[2015-07-02 05:09:17] [VERION] loading version from install dir: .\ [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.193 [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [VERSION] BUILD: 20150702_025953 [2015-07-02 05:09:17] #################### StarMade ####################### [2015-07-02 05:09:17] # version 0.193 - build 20150702_025953 # [2015-07-02 05:09:17] ##################################################### [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [SERIAL] "not retrieved" [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [STARTER] template dir exists. overwriting template with current data [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\data\config\FactionConfig.xml to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\customFactionConfig\FactionConfigTemplate.xml [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\data\config\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\customFactionConfig\customFactionConfigHOWTO.txt [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [RESOURCES][CustomTextures] No need to create pack.zip. Hash matches (as rewriting a zip changes the hash on it) [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [SERVER] using world: myWorld; .\server-database\myworld\ [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [INIT] Segment Database Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir sucessfull (gives false if exists)? false [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [LIBLOADER] OS ARCHITECTURE amd64 [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [LIBLOADER] LOADED WINDOWS 64bit NATIVE LIBRARIES [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [LIBLOADER] LOADED NATIVE LIBRARIES [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [MAIN] LOADED ENGINE SETTINGS [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [INITIALIZE] REMOTE CLASSES REGISTERED [2015-07-02 05:09:17] [INITIALIZE] RESOURCE MANAGER INITIALIZED [2015-07-02 05:09:17] ERROR: no content in Resource: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\file:\C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\StarMade\StarMade.jar!\org\schema\game\network\commands [2015-07-02 05:09:17] ################# Loading from JAR ##################### [2015-07-02 05:09:17] ######################################################## [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [INITIALIZE] REMOTE COMMANDS REGISTERED [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [INITIALIZE] SECURITY MANAGER SET [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [INITIALIZE] COMMAND ID's ASSIGNED [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [INITIALIZE] BLOCK CONFIGURATION READ [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [MAIN] INITIALIZATION COMPLETED [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [MAIN] CHECKING IF MIGRATION NECESSARY [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [BLUEPRINT][MIGRATION] NO CONVERSION NEEDED: no old bb file exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\blueprints\catalog.txt [2015-07-02 05:09:18] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS! [2015-07-02 05:09:19] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 83 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 248ms [2015-07-02 05:09:19] [MAIN] MIGRATION PROCESS DONE [2015-07-02 05:09:19] [MAIN] INITIALIZING PRECALCULATED EXPLOSION DATA [2015-07-02 05:09:20] [MAIN] STARTING WITH ARGUMENTS: [-force, -port:4242] [2015-07-02 05:09:20] [LookAndFeel] NATIVE LF com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel [2015-07-02 05:09:20] [CLIENT][GUI] Starting Client Login&Settings Dialog [2015-07-02 05:09:20] Difficulty read: easy [2015-07-02 05:09:20] WRITTEN SERVER DIFFICULTY LEVEL 10 [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [SERVER] using world: myWorld; .\server-database\myworld\ [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [INIT] Segment Database Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir sucessfull (gives false if exists)? true [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [BLUEPRINT][MIGRATION] NO CONVERSION NEEDED: no old bb file exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\blueprints\catalog.txt [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS! [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 79; [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 92; [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [TAG] WARNING STRUCT DESERIALIZATION took too long: 93; [2015-07-02 05:09:43] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 83 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 179ms [2015-07-02 05:09:45] [SERVER] using world: myWorld; .\server-database\myworld\ [2015-07-02 05:09:45] [INIT] Segment Database Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\DATA; exists? true; is Dir? true; creating dir sucessfull (gives false if exists)? false [2015-07-02 05:09:49] [CLIENT][TEXTURE] CURRENT TEX PACK: Default [2015-07-02 05:09:49] [SERVER] initializing [2015-07-02 05:09:49] [CLIENT] initializing 0.193 (20150702_025953) [2015-07-02 05:09:49] [INIT] Not found Seed File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\.seed .\server-database\myworld\; Path exists? true; dir? true [2015-07-02 05:09:49] [SQL] Fetching connection (may take some if game crashed on the run before) [2015-07-02 05:09:50] [SQL] connection successfull [2015-07-02 05:09:50] [SERVER] Cant load chat channels. no saved data found [2015-07-02 05:09:50] [SERVER] Request Thread pool size is: 25 [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER] port 4242 is open [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER] USING TCP... [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingStandard [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: movingFallingLedge [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingShortFall [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingMiddleFall [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: movingLandingLongFall [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyGun [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBodyFabricator [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: attacking [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: death [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: sitting [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: hit [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: salutes [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: talk [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [PARSER] not parsed: helmet [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for FACTIONS does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\FACTIONS.fac [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER] NO FACTIONS FOUND ON DISK: FACTIONS; file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\FACTIONS.fac; pathString: .\server-database\myworld\FACTIONS.fac [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER][CATALOG] READ RAW BLUEPRINTS: 83 [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for CATALOG does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\CATALOG.cat [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER] NO DB CATALOG FOUND ON DISK: CATALOG; file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\CATALOG.cat; pathString: .\server-database\myworld\CATALOG.cat [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for SIMULATION_STATE does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-database\myworld\SIMULATION_STATE.sim [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SIMULATION] no simulation state found on disk. creating new... [2015-07-02 05:09:51] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 2, 2) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [SERVER][GALAXY] Generating Black Hole FTL [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (0, 0, 0) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (0, -1, 0) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (-1, 0, 0) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (0, -1, -1) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] WARNING: LOADING SECTOR TOOK SOME TIME... (2, 2, 2): STATS: inst 76ms, loadDB 1ms, add 0ms, entity 70ms [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [SERVERCONTROLLER][INIT] SERVER STARTED UPDATING [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [ServerListener] Server initialization OK... now waiting for connections [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [LOCAL GAME] CHANGED PORT TO 4242 [2015-07-02 05:09:52] java.lang.NullPointerException [2015-07-02 05:09:52] at obfuscated.C.a(SourceFile:363) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] at obfuscated.C.(SourceFile:399) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] at obfuscated.Ke.run(SourceFile:79) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 15 on Server(0) [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: UNIVERSE update took 34 [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] MAKING FACTION TURN: Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 MST 1969; 18; Turn: 60.0 [2015-07-02 05:09:52] [FACTIONMANAGER] faction update took: 0ms [2015-07-02 05:09:53] [SERVER] updating prices for: obfuscated.LV@74d9dad6 took 48 [2015-07-02 05:09:53] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of Shop(4) took 52 [2015-07-02 05:09:53] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 7 objects took 60 [2015-07-02 05:09:53] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 22936 bytes: SenableGameState(1) [2015-07-02 05:09:53] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 34196 bytes: Shop(4) [2015-07-02 05:09:55] Exiting because of failed conenct