblier left the game. [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)] [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (6038)ChatSystem; 6038 [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6038((6038)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]; 5844 [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5844(PlS[Dacaine_Semblier ; id(5844)(19)f(10901)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]; 6137 [2016-04-04 03:36:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6137(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Dacaine_Semblier)(6137)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.201172, -2.5, 8.156738); (4, -2, 8) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 50, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.17041, -2.5, 8.79248); (4, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 50, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.088867, -2.5, 9.569336); (4, -2, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.686035, -2.5, 9.837402); (5, -2, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.6015625, -2.5, 9.000977); (5, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:13] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:14] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.1469727, -3.4997559, 8.612305); (5, -3, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:14] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:14] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:15] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (5.4960938, -4.498291, 9.245605); (5, -4, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:15] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (13, 4, 17)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:36:16] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.258301, -2.5, 7.625); (5, -2, 8) [2016-04-04 03:36:16] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:16] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:16] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.128418, -2.5, 7.744629); (6, -2, 8) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.2163086, -2.5002441, 9.006348); (6, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:17] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.3447266, -2.5002441, 9.942383); (6, -2, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.163086, -2.5, 9.791992); (7, -2, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:18] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:19] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.1416016, -2.5, 8.617676); (7, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:36:19] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:19] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:19] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:21] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.112793, -2.5, 7.6835938); (7, -2, 8) [2016-04-04 03:36:21] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:21] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:21] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:25] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:27] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:28] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:28] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:29] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:31] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:31] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:32] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:34] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:35] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:36] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:38] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:39] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:39] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6020)true; (165, 5, -77); ]; 6020 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6020([CLIENT ReSector(6020)true; (165, 5, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6029)true; (166, 5, -76); ]; 6029 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6029([CLIENT ReSector(6029)true; (166, 5, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6033)true; (166, 6, -76); ]; 6033 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6033([CLIENT ReSector(6033)true; (166, 6, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6028)true; (166, 5, -77); ]; 6028 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6028([CLIENT ReSector(6028)true; (166, 5, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6025)true; (165, 7, -77); ]; 6025 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6025([CLIENT ReSector(6025)true; (165, 7, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6014)true; (164, 6, -77); ]; 6014 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6014([CLIENT ReSector(6014)true; (164, 6, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Project A](6009); 6009 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6009(Ship[Project A](6009)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6015)true; (164, 6, -76); ]; 6015 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6015([CLIENT ReSector(6015)true; (164, 6, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6036)true; (166, 7, -76); ]; 6036 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6036([CLIENT ReSector(6036)true; (166, 7, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6022)true; (165, 6, -78); ]; 6022 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6022([CLIENT ReSector(6022)true; (165, 6, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6017)true; (164, 7, -77); ]; 6017 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6017([CLIENT ReSector(6017)true; (164, 7, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005); 6005 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6005(Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459653348587](6005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6010)true; (164, 5, -78); ]; 6010 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6010([CLIENT ReSector(6010)true; (164, 5, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(6031)sec[6030]; 6031 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6031(Asteroid(6031)sec[6030]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6012)true; (164, 5, -76); ]; 6012 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6012([CLIENT ReSector(6012)true; (164, 5, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6011)true; (164, 5, -77); ]; 6011 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6011([CLIENT ReSector(6011)true; (164, 5, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6027)true; (166, 5, -78); ]; 6027 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6027([CLIENT ReSector(6027)true; (166, 5, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459567696034](6008); 6008 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6008(Ship[Dacaine_Semblier_1459567696034](6008)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6034)true; (166, 7, -78); ]; 6034 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6034([CLIENT ReSector(6034)true; (166, 7, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6019)true; (165, 5, -78); ]; 6019 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6019([CLIENT ReSector(6019)true; (165, 5, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)]; 6006 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6006(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Semblier II(6006)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6013)true; (164, 6, -78); ]; 6013 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6013([CLIENT ReSector(6013)true; (164, 6, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6024)true; (165, 7, -78); ]; 6024 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6024([CLIENT ReSector(6024)true; (165, 7, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6018)true; (164, 7, -76); ]; 6018 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6018([CLIENT ReSector(6018)true; (164, 7, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6026)true; (165, 7, -76); ]; 6026 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6026([CLIENT ReSector(6026)true; (165, 7, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6023)true; (165, 6, -76); ]; 6023 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6023([CLIENT ReSector(6023)true; (165, 6, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6035)true; (166, 7, -77); ]; 6035 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6035([CLIENT ReSector(6035)true; (166, 7, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6016)true; (164, 7, -78); ]; 6016 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6016([CLIENT ReSector(6016)true; (164, 7, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6021)true; (165, 5, -76); ]; 6021 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6021([CLIENT ReSector(6021)true; (165, 5, -76); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_Semblier](6007); 6007 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6007(Ship[Castel_Semblier](6007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6032)true; (166, 6, -77); ]; 6032 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6032([CLIENT ReSector(6032)true; (166, 6, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6030)true; (166, 6, -78); ]; 6030 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6030([CLIENT ReSector(6030)true; (166, 6, -78); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(6004)true; (165, 6, -77); ]; 6004 [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6004([CLIENT ReSector(6004)true; (165, 6, -77); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:36:40] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7523 (Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:36:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.56091, -98.88596, 641.81946) [2016-04-04 03:36:48] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:36:48] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523) [2016-04-04 03:36:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:49] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.9731445, -3.5, 10.043457); (4, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.9609375, -3.4997559, 10.053711); (5, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.1313477, -3.5, 10.088379); (6, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:54] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.0620117, -3.5, 10.116211); (7, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:36:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:36:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:36:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:36:57] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:36:59] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:01] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.1992188, -3.5002441, 8.749023); (4, -3, 9) [2016-04-04 03:37:01] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:01] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:01] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:04] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.0478516, -3.5002441, 8.781738); (5, -3, 9) [2016-04-04 03:37:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:04] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:04] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:37:05] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.8408203, -3.5, 8.811523); (6, -3, 9) [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:05] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:05] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7523 (Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523); detach pos: (-127.96045, -94.11071, 653.27014) [2016-04-04 03:37:06] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:37:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:37:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.7436523, -3.4997559, 8.846191); (7, -3, 9) [2016-04-04 03:37:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:07] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.779785, -3.5, 7.9018555); (7, -3, 8) [2016-04-04 03:37:08] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 40, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:08] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:08] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:09] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.90625, -3.4997559, 7.868164); (6, -3, 8) [2016-04-04 03:37:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 40, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.140625, -3.5, 7.838867); (5, -3, 8) [2016-04-04 03:37:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 40, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:12] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.333496, -3.4997559, 7.8081055); (4, -3, 8) [2016-04-04 03:37:12] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 40, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:37:12] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:37:12] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:37:13] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:37:14] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:37:14] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479) [2016-04-04 03:37:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523); 7523 [2016-04-04 03:37:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7523(Ship[Thriver_1459733800337](7523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:37:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:37:23] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:37:23] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:37:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:24] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:37:24] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:37:24] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:37:25] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:37:29] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:37:29] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:37:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:37:40] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:37:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479) [2016-04-04 03:37:45] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:37:45] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:37:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=4276 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)]), toPos=(3, 13, 9), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:37:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-119.96045, -102.11071, 645.27014) [2016-04-04 03:37:50] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:37:50] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)] [2016-04-04 03:37:50] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.dm@1721a8d8 [2016-04-04 03:37:51] SWITCHING SLOTS: 31, 0 [2016-04-04 03:37:51] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 2013; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:37:51] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 100.65 [2016-04-04 03:37:51] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 50.650001525878906 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 50.0 [2016-04-04 03:37:51] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 31; t Grey Hull(598); c 1000; mt -1] ON 31 [2016-04-04 03:38:04] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:38:04] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:38:07] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:38:22] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: LEFT(5): (12.5, -4.0168457, -7.9155273); (13, -4, -8) [2016-04-04 03:38:22] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (21, 4, 0)[Blue Hull]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:38:25] [UNDO] ADDING REDO obfuscated.cR@2461e3aa(;ADD: 0; REMOVES: 1) [2016-04-04 03:38:30] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:38:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=6479 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:38:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:38:31] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:38:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:38:39] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (3.6098633, -1.2504883, -10.5); (4, -1, -11) [2016-04-04 03:38:39] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 7, -3)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:38:39] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (4.1557617, -1.1833496, -11.5); (4, -1, -12) [2016-04-04 03:38:39] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 7, -4)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:38:40] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (3.9423828, -1.690918, -11.5); (4, -2, -12) [2016-04-04 03:38:40] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 6, -4)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:38:42] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (3.9038086, -1.6091309, -12.5); (4, -2, -13) [2016-04-04 03:38:42] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 6, -5)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:38:43] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (3.9213867, -0.9121094, -12.499512); (4, -1, -13) [2016-04-04 03:38:43] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (12, 7, -5)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:38:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=4276 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)]), fromPos=(3, 13, 9), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:38:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)]; detach pos: (-210.5609, -101.88596, 369.81946) [2016-04-04 03:38:50] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:38:50] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:38:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479); 6479 [2016-04-04 03:39:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6479(Ship[Cargo_Pod](6479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:39:02] [CLIENT] Rotating copy area + [2016-04-04 03:39:06] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Cargo Space: RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small_Truck](7524); 7524 [2016-04-04 03:39:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7524(Ship[Small_Truck](7524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:39:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Truck_Cargo](7525); 7525 [2016-04-04 03:39:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7525(Ship[Truck_Cargo](7525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:39:14] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: FRONT(0): (4.9277344, -4.9924316, -10.5); (5, -5, -11) [2016-04-04 03:39:14] COPY AREA SET (13, 3, -3) [2016-04-04 03:39:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 03:39:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 13, 3, -3, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:14] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 03:39:22] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.2075195, -0.8840332, 14.5); (2, -1, 15) [2016-04-04 03:39:22] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (10, 7, 22)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:39:22] adding new element to SI at (10, 7, 22)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 03:39:23] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.8378906, -0.7504883, 14.5); (3, -1, 15) [2016-04-04 03:39:23] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (11, 7, 22)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:39:23] adding new element to SI at (11, 7, 22)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 03:39:24] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.0820312, -1.451416, 13.5); (2, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:24] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (10, 7, 21)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:39:24] adding new element to SI at (10, 7, 21)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 03:39:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.8813477, -1.3093262, 13.5); (3, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:25] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (11, 7, 21)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:39:25] adding new element to SI at (11, 7, 21)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 03:39:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (1.9365234, -1.1281738, 12.499512); (2, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:26] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (10, 7, 20)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 4(RIGHT) -map-> 4 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1264664607([CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]])} [2016-04-04 03:39:26] adding new element to SI at (10, 7, 20)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp], type 689 [2016-04-04 03:39:30] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (1.9633789, -1.5, 12.057617); (2, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:39:30] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (10, 7, 20)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:31] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (2.0126953, -1.3186035, 12.5); (2, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:31] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (10, 7, 21)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:31] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (2.1879883, -0.9172363, 13.5); (2, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:31] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (10, 7, 22)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:32] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (3.005371, -1.4882812, 12.5); (3, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:32] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (11, 7, 21)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:32] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (3.175293, -0.97924805, 13.500488); (3, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:32] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (11, 7, 22)[Cargo Space]o[RIGHT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 4; RIGHT [2016-04-04 03:39:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.2675781, -0.5, 13.625977); (3, 0, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:37] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 110, 70, 220; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:37] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:39:37] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7528 (Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-202.5609, -109.88596, 361.81946) [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528) [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (2.274414, -0.5, 14.011719); (2, 0, 14) [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 100, 70, 220; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:39:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (2.2246094, -0.5, 13.411621); (2, 0, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 100, 70, 210; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (3.0952148, -0.5, 13.270996); (3, 0, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 110, 70, 210; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:39:39] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:39:40] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.1582031, -0.9345703, 12.5); (2, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:39:40] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 100, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:39:40] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:39:40] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:39:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:42] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:44] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:45] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:39:45] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 213 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:39:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7526 (Ship[Small_Truck](7526)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:39:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:39:48] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:39:48] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Small_Truck](7526) [2016-04-04 03:39:58] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:39:58] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:39:59] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:40:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:14] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:40:16] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:40:16] : [2016-04-04 03:40:16] [2016-04-04 03:40:16] Einhänder - ??[Street].ogg [2016-04-04 03:40:16] Error [2016-04-04 03:40:16] : [2016-04-04 03:40:16] [2016-04-04 03:40:16] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:40:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:16] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:40:18] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=7526 (Ship[Small_Truck](7526)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:40:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Small_Truck](7526); detach pos: (38.173965, -112.400246, 1191.86) [2016-04-04 03:40:21] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:40:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:40:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:40:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7528 (Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:40:23] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528); detach pos: (-199.00314, -89.5245, 408.43433) [2016-04-04 03:40:23] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:40:23] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:40:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528); 7528 [2016-04-04 03:40:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7528(Ship[Thriver_1459733970756](7528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:40:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7529 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:40:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-191.00314, -97.5245, 400.43433) [2016-04-04 03:40:32] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:40:32] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529) [2016-04-04 03:40:37] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:40:37] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:40:38] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:40:40] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:40:41] SWITCHING SLOTS: 31, 0 [2016-04-04 03:40:41] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Grey Hull(598); c 1000; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 1013; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:40:41] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 50.65 [2016-04-04 03:40:41] A IS MULTI SLOT COMPATIBLE TO B same type ownInvClass: abX; Grey Hull(598); Btype Grey Hull(598); AVol 50.0; BVol 50.650001525878906; 31; 0; ownVol 188.53000359237194; otherVol 50.650001525878906 [2016-04-04 03:40:41] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 600.0; SlotA: 50.0; SlotB: 50.650001525878906 [2016-04-04 03:40:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:40:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:40:42] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:40:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:40:44] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:40:45] INPUT CGHANGED c [2016-04-04 03:40:45] INPUT CGHANGED ca [2016-04-04 03:40:46] INPUT CGHANGED car [2016-04-04 03:40:46] INPUT CGHANGED carg [2016-04-04 03:40:50] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@69ca024d [2016-04-04 03:40:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small_Truck](7526); 7526 [2016-04-04 03:40:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7526(Ship[Small_Truck](7526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:40:51] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Truck_Cargo](7527); 7527 [2016-04-04 03:40:51] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7527(Ship[Truck_Cargo](7527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:40:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:40:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:40:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:40:54] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:40:55] DRAWING TIME OF 82 elements: 25(25.339792); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 03:41:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7530 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:41:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (46.173965, -120.400246, 1183.86) [2016-04-04 03:41:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:41:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530) [2016-04-04 03:41:24] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I do more cargo too for the factory] [2016-04-04 03:41:24] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I do more cargo too for the factory; ML: 53 [2016-04-04 03:42:07] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Darth_Mckay]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:42:07] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Darth_Mckay has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:42:07] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Darth_Mckay has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:42:07] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 284007 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=7530 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1da0 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1da0 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1da0 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1da0 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530); detach pos: (38.173965, -112.400246, 1191.86) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:42:08] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 7708; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771) [2016-04-04 03:42:12] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@2b5793f4 [2016-04-04 03:42:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:42:15] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:15] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:42:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)], fromId=5148 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=7530 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; detach pos: (46.173965, -120.400246, 1183.86) [2016-04-04 03:42:17] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:42:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530) [2016-04-04 03:42:18] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:42:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=7529 (Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:19] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529); detach pos: (-199.00314, -89.5245, 784.4343) [2016-04-04 03:42:19] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:19] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:42:19] SWITCHING SLOTS: 32, 0 [2016-04-04 03:42:19] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Grey Hull(598); c 2013; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Cargo Space(689); c 1037; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:42:19] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 51.850002 [2016-04-04 03:42:19] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 600.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 51.85000228881836 [2016-04-04 03:42:19] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 1037; mt -1] ON 32 [2016-04-04 03:42:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:42:20] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:42:20] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:42:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:42:21] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:42:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:42:22] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:42:23] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 31 [2016-04-04 03:42:23] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 31=>[slot 31; t Grey Hull(598); c 2013; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 1037; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:42:23] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 100.65 [2016-04-04 03:42:23] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 190.3800058811903 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 100.6500015258789 [2016-04-04 03:42:23] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 2013; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:42:26] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:42:26] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:42:28] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:42:30] SWITCHING SLOTS: 33, 0 [2016-04-04 03:42:30] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 1037; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (9, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 3672; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:42:30] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 3.6720002 [2016-04-04 03:42:30] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 100.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 3.6720001697540283 [2016-04-04 03:42:30] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 33; t Blue Paint(246); c 3672; mt -1] ON 33 [2016-04-04 03:42:31] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:42:31] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 7745 [2016-04-04 03:42:31] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:42:31] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:42:31] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:42:32] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:42:32] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:42:33] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:42:33] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:42:34] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 33 [2016-04-04 03:42:34] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 2013; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){0=>[slot 0; t Factory Enhancer(212); c 14; mt -1], 8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 1037; mt -1], 33=>[slot 33; t Blue Paint(246); c 3672; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:42:34] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 3.6720002 [2016-04-04 03:42:34] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 190.3800058811903 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 3.6720001697540283 [2016-04-04 03:42:34] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 1; t Blue Paint(246); c 3672; mt -1] ON 1 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7534); 7534 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7534(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7640); 7640 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7640(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7539); 7539 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7539(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7542); 7542 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7542(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](7556); 7556 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7556(Ship[ssKingduffs](7556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7632); 7632 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7632(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7590); 7590 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7590(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](7612); 7612 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7612(Ship[World Eater](7612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7668); 7668 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7668(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7575); 7575 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7575(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7597); 7597 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7597(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7547); 7547 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7547(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7594); 7594 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7594(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7636); 7636 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7636(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7641); 7641 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7641(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7589); 7589 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7589(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7540); 7540 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7540(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7651); 7651 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7651(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7663); 7663 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7663(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](7579); 7579 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7579(Ship[FarStar](7579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](7629); 7629 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7629(Ship[Fraction](7629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7561); 7561 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7561(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7538); 7538 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7538(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7538)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7580); 7580 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7580(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7622); 7622 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7622(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](7559); 7559 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7559(Ship[Mah Bucket](7559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7599); 7599 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7599(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7634); 7634 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7634(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7646); 7646 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7646(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7666); 7666 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7666(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7598); 7598 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7598(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7587); 7587 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7587(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7571); 7571 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7571(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7600); 7600 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7600(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7649); 7649 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7649(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](7611); 7611 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7611(Ship[justint](7611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7548); 7548 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7548(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7681); 7681 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7681(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7678); 7678 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7678(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7642); 7642 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7642(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7642)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7631); 7631 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7631(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7608); 7608 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7608(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7685); 7685 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7685(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7672); 7672 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7672(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7613); 7613 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7613(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7563); 7563 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7563(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7602); 7602 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7602(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7677); 7677 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7677(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7607); 7607 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7607(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7654); 7654 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7654(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7625); 7625 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7625(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7680); 7680 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7680(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7647); 7647 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7647(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7647)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7557); 7557 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7557(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7553); 7553 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7553(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7686); 7686 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7686(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7653); 7653 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7653(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7671); 7671 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7671(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7656); 7656 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7656(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7656)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7669); 7669 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7669(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7628); 7628 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7628(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7627); 7627 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7627(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7661); 7661 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7661(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](7606); 7606 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7606(Ship[Water Wheel](7606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7552); 7552 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7552(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](7577); 7577 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7577(Ship[F](7577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7554); 7554 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7554(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7662); 7662 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7662(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7652); 7652 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7652(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7544); 7544 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7544(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7601); 7601 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7601(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7621); 7621 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7621(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7667); 7667 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7667(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7609); 7609 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7609(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7630); 7630 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7630(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7535); 7535 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7535(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7535)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7664); 7664 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7664(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7593); 7593 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7593(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](7551); 7551 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7551(Ship[UC Eden](7551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7603); 7603 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7603(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7578); 7578 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7578(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7566); 7566 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7566(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](7565); 7565 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7565(Ship[Shadow corp ship](7565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7560); 7560 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7560(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](7660); 7660 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7660(Ship[Memeinator](7660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7586); 7586 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7586(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7665); 7665 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7665(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7674); 7674 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7674(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7564); 7564 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7564(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7555); 7555 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7555(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7596); 7596 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7596(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7592); 7592 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7592(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7670); 7670 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7670(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](7615); 7615 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7615(Ship[Sperg Mobile](7615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7635); 7635 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7635(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7610); 7610 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7610(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7550); 7550 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7550(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7682); 7682 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7682(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7567); 7567 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7567(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7549); 7549 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7549(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7582); 7582 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7582(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7643); 7643 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7643(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7543); 7543 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7543(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7683); 7683 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7683(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7673); 7673 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7673(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7583); 7583 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7583(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7645); 7645 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7645(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7645)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7687); 7687 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7687(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](7687)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7617); 7617 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7617(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7675); 7675 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7675(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7633); 7633 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7633(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7570); 7570 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7570(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7657); 7657 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7657(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](7639); 7639 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7639(Ship[ConduPrime_001](7639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7676); 7676 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7676(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7619); 7619 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7619(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7584)]; 7584 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7584(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7584)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7624); 7624 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7624(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](7568); 7568 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7568(Ship[Voiden](7568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7658); 7658 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7658(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7637); 7637 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7637(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7655); 7655 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7655(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7533); 7533 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7533(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7679); 7679 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7679(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7620); 7620 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7620(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7618); 7618 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7618(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](7604); 7604 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7604(Ship[The Noob Ship](7604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7585); 7585 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7585(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7558); 7558 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7558(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7650); 7650 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7650(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](7537); 7537 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7537(Ship[The Shuttle](7537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](7569); 7569 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7569(Ship[Escape pod](7569)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](7626); 7626 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7626(Ship[Almighty Ship](7626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7659); 7659 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7659(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7536); 7536 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7536(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7644); 7644 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7644(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7546); 7546 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7546(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7541); 7541 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7541(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](7616); 7616 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7616(Ship[redstone](7616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7689); 7689 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7689(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](7689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](7595); 7595 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7595(Ship[Cube](7595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7623); 7623 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7623(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7588); 7588 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7588(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7684); 7684 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7684(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7648); 7648 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7648(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](7574); 7574 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7574(Ship[shippy vw](7574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7573); 7573 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7573(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7690); 7690 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7690(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](7690)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7605); 7605 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7605(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7572); 7572 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7572(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7591); 7591 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7591(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7562); 7562 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7562(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7581); 7581 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7581(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7638); 7638 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7638(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7545); 7545 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7545(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7688); 7688 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7688(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](7688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7576); 7576 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7576(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7614); 7614 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7614(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:37] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7532)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 7532 [2016-04-04 03:42:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7532([CLIENT ReSector(7532)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:38] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:42:38] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:42:38] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:42:38] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:42:40] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@16414826 [2016-04-04 03:42:42] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:42:43] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:42:43] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:42:44] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:42:44] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:42:47] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@4948f302 [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game. [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)] [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]; 4848 [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4848(PlS[kar_dragon ; id(4848)(16)f(10830)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (5049)ChatSystem; 5049 [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5049((5049)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]; 5148 [2016-04-04 03:42:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5148(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(5148)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:42:55] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=kk] [2016-04-04 03:42:55] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: kk; ML: 54 [2016-04-04 03:43:00] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=blue hull incomming] [2016-04-04 03:43:00] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: blue hull incomming; ML: 55 [2016-04-04 03:43:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=721 (Ship[SS Vulcan II](721)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:43:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: Ship[SS Vulcan II](721); detach pos: (3358.8462, 1238.0422, 1599.9755) [2016-04-04 03:43:07] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:43:07] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5034)true; (-19, 45, -4); ]; 5034 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5034([CLIENT ReSector(5034)true; (-19, 45, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](5027); 5027 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5027(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](5027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5014)sec[5011]; 5014 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5014(Asteroid(5014)sec[5011]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5028)true; (-19, 44, -4); ]; 5028 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5028([CLIENT ReSector(5028)true; (-19, 44, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5018)true; (-20, 45, -3); ]; 5018 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5018([CLIENT ReSector(5018)true; (-20, 45, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5044)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]; 5044 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5044([CLIENT ReSector(5044)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5033)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]; 5033 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5033([CLIENT ReSector(5033)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5023)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]; 5023 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5023([CLIENT ReSector(5023)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5011)true; (-20, 44, -4); ]; 5011 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5011([CLIENT ReSector(5011)true; (-20, 44, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5038)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]; 5038 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5038([CLIENT ReSector(5038)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5042)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]; 5042 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5042([CLIENT ReSector(5042)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER3-AsteroidMine_-20_44_-4_1458848907068(5013)]; 5013 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5011; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5013(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER3-AsteroidMine_-20_44_-4_1458848907068(5013)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](5024); 5024 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5023; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5024(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](5024)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5041)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]; 5041 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5041([CLIENT ReSector(5041)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5019)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]; 5019 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5019([CLIENT ReSector(5019)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5035)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]; 5035 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5035([CLIENT ReSector(5035)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](5026); 5026 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5023; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5026(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](5026)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5022)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]; 5022 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5022([CLIENT ReSector(5022)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5036)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]; 5036 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5036([CLIENT ReSector(5036)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5046)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]; 5046 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5046([CLIENT ReSector(5046)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5021)sec[5020]; 5021 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5021(Asteroid(5021)sec[5020]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5008)true; (-19, 45, -3); ]; 5008 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5008([CLIENT ReSector(5008)true; (-19, 45, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TierFuelDepot_-19_44_-3_1454080870590(5030)]; 5030 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5030(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TierFuelDepot_-19_44_-3_1454080870590(5030)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5032)sec[5029]; 5032 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5032(Asteroid(5032)sec[5029]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5037)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]; 5037 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5037([CLIENT ReSector(5037)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5039)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]; 5039 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5039([CLIENT ReSector(5039)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5031)sec[5029]; 5031 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5031(Asteroid(5031)sec[5029]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530); 7530 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5008; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7530(Ship[Cargo_Pod](7530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5043)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]; 5043 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5043([CLIENT ReSector(5043)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5047)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]; 5047 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5047([CLIENT ReSector(5047)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](5025); 5025 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5023; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5025(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](5025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5015)true; (-20, 44, -3); ]; 5015 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5015([CLIENT ReSector(5015)true; (-20, 44, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5045)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]; 5045 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5045([CLIENT ReSector(5045)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5020)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]; 5020 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5020([CLIENT ReSector(5020)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5040)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]; 5040 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5040([CLIENT ReSector(5040)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5029)true; (-19, 44, -3); ]; 5029 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5029([CLIENT ReSector(5029)true; (-19, 44, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5017)true; (-20, 45, -4); ]; 5017 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5017([CLIENT ReSector(5017)true; (-20, 45, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ashren 1](5010); 5010 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5008; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5010(Ship[Ashren 1](5010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(5016)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]; 5016 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5016([CLIENT ReSector(5016)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(5012)sec[5011]; 5012 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5011; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5012(Asteroid(5012)sec[5011]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]; 5009 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 5008; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:43:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 5009(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(5009)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:43:20] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=o nice you hooked it up] [2016-04-04 03:43:20] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: o nice you hooked it up; ML: 56 [2016-04-04 03:43:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)], fromId=4846 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=721 (Ship[SS Vulcan II](721)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:43:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; detach pos: (3350.8462, 1230.0422, 1591.9755) [2016-04-04 03:43:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:43:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[SS Vulcan II](721) [2016-04-04 03:43:27] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.8564453, -1.1918945, 12.499512); (3, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:43:27] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 110, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:27] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:27] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:32] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (4.1914062, -1.1804199, 13.5); (4, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:43:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 210; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:32] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:32] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:33] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (3.5, -1.2419434, 12.452148); (3, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:43:33] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:33] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:33] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:34] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (4.5, -1.2785645, 13.311035); (4, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:43:34] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 210; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:34] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:34] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (4.5004883, -1.2392578, 12.340332); (4, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:43:35] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:35] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:35] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (5.5668945, -1.4536133, 13.499512); (6, -1, 14) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 210; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (5.564453, -1.4013672, 12.5); (6, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:36] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:44] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (7.097168, -1.1906738, 12.5); (7, -1, 13) [2016-04-04 03:43:44] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:44] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:44] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:45] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -1.1523438, 12.260742); (7, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:43:45] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 200; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:43:45] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:43:45] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:43:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:43:51] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:43:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:43:51] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:43:53] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:43:53] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:43:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Kaliz]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:43:57] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Kaliz has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:43:57] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Kaliz has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:43:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:43:58] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:43:58] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 281846 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7854) TOOK 25 [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f45 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f45 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f45 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f45 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=kar_dragon, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1ed9 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1ed9 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1ed9 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1ed9 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f49 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@1f49 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:00] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:44:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:02] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:44:09] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:18] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:26] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 8045 [2016-04-04 03:44:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:44:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:44:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7920); 7920 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7920(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](7920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7883); 7883 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7883(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](7883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](7887); 7887 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7887(Ship[shippy vw](7887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7909); 7909 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7909(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](7909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7895); 7895 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7895(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](7895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](7890); 7890 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7890(Ship[F](7890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7981); 7981 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7981(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](7981)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7902); 7902 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](7902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](7908); 7908 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7908(Ship[Cube](7908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](7939); 7939 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7939(Ship[Almighty Ship](7939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7868); 7868 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7868(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](7868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7873); 7873 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7873(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](7873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7967); 7967 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](7967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7982); 7982 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7982(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](7982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8002); 8002 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8002(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7987); 7987 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7987(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](7987)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7900); 7900 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7900(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](7900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7966); 7966 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7966(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](7966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7901); 7901 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7901(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](7901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](7942); 7942 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7942(Ship[Fraction](7942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7971); 7971 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7971(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](7971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7961); 7961 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7961(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](7961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7993); 7993 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7993(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](7993)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7876); 7876 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7876(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](7876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7951); 7951 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7951(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](7951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7889); 7889 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7889(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](7889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7949); 7949 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7949(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](7949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7960); 7960 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7960(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](7960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](7924); 7924 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7924(Ship[justint](7924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7910); 7910 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7910(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](7910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7954); 7954 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7954(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](7954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](7850); 7850 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7850(Ship[The Shuttle](7850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](7973); 7973 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7973(Ship[Memeinator](7973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7945); 7945 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7945(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](7945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](7928); 7928 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7928(Ship[Sperg Mobile](7928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7996); 7996 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7996(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](7996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7975); 7975 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7975(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](7975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7985); 7985 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7985(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](7985)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](7869); 7869 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7869(Ship[ssKingduffs](7869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7988); 7988 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7988(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](7988)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](7952); 7952 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7952(Ship[ConduPrime_001](7952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7858); 7858 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7858(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](7858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7963); 7963 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](7963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7986); 7986 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7986(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](7986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7871); 7871 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7871(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](7871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7903); 7903 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7903(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](7903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7991); 7991 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7991(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](7991)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7921); 7921 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7921(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](7921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7957); 7957 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7957(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](7957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7846); 7846 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7846(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](7846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7956); 7956 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7956(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](7956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7913); 7913 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7913(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](7913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7989); 7989 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7989(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](7989)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](7872); 7872 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7872(Ship[Mah Bucket](7872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7995); 7995 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7995(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](7995)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7964); 7964 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7964(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](7964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7953); 7953 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](7953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](7919); 7919 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7919(Ship[Water Wheel](7919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7984); 7984 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7984(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](7984)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](7878); 7878 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7878(Ship[Shadow corp ship](7878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7976); 7976 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7976(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](7976)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7970); 7970 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7970(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](7970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7918); 7918 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7918(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](7918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7950); 7950 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7950(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](7950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7959); 7959 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7959(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](7959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7926); 7926 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7926(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](7926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7862); 7862 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7862(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](7862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](7929); 7929 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7929(Ship[redstone](7929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7936); 7936 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7936(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](7936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7992); 7992 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7992(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](7992)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7969); 7969 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7969(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](7969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7931); 7931 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7931(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](7931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7849); 7849 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7849(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](7849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7865); 7865 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7865(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](7865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7948); 7948 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7948(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](7948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7932); 7932 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7932(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](7932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7897)]; 7897 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7897(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(7897)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7896); 7896 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7896(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](7896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7994); 7994 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7994(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](7994)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](7864); 7864 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7864(Ship[UC Eden](7864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7977); 7977 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7977(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](7977)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7927); 7927 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7927(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](7927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7933); 7933 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7933(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](7933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7937); 7937 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](7937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7997); 7997 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7997(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](7997)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7904); 7904 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7904(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](7904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7879); 7879 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7879(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](7879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7848); 7848 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7848(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](7848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7893); 7893 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7893(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](7893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7930); 7930 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7930(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](7930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7898); 7898 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7898(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](7898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7907); 7907 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7907(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](7907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7891); 7891 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7891(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](7891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7859); 7859 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7859(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](7859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7935); 7935 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7935(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](7935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7886); 7886 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7886(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](7886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7870); 7870 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](7870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7867); 7867 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7867(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](7867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7860); 7860 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7860(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](7860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7940); 7940 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7940(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](7940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7972); 7972 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7972(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](7972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7999); 7999 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7999(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](7999)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7914); 7914 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7914(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](7914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7877); 7877 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](7877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7847); 7847 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7847(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](7847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7998); 7998 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7998(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](7998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7884); 7884 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7884(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](7884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7946); 7946 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7946(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](7946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7906); 7906 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7906(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](7906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7851); 7851 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7851(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](7851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](7882); 7882 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7882(Ship[Escape pod](7882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7856); 7856 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7856(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](7856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7943); 7943 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7943(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](7943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7852); 7852 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7852(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](7852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7923); 7923 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7923(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](7923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7979); 7979 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7979(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](7979)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7861); 7861 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7861(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](7861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7922); 7922 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7922(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](7922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7880); 7880 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7880(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](7880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7947); 7947 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7947(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](7947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7855); 7855 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7855(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](7855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7853); 7853 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7853(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](7853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7990); 7990 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7990(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](7990)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7899); 7899 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7899(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](7899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7874); 7874 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7874(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](7874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7944); 7944 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7944(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](7944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7958); 7958 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7958(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](7958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7863); 7863 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7863(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](7863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7968); 7968 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7968(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](7968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7854); 7854 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7854(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](7854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7885); 7885 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7885(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](7885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7888); 7888 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7888(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](7888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7866); 7866 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7866(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](7866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7978); 7978 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7978(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](7978)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7962); 7962 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7962(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](7962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](7925); 7925 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7925(Ship[World Eater](7925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](7881); 7881 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7881(Ship[Voiden](7881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7965); 7965 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7965(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](7965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7912); 7912 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7912(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](7912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](7917); 7917 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7917(Ship[The Noob Ship](7917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7980); 7980 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7980(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](7980)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8003); 8003 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8003(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8000); 8000 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8000(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7894); 7894 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7894(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](7894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7974); 7974 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7974(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](7974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7916); 7916 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7916(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](7916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7911); 7911 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7911(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](7911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7934); 7934 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7934(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](7934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](7892); 7892 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7892(Ship[FarStar](7892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7983); 7983 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7983(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](7983)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7875); 7875 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7875(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](7875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7857); 7857 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7857(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](7857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7938); 7938 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](7938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7915); 7915 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7915(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](7915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7955); 7955 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7955(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](7955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7905); 7905 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7905(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](7905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7941); 7941 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7941(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](7941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8001); 8001 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8001(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7845)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 7845 [2016-04-04 03:44:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7845([CLIENT ReSector(7845)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM -2 TO 8004 [2016-04-04 03:44:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:44:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 03:44:34] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cargo_Pod](8144); 8144 [2016-04-04 03:44:34] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8144(Ship[Cargo_Pod](8144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:44:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:44:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:44:36] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278349 / 1521636 [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2007 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2007 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2007 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2007 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:44:37] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 03:44:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:46] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:47] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:49] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:50] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:44:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (2.165039, -1.2790527, 11.5); (2, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:44:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 100, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:44:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:44:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:44:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (3.477539, -0.9699707, 11.5); (3, -1, 12) [2016-04-04 03:44:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 110, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:44:57] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:44:57] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:44:58] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.275879, -0.5, 11.285156); (4, 0, 11) [2016-04-04 03:44:58] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:44:58] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:44:58] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:00] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.2460938, -0.5, 11.274414); (5, 0, 11) [2016-04-04 03:45:00] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:45:00] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:45:00] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:03] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.057617, -0.5, 11.200684); (6, 0, 11) [2016-04-04 03:45:03] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:45:03] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:45:03] [COPYAREA] Build done in 23 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:04] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.1845703, -0.5, 11.165527); (7, 0, 11) [2016-04-04 03:45:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:45:04] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:45:04] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.269531, -0.5, 11.182129); (8, 0, 11) [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:45:06] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8298); 8298 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8298(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8259); 8259 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8259(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8250); 8250 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8250(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8250)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8276); 8276 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8276(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8276)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8280); 8280 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8280(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8196); 8196 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8196(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8246); 8246 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8246(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8246)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8299); 8299 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8299(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8302); 8302 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8302(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8295); 8295 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8295(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8208); 8208 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8208(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8205); 8205 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8205(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8274); 8274 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8274(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8200); 8200 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8200(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8251); 8251 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8251(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8251)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8177); 8177 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8177(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8177)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8218); 8218 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8218(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8195); 8195 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8195(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8235); 8235 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8235(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8235)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8179); 8179 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8179(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](8227); 8227 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8227(Ship[World Eater](8227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8209); 8209 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8209(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8163); 8163 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8163(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8191); 8191 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8191(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8255); 8255 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8255(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8173); 8173 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8173(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8173)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8176); 8176 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8176(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8176)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](8241); 8241 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8241(Ship[Almighty Ship](8241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8155); 8155 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8155(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8285); 8285 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8285(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8277); 8277 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8277(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8245); 8245 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8245(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8245)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8257); 8257 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8257(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8220); 8220 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8220(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](8192); 8192 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8192(Ship[F](8192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8268); 8268 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8268(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8290); 8290 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8290(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8247); 8247 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8247(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8247)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](8152); 8152 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8152(Ship[The Shuttle](8152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8167); 8167 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8167(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8260); 8260 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8260(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8172); 8172 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8172(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8272); 8272 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8272(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8206); 8206 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8206(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8248); 8248 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8248(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8248)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8150); 8150 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8150(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8150)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8181); 8181 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8181(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8264); 8264 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8264(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8148); 8148 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8148(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8256); 8256 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8256(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](8244); 8244 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8244(Ship[Fraction](8244)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8289); 8289 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8289(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8232); 8232 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8232(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8233); 8233 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8233(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8212); 8212 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8212(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8168); 8168 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8168(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8286); 8286 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8286(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8278); 8278 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8278(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8197); 8197 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8197(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8162); 8162 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8162(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8284); 8284 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8284(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8207); 8207 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8207(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8297); 8297 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8297(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8201); 8201 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8201(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8303); 8303 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8303(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8178); 8178 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8178(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8190); 8190 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8190(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8204); 8204 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8204(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8164); 8164 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8164(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8160); 8160 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8160(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8301); 8301 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8301(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8215); 8215 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8215(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8273); 8273 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8273(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8253); 8253 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8253(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8267); 8267 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8267(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8243); 8243 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8243(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8243)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](8226); 8226 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8226(Ship[justint](8226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8182); 8182 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8182(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8182)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8279); 8279 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8279(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8282); 8282 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8282(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8158); 8158 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8158(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8223); 8223 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8223(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8193); 8193 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8193(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8287); 8287 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8287(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8222); 8222 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8222(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8271); 8271 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8271(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8281); 8281 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8281(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](8183); 8183 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8183(Ship[Voiden](8183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8159); 8159 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8159(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](8194); 8194 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8194(Ship[FarStar](8194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8151); 8151 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8151(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8258); 8258 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8258(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8249); 8249 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8249(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](8184); 8184 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8184(Ship[Escape pod](8184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8228); 8228 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8228(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8185); 8185 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8185(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](8219); 8219 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8219(Ship[The Noob Ship](8219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8270); 8270 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8270(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8175); 8175 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8175(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8175)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8203); 8203 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8203(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8296); 8296 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8296(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](8180); 8180 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8180(Ship[Shadow corp ship](8180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](8189); 8189 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8189(Ship[shippy vw](8189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8214); 8214 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8214(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8236); 8236 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8236(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8236)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8199)]; 8199 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8199(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8199)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8265); 8265 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8265(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8186); 8186 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8186(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8240); 8240 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8240(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8240)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8238); 8238 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8238(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8238)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8153); 8153 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8153(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8263); 8263 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8263(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8292); 8292 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8292(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8229); 8229 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8229(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8225); 8225 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8225(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8242); 8242 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8242(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8242)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8234); 8234 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8234(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8211); 8211 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8211(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8283); 8283 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8283(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8198); 8198 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8198(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8269); 8269 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8269(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](8230); 8230 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8230(Ship[Sperg Mobile](8230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8224); 8224 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8224(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8213); 8213 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8213(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8262); 8262 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8262(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8291); 8291 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8291(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8170); 8170 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8170(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8170)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8237); 8237 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8237(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8237)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8202); 8202 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8202(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8216); 8216 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8216(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8165); 8165 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8165(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8149); 8149 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8149(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](8174); 8174 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8174(Ship[Mah Bucket](8174)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](8210); 8210 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8210(Ship[Cube](8210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8217); 8217 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8217(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8156); 8156 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8156(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8261); 8261 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8261(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8305); 8305 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8305(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8239); 8239 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8239(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8239)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8304); 8304 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8304(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](8275); 8275 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8275(Ship[Memeinator](8275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8252); 8252 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8252(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8252)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8288); 8288 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8288(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](8254); 8254 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8254(Ship[ConduPrime_001](8254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](8171); 8171 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8171(Ship[ssKingduffs](8171)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8300); 8300 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8300(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](8231); 8231 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8231(Ship[redstone](8231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](8221); 8221 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8221(Ship[Water Wheel](8221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8293); 8293 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8293(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8169); 8169 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8169(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8169)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8154); 8154 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8154(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](8166); 8166 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8166(Ship[UC Eden](8166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8161); 8161 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8161(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8294); 8294 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8294(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8266); 8266 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8266(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8188); 8188 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8188(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8187); 8187 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8187(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8157); 8157 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8157(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8147)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 8147 [2016-04-04 03:45:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8147([CLIENT ReSector(8147)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:45:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.500488, -0.97265625, 11.26123); (10, -1, 11) [2016-04-04 03:45:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 190; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:45:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:45:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:45:08] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:10] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:11] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:11] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:45:11] : [2016-04-04 03:45:11] [2016-04-04 03:45:11] Perimeter - Fostral.ogg [2016-04-04 03:45:11] Error [2016-04-04 03:45:11] : [2016-04-04 03:45:11] [2016-04-04 03:45:11] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:45:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:18] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:26] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 8307 [2016-04-04 03:45:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:45:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:45:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:45:28] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\kar_dragon.smskin AS kar_dragon [2016-04-04 03:45:28] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:45:28] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:45:28] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:45:28] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:45:28] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:45:29] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] FROM -2 TO 8004 [2016-04-04 03:45:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:45:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] [2016-04-04 03:45:34] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:45:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:45:55] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:45:55] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:45:55] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:46:04] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.151855, -0.5, 7.114746); (12, 0, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:04] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:04] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:04] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:05] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (11.5, -1.2429199, 7.095215); (12, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:05] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:05] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:05] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (10.5, -1.0461426, 7.086426); (11, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:06] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:06] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:06] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (9.5, -0.734375, 7.0371094); (10, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (8.5, -0.6130371, 7.003418); (9, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: LEFT: (7.5, -0.58569336, 6.977539); (8, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.133301, -0.5, 6.9404297); (6, 0, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.925293, -0.5, 6.9106445); (5, 0, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.071289, -0.5, 6.8901367); (4, 0, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 70, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:11] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:13] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:46:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (30.19513, -63.747295, 1271.6572) [2016-04-04 03:46:16] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:46:16] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 03:46:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:19] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:24] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:30] [CLIENT] Exception: tried to re-request segment: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]((0, -64, -80))[s32; Hash-1045928; id 45872] on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:46:30] [CLIENT] Exception: tried to re-request segment: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]((0, -64, 80))[s32; Hash-980391; id 45871] on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:46:31] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.0649414, -1.5002441, 7.255371); (4, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:31] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 120, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:31] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:31] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:33] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (5.388672, -1.5002441, 7.0146484); (5, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:35] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:35] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:35] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:36] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (6.163574, -1.5, 6.9418945); (6, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:37] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:37] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:37] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:37] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.4995117, -1.782959, 7.078125); (6, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:42] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:42] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:42] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:44] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -1.6486816, 7.0200195); (7, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:44] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:44] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:44] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:44] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:45] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.530762, -1.5, 6.946289); (9, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:45] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:45] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:45] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:45] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.762207, -1.5, 6.599121); (10, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:47] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (10.5, -1.5869141, 7.008301); (10, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.661133, -1.4997559, 7.2578125); (12, -1, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 60, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:50] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (4.7822266, -2.5, 7.112793); (5, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:53] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 130, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:53] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:53] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:54] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (5.5, -2.850586, 7.067383); (5, -3, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:54] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 140, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:54] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:54] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:55] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (6.5, -2.6330566, 6.9311523); (6, -3, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:55] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 150, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:55] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:55] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:46:56] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:57] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8407 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:46:57] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]; detach pos: (30.173965, -120.400246, 1183.86) [2016-04-04 03:46:57] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:46:57] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407) [2016-04-04 03:46:57] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:46:59] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5004883, -3.071045, 7.036133); (7, -3, 7) [2016-04-04 03:46:59] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:46:59] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:46:59] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.780273, -2.5, 6.916992); (9, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:01] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:47:01] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278458 / 1521636 [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@210d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@210d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@210d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@210d Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:47:02] Client(7); SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] WARNING: SegmentModificationUpdates: [200] took 55 ms; get 54ms; apply 54ms; add 0ms; lock 0ms; SSApply: 0; LOCKS: 0 [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] took 55 [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 59ms [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (12.575684, -5.2111816, 6.5546875); (13, -5, 7) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 30, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:02] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:05] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (12.7109375, -5.336426, 5.5); (13, -5, 6) [2016-04-04 03:47:05] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (21, 3, 14)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:47:07] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.633789, -0.49975586, 10.0625); (9, 0, 10) [2016-04-04 03:47:07] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 180; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:07] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:07] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:08] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.347168, -1.5, 9.789551); (9, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:47:08] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, 18)[Cargo Space]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:47:08] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:47:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.910645, -2.5002441, 6.6777344); (10, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:47:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.272949, -2.5, 7.080078); (11, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.831543, -2.4997559, 7.099121); (12, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 50, 150; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:47:10] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:47:13] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=8407 (Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:47:14] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407); detach pos: (38.173965, -112.400246, 1191.86) [2016-04-04 03:47:14] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:14] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] [2016-04-04 03:47:14] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:47:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:23] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:47:26] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 8639 [2016-04-04 03:47:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:47:26] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:47:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:47:28] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:47:28] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:47:29] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:29] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:47:34] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:47:34] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] This cant be controlled by SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: 211 -> 618 [2016-04-04 03:47:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:47:36] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: Ship[Ashren 1](8006); detach pos: (16.173965, -67.400246, 1280.86) [2016-04-04 03:47:36] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:47:36] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game. [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)]; 8408 [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8408(PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8408)(27)f(0)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (8639)ChatSystem; 8639 [2016-04-04 03:47:43] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8639((8639)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:47:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:47:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (8.173965, -75.400246, 1272.86) [2016-04-04 03:47:44] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:47:44] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 03:47:57] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (7.9501953, -1.1816406, 14.049805) -> (7.9501953, -1.1816406, 14.049805) [2016-04-04 03:47:57] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (7.9501953, -1.1816406, 14.049805) -> (7.9501953, -1.1816406, 14.049805) [2016-04-04 03:48:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8424); 8424 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8424(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8504); 8504 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8504(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](8598); 8598 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8598(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](8598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](8506); 8506 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8506(Ship[Fraction](8506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8530); 8530 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8530(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](8612); 8612 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8612(Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](8612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](8635); 8635 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8635(Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](8635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](8589); 8589 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8589(Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](8589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](8595); 8595 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8595(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](8595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](8602); 8602 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8602(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](8602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8420); 8420 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8420(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8563); 8563 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8563(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](8619); 8619 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8619(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](8619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8621)true; (3, 17, 1); ]; 8621 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8621([CLIENT ReSector(8621)true; (3, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8422); 8422 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8422(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8480); 8480 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8480(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8484); 8484 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8484(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(8628)]; 8628 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8628(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(8628)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](8604); 8604 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8604(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](8604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8553); 8553 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8553(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8515); 8515 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8515(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8515)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8412); 8412 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8412(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](8596); 8596 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8596(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](8596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](8442); 8442 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8442(Ship[Shadow corp ship](8442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8637)true; (3, 19, 3); ]; 8637 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8637([CLIENT ReSector(8637)true; (3, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8499); 8499 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8499(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(8585)]; 8585 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8585(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(8585)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8468); 8468 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8468(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8494); 8494 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8494(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8449); 8449 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8449(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8418); 8418 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8418(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8444); 8444 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8444(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](8607); 8607 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8607(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](8607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8521); 8521 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8521(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8491); 8491 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8491(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8528); 8528 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8528(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8562); 8562 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8562(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8453); 8453 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8453(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8569)true; (1, 17, 2); ]; 8569 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8569([CLIENT ReSector(8569)true; (1, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8464); 8464 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8464(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8497); 8497 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8497(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](8603); 8603 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8603(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](8603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8413); 8413 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8413(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8487); 8487 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8487(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8457); 8457 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8457(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8437); 8437 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8437(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8447); 8447 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8447(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8438); 8438 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8438(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8478); 8478 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8478(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8426); 8426 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8426(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8519); 8519 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8519(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8429); 8429 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8429(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8532); 8532 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8532(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8532)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8498); 8498 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8498(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8411); 8411 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8411(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8434); 8434 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8434(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8544); 8544 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8544(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8564); 8564 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8564(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](8599); 8599 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8599(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](8599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8469); 8469 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8469(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8465); 8465 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8465(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](8492); 8492 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8492(Ship[Sperg Mobile](8492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(8572)]; 8572 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8572(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(8572)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8473); 8473 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8473(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8505); 8505 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8505(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8570)true; (1, 17, 3); ]; 8570 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8570([CLIENT ReSector(8570)true; (1, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8558); 8558 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8558(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8548); 8548 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8548(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8416); 8416 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8416(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](8594); 8594 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8594(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](8594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8557); 8557 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8557(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LG01](8577); 8577 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8577(Ship[LG01](8577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8512); 8512 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8512(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8512)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8490); 8490 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8490(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8479); 8479 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8479(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8475); 8475 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8475(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8511); 8511 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8511(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8511)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](8593); 8593 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8593(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](8593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](8609); 8609 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8609(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](8609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8410); 8410 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8410(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](8481); 8481 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8481(Ship[The Noob Ship](8481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8578)true; (1, 19, 1); ]; 8578 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8578([CLIENT ReSector(8578)true; (1, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](8601); 8601 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8601(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](8601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8579)true; (1, 19, 2); ]; 8579 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8579([CLIENT ReSector(8579)true; (1, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8476); 8476 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8476(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](8445); 8445 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8445(Ship[Voiden](8445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8527); 8527 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8527(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8552); 8552 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8552(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8565); 8565 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8565(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8566); 8566 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8566(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8622)true; (3, 17, 2); ]; 8622 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8622([CLIENT ReSector(8622)true; (3, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](8610); 8610 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8610(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](8610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8432); 8432 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8432(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(8617)]; 8617 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8617(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(8617)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8620)true; (2, 19, 3); ]; 8620 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8620([CLIENT ReSector(8620)true; (2, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8452); 8452 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8452(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](8456); 8456 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8456(Ship[FarStar](8456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8419); 8419 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8419(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](8516); 8516 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8516(Ship[ConduPrime_001](8516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](8618); 8618 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8618(Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](8618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](8436); 8436 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8436(Ship[Mah Bucket](8436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8514); 8514 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8514(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8514)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8541); 8541 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8541(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](8488); 8488 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8488(Ship[justint](8488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8474); 8474 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8474(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8467); 8467 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8467(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(8583)]; 8583 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8583(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(8583)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8580)true; (1, 19, 3); ]; 8580 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8580([CLIENT ReSector(8580)true; (1, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8545); 8545 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8545(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8500); 8500 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8500(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8501); 8501 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8501(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8560); 8560 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8560(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8440); 8440 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8440(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8495); 8495 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8495(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8466); 8466 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8466(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8540); 8540 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8540(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8550); 8550 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8550(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](8428); 8428 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8428(Ship[UC Eden](8428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8568)true; (1, 17, 1); ]; 8568 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8568([CLIENT ReSector(8568)true; (1, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](8591); 8591 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8591(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](8591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8455); 8455 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8455(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(8605)]; 8605 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8605(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(8605)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](8606); 8606 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8606(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](8606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8482); 8482 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8482(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8471); 8471 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8471(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8554); 8554 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8554(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8518); 8518 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8518(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8441); 8441 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8441(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(8588)]; 8588 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8588(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(8588)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8551); 8551 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8551(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8533); 8533 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8533(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8461)]; 8461 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8461(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8461)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](8454); 8454 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8454(Ship[F](8454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8559); 8559 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8559(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](8446); 8446 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8446(Ship[Escape pod](8446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](8537); 8537 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8537(Ship[Memeinator](8537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](8573); 8573 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8573(Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](8573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](8592); 8592 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8592(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](8592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8458); 8458 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8458(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8524); 8524 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8524(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8556); 8556 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8556(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](8600); 8600 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8600(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](8600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[X-1](8587); 8587 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8587(Ship[X-1](8587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8431); 8431 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8431(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](8451); 8451 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8451(Ship[shippy vw](8451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](8608); 8608 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8608(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](8608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8539); 8539 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8539(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8529); 8529 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8529(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8507); 8507 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8507(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8513); 8513 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8513(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8513)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8567); 8567 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8567(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8633)true; (3, 19, 1); ]; 8633 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8633([CLIENT ReSector(8633)true; (3, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8462); 8462 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8462(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8510); 8510 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8510(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8510)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8531); 8531 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8531(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8531)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8477); 8477 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8477(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The First Order S-1](8616); 8616 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8616(Ship[The First Order S-1](8616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8542); 8542 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8542(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CrotchRocket](8636); 8636 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8636(Ship[CrotchRocket](8636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8435); 8435 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8435(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8561); 8561 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8561(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(8614)]; 8614 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8614(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(8614)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](8611); 8611 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8611(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](8611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8450); 8450 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8450(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8470); 8470 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8470(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8543); 8543 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8543(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](8483); 8483 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8483(Ship[Water Wheel](8483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](8629); 8629 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8629(Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](8629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8509); 8509 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8509(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8509)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8459); 8459 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8459(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](8472); 8472 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8472(Ship[Cube](8472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8448); 8448 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8448(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sammy](8631); 8631 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8631(Ship[Sammy](8631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8430); 8430 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8430(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8496); 8496 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8496(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8525); 8525 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8525(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8538); 8538 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8538(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8538)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8508); 8508 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8508(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8508)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(8575)]; 8575 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8575(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(8575)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8522); 8522 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8522(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8485); 8485 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8485(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](8433); 8433 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8433(Ship[ssKingduffs](8433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8427); 8427 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8427(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](8597); 8597 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8597(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](8597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8535); 8535 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8535(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8535)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](8503); 8503 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8503(Ship[Almighty Ship](8503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8534); 8534 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8534(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8439); 8439 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8439(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8555); 8555 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8555(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8502); 8502 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8502(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8463); 8463 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8463(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8520); 8520 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8520(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8581)true; (2, 17, 1); ]; 8581 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8581([CLIENT ReSector(8581)true; (2, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8526); 8526 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8526(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8460); 8460 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8460(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8415); 8415 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8415(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8536); 8536 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8536(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](8626); 8626 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8626(Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](8626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small Escorter](8624); 8624 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8624(Ship[Small Escorter](8624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8486); 8486 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8486(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8425); 8425 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8425(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](8414); 8414 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8414(Ship[The Shuttle](8414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8443); 8443 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8443(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8523); 8523 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8523(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8546); 8546 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8546(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](8493); 8493 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8493(Ship[redstone](8493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8549); 8549 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8549(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8517); 8517 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8517(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8547); 8547 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8547(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8421); 8421 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8421(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](8489); 8489 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8489(Ship[World Eater](8489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8417); 8417 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8417(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8632)true; (3, 18, 3); ]; 8632 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8632([CLIENT ReSector(8632)true; (3, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8423); 8423 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8423(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AngelWings](8630); 8630 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8630(Ship[AngelWings](8630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8571)true; (1, 18, 1); ]; 8571 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8571([CLIENT ReSector(8571)true; (1, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8574)true; (1, 18, 2); ]; 8574 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8574([CLIENT ReSector(8574)true; (1, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8627)true; (3, 18, 2); ]; 8627 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8627([CLIENT ReSector(8627)true; (3, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8590)true; (2, 18, 3); ]; 8590 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8590([CLIENT ReSector(8590)true; (2, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8613)true; (2, 19, 1); ]; 8613 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8613([CLIENT ReSector(8613)true; (2, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8623)true; (3, 17, 3); ]; 8623 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8623([CLIENT ReSector(8623)true; (3, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8586)true; (2, 18, 1); ]; 8586 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8586([CLIENT ReSector(8586)true; (2, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8576)true; (1, 18, 3); ]; 8576 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8576([CLIENT ReSector(8576)true; (1, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8634)true; (3, 19, 2); ]; 8634 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8634([CLIENT ReSector(8634)true; (3, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8615)true; (2, 19, 2); ]; 8615 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8615([CLIENT ReSector(8615)true; (2, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8409)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 8409 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8409([CLIENT ReSector(8409)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8584)true; (2, 17, 3); ]; 8584 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8584([CLIENT ReSector(8584)true; (2, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8625)true; (3, 18, 1); ]; 8625 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8625([CLIENT ReSector(8625)true; (3, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8582)true; (2, 17, 2); ]; 8582 [2016-04-04 03:48:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8582([CLIENT ReSector(8582)true; (2, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:16] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:16] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:19] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:20] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:20] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:21] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:23] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:23] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:24] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=we need blue cystal armor like 300] [2016-04-04 03:48:24] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: we need blue cystal armor like 300; ML: 57 [2016-04-04 03:48:25] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:26] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:48:26] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:48:26] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:48:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278521 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2257 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2257 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2257 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2257 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:48:27] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:48:28] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Darth_Mckay]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:48:28] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Darth_Mckay left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:48:28] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Darth_Mckay left the game. [2016-04-04 03:48:28] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (7745)ChatSystem; 7745 [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7745((7745)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)]; 7531 [2016-04-04 03:48:29] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7531(PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(7531)(24)f(0)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:31] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:31] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:33] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:33] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:48:33] : [2016-04-04 03:48:33] [2016-04-04 03:48:33] Einhänder - ??[Ruins] (vitesse réduite).ogg [2016-04-04 03:48:33] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:48:33] Error [2016-04-04 03:48:33] : [2016-04-04 03:48:33] [2016-04-04 03:48:33] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:48:34] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the clear stuff im using as glass] [2016-04-04 03:48:34] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: the clear stuff im using as glass; ML: 58 [2016-04-04 03:48:38] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:38] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:39] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:48:39] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (7, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:48:43] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:48:44] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 03:48:44] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 03:48:45] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 03:48:46] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:48:47] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:48:47] INPUT CGHANGED grey g [2016-04-04 03:48:47] INPUT CGHANGED grey gh [2016-04-04 03:48:47] INPUT CGHANGED grey ghu [2016-04-04 03:48:48] INPUT CGHANGED grey gh [2016-04-04 03:48:48] INPUT CGHANGED grey g [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 03:48:48] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:48:48] INPUT CGHANGED grey h [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 8969 [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:48:48] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:48:49] INPUT CGHANGED grey hu [2016-04-04 03:48:49] INPUT CGHANGED grey hul [2016-04-04 03:48:49] INPUT CGHANGED grey hull [2016-04-04 03:48:51] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] [2016-04-04 03:48:51] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:48:51] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@490b9a07 [2016-04-04 03:48:57] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7703)true; (257, -7, 771); ]; 7703 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7703([CLIENT ReSector(7703)true; (257, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7693)sec[7691]; 7693 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7693(Asteroid(7693)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7723)true; (258, -8, 770); ]; 7723 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7723([CLIENT ReSector(7723)true; (258, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7722)true; (257, -6, 772); ]; 7722 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7722([CLIENT ReSector(7722)true; (257, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7721)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7721 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7721(Planet(7721)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7700)true; (257, -8, 771); ]; 7700 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7700([CLIENT ReSector(7700)true; (257, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7692)sec[7691]; 7692 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7692(Asteroid(7692)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7712)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7712 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7712(Planet(7712)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7716)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7716 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7716(Planet(7716)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7720)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7720 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7720(Planet(7720)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Speed Machine Rev 1](7695); 7695 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7695(Ship[Speed Machine Rev 1](7695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7710)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7710 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7710(Planet(7710)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7697)sec[7691]; 7697 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7697(Asteroid(7697)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7709)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7709 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7709(Planet(7709)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7740)true; (259, -7, 772); ]; 7740 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7740([CLIENT ReSector(7740)true; (259, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7718)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7718 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7718(Planet(7718)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7742)true; (259, -6, 771); ]; 7742 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7742([CLIENT ReSector(7742)true; (259, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7704)true; (257, -7, 772); ]; 7704 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7704([CLIENT ReSector(7704)true; (257, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7701)true; (257, -8, 772); ]; 7701 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7701([CLIENT ReSector(7701)true; (257, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7699)true; (257, -8, 770); ]; 7699 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7699([CLIENT ReSector(7699)true; (257, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7707)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7707 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7707(Planet(7707)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7713)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 7713 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7713(Planet(7713)[s7706]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7730)true; (258, -6, 772); ]; 7730 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7730([CLIENT ReSector(7730)true; (258, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlanetCore( id 7708; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771); 7708 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7708(PlanetCore( id 7708; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7698)sec[7691]; 7698 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7698(Asteroid(7698)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7732)true; (259, -8, 771); ]; 7732 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7732([CLIENT ReSector(7732)true; (259, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7729)true; (258, -6, 771); ]; 7729 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7729([CLIENT ReSector(7729)true; (258, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7727)true; (258, -7, 772); ]; 7727 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7727([CLIENT ReSector(7727)true; (258, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7705)true; (257, -6, 770); ]; 7705 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7705([CLIENT ReSector(7705)true; (257, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7741)true; (259, -6, 770); ]; 7741 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7741([CLIENT ReSector(7741)true; (259, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7725)true; (258, -8, 772); ]; 7725 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7725([CLIENT ReSector(7725)true; (258, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7731)true; (259, -8, 770); ]; 7731 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7731([CLIENT ReSector(7731)true; (259, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7739)true; (259, -7, 771); ]; 7739 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7739([CLIENT ReSector(7739)true; (259, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[mckays turret base 1](7711); 7711 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7711(Ship[mckays turret base 1](7711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7724)true; (258, -8, 771); ]; 7724 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7724([CLIENT ReSector(7724)true; (258, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7738)sec[7735]; 7738 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7738(Asteroid(7738)sec[7735]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7715)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 7715 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7715(Planet(7715)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7726)true; (258, -7, 770); ]; 7726 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7726([CLIENT ReSector(7726)true; (258, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7702)true; (257, -7, 770); ]; 7702 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7702([CLIENT ReSector(7702)true; (257, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7736)sec[7735]; 7736 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7736(Asteroid(7736)sec[7735]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7737)sec[7735]; 7737 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7737(Asteroid(7737)sec[7735]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7694)sec[7691]; 7694 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7694(Asteroid(7694)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7714)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 7714 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7714(Planet(7714)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7696)sec[7691]; 7696 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7696(Asteroid(7696)sec[7691]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(7719)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 7719 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7719(Planet(7719)[s7706]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[mckays barrel1](7717); 7717 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7717(Ship[mckays barrel1](7717)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(7734)sec[7733]; 7734 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7734(Asteroid(7734)sec[7733]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7733)true; (259, -8, 772); ]; 7733 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7733([CLIENT ReSector(7733)true; (259, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7706)true; (257, -6, 771); ]; 7706 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7706([CLIENT ReSector(7706)true; (257, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7691)true; (258, -7, 771); ]; 7691 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7691([CLIENT ReSector(7691)true; (258, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7735)true; (259, -7, 770); ]; 7735 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7735([CLIENT ReSector(7735)true; (259, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7743)true; (259, -6, 772); ]; 7743 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7743([CLIENT ReSector(7743)true; (259, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(7728)true; (258, -6, 770); ]; 7728 [2016-04-04 03:48:58] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7728([CLIENT ReSector(7728)true; (258, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:48:58] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 03:48:58] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 03:48:59] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 03:48:59] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:48:59] INPUT CGHANGED greyh [2016-04-04 03:49:01] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:49:01] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:49:01] INPUT CGHANGED grey h [2016-04-04 03:49:01] INPUT CGHANGED grey he [2016-04-04 03:49:02] INPUT CGHANGED grey h [2016-04-04 03:49:02] INPUT CGHANGED grey hu [2016-04-04 03:49:02] INPUT CGHANGED grey hul [2016-04-04 03:49:02] INPUT CGHANGED grey hull [2016-04-04 03:49:05] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 4252 TO 9068 [2016-04-04 03:49:05] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 145896 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23be Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23be Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23be Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23be Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Chckn_Wildstyle, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[68]: type 612; #1; (0.39281595, -22.5704, 1.2075006)) -> (ITEM[68]: type 612; #1; (0.39281595, -22.5704, 1.2075006)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[69]: type 102; #37; (-1.5, -21.5, 0.5)) -> (ITEM[69]: type 102; #37; (-1.5, -21.5, 0.5)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[70]: type 83; #1; (-0.7030255, -20.992308, -1.6480953)) -> (ITEM[70]: type 83; #1; (-0.7030255, -20.992308, -1.6480953)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[71]: type 649; #1; (-1.3966819, -23.052505, -2.067335)) -> (ITEM[71]: type 649; #1; (-1.3966819, -23.052505, -2.067335)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[72]: type 690; #264; (4.8156137, -28.590317, 0.9873753)) -> (ITEM[72]: type 690; #264; (4.8156137, -28.590317, 0.9873753)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[73]: type 612; #1; (7.1568346, -27.815918, 0.5947143)) -> (ITEM[73]: type 612; #1; (7.1568346, -27.815918, 0.5947143)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[74]: type 160; #233; (6.066407, -27.72832, -0.44848606)) -> (ITEM[74]: type 160; #233; (6.066407, -27.72832, -0.44848606)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[75]: type 620; #1; (6.831895, -28.359762, 0.46863192)) -> (ITEM[75]: type 620; #1; (6.831895, -28.359762, 0.46863192)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[76]: type 873; #1; (5.2797666, -26.758678, -0.54433846)) -> (ITEM[76]: type 873; #1; (5.2797666, -26.758678, -0.54433846)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[77]: type 414; #160; (7.856436, -26.088165, 1.61118)) -> (ITEM[77]: type 414; #160; (7.856436, -26.088165, 1.61118)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[78]: type 612; #1; (9.277194, -30.187473, -0.11693778)) -> (ITEM[78]: type 612; #1; (9.277194, -30.187473, -0.11693778)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[79]: type 511; #214; (7.915092, -28.75489, 1.7181342)) -> (ITEM[79]: type 511; #214; (7.915092, -28.75489, 1.7181342)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[80]: type 198; #315; (9.195855, -28.443, 2.5483196)) -> (ITEM[80]: type 198; #315; (9.195855, -28.443, 2.5483196)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[81]: type 217; #133; (7.304356, -29.633669, -0.25524855)) -> (ITEM[81]: type 217; #133; (7.304356, -29.633669, -0.25524855)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[82]: type 424; #1; (5.660221, -26.681204, 0.03699171)) -> (ITEM[82]: type 424; #1; (5.660221, -26.681204, 0.03699171)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[83]: type 827; #191; (5.372119, -27.460785, 0.4563676)) -> (ITEM[83]: type 827; #191; (5.372119, -27.460785, 0.4563676)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[84]: type 240; #1; (6.213976, -29.534035, 0.390605)) -> (ITEM[84]: type 240; #1; (6.213976, -29.534035, 0.390605)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[85]: type 577; #1; (8.960874, -29.899538, 3.7237573)) -> (ITEM[85]: type 577; #1; (8.960874, -29.899538, 3.7237573)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[86]: type 223; #2; (6.7604923, -30.034695, 2.0520952)) -> (ITEM[86]: type 223; #2; (6.7604923, -30.034695, 2.0520952)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[87]: type 348; #1; (6.5, -29.5, 1.5)) -> (ITEM[87]: type 348; #1; (6.5, -29.5, 1.5)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[88]: type 337; #325; (0.91308093, -21.778406, -0.5403453)) -> (ITEM[88]: type 337; #325; (0.91308093, -21.778406, -0.5403453)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[89]: type 936; #46; (0.54159683, -24.481817, -0.47768655)) -> (ITEM[89]: type 936; #46; (0.54159683, -24.481817, -0.47768655)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[90]: type 102; #1; (1.2174784, -24.614765, 0.92785233)) -> (ITEM[90]: type 102; #1; (1.2174784, -24.614765, 0.92785233)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[91]: type 667; #1; (-1.2077986, -25.190788, 2.0507865)) -> (ITEM[91]: type 667; #1; (-1.2077986, -25.190788, 2.0507865)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[92]: type 904; #184; (1.7532212, -22.53284, 0.04654738)) -> (ITEM[92]: type 904; #184; (1.7532212, -22.53284, 0.04654738)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[93]: type 923; #61; (0.87485874, -24.937584, 1.5546744)) -> (ITEM[93]: type 923; #61; (0.87485874, -24.937584, 1.5546744)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[94]: type 888; #1; (-1.0072322, -25.15511, -2.4161422)) -> (ITEM[94]: type 888; #1; (-1.0072322, -25.15511, -2.4161422)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[95]: type 606; #1; (-0.124260746, -21.367317, -1.5963786)) -> (ITEM[95]: type 606; #1; (-0.124260746, -21.367317, -1.5963786)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[96]: type 590; #1; (-1.4329544, -21.521084, 0.27310842)) -> (ITEM[96]: type 590; #1; (-1.4329544, -21.521084, 0.27310842)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[97]: type 286; #60; (1.1688197, -24.215885, -1.7606313)) -> (ITEM[97]: type 286; #60; (1.1688197, -24.215885, -1.7606313)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[98]: type 888; #1; (-0.08645005, -23.752396, -0.8552533)) -> (ITEM[98]: type 888; #1; (-0.08645005, -23.752396, -0.8552533)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[99]: type 541; #165; (0.027799468, -23.605867, -2.1000764)) -> (ITEM[99]: type 541; #165; (0.027799468, -23.605867, -2.1000764)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[100]: type 323; #334; (-2.2075033, -23.137482, -2.3985596)) -> (ITEM[100]: type 323; #334; (-2.2075033, -23.137482, -2.3985596)) [2016-04-04 03:49:06] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[101]: type 621; #1; (1.5, -21.5, 2.5)) -> (ITEM[101]: type 621; #1; (1.5, -21.5, 2.5)) [2016-04-04 03:49:07] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@7bd00a48 [2016-04-04 03:49:10] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:49:10] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (7, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game. [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (8969)ChatSystem; 8969 [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8969((8969)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)]; 8738 [2016-04-04 03:49:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8738(PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(8738)(28)f(0)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:14] [CLIENT] Rotating copy area - [2016-04-04 03:49:15] [CLIENT] Rotating copy area + [2016-04-04 03:49:24] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM 8004 TO 8030 [2016-04-04 03:49:32] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (3.5493164, -4.500244, 5.9990234); (4, -4, 6) [2016-04-04 03:49:32] COPY AREA SET (12, 4, 14) [2016-04-04 03:49:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 03:49:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 12, 4, 14, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:32] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)]; 4276 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4276(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(4276)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret base 101](4290); 4290 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4290(Ship[turret base 101](4290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4252)true; (52, -15, -22); ]; 4252 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4252([CLIENT ReSector(4252)true; (52, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4335)true; (53, -16, -23); ]; 4335 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4335([CLIENT ReSector(4335)true; (53, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](4284); 4284 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4284(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](4284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](4274); 4274 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4274(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](4274)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](4259); 4259 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4259(Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](4259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](4285); 4285 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4285(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](4285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4344)true; (53, -14, -21); ]; 4344 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4344([CLIENT ReSector(4344)true; (53, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](4286); 4286 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4286(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](4286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](4279); 4279 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4279(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](4279)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](4255); 4255 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4255(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](4255)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4334)true; (52, -14, -21); ]; 4334 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4334([CLIENT ReSector(4334)true; (52, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4326)true; (51, -14, -21); ]; 4326 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4326([CLIENT ReSector(4326)true; (51, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test radar activation](4258); 4258 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4258(Ship[test radar activation](4258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4331)true; (52, -15, -21); ]; 4331 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4331([CLIENT ReSector(4331)true; (52, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4342)true; (53, -14, -23); ]; 4342 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4342([CLIENT ReSector(4342)true; (53, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4324)true; (51, -14, -23); ]; 4324 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4324([CLIENT ReSector(4324)true; (51, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](4289); 4289 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4289(Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](4289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4323)true; (51, -15, -21); ]; 4323 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4323([CLIENT ReSector(4323)true; (51, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](4292); 4292 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4292(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](4292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4329)true; (52, -16, -21); ]; 4329 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4329([CLIENT ReSector(4329)true; (52, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4320)true; (51, -16, -21); ]; 4320 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4320([CLIENT ReSector(4320)true; (51, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](4253); 4253 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4253(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](4253)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](4265); 4265 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4265(Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](4265)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4337)true; (53, -16, -21); ]; 4337 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4337([CLIENT ReSector(4337)true; (53, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4325)true; (51, -14, -22); ]; 4325 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4325([CLIENT ReSector(4325)true; (51, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](4263); 4263 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4263(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](4263)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](4269); 4269 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4269(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](4269)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test fleet 1](4256); 4256 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4256(Ship[test fleet 1](4256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](4261); 4261 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4261(Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](4261)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4332)true; (52, -14, -23); ]; 4332 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4332([CLIENT ReSector(4332)true; (52, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4340)true; (53, -15, -22); ]; 4340 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4340([CLIENT ReSector(4340)true; (53, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](4272); 4272 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4272(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](4272)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SCANER](4267); 4267 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4267(Ship[SCANER](4267)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4339)true; (53, -15, -23); ]; 4339 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4339([CLIENT ReSector(4339)true; (53, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260); 4260 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4260(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](4260)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4330)true; (52, -15, -23); ]; 4330 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4330([CLIENT ReSector(4330)true; (52, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](4262); 4262 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4262(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](4262)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](4264); 4264 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4264(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](4264)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(4338)]; 4338 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4337; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4338(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(4338)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](4275); 4275 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4275(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](4275)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4318)true; (51, -16, -23); ]; 4318 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4318([CLIENT ReSector(4318)true; (51, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](4278); 4278 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4278(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](4278)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](4283); 4283 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4283(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](4283)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4343)true; (53, -14, -22); ]; 4343 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4343([CLIENT ReSector(4343)true; (53, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](4282); 4282 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4282(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](4282)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](4281); 4281 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4281(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](4281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](4254); 4254 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4254(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](4254)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4333)true; (52, -14, -22); ]; 4333 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4333([CLIENT ReSector(4333)true; (52, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](4288); 4288 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4288(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](4288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4341)true; (53, -15, -21); ]; 4341 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4341([CLIENT ReSector(4341)true; (53, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](4291); 4291 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4291(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](4291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4328)true; (52, -16, -22); ]; 4328 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4328([CLIENT ReSector(4328)true; (52, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](4293); 4293 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4293(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](4293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](4257); 4257 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4257(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](4257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](4277); 4277 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4277(Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](4277)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](4287); 4287 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4287(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](4287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4336)true; (53, -16, -22); ]; 4336 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4336([CLIENT ReSector(4336)true; (53, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[base turret 101](4266); 4266 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4266(Ship[base turret 101](4266)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test power burner](4270); 4270 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4270(Ship[test power burner](4270)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](4271); 4271 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4271(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](4271)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4321)true; (51, -15, -23); ]; 4321 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4321([CLIENT ReSector(4321)true; (51, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](4268); 4268 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4268(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](4268)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101](4280); 4280 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4280(Ship[light jumper test ship 101](4280)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4319)true; (51, -16, -22); ]; 4319 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4319([CLIENT ReSector(4319)true; (51, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4327)true; (52, -16, -23); ]; 4327 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4327([CLIENT ReSector(4327)true; (52, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(4322)true; (51, -15, -22); ]; 4322 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4322([CLIENT ReSector(4322)true; (51, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](4273); 4273 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 4252; 1623 [2016-04-04 03:49:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4273(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](4273)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8843); 8843 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8843(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](8843)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8801); 8801 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8801(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](8801)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8952)true; (3, 17, 2); ]; 8952 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8952([CLIENT ReSector(8952)true; (3, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8880); 8880 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8880(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](8880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](8939); 8939 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8939(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](8939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8873); 8873 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8873(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](8873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8899)true; (1, 17, 2); ]; 8899 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8899([CLIENT ReSector(8899)true; (1, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8855); 8855 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8855(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](8855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8747); 8747 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8747(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](8747)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8757); 8757 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8757(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](8757)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8892); 8892 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8892(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](8892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8783); 8783 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8783(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](8783)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8828); 8828 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8828(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](8828)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8782); 8782 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8782(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](8782)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(8947)]; 8947 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8947(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(8947)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8777); 8777 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8777(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](8777)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8874); 8874 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8874(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](8874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8889); 8889 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8889(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](8889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8808); 8808 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8808(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](8808)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](8931); 8931 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8931(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](8931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8911)true; (2, 17, 1); ]; 8911 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8911([CLIENT ReSector(8911)true; (2, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8800); 8800 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8800(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](8800)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8741); 8741 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8741(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](8741)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8779); 8779 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8779(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](8779)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8816); 8816 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8816(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](8816)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8764); 8764 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8764(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](8764)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small Escorter](8954); 8954 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8954(Ship[Small Escorter](8954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sammy](8961); 8961 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8961(Ship[Sammy](8961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](8937); 8937 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8937(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](8937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8753); 8753 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8753(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](8753)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8850); 8850 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8850(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](8850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8761); 8761 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8761(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](8761)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8841); 8841 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8841(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](8841)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8798); 8798 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8798(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](8798)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8886); 8886 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8886(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](8886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8887); 8887 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8887(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](8887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8876); 8876 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8876(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](8876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8749); 8749 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8749(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](8749)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](8775); 8775 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8775(Ship[Voiden](8775)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8837); 8837 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8837(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](8837)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8963)true; (3, 19, 1); ]; 8963 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8963([CLIENT ReSector(8963)true; (3, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8750); 8750 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8750(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](8750)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8951)true; (3, 17, 1); ]; 8951 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8951([CLIENT ReSector(8951)true; (3, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](8818); 8818 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8818(Ship[justint](8818)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8825); 8825 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8825(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](8825)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](8929); 8929 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8929(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](8929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LG01](8907); 8907 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8907(Ship[LG01](8907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8796); 8796 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8796(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](8796)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](8938); 8938 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8938(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](8938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8823); 8823 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8823(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](8823)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8857); 8857 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8857(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](8857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8746); 8746 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8746(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](8746)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(8915)]; 8915 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8915(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(8915)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8852); 8852 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8852(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](8852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8950)true; (2, 19, 3); ]; 8950 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8950([CLIENT ReSector(8950)true; (2, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8856); 8856 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8856(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](8856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8791)]; 8791 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8791(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(8791)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(8935)]; 8935 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8935(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(8935)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8763); 8763 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8763(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](8763)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8773); 8773 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8773(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](8773)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8789); 8789 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8789(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](8789)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(8905)]; 8905 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8905(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(8905)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8871); 8871 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8871(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](8871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8771); 8771 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8771(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](8771)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8891); 8891 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8891(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](8891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](8802); 8802 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8802(Ship[Cube](8802)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8894); 8894 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8894(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](8894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8768); 8768 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8768(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](8768)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8803); 8803 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8803(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](8803)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](8766); 8766 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8766(Ship[Mah Bucket](8766)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](8822); 8822 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8822(Ship[redstone](8822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8797); 8797 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8797(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](8797)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](8948); 8948 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8948(Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](8948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8859); 8859 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8859(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](8859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](8942); 8942 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8942(Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](8942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8896); 8896 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8896(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](8896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8854); 8854 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8854(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](8854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8756); 8756 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8756(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](8756)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8879); 8879 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8879(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](8879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8898)true; (1, 17, 1); ]; 8898 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8898([CLIENT ReSector(8898)true; (1, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](8758); 8758 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8758(Ship[UC Eden](8758)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(8913)]; 8913 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8913(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(8913)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8853); 8853 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8853(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](8853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](8867); 8867 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8867(Ship[Memeinator](8867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8962)true; (3, 18, 3); ]; 8962 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8962([CLIENT ReSector(8962)true; (3, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](8785); 8785 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8785(Ship[F](8785)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8890); 8890 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8890(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](8890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8897); 8897 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8897(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](8897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8893); 8893 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8893(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](8893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](8921); 8921 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8921(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](8921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8759); 8759 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8759(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](8759)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8832); 8832 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8832(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](8832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8815); 8815 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8815(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](8815)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8851); 8851 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8851(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](8851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](8928); 8928 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8928(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](8928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8858); 8858 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8858(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](8858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](8949); 8949 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8949(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](8949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8849); 8849 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8849(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](8849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8795); 8795 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8795(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](8795)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8861); 8861 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8861(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](8861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8839); 8839 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8839(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](8839)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](8936); 8936 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8936(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](8936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8830); 8830 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8830(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](8830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8751); 8751 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8751(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](8751)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](8926); 8926 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8926(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](8926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8878); 8878 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8878(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](8878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8812); 8812 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8812(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](8812)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](8836); 8836 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8836(Ship[Fraction](8836)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8769); 8769 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8769(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](8769)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8787); 8787 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8787(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](8787)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](8744); 8744 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8744(Ship[The Shuttle](8744)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](8924); 8924 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8924(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](8924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(8944)]; 8944 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8944(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(8944)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8847); 8847 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8847(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](8847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](8833); 8833 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8833(Ship[Almighty Ship](8833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(8902)]; 8902 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8902(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(8902)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8895); 8895 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8895(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](8895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8908)true; (1, 19, 1); ]; 8908 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8908([CLIENT ReSector(8908)true; (1, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8863); 8863 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8863(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](8863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](8959); 8959 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8959(Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](8959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8868); 8868 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8868(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](8868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8967)true; (3, 19, 3); ]; 8967 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8967([CLIENT ReSector(8967)true; (3, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](8772); 8772 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8772(Ship[Shadow corp ship](8772)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](8940); 8940 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8940(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](8940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8792); 8792 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8792(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](8792)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8875); 8875 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8875(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](8875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8780); 8780 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8780(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](8780)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8767); 8767 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8767(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](8767)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](8932); 8932 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8932(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](8932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8885); 8885 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8885(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](8885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](8927); 8927 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8927(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](8927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8788); 8788 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8788(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](8788)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8827); 8827 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8827(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](8827)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8774); 8774 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8774(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](8774)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8804); 8804 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8804(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](8804)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](8925); 8925 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8925(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](8925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8760); 8760 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8760(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](8760)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](8834); 8834 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8834(Ship[Sperg Mobile](8834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8840); 8840 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8840(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](8840)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8765); 8765 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8765(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](8765)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8811); 8811 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8811(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](8811)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8870); 8870 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](8870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8835); 8835 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8835(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](8835)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](8786); 8786 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8786(Ship[FarStar](8786)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](8846); 8846 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8846(Ship[ConduPrime_001](8846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](8781); 8781 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8781(Ship[shippy vw](8781)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8831); 8831 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8831(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](8831)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8770); 8770 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8770(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](8770)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8888); 8888 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8888(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](8888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8745); 8745 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8745(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](8745)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8844); 8844 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8844(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](8844)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8805); 8805 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8805(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](8805)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8842); 8842 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8842(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](8842)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8864); 8864 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8864(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](8864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8826); 8826 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8826(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](8826)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8881); 8881 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8881(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](8881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8860); 8860 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8860(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](8860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](8813); 8813 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8813(Ship[Water Wheel](8813)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AngelWings](8960); 8960 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8960(Ship[AngelWings](8960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](8933); 8933 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8933(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](8933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8884); 8884 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8884(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](8884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8806); 8806 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8806(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](8806)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8872); 8872 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8872(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](8872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8845); 8845 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8845(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](8845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8754); 8754 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8754(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](8754)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](8941); 8941 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8941(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](8941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8817); 8817 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8817(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](8817)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8883); 8883 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8883(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](8883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8866); 8866 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8866(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](8866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](8956); 8956 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8956(Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](8956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](8922); 8922 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8922(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](8922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](8919); 8919 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8919(Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](8919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](8930); 8930 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8930(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](8930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8900)true; (1, 17, 3); ]; 8900 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8900([CLIENT ReSector(8900)true; (1, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8821); 8821 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8821(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](8821)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8862); 8862 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8862(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](8862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(8958)]; 8958 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8958(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(8958)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8790); 8790 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8790(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](8790)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CrotchRocket](8966); 8966 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8966(Ship[CrotchRocket](8966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8910)true; (1, 19, 3); ]; 8910 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8910([CLIENT ReSector(8910)true; (1, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8882); 8882 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8882(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](8882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The First Order S-1](8946); 8946 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8946(Ship[The First Order S-1](8946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8755); 8755 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8755(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](8755)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](8903); 8903 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8903(Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](8903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8877); 8877 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](8877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8740); 8740 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8740(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](8740)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8809); 8809 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8809(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](8809)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](8819); 8819 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8819(Ship[World Eater](8819)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](8762); 8762 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8762(Ship[ssKingduffs](8762)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](8776); 8776 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8776(Ship[Escape pod](8776)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8824); 8824 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8824(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](8824)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8799); 8799 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8799(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](8799)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8807); 8807 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8807(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](8807)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8865); 8865 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8865(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](8865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8848); 8848 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8848(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](8848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8814); 8814 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8814(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](8814)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](8820); 8820 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8820(Ship[The Noob Ship](8820)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](8923); 8923 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8923(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](8923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8869); 8869 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8869(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](8869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](8965); 8965 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8965(Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](8965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](8934); 8934 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8934(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](8934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(8918)]; 8918 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8918(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(8918)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8748); 8748 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8748(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](8748)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8784); 8784 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8784(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](8784)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8752); 8752 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8752(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](8752)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8793); 8793 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8793(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](8793)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8743); 8743 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8743(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](8743)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8829); 8829 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8829(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](8829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8810); 8810 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8810(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](8810)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8838); 8838 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8838(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](8838)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8778); 8778 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8778(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](8778)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[X-1](8917); 8917 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8917(Ship[X-1](8917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8909)true; (1, 19, 2); ]; 8909 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8909([CLIENT ReSector(8909)true; (1, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8794); 8794 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8794(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](8794)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8742); 8742 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8742(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](8742)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8920)true; (2, 18, 3); ]; 8920 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8920([CLIENT ReSector(8920)true; (2, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8901)true; (1, 18, 1); ]; 8901 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8901([CLIENT ReSector(8901)true; (1, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8904)true; (1, 18, 2); ]; 8904 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8904([CLIENT ReSector(8904)true; (1, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8914)true; (2, 17, 3); ]; 8914 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8914([CLIENT ReSector(8914)true; (2, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8964)true; (3, 19, 2); ]; 8964 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8964([CLIENT ReSector(8964)true; (3, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8943)true; (2, 19, 1); ]; 8943 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8943([CLIENT ReSector(8943)true; (2, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8955)true; (3, 18, 1); ]; 8955 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8955([CLIENT ReSector(8955)true; (3, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8953)true; (3, 17, 3); ]; 8953 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8953([CLIENT ReSector(8953)true; (3, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8912)true; (2, 17, 2); ]; 8912 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8912([CLIENT ReSector(8912)true; (2, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8739)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 8739 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8739([CLIENT ReSector(8739)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8916)true; (2, 18, 1); ]; 8916 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8916([CLIENT ReSector(8916)true; (2, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8906)true; (1, 18, 3); ]; 8906 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8906([CLIENT ReSector(8906)true; (1, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8957)true; (3, 18, 2); ]; 8957 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8957([CLIENT ReSector(8957)true; (3, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8945)true; (2, 19, 2); ]; 8945 [2016-04-04 03:49:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8945([CLIENT ReSector(8945)true; (2, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.852539, -0.5, 8.157227); (8, 0, 8) [2016-04-04 03:49:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:49:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:49:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:49:49] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.851074, -1.5, 8.149414); (8, -1, 8) [2016-04-04 03:49:49] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:49] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:49:49] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:49:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407); 8407 [2016-04-04 03:49:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8407(Ship[Cargo_Pod](8407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:49:55] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:49:56] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.5981445, -0.49975586, 8.691406); (8, 0, 9) [2016-04-04 03:49:56] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:56] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:49:56] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:49:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.7333984, -0.5, 9.933594); (8, 0, 10) [2016-04-04 03:49:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:57] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:49:57] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:49:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:49:58] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:49:58] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=i added some temporary docking] [2016-04-04 03:49:58] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: i added some temporary docking; ML: 59 [2016-04-04 03:49:59] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.8876953, -1.5002441, 9.858887); (8, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:49:59] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:49:59] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:49:59] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](9094); 9094 [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9094(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1rl10](9094)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](9118); 9118 [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9118(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1rl10](9118)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](9146); 9146 [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9146(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1](9146)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](9157); 9157 [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9157(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702844128rl1rl10](9157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 10, 8), toId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2654.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:50:06] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6121.263, 2654.874, 5096.7495) [2016-04-04 03:50:06] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:50:06] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6121.263, 2654.874, 5096.7495) [2016-04-04 03:50:09] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:50:09] : [2016-04-04 03:50:09] [2016-04-04 03:50:09] 06 - ??[Chase] (vitesse réduite).ogg [2016-04-04 03:50:09] Error [2016-04-04 03:50:09] : [2016-04-04 03:50:09] [2016-04-04 03:50:09] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:50:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:50:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:50:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:50:10] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[PhatBoy](738) [2016-04-04 03:50:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=allright] [2016-04-04 03:50:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: allright; ML: 60 [2016-04-04 03:50:15] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:50:15] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:50:15] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] (handleGravity()) Deactivating gravity [2016-04-04 03:50:16] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:19] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -2.5563965, 10.449707); (7, -3, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:19] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:19] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:19] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:21] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -1.7668457, 9.009766); (7, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:50:21] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 60, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:21] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:21] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:23] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.612793, -2.5, 9.161621); (8, -2, 9) [2016-04-04 03:50:23] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:23] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:23] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:24] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: FRONT: (7.5566406, -2.567627, 7.5); (8, -3, 7) [2016-04-04 03:50:25] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 50, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:25] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:25] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:25] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:26] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (7.676758, -3.5, 7.9052734); (8, -3, 8) [2016-04-04 03:50:26] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 40, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:26] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:26] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:26] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -3.5266113, 8.728027); (7, -4, 9) [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 40, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:28] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]; detach pos: (6112.249, 2698.3691, 5128.3945) [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:50:28] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (7.5, -3.6003418, 10.018555); (7, -4, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:29] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 160, 40, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:29] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:29] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:30] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9183 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]; detach pos: (46.173965, -120.400246, 1183.86) [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:50:33] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183) [2016-04-04 03:50:34] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.878418, -0.5, 9.565918); (9, 0, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:34] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:34] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:34] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:35] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (9.5, -0.51171875, 9.685059); (9, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:35] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 180; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:35] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:35] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:36] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:37] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:39] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.732422, -1.5, 9.564453); (10, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:39] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (18, 7, 18)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:50:40] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (9.374023, -1.5002441, 9.643555); (9, -1, 10) [2016-04-04 03:50:40] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (17, 7, 18)[Factory Enhancer]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 0; FRONT [2016-04-04 03:50:45] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 17 ms [2016-04-04 03:50:45] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.042969, -0.50024414, 8.828613); (9, 0, 9) [2016-04-04 03:50:45] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 170; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:45] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:45] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:45] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM 8030 TO 8004 [2016-04-04 03:50:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.797852, -0.5, 8.249512); (9, 0, 8) [2016-04-04 03:50:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 160; Type: Factory Enhancer(212) [2016-04-04 03:50:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:50:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:50:47] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:48] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:50:57] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM(3): (10.046387, -3.5, 6.6723633); (10, -3, 7) [2016-04-04 03:50:57] COPY AREA SET (18, 5, 15) [2016-04-04 03:50:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] RECORDING AREA [2016-04-04 03:50:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] recorded: pos: 18, 5, 15, relativeToAreaPos: (0, 0, 0); Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:50:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] 1 blocks recorded [2016-04-04 03:51:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=738 (Ship[PhatBoy](738)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:51:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[PhatBoy](738); detach pos: (3398.8462, 1239.0422, 1664.9755) [2016-04-04 03:51:08] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:51:08] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9172)true; (-20, 45, -5); ]; 9172 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9172([CLIENT ReSector(9172)true; (-20, 45, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9173)true; (-20, 46, -5); ]; 9173 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9173([CLIENT ReSector(9173)true; (-20, 46, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9176)true; (-19, 46, -5); ]; 9176 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9176([CLIENT ReSector(9176)true; (-19, 46, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9180)true; (-18, 45, -5); ]; 9180 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9180([CLIENT ReSector(9180)true; (-18, 45, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9174)true; (-19, 44, -5); ]; 9174 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9174([CLIENT ReSector(9174)true; (-19, 44, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9182)true; (-18, 46, -5); ]; 9182 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9182([CLIENT ReSector(9182)true; (-18, 46, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9171)true; (-20, 44, -5); ]; 9171 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9171([CLIENT ReSector(9171)true; (-20, 44, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9175)true; (-19, 45, -5); ]; 9175 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9175([CLIENT ReSector(9175)true; (-19, 45, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9178)true; (-18, 44, -5); ]; 9178 [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9178([CLIENT ReSector(9178)true; (-18, 44, -5); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:51:15] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.138184, -0.5, 5.8271484); (9, 0, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:15] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:15] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:16] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.817383, -0.50024414, 5.8637695); (10, 0, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:16] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:16] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:16] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.051758, -0.49975586, 6.043457); (11, 0, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 70, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[light scout](1100) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.120117, -0.5, 6.2226562); (12, 0, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 70, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:17] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:19] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.836914, -0.5, 5.935547); (13, 0, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:19] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 70, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:19] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:19] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:22] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:23] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:24] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (8.731934, -0.5463867, 5.5); (9, -1, 6) [2016-04-04 03:51:24] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:24] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:24] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (9.499512, -0.82250977, 5.1904297); (9, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:25] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:25] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:25] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:27] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (10.499512, -0.73583984, 5.0146484); (10, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:27] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 70, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:27] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:27] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:28] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.563477, -0.50024414, 5.1064453); (12, 0, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:28] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 70, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:28] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:28] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.651367, -0.5, 5.101074); (13, 0, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 70, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:29] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9184 (Ship[BubbleButt](9184)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]; detach pos: (3406.8462, 1231.0422, 1656.9755) [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[BubbleButt](9184) [2016-04-04 03:51:29] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=9183 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:51:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:51:30] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:51:30] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] [2016-04-04 03:51:30] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:31] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:33] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:33] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:34] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 03:51:34] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 03:51:37] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.209961, -0.5, 4.211426); (9, 0, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:37] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 70, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:37] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:37] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (10.452148, -0.49975586, 4.220215); (10, 0, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 70, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.230469, -0.5, 4.226074); (11, 0, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 70, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:38] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23e5 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23e5 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23e5 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@23e5 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Thriver, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.258789, -0.5, 4.2001953); (12, 0, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 70, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:39] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:39] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:40] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (13.110352, -0.5, 4.1708984); (13, 0, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:40] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 70, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:40] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:40] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:42] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:43] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] FROM 9068 TO 9185 [2016-04-04 03:51:43] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:44] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:46] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.612305, -1.5, 4.3085938); (13, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:46] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 60, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:46] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:46] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:47] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.988281, -1.5, 4.448242); (12, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:47] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 60, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:47] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:47] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (10.833496, -1.5, 4.248535); (11, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 60, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.986816, -1.5, 4.246582); (10, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:48] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:50] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (8.894043, -1.5, 4.397461); (9, -1, 4) [2016-04-04 03:51:50] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 120; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:50] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:50] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:50] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:51] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:52] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:53] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.599609, -1.5002441, 5.423828); (13, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 60, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.003906, -1.5, 5.2905273); (12, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 60, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:57] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle (8, -21, 19) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire (8, -12, 86) Rail Basic(662)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle (8, -21, 19) Rail Docker(663)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire (8, -12, 86) Rail Basic(662)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) (8, -21, 19) Rail Docker(663)] -> [Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) (8, -12, 86) Rail Basic(662)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@c98d79e8([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]]) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YJ@c93d2dac([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)]) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.173828, -1.5, 5.310547); (11, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 60, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:58] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (10.221191, -1.5, 5.2460938); (10, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (9.460449, -1.5, 5.3168945); (9, -1, 5) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 130; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:51:59] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:00] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:01] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:02] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:03] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:04] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (9.204102, -1.7641602, 6.5); (9, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 170, 60, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [COPYAREA] Build done in 1 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (9.760742, -1.8623047, 6.4995117); (10, -2, 7) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 180, 60, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:52:06] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (11.244141, -1.4997559, 6.0878906); (11, -1, 6) [2016-04-04 03:52:08] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 190, 60, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:52:08] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:52:08] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.397949, -1.5, 6.220703); (12, -1, 6) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 200, 60, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BOTTOM: (12.90332, -1.5002441, 6.2714844); (13, -1, 6) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [CLIENT][COPYPASTE] BUILDING PASTE: 210, 60, 140; Type: Cargo Space(689) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] IN {}; 0 ;;; (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 03:52:09] [COPYAREA] Build done in 0 ms. Now connecting necessary blocks [2016-04-04 03:52:12] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9081)true; (59, -12, -27); ]; 9081 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9081([CLIENT ReSector(9081)true; (59, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](9104); 9104 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9104(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl32](9104)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](9152); 9152 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9152(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl210](9152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](9151); 9151 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9151(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl11](9151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9082)true; (59, -12, -25); ]; 9082 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9082([CLIENT ReSector(9082)true; (59, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(9150)]; 9150 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9150(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587(9150)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9091)true; (60, -12, -25); ]; 9091 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9091([CLIENT ReSector(9091)true; (60, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](9127); 9127 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9127(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl14](9127)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](9098); 9098 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9098(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30E](9098)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](9105); 9105 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9105(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl15](9105)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](9148); 9148 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9148(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl160](9148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](9113); 9113 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9113(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl19](9113)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](9130); 9130 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9130(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl26](9130)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](9120); 9120 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9120(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10](9120)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9084)true; (59, -11, -26); ]; 9084 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9084([CLIENT ReSector(9084)true; (59, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](9116); 9116 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9116(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl12](9116)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](9156); 9156 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9156(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl28](9156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](9144); 9144 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9144(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl27](9144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9075)true; (58, -11, -27); ]; 9075 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9075([CLIENT ReSector(9075)true; (58, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9086)true; (60, -13, -27); ]; 9086 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9086([CLIENT ReSector(9086)true; (60, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](9139); 9139 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9139(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl31](9139)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9087)true; (60, -13, -26); ]; 9087 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9087([CLIENT ReSector(9087)true; (60, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](9111); 9111 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9111(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl190](9111)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](9142); 9142 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9142(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl9](9142)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9072)true; (58, -12, -27); ]; 9072 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9072([CLIENT ReSector(9072)true; (58, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](9162); 9162 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9162(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl150](9162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](9128); 9128 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9128(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl110](9128)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](9108); 9108 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9108(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl250](9108)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9069)true; (58, -13, -27); ]; 9069 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9069([CLIENT ReSector(9069)true; (58, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](9140); 9140 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9140(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl16](9140)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](9107); 9107 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9107(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl170](9107)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](9132); 9132 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9132(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl2](9132)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9076)true; (58, -11, -26); ]; 9076 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9076([CLIENT ReSector(9076)true; (58, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9077)true; (58, -11, -25); ]; 9077 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9077([CLIENT ReSector(9077)true; (58, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](9147); 9147 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9147(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl130](9147)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(9125)sec[9092]; 9125 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9125(Asteroid(9125)sec[9092]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](9167); 9167 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9167(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl10E](9167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9085)true; (59, -11, -25); ]; 9085 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9085([CLIENT ReSector(9085)true; (59, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9068)true; (59, -12, -26); ]; 9068 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9068([CLIENT ReSector(9068)true; (59, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](9126); 9126 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9126(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl23](9126)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](9099); 9099 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9099(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl280](9099)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9090)true; (60, -12, -26); ]; 9090 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9090([CLIENT ReSector(9090)true; (60, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](9096); 9096 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9096(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl1](9096)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](9115); 9115 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9115(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20](9115)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](9119); 9119 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9119(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl180](9119)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](9164); 9164 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9164(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl18](9164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](9154); 9154 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9154(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl60](9154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](9093); 9093 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9093(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl100](9093)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9071)true; (58, -13, -25); ]; 9071 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9071([CLIENT ReSector(9071)true; (58, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](9103); 9103 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9103(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl21](9103)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9070)true; (58, -13, -26); ]; 9070 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9070([CLIENT ReSector(9070)true; (58, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](9166); 9166 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9166(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl22](9166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9169)true; (60, -11, -26); ]; 9169 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9169([CLIENT ReSector(9169)true; (60, -11, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](9121); 9121 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9121(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl220](9121)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](9122); 9122 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9122(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl310](9122)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9083)true; (59, -11, -27); ]; 9083 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9083([CLIENT ReSector(9083)true; (59, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](9155); 9155 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9155(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl140](9155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](9133); 9133 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9133(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl8](9133)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](9137); 9137 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9137(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl7](9137)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](9095); 9095 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9095(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456365419152](9095)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9080)true; (59, -13, -25); ]; 9080 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9080([CLIENT ReSector(9080)true; (59, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9079)true; (59, -13, -26); ]; 9079 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9079([CLIENT ReSector(9079)true; (59, -13, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](9138); 9138 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9138(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl40](9138)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](9097); 9097 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9097(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl29](9097)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9078)true; (59, -13, -27); ]; 9078 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9078([CLIENT ReSector(9078)true; (59, -13, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](9131); 9131 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9131(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl290](9131)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](9106); 9106 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9106(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl270](9106)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](9102); 9102 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9102(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl25](9102)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](9145); 9145 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9145(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl33](9145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9088)true; (60, -13, -25); ]; 9088 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9088([CLIENT ReSector(9088)true; (60, -13, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](9163); 9163 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9163(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl24](9163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](9158); 9158 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9158(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl320](9158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](9135); 9135 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9135(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl240](9135)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](9159); 9159 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9159(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl5](9159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](9123); 9123 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9123(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl3](9123)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(9129)sec[9092]; 9129 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9129(Asteroid(9129)sec[9092]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](9168); 9168 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9168(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl70](9168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](9100); 9100 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9100(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl20E](9100)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](9165); 9165 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9165(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl50](9165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](9134); 9134 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9134(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl230](9134)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9089)true; (60, -12, -27); ]; 9089 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9089([CLIENT ReSector(9089)true; (60, -12, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](9141); 9141 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9141(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl120](9141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](9160); 9160 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9160(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl80](9160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](9161); 9161 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9161(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl6](9161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9074)true; (58, -12, -25); ]; 9074 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9074([CLIENT ReSector(9074)true; (58, -12, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](9114); 9114 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9114(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl17](9114)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](9117); 9117 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9117(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl90](9117)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](9101); 9101 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9101(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl00](9101)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](9136); 9136 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9136(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl300](9136)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](9110); 9110 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9110(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl4](9110)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](9153); 9153 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9153(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl330](9153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](9124); 9124 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9124(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl0](9124)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](9143); 9143 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9143(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl200](9143)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](9149); 9149 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9149(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl260](9149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9170)true; (60, -11, -25); ]; 9170 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9170([CLIENT ReSector(9170)true; (60, -11, -25); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](9112); 9112 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9112(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl30](9112)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](9109); 9109 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9109(Ship[Station_CFW Light Defense Platform MK1-V1D1-E3_60_-11_-27_1459643238587rl13](9109)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9073)true; (58, -12, -26); ]; 9073 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9073([CLIENT ReSector(9073)true; (58, -12, -26); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9092)true; (60, -11, -27); ]; 9092 [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9092([CLIENT ReSector(9092)true; (60, -11, -27); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:13] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:14] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:15] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:17] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:20] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:21] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, ADM_Eldiwyn]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ADM_Eldiwyn left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ADM_Eldiwyn left the game. [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)] [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)]; 2409 [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2409(PlS[ADM_Eldiwyn ; id(2409)(11)f(10230)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (2949)ChatSystem; 2949 [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2949((2949)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)]; 3535 [2016-04-04 03:52:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 3535(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ADM_Eldiwyn)(3535)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:39] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)], fromId=698 (Ship[Swanson](698)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=4847 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:52:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)]: Ship[Swanson](698); detach pos: (3358.8462, 1244.0422, 1898.9755) [2016-04-04 03:52:40] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:52:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] [2016-04-04 03:52:41] [CLIENT][SEGBUILDCONTROLLER] NORMAL CONNECTION [2016-04-04 03:52:52] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:52:52] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:52:55] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:52:56] INPUT CGHANGED g [2016-04-04 03:52:57] INPUT CGHANGED gr [2016-04-04 03:52:57] INPUT CGHANGED gre [2016-04-04 03:52:57] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1456959190775](2802); 2802 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2802(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1456959190775](2802)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299480200rl1rl10](2722); 2722 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2722(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299480200rl1rl10](2722)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl40](2767); 2767 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2767(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl40](2767)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl60](2721); 2721 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2721(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl60](2721)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl0](2768); 2768 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2768(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl0](2768)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459111956103rl0](2812); 2812 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2812(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459111956103rl0](2812)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl410](2854); 2854 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2854(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl410](2854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl6](2785); 2785 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2785(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl6](2785)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548248248rl1](2733); 2733 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2733(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548248248rl1](2733)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Scout_1459210891078rl0](2763); 2763 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2763(Ship[DUST IND Scout_1459210891078rl0](2763)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485](2655); 2655 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2655(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485](2655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508981rl1rl10](2651); 2651 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2651(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508981rl1rl10](2651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548244552rl1rl10](2668); 2668 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2668(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548244552rl1rl10](2668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl40](2681); 2681 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2681(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl40](2681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512054rl1rl10](2793); 2793 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2793(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512054rl1rl10](2793)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl00](2677); 2677 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2677(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl00](2677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771275333rl1](2886); 2886 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2886(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771275333rl1](2886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl5](2864); 2864 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2864(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl5](2864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl60](2819); 2819 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2819(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl60](2819)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl1](2809); 2809 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2809(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl1](2809)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1458407848607rl0rl00](2656); 2656 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2656(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1458407848607rl0rl00](2656)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl4](2737); 2737 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2737(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl4](2737)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299480200rl1](2640); 2640 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2640(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299480200rl1](2640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl5](2920); 2920 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2920(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl5](2920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2934)true; (5000, 5000, 4999); ]; 2934 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2934([CLIENT ReSector(2934)true; (5000, 5000, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771502784rl1](2581); 2581 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2581(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771502784rl1](2581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl6](2778); 2778 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2778(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl6](2778)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2931)true; (5000, 4999, 4999); ]; 2931 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2931([CLIENT ReSector(2931)true; (5000, 4999, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Crimson-Artist_1453688685484](2822); 2822 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2822(Ship[ADM_Crimson-Artist_1453688685484](2822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl3](2584); 2584 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2584(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl3](2584)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK5-V1D1_1452531535012rl0](2775); 2775 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2775(Ship[Mini Turret MK5-V1D1_1452531535012rl0](2775)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl20](2740); 2740 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2740(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl20](2740)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548247381rl1](2845); 2845 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2845(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548247381rl1](2845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl16](2648); 2648 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2648(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl16](2648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl800](2800); 2800 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2800(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl800](2800)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl0](2683); 2683 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2683(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl0](2683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548241524rl1](2598); 2598 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2598(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548241524rl1](2598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl0](2784); 2784 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2784(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl0](2784)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512975rl1rl10](2916); 2916 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2916(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512975rl1rl10](2916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl5](2588); 2588 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2588(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl5](2588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl6](2657); 2657 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2657(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl6](2657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl30](2694); 2694 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2694(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl30](2694)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2944)true; (5001, 5000, 5001); ]; 2944 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2944([CLIENT ReSector(2944)true; (5001, 5000, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl3](2841); 2841 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2841(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl3](2841)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770898617rl1rl10](2706); 2706 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2706(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770898617rl1rl10](2706)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548242567rl1rl10](2747); 2747 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2747(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548242567rl1rl10](2747)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl10](2595); 2595 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2595(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl10](2595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548909346rl1](2876); 2876 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2876(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548909346rl1](2876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl100](2715); 2715 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2715(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl100](2715)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Melody door refit_1455646568586rl2](2874); 2874 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2874(Ship[Melody door refit_1455646568586rl2](2874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177rl0](2644); 2644 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2644(Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177rl0](2644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl3](2736); 2736 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2736(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl3](2736)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl2](2704); 2704 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2704(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl2](2704)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2922)true; (4999, 4999, 5000); ]; 2922 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2922([CLIENT ReSector(2922)true; (4999, 4999, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Fighter_1459209894610](2790); 2790 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2790(Ship[DUST IND Fighter_1459209894610](2790)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1458772049979](2712); 2712 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2712(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1458772049979](2712)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127rl0](2671); 2671 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2671(Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127rl0](2671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548239427rl1](2675); 2675 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2675(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548239427rl1](2675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl30](2884); 2884 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2884(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl30](2884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092](2731); 2731 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2731(Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092](2731)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548246416rl1rl10](2730); 2730 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2730(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548246416rl1rl10](2730)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl2](2699); 2699 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2699(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl2](2699)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127](2836); 2836 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2836(Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127](2836)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl170](2860); 2860 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2860(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl170](2860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl0](2637); 2637 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2637(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl0](2637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl50](2632); 2632 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2632(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl50](2632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl120](2817); 2817 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2817(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl120](2817)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771277501rl1rl10](2896); 2896 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2896(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771277501rl1rl10](2896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CatapultWIP_1452648513862](2692); 2692 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2692(Ship[CatapultWIP_1452648513862](2692)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459304794816](2880); 2880 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2880(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459304794816](2880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Crimson-Artist_1455343020991](2573); 2573 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2573(Ship[ADM_Crimson-Artist_1455343020991](2573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770899745rl1rl10](2636); 2636 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2636(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770899745rl1rl10](2636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl9](2852); 2852 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2852(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl9](2852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl2](2618); 2618 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2618(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl2](2618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl20](2757); 2757 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2757(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl20](2757)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl60](2702); 2702 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2702(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl60](2702)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1453691381927](2887); 2887 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2887(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1453691381927](2887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299476400rl1rl10](2754); 2754 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2754(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299476400rl1rl10](2754)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl20](2609); 2609 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2609(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl20](2609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2943)true; (5001, 5000, 5000); ]; 2943 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2943([CLIENT ReSector(2943)true; (5001, 5000, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl00](2855); 2855 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2855(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl00](2855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261](2734); 2734 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2734(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261](2734)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl10](2705); 2705 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2705(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl10](2705)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl81](2732); 2732 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2732(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl81](2732)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299477379rl1](2918); 2918 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2918(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299477379rl1](2918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871](2853); 2853 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2853(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871](2853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl6](2613); 2613 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2613(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl6](2613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl3](2769); 2769 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2769(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl3](2769)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771511023rl1rl10](2610); 2610 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2610(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771511023rl1rl10](2610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2928)true; (4999, 5001, 4999); ]; 2928 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2928([CLIENT ReSector(2928)true; (4999, 5001, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2946)true; (5001, 5001, 5000); ]; 2946 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2946([CLIENT ReSector(2946)true; (5001, 5001, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299470772rl1](2735); 2735 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2735(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299470772rl1](2735)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl1](2743); 2743 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2743(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl1](2743)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl10E](2842); 2842 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2842(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl10E](2842)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl10](2795); 2795 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2795(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl10](2795)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061](2813); 2813 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2813(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061](2813)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl4](2799); 2799 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2799(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl4](2799)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548910868rl1rl10](2689); 2689 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2689(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548910868rl1rl10](2689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl4](2892); 2892 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2892(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl4](2892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl14](2861); 2861 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2861(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl14](2861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2939)true; (5001, 4999, 4999); ]; 2939 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2939([CLIENT ReSector(2939)true; (5001, 4999, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2921)true; (4999, 4999, 4999); ]; 2921 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2921([CLIENT ReSector(2921)true; (4999, 4999, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl20](2752); 2752 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2752(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl20](2752)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299474120rl1](2843); 2843 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2843(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299474120rl1](2843)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl71](2837); 2837 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2837(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl71](2837)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770753613rl1](2797); 2797 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2797(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770753613rl1](2797)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(2926)sec[2925]; 2926 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2926(Asteroid(2926)sec[2925]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771502784rl1rl10](2622); 2622 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2622(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771502784rl1rl10](2622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl5](2808); 2808 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2808(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl5](2808)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2930)true; (4999, 5001, 5001); ]; 2930 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2930([CLIENT ReSector(2930)true; (4999, 5001, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548242567rl1](2625); 2625 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2625(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548242567rl1](2625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl50](2871); 2871 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2871(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl50](2871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2945)true; (5001, 5001, 4999); ]; 2945 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2945([CLIENT ReSector(2945)true; (5001, 5001, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl0](2904); 2904 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2904(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl0](2904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl3](2604); 2604 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2604(Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl3](2604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548243585rl1](2780); 2780 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2780(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548243585rl1](2780)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2938)true; (5000, 5001, 5001); ]; 2938 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2938([CLIENT ReSector(2938)true; (5000, 5001, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771276453rl1rl10](2859); 2859 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2859(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771276453rl1rl10](2859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl80](2844); 2844 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2844(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl80](2844)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548244552rl1](2571); 2571 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2571(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548244552rl1](2571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459127322952rl0rl00](2848); 2848 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2848(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459127322952rl0rl00](2848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl2](2620); 2620 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2620(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl2](2620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299475321rl1](2759); 2759 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2759(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299475321rl1](2759)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771705943rl1rl10](2693); 2693 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2693(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771705943rl1rl10](2693)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996](2889); 2889 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2889(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996](2889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl80](2688); 2688 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2688(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl80](2688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770895287rl1](2608); 2608 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2608(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770895287rl1](2608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548239427rl1rl10](2911); 2911 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2911(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548239427rl1rl10](2911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770894248rl1rl10](2900); 2900 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2900(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770894248rl1rl10](2900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl1](2830); 2830 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2830(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl1](2830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1453263356119](2850); 2850 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2850(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1453263356119](2850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742](2919); 2919 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2919(Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742](2919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771705943rl1](2749); 2749 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2749(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771705943rl1](2749)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512054rl1](2717); 2717 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2717(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512054rl1](2717)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl3](2599); 2599 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2599(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl3](2599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548245512rl1](2696); 2696 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2696(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548245512rl1](2696)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177](2833); 2833 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2833(Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177](2833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl5](2764); 2764 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2764(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl5](2764)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299473050rl1rl10](2828); 2828 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2828(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299473050rl1rl10](2828)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299476400rl1](2774); 2774 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2774(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299476400rl1](2774)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548241524rl1rl10](2660); 2660 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2660(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548241524rl1rl10](2660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl00](2674); 2674 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2674(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl00](2674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548910868rl1](2777); 2777 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2777(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548910868rl1](2777)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1458925852065](2596); 2596 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2596(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1458925852065](2596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl6](2578); 2578 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2578(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl6](2578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1454879972803](2846); 2846 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2846(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1454879972803](2846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299446241rl1](2791); 2791 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2791(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299446241rl1](2791)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299474120rl1rl10](2866); 2866 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2866(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299474120rl1rl10](2866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl000](2714); 2714 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2714(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl000](2714)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl00](2626); 2626 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2626(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl00](2626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299475321rl1rl10](2910); 2910 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2910(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299475321rl1rl10](2910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[OrbitWIP-2-7-16_1454878144882](2673); 2673 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2673(Ship[OrbitWIP-2-7-16_1454878144882](2673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl7](2782); 2782 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2782(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl7](2782)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl1](2658); 2658 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2658(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl1](2658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl60](2646); 2646 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2646(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl60](2646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548240426rl1](2662); 2662 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2662(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548240426rl1](2662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[XMC_Cyclops-Gunship_1458925794120](2725); 2725 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2725(Ship[XMC_Cyclops-Gunship_1458925794120](2725)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl50](2635); 2635 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2635(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl50](2635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770892582rl1rl10](2905); 2905 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2905(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770892582rl1rl10](2905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548908184rl1rl10](2680); 2680 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2680(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548908184rl1rl10](2680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770897250rl1](2720); 2720 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2720(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770897250rl1](2720)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl3](2899); 2899 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2899(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl3](2899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl70](2612); 2612 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2612(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl70](2612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl00](2667); 2667 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2667(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl00](2667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl60](2710); 2710 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2710(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl60](2710)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770895287rl1rl10](2592); 2592 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2592(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770895287rl1rl10](2592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl4](2794); 2794 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2794(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl4](2794)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299446241rl1rl10](2654); 2654 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2654(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299446241rl1rl10](2654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952](2617); 2617 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2617(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952](2617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemny-LightMissileTurret_1458778330684rl28](2862); 2862 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2862(Ship[Orthrex Hegemny-LightMissileTurret_1458778330684rl28](2862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl12](2810); 2810 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2810(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl12](2810)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Exodist_1459211517570](2627); 2627 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2627(Ship[ADM_Exodist_1459211517570](2627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl40](2575); 2575 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2575(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl40](2575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl3](2827); 2827 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2827(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl3](2827)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548240426rl1rl10](2906); 2906 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2906(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548240426rl1rl10](2906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl3](2781); 2781 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2781(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl3](2781)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298541363](2653); 2653 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2653(Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298541363](2653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1458407848607rl0](2647); 2647 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2647(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1458407848607rl0](2647)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2933)true; (5000, 4999, 5001); ]; 2933 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2933([CLIENT ReSector(2933)true; (5000, 4999, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl10](2891); 2891 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2891(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl10](2891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770899745rl1](2811); 2811 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2811(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770899745rl1](2811)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl3](2748); 2748 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2748(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl3](2748)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl17](2745); 2745 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2745(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl17](2745)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508981rl1](2645); 2645 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2645(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508981rl1](2645)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl6](2879); 2879 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2879(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl6](2879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192](2877); 2877 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2877(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192](2877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl20](2787); 2787 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2787(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl20](2787)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl20](2728); 2728 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2728(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl20](2728)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl90](2894); 2894 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2894(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl90](2894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770898617rl1](2718); 2718 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2718(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770898617rl1](2718)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945](2590); 2590 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2590(Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945](2590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl160](2873); 2873 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2873(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl160](2873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl300](2663); 2663 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2663(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl300](2663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742rl00](2772); 2772 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2772(Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742rl00](2772)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl1](2814); 2814 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2814(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl1](2814)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756](2652); 2652 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2652(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756](2652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl0](2805); 2805 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2805(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl0](2805)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl0](2909); 2909 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2909(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl0](2909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl10](2893); 2893 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2893(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl10](2893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl130](2756); 2756 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2756(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl130](2756)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl8](2574); 2574 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2574(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl8](2574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl40](2851); 2851 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2851(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl40](2851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771506934rl1](2634); 2634 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2634(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771506934rl1](2634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl40](2579); 2579 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2579(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl40](2579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512975rl1](2835); 2835 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2835(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771512975rl1](2835)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299471942rl1](2629); 2629 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2629(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299471942rl1](2629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl1](2724); 2724 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2724(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl1](2724)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299478534rl1](2760); 2760 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2760(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299478534rl1](2760)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl00](2870); 2870 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2870(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl00](2870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459127322952rl0](2838); 2838 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2838(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459127322952rl0](2838)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Build_Template_1452464099226](2582); 2582 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2582(Ship[Build_Template_1452464099226](2582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771506934rl1rl10](2913); 2913 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2913(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771506934rl1rl10](2913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl10](2628); 2628 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2628(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl10](2628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl00](2832); 2832 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2832(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl00](2832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548913443rl1](2711); 2711 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2711(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548913443rl1](2711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl9](2591); 2591 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2591(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl9](2591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299473050rl1](2744); 2744 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2744(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299473050rl1](2744)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl10E](2642); 2642 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2642(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl10E](2642)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl5](2788); 2788 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2788(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl5](2788)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl80](2840); 2840 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2840(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl80](2840)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl10](2881); 2881 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2881(Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl10](2881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770897250rl1rl10](2888); 2888 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2888(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770897250rl1rl10](2888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771510022rl1](2818); 2818 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2818(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771510022rl1](2818)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl50](2707); 2707 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2707(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl50](2707)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508016rl1rl10](2665); 2665 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2665(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508016rl1rl10](2665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl40](2821); 2821 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2821(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl40](2821)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl70](2678); 2678 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2678(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl70](2678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1458772261573](2779); 2779 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2779(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1458772261573](2779)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl00](2878); 2878 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2878(Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl00](2878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl2](2885); 2885 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2885(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl2](2885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl9](2857); 2857 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2857(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl9](2857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl710](2576); 2576 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2576(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl710](2576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl11](2863); 2863 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2863(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl11](2863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl8](2816); 2816 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2816(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl8](2816)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl0](2839); 2839 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2839(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl0](2839)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl3](2739); 2739 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2739(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl3](2739)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771277501rl1](2639); 2639 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2639(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771277501rl1](2639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771412644rl1](2672); 2672 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2672(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771412644rl1](2672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl2](2643); 2643 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2643(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl2](2643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771511023rl1](2750); 2750 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2750(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771511023rl1](2750)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548914434rl1](2771); 2771 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2771(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548914434rl1](2771)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl7](2701); 2701 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2701(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl7](2701)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459050956850](2758); 2758 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2758(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459050956850](2758)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771504993rl1rl10](2895); 2895 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2895(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771504993rl1rl10](2895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298543661](2682); 2682 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2682(Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298543661](2682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2947)true; (5001, 5001, 5001); ]; 2947 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2947([CLIENT ReSector(2947)true; (5001, 5001, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl30](2723); 2723 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2723(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl30](2723)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl180](2773); 2773 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2773(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl180](2773)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl100](2687); 2687 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2687(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl100](2687)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl40](2659); 2659 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2659(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl40](2659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508016rl1](2858); 2858 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2858(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771508016rl1](2858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl20](2621); 2621 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2621(Ship[DUST IND Platform_1459209929261rl20](2621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Server Boss](2762); 2762 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2762(Ship[Server Boss](2762)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl600](2867); 2867 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2867(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl600](2867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl150](2856); 2856 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2856(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl150](2856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl700](2703); 2703 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2703(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl700](2703)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl2](2776); 2776 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2776(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl2](2776)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl0](2698); 2698 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2698(Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl0](2698)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl10](2806); 2806 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2806(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl10](2806)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301](2679); 2679 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2679(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301](2679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl90](2786); 2786 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2786(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl90](2786)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl30](2890); 2890 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2890(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl30](2890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548909346rl1rl10](2690); 2690 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2690(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548909346rl1rl10](2690)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2940)true; (5001, 4999, 5000); ]; 2940 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2940([CLIENT ReSector(2940)true; (5001, 4999, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl30](2820); 2820 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2820(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl30](2820)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl41](2915); 2915 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2915(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl41](2915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459282163253](2585); 2585 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2585(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459282163253](2585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl70](2641); 2641 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2641(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl70](2641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl11](2803); 2803 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2803(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl11](2803)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771275333rl1rl10](2583); 2583 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2583(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771275333rl1rl10](2583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771707013rl1](2695); 2695 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2695(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771707013rl1](2695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2932)true; (5000, 4999, 5000); ]; 2932 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2932([CLIENT ReSector(2932)true; (5000, 4999, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl40](2684); 2684 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2684(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl40](2684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl01](2570); 2570 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2570(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl01](2570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299478534rl1rl10](2898); 2898 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2898(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299478534rl1rl10](2898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770894248rl1](2783); 2783 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2783(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770894248rl1](2783)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl30](2766); 2766 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2766(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl30](2766)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl100](2615); 2615 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2615(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl100](2615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl20](2607); 2607 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2607(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Assault Cruiser_1459211333485rl20](2607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl30](2741); 2741 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2741(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl30](2741)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298542624](2907); 2907 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2907(Ship[Orthex Fylgja - V1_D1_RC1_MD_1459298542624](2907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2935)true; (5000, 5000, 5001); ]; 2935 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2935([CLIENT ReSector(2935)true; (5000, 5000, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770753613rl1rl10](2849); 2849 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2849(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770753613rl1rl10](2849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771505968rl1rl10](2593); 2593 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2593(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771505968rl1rl10](2593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl1](2917); 2917 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2917(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl1](2917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl10](2670); 2670 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2670(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl10](2670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548245512rl1rl10](2908); 2908 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2908(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548245512rl1rl10](2908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548913443rl1rl10](2586); 2586 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2586(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548913443rl1rl10](2586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548906740rl1rl10](2807); 2807 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2807(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548906740rl1rl10](2807)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl18](2801); 2801 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2801(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl18](2801)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl100](2829); 2829 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2829(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl100](2829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548243585rl1rl10](2638); 2638 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2638(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548243585rl1rl10](2638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl80](2798); 2798 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2798(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl80](2798)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770896261rl1rl10](2865); 2865 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2865(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770896261rl1rl10](2865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl810](2738); 2738 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2738(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl810](2738)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl1](2914); 2914 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2914(Ship[SFW_Melody_Mk2_1455645901945rl1](2914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl8](2719); 2719 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2719(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl8](2719)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl13](2649); 2649 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2649(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl13](2649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299477379rl1rl10](2708); 2708 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2708(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299477379rl1rl10](2708)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl1](2815); 2815 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2815(Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl1](2815)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl0](2875); 2875 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2875(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl0](2875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl00](2572); 2572 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2572(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl00](2572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl1](2630); 2630 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2630(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl1](2630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771504993rl1](2742); 2742 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2742(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771504993rl1](2742)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2941)true; (5001, 4999, 5001); ]; 2941 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2941([CLIENT ReSector(2941)true; (5001, 4999, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459210074155rl0rl00](2616); 2616 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2616(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459210074155rl0rl00](2616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2942)true; (5001, 5000, 4999); ]; 2942 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2942([CLIENT ReSector(2942)true; (5001, 5000, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771436089rl1](2847); 2847 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2847(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771436089rl1](2847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548247381rl1rl10](2685); 2685 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2685(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548247381rl1rl10](2685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771505968rl1](2587); 2587 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2587(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771505968rl1](2587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl70](2792); 2792 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2792(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl70](2792)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548246416rl1](2631); 2631 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2631(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548246416rl1](2631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[OrbitWIP-2-7-16_1454878144882rl0](2753); 2753 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2753(Ship[OrbitWIP-2-7-16_1454878144882rl0](2753)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548908184rl1](2650); 2650 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2650(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548908184rl1](2650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409](2589); 2589 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2589(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409](2589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548906740rl1](2580); 2580 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2580(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548906740rl1](2580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459210074155rl0](2697); 2697 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2697(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459210074155rl0](2697)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl110](2602); 2602 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2602(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl110](2602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl15](2611); 2611 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2611(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl15](2611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742rl0](2729); 2729 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2729(Ship[DUST IND Turret Straifer_1459210905742rl0](2729)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl7](2824); 2824 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2824(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl7](2824)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl5](2600); 2600 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2600(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl5](2600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771436089rl1rl10](2716); 2716 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2716(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771436089rl1rl10](2716)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770896261rl1](2770); 2770 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2770(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770896261rl1](2770)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459111956103rl0rl00](2709); 2709 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2709(Ship[Orthrex Hegemeny_Turret_Frigate_1459111956103rl0rl00](2709)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2936)true; (5000, 5001, 4999); ]; 2936 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2936([CLIENT ReSector(2936)true; (5000, 5001, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771274166rl1](2761); 2761 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2761(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771274166rl1](2761)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177rl00](2901); 2901 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2901(Ship[VMC_Scarab_1458090670177rl00](2901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl4](2623); 2623 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2623(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl4](2623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK5-V1D1_1452531535012](2606); 2606 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2606(Ship[Mini Turret MK5-V1D1_1452531535012](2606)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl00](2594); 2594 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2594(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl00](2594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771412644rl1rl10](2614); 2614 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2614(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771412644rl1rl10](2614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2929)true; (4999, 5001, 5000); ]; 2929 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2929([CLIENT ReSector(2929)true; (4999, 5001, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl2](2577); 2577 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2577(Ship[DUST IND Roid-Miner_1459209942301rl2](2577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl60](2869); 2869 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2869(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl60](2869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548248248rl1rl10](2902); 2902 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2902(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548248248rl1rl10](2902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2927)true; (4999, 5000, 5001); ]; 2927 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2927([CLIENT ReSector(2927)true; (4999, 5000, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl7](2664); 2664 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2664(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl7](2664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771276453rl1](2897); 2897 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2897(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771276453rl1](2897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Straifer_1459209911309](2603); 2603 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2603(Ship[DUST IND Missile Straifer_1459209911309](2603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Drop Ship_1459209882828](2661); 2661 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2661(Ship[DUST IND Drop Ship_1459209882828](2661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2937)true; (5000, 5001, 5000); ]; 2937 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2937([CLIENT ReSector(2937)true; (5000, 5001, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl2](2633); 2633 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2633(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl2](2633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548912171rl1rl10](2872); 2872 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2872(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548912171rl1rl10](2872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl4](2834); 2834 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2834(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl4](2834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl0](2746); 2746 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2746(Ship[DUST IND Combat Salvager_1459209874092rl0](2746)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Melody door refit_1455646570245rl2](2619); 2619 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2619(Ship[Melody door refit_1455646570245rl2](2619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl1](2825); 2825 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2825(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl1](2825)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548914434rl1rl10](2751); 2751 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2751(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548914434rl1rl10](2751)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Scout_1459210891078](2676); 2676 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2676(Ship[DUST IND Scout_1459210891078](2676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl110](2826); 2826 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2826(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl110](2826)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl4](2727); 2727 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2727(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl4](2727)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2923)true; (4999, 4999, 5001); ]; 2923 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2923([CLIENT ReSector(2923)true; (4999, 4999, 5001); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl0](2823); 2823 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2823(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl0](2823)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl10E](2755); 2755 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2755(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl10E](2755)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299470772rl1rl10](2597); 2597 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2597(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299470772rl1rl10](2597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548912171rl1](2883); 2883 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2883(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1452548912171rl1](2883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459301018817](2796); 2796 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2796(Ship[ADM_Eldiwyn_1459301018817](2796)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771274166rl1rl10](2789); 2789 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2789(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771274166rl1rl10](2789)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl30](2903); 2903 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2903(Ship[DUST IND Assault Corvette_1459210876996rl30](2903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl2](2624); 2624 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2624(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl2](2624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl50](2601); 2601 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2601(Ship[VMC_Nova_Mk5_1453660764871rl50](2601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771707013rl1rl10](2765); 2765 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2765(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771707013rl1rl10](2765)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl4](2686); 2686 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2686(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl4](2686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl1](2726); 2726 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2726(Ship[DUST IND Missile Turret Corvette_1459209919409rl1](2726)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770892582rl1](2700); 2700 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2700(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458770892582rl1](2700)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771510022rl1rl10](2605); 2605 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2605(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1458771510022rl1rl10](2605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Orthrex Hegemny-LightMissileTurret_1458778330684rl28rl280](2912); 2912 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2912(Ship[Orthrex Hegemny-LightMissileTurret_1458778330684rl28rl280](2912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl50](2831); 2831 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2831(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl50](2831)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl20](2868); 2868 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2868(Ship[VL D wip_1459208294061rl20](2868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl400](2691); 2691 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2691(Ship[DUST IND Heavy Freighter_1459208288756rl400](2691)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CatapultWIP_1452648513862rl0](2669); 2669 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2669(Ship[CatapultWIP_1452648513862rl0](2669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299471942rl1rl10](2713); 2713 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2713(Ship[VMC_3Barrel_AMS_Turret_1459299471942rl1rl10](2713)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2924)true; (4999, 5000, 4999); ]; 2924 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2924([CLIENT ReSector(2924)true; (4999, 5000, 4999); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl6](2882); 2882 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2882(Ship[DUST IND Gun Turret Corvette_1459209902192rl6](2882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127rl00](2804); 2804 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2804(Ship[VMC_Sicarii_1452404577127rl00](2804)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl8](2666); 2666 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2666(Ship[VMC_Crosswind_RC1_0_1455646863952rl8](2666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2925)true; (4999, 5000, 5000); ]; 2925 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2925([CLIENT ReSector(2925)true; (4999, 5000, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2569)true; (5000, 5000, 5000); ]; 2569 [2016-04-04 03:52:57] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2569([CLIENT ReSector(2569)true; (5000, 5000, 5000); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:52:57] INPUT CGHANGED greyh [2016-04-04 03:52:58] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:52:59] INPUT CGHANGED grey [2016-04-04 03:52:59] INPUT CGHANGED grey h [2016-04-04 03:52:59] INPUT CGHANGED grey hu [2016-04-04 03:53:00] INPUT CGHANGED grey hul [2016-04-04 03:53:00] INPUT CGHANGED grey hull [2016-04-04 03:53:02] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM 8004 TO 8014 [2016-04-04 03:53:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9183 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:02] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:02] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:53:02] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183) [2016-04-04 03:53:04] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@45d3ddb4 [2016-04-04 03:53:06] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:06] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 2 [2016-04-04 03:53:06] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Grey Hull(598); c 61; mt -1], 2=>[slot 2; t Blue Hull(618); c 1769; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:06] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 88.450005 [2016-04-04 03:53:06] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 3.2329999655485153 / 2300.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 88.45000457763672 [2016-04-04 03:53:06] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Blue Hull(618); c 1769; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6032.2637, 2662.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6107.0625, 2699.8394, 5130.342) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:07] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6107.0625, 2699.8394, 5130.342) [2016-04-04 03:53:07] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:08] SWITCHING SLOTS: 36, 0 [2016-04-04 03:53:08] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Blue Hull(618); c 1769; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Grey Hull(598); c 61; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:08] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 0.18300001 [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 3.049999952316284 / 2300.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.18300001323223114 [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 36; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1] ON 36 [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)], fromId=4847 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]; detach pos: (3366.8462, 1236.0422, 1906.9755) [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:53:08] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)] [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]; detach pos: (6040.489, 2655.875, 5088.1567) [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [SHIP] removing gravity due to entering a ship != current gravity entity PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); current: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> null [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 03:53:09] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:09] [PlayerCharacter] Client(7); PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Cleaned up physics grvity. attached to was not null but no gravity source [2016-04-04 03:53:13] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:53:13] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:53:14] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:53:14] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (7, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:53:21] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:53:22] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:53:22] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:53:22] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:53:25] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@62418186 [2016-04-04 03:53:25] DRAWING TIME OF 97 elements: 33(32.215282); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 03:53:27] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:27] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 37 [2016-04-04 03:53:27] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (7, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 578; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Blue Hull(618); c 1769; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:27] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 88.450005 [2016-04-04 03:53:27] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 186.21300438046455 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 88.45000457763672 [2016-04-04 03:53:27] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 1; t Blue Hull(618); c 1769; mt -1] ON 1 [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2399 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (6032.2637, 2662.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) null -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: -1 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] GRAVITY UPDATE:::::: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6032.2627, 2662.8728, 5095.3335) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:29] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6032.2627, 2662.8728, 5095.3335) [2016-04-04 03:53:29] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:30] SWITCHING SLOTS: 2, 36 [2016-04-04 03:53:30] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (7, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Grey Hull(598); c 563; mt -1], 1=>[slot 1; t Blue Hull(618); c 1784; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1], 36=>[slot 36; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:30] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 0.18300001 [2016-04-04 03:53:30] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 186.03000436723232 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 0.18300001323223114 [2016-04-04 03:53:30] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 2; t Blue Paint(246); c 183; mt -1] ON 2 [2016-04-04 03:53:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM 8014 TO 8011 [2016-04-04 03:53:44] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:53:44] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:53:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=9183 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:53:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:53:48] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:53:48] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] [2016-04-04 03:53:49] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:50] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:50] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 0 [2016-04-04 03:53:50] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (9, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 6615; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:50] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 6.6150002 [2016-04-04 03:53:50] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 2600.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 6.615000247955322 [2016-04-04 03:53:50] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Blue Paint(246); c 6615; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:53:53] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:53:54] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 37 [2016-04-04 03:53:54] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (9, 10, 11)){} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Blue Paint(246); c 6615; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:53:54] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 6.6150002 [2016-04-04 03:53:54] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 186.03000436723232 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 6.615000247955322 [2016-04-04 03:53:54] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 6615; mt -1] ON 0 [2016-04-04 03:53:59] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:54:00] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:54:00] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:54:00] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:54:00] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:54:02] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@16ef1d0d [2016-04-04 03:54:04] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:54:05] INPUT CGHANGED b [2016-04-04 03:54:05] INPUT CGHANGED bl [2016-04-04 03:54:06] INPUT CGHANGED blu [2016-04-04 03:54:06] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:54:07] INPUT CGHANGED blue [2016-04-04 03:54:07] INPUT CGHANGED blue h [2016-04-04 03:54:07] INPUT CGHANGED blue hu [2016-04-04 03:54:07] Now playing: [2016-04-04 03:54:07] : [2016-04-04 03:54:07] [2016-04-04 03:54:07] Perimeter - Harkbackhood Covered.ogg [2016-04-04 03:54:07] INPUT CGHANGED blue hul [2016-04-04 03:54:08] Error [2016-04-04 03:54:08] : [2016-04-04 03:54:08] [2016-04-04 03:54:08] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 03:54:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)], fromId=9184 (Ship[BubbleButt](9184)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=6398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:54:09] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)]: Ship[BubbleButt](9184); detach pos: (3387.2935, 1248.9272, 1662.1394) [2016-04-04 03:54:09] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:09] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[CarlileX ; id(6138)(20)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_CarlileX)(6398)] [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9262)true; (-21, 46, -2); ]; 9262 [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9262([CLIENT ReSector(9262)true; (-21, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9260)true; (-21, 46, -4); ]; 9260 [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9260([CLIENT ReSector(9260)true; (-21, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9261)true; (-21, 46, -3); ]; 9261 [2016-04-04 03:54:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9261([CLIENT ReSector(9261)true; (-21, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:11] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@784cf3e7 [2016-04-04 03:54:12] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1100 (Ship[light scout](1100)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:54:12] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[light scout](1100); detach pos: (-98.560905, -93.88597, 617.81946) [2016-04-04 03:54:12] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:12] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:54:14] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:14] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (9, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:54:15] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:15] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (8, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:54:17] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:54:18] SWITCHING SLOTS: 37, 1 [2016-04-04 03:54:18] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (3; (8, 10, 11)){1=>[slot 1; t Grey Hull(598); c 915; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:54:18] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 45.75 [2016-04-04 03:54:18] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 0.0 / 2300.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 45.75 [2016-04-04 03:54:18] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 37; t Grey Hull(598); c 915; mt -1] ON 37 [2016-04-04 03:54:18] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (8, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:19] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] FROM 8011 TO 8007 [2016-04-04 03:54:19] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:21] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1 [2016-04-04 03:54:22] SWITCHING SLOTS: 1, 37 [2016-04-04 03:54:22] Inventory Switched: Inventory: (3; (9, 10, 11)){0=>[slot 0; t Blue Paint(246); c 6615; mt -1]} -> Inventory: (2; (0, 0, 0)){8=>[slot 8; t Unknown(-14); c 1; mt 417], 9=>[slot 9; t Unknown(-12); c 1; mt 418], 10=>[slot 10; t Ship Core(1); c 4; mt -1], 11=>[slot 11; t Unknown(-9); c 1; mt 419], 12=>[slot 12; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 420], 13=>[slot 13; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 421], 14=>[slot 14; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 422], 15=>[slot 15; t Faction Module(291); c 1; mt -1], 16=>[slot 16; t Grey Hull Wedge(599); c 88; mt -1], 17=>[slot 17; t Unknown(-11); c 1; mt 423], 18=>[slot 18; t Unknown(-13); c 1; mt 424], 19=>[slot 19; t Unknown(-32); c 1; mt 425], 20=>[slot 20; t Grey Hull(598); c 340; mt -1], 21=>[slot 21; t Grey Hull Hepta(601); c 44; mt -1], 22=>[slot 22; t Grey Hull Corner(600); c 20; mt -1], 23=>[slot 23; t Grey Hull Tetra(602); c 30; mt -1], 24=>[slot 24; t Power Reactor Module(2); c 57; mt -1], 25=>[slot 25; t Power Capacitor(331); c 20; mt -1], 26=>[slot 26; t Thruster Module(8); c 92; mt -1], 27=>[slot 27; t Salvage Computer(4); c 2; mt -1], 28=>[slot 28; t Salvage Module(24); c 50; mt -1], 29=>[slot 29; t Alloyed Metal Mesh(440); c 39980; mt -1], 30=>[slot 30; t Crystal Composite(220); c 40000; mt -1], 32=>[slot 32; t Cargo Space(689); c 964; mt -1], 37=>[slot 37; t Grey Hull(598); c 915; mt -1]} [2016-04-04 03:54:22] SLOT B VOL COUNT AND VOL: 45.75 [2016-04-04 03:54:22] [INVENTORY] DO Executing action: Other Inventory is ok 186.03000436723232 / 2000.0; SlotA: 0.0; SlotB: 45.75 [2016-04-04 03:54:22] [INVENTORY] PUT NOW ORIGINAL: [slot 1; t Grey Hull(598); c 915; mt -1] ON 1 [2016-04-04 03:54:22] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:24] [CLIENT] CHECKING ACTIVATE OF (9, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK] FROM INSIDE BUILD MODE [2016-04-04 03:54:27] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183); 9183 [2016-04-04 03:54:27] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9183(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14597345889910](9183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=PrinceValiant, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:54:30] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [WARPOUT] took up from sheduled grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:54:31] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE null -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [169]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:54:31] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Gravity neutralized... [2016-04-04 03:54:31] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1624 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 03:54:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9189 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)]), toPos=(3, 13, 9), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:54:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-90.560905, -85.88597, 609.81946) [2016-04-04 03:54:44] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:54:44] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)] [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9259)true; (-21, 45, -2); ]; 9259 [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9259([CLIENT ReSector(9259)true; (-21, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9265)true; (-21, 43, -2); ]; 9265 [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9265([CLIENT ReSector(9265)true; (-21, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9268)true; (-20, 43, -2); ]; 9268 [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9268([CLIENT ReSector(9268)true; (-20, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9271)true; (-19, 43, -2); ]; 9271 [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9271([CLIENT ReSector(9271)true; (-19, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9256)true; (-21, 44, -2); ]; 9256 [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9256([CLIENT ReSector(9256)true; (-21, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, ClawedSIGMA]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ClawedSIGMA has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:54:49] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ClawedSIGMA has joined the game. [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278023 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2477 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2477 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2477 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2477 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 03:54:50] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] [2016-04-04 03:54:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Dragon_Castel](9281); 9281 [2016-04-04 03:54:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9281(Ship[Dragon_Castel](9281)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:54:58] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:54:58] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Advanced Factory Location: (8, 10, 5) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:55:00] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:55:03] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:55:03] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 03:55:03] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:55:05] INPUT CGHANGED d [2016-04-04 03:55:05] INPUT CGHANGED do [2016-04-04 03:55:05] INPUT CGHANGED doc [2016-04-04 03:55:10] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@4cd4b65e [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)], fromId=8406 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9442 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442) [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Sachys]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Sachys left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Sachys left the game. [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Semi-private chat group room; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Scenarios; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)] [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)]; 1289 [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1289(PlS[Sachys ; id(1289)(6)f(10353)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (1516)ChatSystem; 1516 [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1516((1516)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)]; 1818 [2016-04-04 03:55:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1818(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(1818)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] HIT RESULT near: (7, 10, 11)[Basic Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Basic Factory Location: (7, 10, 11) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9420); 9420 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9420(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9370); 9370 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9370(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9415); 9415 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9415(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9349); 9349 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9349(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9441); 9441 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9441(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9403); 9403 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9403(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9403)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9321); 9321 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9321(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](9306); 9306 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9306(Ship[ssKingduffs](9306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9386); 9386 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9386(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](9316); 9316 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9316(Ship[Shadow corp ship](9316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9305); 9305 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9305(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9429); 9429 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9429(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9313); 9313 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9313(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9360); 9360 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9360(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9317); 9317 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9317(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9359); 9359 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9359(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9408); 9408 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9408(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9293); 9293 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9293(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9324); 9324 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9324(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9341); 9341 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9341(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9331); 9331 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9331(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9377); 9377 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9377(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9377)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9333); 9333 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9333(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9391); 9391 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9391(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9417); 9417 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9417(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9385); 9385 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9385(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9385)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9433); 9433 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9433(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9432); 9432 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9432(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9294); 9294 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9294(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9413); 9413 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9413(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9358); 9358 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9358(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](9346); 9346 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9346(Ship[Cube](9346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9399); 9399 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9399(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9399)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9434); 9434 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9434(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9355); 9355 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9355(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9322); 9322 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9322(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9388); 9388 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9388(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9376); 9376 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9376(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9376)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9426); 9426 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9426(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9352); 9352 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9352(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9339); 9339 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9339(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9419); 9419 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9419(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9303); 9303 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9303(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9350); 9350 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9350(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9379); 9379 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9379(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9379)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9348); 9348 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9348(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9368); 9368 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9368(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9323); 9323 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9323(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9402); 9402 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9402(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9402)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9299); 9299 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9299(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9334); 9334 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9334(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9435); 9435 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9435(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9285); 9285 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9285(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9285)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9361); 9361 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9361(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](9320); 9320 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9320(Ship[Escape pod](9320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9421); 9421 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9421(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9347); 9347 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9347(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9311); 9311 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9311(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9439); 9439 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9439(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](9362); 9362 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9362(Ship[justint](9362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9345); 9345 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9345(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9365); 9365 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9365(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9292); 9292 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9292(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9400); 9400 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9400(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9400)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9314); 9314 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9314(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9387); 9387 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9387(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9326); 9326 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9326(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9396); 9396 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9396(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9396)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9315); 9315 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9315(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](9411); 9411 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9411(Ship[Memeinator](9411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9374); 9374 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9374(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9401); 9401 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9401(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9401)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9338); 9338 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9338(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9296); 9296 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9296(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](9367); 9367 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9367(Ship[redstone](9367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9295); 9295 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9295(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](9366); 9366 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9366(Ship[Sperg Mobile](9366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9392); 9392 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9392(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9430); 9430 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9430(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9436); 9436 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9436(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9414); 9414 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9414(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9406); 9406 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9406(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9406)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9290); 9290 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9290(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9290)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9336); 9336 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9336(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9304); 9304 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9304(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9308); 9308 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9308(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9424); 9424 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9424(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](9329); 9329 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9329(Ship[F](9329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](9364); 9364 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9364(Ship[The Noob Ship](9364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9351); 9351 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9351(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9398); 9398 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9398(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9398)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](9390); 9390 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9390(Ship[ConduPrime_001](9390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9307); 9307 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9307(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9291); 9291 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9291(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9384); 9384 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9384(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9384)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9393); 9393 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9393(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9393)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9394); 9394 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9394(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9394)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9427); 9427 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9427(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9340); 9340 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9340(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9369); 9369 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9369(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9372); 9372 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9372(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](9288); 9288 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9288(Ship[The Shuttle](9288)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9298); 9298 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9298(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9428); 9428 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9428(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9332); 9332 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9332(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9342); 9342 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9342(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9437); 9437 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9437(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9297); 9297 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9297(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](9325); 9325 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9325(Ship[shippy vw](9325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9383); 9383 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9383(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9383)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9418); 9418 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9418(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9354); 9354 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9354(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](9330); 9330 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9330(Ship[FarStar](9330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9375); 9375 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9375(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9289); 9289 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9289(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9289)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9409); 9409 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9409(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9431); 9431 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9431(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9337); 9337 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9337(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9440); 9440 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9440(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9286); 9286 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9286(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9286)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](9357); 9357 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9357(Ship[Water Wheel](9357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9318); 9318 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9318(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](9380); 9380 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9380(Ship[Fraction](9380)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](9378); 9378 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9378(Ship[Almighty Ship](9378)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9373); 9373 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9373(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9373)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9353); 9353 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9353(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9422); 9422 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9422(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9410); 9410 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9410(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9416); 9416 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9416(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9425); 9425 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9425(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9300); 9300 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9300(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](9310); 9310 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9310(Ship[Mah Bucket](9310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9371); 9371 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9371(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9405); 9405 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9405(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9405)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9343); 9343 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9343(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9356); 9356 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9356(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9312); 9312 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9312(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9395); 9395 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9395(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9395)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9382); 9382 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9382(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9382)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9412); 9412 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9412(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9327); 9327 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9327(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](9319); 9319 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9319(Ship[Voiden](9319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9397); 9397 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9397(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9397)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9284); 9284 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9284(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9284)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9328); 9328 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9328(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9301); 9301 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9301(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9423); 9423 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9423(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9438); 9438 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9438(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](9302); 9302 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9302(Ship[UC Eden](9302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9335)]; 9335 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9335(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9335)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9404); 9404 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9404(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9404)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9287); 9287 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9287(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9287)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](9363); 9363 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9363(Ship[World Eater](9363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9381); 9381 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9381(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9381)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9309); 9309 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9309(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9309)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9407); 9407 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9407(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9344); 9344 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9344(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9389); 9389 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9389(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9283)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 9283 [2016-04-04 03:55:19] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9283([CLIENT ReSector(9283)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:55:22] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:55:23] INPUT CGHANGED r [2016-04-04 03:55:23] INPUT CGHANGED ra [2016-04-04 03:55:23] INPUT CGHANGED rai [2016-04-04 03:55:23] INPUT CGHANGED rail [2016-04-04 03:55:29] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@5081ec0f [2016-04-04 03:55:31] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 9444 [2016-04-04 03:55:31] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:55:31] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 03:55:31] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 03:55:34] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:55:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Advanced Factory Location: (8, 10, 5) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 03:55:35] [CLIENT] REQUESTING FILE FOR DOWNLOAD: ClawedSIGMA.smskin [2016-04-04 03:55:36] [UPLOAD] NEW UPLOAD INITIATED! for obfuscated.z@647687f2: ClawedSIGMA.smskin [2016-04-04 03:55:36] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:55:37] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)] FROM -2 TO 1290 [2016-04-04 03:55:37] INPUT CGHANGED r [2016-04-04 03:55:37] INPUT CGHANGED ra [2016-04-04 03:55:38] INPUT CGHANGED rai [2016-04-04 03:55:38] INPUT CGHANGED rail [2016-04-04 03:55:39] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@69efddd1 [2016-04-04 03:55:42] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 03:55:42] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=do me a favor and say anything you like ] [2016-04-04 03:55:42] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: do me a favor and say anything you like ; ML: 61 [2016-04-04 03:55:42] INPUT CGHANGED r [2016-04-04 03:55:42] INPUT CGHANGED ra [2016-04-04 03:55:43] INPUT CGHANGED rai [2016-04-04 03:55:43] INPUT CGHANGED rail [2016-04-04 03:55:51] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@2ff93591 [2016-04-04 03:55:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:55:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: Ship[Ashren 1](8006); detach pos: (16.173965, -67.400246, 1280.86) [2016-04-04 03:55:59] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:55:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 03:56:04] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9543 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 03:56:04] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)] [2016-04-04 03:56:05] HIT RESULT near: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:56:05] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 11, 8)[Build Block]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:56:05] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 03:56:05] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:56:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6130.032, 2647.111, 5087.7227) [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; at: (6121.2637, 2652.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (8.173965, -75.400246, 1272.86) [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:56:06] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [Client(7)][obfuscated.z@647687f2] FINISHED DOWNLOADING: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\ClawedSIGMA.smskin [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [CLIENT] successfully received file from server: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\ClawedSIGMA.smskin [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [TEXTURE SYNCH] RECEIVED FILES: [ClawedSIGMA.smskin] [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\ClawedSIGMA.smskin to D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\ClawedSIGMA.smskin [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\ClawedSIGMA.smskin AS ClawedSIGMA [2016-04-04 03:56:13] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:56:13] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:56:13] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:56:13] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] took 55 [2016-04-04 03:56:13] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 56ms [2016-04-04 03:56:23] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=about what ? station ?] [2016-04-04 03:56:23] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: about what ? station ?; ML: 62 [2016-04-04 03:56:31] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=it's really a nice one] [2016-04-04 03:56:31] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: it's really a nice one; ML: 63 [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, ClawedSIGMA]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: ClawedSIGMA left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: ClawedSIGMA left the game. [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)] [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)]; 9282 [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9282(PlS[ClawedSIGMA ; id(9282)(29)f(10353)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (9444)ChatSystem; 9444 [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9444((9444)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)]; 9543 [2016-04-04 03:56:40] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9543(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_ClawedSIGMA)(9543)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:56:44] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:56:44] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:56:57] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok check shop i aadded you as an owner] [2016-04-04 03:56:57] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: ok check shop i aadded you as an owner; ML: 64 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl11](1394); 1394 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1394(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl11](1394)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14564120133090](1449); 1449 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1449(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14564120133090](1449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl70](1428); 1428 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1428(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl70](1428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110829623rl1311](1432); 1432 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1432(Ship[Pinger1459110829623rl1311](1432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl60](1411); 1411 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1411(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl60](1411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1496)true; (388, 11, -132); ]; 1496 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1496([CLIENT ReSector(1496)true; (388, 11, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl8](1456); 1456 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1456(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl8](1456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin11](1422); 1422 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1422(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin11](1422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459100474884rl4613](1315); 1315 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1315(Ship[TT UV1459100474884rl4613](1315)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl120](1472); 1472 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1472(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl120](1472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl70](1438); 1438 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1438(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl70](1438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1457012948615](1345); 1345 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1345(Ship[Sachys_1457012948615](1345)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110760605rl1311](1352); 1352 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1352(Ship[Pinger1459110760605rl1311](1352)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Last Thing](1356); 1356 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1356(Ship[Last Thing](1356)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl4](1442); 1442 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1442(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl4](1442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Hermit Hub(1373)]; 1373 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1373(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Hermit Hub(1373)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl10E](1365); 1365 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1365(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl10E](1365)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209784518rl1510](1316); 1316 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1316(Ship[TT UV 61459209784518rl1510](1316)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl0](1464); 1464 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1464(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl0](1464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642358521](1318); 1318 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1318(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642358521](1318)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl14](1446); 1446 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1446(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl14](1446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1459009158800](1476); 1476 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1476(Ship[Sachys_1459009158800](1476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl7](1293); 1293 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1293(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl7](1293)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459109436731rl1510rl15100](1377); 1377 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1377(Ship[TT UV 61459109436731rl1510rl15100](1377)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl20](1367); 1367 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1367(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl20](1367)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin12](1328); 1328 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1328(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin12](1328)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1503)true; (389, 11, -133); ]; 1503 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1503([CLIENT ReSector(1503)true; (389, 11, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x9 1](1416); 1416 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1416(Ship[9x9x9 1](1416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin5](1378); 1378 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1378(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin5](1378)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32rl320](1336); 1336 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1336(Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32rl320](1336)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110221036rl1311rl13110](1469); 1469 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1469(Ship[Pinger1459110221036rl1311rl13110](1469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin2](1360); 1360 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1360(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin2](1360)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32](1437); 1437 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1437(Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32](1437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1509)true; (390, 10, -133); ]; 1509 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1509([CLIENT ReSector(1509)true; (390, 10, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x9 3](1478); 1478 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1478(Ship[9x9x9 3](1478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110544723rl1311](1395); 1395 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1395(Ship[Pinger1459110544723rl1311](1395)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl140](1429); 1429 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1429(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl140](1429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1495)true; (388, 11, -133); ]; 1495 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1495([CLIENT ReSector(1495)true; (388, 11, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110467236rl1311](1337); 1337 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1337(Ship[Pinger1459110467236rl1311](1337)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl6](1423); 1423 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1423(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl6](1423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatch](1426); 1426 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1426(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatch](1426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110622715rl1311rl13110](1409); 1409 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1409(Ship[Pinger1459110622715rl1311rl13110](1409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110521004rl1311](1331); 1331 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1331(Ship[Pinger1459110521004rl1311](1331)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[KDI Mainstray Hull turret1456272235940rl5](1418); 1418 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1418(Ship[KDI Mainstray Hull turret1456272235940rl5](1418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water V11457129173784rl32rl321](1461); 1461 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1461(Ship[Heavy Water V11457129173784rl32rl321](1461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459109717957rl1510](1435); 1435 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1435(Ship[TT UV 61459109717957rl1510](1435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1458531914427](1306); 1306 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1306(Ship[Sachys_1458531914427](1306)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl160](1388); 1388 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1388(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl160](1388)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grumdahl WIP 41459055160894rl47rl470](1408); 1408 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1408(Ship[Grumdahl WIP 41459055160894rl47rl470](1408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl80](1460); 1460 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1460(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl80](1460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110153611rl1311rl13110](1295); 1295 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1295(Ship[Pinger1459110153611rl1311rl13110](1295)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl30](1385); 1385 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1385(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl30](1385)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl5](1453); 1453 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1453(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl5](1453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110670755rl1311](1458); 1458 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1458(Ship[Pinger1459110670755rl1311](1458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl170](1382); 1382 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1382(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl170](1382)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1491)true; (388, 9, -131); ]; 1491 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1491([CLIENT ReSector(1491)true; (388, 9, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water 00567](1347); 1347 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1347(Ship[Heavy Water 00567](1347)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1458613835665](1291); 1291 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1291(Ship[Sachys_1458613835665](1291)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Banzai Mk IV2](1321); 1321 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1321(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Banzai Mk IV2](1321)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352590813rl4613rl46130](1444); 1444 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1444(Ship[TT UV1459352590813rl4613rl46130](1444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459099927103rl4613](1349); 1349 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1349(Ship[TT UV1459099927103rl4613](1349)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110221036rl1311](1406); 1406 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1406(Ship[Pinger1459110221036rl1311](1406)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl0](1405); 1405 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1405(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl0](1405)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl6](1475); 1475 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1475(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl6](1475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl3](1303); 1303 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1303(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl3](1303)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin10](1403); 1403 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1403(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin10](1403)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[KDI Mainstray Hull turret1456272235940rl5rl50](1383); 1383 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1383(Ship[KDI Mainstray Hull turret1456272235940rl5rl50](1383)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Argonian Minner_01_Nicks_Sal](1447); 1447 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1447(Ship[Argonian Minner_01_Nicks_Sal](1447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14578386770990](1452); 1452 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1452(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14578386770990](1452)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin7](1433); 1433 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1433(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin7](1433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110707639rl1311](1362); 1362 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1362(Ship[Pinger1459110707639rl1311](1362)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209784518rl1510rl15100](1341); 1341 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1341(Ship[TT UV 61459209784518rl1510rl15100](1341)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352344481rl4613](1457); 1457 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1457(Ship[TT UV1459352344481rl4613](1457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl0](1371); 1371 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1371(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl0](1371)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Limping Basilisk](1389); 1389 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1389(Ship[The Limping Basilisk](1389)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Banzai Mk IV1](1420); 1420 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1420(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Banzai Mk IV1](1420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1512)true; (390, 11, -133); ]; 1512 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1512([CLIENT ReSector(1512)true; (390, 11, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642219588](1335); 1335 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1335(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642219588](1335)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110905179rl1311](1309); 1309 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1309(Ship[Pinger1459110905179rl1311](1309)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1458694151955](1387); 1387 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1387(Ship[Sachys_1458694151955](1387)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl12](1401); 1401 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1401(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl12](1401)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1458613631136](1375); 1375 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1375(Ship[Sachys_1458613631136](1375)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl9](1361); 1361 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1361(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl9](1361)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32rl321](1343); 1343 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1343(Ship[Heavy Water V11457147947090rl32rl321](1343)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110236969rl1311rl13110](1369); 1369 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1369(Ship[Pinger1459110236969rl1311rl13110](1369)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl18](1305); 1305 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1305(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl18](1305)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl13](1298); 1298 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1298(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl13](1298)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110891434rl1311rl13110](1477); 1477 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1477(Ship[Pinger1459110891434rl1311rl13110](1477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459012841401rl4613rl46130](1368); 1368 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1368(Ship[TT UV1459012841401rl4613rl46130](1368)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110236969rl1311](1479); 1479 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1479(Ship[Pinger1459110236969rl1311](1479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459643317889](1358); 1358 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1358(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459643317889](1358)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1498)true; (389, 9, -133); ]; 1498 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1498([CLIENT ReSector(1498)true; (389, 9, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin3](1487); 1487 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1487(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin3](1487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl3](1451); 1451 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1451(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl3](1451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1494)true; (388, 10, -131); ]; 1494 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1494([CLIENT ReSector(1494)true; (388, 10, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352590813rl4613](1417); 1417 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1417(Ship[TT UV1459352590813rl4613](1417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110829623rl1311rl13110](1314); 1314 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1314(Ship[Pinger1459110829623rl1311rl13110](1314)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14578389071720](1359); 1359 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1359(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14578389071720](1359)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459111016902rl1311](1292); 1292 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1292(Ship[Pinger1459111016902rl1311](1292)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209419750rl1510rl15100](1312); 1312 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1312(Ship[TT UV 61459209419750rl1510rl15100](1312)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110948474rl1311](1441); 1441 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1441(Ship[Pinger1459110948474rl1311](1441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1502)true; (389, 10, -131); ]; 1502 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1502([CLIENT ReSector(1502)true; (389, 10, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110521004rl1311rl13110](1454); 1454 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1454(Ship[Pinger1459110521004rl1311rl13110](1454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl190](1391); 1391 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1391(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl190](1391)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl180](1364); 1364 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1364(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl180](1364)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl30](1317); 1317 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1317(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl30](1317)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352023721rl4613rl46130](1419); 1419 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1419(Ship[TT UV1459352023721rl4613rl46130](1419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209581691rl1510rl15100](1393); 1393 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1393(Ship[TT UV 61459209581691rl1510rl15100](1393)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9 3](1374); 1374 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1374(Ship[9x9 3](1374)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl1](1392); 1392 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1392(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl1](1392)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110267599rl1311](1376); 1376 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1376(Ship[Pinger1459110267599rl1311](1376)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl5](1431); 1431 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1431(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl5](1431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14564120133091](1296); 1296 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1296(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14564120133091](1296)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl7](1436); 1436 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1436(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl7](1436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl2](1330); 1330 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1330(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl2](1330)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110544723rl1311rl13110](1448); 1448 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1448(Ship[Pinger1459110544723rl1311rl13110](1448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin1](1346); 1346 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1346(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin1](1346)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputins Stool0](1354); 1354 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1354(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputins Stool0](1354)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459109436731rl1510](1414); 1414 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1414(Ship[TT UV 61459109436731rl1510](1414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl11](1299); 1299 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1299(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl11](1299)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl1](1351); 1351 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1351(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl1](1351)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110670755rl1311rl13110](1372); 1372 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1372(Ship[Pinger1459110670755rl1311rl13110](1372)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110267599rl1311rl13110](1470); 1470 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1470(Ship[Pinger1459110267599rl1311rl13110](1470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl40](1434); 1434 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1434(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl40](1434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352495163rl4613rl46130](1455); 1455 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1455(Ship[TT UV1459352495163rl4613rl46130](1455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin14](1404); 1404 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1404(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin14](1404)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110153611rl1311](1322); 1322 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1322(Ship[Pinger1459110153611rl1311](1322)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1505)true; (389, 11, -131); ]; 1505 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1505([CLIENT ReSector(1505)true; (389, 11, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1501)true; (389, 10, -133); ]; 1501 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1501([CLIENT ReSector(1501)true; (389, 10, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Frontier Salvager1458080978235](1463); 1463 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1463(Ship[Frontier Salvager1458080978235](1463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1508)true; (390, 9, -131); ]; 1508 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1508([CLIENT ReSector(1508)true; (390, 9, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459109717957rl1510rl15100](1308); 1308 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1308(Ship[TT UV 61459109717957rl1510rl15100](1308)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl8](1348); 1348 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1348(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl8](1348)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459100327522rl4613rl46130](1324); 1324 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1324(Ship[TT UV1459100327522rl4613rl46130](1324)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl12](1353); 1353 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1353(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl12](1353)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1458531749742](1301); 1301 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1301(Ship[Sachys_1458531749742](1301)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl13](1381); 1381 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1381(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl13](1381)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352495163rl4613](1310); 1310 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1310(Ship[TT UV1459352495163rl4613](1310)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x9 2](1390); 1390 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1390(Ship[9x9x9 2](1390)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642986772](1344); 1344 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1344(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642986772](1344)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Frontier Salvager1456416581194](1473); 1473 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1473(Ship[Frontier Salvager1456416581194](1473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl10](1313); 1313 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1313(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl10](1313)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin6](1483); 1483 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1483(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin6](1483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1499)true; (389, 9, -132); ]; 1499 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1499([CLIENT ReSector(1499)true; (389, 9, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459099927103rl4613rl46130](1355); 1355 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1355(Ship[TT UV1459099927103rl4613rl46130](1355)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl2](1445); 1445 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1445(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl2](1445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin9](1357); 1357 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1357(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin9](1357)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2](1410); 1410 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1410(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2](1410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110467236rl1311rl13110](1474); 1474 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1474(Ship[Pinger1459110467236rl1311rl13110](1474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459100327522rl4613](1334); 1334 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1334(Ship[TT UV1459100327522rl4613](1334)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl4](1304); 1304 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1304(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl4](1304)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl19](1465); 1465 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1465(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl19](1465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl90](1421); 1421 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1421(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl90](1421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110760605rl1311rl13110](1333); 1333 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1333(Ship[Pinger1459110760605rl1311rl13110](1333)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110622715rl1311](1471); 1471 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1471(Ship[Pinger1459110622715rl1311](1471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459641652364](1327); 1327 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1327(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459641652364](1327)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl2](1332); 1332 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1332(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl2](1332)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl100](1397); 1397 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1397(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl100](1397)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl3](1450); 1450 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1450(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl3](1450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl9](1307); 1307 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1307(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl9](1307)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl15](1320); 1320 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1320(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl15](1320)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CSM Cargo Pod 1](1342); 1342 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1342(Ship[CSM Cargo Pod 1](1342)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110905179rl1311rl13110](1467); 1467 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1467(Ship[Pinger1459110905179rl1311rl13110](1467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Innsmouth Night Expressrl32](1400); 1400 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1400(Ship[Innsmouth Night Expressrl32](1400)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642540238](1407); 1407 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1407(Ship[9x9x90 840k injector1459642540238](1407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CSM Heavy Cargo Pod Grey1459346479320rl40](1386); 1386 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1386(Ship[CSM Heavy Cargo Pod Grey1459346479320rl40](1386)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1456074916141](1485); 1485 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1485(Ship[Sachys_1456074916141](1485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Lliogor V1](1440); 1440 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1440(Ship[Lliogor V1](1440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110891434rl1311](1466); 1466 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1466(Ship[Pinger1459110891434rl1311](1466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459111016902rl1311rl13110](1366); 1366 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1366(Ship[Pinger1459111016902rl1311rl13110](1366)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1507)true; (390, 9, -132); ]; 1507 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1507([CLIENT ReSector(1507)true; (390, 9, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Frontier Salvager1458081007706](1384); 1384 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1384(Ship[Frontier Salvager1458081007706](1384)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl50](1430); 1430 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1430(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl50](1430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1459101120618](1424); 1424 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1424(Ship[Sachys_1459101120618](1424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1504)true; (389, 11, -132); ]; 1504 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1504([CLIENT ReSector(1504)true; (389, 11, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1493)true; (388, 10, -132); ]; 1493 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1493([CLIENT ReSector(1493)true; (388, 10, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1492)true; (388, 10, -133); ]; 1492 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1492([CLIENT ReSector(1492)true; (388, 10, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl130](1482); 1482 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1482(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl130](1482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl4](1468); 1468 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1468(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl4](1468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl50](1488); 1488 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1488(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl50](1488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl60](1484); 1484 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1484(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl60](1484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl5](1399); 1399 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1399(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl5](1399)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl1](1380); 1380 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1380(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl1](1380)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Liner](1363); 1363 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1363(Ship[Rock Island Liner](1363)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209768977rl1510](1412); 1412 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1412(Ship[TT UV 61459209768977rl1510](1412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1513)true; (390, 11, -132); ]; 1513 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1513([CLIENT ReSector(1513)true; (390, 11, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Heavy Water V11457129173784rl32rl320](1323); 1323 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1323(Ship[Heavy Water V11457129173784rl32rl320](1323)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl16](1329); 1329 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1329(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl16](1329)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110707639rl1311rl13110](1350); 1350 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1350(Ship[Pinger1459110707639rl1311rl13110](1350)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209768977rl1510rl15100](1340); 1340 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1340(Ship[TT UV 61459209768977rl1510rl15100](1340)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1514)true; (390, 11, -131); ]; 1514 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1514([CLIENT ReSector(1514)true; (390, 11, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1510)true; (390, 10, -132); ]; 1510 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1510([CLIENT ReSector(1510)true; (390, 10, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110642527rl1311](1319); 1319 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1319(Ship[Pinger1459110642527rl1311](1319)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110948474rl1311rl13110](1302); 1302 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1302(Ship[Pinger1459110948474rl1311rl13110](1302)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209419750rl1510](1370); 1370 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1370(Ship[TT UV 61459209419750rl1510](1370)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl9](1439); 1439 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1439(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl9](1439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl7](1480); 1480 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1480(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl7](1480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1506)true; (390, 9, -133); ]; 1506 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1506([CLIENT ReSector(1506)true; (390, 9, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grumdahl WIP 41459055160894rl47](1294); 1294 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1294(Ship[Grumdahl WIP 41459055160894rl47](1294)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin15](1443); 1443 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1443(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin15](1443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1489)true; (388, 9, -133); ]; 1489 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1489([CLIENT ReSector(1489)true; (388, 9, -133); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rock Island Linerrl8](1462); 1462 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1462(Ship[Rock Island Linerrl8](1462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Innsmouth Express](1396); 1396 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1396(Ship[Innsmouth Express](1396)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Night Gaunt](1325); 1325 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1325(Ship[Night Gaunt](1325)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459100474884rl4613rl46130](1339); 1339 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1339(Ship[TT UV1459100474884rl4613rl46130](1339)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1490)true; (388, 9, -132); ]; 1490 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1490([CLIENT ReSector(1490)true; (388, 9, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 2093-7](1425); 1425 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1425(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 2093-7](1425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14596653124950](1300); 1300 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1300(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14596653124950](1300)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl17](1415); 1415 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1415(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl17](1415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl6](1427); 1427 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1427(Ship[Raptus Nihilus Injected Mal2rl6](1427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352344481rl4613rl46130](1297); 1297 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1297(Ship[TT UV1459352344481rl4613rl46130](1297)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Main Shipyard Control](1311); 1311 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1311(Ship[Main Shipyard Control](1311)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pinger1459110642527rl1311rl13110](1338); 1338 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1338(Ship[Pinger1459110642527rl1311rl13110](1338)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Rasputin](1486); 1486 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1486(Ship[Rasputin](1486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459012841401rl4613](1481); 1481 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1481(Ship[TT UV1459012841401rl4613](1481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin4](1326); 1326 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1326(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin4](1326)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin8](1413); 1413 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1413(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin8](1413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl150](1398); 1398 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1398(Ship[The Drunken Sasquatchrl150](1398)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1511)true; (390, 10, -131); ]; 1511 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1511([CLIENT ReSector(1511)true; (390, 10, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1497)true; (388, 11, -131); ]; 1497 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1497([CLIENT ReSector(1497)true; (388, 11, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin13](1379); 1379 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1379(Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Rasputin13](1379)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV 61459209581691rl1510](1459); 1459 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1459(Ship[TT UV 61459209581691rl1510](1459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1500)true; (389, 9, -131); ]; 1500 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1500([CLIENT ReSector(1500)true; (389, 9, -131); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TT UV1459352023721rl4613](1402); 1402 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1402(Ship[TT UV1459352023721rl4613](1402)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1290)true; (389, 10, -132); ]; 1290 [2016-04-04 03:57:10] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1290([CLIENT ReSector(1290)true; (389, 10, -132); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:17] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the cup sphere sounds good thath change of my design ^^] [2016-04-04 03:57:17] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: the cup sphere sounds good thath change of my design ^^; ML: 65 [2016-04-04 03:57:29] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] FROM 8004 TO 8025 [2016-04-04 03:57:33] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] FROM 8025 TO 8011 [2016-04-04 03:57:37] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] FROM 8011 TO 8007 [2016-04-04 03:57:39] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=i need ed you to say something so i could check the spelling of your name] [2016-04-04 03:57:39] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: i need ed you to say something so i could check the spelling of your name; ML: 66 [2016-04-04 03:57:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=Me i do sharp and insectoid thing usually] [2016-04-04 03:57:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: Me i do sharp and insectoid thing usually; ML: 67 [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [SegmentConrolManager] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 11, 8) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1624 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]), fromPos=(8, 11, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.032, 2655.111, 5095.7227) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.032, 2655.111, 5095.7227) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; detach pos: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (6121.2637, 2656.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041); Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) -> (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (6121.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) TO (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:50] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 03:57:50] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] origin: (6122.2637, 2655.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](8021); 8021 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8021(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](8021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](8023); 8023 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8023(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](8023)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8043)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]; 8043 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8043([CLIENT ReSector(8043)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8018)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]; 8018 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8018([CLIENT ReSector(8018)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8033)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]; 8033 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8033([CLIENT ReSector(8033)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](8022); 8022 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8022(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](8022)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8032)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]; 8032 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8032([CLIENT ReSector(8032)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8041)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]; 8041 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8041([CLIENT ReSector(8041)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](8020); 8020 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8020(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](8020)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8042)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]; 8042 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8042([CLIENT ReSector(8042)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(8017)sec[8016]; 8017 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8017(Asteroid(8017)sec[8016]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8034)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]; 8034 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8034([CLIENT ReSector(8034)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8016)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]; 8016 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8016([CLIENT ReSector(8016)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8019)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]; 8019 [2016-04-04 03:57:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8019([CLIENT ReSector(8019)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:01] HIT RESULT near: (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:58:01] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:58:01] HIT RESULT near: (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:58:01] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:58:03] HIT RESULT near: (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8036)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]; 8036 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8036([CLIENT ReSector(8036)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8037)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]; 8037 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8037([CLIENT ReSector(8037)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8040)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]; 8040 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8040([CLIENT ReSector(8040)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9547)true; (-18, 43, -3); ]; 9547 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9547([CLIENT ReSector(9547)true; (-18, 43, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8038)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]; 8038 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8038([CLIENT ReSector(8038)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8039)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]; 8039 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8039([CLIENT ReSector(8039)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9548)true; (-18, 43, -2); ]; 9548 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9548([CLIENT ReSector(9548)true; (-18, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9546)true; (-18, 43, -4); ]; 9546 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9546([CLIENT ReSector(9546)true; (-18, 43, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8035)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]; 8035 [2016-04-04 03:58:03] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8035([CLIENT ReSector(8035)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8029)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]; 8029 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8029([CLIENT ReSector(8029)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9549)true; (-21, 43, -2); ]; 9549 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9549([CLIENT ReSector(9549)true; (-21, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9544)true; (-20, 43, -2); ]; 9544 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9544([CLIENT ReSector(9544)true; (-20, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9550)true; (-21, 44, -2); ]; 9550 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9550([CLIENT ReSector(9550)true; (-21, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8012)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]; 8012 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8012([CLIENT ReSector(8012)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9545)true; (-19, 43, -2); ]; 9545 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9545([CLIENT ReSector(9545)true; (-19, 43, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8031)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]; 8031 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8031([CLIENT ReSector(8031)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(8015)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]; 8015 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8015([CLIENT ReSector(8015)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9551)true; (-21, 45, -2); ]; 9551 [2016-04-04 03:58:07] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9551([CLIENT ReSector(9551)true; (-21, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:19] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I never tried the shop how do we use it ?] [2016-04-04 03:58:19] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I never tried the shop how do we use it ?; ML: 68 [2016-04-04 03:58:23] [PLAYERINTERACTION] CHECK AI SLOT: 27 selected: 1 [2016-04-04 03:58:27] [CLIENT] SENDING SHOP PERMISSION: FROM: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: name Croquelune; add true; permission 0 [2016-04-04 03:58:27] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=press b ] [2016-04-04 03:58:27] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: press b ; ML: 69 [2016-04-04 03:58:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 03:58:27] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@658 Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 03:58:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=9189 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)]), fromPos=(3, 13, 9), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:58:32] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)]; detach pos: (-210.5609, -101.88596, 369.81946) [2016-04-04 03:58:32] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:58:32] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=now your an owner you can use the other tabs ] [2016-04-04 03:58:36] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: now your an owner you can use the other tabs ; ML: 70 [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game. [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)] [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)] notified team change [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (8307)ChatSystem; 8307 [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8307((8307)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]; 8146 [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8146(PlS[kar_dragon ; id(8146)(26)f(10830)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]; 8406 [2016-04-04 03:58:36] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8406(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(8406)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 03:58:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9203 (Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:58:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; detach pos: (-202.5609, -109.88596, 361.81946) [2016-04-04 03:58:42] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 03:58:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203) [2016-04-04 03:58:42] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=add stuff take stuff for free ] [2016-04-04 03:58:42] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: add stuff take stuff for free ; ML: 71 [2016-04-04 03:58:50] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=other people still have to buy and sell] [2016-04-04 03:58:50] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: other people still have to buy and sell; ML: 72 [2016-04-04 03:58:55] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=and you can set prices] [2016-04-04 03:58:55] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: and you can set prices; ML: 73 [2016-04-04 03:58:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)], fromId=9203 (Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=1717 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 03:58:59] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]: Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203); detach pos: (-198.5609, -99.88596, 368.81946) [2016-04-04 03:58:59] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 03:58:59] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 03:58:59] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I saw no shop :/] [2016-04-04 03:58:59] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I saw no shop :/; ML: 74 [2016-04-04 03:59:09] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=buy menu is all grey] [2016-04-04 03:59:09] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: buy menu is all grey; ML: 75 [2016-04-04 03:59:10] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=but in general its just names storage for our stuff] [2016-04-04 03:59:10] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: but in general its just names storage for our stuff; ML: 76 [2016-04-04 03:59:19] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=yes it has nothing in it ] [2016-04-04 03:59:19] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: yes it has nothing in it ; ML: 77 [2016-04-04 03:59:21] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=which cube it is ?] [2016-04-04 03:59:21] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: which cube it is ?; ML: 78 [2016-04-04 03:59:24] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=we have to stock it] [2016-04-04 03:59:24] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: we have to stock it; ML: 79 [2016-04-04 03:59:26] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the blue one ?] [2016-04-04 03:59:26] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: the blue one ?; ML: 80 [2016-04-04 03:59:31] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=top blue one] [2016-04-04 03:59:31] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: top blue one; ML: 81 [2016-04-04 03:59:31] HIT RESULT near: (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 03:59:31] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (8, 13, 8)[Shop Module]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 03:59:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=R to activate ? because I see no R atm] [2016-04-04 03:59:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: R to activate ? because I see no R atm; ML: 82 [2016-04-04 03:59:55] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=no ] [2016-04-04 03:59:55] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: no ; ML: 83 [2016-04-04 03:59:57] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=b ] [2016-04-04 03:59:57] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: b ; ML: 84 [2016-04-04 04:00:03] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=like normal stor] [2016-04-04 04:00:03] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: like normal stor; ML: 85 [2016-04-04 04:00:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9552)true; (-3, -4, 0); ]; 9552 [2016-04-04 04:00:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9552([CLIENT ReSector(9552)true; (-3, -4, 0); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:00:15] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=cant interact with the block] [2016-04-04 04:00:15] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: cant interact with the block; ML: 86 [2016-04-04 04:00:34] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=seems can't interact with the menu too] [2016-04-04 04:00:34] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: seems can't interact with the menu too; ML: 87 [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Samsonite]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Samsonite left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Samsonite left the game. [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)] [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)]; 4485 [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4485(PlS[Samsonite ; id(4485)(14)f(10874)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (4646)ChatSystem; 4646 [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4646((4646)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]; 4847 [2016-04-04 04:00:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4847(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(4847)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:00:44] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=didn't need a faction module ?] [2016-04-04 04:00:44] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: didn't need a faction module ?; ML: 88 [2016-04-04 04:01:01] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=oh sry] [2016-04-04 04:01:01] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: oh sry; ML: 89 [2016-04-04 04:01:06] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=your right] [2016-04-04 04:01:06] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: your right; ML: 90 [2016-04-04 04:01:07] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=the shop is empty tm] [2016-04-04 04:01:07] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: the shop is empty tm; ML: 91 [2016-04-04 04:01:23] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=I looked in wrong tab, in options it's ok] [2016-04-04 04:01:23] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: I looked in wrong tab, in options it's ok; ML: 92 [2016-04-04 04:01:50] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Samsonite]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:01:50] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Samsonite has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:01:50] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Samsonite has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:01:50] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 279345 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2586 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2586 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2586 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2586 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:01:51] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 9714 [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] [2016-04-04 04:02:06] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:02:10] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)] FROM -2 TO 684 [2016-04-04 04:02:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9813 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:02:10] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)] [2016-04-04 04:02:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)], fromId=9813 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=687 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)]), toPos=(8, 11, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:02:16] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)]; detach pos: (3366.8462, 1233.0422, 1771.9755) [2016-04-04 04:02:16] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Samsonite)(9813)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:02:16] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Rotten Apples V2(687)] [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Thriver]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Thriver left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Thriver left the game. [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)] [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]; 1717 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1717(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Thriver)(1717)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]; 1087 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1087(PlS[Thriver ; id(1087)(5)f(10389)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (1190)ChatSystem; 1190 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1190((1190)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9616); 9616 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9616(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9616)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9597); 9597 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9597(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9597)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9706); 9706 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9706(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9706)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9619); 9619 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9619(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9619)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9602); 9602 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9602(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9602)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9709); 9709 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9709(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9709)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9684); 9684 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9684(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9684)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9708); 9708 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9708(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9708)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9696); 9696 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9696(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9696)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9672); 9672 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9672(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9672)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9698); 9698 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9698(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9698)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9583); 9583 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9583(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9583)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9599); 9599 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9599(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9599)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9609); 9609 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9609(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9609)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9575); 9575 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9575(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9575)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9683); 9683 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9683(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9683)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](9649); 9649 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9649(Ship[Almighty Ship](9649)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9642); 9642 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9642(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9642)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9626); 9626 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9626(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9626)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](9596); 9596 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9596(Ship[shippy vw](9596)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9700); 9700 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9700(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9700)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](9587); 9587 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9587(Ship[Shadow corp ship](9587)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9584); 9584 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9584(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9584)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9611); 9611 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9611(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9611)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9571); 9571 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9571(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9571)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9671); 9671 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9671(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9671)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9603); 9603 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9603(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9603)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9652); 9652 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9652(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9652)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9630); 9630 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9630(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9630)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9705); 9705 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9705(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9705)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](9635); 9635 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9635(Ship[The Noob Ship](9635)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9707); 9707 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9707(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9707)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9702); 9702 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9702(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9702)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9654); 9654 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9654(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9654)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9645); 9645 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9645(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9645)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9699); 9699 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9699(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9699)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9675); 9675 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9675(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9675)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9703); 9703 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9703(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9703)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](9573); 9573 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9573(Ship[UC Eden](9573)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9691); 9691 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9691(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9691)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](9581); 9581 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9581(Ship[Mah Bucket](9581)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9620); 9620 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9620(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9620)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9585); 9585 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9585(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9640); 9640 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9640(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9640)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9605); 9605 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9605(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9605)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](9661); 9661 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9661(Ship[ConduPrime_001](9661)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9636); 9636 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9636(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9636)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9564); 9564 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9564(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9564)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](9601); 9601 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9601(Ship[FarStar](9601)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9685); 9685 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9685(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9685)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9662); 9662 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9662(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9662)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9692); 9692 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9692(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9692)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9641); 9641 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9641(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9641)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9681); 9681 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9681(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9681)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](9617); 9617 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9617(Ship[Cube](9617)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9588); 9588 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9588(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9588)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9694); 9694 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9694(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9694)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9655); 9655 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9655(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9655)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9570); 9570 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9570(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9570)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9566); 9566 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9566(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9566)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9612); 9612 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9612(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9612)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9664); 9664 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9664(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9664)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9625); 9625 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9625(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9625)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9565); 9565 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9565(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9565)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9660); 9660 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9660(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9660)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9665); 9665 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9665(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9665)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9712); 9712 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9712(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9712)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9557); 9557 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9557(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9614); 9614 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9614(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9614)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9632); 9632 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9632(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9632)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9670); 9670 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9670(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9670)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9569); 9569 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9569(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9569)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9644); 9644 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9644(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9644)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9598); 9598 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9598(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9598)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](9591); 9591 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9591(Ship[Escape pod](9591)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9582); 9582 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9582(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9582)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9639); 9639 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9639(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9639)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9572); 9572 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9572(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9572)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9592); 9592 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9592(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9592)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9593); 9593 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9593(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9593)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9659); 9659 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9659(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9659)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9643); 9643 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9643(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9643)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9693); 9693 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9693(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9693)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9704); 9704 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9704(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9704)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9608); 9608 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9608(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9608)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9595); 9595 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9595(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9595)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](9577); 9577 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9577(Ship[ssKingduffs](9577)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9676); 9676 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9676(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9676)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9576); 9576 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9576(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9576)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9594); 9594 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9594(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9594)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9677); 9677 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9677(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9677)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9567); 9567 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9567(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9567)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9622); 9622 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9622(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9622)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9558); 9558 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9558(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](9651); 9651 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9651(Ship[Fraction](9651)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9618); 9618 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9618(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](9628); 9628 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9628(Ship[Water Wheel](9628)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9561); 9561 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9561(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9561)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9563); 9563 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9563(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9563)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9653); 9653 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9653(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9653)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9678); 9678 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9678(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9678)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9686); 9686 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9686(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9686)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9710); 9710 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9710(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9710)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](9634); 9634 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9634(Ship[World Eater](9634)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9711); 9711 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9711(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9711)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](9559); 9559 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9559(Ship[The Shuttle](9559)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9657); 9657 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9657(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9657)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9586); 9586 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9586(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9586)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](9638); 9638 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9638(Ship[redstone](9638)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9687); 9687 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9687(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9687)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9624); 9624 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9624(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9624)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9562); 9562 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9562(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9562)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9658); 9658 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9658(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9658)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9574); 9574 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9574(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9574)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9669); 9669 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9669(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9669)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9623); 9623 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9623(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9623)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9667); 9667 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9667(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9667)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9701); 9701 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9701(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9701)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9680); 9680 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9680(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9680)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9629); 9629 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9629(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9629)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9663); 9663 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9663(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9663)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9648); 9648 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9648(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9648)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9578); 9578 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9578(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9578)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9555); 9555 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9555(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9604); 9604 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9604(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9604)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9556); 9556 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9556(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9589); 9589 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9589(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9589)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9689); 9689 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9689(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9689)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9688); 9688 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9688(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9688)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9580); 9580 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9580(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9580)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9615); 9615 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9615(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9615)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](9682); 9682 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9682(Ship[Memeinator](9682)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](9590); 9590 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9590(Ship[Voiden](9590)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9668); 9668 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9668(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9668)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9647); 9647 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9647(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9647)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9695); 9695 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9695(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9695)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9650); 9650 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9650(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9650)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9606)]; 9606 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9606(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9606)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9560); 9560 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9560(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9560)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9697); 9697 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9697(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9697)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9679); 9679 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9679(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9679)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9610); 9610 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9610(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9610)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9613); 9613 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9613(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9613)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9607); 9607 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9607(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9607)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9631); 9631 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9631(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9631)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9627); 9627 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9627(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9627)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](9600); 9600 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9600(Ship[F](9600)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9621); 9621 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9621(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9621)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](9637); 9637 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9637(Ship[Sperg Mobile](9637)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9666); 9666 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9666(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9666)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9673); 9673 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9673(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9673)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9568); 9568 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9568(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9568)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9674); 9674 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9674(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9674)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9646); 9646 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9646(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9646)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9579); 9579 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9579(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9656); 9656 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9656(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9656)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](9633); 9633 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9633(Ship[justint](9633)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9690); 9690 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9690(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9690)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9554)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 9554 [2016-04-04 04:02:20] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9554([CLIENT ReSector(9554)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:35] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=how big of a grid do you neeed ok im going to go make some food for me] [2016-04-04 04:02:35] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: how big of a grid do you neeed ok im going to go make some food for me; ML: 16 [2016-04-04 04:02:41] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=its got to be late for you :P] [2016-04-04 04:02:41] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: its got to be late for you :P; ML: 17 [2016-04-04 04:02:42] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:02:42] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:02:42] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:02:42] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 277771 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@268b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@268b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@268b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@268b Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:02:43] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703373119rl1rl10](1110); 1110 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1110(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703373119rl1rl10](1110)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](9194); 9194 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9194(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl3](9194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)]; 9189 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9189(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_home base(9189)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](9211); 9211 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9211(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1](9211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480); 6480 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 6480(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459732865756](6480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9231)true; (51, -15, -22); ]; 9231 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9231([CLIENT ReSector(9231)true; (51, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9234)true; (51, -14, -22); ]; 9234 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9234([CLIENT ReSector(9234)true; (51, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9251)true; (53, -14, -23); ]; 9251 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9251([CLIENT ReSector(9251)true; (53, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test fleet 1](9191); 9191 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9191(Ship[test fleet 1](9191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](9222); 9222 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9222(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl10](9222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](9212); 9212 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9212(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl0](9212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9244)true; (53, -16, -23); ]; 9244 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9244([CLIENT ReSector(9244)true; (53, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9227)true; (51, -16, -23); ]; 9227 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9227([CLIENT ReSector(9227)true; (51, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](9219); 9219 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9219(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret base](9219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703098197rl1rl10](1109); 1109 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1109(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703098197rl1rl10](1109)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456370195803](1120); 1120 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1120(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456370195803](1120)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529); 7529 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7529(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733998076](7529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9228)true; (51, -16, -22); ]; 9228 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9228([CLIENT ReSector(9228)true; (51, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[base turret 101](9210); 9210 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9210(Ship[base turret 101](9210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9230)true; (51, -15, -23); ]; 9230 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9230([CLIENT ReSector(9230)true; (51, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101](9200); 9200 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9200(Ship[light jumper test ship 101](9200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702758012rl1rl10](1149); 1149 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1149(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702758012rl1rl10](1149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9250)true; (53, -15, -21); ]; 9250 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9250([CLIENT ReSector(9250)true; (53, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](9216); 9216 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9216(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl10](9216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9243)true; (52, -14, -21); ]; 9243 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9243([CLIENT ReSector(9243)true; (52, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9238)true; (52, -16, -21); ]; 9238 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9238([CLIENT ReSector(9238)true; (52, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](9201); 9201 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9201(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl1](9201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9253)true; (53, -14, -21); ]; 9253 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9253([CLIENT ReSector(9253)true; (53, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](9197); 9197 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9197(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459632325310](9197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](9223); 9223 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9223(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl20](9223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9233)true; (51, -14, -23); ]; 9233 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9233([CLIENT ReSector(9233)true; (51, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157); 1157 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1157(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1rl10](1157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703373119rl1](1131); 1131 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1131(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703373119rl1](1131)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](9187); 9187 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9187(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1](9187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](9186); 9186 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9186(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629696238rl1rl10](9186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](9193); 9193 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9193(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1](9193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456366269860](1161); 1161 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1161(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31456366269860](1161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9252)true; (53, -14, -22); ]; 9252 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9252([CLIENT ReSector(9252)true; (53, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703496817rl1](1134); 1134 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1134(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703496817rl1](1134)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](9208); 9208 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9208(Ship[light jumper test ship 101rl0](9208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9242)true; (52, -14, -22); ]; 9242 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9242([CLIENT ReSector(9242)true; (52, -14, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](9207); 9207 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9207(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl3](9207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1](1123); 1123 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1123(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702937387rl1](1123)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195); 7195 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7195(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733069077](7195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](9188); 9188 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9188(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl2](9188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1](1126); 1126 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1126(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459701766345rl1](1126)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9240)true; (52, -15, -21); ]; 9240 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9240([CLIENT ReSector(9240)true; (52, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](9221); 9221 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9221(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629735417rl1rl10](9221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test power burner](9220); 9220 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9220(Ship[test power burner](9220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124); 1124 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1124(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31457665112372](1124)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9245)true; (53, -16, -22); ]; 9245 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9245([CLIENT ReSector(9245)true; (53, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415); 7415 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7415(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733190824](7415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SCANER](9209); 9209 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9209(Ship[SCANER](9209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9237)true; (52, -16, -22); ]; 9237 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9237([CLIENT ReSector(9237)true; (52, -16, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9248)true; (53, -15, -23); ]; 9248 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9248([CLIENT ReSector(9248)true; (53, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9236)true; (52, -16, -23); ]; 9236 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9236([CLIENT ReSector(9236)true; (52, -16, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light scout](1100); 1100 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1100(Ship[light scout](1100)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517); 7517 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7517(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733364846](7517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703178851rl1rl10](1130); 1130 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1130(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703178851rl1rl10](1130)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521); 7521 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7521(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733578804](7521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret base 101](9218); 9218 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9218(Ship[turret base 101](9218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9229)true; (51, -16, -21); ]; 9229 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9229([CLIENT ReSector(9229)true; (51, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](9196); 9196 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9196(Ship[Harvester 10x10 vrs11456027169604rl1](9196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(9247)]; 9247 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9247(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Tradestation Delta_53_-16_-21_1454197113469(9247)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703178851rl1](1145); 1145 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1145(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703178851rl1](1145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](9213); 9213 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9213(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1rl10](9213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9235)true; (51, -14, -21); ]; 9235 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9235([CLIENT ReSector(9235)true; (51, -14, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](9226); 9226 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9226(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl2](9226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](9214); 9214 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9214(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459629719854rl1](9214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](9224); 9224 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9224(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl00](9224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702758012rl1](1116); 1116 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1116(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459702758012rl1](1116)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9239)true; (52, -15, -23); ]; 9239 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9239([CLIENT ReSector(9239)true; (52, -15, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9241)true; (52, -14, -23); ]; 9241 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9241([CLIENT ReSector(9241)true; (52, -14, -23); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](9204); 9204 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9204(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl1](9204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](9190); 9190 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9190(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl30](9190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1](1096); 1096 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1096(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1](1096)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](9215); 9215 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9215(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl00](9215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519); 7519 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 7519(Ship[PSU Mk12 R1_31459733471325](7519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](9192); 9192 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9192(Ship[Fleet-Miner X111459560959085rl7](9192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](9206); 9206 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9206(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459566457376rl1rl10](9206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](9198); 9198 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9198(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459631865507rl0](9198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203); 9203 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9203(Ship[Fleet Miner AMD turret](9203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](9225); 9225 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9225(Ship[Fleet-Harvester X111459631865507](9225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](9199); 9199 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9199(Ship[Castel_LPE - yup new spawn](9199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](9202); 9202 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9202(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl30](9202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](9217); 9217 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9217(Ship[Thriver_1459641536506](9217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9249)true; (53, -15, -22); ]; 9249 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9249([CLIENT ReSector(9249)true; (53, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9232)true; (51, -15, -21); ]; 9232 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9232([CLIENT ReSector(9232)true; (51, -15, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](9205); 9205 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9205(Ship[Fleet Harvester X111459632325310rl20](9205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703098197rl1](1155); 1155 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1155(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703098197rl1](1155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128); 1128 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1128(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703010930rl1rl10](1128)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1](1106); 1106 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1106(Ship[turret AMS mini X111459703607356rl1](1106)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[light scoutrl0](1115); 1115 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1115(Ship[light scoutrl0](1115)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[test radar activation](9195); 9195 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9195(Ship[test radar activation](9195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9246)true; (53, -16, -21); ]; 9246 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9246([CLIENT ReSector(9246)true; (53, -16, -21); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9185)true; (52, -15, -22); ]; 9185 [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9185([CLIENT ReSector(9185)true; (52, -15, -22); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:02:50] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=pirate aren't offensive on this server ?] [2016-04-04 04:02:50] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: pirate aren't offensive on this server ?; ML: 93 [2016-04-04 04:03:09] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=no clue but this is set to home base so we should be good if docked] [2016-04-04 04:03:09] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: no clue but this is set to home base so we should be good if docked; ML: 94 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:03:12] : [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [2016-04-04 04:03:12] Colony Wars - Opus Beta 1.ogg [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9893); 9893 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9893(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](9893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9886); 9886 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9886(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](9886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9883); 9883 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9883(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](9883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9877); 9877 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9877(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](9877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9967); 9967 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](9967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9880); 9880 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9880(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](9880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9879); 9879 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9879(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](9879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9929); 9929 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9929(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](9929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9914); 9914 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9914(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](9914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9945); 9945 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9945(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](9945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9931); 9931 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9931(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](9931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9828); 9828 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9828(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](9828)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9837); 9837 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9837(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](9837)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9885); 9885 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9885(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](9885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9864); 9864 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9864(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](9864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](9848); 9848 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9848(Ship[Shadow corp ship](9848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9872); 9872 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9872(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](9872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9845); 9845 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9845(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](9845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9935); 9935 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9935(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](9935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9874); 9874 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9874(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](9874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9969); 9969 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9969(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](9969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9860); 9860 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9860(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](9860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9859); 9859 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9859(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](9859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9882); 9882 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9882(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](9882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9971); 9971 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9971(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](9971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9822); 9822 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9822(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](9822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](9889); 9889 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9889(Ship[Water Wheel](9889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](9910); 9910 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9910(Ship[Almighty Ship](9910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9908); 9908 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9908(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](9908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9953); 9953 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9953(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](9953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9866); 9866 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9866(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](9866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9905); 9905 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9905(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](9905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9821); 9821 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9821(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](9821)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](9862); 9862 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9862(Ship[FarStar](9862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9939); 9939 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9939(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](9939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](9894); 9894 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9894(Ship[justint](9894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9930); 9930 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9930(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](9930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9952); 9952 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9952(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](9952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9961); 9961 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9961(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](9961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9890); 9890 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9890(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](9890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](9898); 9898 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9898(Ship[Sperg Mobile](9898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9911); 9911 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9911(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](9911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](9895); 9895 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9895(Ship[World Eater](9895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9881); 9881 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9881(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](9881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9884); 9884 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9884(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](9884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9951); 9951 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9951(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](9951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](9896); 9896 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9896(Ship[The Noob Ship](9896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9824); 9824 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9824(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](9824)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9817); 9817 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9817(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](9817)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9915); 9915 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9915(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](9915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](9878); 9878 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9878(Ship[Cube](9878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9909); 9909 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9909(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](9909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9854); 9854 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9854(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](9854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9831); 9831 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9831(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](9831)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9972); 9972 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9972(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](9972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9964); 9964 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9964(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](9964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9847); 9847 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9847(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](9847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](9834); 9834 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9834(Ship[UC Eden](9834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9928); 9928 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9928(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](9928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9944); 9944 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9944(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](9944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9948); 9948 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9948(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](9948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9933); 9933 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9933(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](9933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9907); 9907 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9907(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](9907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9934); 9934 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9934(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](9934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9829); 9829 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9829(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](9829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9840); 9840 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9840(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](9840)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](9842); 9842 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9842(Ship[Mah Bucket](9842)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9937); 9937 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](9937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9865); 9865 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9865(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](9865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9973); 9973 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9973(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](9973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9966); 9966 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9966(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](9966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9913); 9913 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9913(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](9913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9853); 9853 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9853(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](9853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9921); 9921 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9921(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](9921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9920); 9920 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9920(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](9920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9916); 9916 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9916(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](9916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9947); 9947 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9947(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](9947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9940); 9940 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9940(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](9940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](9857); 9857 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9857(Ship[shippy vw](9857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9856); 9856 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9856(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](9856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9955); 9955 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9955(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](9955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9960); 9960 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9960(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](9960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9868); 9868 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9868(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](9868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9844); 9844 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9844(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](9844)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9956); 9956 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9956(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](9956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9841); 9841 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9841(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](9841)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](9851); 9851 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9851(Ship[Voiden](9851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9823); 9823 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9823(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](9823)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9954); 9954 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9954(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](9954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9892); 9892 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9892(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](9892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9826); 9826 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9826(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](9826)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9819); 9819 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9819(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](9819)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](9852); 9852 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9852(Ship[Escape pod](9852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](9899); 9899 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9899(Ship[redstone](9899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9843); 9843 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9843(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](9843)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9958); 9958 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9958(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](9958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9962); 9962 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9962(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](9962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9832); 9832 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9832(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](9832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9816); 9816 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9816(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](9816)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9904); 9904 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9904(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](9904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9932); 9932 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9932(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](9932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](9820); 9820 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9820(Ship[The Shuttle](9820)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9887); 9887 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9887(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](9887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9825); 9825 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9825(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](9825)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9870); 9870 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](9870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9818); 9818 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9818(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](9818)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9867)]; 9867 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9867(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(9867)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9846); 9846 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9846(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](9846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9855); 9855 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9855(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](9855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9942); 9942 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9942(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](9942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9917); 9917 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9917(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](9917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9827); 9827 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9827(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](9827)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9830); 9830 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9830(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](9830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9965); 9965 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9965(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](9965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9902); 9902 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](9902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9906); 9906 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9906(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](9906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9946); 9946 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9946(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](9946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9926); 9926 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9926(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](9926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9941); 9941 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9941(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](9941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9835); 9835 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9835(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](9835)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9938); 9938 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9938(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](9938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9949); 9949 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9949(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](9949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9925); 9925 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9925(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](9925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9839); 9839 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9839(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](9839)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9950); 9950 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9950(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](9950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](9922); 9922 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9922(Ship[ConduPrime_001](9922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9849); 9849 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9849(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](9849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9919); 9919 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9919(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](9919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9888); 9888 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9888(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](9888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9891); 9891 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9891(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](9891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9959); 9959 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9959(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](9959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9927); 9927 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9927(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](9927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9900); 9900 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9900(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](9900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9936); 9936 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9936(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](9936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9876); 9876 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9876(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](9876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](9861); 9861 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9861(Ship[F](9861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9871); 9871 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9871(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](9871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9970); 9970 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9970(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](9970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9901); 9901 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9901(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](9901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9863); 9863 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9863(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](9863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9869); 9869 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9869(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](9869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](9838); 9838 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9838(Ship[ssKingduffs](9838)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9968); 9968 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9968(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](9968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](9943); 9943 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9943(Ship[Memeinator](9943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9897); 9897 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9897(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](9897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9873); 9873 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9873(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](9873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9918); 9918 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9918(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](9918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9957); 9957 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9957(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](9957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9833); 9833 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9833(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](9833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9923); 9923 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9923(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](9923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9924); 9924 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9924(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](9924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9836); 9836 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9836(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](9836)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9850); 9850 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9850(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](9850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](9912); 9912 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9912(Ship[Fraction](9912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9875); 9875 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9875(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](9875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9963); 9963 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9963(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](9963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9858); 9858 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9858(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](9858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9903); 9903 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9903(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](9903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(9815)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 9815 [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9815([CLIENT ReSector(9815)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:03:12] Error [2016-04-04 04:03:12] : [2016-04-04 04:03:12] [2016-04-04 04:03:12] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:03:15] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=you need to dock] [2016-04-04 04:03:15] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: you need to dock; ML: 95 [2016-04-04 04:03:29] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 9975 [2016-04-04 04:03:29] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:03:29] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:03:29] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:03:31] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=yep right I was looking to do one] [2016-04-04 04:03:31] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: yep right I was looking to do one; ML: 96 [2016-04-04 04:03:32] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)] FROM -2 TO 8007 [2016-04-04 04:03:32] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\kar_dragon.smskin AS kar_dragon [2016-04-04 04:03:32] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:03:32] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:03:32] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:03:32] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:03:32] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:03:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=10074 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:03:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)] [2016-04-04 04:03:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)], fromId=10074 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9442 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:03:46] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)]; detach pos: (693.7916, 169.44614, 619.0244) [2016-04-04 04:03:46] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:03:46] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442) [2016-04-04 04:03:52] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=cause my basic ship don't have oen to be build at server start] [2016-04-04 04:03:52] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: cause my basic ship don't have oen to be build at server start; ML: 97 [2016-04-04 04:03:56] HIT RESULT near: (8, 10, 5)[Advanced Factory]o[FRONT][active][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:03:56] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Advanced Factory Location: (8, 10, 5) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 04:04:00] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 04:04:00] INPUT CGHANGED d [2016-04-04 04:04:01] INPUT CGHANGED do [2016-04-04 04:04:01] INPUT CGHANGED doc [2016-04-04 04:04:01] INPUT CGHANGED dock [2016-04-04 04:04:04] INPUT CGHANGED dock [2016-04-04 04:04:05] INPUT CGHANGED doc [2016-04-04 04:04:05] INPUT CGHANGED do [2016-04-04 04:04:05] INPUT CGHANGED d [2016-04-04 04:04:05] INPUT CGHANGED [2016-04-04 04:04:07] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@4c7a8f8d [2016-04-04 04:04:32] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@39968650 [2016-04-04 04:04:35] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, grantred]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:04:35] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: grantred has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:04:35] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: grantred has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:04:35] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 308784 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2790 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2790 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2790 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:04:36] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2790 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 10237; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:04:37] HIT RESULT near: (5, 10, 8)[Standard Factory]o[FRONT][inactive][100hp][BLOCK], on SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:04:37] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Standard Factory Location: (5, 10, 8) of Valiants Spire[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 04:04:38] DRAWING TIME OF 97 elements: 41(40.968857); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:05:00] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 67ms [2016-04-04 04:05:03] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CM@f437dc6 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10077); 10077 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10077(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10077)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](10113); 10113 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10113(Ship[Escape pod](10113)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10158); 10158 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10158(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10158)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10218); 10218 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10218(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10218)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](10159); 10159 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10159(Ship[Sperg Mobile](10159)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10172); 10172 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10172(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10229); 10229 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10229(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10229)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10180); 10180 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10180(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10180)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](10173); 10173 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10173(Ship[Fraction](10173)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](10171); 10171 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10171(Ship[Almighty Ship](10171)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10210); 10210 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10210(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10210)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10128)]; 10128 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10128(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10128)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10190); 10190 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10190(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10190)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10206); 10206 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10206(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10206)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10228); 10228 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10228(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10228)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10213); 10213 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10213(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10213)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10200); 10200 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10200(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10200)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10105); 10105 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10105(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10105)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10088); 10088 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10088(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10088)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10083); 10083 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10083(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10083)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10205); 10205 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10205(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10205)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10201); 10201 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10201(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10201)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10219); 10219 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10219(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10219)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10119); 10119 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10119(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10119)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10209); 10209 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10209(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10209)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](10155); 10155 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10155(Ship[justint](10155)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10221); 10221 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10221(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10221)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10217); 10217 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10217(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10217)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10167); 10167 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10167(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10167)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10106); 10106 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10106(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10106)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](10139); 10139 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10139(Ship[Cube](10139)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10211); 10211 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10211(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10211)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10174); 10174 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10174(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10174)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10079); 10079 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10079(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10079)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10214); 10214 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10214(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10214)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10107); 10107 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10107(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10107)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10232); 10232 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10232(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10232)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10141); 10141 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10141(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10198); 10198 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10198(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10198)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10145); 10145 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10145(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10136); 10136 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10136(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10136)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10078); 10078 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10078(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10078)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10135); 10135 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10135(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10135)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10170); 10170 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10170(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10170)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10089); 10089 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10089(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10089)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10175); 10175 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10175(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10175)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10097); 10097 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10097(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10097)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10230); 10230 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10230(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10230)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10117); 10117 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10117(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10117)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](10103); 10103 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10103(Ship[Mah Bucket](10103)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10104); 10104 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10104(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10104)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](10112); 10112 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10112(Ship[Voiden](10112)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10087); 10087 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10087(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10087)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](10150); 10150 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10150(Ship[Water Wheel](10150)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10154); 10154 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10154(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10154)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10100); 10100 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10100(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10100)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10120); 10120 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10120(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10120)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10165); 10165 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10165(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10165)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](10156); 10156 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10156(Ship[World Eater](10156)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10187); 10187 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10187(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10187)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10197); 10197 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10197(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10197)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10101); 10101 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10101(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10101)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10094); 10094 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10094(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10094)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10189); 10189 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10189(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10189)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10191); 10191 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10191(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10191)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10223); 10223 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10223(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10223)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](10204); 10204 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10204(Ship[Memeinator](10204)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10162); 10162 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10162(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10162)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10108); 10108 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10108(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10108)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10148); 10148 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10148(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10148)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10082); 10082 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10082(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10082)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10085); 10085 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10085(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10085)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10199); 10199 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10199(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10199)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10226); 10226 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10226(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10226)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10212); 10212 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10212(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10212)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10181); 10181 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10181(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10181)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](10122); 10122 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10122(Ship[F](10122)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10202); 10202 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10202(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10202)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10111); 10111 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10111(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10111)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10130); 10130 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10130(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10130)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](10118); 10118 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10118(Ship[shippy vw](10118)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10144); 10144 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10144(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10144)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10220); 10220 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10220(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10220)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](10081); 10081 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10081(Ship[The Shuttle](10081)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10129); 10129 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10129(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10129)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10169); 10169 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10169(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10169)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10110); 10110 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10110(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10110)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10140); 10140 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10140(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10140)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10196); 10196 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10196(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10196)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10092); 10092 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10092(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10092)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10102); 10102 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10102(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10102)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10168); 10168 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10168(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10168)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10124); 10124 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10124(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10124)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10096); 10096 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10096(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10096)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](10123); 10123 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10123(Ship[FarStar](10123)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10114); 10114 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10114(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10114)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10115); 10115 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10115(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10115)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10131); 10131 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10131(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10131)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10224); 10224 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10224(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10224)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10207); 10207 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10207(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10207)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10132); 10132 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10132(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10132)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10182); 10182 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10182(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10182)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10093); 10093 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10093(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10093)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](10157); 10157 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10157(Ship[The Noob Ship](10157)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10080); 10080 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10080(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10080)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10125); 10125 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10125(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10125)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10121); 10121 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10121(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10121)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10208); 10208 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10208(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10208)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10142); 10142 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10142(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10142)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10179); 10179 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10179(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10179)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10216); 10216 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10216(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10216)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10090); 10090 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10090(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10090)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10193); 10193 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10193(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10193)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10163); 10163 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10163(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10163)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10231); 10231 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10231(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10231)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](10160); 10160 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10160(Ship[redstone](10160)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10192); 10192 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10192(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10192)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10133); 10133 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10133(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10133)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10098); 10098 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10098(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10098)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10177); 10177 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10177(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10177)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10151); 10151 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10151(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10151)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10178); 10178 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10178(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10178)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10195); 10195 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10195(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10195)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10227); 10227 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10227(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10227)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10194); 10194 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10194(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10194)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10147); 10147 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10147(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10147)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10233); 10233 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10233(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10233)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10225); 10225 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10225(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10225)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10184); 10184 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10184(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10184)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](10095); 10095 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10095(Ship[UC Eden](10095)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10186); 10186 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10186(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10186)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10161); 10161 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10161(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10161)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10127); 10127 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10127(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10127)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10146); 10146 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10146(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10146)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10234); 10234 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10234(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10234)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10086); 10086 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10086(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10086)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10126); 10126 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10126(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10126)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10091); 10091 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10091(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10091)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10203); 10203 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10203(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10203)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10152); 10152 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10152(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10152)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10138); 10138 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10138(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10138)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10215); 10215 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10215(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10215)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](10109); 10109 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10109(Ship[Shadow corp ship](10109)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10188); 10188 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10188(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10188)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10149); 10149 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10149(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10149)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10166); 10166 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10166(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10166)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10143); 10143 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10143(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10143)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10084); 10084 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10084(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10084)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10137); 10137 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10137(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10137)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10185); 10185 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10185(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10185)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10116); 10116 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10116(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10116)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10176); 10176 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10176(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10176)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10164); 10164 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10164(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10164)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10222); 10222 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10222(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10222)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10134); 10134 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10134(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10134)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10153); 10153 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10153(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10153)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](10183); 10183 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10183(Ship[ConduPrime_001](10183)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](10099); 10099 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10099(Ship[ssKingduffs](10099)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10076)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 10076 [2016-04-04 04:05:04] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10076([CLIENT ReSector(10076)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:05:08] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@559932da [2016-04-04 04:05:20] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.CV@4d87d903 [2016-04-04 04:05:30] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 10299 [2016-04-04 04:05:30] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:05:30] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:05:30] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:05:31] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] [2016-04-04 04:05:31] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:05:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:05:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:05:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 04:05:38] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=erf need jisper capsule, gonna mine some] [2016-04-04 04:05:38] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: erf need jisper capsule, gonna mine some; ML: 98 [2016-04-04 04:05:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)] FROM -2 TO 10235 [2016-04-04 04:05:40] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=10398 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:05:40] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)] [2016-04-04 04:05:46] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (14.579102, 4.8881836, -8.049805) -> (14.579102, 4.8881836, -8.049805) [2016-04-04 04:05:46] [TRAVERSE] Exception: Tried to traverse on zero length direction from (14.579102, 4.8881836, -8.049805) -> (14.579102, 4.8881836, -8.049805) [2016-04-04 04:05:47] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:05:47] : [2016-04-04 04:05:47] [2016-04-04 04:05:47] Andy B - Shadow.ogg [2016-04-04 04:05:47] Error [2016-04-04 04:05:47] : [2016-04-04 04:05:47] [2016-04-04 04:05:47] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:05:57] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ok ima make dinner ill be back on later maybe an hour] [2016-04-04 04:05:57] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: ok ima make dinner ill be back on later maybe an hour; ML: 99 [2016-04-04 04:06:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Darth_Mckay]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:06:17] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Darth_Mckay has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:06:17] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Darth_Mckay has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:06:17] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 281883 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@28d4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@28d4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@28d4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@28d4 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 10576; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:06:18] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:06:20] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=Ok I'll may disconnected but tomorrow I'll be there] [2016-04-04 04:06:20] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: Ok I'll may disconnected but tomorrow I'll be there; ML: 100 [2016-04-04 04:06:27] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=kk cool np] [2016-04-04 04:06:27] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: kk cool np; ML: 101 [2016-04-04 04:06:29] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:06:36] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=ill gather make us a better mining ship] [2016-04-04 04:06:36] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: ill gather make us a better mining ship; ML: 102 [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 10613 [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:06:38] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10457); 10457 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10457(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10457)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10498); 10498 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10498(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10498)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10558); 10558 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10558(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10558)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](10507); 10507 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10507(Ship[ConduPrime_001](10507)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10438); 10438 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10438(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10438)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10515); 10515 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10515(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10515)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10448); 10448 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10448(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10448)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10514); 10514 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10514(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10514)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10555); 10555 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10555(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10555)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10432); 10432 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10432(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10432)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](10419); 10419 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10419(Ship[UC Eden](10419)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10410); 10410 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10410(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10410)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10509); 10509 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10509(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10509)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10482); 10482 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10482(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10482)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10505); 10505 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10505(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10505)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10486); 10486 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10486(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10486)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10522); 10522 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10522(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10522)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10472); 10472 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10472(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10472)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10489); 10489 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10489(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10489)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10540); 10540 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10540(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10540)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10504); 10504 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10504(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10504)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](10481); 10481 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10481(Ship[The Noob Ship](10481)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10529); 10529 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10529(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10529)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10477); 10477 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10477(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10477)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10445); 10445 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10445(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10445)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10519); 10519 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10519(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10519)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10434); 10434 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10434(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10434)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10496); 10496 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10496(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10496)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10499); 10499 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10499(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10499)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](10495); 10495 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10495(Ship[Almighty Ship](10495)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10485); 10485 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10485(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10485)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10523); 10523 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10523(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10523)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](10442); 10442 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10442(Ship[shippy vw](10442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10510); 10510 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10510(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10510)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10534); 10534 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10534(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10534)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10401); 10401 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10401(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10401)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10458); 10458 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10458(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10458)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10404); 10404 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10404(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10404)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10435); 10435 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10435(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10435)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10549); 10549 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10549(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10549)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10429); 10429 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10429(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10429)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10451); 10451 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10451(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10451)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10490); 10490 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10490(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10490)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10544); 10544 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10544(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10544)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10525); 10525 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10525(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10525)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10403); 10403 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10403(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10403)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](10463); 10463 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10463(Ship[Cube](10463)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10443); 10443 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10443(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10443)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10545); 10545 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10545(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10545)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10460); 10460 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10460(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10460)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10440); 10440 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10440(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10440)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10536); 10536 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10536(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10536)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10500); 10500 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10500(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10500)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](10405); 10405 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10405(Ship[The Shuttle](10405)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10488); 10488 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10488(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10488)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10471); 10471 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10471(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10471)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10409); 10409 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10409(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10409)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10491); 10491 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10491(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10491)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10473); 10473 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10473(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10473)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10501); 10501 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10501(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10501)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10533); 10533 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10533(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10533)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10468); 10468 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10468(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10468)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10543); 10543 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10543(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10543)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](10423); 10423 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10423(Ship[ssKingduffs](10423)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10439); 10439 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10439(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10439)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10408); 10408 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10408(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10408)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10542); 10542 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10542(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10542)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](10484); 10484 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10484(Ship[redstone](10484)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10431); 10431 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10431(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10431)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10539); 10539 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10539(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10539)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](10497); 10497 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10497(Ship[Fraction](10497)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10511); 10511 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10511(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10511)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10502); 10502 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10502(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10502)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10412); 10412 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10412(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10412)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10449); 10449 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10449(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10449)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](10433); 10433 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10433(Ship[Shadow corp ship](10433)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10421); 10421 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10421(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10421)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10513); 10513 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10513(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10513)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10466); 10466 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10466(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10466)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](10427); 10427 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10427(Ship[Mah Bucket](10427)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10557); 10557 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10557(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10557)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10418); 10418 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10418(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10418)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](10480); 10480 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10480(Ship[World Eater](10480)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10430); 10430 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10430(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10430)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10455); 10455 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10455(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10455)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10538); 10538 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10538(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10538)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](10479); 10479 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10479(Ship[justint](10479)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10453); 10453 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10453(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10453)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10426); 10426 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10426(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10426)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10551); 10551 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10551(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10551)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10402); 10402 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10402(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10402)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10415); 10415 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10415(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10415)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10465); 10465 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10465(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10465)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10493); 10493 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10493(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10493)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10470); 10470 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10470(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10470)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10526); 10526 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10526(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10526)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10467); 10467 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10467(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10467)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10454); 10454 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10454(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10454)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](10528); 10528 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10528(Ship[Memeinator](10528)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10518); 10518 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10518(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10518)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10406); 10406 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10406(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10406)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10548); 10548 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10548(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10548)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](10483); 10483 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10483(Ship[Sperg Mobile](10483)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10414); 10414 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10414(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10414)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10494); 10494 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10494(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10494)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10516); 10516 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10516(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10516)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10441); 10441 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10441(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10441)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10464); 10464 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10464(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10464)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10428); 10428 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10428(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10428)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10541); 10541 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10541(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10541)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10407); 10407 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10407(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10407)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10547); 10547 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10547(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10547)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10413); 10413 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10413(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10413)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10512); 10512 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10512(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10512)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10520); 10520 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10520(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10520)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](10474); 10474 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10474(Ship[Water Wheel](10474)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10554); 10554 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10554(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10554)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10530); 10530 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10530(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10530)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10476); 10476 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10476(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10476)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10503); 10503 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10503(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10503)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10456); 10456 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10456(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10456)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10422); 10422 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10422(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10422)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10475); 10475 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10475(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10475)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10550); 10550 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10550(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10550)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10532); 10532 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10532(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10532)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10424); 10424 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10424(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10424)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10469); 10469 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10469(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10469)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10524); 10524 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10524(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10524)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10506); 10506 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10506(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10506)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](10436); 10436 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10436(Ship[Voiden](10436)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10411); 10411 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10411(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10411)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10450); 10450 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10450(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10450)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10537); 10537 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10537(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10537)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10552); 10552 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10552(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10552)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10553); 10553 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10553(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10553)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10461); 10461 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10461(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10461)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10462); 10462 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10462(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10462)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10420); 10420 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10420(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10420)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](10446); 10446 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10446(Ship[F](10446)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10416); 10416 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10416(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10416)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10487); 10487 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10487(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10487)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10417); 10417 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10417(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10417)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10546); 10546 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10546(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10546)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10492); 10492 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10492(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10492)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10444); 10444 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10444(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10444)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10527); 10527 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10527(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10527)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](10447); 10447 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10447(Ship[FarStar](10447)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10556); 10556 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10556(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10556)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10425); 10425 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10425(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10425)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10517); 10517 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10517(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10517)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10478); 10478 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10478(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10478)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10531); 10531 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10531(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10531)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10508); 10508 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10508(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10508)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10452)]; 10452 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10452(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10452)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10535); 10535 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10535(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10535)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10459); 10459 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10459(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10459)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10521); 10521 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10521(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10521)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](10437); 10437 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10437(Ship[Escape pod](10437)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10400)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 10400 [2016-04-04 04:06:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10400([CLIENT ReSector(10400)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:06:49] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=Croquelune][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=but maybe I will still there, I'm bit sleepy but quite excited too so xD] [2016-04-04 04:06:49] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): Croquelune: but maybe I will still there, I'm bit sleepy but quite excited too so xD; ML: 103 [2016-04-04 04:06:56] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)] FROM -2 TO 10559 [2016-04-04 04:06:57] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=10712 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:06:57] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)] [2016-04-04 04:06:58] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kar_dragon][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=gotta love auto mining] [2016-04-04 04:06:58] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kar_dragon: gotta love auto mining; ML: 18 [2016-04-04 04:06:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)], fromId=10712 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=10563 (Ship[Speed Machine Rev 1](10563)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:06:58] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)]; detach pos: (138.08926, 170.10628, 206.95851) [2016-04-04 04:06:58] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:06:58] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Darth_Mckay ; id(10399)(33)f(0)] Added to controllers: Ship[Speed Machine Rev 1](10563) [2016-04-04 04:07:08] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=PrinceValiant][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=Faction10916][message=lololol yeah i know how it goes ] [2016-04-04 04:07:08] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): PrinceValiant: lololol yeah i know how it goes ; ML: 104 [2016-04-04 04:07:18] HIT RESULT near: (0, 8, 11)[Blast Door Wedge]o[BACK][active][250hp][lk], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:18] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (0, 8, 11)[Blast Door Wedge]o[BACK][active][250hp][lk] [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.41474965, -0.73985183, -0.52899617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] HIT RESULT near: (8, 5, 8)[Metal Grill]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Aligned to Valients Shuttle[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 04:07:22] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) SOURCE CHANGE SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [GRAVITY][Client(7)] GRAVITY STOP gravity reset for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): AABB test failed: Own: (-15.07666, -7.8859863, 70.35693); (18.92334, 26.114014, 104.35693) ---- Source (-26.050444, -23.431252, -39.198814); (27.051554, 36.670746, 41.903183) of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6033.9067, 2661.9888, 5097.9644) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: [WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE -1 [2016-04-04 04:07:22] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6033.9067, 2661.9888, 5097.9644) [2016-04-04 04:07:22] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 04:07:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10564)sec[10559]; 10564 [2016-04-04 04:07:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10564(Asteroid(10564)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:07:25] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.9591148, -0.121962614, 0.25415513) [2016-04-04 04:07:25] HIT RESULT near: (5, 8, 8)[Brown Standard Armor Wedge]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 9][active][100hp][lf], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:25] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:28] [CLIENT] CHARACTER ALIGN PRESSED ON Client(7); (-0.9446916, -0.3265934, 0.016097952) [2016-04-04 04:07:28] HIT RESULT near: (4, 7, 8)[Grey Hull]o[FRONT][inactive][75hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:28] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] HIT RESULT near: (14, 5, 11)[Gravity Unit]o[BOTTOM][inactive][25hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: You entered the gravity field of Valients Shuttle[ EAE ] [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [CLIENT][ACTIVATE] Enter gravity of Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] HANDLE SCHEDULED GRAVITY (0.0, -9.89, 0.0), Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) Acceleration changed to (0.0, -9.89, 0.0) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [SIMPLETRANSFORMABLE] Client(7) PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity change sent [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, -9.89, 0.0) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (6035.5405, 2661.2073, 5091.3755) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: TOP [2016-04-04 04:07:34] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (6035.5405, 2661.2073, 5091.3755) [2016-04-04 04:07:34] Client(7) [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] !!!IGNORE!!! RECEIVED REMOTE GRAVITY: 1617 --- (0.0, -9.89, 0.0); gravity was initialized from this. Currently: GRAV[ENTITY_SHIP_Valients Shuttle(1617); (0.0, -9.89, 0.0)] [2016-04-04 04:07:39] HIT RESULT near: (0, 7, 11)[Blast Door Wedge]o[LEFT][inactive][250hp][lf], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:39] [CLIENT] ACTIVATE BLOCK (std) (0, 7, 11)[Blast Door Wedge]o[LEFT][inactive][250hp][lf] [2016-04-04 04:07:41] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:41] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:07:41] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 04:07:41] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:41] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: This entity is heavier than the rail can support. Please reduce mass or add more rail mass enhancers! Currently at 5.0% speed [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (6025.5522, 2653.2358, 5105.059) [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: true [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:42] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (6032.2637, 2662.8748, 5096.041) [2016-04-04 04:07:42] NEW LOOKING ALGO 0 / 12; null / SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:44] NEW LOOKING ALGO 0 / 12; null / SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:47] [CLIENT][RAILBEAM] Disconnecting from tail [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); (DisconnectRequest) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (DisconnectRequest) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) DISCONNECTING FROM RAIL: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) (was connected to rail: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) DISCONNECTED FROM RAIL: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) LEFT IN RAIL SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]: [] [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(7) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (DisconnectRequest) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@147c039([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)]) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YJ@c98d79e8([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]]) [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [RAIL] Client(7) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [CLIENT] undocked: restting camera [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hV@40ae72e5); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 04:07:48] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Can dock again in 4 sec [2016-04-04 04:07:56] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:07:56] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:07:56] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -269) [2016-04-04 04:07:56] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (36, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, PrinceValiant]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: PrinceValiant left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: PrinceValiant left the game. [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Faction10916; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)] [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]; 2399 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2399(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_PrinceValiant)(2399)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (2299)ChatSystem; 2299 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2299((2299)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]; 2297 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2297(PlS[PrinceValiant ; id(2297)(10)f(10916)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:09] SETTING WAYPOINT: (584, -5, -266) [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NOT TAKING: 4.8989797 / 3.4641016 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NOT TAKING: 4.690416 / 3.4641016 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NOT TAKING: 3.7416575 / 3.4641016 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NOT TAKING: 4.690416 / 3.4641016 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NOT TAKING: 3.7416575 / 3.4641016 [2016-04-04 04:08:09] NEAREST WAYPOINT (586, -3, -268) [2016-04-04 04:08:10] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 04:08:13] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10566)sec[10559]; 10566 [2016-04-04 04:08:13] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10566(Asteroid(10566)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 1623 TO 1625 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1623 TO 1625 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NOT TAKING: 4.1231055 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NOT TAKING: 4.1231055 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NOT TAKING: 4.1231055 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:08:31] NEAREST WAYPOINT (586, -3, -267) [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5794.237, 1782.7217, -6146.8604) [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (5778.4053, 1764.4719, 6175.0303) TO (5794.237, 1782.7217, -6146.8604) [2016-04-04 04:08:31] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-78.34598, -90.87293, 108.778206); (0.002561682, -7.603201E-4, 0.002303667) [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5794.237, 1782.7217, -6146.8604) [2016-04-04 04:08:31] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (5794.3, 1776.841, -6140.2583) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:08:35] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(8010)sec[8007]; 8010 [2016-04-04 04:08:35] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 8010(Asteroid(8010)sec[8007]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:41] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive not charged Hold left mouse to charge! [2016-04-04 04:08:42] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive Charged! Right click to jump! [2016-04-04 04:08:47] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10561)sec[10559]; 10561 [2016-04-04 04:08:47] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10561(Asteroid(10561)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:08:47] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:08:47] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:08:47] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -268) [2016-04-04 04:09:00] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:09:00] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:09:00] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game. [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)] [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1622)true; (586, -3, -270); ]; 1622 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1622([CLIENT ReSector(1622)true; (586, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1632)true; (587, -3, -270); ]; 1632 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1632([CLIENT ReSector(1632)true; (587, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1629)true; (587, -4, -270); ]; 1629 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1629([CLIENT ReSector(1629)true; (587, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2403)true; (585, -3, -270); ]; 2403 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2403([CLIENT ReSector(2403)true; (585, -3, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)]; 9814 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9814(PlS[kar_dragon ; id(9814)(31)f(10830)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (9975)ChatSystem; 9975 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9975((9975)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1634)true; (587, -2, -270); ]; 1634 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1634([CLIENT ReSector(1634)true; (587, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2400)true; (585, -4, -270); ]; 2400 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2400([CLIENT ReSector(2400)true; (585, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1619)true; (586, -4, -270); ]; 1619 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1619([CLIENT ReSector(1619)true; (586, -4, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)]; 10074 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10074(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(10074)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1626)true; (586, -2, -270); ]; 1626 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1626([CLIENT ReSector(1626)true; (586, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2406)true; (585, -2, -270); ]; 2406 [2016-04-04 04:09:01] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2406([CLIENT ReSector(2406)true; (585, -2, -270); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:02] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (584, -5, -266) [2016-04-04 04:09:07] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 04:09:10] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:09:10] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:09:10] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (586, -3, -268) [2016-04-04 04:09:10] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 04:09:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10562)sec[10559]; 10562 [2016-04-04 04:09:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10562(Asteroid(10562)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (12, 10, 21)[Jump Drive Computer]o[RIGHT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (7, 9, 24)[Cannon Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (7, 10, 24)[Cannon Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (9, 9, 24)[Damage Beam Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (8, -7, 9)[Piercing Effect Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (8, 9, 24)[Salvage Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (8, 12, 22)[Scanner Computer]o[BACK][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (9, 10, 24)[Damage Beam Computer]o[FRONT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [WEAPONROW] UPDATE FOR: (8, -21, 19)[Rail Docker]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 10][active][100hp][jA] [2016-04-04 04:09:30] [CLIENT][GUI] WeaponScrollableList UDPATED PANEL LIST 10 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 1625 TO 1621 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1625 TO 1621 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NOT TAKING: 3.7416575 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NOT TAKING: 3.4641016 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NOT TAKING: 2.828427 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NOT TAKING: 3.7416575 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:09:37] NEAREST WAYPOINT (586, -4, -267) [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-3677.6792, 6146.543, 4443.912) [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-3702.5837, -6173.9326, 4471.352) TO (-3677.6792, 6146.543, 4443.912) [2016-04-04 04:09:37] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-149.02051, -122.949646, 164.63461); (-0.0073091798, -0.031579506, -0.034933105) [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-3677.6792, 6146.543, 4443.912) [2016-04-04 04:09:37] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-3679.3525, 6140.4487, 4450.095) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 1621 TO 10716 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 1621 TO 10716 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] NOT TAKING: 2.236068 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] NOT TAKING: 3.3166249 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] NEAREST WAYPOINT (585, -4, -267) [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5223.1675, 4871.6436, -6149.334) [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-5250.549, 4849.144, 6180.825) TO (-5223.1675, 4871.6436, -6149.334) [2016-04-04 04:09:47] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-149.02051, -122.94964, 164.63461); (-0.0073091793, -0.031579502, -0.034933105) [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5223.1675, 4871.6436, -6149.334) [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-5228.687, 4867.3203, -6143.9473) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459735516109 / last written 1459730321258 [2016-04-04 04:09:47] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)] on Client(7) took: 193 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:09:50] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.PP@1a4d17a0 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10716 TO 10713 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10716 TO 10713 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:09:53] NEAREST WAYPOINT (585, -4, -266) [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6148.1655, 4100.9873, -5119.3745) [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6178.2783, 4077.9668, -5089.0234) TO (6148.1655, 4100.9873, -5119.3745) [2016-04-04 04:09:53] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-147.11482, -124.45613, 165.21555); (0.034495316, 0.16984168, 0.21160495) [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6148.1655, 4100.9873, -5119.3745) [2016-04-04 04:09:53] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (6145.0835, 4095.3948, -5113.2593) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10715)true; (585, -2, -267); ]; 10715 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10715([CLIENT ReSector(10715)true; (585, -2, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10718)true; (586, -2, -267); ]; 10718 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10718([CLIENT ReSector(10718)true; (586, -2, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2408)true; (585, -2, -268); ]; 2408 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2408([CLIENT ReSector(2408)true; (585, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1627)true; (586, -2, -269); ]; 1627 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1627([CLIENT ReSector(1627)true; (586, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1628)true; (586, -2, -268); ]; 1628 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1628([CLIENT ReSector(1628)true; (586, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2407)true; (585, -2, -269); ]; 2407 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2407([CLIENT ReSector(2407)true; (585, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10721)true; (587, -2, -267); ]; 10721 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10721([CLIENT ReSector(10721)true; (587, -2, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1636)true; (587, -2, -268); ]; 1636 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1636([CLIENT ReSector(1636)true; (587, -2, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1635)true; (587, -2, -269); ]; 1635 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1635([CLIENT ReSector(1635)true; (587, -2, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10565)sec[10559]; 10565 [2016-04-04 04:10:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10565(Asteroid(10565)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10725)true; (586, -5, -269); ]; 10725 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10725([CLIENT ReSector(10725)true; (586, -5, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2401)true; (585, -4, -269); ]; 2401 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2401([CLIENT ReSector(2401)true; (585, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2404)true; (585, -3, -269); ]; 2404 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2404([CLIENT ReSector(2404)true; (585, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10722)true; (585, -5, -269); ]; 10722 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10722([CLIENT ReSector(10722)true; (585, -5, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618); 1618 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1618(Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](1618)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1630)true; (587, -4, -269); ]; 1630 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1630([CLIENT ReSector(1630)true; (587, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10728)true; (587, -5, -269); ]; 10728 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10728([CLIENT ReSector(10728)true; (587, -5, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1620)true; (586, -4, -269); ]; 1620 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1620([CLIENT ReSector(1620)true; (586, -4, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; 1624 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1624(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]; 1616 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1616([CLIENT ReSector(1616)true; (587, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]; 1623 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1623([CLIENT ReSector(1623)true; (586, -3, -269); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@468eb053; 1618 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1618(obfuscated.Sr@468eb053) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@416bcfaf; 1624 [2016-04-04 04:10:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1624(obfuscated.Sr@416bcfaf) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10720)true; (587, -3, -267); ]; 10720 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10720([CLIENT ReSector(10720)true; (587, -3, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10738)true; (587, -5, -266); ]; 10738 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10738([CLIENT ReSector(10738)true; (587, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10729)true; (587, -5, -268); ]; 10729 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10729([CLIENT ReSector(10729)true; (587, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10719)true; (587, -4, -267); ]; 10719 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10719([CLIENT ReSector(10719)true; (587, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10740)true; (587, -4, -266); ]; 10740 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10740([CLIENT ReSector(10740)true; (587, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10730)true; (587, -5, -267); ]; 10730 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10730([CLIENT ReSector(10730)true; (587, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10742)true; (587, -3, -266); ]; 10742 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10742([CLIENT ReSector(10742)true; (587, -3, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1633)true; (587, -3, -268); ]; 1633 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1633([CLIENT ReSector(1633)true; (587, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1631)true; (587, -4, -268); ]; 1631 [2016-04-04 04:10:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1631([CLIENT ReSector(1631)true; (587, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:10:45] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:10:45] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:10:45] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (585, -4, -267) [2016-04-04 04:10:49] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 04:10:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:10:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: Ship[Ashren 1](8006); detach pos: (16.173965, -67.400246, 1280.86) [2016-04-04 04:10:54] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:10:54] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10713 TO 10732 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10713 TO 10732 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] NOT TAKING: 1.7320508 / 1.7320508 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] NOT TAKING: 2.236068 / 1.7320508 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] NOT TAKING: 2.236068 / 1.0 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] NOT TAKING: 1.0 / 1.0 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] NEAREST WAYPOINT (585, -5, -266) [2016-04-04 04:11:08] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(10732)true; (585, -4, -266); ]; 10759; 10732 [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5212.112, -5764.2056, -6147.8) [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-5238.6055, -5786.69, 6176.4185) TO (-5212.112, -5764.2056, -6147.8) [2016-04-04 04:11:08] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-158.61589, -134.99611, 145.0702); (-0.02820025, -0.004646171, -0.040042385) [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5212.112, -5764.2056, -6147.8) [2016-04-04 04:11:08] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-5212.949, -5772.753, -6145.6997) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10732 TO 10731 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10732 TO 10731 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] NOT TAKING: 2.0 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:11:12] NEAREST WAYPOINT (584, -5, -266) [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5822.0864, 6010.1543, -5588.824) [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-5851.066, -6314.641, -5562.2905) TO (-5822.0864, 6010.1543, -5588.824) [2016-04-04 04:11:12] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-158.61589, -134.99611, 145.0702); (0.046151835, 0.007292196, 0.06670711) [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-5822.0864, 6010.1543, -5588.824) [2016-04-04 04:11:12] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-5824.0435, 6002.014, -5585.9814) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10731 TO 10745 [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10731 TO 10745 [2016-04-04 04:11:16] SETTING WAYPOINT: null [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5860.668, 5487.4854, -5028.418) [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6485.2217, 5450.2314, -4987.4854) TO (5860.668, 5487.4854, -5028.418) [2016-04-04 04:11:16] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-161.8926, -131.59645, 144.57326); (0.008996393, -8.4619306E-4, 0.010644609) [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5860.668, 5487.4854, -5028.418) [2016-04-04 04:11:16] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (5859.159, 5479.1255, -5025.967) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:11:23] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10560)sec[10559]; 10560 [2016-04-04 04:11:23] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10560(Asteroid(10560)sec[10559]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1621)true; (586, -4, -268); ]; 1621 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1621([CLIENT ReSector(1621)true; (586, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10751)true; (584, -3, -268); ]; 10751 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10751([CLIENT ReSector(10751)true; (584, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2405)true; (585, -3, -268); ]; 2405 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2405([CLIENT ReSector(2405)true; (585, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10748)true; (584, -4, -268); ]; 10748 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10748([CLIENT ReSector(10748)true; (584, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10743)true; (584, -5, -268); ]; 10743 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10743([CLIENT ReSector(10743)true; (584, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(1625)true; (586, -3, -268); ]; 1625 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 1625([CLIENT ReSector(1625)true; (586, -3, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10723)true; (585, -5, -268); ]; 10723 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10723([CLIENT ReSector(10723)true; (585, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10726)true; (586, -5, -268); ]; 10726 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10726([CLIENT ReSector(10726)true; (586, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(2402)true; (585, -4, -268); ]; 2402 [2016-04-04 04:11:37] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 2402([CLIENT ReSector(2402)true; (585, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10733)true; (585, -3, -266); ]; 10733 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10733([CLIENT ReSector(10733)true; (585, -3, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10714)true; (585, -3, -267); ]; 10714 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10714([CLIENT ReSector(10714)true; (585, -3, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10736)true; (586, -3, -266); ]; 10736 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10736([CLIENT ReSector(10736)true; (586, -3, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10768)true; (586, -3, -265); ]; 10768 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10768([CLIENT ReSector(10768)true; (586, -3, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10752)true; (584, -3, -267); ]; 10752 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10752([CLIENT ReSector(10752)true; (584, -3, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10757)true; (584, -3, -265); ]; 10757 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10757([CLIENT ReSector(10757)true; (584, -3, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10753)true; (584, -3, -266); ]; 10753 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10753([CLIENT ReSector(10753)true; (584, -3, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10717)true; (586, -3, -267); ]; 10717 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10717([CLIENT ReSector(10717)true; (586, -3, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10762)true; (585, -3, -265); ]; 10762 [2016-04-04 04:11:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10762([CLIENT ReSector(10762)true; (585, -3, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10801)sec[10797]; 10801 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10801(Asteroid(10801)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10798)sec[10797]; 10798 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10798(Asteroid(10798)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10791)sec[10788]; 10791 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10791(Asteroid(10791)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10803)sec[10797]; 10803 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10803(Asteroid(10803)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10716)true; (586, -4, -267); ]; 10716 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10716([CLIENT ReSector(10716)true; (586, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10766)true; (586, -4, -265); ]; 10766 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10766([CLIENT ReSector(10766)true; (586, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10789)sec[10788]; 10789 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10789(Asteroid(10789)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10764)true; (586, -5, -265); ]; 10764 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10764([CLIENT ReSector(10764)true; (586, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10735)true; (586, -4, -266); ]; 10735 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10735([CLIENT ReSector(10735)true; (586, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10795)sec[10788]; 10795 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10795(Asteroid(10795)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10802)sec[10797]; 10802 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10802(Asteroid(10802)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10800)sec[10797]; 10800 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10800(Asteroid(10800)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10734)true; (586, -5, -266); ]; 10734 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10734([CLIENT ReSector(10734)true; (586, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10790)sec[10788]; 10790 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10790(Asteroid(10790)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10792)sec[10788]; 10792 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10792(Asteroid(10792)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10794)sec[10788]; 10794 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10794(Asteroid(10794)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10787)true; (586, -6, -267); ]; 10787 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10787([CLIENT ReSector(10787)true; (586, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10799)sec[10797]; 10799 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10799(Asteroid(10799)sec[10797]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10727)true; (586, -5, -267); ]; 10727 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10727([CLIENT ReSector(10727)true; (586, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10793)sec[10788]; 10793 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10793(Asteroid(10793)sec[10788]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10797)true; (586, -6, -265); ]; 10797 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10797([CLIENT ReSector(10797)true; (586, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10788)true; (586, -6, -266); ]; 10788 [2016-04-04 04:11:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10788([CLIENT ReSector(10788)true; (586, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:11:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:11:48] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (8.173965, -75.400246, 1272.86) [2016-04-04 04:11:48] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:11:48] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 04:12:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=719 (Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=880 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:12:08] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719); detach pos: (3484.8462, 1239.0422, 1802.9755) [2016-04-04 04:12:08] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:12:08] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] [2016-04-04 04:12:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=880 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=719 (Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:12:10] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]; detach pos: (3492.8462, 1231.0422, 1794.9755) [2016-04-04 04:12:10] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:12:10] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719) [2016-04-04 04:12:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=719 (Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=880 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:12:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719); detach pos: (3484.8462, 1239.0422, 1802.9755) [2016-04-04 04:12:34] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:12:34] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] [2016-04-04 04:12:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=880 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=719 (Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:12:37] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]; detach pos: (3492.8462, 1231.0422, 1794.9755) [2016-04-04 04:12:37] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:12:37] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719) [2016-04-04 04:13:03] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:13:03] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:13:03] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:13:03] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 278202 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10830) TOOK 11 [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2a75 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2a75 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2a75 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2a75 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:04] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:13:09] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:13:09] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:1435) [2016-04-04 04:13:09] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.b(SourceFile:1274) [2016-04-04 04:13:09] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:429) [2016-04-04 04:13:09] at obfuscated.hx.run(SourceFile:2087) [2016-04-04 04:13:09] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:13:12] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:13:13] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:13:14] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] took 52 [2016-04-04 04:13:14] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 52ms [2016-04-04 04:13:17] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[], name=my new fleet, owner=grantred, dbid=401, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 04:13:17] [SERVER][FLEETMANAGER] received mod: FleetModification [fleetId=401, type=MISSION_UPDATE, command=null, name=null, owner=null, entityId=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:18] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:13:29] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:13:29] : [2016-04-04 04:13:29] [2016-04-04 04:13:29] Krazy Ivan - 48 Poles.ogg [2016-04-04 04:13:29] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:13:29] Error [2016-04-04 04:13:29] : [2016-04-04 04:13:29] [2016-04-04 04:13:29] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:13:37] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 11148 [2016-04-04 04:13:37] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:13:37] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:13:37] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:13:38] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET (already existed): Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(-137, 4, -172), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_LPE1452740109057, name=Castel_LPE1452740109057, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=76377]], name=my new fleet, owner=grantred, dbid=401, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 04:13:38] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:13:38] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:13:40] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)] FROM -2 TO 10817 [2016-04-04 04:13:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=11247 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:13:44] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)] [2016-04-04 04:13:52] [SERVER][FLEETMANAGER] received mod: FleetModification [fleetId=401, type=DELETE_FLEET, command=null, name=null, owner=null, entityId=0] [2016-04-04 04:13:53] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 11048 [2016-04-04 04:13:53] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:13:53] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:13:53] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:13:55] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\kar_dragon.smskin AS kar_dragon [2016-04-04 04:13:55] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:13:55] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:13:55] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:13:55] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:13:55] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:14:06] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 04:14:06] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 04:14:07] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] FROM -2 TO 8007 [2016-04-04 04:14:07] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=11248 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:14:07] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] [2016-04-04 04:14:12] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)], fromId=11248 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=9442 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:14:12] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]; detach pos: (327.32935, 91.63765, 108.91679) [2016-04-04 04:14:12] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:14:12] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442) [2016-04-04 04:14:22] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:14:22] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:1386) [2016-04-04 04:14:22] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.b(SourceFile:1274) [2016-04-04 04:14:22] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:429) [2016-04-04 04:14:22] at obfuscated.hx.run(SourceFile:2087) [2016-04-04 04:14:22] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:14:28] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:14:28] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:1435) [2016-04-04 04:14:28] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.b(SourceFile:1274) [2016-04-04 04:14:28] at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.occlusion.Occlusion.a(SourceFile:429) [2016-04-04 04:14:28] at obfuscated.hx.run(SourceFile:2087) [2016-04-04 04:14:28] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:14:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)], fromId=11247 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=11249 (Ship[Bluebuttons_1459736088560](11249)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:14:53] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)]; detach pos: (-7.961292, 31.3609, -15.49903) [2016-04-04 04:14:53] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:14:53] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] Added to controllers: Ship[Bluebuttons_1459736088560](11249) [2016-04-04 04:15:03] [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Client(7): [CHAT][sender=kar_dragon][receiverType=CHANNEL][receiver=all][message=you won't get much out of this station] [2016-04-04 04:15:03] CHANNEL RECEIVED MESSAGE: Client(7): kar_dragon: you won't get much out of this station; ML: 19 [2016-04-04 04:15:11] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] FROM 8007 TO 8004 [2016-04-04 04:15:21] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:15:21] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:15:26] [CLIENT] ADDED PLANET CORE OBJECT: PlanetCore( id 11276; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_260_-4_775) [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Josephawsome]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Josephawsome has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Josephawsome has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:15:27] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:15:28] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:15:28] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:15:28] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:15:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Darth_Mckay)(10712)] FROM 10559 TO 11274 [2016-04-04 04:15:33] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:15:36] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:15:42] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:15:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)], fromId=9442 (Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=11248 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:15:44] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)]: Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Castel_Dragon0](9442); detach pos: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [2016-04-04 04:15:44] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:15:44] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] [2016-04-04 04:15:46] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 11316 [2016-04-04 04:15:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:15:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:15:46] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:15:47] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] [2016-04-04 04:15:47] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:15:53] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)] FROM -2 TO 10817 [2016-04-04 04:15:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=11415 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:15:54] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)] [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10559)true; (258, -7, 771); ]; 10559 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10559([CLIENT ReSector(10559)true; (258, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10584)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10584 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10584(Planet(10584)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10580)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10580 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10580(Planet(10580)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10596)true; (258, -6, 770); ]; 10596 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10596([CLIENT ReSector(10596)true; (258, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10587)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10587 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10587(Planet(10587)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10607)true; (259, -7, 771); ]; 10607 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10607([CLIENT ReSector(10607)true; (259, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[mckays turret base 1](10579); 10579 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10579(Ship[mckays turret base 1](10579)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10590)true; (257, -6, 772); ]; 10590 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10590([CLIENT ReSector(10590)true; (257, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10578)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10578 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10578(Planet(10578)[s10574]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10609)true; (259, -6, 770); ]; 10609 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10609([CLIENT ReSector(10609)true; (259, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlanetCore( id 10576; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771); 10576 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10576(PlanetCore( id 10576; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[mckays barrel1](10585); 10585 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10585(Ship[mckays barrel1](10585)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10592)true; (258, -8, 771); ]; 10592 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10592([CLIENT ReSector(10592)true; (258, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10600)true; (259, -8, 771); ]; 10600 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10600([CLIENT ReSector(10600)true; (259, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10568)true; (257, -8, 771); ]; 10568 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10568([CLIENT ReSector(10568)true; (257, -8, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10575)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10575 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10575(Planet(10575)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10573)true; (257, -6, 770); ]; 10573 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10573([CLIENT ReSector(10573)true; (257, -6, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10611)true; (259, -6, 772); ]; 10611 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10611([CLIENT ReSector(10611)true; (259, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10593)true; (258, -8, 772); ]; 10593 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10593([CLIENT ReSector(10593)true; (258, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10597)true; (258, -6, 771); ]; 10597 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10597([CLIENT ReSector(10597)true; (258, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10571)true; (257, -7, 771); ]; 10571 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10571([CLIENT ReSector(10571)true; (257, -7, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10577)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10577 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10577(Planet(10577)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10594)true; (258, -7, 770); ]; 10594 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10594([CLIENT ReSector(10594)true; (258, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10595)true; (258, -7, 772); ]; 10595 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10595([CLIENT ReSector(10595)true; (258, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10604)sec[10603]; 10604 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10604(Asteroid(10604)sec[10603]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10581)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10581 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10581(Planet(10581)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10598)true; (258, -6, 772); ]; 10598 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10598([CLIENT ReSector(10598)true; (258, -6, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10582)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10582 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10582(Planet(10582)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10572)true; (257, -7, 772); ]; 10572 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10572([CLIENT ReSector(10572)true; (257, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10608)true; (259, -7, 772); ]; 10608 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10608([CLIENT ReSector(10608)true; (259, -7, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10583)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10583 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10583(Planet(10583)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10606)sec[10603]; 10606 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10606(Asteroid(10606)sec[10603]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10569)true; (257, -8, 772); ]; 10569 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10569([CLIENT ReSector(10569)true; (257, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10589)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10589 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10589(Planet(10589)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10605)sec[10603]; 10605 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10605(Asteroid(10605)sec[10603]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10570)true; (257, -7, 770); ]; 10570 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10570([CLIENT ReSector(10570)true; (257, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10567)true; (257, -8, 770); ]; 10567 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10567([CLIENT ReSector(10567)true; (257, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10586)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10586 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10586(Planet(10586)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10588)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded); 10588 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10588(Planet(10588)[s10574]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_257_-6_771(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10610)true; (259, -6, 771); ]; 10610 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10610([CLIENT ReSector(10610)true; (259, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10602)sec[10601]; 10602 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10602(Asteroid(10602)sec[10601]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10599)true; (259, -8, 770); ]; 10599 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10599([CLIENT ReSector(10599)true; (259, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10591)true; (258, -8, 770); ]; 10591 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10591([CLIENT ReSector(10591)true; (258, -8, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10574)true; (257, -6, 771); ]; 10574 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10574([CLIENT ReSector(10574)true; (257, -6, 771); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10603)true; (259, -7, 770); ]; 10603 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10603([CLIENT ReSector(10603)true; (259, -7, 770); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10601)true; (259, -8, 772); ]; 10601 [2016-04-04 04:16:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10601([CLIENT ReSector(10601)true; (259, -8, 772); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)], fromId=719 (Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=880 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:16:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]: Ship[LiLTz_1459708811518](719); detach pos: (3484.8462, 1239.0422, 1802.9755) [2016-04-04 04:16:03] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Duder]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Duder left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Duder left the game. [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)] [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]; 4745 [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4745(PlS[Duder ; id(4745)(15)f(10874)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (4747)ChatSystem; 4747 [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4747((4747)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]; 4846 [2016-04-04 04:16:11] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 4846(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Duder)(4846)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, LiLTz]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: LiLTz left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: LiLTz left the game. [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Semi-private chat group room; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Scenarios; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)] [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]; 524 [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 524(PlS[LiLTz ; id(524)(3)f(10874)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (781)ChatSystem; 781 [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 781((781)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]; 880 [2016-04-04 04:16:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 880(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_LiLTz)(880)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:22] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, Sachys]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:16:22] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Sachys has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:16:22] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Sachys has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:16:23] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 322099 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SYNC-RECEIVER] Client(7) DECODING OF NEW OBJECT Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1 2093-7](11552) TOOK 24 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2cec Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2cec Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2cec Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2cec Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Sachys, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Bluebuttons]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Bluebuttons left the game. [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)] [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (11148)ChatSystem; 11148 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11148((11148)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)]; 11247 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11247(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Bluebuttons)(11247)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)]; 10976 [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10976(PlS[Bluebuttons ; id(10976)(35)f(0)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:16:24] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)] [2016-04-04 04:16:28] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF (OTHER) PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] took 65 [2016-04-04 04:16:28] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 65ms [2016-04-04 04:16:35] DRAWING TIME OF 432 elements: 29(31.87808); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:16:45] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 11643 [2016-04-04 04:16:45] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:16:45] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:16:45] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:16:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Semi-private chat group room; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:16:46] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: Scenarios; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:16:49] [SKIN] REFRESH LOADING .\client-skins\Croquelune\sm.starside.space\Sachys.smskin AS Sachys [2016-04-04 04:16:49] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:16:49] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:16:49] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:16:49] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:16:49] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:16:49] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(11742)] FROM -2 TO 11417 [2016-04-04 04:17:05] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=11742 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(11742)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:17:05] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Sachys ; id(11416)(37)f(10353)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Sachys)(11742)] [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, Josephawsome]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Josephawsome left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: Josephawsome left the game. [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)] [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (11316)ChatSystem; 11316 [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11316((11316)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)]; 11288 [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11288(PlS[Josephawsome ; id(11288)(36)f(0)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)]; 11415 [2016-04-04 04:17:08] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11415(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Josephawsome)(11415)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_Dragon](9442); 9442 [2016-04-04 04:17:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 9442(Ship[Castel_Dragon](9442)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10825); 10825 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10825(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837](10825)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10875); 10875 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10875(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl6](10875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Small Escorter](11033); 11033 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11033(Ship[Small Escorter](11033)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10849); 10849 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10849(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708](10849)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](10998); 10998 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10998(Ship[Sachys_1459119571045](10998)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10903); 10903 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10903(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl11](10903)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10958); 10958 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10958(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756](10958)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10887); 10887 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10887(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl8](10887)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Almighty Ship](10912); 10912 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10912(Ship[Almighty Ship](10912)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10925); 10925 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10925(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](10925)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10913); 10913 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10913(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050703756rl0](10913)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10923); 10923 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10923(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl10](10923)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(10984)]; 10984 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10984(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_TAGWAGA(10984)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10932); 10932 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10932(Ship[CFW Basilisk Class Heavy Fighter V2D1_145187593544](10932)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](11038); 11038 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11038(Ship[ThymeForJamez_1458439723139](11038)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10935); 10935 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10935(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](10935)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10953); 10953 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10953(Ship[Billboard_1452046304144](10953)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10916); 10916 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10916(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10](10916)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10904); 10904 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10904(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149](10904)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10821); 10821 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10821(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_1452110748238](10821)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10876); 10876 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10876(Ship[Grapeshot MK1_1457054673271](10876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](11018); 11018 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11018(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl8](11018)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10956); 10956 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10956(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](10956)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[F](10863); 10863 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10863(Ship[F](10863)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10906); 10906 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10906(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368](10906)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10834); 10834 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10834(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076rl0](10834)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](10896); 10896 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10896(Ship[justint](10896)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10884); 10884 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10884(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](10884)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10856); 10856 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10856(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl7](10856)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10839); 10839 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10839(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565](10839)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The First Order S-1](11025); 11025 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11025(Ship[The First Order S-1](11025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[X-1](10996); 10996 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10996(Ship[X-1](10996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10835); 10835 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10835(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](10835)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10966); 10966 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10966(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](10966)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10987)true; (1, 19, 1); ]; 10987 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10987([CLIENT ReSector(10987)true; (1, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10895); 10895 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10895(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl3](10895)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10855); 10855 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10855(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](10855)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](11006); 11006 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11006(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl90](11006)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10892); 10892 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10892(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](10892)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10872); 10872 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10872(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712rl0](10872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11029)true; (2, 19, 3); ]; 11029 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11029([CLIENT ReSector(11029)true; (2, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10883); 10883 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10883(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](10883)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](11004); 11004 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11004(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl20](11004)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Cube](10880); 10880 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10880(Ship[Cube](10880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10954); 10954 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10954(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](10954)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10862); 10862 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10862(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](10862)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10971); 10971 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10971(Ship[xfighter_1459711899131](10971)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10848); 10848 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10848(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](10848)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Fraction](10914); 10914 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10914(Ship[Fraction](10914)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](11008); 11008 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11008(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl00](11008)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10988)true; (1, 19, 2); ]; 10988 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10988([CLIENT ReSector(10988)true; (1, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](10840); 10840 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10840(Ship[ssKingduffs](10840)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10934); 10934 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10934(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](10934)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10910); 10910 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10910(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](10910)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10909); 10909 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10909(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](10909)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10946); 10946 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10946(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050566076](10946)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ConduPrime_001](10924); 10924 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10924(Ship[ConduPrime_001](10924)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10979)true; (1, 17, 3); ]; 10979 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10979([CLIENT ReSector(10979)true; (1, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CrotchRocket](11045); 11045 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11045(Ship[CrotchRocket](11045)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](11012); 11012 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11012(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl2](11012)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10952); 10952 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10952(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583](10952)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Shuttle](10822); 10822 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10822(Ship[The Shuttle](10822)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10944); 10944 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10944(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl60](10944)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](11021); 11021 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11021(Ship[Swagrid_1459718824498](11021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sperg Mobile](10900); 10900 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10900(Ship[Sperg Mobile](10900)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10959); 10959 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10959(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279rl0](10959)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](11027); 11027 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11027(Ship[Jordanlee1994_1459084787419](11027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10820); 10820 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10820(Ship[RAIL_DOCK_1452318268736](10820)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10920); 10920 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10920(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](10920)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](11044); 11044 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11044(Ship[Norialis_1459523591586](11044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10905); 10905 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10905(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298rl0](10905)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10947); 10947 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10947(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743rl0](10947)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10928); 10928 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10928(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](10928)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10908); 10908 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10908(Ship[Paris Heavy Frigaterl3](10908)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11046)true; (3, 19, 3); ]; 11046 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11046([CLIENT ReSector(11046)true; (3, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10990)true; (2, 17, 1); ]; 10990 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10990([CLIENT ReSector(10990)true; (2, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10827); 10827 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10827(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001rl0](10827)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[The Noob Ship](10898); 10898 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10898(Ship[The Noob Ship](10898)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[redstone](10901); 10901 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10901(Ship[redstone](10901)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10832); 10832 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10832(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496](10832)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10871); 10871 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10871(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770](10871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10911); 10911 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10911(Ship[Castel_LPE1459129227462](10911)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10845); 10845 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10845(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829rl0](10845)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10938); 10938 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10938(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl00](10938)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](11002); 11002 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11002(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl60](11002)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10918); 10918 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10918(Ship[SunPaladin_1458440258838](10918)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(11026)]; 11026 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11026(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Eps Space Bar(11026)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](10945); 10945 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10945(Ship[Memeinator](10945)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10968); 10968 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10968(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](10968)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[World Eater](10897); 10897 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10897(Ship[World Eater](10897)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10858); 10858 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10858(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251](10858)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10861); 10861 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10861(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl80](10861)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](11028); 11028 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11028(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl00](11028)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](10891); 10891 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10891(Ship[Water Wheel](10891)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](11035); 11035 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11035(Ship[JLYS Lode Runner1458447318180rl3](11035)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10915); 10915 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10915(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](10915)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10939); 10939 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10939(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](10939)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10973); 10973 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10973(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547](10973)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11030)true; (3, 17, 1); ]; 11030 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11030([CLIENT ReSector(11030)true; (3, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10961); 10961 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10961(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](10961)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](11011); 11011 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11011(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl100](11011)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10978)true; (1, 17, 2); ]; 10978 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10978([CLIENT ReSector(10978)true; (1, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10894); 10894 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10894(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](10894)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10955); 10955 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10955(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](10955)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10824); 10824 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10824(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464](10824)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10851); 10851 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10851(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](10851)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10919); 10919 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10919(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999](10919)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10967); 10967 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10967(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217rl0](10967)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10888); 10888 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10888(Ship[archeljah_1459281315332](10888)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10843); 10843 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10843(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164rl0](10843)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](11015); 11015 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11015(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl5](11015)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10893); 10893 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10893(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958](10893)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10943); 10943 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10943(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](10943)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10926); 10926 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10926(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl50](10926)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10890); 10890 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10890(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl20](10890)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Shadow corp ship](10850); 10850 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10850(Ship[Shadow corp ship](10850)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10969); 10969 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10969(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728](10969)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10865); 10865 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10865(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl2](10865)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10960); 10960 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10960(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](10960)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10921); 10921 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10921(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791](10921)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10828); 10828 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10828(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050560496rl0](10828)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10963); 10963 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10963(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](10963)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10837); 10837 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10837(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](10837)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10977)true; (1, 17, 1); ]; 10977 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10977([CLIENT ReSector(10977)true; (1, 17, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10951); 10951 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10951(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562rl0](10951)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10957); 10957 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10957(Ship[BucephalusRider_1457482504625](10957)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Voiden](10853); 10853 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10853(Ship[Voiden](10853)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10878); 10878 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10878(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065rl0](10878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10929); 10929 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10929(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](10929)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10868); 10868 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10868(Ship[Scouting Dron Mk II](10868)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](11013); 11013 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11013(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10](11013)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(11037)]; 11037 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11037(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Dustian_Spawn_Warp(11037)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[UC Eden](10836); 10836 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10836(Ship[UC Eden](10836)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Bluebuttons_1459736088560](11249); 11249 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11249(Ship[Bluebuttons_1459736088560](11249)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10867); 10867 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10867(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050714464rl0](10867)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10975); 10975 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10975(Ship[SS - Cargo Transfer Container_run](10975)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10829); 10829 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10829(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882](10829)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](11005); 11005 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11005(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl4](11005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10874); 10874 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10874(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](10874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10833); 10833 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10833(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](10833)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10877); 10877 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10877(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](10877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10940); 10940 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10940(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](10940)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10879); 10879 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10879(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050531999rl0](10879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[shippy vw](10859); 10859 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10859(Ship[shippy vw](10859)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10818); 10818 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10818(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338](10818)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10930); 10930 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10930(Ship[LT_M5_Castel](10930)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10826); 10826 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10826(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](10826)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10885); 10885 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10885(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl70](10885)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10847); 10847 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10847(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050712583rl0](10847)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(10997)]; 10997 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10997(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_MTK Outpost(10997)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10964); 10964 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10964(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl90](10964)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sammy](11040); 11040 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11040(Ship[Sammy](11040)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11041)true; (3, 18, 3); ]; 11041 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11041([CLIENT ReSector(11041)true; (3, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10907); 10907 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10907(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl40](10907)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10899); 10899 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10899(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](10899)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10933); 10933 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10933(Ship[SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734rl1](10933)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10831); 10831 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10831(Ship[Billboard_1452049167568](10831)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(11014)]; 11014 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11014(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Aethi Network Gate 1(11014)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10866); 10866 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10866(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050709708rl0](10866)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(11023)]; 11023 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11023(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Void Reaper Federation - Warpgate 682 6 166(11023)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(10981)]; 10981 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10981(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Arkov station(10981)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10948); 10948 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10948(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030rl0](10948)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10873); 10873 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10873(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl1](10873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10870); 10870 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10870(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052254298](10870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10941); 10941 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10941(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](10941)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](11016); 11016 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11016(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl1](11016)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10860); 10860 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10860(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349](10860)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10972); 10972 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10972(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843](10972)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10823); 10823 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10823(Ship[Blurrunner 01rl10](10823)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10902); 10902 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10902(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597rl0](10902)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LG01](10986); 10986 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10986(Ship[LG01](10986)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10974); 10974 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10974(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](10974)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10931); 10931 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10931(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl01](10931)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10917); 10917 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10917(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](10917)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10927); 10927 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10927(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452023131770rl0](10927)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10970); 10970 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10970(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](10970)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10842); 10842 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10842(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](10842)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mah Bucket](10844); 10844 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10844(Ship[Mah Bucket](10844)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](11000); 11000 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11000(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl6](11000)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](11007); 11007 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11007(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl3](11007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](11003); 11003 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11003(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl50](11003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](11017); 11017 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11017(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl9](11017)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10936); 10936 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10936(Ship[Ascended13_1458813188179](10936)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](10982); 10982 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10982(Ship[Arkov scout frigate 2](10982)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(10992)]; 10992 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10992(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Galaxy Highway Gate 0(10992)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10889); 10889 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10889(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](10889)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](11010); 11010 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11010(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl0](11010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](11019); 11019 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11019(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl10E](11019)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10846); 10846 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10846(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](10846)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10950); 10950 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10950(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](10950)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(10994)]; 10994 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10994(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458710134566(10994)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10857); 10857 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10857(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](10857)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10838); 10838 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10838(Ship[Pawns Bank Pod 001](10838)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10949); 10949 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10949(Ship[Castel_LPE - M](10949)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10841); 10841 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10841(Ship[TheScreeper_1459283862660](10841)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10962); 10962 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10962(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl1](10962)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](11009); 11009 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11009(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl30](11009)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10830); 10830 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10830(Ship[CFW Spriggan Class Medium Fighter V2D1_14518754812](10830)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10886); 10886 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10886(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](10886)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10882); 10882 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10882(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](10882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10869)]; 10869 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10869(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_SS - Dolum Island Pre-xmas_1451866652734_2_18_2(10869)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10819); 10819 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10819(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052734217](10819)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10881); 10881 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10881(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](10881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10942); 10942 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10942(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](10942)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10965); 10965 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10965(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl0](10965)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](10854); 10854 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10854(Ship[Escape pod](10854)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11031)true; (3, 17, 2); ]; 11031 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11031([CLIENT ReSector(11031)true; (3, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10852); 10852 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10852(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl4](10852)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](11001); 11001 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11001(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl40](11001)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10989)true; (1, 19, 3); ]; 10989 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10989([CLIENT ReSector(10989)true; (1, 19, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](11020); 11020 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11020(Ship[Aethi Network Gate 1rl7](11020)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[FarStar](10864); 10864 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10864(Ship[FarStar](10864)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10937); 10937 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10937(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050508065](10937)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11042)true; (3, 19, 1); ]; 11042 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11042([CLIENT ReSector(11042)true; (3, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[AngelWings](11039); 11039 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11039(Ship[AngelWings](11039)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10922); 10922 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10922(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968rl0](10922)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10999)true; (2, 18, 3); ]; 10999 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10999([CLIENT ReSector(10999)true; (2, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10980)true; (1, 18, 1); ]; 10980 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10980([CLIENT ReSector(10980)true; (1, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11043)true; (3, 19, 2); ]; 11043 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11043([CLIENT ReSector(11043)true; (3, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11024)true; (2, 19, 2); ]; 11024 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11024([CLIENT ReSector(11024)true; (2, 19, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10995)true; (2, 18, 1); ]; 10995 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10995([CLIENT ReSector(10995)true; (2, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11036)true; (3, 18, 2); ]; 11036 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11036([CLIENT ReSector(11036)true; (3, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10983)true; (1, 18, 2); ]; 10983 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10983([CLIENT ReSector(10983)true; (1, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11034)true; (3, 18, 1); ]; 11034 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11034([CLIENT ReSector(11034)true; (3, 18, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11022)true; (2, 19, 1); ]; 11022 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11022([CLIENT ReSector(11022)true; (2, 19, 1); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11032)true; (3, 17, 3); ]; 11032 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11032([CLIENT ReSector(11032)true; (3, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10991)true; (2, 17, 2); ]; 10991 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10991([CLIENT ReSector(10991)true; (2, 17, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10817)true; (2, 18, 2); ]; 10817 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10817([CLIENT ReSector(10817)true; (2, 18, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10985)true; (1, 18, 3); ]; 10985 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10985([CLIENT ReSector(10985)true; (1, 18, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10993)true; (2, 17, 3); ]; 10993 [2016-04-04 04:17:38] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10993([CLIENT ReSector(10993)true; (2, 17, 3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:17:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_Dragon](11743); 11743 [2016-04-04 04:17:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11743(Ship[Castel_Dragon](11743)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:18:03] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:18:03] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:18:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:18:03] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: Ship[Ashren 1](8006); detach pos: (16.173965, -67.400246, 1280.86) [2016-04-04 04:18:03] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:18:03] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 04:18:05] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:18:05] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:18:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)], fromId=11248 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8005 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(8005)]), toPos=(8, 9, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:18:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]; detach pos: (-8.0, -8.0, -8.0) [2016-04-04 04:18:31] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:18:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_kar_dragon_1458850176025(8005)] [2016-04-04 04:18:36] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:18:36] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:19:14] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:19:14] : [2016-04-04 04:19:14] [2016-04-04 04:19:14] Final Fantasy VIII - Intruders.ogg [2016-04-04 04:19:14] Error [2016-04-04 04:19:14] : [2016-04-04 04:19:14] [2016-04-04 04:19:14] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10745 TO 10771 [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10745 TO 10771 [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (784.44916, 6144.8364, -700.08234) [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (787.2141, -6202.667, -702.86975) TO (784.44916, 6144.8364, -700.08234) [2016-04-04 04:20:08] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (13.44168, -237.09444, -14.013676); (-0.012778865, 0.005753683, 0.09377017) [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (784.44916, 6144.8364, -700.08234) [2016-04-04 04:20:08] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (778.09564, 6138.814, -701.3202) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:20:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:20:21] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (8.173965, -75.400246, 1272.86) [2016-04-04 04:20:21] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:20:21] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 04:20:25] SWITCH true 1 [2016-04-04 04:20:26] SWITCH true 2 [2016-04-04 04:20:27] SWITCH false 1 [2016-04-04 04:20:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [368]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:20:33] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:20:33] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: [SERVER]: SERVER AUTO-SAVING [2016-04-04 04:20:33] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hT@6b546bf7); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 04:20:39] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 04:20:39] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10759)true; (585, -4, -265); ]; 10759 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10759([CLIENT ReSector(10759)true; (585, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10755)true; (584, -4, -265); ]; 10755 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10755([CLIENT ReSector(10755)true; (584, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10815)true; (583, -4, -265); ]; 10815 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10815([CLIENT ReSector(10815)true; (583, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10750)true; (584, -4, -266); ]; 10750 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10750([CLIENT ReSector(10750)true; (584, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10813)true; (583, -4, -267); ]; 10813 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10813([CLIENT ReSector(10813)true; (583, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10814)true; (583, -4, -266); ]; 10814 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10814([CLIENT ReSector(10814)true; (583, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10732)true; (585, -4, -266); ]; 10732 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10732([CLIENT ReSector(10732)true; (585, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10749)true; (584, -4, -267); ]; 10749 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10749([CLIENT ReSector(10749)true; (584, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10760)sec[10759]; 10760 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] WARNING while checking neighbor: null; [CLIENT ReSector(10771)true; (584, -6, -266); ]; 10759; 10771 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10760(Asteroid(10760)sec[10759]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10713)true; (585, -4, -267); ]; 10713 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10713([CLIENT ReSector(10713)true; (585, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@50d2eb2e; 10760 [2016-04-04 04:20:42] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10760(obfuscated.Sr@50d2eb2e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:21:20] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: Ship[Ashren 1](8006); detach pos: (16.173965, -67.400246, 1280.86) [2016-04-04 04:21:20] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:21:20] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] [2016-04-04 04:21:24] DRAWING TIME OF 485 elements: 58(57.53039); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:21:41] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(11280)[s11274]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 11280 [2016-04-04 04:21:41] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11280(Planet(11280)[s11274]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl90](11789); 11789 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11789(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl90](11789)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl4](11785); 11785 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11785(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl4](11785)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl8](11792); 11792 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11792(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl8](11792)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Black](11778); 11778 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11778(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Black](11778)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl40](11786); 11786 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11786(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl40](11786)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl5](11779); 11779 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11779(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl5](11779)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl11](11780); 11780 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11780(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl11](11780)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl0](11790); 11790 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11790(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl0](11790)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl10](11782); 11782 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11782(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl10](11782)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl6](11783); 11783 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11783(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl6](11783)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl9](11788); 11788 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11788(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl9](11788)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl2](11793); 11793 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11793(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl2](11793)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl10E](11791); 11791 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11791(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl10E](11791)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl1](11781); 11781 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11781(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl1](11781)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl7](11787); 11787 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11787(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl7](11787)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl3](11784); 11784 [2016-04-04 04:21:49] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11784(Ship[Neutrino_Red_Blackrl3](11784)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl5](11795); 11795 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11795(Ship[Beluga Minerrl5](11795)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl0](11805); 11805 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11805(Ship[Beluga Minerrl0](11805)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl6](11801); 11801 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11801(Ship[Beluga Minerrl6](11801)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl40](11800); 11800 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11800(Ship[Beluga Minerrl40](11800)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Miner](11794); 11794 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11794(Ship[Beluga Miner](11794)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl60](11802); 11802 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11802(Ship[Beluga Minerrl60](11802)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl4](11799); 11799 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11799(Ship[Beluga Minerrl4](11799)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl00](11806); 11806 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11806(Ship[Beluga Minerrl00](11806)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl1](11797); 11797 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11797(Ship[Beluga Minerrl1](11797)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl20](11804); 11804 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11804(Ship[Beluga Minerrl20](11804)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl3](11807); 11807 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11807(Ship[Beluga Minerrl3](11807)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl10](11798); 11798 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11798(Ship[Beluga Minerrl10](11798)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl2](11803); 11803 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11803(Ship[Beluga Minerrl2](11803)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl50](11796); 11796 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11796(Ship[Beluga Minerrl50](11796)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Beluga Minerrl30](11808); 11808 [2016-04-04 04:22:00] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11808(Ship[Beluga Minerrl30](11808)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:22:22] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:22:22] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:22:28] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: Server under heavy load. If this message persists, tell an admin to send a report. [2016-04-04 04:22:28] [CLIENTPROCESSOR][WARNING] Ping time of client (7) exceeded time limit: retrying! pending requests: {} [2016-04-04 04:22:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)], fromId=8145 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=8006 (Ship[Ashren 1](8006)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:22:54] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)]; detach pos: (8.173965, -75.400246, 1272.86) [2016-04-04 04:22:54] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Kaliz)(8145)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:22:54] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Kaliz ; id(7844)(25)f(10830)] Added to controllers: Ship[Ashren 1](8006) [2016-04-04 04:23:07] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:23:07] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:24:33] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:24:33] : [2016-04-04 04:24:33] [2016-04-04 04:24:33] SoundTeMP - Sleeping Volcano.ogg [2016-04-04 04:24:33] Error [2016-04-04 04:24:33] : [2016-04-04 04:24:33] [2016-04-04 04:24:33] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:24:56] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:24:56] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10774)sec[10771](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:25:20] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:25:20] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:25:20] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-04-04 04:25:20] [CLIENT] Exception: NullPointerException in computing Lighting of Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!). retrying [2016-04-04 04:26:27] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [322]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:26:27] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: No cargo selected! Open any storage block and select it as personal cargo. [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT] EXIT SHIP FROM EXTRYPOINT (8, 8, 8) OF Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); segSec: 10771; [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: null [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), fromPos=(8, 8, 8), toId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-307.10492, -299.8074, 334.7188) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: TOP [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-307.10492, -299.8074, 334.7188) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); detach pos: (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] CHECKING EE: Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT][BUILDTOOLS] Reset area placement [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; at: (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: If you are stuck in a block, press UP. Time left to use this: 8 sec [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPOUT] took up from current grav up (-0.22365722, -0.60814583, -0.7616667) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [KINEMATIC] Client(7) WARPING OUT OF COLLISION START for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: FROM (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073); (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (-307.45584, -302.71542, 333.67908) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (-307.71527, -302.71683, 335.06927) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (-306.74908, -301.4977, 333.8122) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK_SINGLE] HIT -> cannot spawn here!! (-307.0085, -301.4991, 335.2024) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [WARPING OT OF COLLISION][CHECK WARP] NOHIT -> can spawn here!! (-306.38565, -302.6158, 334.5982); Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER][ONPHYSICSADD][Client(7)] WARPING OUT OF COLLISION: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]: (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) -> (-306.38565, -302.6158, 334.5982) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [REMOTETRANFORM][WARP] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-307.23218, -302.10727, 334.44073) TO (-306.38565, -302.6158, 334.5982) for PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-306.38565, -302.6158, 334.5982) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: TOP [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-306.38562, -302.6158, 334.5982) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FLAG changed gravity on Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) -> (0.0, -9.89, 0.0) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change: (-306.38562, -302.6158, 334.5982) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] Client(7)[ABSTRACTCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] INITIALIZING GRAVITY FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [PLAYERCHARACTER] Client(7) of PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] gravity to: TOP [2016-04-04 04:26:43] [CHARACTER][GRAVITY] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] Client(7) starting gravity change DONE: source: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) origin: (-306.38562, -302.61584, 334.5982) [2016-04-04 04:26:50] HIT RESULT near: (8, 6, 4)[Storage]o[RIGHT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:50] [CLIENT][POPUP] GAME: Opened Storage Location: (8, 6, 4) of Valients Shuttle [2016-04-04 04:26:53] HIT RESULT near: (8, 6, 4)[Storage]o[RIGHT][inactive][50hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:56] HIT RESULT near: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK], on Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] CHANGED ENTERED: set to: (8, 8, 8)[Ship Core]o[FRONT][active][250hp][BLOCK] [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] Player character enter used [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT]: PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] request control: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] -> Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:56] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)], fromId=2196 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=1617 (Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617)), toPos=(8, 8, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:26:56] NOT SMOOTHING VELO SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] NOT SMOOTHING SHIP [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)]; detach pos: (-317.1928, -299.76508, 346.24185) [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] SWITCHING TO USING SHIP CAMERA (last cam: obfuscated.hY@67ac30ba); DOCKED: false; RAIL: false [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] Added to controllers: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:26:56] [CLIENT] CURRENT MAIN CONTROLLING IS NOW: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617); at: (-306.73447, -299.95963, 334.68643) [2016-04-04 04:27:14] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive not charged Hold left mouse to charge! [2016-04-04 04:27:14] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive Charged! Right click to jump! [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon left the game. [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)] [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)]; 10816 [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10816(PlS[kar_dragon ; id(10816)(34)f(10830)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (11048)ChatSystem; 11048 [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11048((11048)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]; 11248 [2016-04-04 04:27:15] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11248(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_kar_dragon)(11248)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:20] [JUMPDRIVE] JUMPING Client(7); Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:27:20] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [343, 569, -6, -266]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:27:20] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jumping in current direction -> 569, -6, -266 [2016-04-04 04:27:20] DRAWING TIME OF 471 elements: 65(64.75811); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:27:20] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 04:27:23] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [BG] updating field [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [CLIENT][BACKGROUND] generating background took: 1ms [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 10771 TO 11811 [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 10771 TO 11811 [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-352.57016, -294.47708, 476.2182) [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-358.46866, -296.82306, 351.80087) TO (-352.57016, -294.47708, 476.2182) [2016-04-04 04:27:24] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-1.3525537, -0.56162226, 0.86204785); (-3.3491076E-4, -0.0025283536, -0.0014864497) [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-352.57016, -294.47708, 476.2182) [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-358.5949, -299.01965, 471.6097) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736782111 / last written 1459735872283 [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 59 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10776)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736694545 / last written 1459735872280 [2016-04-04 04:27:24] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10776)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 52 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736691805 / last written 1459735872281 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 99 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10779)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736696495 / last written 1459735872282 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10779)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 40 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10772)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736682426 / last written 1459735872282 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10772)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 34 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736308744 / last written 1459735794084 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!) on Client(7) took: 16 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=tenk11kamikaza, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2e5c Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10775)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736515468 / last written 1459735872283 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10775)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 44 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING Asteroid(10774)sec[10771](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736700695 / last written 1459735872283 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of Asteroid(10774)sec[10771](!) on Client(7) took: 49 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) WRITING ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!) since it HAS changed: lastChanged: 1459736350626 / last written 1459735794085 [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] WARNING: segment writing of ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!) on Client(7) took: 60 ms (file header: 0ms) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349410](11879) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349413](11882) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534947](11876) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349412](11881) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534942](11871) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534944](11873) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)] [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534940](11869) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534941](11870) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349411](11880) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534948](11877) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534945](11874) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534946](11875) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) [2016-04-04 04:27:25] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534949](11878) [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 134877 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349410](11879) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349413](11882) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534947](11876) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534942](11871) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534944](11873) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534940](11869) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349410](11879)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349413](11882)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534947](11876)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534942](11871)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534944](11873)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534940](11869)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534941](11870) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534946](11875) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534949](11878) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349412](11881)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534941](11870)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349411](11880)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534948](11877)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534945](11874)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534946](11875)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534949](11878)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:26] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [AI] Setting callback Client(7) Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872) Executing send callback: true [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [DOCKING] Client(7) ADDING: 0: [CCS|CLI Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872)] -> [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:27] [DOCKING] Client(7) DOCKED ON TARGET SHAPE: [CCS|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]] [2016-04-04 04:27:29] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 48 ms [2016-04-04 04:27:30] DRAWING TIME OF 1096 elements: 31(30.226406); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:27:30] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 04:27:30] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 04:27:32] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 21 ms [2016-04-04 04:27:43] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive not charged Hold left mouse to charge! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [CLIENT][MISSILE] JUMP-DIST 114.9488: translating trail: (-1215.2778, 20.317402, 1328.6975) [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11253)sec[11252]; 11253 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11253(Asteroid(11253)sec[11252]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](11256); 11256 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11256(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1453861395814](11256)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11261)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]; 11261 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11261([CLIENT ReSector(11261)true; (-19, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11272)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]; 11272 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11272([CLIENT ReSector(11272)true; (-18, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11262)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]; 11262 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11262([CLIENT ReSector(11262)true; (-19, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11250)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]; 11250 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11250([CLIENT ReSector(11250)true; (-20, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11269)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]; 11269 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11269([CLIENT ReSector(11269)true; (-18, 45, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11264)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]; 11264 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11264([CLIENT ReSector(11264)true; (-19, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11268)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]; 11268 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11268([CLIENT ReSector(11268)true; (-18, 45, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](11259); 11259 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11259(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454078210504](11259)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11254)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]; 11254 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11254([CLIENT ReSector(11254)true; (-20, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11270)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]; 11270 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11270([CLIENT ReSector(11270)true; (-18, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](11257); 11257 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11257(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454032908037](11257)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11265)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]; 11265 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11265([CLIENT ReSector(11265)true; (-18, 44, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11271)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]; 11271 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11271([CLIENT ReSector(11271)true; (-18, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11263)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]; 11263 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11263([CLIENT ReSector(11263)true; (-19, 46, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11260)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]; 11260 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11260([CLIENT ReSector(11260)true; (-19, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11267)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]; 11267 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11267([CLIENT ReSector(11267)true; (-18, 44, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11273)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]; 11273 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11273([CLIENT ReSector(11273)true; (-18, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](11258); 11258 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11258(Ship[jimjilbertoo_1454033582597](11258)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11266)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]; 11266 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11266([CLIENT ReSector(11266)true; (-18, 44, -3); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11251)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]; 11251 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11251([CLIENT ReSector(11251)true; (-20, 45, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11252)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]; 11252 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11252([CLIENT ReSector(11252)true; (-20, 46, -4); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11255)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]; 11255 [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11255([CLIENT ReSector(11255)true; (-20, 46, -2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:45] [CLIENT][MISSILE] JUMP-DIST 115.66129: translating trail: (-1341.078, 13.383151, 1453.5934) [2016-04-04 04:27:46] [DRAWER][WARNING] update took 24 ms [2016-04-04 04:27:51] Now playing: [2016-04-04 04:27:51] : [2016-04-04 04:27:51] [2016-04-04 04:27:51] Dungeon Keeper - Nightmare Creatures.ogg [2016-04-04 04:27:52] Error [2016-04-04 04:27:52] : [2016-04-04 04:27:52] [2016-04-04 04:27:52] Unable to access volume control: Control not found Disabling volume control [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10785)sec[10782]; 10785 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10785(Asteroid(10785)sec[10782]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11753)sec[11745]; 11753 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11753(Asteroid(11753)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10781)true; (585, -6, -267); ]; 10781 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10781([CLIENT ReSector(10781)true; (585, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11775)sec[11773]; 11775 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11775(Asteroid(11775)sec[11773]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10808)sec[10807]; 10808 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10808(Asteroid(10808)sec[10807]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10758)true; (585, -5, -265); ]; 10758 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10758([CLIENT ReSector(10758)true; (585, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11777)sec[11773]; 11777 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11777(Asteroid(11777)sec[11773]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10779)sec[10771](!); 10779 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10779(Asteroid(10779)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11755)sec[11754]; 11755 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11755(Asteroid(11755)sec[11754]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10744)true; (584, -5, -267); ]; 10744 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10744([CLIENT ReSector(10744)true; (584, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11767)sec[11764]; 11767 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11767(Asteroid(11767)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10731)true; (585, -5, -266); ]; 10731 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10731([CLIENT ReSector(10731)true; (585, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10754)true; (584, -5, -265); ]; 10754 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10754([CLIENT ReSector(10754)true; (584, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11757)sec[11754]; 11757 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11757(Asteroid(11757)sec[11754]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10775)sec[10771](!); 10775 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10775(Asteroid(10775)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10773)sec[10771]; 10773 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10773(Asteroid(10773)sec[10771]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11758)true; (584, -7, -267); ]; 11758 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11758([CLIENT ReSector(11758)true; (584, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11760)sec[11759]; 11760 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11760(Asteroid(11760)sec[11759]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11746)sec[11745]; 11746 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11746(Asteroid(11746)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11749)sec[11745]; 11749 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11749(Asteroid(11749)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10780)true; (584, -6, -265); ]; 10780 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10780([CLIENT ReSector(10780)true; (584, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11774)sec[11773]; 11774 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11774(Asteroid(11774)sec[11773]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10806)sec[10804]; 10806 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10806(Asteroid(10806)sec[10804]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11766)sec[11764]; 11766 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11766(Asteroid(11766)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11772)true; (585, -7, -266); ]; 11772 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11772([CLIENT ReSector(11772)true; (585, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10811)true; (583, -5, -266); ]; 10811 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10811([CLIENT ReSector(10811)true; (583, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11756)sec[11754]; 11756 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11756(Asteroid(11756)sec[11754]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10810)true; (583, -5, -267); ]; 10810 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10810([CLIENT ReSector(10810)true; (583, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10784)sec[10782]; 10784 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10784(Asteroid(10784)sec[10782]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11748)sec[11745]; 11748 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11748(Asteroid(11748)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11768)sec[11764]; 11768 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11768(Asteroid(11768)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10776)sec[10771](!); 10776 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10776(Asteroid(10776)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10783)sec[10782]; 10783 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10783(Asteroid(10783)sec[10782]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11762)sec[11759]; 11762 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11762(Asteroid(11762)sec[11759]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11750)sec[11745]; 11750 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11750(Asteroid(11750)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11751)sec[11745]; 11751 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11751(Asteroid(11751)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11770)sec[11764]; 11770 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11770(Asteroid(11770)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11776)sec[11773]; 11776 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11776(Asteroid(11776)sec[11773]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10772)sec[10771](!); 10772 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10772(Asteroid(10772)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10770)sec[10769]; 10770 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10770(Asteroid(10770)sec[10769]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10786)true; (585, -6, -265); ]; 10786 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10786([CLIENT ReSector(10786)true; (585, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!); 10746 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10746(ManagedAsteroid(10746)sec[10745](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11744)true; (583, -7, -267); ]; 11744 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11744([CLIENT ReSector(11744)true; (583, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11771)true; (585, -7, -267); ]; 11771 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11771([CLIENT ReSector(11771)true; (585, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11765)sec[11764]; 11765 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11765(Asteroid(11765)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10724)true; (585, -5, -267); ]; 10724 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10724([CLIENT ReSector(10724)true; (585, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!); 10778 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10778(Asteroid(10778)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11761)sec[11759]; 11761 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11761(Asteroid(11761)sec[11759]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11763)sec[11759]; 11763 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11763(Asteroid(11763)sec[11759]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10809)true; (583, -6, -265); ]; 10809 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10809([CLIENT ReSector(10809)true; (583, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11747)sec[11745]; 11747 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11747(Asteroid(11747)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11752)sec[11745]; 11752 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11752(Asteroid(11752)sec[11745]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!); 10777 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10777(Asteroid(10777)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10812)true; (583, -5, -265); ]; 10812 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10812([CLIENT ReSector(10812)true; (583, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!); 10747 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10747(Asteroid(10747)sec[10745](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10774)sec[10771](!); 10774 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10774(Asteroid(10774)sec[10771](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10805)sec[10804]; 10805 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10805(Asteroid(10805)sec[10804]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11769)sec[11764]; 11769 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11769(Asteroid(11769)sec[11764]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11759)true; (584, -7, -266); ]; 11759 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11759([CLIENT ReSector(11759)true; (584, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11754)true; (583, -7, -265); ]; 11754 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11754([CLIENT ReSector(11754)true; (583, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11764)true; (584, -7, -265); ]; 11764 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11764([CLIENT ReSector(11764)true; (584, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10769)true; (584, -6, -267); ]; 10769 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10769([CLIENT ReSector(10769)true; (584, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11773)true; (585, -7, -265); ]; 11773 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11773([CLIENT ReSector(11773)true; (585, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10807)true; (583, -6, -266); ]; 10807 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10807([CLIENT ReSector(10807)true; (583, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10745)true; (584, -5, -266); ]; 10745 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10745([CLIENT ReSector(10745)true; (584, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10782)true; (585, -6, -266); ]; 10782 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10782([CLIENT ReSector(10782)true; (585, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11745)true; (583, -7, -266); ]; 11745 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11745([CLIENT ReSector(11745)true; (583, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10804)true; (583, -6, -267); ]; 10804 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10804([CLIENT ReSector(10804)true; (583, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10771)true; (584, -6, -266); ]; 10771 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10771([CLIENT ReSector(10771)true; (584, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7d03c72; 10785 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10785(obfuscated.Sr@7d03c72) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3f3438de; 10808 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10808(obfuscated.Sr@3f3438de) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@498e4492; 10779 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10779(obfuscated.Sr@498e4492) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5de1e00f; 10775 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10775(obfuscated.Sr@5de1e00f) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@213c3351; 10773 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10773(obfuscated.Sr@213c3351) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2d3abea; 10806 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10806(obfuscated.Sr@2d3abea) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@599fba20; 10784 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10784(obfuscated.Sr@599fba20) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3e42aaa3; 10776 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10776(obfuscated.Sr@3e42aaa3) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@411a4b7e; 10783 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10783(obfuscated.Sr@411a4b7e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@41428a30; 10772 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10772(obfuscated.Sr@41428a30) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3ca5c6ea; 10770 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10770(obfuscated.Sr@3ca5c6ea) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@62a2a244; 10746 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10746(obfuscated.Sr@62a2a244) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@76b55231; 10778 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10778(obfuscated.Sr@76b55231) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@17396deb; 10777 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10777(obfuscated.Sr@17396deb) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@3901c22e; 10747 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10747(obfuscated.Sr@3901c22e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7c9e5315; 10774 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10774(obfuscated.Sr@7c9e5315) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5c24d71a; 10805 [2016-04-04 04:27:54] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10805(obfuscated.Sr@5c24d71a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:28:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11883)true; (-2, 0, 2); ]; 11883 [2016-04-04 04:28:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11883([CLIENT ReSector(11883)true; (-2, 0, 2); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:28:10] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive Charged! Right click to jump! [2016-04-04 04:28:30] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:28:30] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:28:30] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (569, -6, -266) [2016-04-04 04:28:30] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (35, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 04:28:33] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (36, -1, -17) [2016-04-04 04:28:37] WARNING: Exception: cleaned up stuck mesh! SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]((0, -64, -80))[e; Hash-1045928; id 45872]; SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; SegSector: 1623; CurrentSector 11811 [2016-04-04 04:28:37] WARNING: Exception: cleaned up stuck mesh! SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]((0, -64, 96))[e; Hash-980375; id 45873]; SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; SegSector: 1623; CurrentSector 11811 [2016-04-04 04:28:37] WARNING: Exception: cleaned up stuck mesh! SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]((0, -64, -96))[e; Hash-1045912; id 45874]; SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(1624)]; SegSector: 1623; CurrentSector 11811 [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [394, grantred]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: grantred left the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: grantred left the game. [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; LEFT [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [DELETE] Cleaning up playerCharacter for playerState PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] on Client(7); ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred; PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)] [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [ControllerState] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [NOTIFIED] REMOVED ALL UNITS OF PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] ON Client(7)! LEFT [] [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] removed controlled entities [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [PLAYER][CLEANUP] PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)] notified team change [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state (10299)ChatSystem; 10299 [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10299((10299)ChatSystem) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)]; 10398 [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10398(PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_grantred)(10398)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)]; 10075 [2016-04-04 04:28:48] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10075(PlS[grantred ; id(10075)(32)f(10190)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:04] SETTING WAYPOINT: (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:29:04] NOT TAKING: 16.155495 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:04] NOT TAKING: 16.40122 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:04] NOT TAKING: 17.233688 / 15.264338 [2016-04-04 04:29:04] NEAREST WAYPOINT (570, -6, -266) [2016-04-04 04:29:06] SETTING WAYPOINT: (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 16.155495 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 16.40122 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 17.233688 / 15.264338 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NEAREST WAYPOINT (570, -6, -266) [2016-04-04 04:29:06] SETTING WAYPOINT: (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 16.155495 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 16.40122 / 16.155495 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NOT TAKING: 17.233688 / 15.264338 [2016-04-04 04:29:06] NEAREST WAYPOINT (570, -6, -266) [2016-04-04 04:29:08] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:29:15] ACTIVATE MAP false [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10291)sec[10289]; 10291 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10291(Asteroid(10291)sec[10289]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10254)true; (-138, 3, -171); ]; 10254 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10254([CLIENT ReSector(10254)true; (-138, 3, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10273)sec[10268]; 10273 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10273(Asteroid(10273)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10267)true; (-137, 3, -173); ]; 10267 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10267([CLIENT ReSector(10267)true; (-137, 3, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10262)sec[10256]; 10262 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10262(Asteroid(10262)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10275)true; (-137, 3, -171); ]; 10275 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10275([CLIENT ReSector(10275)true; (-137, 3, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10266)true; (-138, 5, -171); ]; 10266 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10266([CLIENT ReSector(10266)true; (-138, 5, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10238)[s10235]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10238 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10238(Planet(10238)[s10235]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10247)[s10235]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]; 10247 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10247(Planet(10247)[s10235]Planet (r50)[10000000hp]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10255)true; (-138, 4, -173); ]; 10255 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10255([CLIENT ReSector(10255)true; (-138, 4, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10288)true; (-136, 3, -171); ]; 10288 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10288([CLIENT ReSector(10288)true; (-136, 3, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10276)true; (-137, 4, -173); ]; 10276 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10276([CLIENT ReSector(10276)true; (-137, 4, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state PlanetCore( id 10237; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172); 10237 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10237(PlanetCore( id 10237; hp 1.0E7; uid ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10242)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10242 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10242(Planet(10242)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10294)true; (-136, 4, -171); ]; 10294 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10294([CLIENT ReSector(10294)true; (-136, 4, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10265)true; (-138, 5, -172); ]; 10265 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10265([CLIENT ReSector(10265)true; (-138, 5, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10277)true; (-137, 4, -171); ]; 10277 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10277([CLIENT ReSector(10277)true; (-137, 4, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10259)sec[10256]; 10259 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10259(Asteroid(10259)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10250)true; (-138, 3, -173); ]; 10250 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10250([CLIENT ReSector(10250)true; (-138, 3, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10260)sec[10256]; 10260 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10260(Asteroid(10260)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10253)sec[10251]; 10253 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10253(Asteroid(10253)sec[10251]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10293)true; (-136, 4, -172); ]; 10293 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10293([CLIENT ReSector(10293)true; (-136, 4, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10264)true; (-138, 5, -173); ]; 10264 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10264([CLIENT ReSector(10264)true; (-138, 5, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10257)sec[10256]; 10257 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10257(Asteroid(10257)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10295)true; (-136, 5, -173); ]; 10295 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10295([CLIENT ReSector(10295)true; (-136, 5, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10287)sec[10283]; 10287 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10287(Asteroid(10287)sec[10283]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10258)sec[10256]; 10258 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10258(Asteroid(10258)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10286)sec[10283]; 10286 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10286(Asteroid(10286)sec[10283]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10249)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10249 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10249(Planet(10249)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10239)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10239 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10239(Planet(10239)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10272)sec[10268]; 10272 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10272(Asteroid(10272)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10243)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10243 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10243(Planet(10243)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10280)true; (-137, 5, -171); ]; 10280 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10280([CLIENT ReSector(10280)true; (-137, 5, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10274)sec[10268]; 10274 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10274(Asteroid(10274)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10279)true; (-137, 5, -172); ]; 10279 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10279([CLIENT ReSector(10279)true; (-137, 5, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10285)sec[10283]; 10285 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10285(Asteroid(10285)sec[10283]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10284)sec[10283]; 10284 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10284(Asteroid(10284)sec[10283]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Castel_LPE1452740109057](10241); 10241 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10241(Ship[Castel_LPE1452740109057](10241)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10246)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10246 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10246(Planet(10246)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10261)sec[10256]; 10261 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10261(Asteroid(10261)sec[10256]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10263)true; (-138, 4, -171); ]; 10263 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10263([CLIENT ReSector(10263)true; (-138, 4, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10236)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10236 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10236(Planet(10236)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10292)sec[10289]; 10292 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10292(Asteroid(10292)sec[10289]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10297)true; (-136, 5, -171); ]; 10297 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10297([CLIENT ReSector(10297)true; (-136, 5, -171); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10252)sec[10251]; 10252 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10252(Asteroid(10252)sec[10251]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10270)sec[10268]; 10270 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10270(Asteroid(10270)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10248)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10248 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10248(Planet(10248)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10271)sec[10268]; 10271 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10271(Asteroid(10271)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10269)sec[10268]; 10269 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10269(Asteroid(10269)sec[10268]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10278)true; (-137, 5, -173); ]; 10278 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10278([CLIENT ReSector(10278)true; (-137, 5, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10240)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10240 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10240(Planet(10240)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10290)sec[10289]; 10290 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10290(Asteroid(10290)sec[10289]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(10282)sec[10281]; 10282 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10282(Asteroid(10282)sec[10281]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10245)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10245 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10245(Planet(10245)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10296)true; (-136, 5, -172); ]; 10296 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10296([CLIENT ReSector(10296)true; (-136, 5, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Planet(10244)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded); 10244 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10244(Planet(10244)[s10235]ENTITY_PLANETCORE_-137_4_-172(unloaded)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10268)true; (-137, 3, -172); ]; 10268 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10268([CLIENT ReSector(10268)true; (-137, 3, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10289)true; (-136, 4, -173); ]; 10289 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10289([CLIENT ReSector(10289)true; (-136, 4, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10256)true; (-138, 4, -172); ]; 10256 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10256([CLIENT ReSector(10256)true; (-138, 4, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10281)true; (-136, 3, -173); ]; 10281 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10281([CLIENT ReSector(10281)true; (-136, 3, -173); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10251)true; (-138, 3, -172); ]; 10251 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10251([CLIENT ReSector(10251)true; (-138, 3, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10235)true; (-137, 4, -172); ]; 10235 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10235([CLIENT ReSector(10235)true; (-137, 4, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(10283)true; (-136, 3, -172); ]; 10283 [2016-04-04 04:29:18] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 10283([CLIENT ReSector(10283)true; (-136, 3, -172); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:29:32] [JUMPDRIVE] JUMPING Client(7); Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:29:32] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [344, 584, -5, -267]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:29:32] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Waypoint not in range. Jumping to waypoint direction -> 584, -5, -267 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11811 TO 11884 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11811 TO 11884 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] NOT TAKING: 1.4142135 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 1.4142135 [2016-04-04 04:29:36] NEAREST WAYPOINT (584, -5, -268) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-756.9647, -700.37427, 742.5742) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-775.62494, -721.8313, 619.403) TO (-756.9647, -700.37427, 742.5742) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-4.4752383, -5.1497006, 1.1557941); (1.5194824E-5, 6.232207E-5, 1.6427925E-4) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (-756.9647, -700.37427, 742.5742) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (-751.72296, -693.44745, 744.22174) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:29:36] MISSILE SRCTOR CHANGE FOR DRAWER (184500.66, 12300.072, -12300.621) [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [BG] updating field [2016-04-04 04:29:36] [CLIENT][BACKGROUND] generating background took: 0ms [2016-04-04 04:29:37] [CLIENT] Exception: tried to re-request segment: Asteroid(11902)sec[11900]((-16, 0, -16))[s8; Hash-14795844; id 73760] on Asteroid(11902)sec[11900] [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [SHADER] validate: current FBO: 4 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-MachineFactory_568_-7_-265_1459736853478(11867)]; 11867 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11867(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_TIER2-MachineFactory_568_-7_-265_1459736853478(11867)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11823)true; (568, -6, -266); ]; 11823 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11823([CLIENT ReSector(11823)true; (568, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11861)true; (570, -5, -267); ]; 11861 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11861([CLIENT ReSector(11861)true; (570, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11811)true; (569, -6, -266); ]; 11811 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11811([CLIENT ReSector(11811)true; (569, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11851)true; (570, -7, -266); ]; 11851 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11851([CLIENT ReSector(11851)true; (570, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534949](11878); 11878 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11878(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534949](11878)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11837)true; (569, -7, -265); ]; 11837 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11837([CLIENT ReSector(11837)true; (569, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349410](11879); 11879 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11879(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349410](11879)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11841)true; (569, -6, -265); ]; 11841 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11841([CLIENT ReSector(11841)true; (569, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349413](11882); 11882 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11882(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349413](11882)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11819)sec[11818]; 11819 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11819(Asteroid(11819)sec[11818]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534947](11876); 11876 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11876(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534947](11876)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11849)true; (570, -7, -267); ]; 11849 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11849([CLIENT ReSector(11849)true; (570, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349412](11881); 11881 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11881(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349412](11881)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11821)true; (568, -6, -267); ]; 11821 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11821([CLIENT ReSector(11821)true; (568, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11816)sec[11815]; 11816 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11816(Asteroid(11816)sec[11815]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11859)true; (570, -6, -265); ]; 11859 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11859([CLIENT ReSector(11859)true; (570, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11813)true; (568, -7, -267); ]; 11813 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11813([CLIENT ReSector(11813)true; (568, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11839)true; (569, -6, -267); ]; 11839 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11839([CLIENT ReSector(11839)true; (569, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11866)sec[11865]; 11866 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11866(Asteroid(11866)sec[11865]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11825)true; (568, -6, -265); ]; 11825 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11825([CLIENT ReSector(11825)true; (568, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11829)true; (568, -5, -266); ]; 11829 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11829([CLIENT ReSector(11829)true; (568, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349411](11880); 11880 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11880(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_145973685349411](11880)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534948](11877); 11877 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11877(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534948](11877)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534946](11875); 11875 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11875(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534946](11875)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872); 11872 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11872(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534943](11872)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11827)true; (568, -5, -267); ]; 11827 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11827([CLIENT ReSector(11827)true; (568, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11833)true; (569, -7, -267); ]; 11833 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11833([CLIENT ReSector(11833)true; (569, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11845)true; (569, -5, -266); ]; 11845 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11845([CLIENT ReSector(11845)true; (569, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534942](11871); 11871 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11871(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534942](11871)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534944](11873); 11873 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11873(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534944](11873)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534941](11870); 11870 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11870(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534941](11870)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11831)true; (568, -5, -265); ]; 11831 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11831([CLIENT ReSector(11831)true; (568, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11843)true; (569, -5, -267); ]; 11843 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11843([CLIENT ReSector(11843)true; (569, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11835)true; (569, -7, -266); ]; 11835 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11835([CLIENT ReSector(11835)true; (569, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]; 11868 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11868(SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_1459736853494(11868)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534940](11869); 11869 [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11869(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534940](11869)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:05] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11853)true; (570, -7, -265); ]; 11853 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11853([CLIENT ReSector(11853)true; (570, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11857)true; (570, -6, -266); ]; 11857 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11857([CLIENT ReSector(11857)true; (570, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11863)true; (570, -5, -266); ]; 11863 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11863([CLIENT ReSector(11863)true; (570, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534945](11874); 11874 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11874(Ship[Station_Piratestation Alpha_570_-6_-267_14597368534945](11874)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11847)true; (569, -5, -265); ]; 11847 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11847([CLIENT ReSector(11847)true; (569, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11815)true; (568, -7, -266); ]; 11815 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11815([CLIENT ReSector(11815)true; (568, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11818)true; (568, -7, -265); ]; 11818 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11818([CLIENT ReSector(11818)true; (568, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11855)true; (570, -6, -267); ]; 11855 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11855([CLIENT ReSector(11855)true; (570, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11865)true; (570, -5, -265); ]; 11865 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11865([CLIENT ReSector(11865)true; (570, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@48588d3c; 11867 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11867(obfuscated.Sr@48588d3c) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@65724a1d; 11878 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11878(obfuscated.Sr@65724a1d) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4d6b310e; 11879 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11879(obfuscated.Sr@4d6b310e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6fabad13; 11882 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11882(obfuscated.Sr@6fabad13) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4f9623e1; 11819 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11819(obfuscated.Sr@4f9623e1) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7643f251; 11876 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11876(obfuscated.Sr@7643f251) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6df5b9d8; 11881 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11881(obfuscated.Sr@6df5b9d8) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@274528e; 11816 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11816(obfuscated.Sr@274528e) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1066ff5a; 11866 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11866(obfuscated.Sr@1066ff5a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@c06650a; 11880 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11880(obfuscated.Sr@c06650a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1f1f6a17; 11877 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11877(obfuscated.Sr@1f1f6a17) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5ae47243; 11875 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11875(obfuscated.Sr@5ae47243) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6d0572a8; 11872 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11872(obfuscated.Sr@6d0572a8) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@5abf71ce; 11871 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11871(obfuscated.Sr@5abf71ce) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6bf00859; 11873 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11873(obfuscated.Sr@6bf00859) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@60a2b79d; 11870 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11870(obfuscated.Sr@60a2b79d) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@75777699; 11868 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11868(obfuscated.Sr@75777699) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@46f4d8b4; 11869 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11869(obfuscated.Sr@46f4d8b4) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@28c7418b; 11874 [2016-04-04 04:30:06] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11874(obfuscated.Sr@28c7418b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:30:07] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive not charged Hold left mouse to charge! [2016-04-04 04:30:35] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive Charged! Right click to jump! [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11884 TO 11892 [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11884 TO 11892 [2016-04-04 04:30:47] NOT TAKING: 2.236068 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:30:47] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:30:47] NOT TAKING: 3.3166249 / 1.7320508 [2016-04-04 04:30:47] NEAREST WAYPOINT (584, -5, -267) [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6145.798, -4392.485, 5168.2837) [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (-6181.7134, -4419.141, 5194.459) TO (6145.798, -4392.485, 5168.2837) [2016-04-04 04:30:47] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-146.77333, -142.24362, 139.6224); (-0.0044319723, 7.605527E-4, -0.0024987299) [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (6145.798, -4392.485, 5168.2837) [2016-04-04 04:30:47] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (6147.3945, -4395.286, 5176.516) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:30:53] [VECTOR3i] PARSED: FROM "585, -4, -268" -> (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:30:53] [VECTOR3i] PARSED: FROM "585, -4, -268" -> (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:30:53] SETTING WAYPOINT: (585, -4, -268) [2016-04-04 04:30:53] NOT TAKING: 2.236068 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:30:53] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 2.236068 [2016-04-04 04:30:53] NOT TAKING: 3.3166249 / 1.7320508 [2016-04-04 04:30:53] NEAREST WAYPOINT (584, -5, -267) [2016-04-04 04:30:53] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated obfuscated.GW@83b035f [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11892 TO 11893 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11892 TO 11893 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] NOT TAKING: 2.828427 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] NOT TAKING: 3.4641016 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] NOT TAKING: 2.4494898 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] NOT TAKING: 3.7416575 / 2.4494898 [2016-04-04 04:30:54] NEAREST WAYPOINT (583, -5, -267) [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5119.95, -5390.712, -6146.0063) [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (5093.041, -5416.782, 6179.5938) TO (5119.95, -5390.712, -6146.0063) [2016-04-04 04:30:54] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-135.78758, -131.59697, 129.17195); (-0.0041002464, 7.036267E-4, -0.0023117044) [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (5119.95, -5390.712, -6146.0063) [2016-04-04 04:30:54] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (5121.544, -5393.2847, -6137.6987) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11893 TO 11889 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11893 TO 11889 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] NOT TAKING: 4.1231055 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] NOT TAKING: 3.0 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] NOT TAKING: 4.1231055 / 3.0 [2016-04-04 04:31:00] NEAREST WAYPOINT (583, -6, -267) [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (4363.7227, 6149.6616, -5405.599) [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (4341.746, -6173.305, -5383.823) TO (4363.7227, 6149.6616, -5405.599) [2016-04-04 04:31:00] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-134.80757, -140.9647, 133.65869); (-0.001247014, -0.0023082928, -0.0039003915) [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (4363.7227, 6149.6616, -5405.599) [2016-04-04 04:31:00] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (4365.5938, 6146.562, -5397.533) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:31:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, funbobbie]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:31:08] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: funbobbie has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:31:08] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: funbobbie has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT] WARNING: received large (>128kb) NT package: 313078 / 1048576 [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2f07 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2f07 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2f07 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2f07 Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=ADM_Top4ce, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[], name=Attack 1, owner=funbobbie, dbid=388, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT] RECEIVED REMOTE FLEET Fleet [members=[FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(40, 22, -53), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_S40, name=ENTITY_SHIP_S40, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=629667], FleetMember [state=Client(7), sector=(40, 22, -53), UID=ENTITY_SHIP_S2 drone0, name=ENTITY_SHIP_S2 drone0, command=, changed=false, entityDbId=625437]], name=Miner 1, owner=funbobbie, dbid=351, parentFleet=0, missionString=IDLING, state=Client(7), markForCacheCheck=false, flagRemove=false] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[102]: type 267; #1; (4180.1006, -6068.3286, -5377.5566)) -> (ITEM[102]: type 267; #1; (4180.1006, -6068.3286, -5377.5566)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[103]: type 492; #1; (4184.2593, -6068.336, -5377.3647)) -> (ITEM[103]: type 492; #1; (4184.2593, -6068.336, -5377.3647)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[104]: type 640; #49; (4181.75, -6067.3545, -5377.7974)) -> (ITEM[104]: type 640; #49; (4181.75, -6067.3545, -5377.7974)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[105]: type 39; #1; (4182.882, -6070.06, -5377.772)) -> (ITEM[105]: type 39; #1; (4182.882, -6070.06, -5377.772)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[106]: type 454; #254; (4183.24, -6067.958, -5376.317)) -> (ITEM[106]: type 454; #254; (4183.24, -6067.958, -5376.317)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[107]: type 558; #1; (4182.0, -6065.6753, -5380.4746)) -> (ITEM[107]: type 558; #1; (4182.0, -6065.6753, -5380.4746)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[108]: type 1; #1; (4180.1636, -6065.67, -5377.999)) -> (ITEM[108]: type 1; #1; (4180.1636, -6065.67, -5377.999)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[109]: type 298; #20; (4184.364, -6067.484, -5380.002)) -> (ITEM[109]: type 298; #20; (4184.364, -6067.484, -5380.002)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[110]: type 69; #1; (4184.6304, -6065.4907, -5379.209)) -> (ITEM[110]: type 69; #1; (4184.6304, -6065.4907, -5379.209)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[111]: type 232; #190; (4180.6836, -6069.1343, -5379.4336)) -> (ITEM[111]: type 232; #190; (4180.6836, -6069.1343, -5379.4336)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[112]: type 4; #1; (4181.5737, -6065.8413, -5380.7637)) -> (ITEM[112]: type 4; #1; (4181.5737, -6065.8413, -5380.7637)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[113]: type 936; #47; (4183.5977, -6069.2427, -5378.6943)) -> (ITEM[113]: type 936; #47; (4183.5977, -6069.2427, -5378.6943)) [2016-04-04 04:31:09] [REMOTESECTOR] Client(7) ITEM change: (ITEM[114]: type 521; #1; (4181.931, -6067.1514, -5380.143)) -> (ITEM[114]: type 521; #1; (4181.931, -6067.1514, -5380.143)) [2016-04-04 04:31:12] [JUMPDRIVE] JUMPING Client(7); Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:31:12] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [345, 585, -4, -268]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:31:12] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Waypoint in range. Jumping exactly there -> 585, -4, -268 [2016-04-04 04:31:13] DRAWING TIME OF 449 elements: 40(42.641724); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0 [2016-04-04 04:31:13] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] Client(7) Updating catalog for PlS[Samsonite ; id(9553)(30)f(10874)] took 10 ms; update: 10 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11889 TO 11926 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11889 TO 11926 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] SETTING WAYPOINT: null [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (2894.0886, 4184.437, -3787.445) [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (2499.5398, 3398.9292, -3303.4653) TO (2894.0886, 4184.437, -3787.445) [2016-04-04 04:31:16] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (-87.04666, -170.88681, 104.120186); (-0.0034145094, -7.180514E-4, -0.002826216) [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (2894.0886, 4184.437, -3787.445) [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (2896.011, 4182.0396, -3779.1548) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SENDABLESEGMENTVONTROLLER][WRITE] Client(7) skipping block data writing of ManagedAsteroid(11911)sec[11910](!) since it hasn't changed: lastChanged: 1459736976490 / last written 1459736976490 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=PrinceValiant, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=PrinceValiant, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=PrinceValiant, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=Croquelune, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) received mod: Price [priceTypeBuy=0, amountBuy=1, priceTypeSell=0, amountSell=1, priceForType=-1, modName=PrinceValiant, add=true, senderId=0, permission=0] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [SHOP] org.schema.game.common.controller.elements.SpaceStationManagerContainer@2fac Client(7) setting permission from 0 to 0 [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(12204)] [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT][ConnectionDrawer] WARNING segController to update not found!!!!!!!!!!! searching Ship[AUZE EXO-000EX Cafard](12205) [2016-04-04 04:31:16] [CLIENT] RECEIVED INITIAL INVETORY LIST FOR SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Valiants Spire(12204)] [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11917)sec[11916]; 11917 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11917(Asteroid(11917)sec[11916]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11925)true; (585, -5, -266); ]; 11925 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11925([CLIENT ReSector(11925)true; (585, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11928)true; (585, -4, -266); ]; 11928 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11928([CLIENT ReSector(11928)true; (585, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11922)sec[11919]; 11922 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11922(Asteroid(11922)sec[11919]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11921)sec[11919]; 11921 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11921(Asteroid(11921)sec[11919]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11918)true; (585, -6, -267); ]; 11918 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11918([CLIENT ReSector(11918)true; (585, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11920)sec[11919]; 11920 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11920(Asteroid(11920)sec[11919]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11919)true; (585, -6, -266); ]; 11919 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11919([CLIENT ReSector(11919)true; (585, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11916)true; (585, -6, -268); ]; 11916 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11916([CLIENT ReSector(11916)true; (585, -6, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@175ef79c; 11917 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11917(obfuscated.Sr@175ef79c) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6ef7f49a; 11922 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11922(obfuscated.Sr@6ef7f49a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@55656657; 11921 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11921(obfuscated.Sr@55656657) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@7495c95d; 11920 [2016-04-04 04:31:17] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11920(obfuscated.Sr@7495c95d) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:17] Client(7) Received Transporter Settings: Home base teleport pa 2 [2016-04-04 04:31:18] [SHIP] Client(7) Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) AI udpate took 28 [2016-04-04 04:31:19] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive not charged Hold left mouse to charge! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11885)true; (583, -6, -268); ]; 11885 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11885([CLIENT ReSector(11885)true; (583, -6, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11936)true; (582, -5, -268); ]; 11936 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11936([CLIENT ReSector(11936)true; (582, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11891)true; (583, -5, -268); ]; 11891 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11891([CLIENT ReSector(11891)true; (583, -5, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11897)true; (584, -6, -268); ]; 11897 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11897([CLIENT ReSector(11897)true; (584, -6, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11940)true; (582, -4, -268); ]; 11940 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11940([CLIENT ReSector(11940)true; (582, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11894)true; (583, -4, -268); ]; 11894 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11894([CLIENT ReSector(11894)true; (583, -4, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11929)true; (582, -6, -268); ]; 11929 [2016-04-04 04:31:24] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11929([CLIENT ReSector(11929)true; (582, -6, -268); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:28] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [391, kar_dragon]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:31:28] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game.]; type: String [2016-04-04 04:31:28] [CLIENT][CHAT] [message] [SERVER]: kar_dragon has joined the game. [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CHAT] Client(7) initializing data from network object 12209 [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT] chat channels loaded 3 [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [SKINMANAGER] PlS[kar_dragon ; id(12308)(39)f(10830)] Client(7) received skin filename [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT] Client received existing channel mod: all; JOINED [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT] WARNING: member in channel: all already existed [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT][TEXTURE][SYNCHRONIZER] ADDED TO UPDATE QUEUE: PlS[kar_dragon ; id(12308)(39)f(10830)] for PlS[Croquelune ; id(1615)(7)f(10916)] [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [CLIENT][TEXTURE-SYNCH] requesting tex synch of PlS[kar_dragon ; id(12308)(39)f(10830)] [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10098, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10077, b=10824, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10026, b=10181, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10335, b=10038, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10132, b=10288, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10362, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10012, b=10017, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10870, b=10132, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10848, b=10779, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10830, b=10860, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10883, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10556, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10447, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10054, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10495, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10606, b=10505, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10588, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10474, b=10414, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10110, b=10041, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10656, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10266, b=10344, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10022, b=10123, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10589, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10106, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10106, b=10034, rel=NEUTRAL] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10795, b=10782, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10732, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10782, b=10001, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10894, b=10022, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10739, b=10495, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10579, b=10822, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10353, b=10860, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10014, b=10011, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10638, b=10226, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10516, b=10012, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10374, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10591, b=10490, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10885, b=10055, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10017, b=10009, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10038, b=10335, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10860, b=10830, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10005, b=10874, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10824, b=10063, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] put relationship offer RelOffer[a=10761, b=10014, rel=FRIEND] on Client(7) [2016-04-04 04:31:29] [FACTIONMANAGER] Faction Offers Changed [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)] FROM -2 TO 12147 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11895)true; (583, -4, -267); ]; 11895 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11895([CLIENT ReSector(11895)true; (583, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11951)true; (583, -4, -265); ]; 11951 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11951([CLIENT ReSector(11951)true; (583, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11954)true; (584, -4, -265); ]; 11954 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11954([CLIENT ReSector(11954)true; (584, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11896)true; (583, -4, -266); ]; 11896 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11896([CLIENT ReSector(11896)true; (583, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11948)true; (582, -4, -265); ]; 11948 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11948([CLIENT ReSector(11948)true; (582, -4, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11944)true; (582, -4, -266); ]; 11944 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11944([CLIENT ReSector(11944)true; (582, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11942)true; (582, -4, -267); ]; 11942 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11942([CLIENT ReSector(11942)true; (582, -4, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11915)true; (584, -4, -266); ]; 11915 [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11915([CLIENT ReSector(11915)true; (584, -4, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [SKIN] USING DEFAULT FOR PLAYER PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] [2016-04-04 04:31:30] [SKIN] REMOVING TMP PATH: D:\Jeux\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\0 Mondes\0.19624\.\texTmp [2016-04-04 04:31:31] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)], fromId=-1 (null), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=12333 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)]), toPos=(0, 0, 0), hide=false] [2016-04-04 04:31:31] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] Added to controllers: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)] [2016-04-04 04:31:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE] Client(7); PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] CONTROLLER REQUEST RECEIVED ControllerRequest [player=PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)], fromId=12333 (PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)]), fromPos=(0, 0, 0), toId=12156 (SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Outpost Zeta 3(12156)]), toPos=(-232, 6, 8), hide=true] [2016-04-04 04:31:34] [CONTROLLERSTATE][REMOVE-UNIT] Client(7); REMOVING CONTROLLER UNIT FROM PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)]: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)]; detach pos: (517.2927, 145.93506, 194.04396) [2016-04-04 04:31:34] [PLAYERCHARACTER] PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_funbobbie)(12333)] removed warp token, because character entered structure! [2016-04-04 04:31:34] [CONTROLLER][ADD-UNIT] (Client(7)): PlS[funbobbie ; id(11986)(38)f(10756)] Added to controllers: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Outpost Zeta 3(12156)] [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11893)true; (583, -5, -266); ]; 11893 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11893([CLIENT ReSector(11893)true; (583, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11952)true; (584, -6, -265); ]; 11952 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11952([CLIENT ReSector(11952)true; (584, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11950)true; (583, -5, -265); ]; 11950 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11950([CLIENT ReSector(11950)true; (583, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11958)true; (582, -7, -265); ]; 11958 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11958([CLIENT ReSector(11958)true; (582, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11980)sec[11979]; 11980 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11980(Asteroid(11980)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11934)sec[11932]; 11934 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11934(Asteroid(11934)sec[11932]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11959)true; (583, -7, -267); ]; 11959 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11959([CLIENT ReSector(11959)true; (583, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11983)sec[11979]; 11983 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11983(Asteroid(11983)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11906)sec[11900]; 11906 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11906(Asteroid(11906)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11985)sec[11979]; 11985 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11985(Asteroid(11985)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11956)sec[11955]; 11956 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11956(Asteroid(11956)sec[11955]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11984)sec[11979]; 11984 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11984(Asteroid(11984)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11975)sec[11974]; 11975 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11975(Asteroid(11975)sec[11974]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11904)sec[11900]; 11904 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11904(Asteroid(11904)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11976)sec[11974]; 11976 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11976(Asteroid(11976)sec[11974]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11933)sec[11932]; 11933 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11933(Asteroid(11933)sec[11932]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11982)sec[11979]; 11982 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11982(Asteroid(11982)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11971)sec[11969]; 11971 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11971(Asteroid(11971)sec[11969]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11953)true; (584, -5, -265); ]; 11953 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11953([CLIENT ReSector(11953)true; (584, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11912)sec[11910]; 11912 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11912(Asteroid(11912)sec[11910]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11962)sec[11960]; 11962 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11962(Asteroid(11962)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11966)sec[11960]; 11966 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11966(Asteroid(11966)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11949)true; (583, -6, -265); ]; 11949 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11949([CLIENT ReSector(11949)true; (583, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11973)true; (584, -7, -267); ]; 11973 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11973([CLIENT ReSector(11973)true; (584, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11963)sec[11960]; 11963 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11963(Asteroid(11963)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11905)sec[11900]; 11905 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11905(Asteroid(11905)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11978)sec[11974]; 11978 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11978(Asteroid(11978)sec[11974]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11888)sec[11886]; 11888 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11888(Asteroid(11888)sec[11886]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11946)true; (582, -5, -265); ]; 11946 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11946([CLIENT ReSector(11946)true; (582, -5, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11903)sec[11900]; 11903 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11903(Asteroid(11903)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11938)true; (582, -5, -266); ]; 11938 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11938([CLIENT ReSector(11938)true; (582, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11931)sec[11930]; 11931 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11931(Asteroid(11931)sec[11930]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11977)sec[11974]; 11977 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11977(Asteroid(11977)sec[11974]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11964)sec[11960]; 11964 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11964(Asteroid(11964)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11981)sec[11979]; 11981 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11981(Asteroid(11981)sec[11979]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11899)sec[11898]; 11899 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11899(Asteroid(11899)sec[11898]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11967)sec[11960]; 11967 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11967(Asteroid(11967)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11902)sec[11900]; 11902 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11902(Asteroid(11902)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11965)sec[11960]; 11965 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11965(Asteroid(11965)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11901)sec[11900]; 11901 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11901(Asteroid(11901)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11892)true; (583, -5, -267); ]; 11892 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11892([CLIENT ReSector(11892)true; (583, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11937)true; (582, -5, -267); ]; 11937 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11937([CLIENT ReSector(11937)true; (582, -5, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11972)sec[11969]; 11972 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11972(Asteroid(11972)sec[11969]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11961)sec[11960]; 11961 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11961(Asteroid(11961)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11957)true; (582, -7, -266); ]; 11957 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11957([CLIENT ReSector(11957)true; (582, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11887)sec[11886]; 11887 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11887(Asteroid(11887)sec[11886]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state ManagedAsteroid(11911)sec[11910](!); 11911 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11911(ManagedAsteroid(11911)sec[11910](!)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11908)sec[11900]; 11908 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11908(Asteroid(11908)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11968)sec[11960]; 11968 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11968(Asteroid(11968)sec[11960]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11907)sec[11900]; 11907 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11907(Asteroid(11907)sec[11900]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11890)sec[11889]; 11890 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11890(Asteroid(11890)sec[11889]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Asteroid(11970)sec[11969]; 11970 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11970(Asteroid(11970)sec[11969]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11945)true; (582, -6, -265); ]; 11945 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11945([CLIENT ReSector(11945)true; (582, -6, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11960)true; (583, -7, -266); ]; 11960 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11960([CLIENT ReSector(11960)true; (583, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11910)true; (584, -5, -266); ]; 11910 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11910([CLIENT ReSector(11910)true; (584, -5, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11900)true; (584, -6, -266); ]; 11900 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11900([CLIENT ReSector(11900)true; (584, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11889)true; (583, -6, -266); ]; 11889 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11889([CLIENT ReSector(11889)true; (583, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11930)true; (582, -6, -267); ]; 11930 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11930([CLIENT ReSector(11930)true; (582, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11886)true; (583, -6, -267); ]; 11886 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11886([CLIENT ReSector(11886)true; (583, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11979)true; (584, -7, -265); ]; 11979 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11979([CLIENT ReSector(11979)true; (584, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11898)true; (584, -6, -267); ]; 11898 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11898([CLIENT ReSector(11898)true; (584, -6, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11969)true; (583, -7, -265); ]; 11969 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11969([CLIENT ReSector(11969)true; (583, -7, -265); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11974)true; (584, -7, -266); ]; 11974 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11974([CLIENT ReSector(11974)true; (584, -7, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11932)true; (582, -6, -266); ]; 11932 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11932([CLIENT ReSector(11932)true; (582, -6, -266); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state [CLIENT ReSector(11955)true; (582, -7, -267); ]; 11955 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11955([CLIENT ReSector(11955)true; (582, -7, -267); ]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@346834eb; 11934 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11934(obfuscated.Sr@346834eb) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@71f705ee; 11906 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11906(obfuscated.Sr@71f705ee) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@351c0dfa; 11904 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11904(obfuscated.Sr@351c0dfa) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@21dd7388; 11933 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11933(obfuscated.Sr@21dd7388) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@56807663; 11912 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11912(obfuscated.Sr@56807663) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@44d40d26; 11905 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11905(obfuscated.Sr@44d40d26) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2937f84b; 11888 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11888(obfuscated.Sr@2937f84b) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@61be82e2; 11903 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11903(obfuscated.Sr@61be82e2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@4afb16e2; 11931 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11931(obfuscated.Sr@4afb16e2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@79707828; 11899 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11899(obfuscated.Sr@79707828) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@df5c910; 11902 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11902(obfuscated.Sr@df5c910) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@6b52c1de; 11901 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11901(obfuscated.Sr@6b52c1de) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@75e1d136; 11887 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11887(obfuscated.Sr@75e1d136) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@1a702e11; 11911 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11911(obfuscated.Sr@1a702e11) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@647613a2; 11908 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11908(obfuscated.Sr@647613a2) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@2d370c2a; 11907 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11907(obfuscated.Sr@2d370c2a) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state obfuscated.Sr@714455ce; 11890 [2016-04-04 04:31:46] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11890(obfuscated.Sr@714455ce) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:47] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jump Drive Charged! Right click to jump! [2016-04-04 04:31:51] [JUMPDRIVE] JUMPING Client(7); Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) [2016-04-04 04:31:51] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [343, 597, 3, -273]; type: Integer [2016-04-04 04:31:51] [CLIENT][POPUP] INFO: Jumping in current direction -> 597, 3, -273 [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Croquelune)(2196)] FROM 11926 TO 12435 [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [CLIENT] UPDATING SECTOR FOR Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) FROM 11926 TO 12435 [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [REMOTE] Received warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (1390.8545, 1838.2289, -2464.0215) [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [REMOTETRANFORM] Client(7) SETTING WARP POSITION from (1550.1243, 1837.7843, -2462.7249) TO (1390.8545, 1838.2289, -2464.0215) [2016-04-04 04:31:55] RECEIVED BREADCAST VELOS: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617) : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); (0.0068642865, -0.010955349, -2.1626853E-5) [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [REMOTE] FLAGGIN OWN CLIENT warp: Ship[Valients Shuttle](1617): (1390.8545, 1838.2289, -2464.0215) [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [CLIENT] WARP RECEIVED (1396.7981, 1841.805, -2458.539) ACC SENT [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [BG] updating field [2016-04-04 04:31:55] [CLIENT][BACKGROUND] generating background took: 0ms [2016-04-04 04:31:58] ACTIVATE MAP true [2016-04-04 04:31:58] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (0, 0, 0) [2016-04-04 04:31:58] [CLIENT][MAP][POS] SETTING TO (597, 3, -273) [2016-04-04 04:31:58] [CLIENT][MAPREQUESTMANAGER] requesting system map for (37, 0, -18) [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](12080); 12080 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12080(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050705791rl0](12080)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](12085); 12085 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12085(Ship[LT_Temp_Warp](12085)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](12059); 12059 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12059(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052253149rl0](12059)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](12044); 12044 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12044(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050491338rl0](12044)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](12069); 12069 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12069(Ship[serhiiiihres_1458863735681](12069)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](12114); 12114 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12114(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl5](12114)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](12003); 12003 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12003(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050683368rl0](12003)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](11996); 11996 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 11996(Ship[unseamd_1459023123124](11996)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](12145); 12145 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12145(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428](12145)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](12087); 12087 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12087(Ship[Light Turret MK6-V1D1-E2_1452050170958rl0](12087)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Escape pod](12024); 12024 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12024(Ship[Escape pod](12024)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](12064); 12064 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12064(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050329712](12064)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](12005); 12005 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12005(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050689001](12005)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](12132); 12132 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12132(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl100](12132)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](12126); 12126 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12126(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050499279](12126)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](12134); 12134 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12134(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050555829](12134)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](12121); 12121 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12121(Ship[Sheepaay_1459080530054](12121)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](12054); 12054 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12054(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl00](12054)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[justint](12066); 12066 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12066(Ship[justint](12066)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](12053); 12053 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12053(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl10E](12053)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](12125); 12125 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12125(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050503547rl0](12125)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](12056); 12056 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12056(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120](12056)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](12137); 12137 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12137(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl0](12137)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](12110); 12110 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12110(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266](12110)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](12016); 12016 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12016(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857](12016)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](12105); 12105 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12105(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050494562](12105)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](12097); 12097 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12097(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl3](12097)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](12021); 12021 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12021(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl9](12021)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](12027); 12027 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12027(Ship[Ascended13_1458813804025](12027)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](12062); 12062 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12062(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050501597](12062)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](12139); 12139 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12139(Ship[Billboard_1452045947194](12139)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](12052); 12052 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12052(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl00](12052)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](12141); 12141 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12141(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050562843rl0](12141)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](12090); 12090 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12090(Ship[olly0102_1459707880302](12090)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[ssKingduffs](12010); 12010 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12010(Ship[ssKingduffs](12010)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](12112); 12112 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12112(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl110](12112)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](12095); 12095 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12095(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050469251rl0](12095)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](12106); 12106 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12106(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050497030](12106)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](12079); 12079 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12079(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052251728rl0](12079)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](12051); 12051 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12051(Ship[CFW Chimera Class Light Fighter V2D1_1451875008837rl0](12051)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](12113); 12113 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12113(Ship[Mini Turret MK8-V1D1-E1_1452317602164](12113)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Water Wheel](12061); 12061 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12061(Ship[Water Wheel](12061)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](12131); 12131 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12131(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052736349rl0](12131)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Memeinator](12116); 12116 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12116(Ship[Memeinator](12116)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](12032); 12032 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12032(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052735266rl0](12032)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](12099); 12099 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12099(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl2](12099)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](12012); 12012 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12012(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050707743](12012)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](12025); 12025 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12025(Ship[NDS - Draconis MBT V3G2APL Type M TUSK_14570327565rl010](12025)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](12018); 12018 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12018(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052249428rl0](12018)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](12111); 12111 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12111(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050510120rl0](12111)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](12047); 12047 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12047(Ship[CFW Manticore Class Light Corvette V3D1_1451874857rl30](12047)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](12127); 12127 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12127(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452050505882rl0](12127)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified! [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [ENTITIES] removed object from loaded state Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](12007); 12007 [2016-04-04 04:31:59] [DELETE][Client(7)] Sendable 12007(Ship[Mini Turret MK4-V1D1-E1_1452052731968](12007)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!