When starting my game I will end up back at 444 and have lost my faction, credits, FP and all inventory that was on me. I will admin my self back to my home base and admin my faction back to me. I have been playing in this world for over a year.
Also I almost always have to go into one of my newer test worlds and then back to my main world to use the map
- Task Type
- Bug
Testing Results
- Affected Gamemode(s)
- Singleplayer
- Reproducible
- uncertain
- Category
- Engine
- First occurrence (version)
- year plus
- OS-Specific
- Windows Only
- Hardware-Specific
- No
- Video Card Vendor
- Video Card Model
- geforce gtx 750 ti
- Username on Registry
- vortk355
- Username/Profile on Steam
- vortk355
Steps to reproduce
Serverconfig (server.cfg)
WORLD = hope //set world to use (set 'old' for using the old world). if no world exists a new one will be set automatically PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR = false //Protects the starting sector ENABLE_SIMULATION = true //Universe AI simulation CONCURRENT_SIMULATION = 256 //How many simulation groups may be in the universe simultaniously (performance) ENEMY_SPAWNING = true //Enables enemy spawing SECTOR_SIZE = 5000 //Sets the size of sectors in the universe **WARNING** scaling the size of an existing universe down may cause issues BLUEPRINT_DEFAULT_PRIVATE = true //If true, set blueprints private as default (else they are public) FLOATING_ITEM_LIFETIME_SECS = 240 //How much seconds items floating in space should be alive SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY = 420 //How much seconds between simulation spawn ticks SIMULATION_TRADING_FILLS_SHOPS = true //Trading guild will deliver stock to shops SECTOR_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 //Time in secs after which sectors go inactive (-1 = off) SECTOR_INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 10 //Time in secs after which inactive sectors are completely removed from memory (-1 = off) USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = false //allow star-made.org authentication REQUIRE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = false //require star-made.org authentication (USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION must be true) PROTECTED_NAMES_BY_ACCOUNT = 10 //How many player names a player may protect with his account (if exceeded, the player name, that was logged in the longest time ago gets unprotected) DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_ENEMY_USE = false //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_FACTION_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_OTHERS_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_HOME_BASE_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet LOCK_FACTION_SHIPS = true //If true, ships of other factions cant be edited, activated, or entered CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = -1 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited) UNIVERSE_DAY_IN_MS = 1200000 //how long is a 'day' (stellar system rotation) in milliseconds (-1 to switch off system rotation) ASTEROIDS_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS = true //enables asteroids to be able to move in space ENABLE_BREAK_OFF = false //debug (don't activate unless you know what you're doing) COLLISION_DAMAGE = false //colliding into another object does damage COLLISION_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD = 2.0 //Threshold of Impulse that does damage (the lower, the less force is needed for damage) SKIN_ALLOW_UPLOAD = true //if off, skin uploading to server is deactivated CATALOG_NAME_COLLISION_HANDLING = false //if off, saving with an existing entry is denied, if on the name is automatically changed by adding numbers on the end SECTOR_AUTOSAVE_SEC = 300 //Time interval in secs the server will autosave (-1 for never) PHYSICS_SLOWDOWN_THRESHOLD = 40 //Milliseconds a collision test may take before anti-slowdown mode is activated THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT = 100 //How fast ships, etc. may go in m/s . Too high values may induce physics tunneling effects MAX_CLIENTS = 32 //Max number of clients allowed on this server SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_USE = false //Enable super admin for this server SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD = mypassword //Super admin password for this server SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use "all" to listen on every ip SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 //buffer size of incoming and outgoing data per socket PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none CHEST_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none CHEST_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned in chests of generated chests. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none USE_WHITELIST = false //only names/ips from whitelist.txt are allowed FILTER_CONNECTION_MESSAGES = false //don't display join/disconnect messages USE_UDP = false //Use 'User Datagram Protocol' (UDP) instead of 'Transmission Control Protocol' (TCP) for connections AUTO_KICK_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Kick players that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_ID_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by name that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_IP_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by IP that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_TIME_IN_MINUTES = 60 //Time to ban in minutes (-1 for permanently) REMOVE_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINTS = false //Auto-removes a modified blueprint TCP_NODELAY = true //Naggles algorithm (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing) PING_FLUSH = false //flushes ping/pong immediately (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing) SHOP_SPAWNING_PROBABILITY = 0.1 //(must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no shops spawned in asteroid sectors, 1 is shop spawned in everyone (default: 8% -> 0.08) DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_X = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Y = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Z = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Z Coordinate MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_TOLERANCE = 0.1 //Tolerance of modified blueprint trigger (default = 10%) DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_1 = 8.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_1 = -6.5 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_1 = 0.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_2 = 15.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_2 = -6.5 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_2 = 8.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_3 = 8.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_3 = -6.5 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_3 = 15.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_4 = 0.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_4 = -6.5 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_4 = 8.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_PUNISHMENT = 0.0 //players credits lost of total on death (must be between 0 and 1): 1 = lose all, 0 = keep all PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_DROP = false //drop credits lost on death into space instead PLAYER_DEATH_BLOCK_PUNISHMENT = false //player will drop all his blocks into space on death PLAYER_DEATH_PUNISHMENT_TIME = 300 //Time interval in seconds after death of a player in which the player is not punished PLAYER_DEATH_INVULNERABILITY_TIME = 5 //Time the player is invulnerable after death in sec PLAYER_HISTORY_BACKLOG = 30 //How many login history objects (with name, IP, account-name, and time) should be saved by player state PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = true //initial projectile speed depend on relative linear velocity of object fired from PROJECTILES_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 //multiplicator for projectile velocity ALLOW_UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_BLUEPRINTS = true //enables clients being able to upload their pre-build-blueprints to the server SHOP_NPC_STARTING_CREDITS = 10000000 //how much credits do shops start with SHOP_NPC_RECHARGE_CREDITS = 1000000 //how much credits do shops gain about every 10 min AI_WEAPON_AIMING_ACCURACY = 30 //how accurate the AI aims (the higher the value the more accurate vs distance. 10 = about 99% accuracy at 10m) BROADCAST_SHIELD_PERCENTAGE = 5 //percent of shields changed for the server to broadcast a shield synch BROADCAST_POWER_PERCENTAGE = 50 //percent of power changed for the server to broadcast a power synch (not that critical) ADMINS_CIRCUMVENT_STRUCTURE_CONTROL = true //admins can enter ships of any faction STAR_DAMAGE = true //suns dealing damage to entities SQL_NIO_FILE_SIZE = 256 //megabyte limit of .data file when to use NIO (faster) (must be power of 2) PLANET_SIZE_MEAN = 225.0 //Planet size mean (normal gaussian distribution) (min 50) PLANET_SIZE_DEVIATION = 85.0 //Planet size standard deviation. Note: normal gaussian distribution graph scaled horizontally by 1/3 (min 0) ASTEROID_RADIUS_MAX = 64 //Asteroid max radius in blocks (from -x to +x) ASTEROID_RESOURCE_SIZE = 2.5 //Average diameter of resource veins in asteroids ASTEROID_RESOURCE_CHANCE = 0.013 //Chance per block to place a new resource vein (1.0 = 100%) PLAYER_MAX_BUILD_AREA = 100 //max area a player may add/remove in adv. build mode NT_SPAM_PROTECT_TIME_MS = 30000 //period of spam protection ASTEROID_SECTOR_REPLENISH_TIME_SEC = -1 //seconds until a sector that is mined down to 0 asteroids is replenished (-1 = never) NT_SPAM_PROTECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 30 //max attempts before refusing connections in spam protect period (default is 1/sec for 30 sec) NT_SPAM_PROTECT_EXCEPTIONS = //ips excepted from spam control (separate multiple with comma) (default is localhost) ANNOUNCE_SERVER_TO_SERVERLIST = false //announces the server to the starmade server list so clients can find it. Hostname must be provided for HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST! HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST = //this must be a valid hostname (either ip or host, e.g. play.star-made.org) SERVER_LIST_NAME = NoName //max length 64 characters SERVER_LIST_DESCRIPTION = NoDescription //max length 128 characters MISSILE_DEFENSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE = false //can shoot down own or missiles from own faction USE_DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICES = true //use recipe based prices (the price is the price of the parts it is made out of in crafting) DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICE_MODIFIER = 1.05 //modifier to adjust dynamic price MAKE_HOMBASE_ATTACKABLE_ON_FP_DEFICIT = true //Home bases become attackable if a faction's Faction Points are in the minus and the faction doesn't own any territory PLANET_SPECIAL_REGION_PROBABILITY = 440 //one out of thisValue chance of a special region spawning per planet plate (cities, pyramids, etc) (changing this value migth change some plates, but won't change any plates that are already modified by a player) NT_BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024 //How many blocks are sent per update. Huge placements will shot faster, but it will consume more bandwidth and is subject to spamming players CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_TOTAL = 10 //Thead pool size for chunk requests (from disk and generated) CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_CPU = 2 //Available threads of total for CPU generation. WARNING: too high can cause cpu spikes. About the amount of available cores minus one is best BUY_BLUEPRINTS_WITH_CREDITS = false //buy blueprints directly with credits SHOP_USE_STATIC_SELL_BUY_PRICES = false //shop buy and sell price change depending on stock (shop prices will always stay the same if true) SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.2 //maximum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 120 credits if the normal cost is 100) SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.8 //minimum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 80 credits if the normal cost is 100) MINING_BONUS = 1 //general multiplier on all mining MAX_LOGIC_SIGNAL_QUEUE_PER_OBJECT = 250000 //max logic trace queue allowed MAX_LOGIC_ACTIVATIONS_AT_ONCE_PER_OBJECT_WARN = 10000 //warn about objects that activate more than x blocks at once MAX_LOGIC_ACTIVATIONS_AT_ONCE_PER_OBJECT_STOP = 50000 //stop logic of objects that activate more than x blocks at once. They will enter a logic cooldown of 10 seconds to prevent servers from overloading MAX_COORDINATE_BOOKMARKS = 80 //coordinate bookmarks per player allowed ALLOWED_STATIONS_PER_SECTOR = 1 //How many stations are allowed per sector STATION_CREDIT_COST = 50000 //how much does a station or station blueprint cost SKIN_SERVER_UPLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 256 //how fast should skins be transferred from server to clients (too high might cause lag) [default 256 ~ 16kb/s] WEIGHTED_CENTER_OF_MASS = true //if on, the center of mass for each structured will be calculated based on block mass. On 'false', the center of mass is always the core position SECURE_UPLINK_ENABLED = false //dedicated servers can be registered on the StarMade registry SECURE_UPLINK_TOKEN = //uplink token, provided when registering a dedicated server USE_STRUCTURE_HP = true //ships and other structures use the hitpoint system. if off, a ship will overheat when the core gets taken out (old) SHOP_REBOOT_COST_PER_SECOND = 100.0 //Cost to reboot a ship at a shop (per second it would take to reboot in space) SHOP_ARMOR_REPAIR_COST_PER_HITPOINT = 1.0 //Cost to repair a ship's armor at a shop MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_EXPLOSIONS = 10 //the more the faster explosions at the same time are executed (costs in total about 20MB RAM each and of course CPU because it's all threaded) (10 is default for a medium powered singleplayer) REMOVE_ENTITIES_WITH_INCONSISTENT_BLOCKS = false //This will remove ships that have blocks that are normally disallowed (e.g. space station blocks on ships) OVERRIDE_INVALID_BLUEPRINT_TYPE = true //If a loaded blueprint is invalid, it's type will be overridden FACTION_FOUNDER_KICKABLE_AFTER_DAYS_INACTIVITY = 30 //Days of inactivity after which a founder may kick another founder BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_SHIPS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_STATIONS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item USE_OLD_GENERATED_PIRATE_STATIONS = false //enables spawning of old style pirate stations CARGO_BLEED_AT_OVER_CAPACITY = false //cargo is ejected every minute if storage is at over capacity ALLOW_PERSONAL_INVENTORY_OVER_CAPACITY = false //Personal Inventory can go over capacity ONLY_ALLOW_FACTION_SHIPS_ADDED_TO_FLEET = false //only allows faction ships to be added to fleet MAX_CHAIN_DOCKING = 25 //maximal deepness of docking chains (may cause glitches depending on OS (path and filename length) at high numbers) SHOP_RAILS_ON_ADV = true //Advanced shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe) SHOP_RAILS_ON_NORMAL = true //Normal shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe) ALLOW_FLEET_FORMATION = true //Allows fleet formation BACKUP_WORLD_ON_MIGRATION = true //Back up world when migrating to a new file format BACKUP_BLUEPRINTS_ON_MIGRATION = true //Back up blueprints when migrating to a new file format SECTORS_TO_EXPLORE_FOR_SYS = 10 //How many sectors of a system have to be explored NPC_FACTION_SPAWN_LIMIT = -1 //Maximum npc factions per galaxy (-1 for unlimited (will still be around 2-10)) NPC_DEBUG_MODE = false //Sends complete NPC faction package to clients (very bandwith intensive) FLEET_OUT_OF_SECTOR_MOVEMENT = 6000 //How long for an unloaded fleet to cross a sector in ms NPC_LOADED_SHIP_MAX_SPEED_MULT = 0.7 //How fast NPC fleet ships are compared to their max speed when loaded USE_FOW = false //Use 'fog of war'. Turning this off will make everything visible to everyone ALLOW_PASTE_AABB_OVERLAPPING = true //Allow Paste bounding box overlapping DEBUG_FSM_STATE = false //DEBUG_FSM_STATE PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION = false //PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION = false //FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING = false //DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE = 1.1 //TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE RECIPE_BLOCK_COST = 5000 //RECIPE_BLOCK_COST RECIPE_REFUND_MULT = 0.5 //RECIPE_REFUND_MULT RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT = 4000 //RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA = false //IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM = false //ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE = true //NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS = false //USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS BATTLE_MODE = false //BATTLE_MODE BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG = battleSector=0,0,0,Physics.smsec;battleSector=15,15,15,Physics.smsec;countdownRound=300;countdownStart=30;maxMass=-1;maxDim=300;maxMassPerFaction=-1; //BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS = [TeamA, fighters, 500,500,500, 0.5,0.1,0.9];[TeamB, fighters, -500,-500,-500, 0.5,0.9,0.2];[TeamFFA,ffa, 0,0,-500, 0.2,0.9,0.9];[Spectators,spectators, 0,500,0,0.8,0.4,0.8] //BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG = 24 //LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE = false //DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK = false //DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION NPC_LOG_MODE = 0 //NPC_LOG_MODE NPC_DEBUG_SHOP_OWNERS = //NPC_DEBUG_SHOP_OWNERS SQL_PERMISSION = //SQL_PERMISSION DEBUG_EMPTY_CHUNK_WRITES = false //DEBUG_EMPTY_CHUNK_WRITES ALLOWED_UNPACKED_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_MB = 1024 //ALLOWED_UNPACKED_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_MB RESTRICT_BUILDING_SIZE = 2.0 //RESTRICT_BUILDING_SIZE DISPLAY_GROUPING_DEBUG_INFORMATION = false //DISPLAY_GROUPING_DEBUG_INFORMATION MANAGER_CALC_CANCEL_ON = true //MANAGER_CALC_CANCEL_ON
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
C_USE_NEW_PLAYER_MODEL_ = true CONTROL_HELP = false //Display help for controls C_MOUSE_BUTTON_SWITCH = false //Switch build/remove mouse buttons G_RESOLUTION = 1600 x 1200 //Resolution G_FULLSCREEN = true //Fullscreen G_WINDOWED_BORDERLESS = true //Borderless windowed mode G_TEXTURE_PACK = Default //Texture Pack G_TEXTURE_PACK_RESOLUTION = 256 //Texture Quality (Resolution) G_VSYNCH = false //Vert-Synch G_MULTI_SAMPLE_TARGET = 0 //Antialiasing (Samples) G_MULTI_SAMPLE = 0 G_GAMMA = 1.3 //Gamma (Needs Frambuffer) G_FOV = 90.0 //Field of View G_MAX_SEGMENTSDRAWN = 1100 //Amount of Chunks possibly drawn (view distance) G_NORMAL_MAPPING = true //Enable Normal mapping G_SHADOWS = false G_SHADOW_QUALITY = SIMPLE G_SHADOWS_TARGET = false //Enable Shadows G_SHADOW_QUALITY_TARGET = SIMPLE //Set Shadow Quality G_PROD_BG = true //Procedural Background (fbo req) G_PROD_BG_QUALITY = 2048 //Procedural BG quality G_DRAW_SURROUNDING_GALAXIES_IN_MAP = false //Draw other galaxies in map (slow) HIT_INDICATION_NUMBERS_LIFETIME = 0.5 //Time, hit numbers remain (sec) PLAYER_SKIN_CREATE = //Create Player Skin PLAYER_SKIN = //Path to player skin. Remove to Use default D_LIFETIME_NORM = 120 //Lifetime (secs) of debris (0 to turn off) S_SOUND_SYS_ENABLED = true //The sound system (restart required) S_SOUND_ENABLED = true //Sound S_SOUND_VOLUME_GLOBAL = 6 //Sound Volume USE_OPEN_AL_SOUND = true //OpenAL (Off fixes stutter, but silent videos. restart needed. working on fix) N_TRANSMIT_RAW_DEBUG_POSITIONS = false C_SELECTED_JOYSTICK = 0 ICON_BAKERY_BLOCKSTYLE_ROTATE_DEG = -90.0 MOUSE_WHEEL_SENSIBILITY = 7.0E-4 BUILD_MODE_SHIFT_SPEED = 25.0 ORBITAL_CAM_SPEED = 0.5 G_DAMAGE_DISPLAY = 1200 //Damage display distance G_STAR_COUNT = 4096 //Star Count G_VBO_BULKMODE_SIZE = 4 G_DRAW_FOG = false G_DRAW_BEAMS = true //Draw beams G_DRAW_EXHAUST_PLUMES = true //Draw thruster plumes D_INFO_CONTROLMANAGER = false D_INFO_SHADER_ERRORS = false T_ENABLE_TEXTURE_BAKER = false D_INFO_DRAW_TIMES = false D_INFO_DRAW_SPACE_PARTICLE = false G_SPACE_PARTICLE = true //Draw space dust particles G_DRAW_MOUSE_COLLISION = false G_ATMOSPHERE_SHADER = normal F_FRAME_BUFFER = true //Use Framebuffer G_SHADOW_NEAR_DIST = 1.0 G_SHADOW_FAR_DIST = 75.0 G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_NEAR = 0.0 G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_FAR = 1.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_0 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_1 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_1 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_2 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MULT = 1.005 G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MAX = -1000.0 G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MIN = 1000.0 G_SHADOW_EXTRA_BACKUP = 20.0 G_SHADOW_NEAR_CLIP = 0.05 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_0 = 0.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_1 = 10.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_2 = 10.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_3 = 3.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_0 = 0.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_1 = 100.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_2 = 50.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_3 = 150.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_NEAR_ADDED = -100.0 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_0 = -0.013 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_1 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_2 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_0 = -0.023 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_1 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_2 = -0.0 G_SHADOW_FOV_ADDED_RAD = 0.2 G_SHADOW_DISPLAY_SHADOW_MAP = false G_DRAW_SHIELDS = true //Shield Effect G_DRAW_WATER = true G_DRAW_BACKGROUND = true //Background Image G_WATER_USE_MIPMAPS = false E_NAVIGATION_FILTER = 621 G_DRAW_ENTITIES = true G_FRUSTUM_CULLING = true G_DRAW_EFFECTS = true G_SHADER_RELOAD = false G_FRAMERATE_FIXED = 120 //Limit Framerate (30, 60, 120, 240, or -1 for unlimited) G_SHADERS_ACTIVE = true G_DEBUG_DRAW_GRID = false G_DEBUG_DRAW_LINES = true T_TERRAIN_DRAW = true T_TERRAIN_WIREFRAME_DRAW = false G_CULLING_ACTIVE = true G_TEXTURE_ARRAYS = false G_AUTO_NORMALIZATION = true G_DRAW_BY_SIDES = true G_WIREFRAMED = false G_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_BLOCKS = false G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_COMPRESSION = true G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_MIPMAP = true G_TEXTURE_MIPMAP = true G_SHADOWS_VSM = false S_PAUSED = false S_SETTINGS_SHOW = false MINIMAP_MODE = SMALL //Radar (minimap) size SECTOR_INDICATION_MODE = INDICATION_ONLY //Indicators for other sectors S_KEY_ALLOW_DUPLICATES = true //Allow key assign duplicates GIF_WIDTH = 640 GIF_HEIGHT = 640 GIF_FPS = 15 GIF_GUI = false G_DEBRIS_THRESHOLD_MS = 4 S_INITIAL_SETTING = Single Player S_GAME_MODE = Sandbox G_BONE_ANIMATION = true P_NT_DEBUG_ACTIVE = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE_OCCLUSION = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_MODE = 0 G_DEBUG_LINE_DRAWING_ACTIVATED = false G_WINDOW_START_POSITION = center G_DRAW_GUI_ACTIVE = true G_DRAW_NO_OVERLAYS = false G_PARTICLE_SORTING = true P_PHYSICS_ACTIVATED = true G_SMOKE_QUALITY = false G_DRAW_STARS = true //Draw additional stars G_DRAW_PASTE_PREVIEW = true //Draw preview for paste G_USE_SPRITE_VBO = true TUTORIAL_NEW = true //Tutorial enabled G_AUTOSELECT_CONTROLLERS = true //AutoSelect Controllers S_INFO_DRAW = FPS_AND_PING //Tech Info G_VBO_FLAG = STATIC N_LAG_COMPENSATION = true N_IGNORE_SAVED_UPLINK_CREDENTIALS_IN_SINGLEPLAYER = true N_SERVERTIME_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 10000 M_TEXTURE_PACK_CONFIG_TOOL = ./data/textures/block/Default/64/ G_MIPMAP_LEVEL_MAX = 3 M_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 0.5 //Mouse Sensitivity G_HIT_INDICATION_SIZE = 1.2 //Size of hit indications F_BLOOM = true //Bloom Effect F_BLOOM_INTENSITY = 1.0 //Bloom Intensity S_MOUSE_LOCK = true G_DRAW_ADV_BUILDMODE_BLOCK_PREVIEW = true G_SHOW_PURE_NUMBERS_FOR_SHIELD_AND_POWER = false S_FLIP_HOTBAR_MOUSEWHEEL = false //Use keybind to scroll through other hotbars S_INVERT_MOUSEWHEEL_HOTBAR = false //Invert mouse wheel for hotbars S_ZOOM_MOUSEWHEEL = SLOTS //Primary mouse wheel function S_MOUSE_SHIP_INVERT = false //Invert MoUse-Y (Ship) S_MOUSE_ALL_INVERT = false //Invert MoUse-Y (All) S_USE_REGION_SIGNATURE_TEST = false G_PREVIEW_TO_BUILD_BLOCK = true //Preview Block to build S_EXIT_ON_ESC = false G_USE_HIGH_QUALITY_BACKGROUND = false G_DRAW_POPUPS = true G_USE_VBO_MAP = true G_DRAW_JUMP_OVERLAY = true G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_BLOCKS = false //Use linear mag filter on Blocks (restart required) BLOCK_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY = true //Anisotropic block textures (restart required) G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_GUI = false //Use linear mag filter on GUI (restart required) G_MAX_BEAMS = 1024 //Max Beams Drawn (restart required) SEGMENT_REQUEST_BATCH = 64 //Size of Chunk request-queue CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_RESOLUTION = 150 LIGHT_RAY_COUNT = 48 //Block light quality (impacts chunk refresh time, but not fps) ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_ICONS = false G_MUST_CONFIRM_DETACHEMENT_AT_SPEED = 50.0 //Popup Detach Warning (% server speed, -1 off) G_USE_SHADER4 = true O_OCULUS_RENDERING = false G_USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING_ONLY = false //Simple Lighting Quality (faster) CLIENT_TRAFFIC_CLASS = true G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE = true G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE_ALWAYS = false //Draw box around connected blocks G_USE_TWO_COMPONENT_SHADER = false A_FORCE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = -1 MIN_FFA = 2 B_UNDO_REDO_MAX = 30 G_DRAW_ANY_CONNECTIONS = true //Draw connections between logic blocks G_DRAW_ALL_CONNECTIONS = false //Draw all connections (not only logic) N_ARTIFICIAL_DELAY = 0 SEGMENT_PIECE_QUEUE_SINGLEPLAYER = 32767 G_MAX_MISSILE_TRAILS = 128 //Max Missile Trails (restart required) G_USE_OCCLUSION_CULLING = false C_AUTOASSIGN_WEAPON_SLOTS = true //Autoassign weapons on fire if bar empty G_DRAW_NT_STATS_OVERLAY = false //Draw network statistics in HUD CLIENT_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_PATH = ./customBlockTextures SECRET = none LIMIT_FPS_UNFOCUS = true GUI_USE_DISPLAY_LISTS = false USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS = true //MultiDraw Optimization (turn off on chunk Draw problems) USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS_INITIAL_SET = true CHAT_CLOSE_ON_ENTER = false //Close chat on enter A_FORCE_LOCAL_SAVE_ENABLED_IN_SINGLE_PLAYER = false G_SHIP_INFO_ZOOM = 0 G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE = true //G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE G_DRAW_LAG_OBJECTS_IN_HUD = false //Draw lag statistics in HUD G_SHOW_SYMMETRY_PLANES = true //Show symmetry planes LANGUAGE_PACK = english LANGUAGE_PACK_ASSIGNED = true DELETE_SEVER_DATABASE_ON_STARTUP = false G_BASIC_SELECTION_BOX = false //Draw basic selection boxes OFFLINE_PLAYER_NAME = vortk355 ONLINE_PLAYER_NAME = vortk355 SERVERLIST_COMPATIBLE = true SERVERLIST_RESPONSIVE = true SERVERLIST_FAVORITES = false SERVERLIST_CUSTOMS = false CUBE_LIGHT_NORMALIZER_NEW_M = true SERVERLIST_LAST_SERVER_USED = LAST_GAME = SP;hope;4242;vortk355 PLAY_INTRO = false //Play Intro SUBTITLES = true //Subtitles TUTORIAL_BUTTON_BLINKING = false TUTORIAL_PLAY_INTRO = false TUTORIAL_WATCHED = introduction;basic controls; SHOW_32BIT_WARNING = true USE_INTEGER_VERTICES = true LOD_DISTANCE_IN_THRESHOLD = 80.0 //Non Block Render Distance (LoD) AUTOSET_RESOLUTION = false FIRST_START = false USE_TGA_NORMAL_MAPS = true PLUME_BLOOM = true BLUEPRINT_STRUCTURE_BUILD_OPTIONS = false BLOCK_STYLE_PRESET = 70001, false, 53; 140002, false, 103; 90003, false, 69; 170004, false, 126; 150000, false, 108; 60000, false, 45; 130000, false, 94; 140004, false, 105; 110002, false, 82; 30004, false, 28; 50003, false, 41; 90002, false, 68; 60005, false, 50; 80001, false, 60; 50000, false, 38; 100, false, 7; 150006, false, 114; 190004, false, 140; 50001, false, 39; 30003, false, 27; 190005, false, 141; 50004, false, 42; 180004, false, 133; 100000, false, 73; 90000, false, 66; 70004, false, 56; 120003, false, 90; 40003, false, 34; 190006, false, 142; 180000, false, 129; 70002, false, 54; 100001, false, 74; 80005, false, 64; 190003, false, 139; 160004, false, 119; 300, false, 9; 120002, false, 89; 30001, false, 25; 5, true, 5; 100006, false, 79; 60006, false, 51; 10003, false, 13; 30000, false, 24; 10000, false, 10; 110003, false, 83; 150005, false, 113; 170002, false, 124; 1, true, 1; 160002, false, 117; 110005, false, 85; 140001, false, 102; 50005, false, 43; 70006, false, 58; 130002, false, 96; 70003, false, 55; 20001, false, 18; 10006, true, 16; 40006, false, 37; 180002, false, 131; 90001, false, 67; 30002, false, 26; 120005, false, 92; 60002, false, 47; 60004, false, 49; 130004, false, 98; 130003, false, 97; 30005, false, 29; 110001, false, 81; 80004, false, 63; 130005, false, 99; 180001, false, 130; 20002, false, 19; 120001, false, 88; 100004, false, 77; 90004, false, 70; 4, true, 4; 170006, false, 128; 140000, false, 101; 150004, false, 112; 140006, false, 107; 100005, false, 78; 20006, true, 23; 40000, false, 31; 130001, false, 95; 20004, false, 21; 70000, false, 52; 130006, false, 100; 50002, false, 40; 160003, false, 118; 160000, false, 115; 60001, false, 46; 80000, false, 59; 40002, false, 33; 50006, false, 44; 170005, false, 127; 110000, false, 80; 100003, false, 76; 70005, false, 57; 180005, false, 134; 140005, false, 106; 80006, false, 65; 140003, false, 104; 20005, false, 22; 170003, false, 125; 90006, false, 72; 20000, false, 17; 190000, false, 136; 20003, false, 20; 180006, false, 135; 190001, false, 137; 40001, false, 32; 60003, false, 48; 160005, false, 120; 170001, false, 123; 160001, false, 116; 150001, false, 109; 120004, false, 91; 40004, false, 35; 80002, false, 61; 190002, false, 138; 120006, false, 93; 110004, false, 84; 170000, false, 122; 10001, false, 11; 10002, false, 12; 80003, false, 62; 180003, false, 132; 200, false, 8; 150003, false, 111; 120000, false, 87; 30006, false, 30; 3, false, 3; 10005, false, 15; 100002, false, 75; 160006, false, 121; 150002, false, 110; 90005, false, 71; 10004, false, 14; 6, true, 6; 2, true, 2; 110006, false, 86; 40005, false, 36; 0, true, 0 DEBUG_SHIP_CAM_ON_RCONTROL = false G_ELEMENT_COLLECTION_INT_ATT = true CONTEXT_HELP_PLACE_MODULE_WITHOUT_COMPUTER_WARNING = true CREATE_MANAGER_MESHES = true ADVANCED_BUILD_MODE_STICKY_DELAY = 230 G_ICON_CONTEXT = true //Keyboard HUD icons
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- T2221: After crash, player file is deleted